Karaulov Yuri Nikolaevich Editor of the newspaper Red Fighter. Yu.N.Karaulov Russian Associative Dictionary

- (R. 1935) Russian Logbook, Member of the RAS Correspondent (1991; Member of the Ants of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1981). Proceedings in the field of general and Russian linguistics, lexicology and lexicography, applied linguistics. State Prize of the USSR (1991) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Karaulov Yuri Nikolaevich - (r. 1935), Language, Member of the RAS Correspondent (1981). Proceedings in the field of general and Russian linguistics, lexicology and lexicography, applied linguistics. State Prize of the USSR (1991). * * * Karaulov Yuri Nikolaevich Karaulov Yuri Nikolaevich ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Karaulov Yuri Nikolaevich - Yuri Nikolayevich Karaulov (Rod. 1935) Russian Language, Member of the RAS Correspondent (1991; Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 1981). Born in 1935 (BES) Chief editor of the magazine "Rusika today", Doctor of Philology, Professor. Works in ... ... Wikipedia

Karaulov, Yuri Nikolaevich - Member of the RAS Correspondent (1981), Director of the Institute of Russian Language; born on August 26, 1935; He graduated from 1963 Moscow State University; The main directions of scientific activities Linguistics, theory and practice of lexicography, psycholinguistics; Laureate State ... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

Yuri Nikolaevich Karaulov - (Rod. 1935) Russian Logbook, Member of the RAS Correspondent (1991; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1981). Born in 1935 (BES) Chief editor of the magazine "Rusika today", Doctor of Philology, Professor. Proceedings in the field of general and Russian ... ... Wikipedia

Karaulov - Yuri Nikolaevich (born 1935), Language, Member of the RAS Correspondent (1981). Proceedings in the field of general and Russian linguistics, semantics, lexicology and lexicography, applied linguistics. Director of the Russian Language Institute. V. V. Vinogradova RAS ... ... Russian history

Karaulov - Russian surname. Famous carriers: Karaulov, Andrei Viktorovich Russian TV host. Karaulov, Gregory Emmanuilovich Russian historian of literature and archaeologist. Karaulov, Igor Alexandrovich (r. 1966) Russian poet, translator. ... ... Wikipedia

Karaulov Yu. N. - Karaulov Yuri Nikolayevich (r. 1935), Language, Part. K. RAS (1981). Tr. in the field of general and rus. Linguistics, semantics, lexicology and lexicography, applied linguistics. Dir. In Ta Rus. Language to them. V. V. Vinogradova RAS (1982-96). State etc.… … Biographical Dictionary

Laurenko, Yuri Vasilyevich - Yuri Laurenko Name at birth: Yuri Vasilyevich Laurenko Date of birth: March 20, 1941 (1941 03 20) (71 years) Profession: actor ... Wikipedia

Correspondent members of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the entire history of existence - a complete list of members of the correspondents of the Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the Imperial Academy of Sciences, the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the Russian Academy of Sciences). # AB in g d e y zh ... wikipedia

  • § 3. Problem separately words
  • § 4. The problem of identity words
  • The lexical meaning of the word A.A.Ufimtsev research approaches and the main problems of linguistic study of lexical
  • 1. Lexical meaning
  • 2. Main problems and research approaches to lexical significance
  • M.V.Nikitin The structure of the lexical meaning of the word structure of the language and linguistic typology of values
  • Structure of lexical meanings
  • § 2. Intensionists of all concepts, except for elementary, have a complex composition and structure, i.e. Contain simpler concepts defined in the integer structure.
  • I.A.Strannin the lexical meaning of the word as a structure
  • Structural approach to value as a prerequisite for its communicative description
  • Field principle of describing the word value
  • Components of lexical meaning
  • Bases of Classification of Sem.
  • Tipology denotative seven.
  • Connotative seeds
  • Functional and stylistic seeds
  • Structure of empirical macrospace value
  • Nuclear and peripheral semantic components (the problem of classification)
  • I.A.Strannin Communicative concept of semantics words
  • Printed under Art. Sternov I.A. Communicative concept of semantics words // Russian word in language, text and cultural environment. Ekaterinburg, 1997. P.82-87. VG Kolshsky contextual semantics
  • Communicative language function
  • Contextual definition of language in communication
  • Linguistic context
  • Language units and context
  • Text and context
  • Unambiguous and multivalued words.
  • Semantic structure words
  • S.I.Kamelova
  • About the mechanism for forming portable values
  • Lapotter
  • Lacrinker
  • Shoemaker
  • N.D.Arutyunova Metaphor and discourse
  • V.N.Thetia Metaphorization and its role in creating a language painting of the world
  • Metaphor as a model and its semantic mechanisms
  • Nominative and functional types of metaphors and their role in the language picture of the world
  • G.Skolevskaya
  • Place of language metaphor
  • In the lexical semantic language system
  • The question of the semantic borders of the language metaphor
  • Language and art metaphor
  • Language metaphor and irrevocable derivative
  • Language and genetic metaphor
  • Semantic metaphorization mediator. Semantic Types of Language Metaphor Symbol Metaphor
  • Semantic types of language metaphor
  • 1. Motivated Language Metaphor
  • 2. Syncretic Language Metaphor
  • 3. Associative language metaphor
  • Associative language metaphor
  • Associative language metaphor psychological
  • The ratio of semantics of language metaphor and psychologically real word
  • V.K.Kherchenko Metaphor's functions
  • § 1. Nominative function metaphor (metaphor in titles)
  • § 2. Informative function metaphor
  • § 3. Mnemonic function Metaphor (metaphor and memorization)
  • § 4. Style-forming metaphor function
  • § 5. Text forming function Metaphor (metaphor and text)
  • § 6. The genre-forming function metaphor (metaphor and genre)
  • § 7. Euristic function Metaphor (metaphor in scientific discoveries)
  • § 8. Explanatory metaphor function (metaphor and understanding)
  • § 9. Emotional and estimated metaphor function (metaphor and evaluation)
  • § 10. Ethical function Metaphor (metaphor and upbringing)
  • § 11. Outcastugless function Metaphor (metaphor and self-pressure)
  • § 12. Coding function Metaphor (metaphor and code)
  • § 13. The conspiracy function of metaphor (metaphor and mystery)
  • § 14. Game function Metaphor (metaphor and humor)
  • § 15. Ritual function Metaphor (metaphor and rite)
  • Types of lexical values \u200b\u200bV.V. Vinogradov Main types of lexical meanings
  • N.D.Arutyunova to the problem of functional types of lexical
  • Omonimia V.V. Vinogradov about Omonimia and related phenomena
  • Printed by the book. Vinogradov V.V. Studies in Russian grammar. M., 1975. C.295-312.
  • Lexic synonymy L.Anovikov synonymy
  • Yu.D.Apresyan Lexical synonyms
  • VD Chernyak
  • Problem synonymy
  • And lexico-grammatical classification of words
  • Synonymic ties of words and systemic vocabulary
  • Synonymous rows in paradigmatic aspect
  • Synonymous rows in a syntagmatic aspect
  • Synonymous rows in a derivational aspect
  • Synonymous rows in text aspect
  • Lexic Antonym L.A. Novikov Antonimia
  • Printed by the book. Novikov L.A. Semantics of the Russian language. M., 1982. P.243-255. Yu.D.Apresyan Lexical Antonyms
  • Type "Start" - "Stop"
  • Type "Action-destruction of the result"
  • Type "More" - "Less"
  • Other types of Antonyms
  • Complex antonym and determination of antonyms
  • Semantic asymmetry Antonymov
  • Combined differences of Antonyms
  • Education tools Antonyms
  • Quasi-beantonima
  • System relations in vocabulary Z.Dopova, I.A. Sternal structural relations between words in the lexical system of the language
  • Printed by the book. Popova ZD, Sternov I.A. Lexical language system. Voronezh, 1984. P.86-102.
  • Paradigmatic relations in the lexical system of the modern Russian language
  • Syntagmatic relations in vocabulary
  • Yu.N.Karaulov Russian Associative Dictionary
  • L.G.Babenko The interaction of vocabulary and grammar under the paradigmatic angle of view
  • I.V.Anold lexico-semantic field and thematic mesh text
  • The inauditivity of lexical values \u200b\u200bas the basis of word textual meanings
  • Opportunities for the creation and systematization of word textiles
  • The origin of the Russian vocabulary of G.O. Rinokur about Slavoms in the modern Russian literary language
  • 1. Full-things or its absence
  • 2. Words with sounds and railway instead of h and w
  • 3. Words with sound E instead of o / y / not before soft
  • Printed by the book. Vinokur G.O. Selected works in the Russian language. M., 1958. P.443-458. E. A. Zemskaya Russian language of the end of the twentieth century (1985-1995)
  • We are not normalizers
  • Novoyaz, New Speak, Nowomowa ... What's next?
  • L. P. Krysin Anought of modern public life in the context of modern public life
  • Conditions for activating the use of foreign language vocabulary
  • Causes of foreign language borrowing
  • Features of the functioning of foreign language vocabulary in modern Russian speech
  • Vocabulary of Russian language
  • § 3. Understanding the stability of the lexical system was substantiated by N.Yu.Shvedova:
  • § 17. The aspect of the thematic dictionary describes those lexical discharges and groups that are with the greatest completeness reflect the changes occurring in society's life:
  • § 18. In the aspect of wordworking, the dictionary includes a vocabulary of different types:
  • Formation of the hull of Russian agnonyms
  • Quantitative and high-quality assessment of the core of Russian agnonyms
  • A.G. Okkazional Word Lykov as a lexical unit of speech multi-receptionation of an occhasional word
  • Belonging to speech
  • The work of the occhasional word
  • Word-forming production
  • Abnormality of the occhasional word
  • Functional disposability
  • Context dependence
  • The originality of the lexical meaning of the Scherbov "Gloka Kudra"
  • Expressiveness of the occhasional word
  • Nominative optional
  • Synchronous Diaphrone Diffuse
  • Is the "permanent novelty" characteristic of okkazionalism?
  • Sign of individual affection
  • Lexica of the Russian language from the point of view of the scope of use F.P. Filin Dialects Word and its borders
  • Stylistic differentiation of vocabulary E.A. Laming of colloquial speech
  • Specific thematic groups of spoken vocabulary
  • Semantic syncretism and polishemility of spoken vocabulary
  • Semantically devastated words
  • Main types of conversational nominations
  • Nominations including nouns in indirect case with pretext
  • Nominations including relative pronouns
  • Gullable nominal pronoun
  • Nominations with relative adjectives
  • "Fine" nominations
  • Appositional type nomination
  • Condensate nominations
  • Substanti wati
  • Condensati noun
  • Condensate verb nominations
  • Name of the situation
  • Metonimical nominations
  • D.N. Bumblebee Stylistic Differentiation of Language Means
  • Phraseology V.V. Vinogradov on the main types of phraseological units
  • N.M.Shansky Stylistic use of phraseological turns Ways to use phraseological revolutions in stylistic purposes
  • Stylistic use of phraseological revolutions in their common form
  • Stylistic use of phraseological revolutions in the author's processing
  • Lexicography D.I.Arbatsky major ways to interpret the meaning of words
  • L.V. Stherba Experience in general theory of lexicography
  • Etude I. Main types of dictionaries
  • 1. Contractions first: Academic type dictionary - Dictionary-directory
  • 2. Contracted Second: Encyclopedic Dictionary - General Dictionary
  • 3. Contracture Third: TheSaurus - Normal (Explanatory or Transfer) Dictionary
  • 4. Contact Fourth:
  • 5. Control Fifth: Explanatory Dictionary - Translation Dictionary
  • V.A. Kozyrov, V.D. Chernomak Essays on Russian dictionaries Typology of Russian dictionaries
  • N.A. Lukyanova Typology of modern Russian dictionaries
  • Table of contents
  • Yu.N.Karaulov Russian Associative Dictionary

    The Russian associative dictionary (races) is the first and main part of the associative thesaurus of the Russian language, which simulates the verbal memory and the linguistic consciousness of the "average" carrier of the Russian language.

    This dictionary is:

    A fundamentally new source of study of the language and phenomenon of ownership I call;

    Base for analyzing paths and patterns of formation of linguistic consciousness in onto- and philogenesis, the formation of methodological and theoretical schemes for analyzing the language consciousness;

    The base for teaching the Russian language as a native or foreign, as well as a means of optimizing the processes of speech communication with man and computer (the formation of consciousness with the help of verbal texts in the media, speech impact in intra- and intercultural communication).

    The Russian associative dictionary, intended for a wide range of consumers, is the first dictionary of this kind, therefore the structure and method of its preparation need explanation.

    Associative dictionaries are considered descriptive dictionaries, i.e. descriptive, not normalizing / prescribing type.

    There are Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Kyrgyz and other associative dictionaries. The first "dictionary of the associative norms of the Russian language" (on material 200 words-incentives) was published in 1977.

    In their structure, they are the same type: with the only entrance - from the incentives that are the names of articles and alphabetically located in the alphabet, and the number of incentives does not exceed 200. Associative dictionary Standard: Following the incentive ("black word"), responses are given in descending order of their frequency.

    Races differ from these dictionaries six features:

    1.. For the first time the user has two entrances to the dictionary, or, in other words, the materials of the direct and inverse dictionary. In the first entrance is the stimulus, and the structure of the article it is typical (see about it below). In the second - the entrance becomes the wordform or the phrase reaction, and in the composition of the "vocabulary article" includes those incentives that provoked its appearance from a native speaker.

    Such a location of the material allows an array of 500 thousand words (for the number of tests of the subjects) to identify (for example, for the purpose of learning), almost all uzal-standard phrases, going either from the incentive in the literal dictionary, or from the reaction - in the opposite.

    2. The number of incentives (and accordingly articles in the literal dictionary) are different than in previous associative dictionaries: there are more of them, and the stimulus series in 1277 words is almost equal to the number of words (1500-1300) used in the middle ordinary language carrier.

    3. The subjects in the associative experiment were students of the first-third courses of various universities (at the age of 17-25 years), for which Russian language is native.

    In the absence of such a choice lay two considerations. First, about the importance of university education, and secondly, on predicting the development of the consciousness of those Russians, which in the next 30 years will define the language, spiritual and material life of our society. In other words, the Russian associative dictionary is "output" into the future consciousness of the Russians (for 10-20 coming years).

    4. The vocabulary article in the RAS is based on a fundamentally different way than in the existing associative dictionaries: the header word-stimulus isolated by the font, the words-associates, words reactions to this stimulus, located as they decrease their frequency, which is indicated after the word reactions, if only it has such a frequency of occurrence in the responses of the subjects ( CORRIDOR: a long 153 ; Ship: Sea 34 etc.), or is indicated at the end of the group of words-reactions with the same frequency, and within this group, the response responses are located and alphabetical order (for example, FOREST: Field, hands, coniferous 11 ; Birch, big, autumn, grove 7 etc.).

    In the end of the vocabulary, quantitative indicators are given: FOREST... 549+186 + 0+119; Long ...534+155 + 3 +101. First digitindicates the total number of reactions to the word-stimulus, second -for the number of different reactions, third- on the number of refusals of the subjects and fourth -on the number of single reactions, i.e. Number of answers with frequency 1.

    In addition to the informative importance of each of the indicators, their relationships characterizes the article as a whole, namely, as a natural-linguistic associative field, which has not only structural-lexicographic, but also ontological status: an associative field is not only a fragment of verbal memory (knowledge) of a person, Fragment of semantic and grammatical relations, but also a fragment of images of consciousness, motives and evaluations of Russians. Such an understanding of the associative dictionary is confirmed as its structure (cf. partially "intersecting" direct and inverse entrances) and the structure of each dictionary article. In particular, the network relationships in it are following: in each article, words found in the source list of incentives are presented (crossing associates with incentives), and the intersection of the reaction with one or another incentive can be complete (for example, in the article Carry Reactions wear, ride, drag, water, forest, car, work etc. in accuracy repeat the form of incentives) or incomplete / partial - in cases where the reaction is a word-revenue or word-forming version of the word-stimulus (for example, in the same article Carry The following reactions are presented: water, children, wife, car, slowly, worket al. if there are in the presence of incentives such forms like water, children, wife, car, slow, work, etc.). The intersection of the reaction with incentives is shown graphically: reactions that do not coincide with incentives are printed in conventional, and complete intersections - bold internship. This method of representing associative material is used for the first time, allowing to obtain an idea of \u200b\u200bthe network links of words - about their semantic-grammatical, stylistic, historical-cutting and value-ethical characteristics.

    5. The compilers of the dictionary consider it as a model of speech knowledge of the carriers of the Russian language presented in the form of an associative-verbal network, which allows to explain the phenomenon of owning the language and employees - along with the textual and systemic - the way of representing the Russian language.

    The Russian language, as well, and any national language, exists in two forms: either in the form of sets of texts (for example, the textbook), or in the form of systemic descriptions (dictionaries and grammatics). The associative-verbal network serves as a new way to represent the language in which the two above forms are presented: it gives all the values \u200b\u200bof the polisantic word, its synonymic and antonymic rows, syntactic combatibility, the virginity and word-forming variation, etc. The overall degree of grammarization of the word networks accurately corresponds to the degree of grammarization (the ratio of grammatically decorated and zero forms) of Russian text.

    The associative-verbal network presented in the RAC is not only a "step-by-step model of generating" of 12.5 thousand lexical units, but also a tool for constructing any proposal of the Russian language.

    6. Finally, the races exists in two forms: in the form of printing publication - books, and in computer form in the form of a linguistic database (LBD RAS). Moreover, both the same forms are obtained using computer technology, which is also supported by the associative experiment itself, i.e. Its individual stages: creating-generation of the questionnaire, entering the survey results, the organization of the database, the formation of the original book layout is implemented on the computer. Tasks such as the formation of 5000 questionnaires (100 words in stimuli), among which there are no two identical, and all 1277 incentives are equal to the number of times; Sorting and classification of 500000 reactions obtained; Drawing up the dictionary itself as the books of H (solutions specially developed software, created by one of the authors of the dictionary - Cherkasova G.A. The book of races is not "illustrative material" assembled by the compilers and presented in this form, but an algorithmically designed linguistic object, which is one of the possible ways of presenting the language.

    Thus, it is expanding the possibilities of representing the Russian language, being vocabulary-grammar, and dictionary-tutorial (textbook). Nontrivial properties of races predetermine a wide range of its users.

    These are teachers of the Russian language (especially Russian as a foreign);

    Journalists, writers, translators and all those whose profession is related to the creation of texts;

    Sociologists, historians, psychologists, political scientists and cultural studies analyzing Russian linguistic consciousness;

    Linguists who study the laws of owning the tongue and the laws of its functioning;

    Rusists analyzing the subjective forms of the existence of the Russian language;

    And also all those who wish to improve their knowledge in live Russian.

    The theoretical basis of the CAP is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe idea that the phenomena of real reality perceived by the person in the structure of activity and communication is displayed in its consciousness in such a way that this mapping fixes causals, temporary, spatial bonds of phenomena and emotions caused by the perception of these phenomena. In other words, races is a model of human consciousness.

    It should be indicated that this sign model is qualitatively different from the presentation of images of consciousness from other subject representations of images. If the ideal image of the subject exists (when considering the process of activity on arrows of time), first in the form of activities, and then in the form of a product of activity, i.e. Cleaner, the word does not define the image of consciousness, but only indicates to it using the body of the sign. It follows that the Ras - Such a model of consciousness, which is a set of rules for operating knowledge (verbal ns with non-verbal meanings) about Russian culture, as a result of which the consumer of the dictionary forms an idea of \u200b\u200bthe fragment of the image of the world, if this user is a carrier of Russian language and Russian culture . At the same time, the RAS is a mapping of unique modeling abilities of the "averaged" Russian, belonging to a certain generation: races is nothing but a model of a sign language system, indicating the images of the consciousness of communications - images sufficient for mutual understanding.

    Modern semantic studies of the Russian language and their disposal (the creation of intelligent dictionaries and textbooks of the Russian language, especially for non-Russian) could develop more successfully on the basis of such a broad study of the use of the Russian language, which is presented in the races. Usually, such a study was conducted on the basis of written texts (cf. Regulatory and stylistic reference books or content analysis and corresponding "content dictionaries"), but now it becomes obvious that it is impossible to obtain an adequate idea of \u200b\u200bfunctioning, in particular, Russian vocabulary without reconstruction of individual and averaged Leksikon native speakers.

    Associative thesaurus of the Russian language is a new type of dictionary, in which the active vocabulary (50-60 thousand units) is presented, used at a certain time interval (10-20 years), and in which the dominant concepts and communication between them are fixed for this period. As well as sustainable links between individual words and groups of words (typical associations). The first part of the Associative Cite is presented in the form of an associative, it allows you to judge the device and the functioning of this particular "averaged" lexicon of a person. "Operation" of races linguists, philosophers, sociologists and psychologists allows a new look at the processes of ownership and mastering the language (languages), speech impact, motivation and behavior, on the nature of value orientations in the world. Ras - a new object for studying semantic laws, the principles of the ratio of semantics, morphology and syntax, laws of socialization, individual semantic changes and the establishment of new typical associative ties.

    Materials presented in CAPs may be subject to research in lexicography, lexical semantics, psycholinguistics, linguity, lingvoddetactics, computer science, sociology, general and pedagogical psychology, psychiatry. Analyzing the associative-verbal network, the philosopher can identify the elements included in the "image of the world" characteristic of modern Russian. The cultureologist, relying on the amount of case texts, which operates the "collective" language, more precisely, the "associative" person will restore the system of axiological samples and value reference points. The psychologist will find a prerequisite in this material for the distribution of language (speech) and extralyingvistic knowledge and establishing the measure of their representation in the consciousness of the carriers of Russian language.

    The races are also important, firstly, by the fact that it is formed on the basis of materials obtained during the mass experiment, which makes it possible to consider it as an important source of linguistic and paralynguistic information.

    Secondly, the fact that these materials with the greatest objectivity and efficiency make it possible to identify the "cultural" specifics of the vocabulary units - those side, and seemingly not relevant semantic ties (semantic "overtones"), which is characterized by a particular word.

    Third, the races is a powerful tool of a sociological and socio-psychological study, which allows to judge the mental climate, which is characteristic of our subjects, conjugate, of course, with a wide social and psychological context surrounding them, about possible changes (positive or negative), Digitated by existing assessments of themselves and others, as well as about a possible attitude to the real world, predetermined today's installations.

    Fourthly, the fact that races can be used in medicine, and above all, in psychiatry: about many mental illness testifies, first of all, the decay of uzual associative connections. But such a decay can be fixed only against the norm. And this rate is presented in races.

    For lexicographers and specialists in lexic semantics, the races are also interested in the fact that the grouping of associates in the ratio with incentive words allows you to reconstruct the semantic structure of a word or otherwise and judge the degree of relevance for Russian different lexico-semantic variants of polysemantic words. The races makes it possible to discuss the problem of semantic fields, the nature of the words of the word with norms, estimates and with the standard spheres of its use (standard situations), as well as draw conclusions about the motivational sphere of the language identity. Finally, races makes it possible to predict the way of developing the meaning of words.

    Ras - it is also a tool for studying the processes of the perception of texts - including artistic. In particular, it can serve as the basis for content analnesis, allowing to identify and predict trends in the development of reader tastes.

    It is impossible not to indicate the importance of races to solve problems related to the study of the Russian language as a foreign language: it will provide an opportunity to establish an associative-semantic base of Russian vocabulary, which should be used in minima dictionaries, allowing you to rely on real correlations between the word and its use, for Nem.

    The most frequency semantic (paradigmatic) communication of words, and, consequently, a student, as well as a methodologist, etc. can, focusing on the most frequency reactions, it is clear to present the word in the "semantic field", the degree of its proximity to other words and character relations between them;

    The most important syntagmatic ties are reflected and, above all, the most familiar for the carrier of the Russian language "Models of two words" (N.I. Zhinkin) - Standard repeats, clichés, sustainable phrases, idioms;

    The most characteristic links of words, reflecting the peculiarities of Russian culture, not recorded in other dictionaries are indicated (these conceptual relationships are learned, as a rule, only in the process of many years of speech training).

    It is well known that high-frequency vocabulary is used as incentives in the preparation of associative dictionaries. For example, 200 incentives used by Palermo and Jronkins, and 800 words taken from among the most frequency English words (Vocabulary of Tordandyka and Lordja and English of English were included in the original one thousand words of associative thesaurus of modern English.

    The compilers of the domestic race went on a different way, although they also chose high-frequency vocabulary words as the main words. The source list of words was broken down on the main and extra. The main part includes more than 700 words included in the first thousand most frequencies of the Russian language (according to the dictionary L.N. V. N. V. V.): Nouns - 298, verbs - 212, adjectives - 114, pronouns - 31, numeral- 16, shorter 24, particles- 7, unions - 6, prepositions - 10.

    In the original list of words-incentives, all the main parts of speech in dictionary form were presented. It is necessary to emphasize that 200 words from the "Dictionary of Associative Norms are Russian" edged with the number of incentives. A.N. Eleontyeva, as well as 400 more words, response responses to which was proposed to be submitted in the further - failed - issues of this dictionary, which makes it possible to trace the changes that occurred in the structure of the associative network over the past 20 years.

    In turn, in the experimental part of the list, except 700 source words, included:

    1) nouns and verbs from the main list, but in indirect forms (about 350 and

    2) Several rows (nouns, verbs and adjectives) -Idemographic (for example, ordinary, daily, domestic) and stylistic (for example, property, good, belongings, things, skarb, manatonies) synonyms. This kind of addition allows, on the one hand, to double-check the grammatical aspect of associative connections, and, on the other hand, double-check the existing synonymous dictionaries and establish real synonymic rows existing in the language consciousness of the Russian language carrier.

    Printed by the book.Karaululov Yu.N., Sorokin Yu.A., Tarasova E.F., Ufimtseva N.V., Cherkasova G.A. Russian Associative Dictionary. M., 1994. P.5-8.

    The book develops techniques for the construction of new linguistic objects, called the principles of linguistic design, is characterized by a tendency to lexicographic parameterization of the language in modern linguistics, a parametric analysis of dictionaries is carried out.

    The proposed understanding of the parameter is applied in the process of building a Russian thesaurus on a computer. The results of automatic processing of information contained in vocabulary definitions are then analyzed to identify the ratio of lexical and syntactic components in their semantics.

    Russian language and language

    This book discusses one of the most interesting issues of linguistics - the question of the form of the existence of the language and how to use it. Developing the concept of a linguistic personality, the author shows that it is a system-forming to describe the national language and on its basis it is possible to achieve a new synthesis of knowledge about Russian, refracted through the structure of the Russian language personality.

    Russian language. Encyclopedia

    Encyclopedia "Russian Language" - the joint work of the publishing house "Great Russian Encyclopedia" and the Institute of Russian Language. V.V. Vinogradova wounds.

    In a book containing about 700 articles, two pointers (subject and nominal), numerous illustrations, all that modern science knows about Russian: its sound composition, intonation, emphasis, pronunciation, grammar, types of proposals, dialects, literary language, jargons, alphabet, properties of letters, history of development and monuments of writing, dictionaries, etc. The authors of articles are leading Russian school students.

    The encyclopedia is designed for anyone who studies and teaches Russian.

    Vocabulary of Dostoevsky language. The lexical system of idiology. Issue 1.

    The "Dostoevsky language dictionary" is carried out as a lexicographic series, which includes several types of dictionaries (basic, frequency, toponyms, grammatical words, phraseological units, etc.), which, according to the plan, should represent the writer idiol. The series opens the "lexical system of idiology", which consists of several issues and is built on the court of the most important for the author of the lexical units, representing the world of the linguistic person - the artist of the word, philosopher, publicist, Russian man of the second half of the XIX century.

    The first issue of the basic dictionary in the lexicographic series "Vocabulary of the Dostoevsky language" is characterized by two distinctive features in a number of other copyright dictionaries - the vocabulary and the device of the vocabulary article. The Slovenia is idiogos, i.e. Lexical units structuring the world of linguistic personality. The vocabulary article is also focused on the disclosure of the world of the artist's words and contains a description of the key parameters of all levels of the organization of the linguistic personality.

    ; Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1981).

    Born in 1935 (BES)

    The editor-in-chief of the magazine "Rusika today", Doctor of Philology, Professor. Proceedings in the field of general and Russian linguistics, lexicology and lexicography, applied linguistics. State Prize of the USSR ().

    • Former director of the Russian language institution.

    Scientific works


    • Karaululov Yu.N. Russian language and language personality. - Ed.5-E, KRU.- Moscow: Komkniga, 2006 (M.: Lenand - 261 p., - ISBN 5-484-00509-4


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    Watch what is "Karaulov Yu. N." in other dictionaries:

      The guard surname occurred from the Turkic word with the meaning of the guard, guard, watch in wartime, watchdog detachment, an advanced detachment. Such an explanation of the surname is confirmed by the pattern of the coat of arms of the Karaulov kind. (B) guard guard, watchman. ... ... Russian surnames

      Karaulov, V. A. (1854 1910) Political figure. A student of Kiev University joined the Party of People's Will. In 1887, Karaulov was arrested and sentenced to hard work for four years, which stayed in the Shlisselburg fortress, and ... ... 1000 biographies

      Yuri Nikolaevich (Rod. 1935), Language, Member of the RAS Correspondent (1981). Proceedings in the field of general and Russian linguistics, semantics, lexicology and lexicography, applied linguistics. Director of the Russian Language Institute. V. V. Vinogradova RAS ... ... Russian history

      Russian surname. Famous carriers: Karaulov, Andrei Viktorovich Russian TV host. Karaulov, Gregory Emmanuilovich Russian historian of literature and archaeologist. Karaulov, Igor Alexandrovich (r. 1966) Russian poet, translator. ... ... Wikipedia

      Karaulov, V. A. - (1854 1910) Political figure. A student of Kiev University joined the Party of People's Will. In 1887, Karaulov was arrested and sentenced to hard work for four years, which stayed in the Shlisselburg fortress, and then was exiled ... ...

      Gregory Emmanuilovich Karaulov (1824 1883) Russian historian literature and archaeologist. After completing the Richelian Lyceum in 1844 was a teacher, then by the inspector of the Armenian Khalibovsky School in Feodosia. By this time, his "Essays of the history of Russian ... Wikipedia

      Caucasian. historian and ethnographer 1900 (Hungarian) Karaulov, N. A. Ned. "Cossack Lava" (1912). (Hungarian) ... Large biographical encyclopedia

      Yuri Nikolayevich Karaulov (born 1935) Russian linguist, member of the RAS correspondent (1991; Member of the correspondent of the USSR Academy of Sciences since 1981). Born in 1935 (BES) Chief editor of the magazine "Rusika today", Doctor of Philology, Professor. Works in ... ... Wikipedia

      Karaulov - Ataman of the TERSK Cossack troops of 1917 (elected; until 1917 in the Cossack troops were), b. A prominent member of the state. Duma (solidarized with the Cadet fraction in the Duma). At the end of 1917, Karaulov was one of the leaders of the Revolution in the TERSK ... ... Historical Directory of Russian Marxist


    • General and Russian ideography, Karaulov Yu.N. This work is the experience of the general theory of linguistic dictionaries-thesaurus. Based on the consideration of a number of problems of the lexico-semantic language system and analysis of fundamental ...

    To narrow the results of the search results, you can specify the request, specifying the fields for which search. List of fields is presented above. For example:

    You can search for several fields at the same time:

    Logically operators

    The default operator uses And..
    Operator And. means that the document must comply with all elements in the group:

    study Development

    Operator Or. This means that the document must correspond to one of the values \u200b\u200bin the group:

    study Or. Development

    Operator Not. Excludes documents containing this item:

    study Not. Development

    Search type

    When writing a query, you can specify the method for which the phrase will be sought. Four methods are supported: Search for morphology, without morphology, search for prefix, search phrase.
    By default, the search is made taking into account morphology.
    To search without morphology, in front of words in the phrase, it is enough to put a dollar sign:

    $ study $ development

    To search for the prefix you need to put an asterisk after the request:

    study *

    To search the phrase you need to enter into double quotes:

    " research and development "

    Search for synonyms

    To include in the search results, the words need to put a lattice " # "Before the word or before expressing in brackets.
    In applied to one word for it will be found to three synonyms.
    In applied to expression in brackets, it will be added synonym for each word if it was found.
    Not combined with search without morphology, search for prefix or search by phrase.

    # study


    In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to manage the milk logic of the query.
    For example, you need to make a request: to find documents from which the author of Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains words research or development:

    Approximate word search

    For approximate search you need to put a tilda " ~ "In the end of the word from the phrase. For example:

    bromine ~

    When searching, words as "brom", "rum", "prom", etc. will be found.
    You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible revows: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

    bromine ~1

    By default, 2 edits are allowed.

    Criterion intimacy

    To search by the criterion of proximity, you need to put a tilda " ~ "At the end of the phrase. For example, in order to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

    " study Development "~2

    Relevance of expressions

    To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the sign " ^ "At the end of the expression, after which, indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
    The higher the level, the more relevant this expression.
    For example, in this expression, the word "study" is four times relevant to the word "development":

    study ^4 Development

    By default, the level is 1. Valid values \u200b\u200bare a positive real number.

    Search in the interval

    To specify the interval in which the value of some field should be, the boundary values \u200b\u200bseparated by the operator should be specified in brackets To..
    A lexicographic sorting will be made.

    Such a request will return results with the author, ranging from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
    In order to enable the value to the interval, use square brackets. To exclude the value, use curly brackets.

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