The place of the Russian language in the modern world is the message. Report on the topic: "Russian language in the modern world

The Russian language in the modern world occupies a leading place in the number of people speakers among all languages \u200b\u200bused. But with accuracy, specify the sequence number of this place is very difficult.

More than 200 million consider Russian by their native language, of which approximately 130 million lives in Russia. And the number of people who own the Russian language is perfect, using it in everyday life as the first or second language, approaching 350 million. And in just a Russian language, half a billion people on the planet speaks to a greater or lesser extent, and this indicator is the third after Chinese and English.

In the USSR, the Russian language successfully performed the role of the language of interethnic communication, now the language situation that pretended in the post-Soviet space is sufficiently contradictory. The controversy is also called the question of the influence of the Russian language in the world. Some experts believe that the influence in recent decades is gradually decreasing, others argue with them. Indeed, after the collapse of the USSR, the attitude towards the Russian language in many former republics is extremely negative, on the other hand, a Russian-speaking diaspora grows steadily, contributing to its spread. It can be said that compared with the seventies in the nineties and two thousand years, emigration increased literally at times. And yet we consider the situation that has developed with the Russian language in the modern world, follows from its position in the post-Soviet states.

Here, only in three states - Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the fate of the Russian language is not yet concerned. In Belarus, the status of the Russian language as the second state is confirmed by a nationwide referendum. Here, the majority of the population, and the Russian speech of the urban population, especially the youth, middle-aged people, do not even have the characteristic Belarusian accent. Thus, in the services of translators from Belorussky to Russian, no one will need no longer need, maybe even never. Almost all the business correspondence is conducted here in Russian.

More difficult in Kazakhstan. In the nineties, many Russians left here, and Kazakhs amounted to the National Most. Kazakh here is the only state, which is confirmed by the Constitution, but in the nineties, the law was adopted, which equated Russian to the state for use in the official spheres. Practice shows that the Russian language is most often used by a majority of state institutions than Kazakh. This is simply explained - in institutions besides the Kazakhs, people of different nationalities work, especially many Russians, Germans, Koreans, and the Russians they know much better than the Kazakh.

A similar situation in Kyrgyzstan shows that the Russian language in the modern world is still given by one of the main roles in the issue of interethnic communication of numerous peoples who inhabited the former USSR. A similar situation in Azerbaijan, and at least the Russian official status here does not have, but the multinational nature of the population contributes to its development.

Strange situation in Ukraine. The population of the South and East here speaks Russian, but violent Ukrainization in these regions, causes rejection of the Ukrainian language, and the indifferent attitude towards it changes to a sharp negative. As a result, a traditional surzik disappears here - a mixed Russian-Ukrainian speech, and the young generation will know Russian with television, listening to the right Russian speech of Russian speakers. As a result, young people and middle-aged people here speak in a completely right Russian language, including the slang features of the XXI century.

In Western Ukraine, the local population speaks to little affected by other Ukrainian dialects, they are called Rusinsky in neighboring countries. In the literary Ukrainian, thus, the minority of the population of the state of the state, and the Russian language has no official rights. Russian films require Ukrainian dubbing, which simply pertures the Russian-speaking part of the population. It can be said that the Russian language in the modern world is drawn into political games not too clean politicians, and serves as a permanent exchange card in their games.

But the Baltic countries are most unsurpassed in this matter. The policy of these countries will be long to feed the numerous employees of the translation agency. For the sake of justice, it should be noted that the policy of the state and the real attitude of people in relation to the language of two different things, and rumors that in the Baltic States without English could not do, of course, are greatly exaggerated.

In Georgia, Armenia is now very weak knowledge of Russian among young people. In Moldova, he does not have official status, not in particular honor of Russian and in Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.

Nevertheless, contrary to all Russian language remained the only language for interethnic communication, in the entire space of the former USSR. Attempts to change this situation are understandable and transparent. But the positions of state representatives in the modern world cannot radically influence the behavior of the population and its attitude towards languages. In the far abroad, the Russian language is rapidly lost, the children of emigrants are bad and with an emphasis speak Russian. Internet comes to help, playing a very important role in order to preserve the native language in the diaspora. Also, the next generations of emigrants interest in their language is being revived, and they study the language of the ancestors. It is not bad to speak Russian also in the countries of the former socialist.

So it is to say that the role of the Russian language in the modern world falls prematurely and unfounded, it is not only a language of communication for representatives of hundreds of nationalities, but also one of the officially adopted UN languages.

What is a language? Like any other, the Russian language in the modern world is a strict system of signs, with the help of which the conceptual content is fixed, typical writing and pronunciation of words.

The Russian language is the most common representative of the Eastern Slavic group not only in the number of speakers on it, but also by the number of countries in which it is used for daily communication. Our language is recognized:

  • Russian people;
  • one of the main to communicate in the countries of the post-Soviet space, Eurasia, Eastern Europe;
  • one of the popular for international communication;
  • one of the six workers in the UN;
  • most significant if we consider its number of carriers (despite the fact that most of the range of its propagation is geographically located in Asia);
  • one of the most common Slavic languages;
  • one of the most common Indo-European languages;
  • the most translated in the world.

Russian language in the modern world is a major phenomenon. It is considered their native over 200 million, of which 130 live in Russian territory. 50 million are native speakers, most of these people enjoy them as the first or second language in everyday communication. After Chinese and English (most common in the world), half a billion person uses Russian in varying degrees.

Any language is valid throughout the history of the whole society.

What are the functions of the Russian language? The function of the language is the manifestation of its entity. Linguists give this word two meanings. The first is the appointment and place of the language in the world. Second - role and purpose

The functions of the Russian language in the modern world are extensive. Some scientists believe that they are about 16, others allocate 25. However, they all agree: the main, the leading functions are:




The Russian language in the modern world serves to communicate people, and this is one of his leading functions. Communication is obtaining information, communication. Only with the help of the language can be sent and receive information, transmit and accumulate generation experience. In this regard, a very important role is played. The ability to choose the right to choose the language tools in a particular situation, a way to express your own thoughts.

The cognitive function involves the use of the language as a universal way to know the surrounding world. The significance of each lexical word relies on a specific concept, so it is in words that the results of the knowledge of the world are fixed. From this point of view, modern Russian, as well as the rest, is inextricably linked with human thinking. Thinking in the language is materialized, when it is assisted to other people in order to become their property.

The cumulative function is the ability of the language to collect, store, transmit information. This feature helps to transmit and accumulate generation experience, serves as the only repository of human experience. The word can tell about a person, his place in the world, time, features of any sphere of life.

In addition to the three basic functions, the Russian language in the modern world has many other social functions. With it, they form and express thoughts. Language helps to affect people.

Language and society are tight, inextricably linked. The faster society develops, the richer the language becomes. With the advent of new means of production, sectors of culture, new words appear, new ways of communication arise. The language participates in the development of science, expanding the production, education of generations, education and all other areas of life.

It should be remembered that the separation of the functions of the language to communicative, cognitive and cumulative does not have clear boundaries. All of them are closely intertwined among themselves, because they are associated with thinking, communication.

A huge role in modern society is played by Russian, because it is an international language (one of the six official and UN working languages).

Much attention is paid to the Russian language in society. The concern of society about the language is expressed in its codification, i.e. in streamlining language phenomena into a single set of rules.

Being one of the 3,000 applicable languages, it enters the group of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world and has an audience of over 100 million people. The interest of the Russian language, its functioning in the post-Soviet space is due to the fact that Russian is, firstly, the most important factor in ensuring government interests and state security; secondly, it is a language of vital activity of almost thirty million Russian compatriots of neighboring countries; Thirdly, Russian is the strongest integrating factor in the post-Soviet space.

The problem of the functioning of the Russian language is inextricably linked with the support of Russian culture and education in Russian. In fact, language culture-formation is a triune organism. Health or Disease of any Hipostasis is inevitably affected by others.

Historical memory embodied in the Word is the language of any people. The thousand-year spiritual culture, the life of the Russian people peculiar and uniquely affected Russian, in his oral and written forms, in monuments of various genres - from the old Russian chronicles and epic to the works of modern fiction. And, it means, culture languages \u200b\u200bThe culture of the word appears as an inseparable connection of many and many generations.

Native language - the soul of the nation, the most important sign. In the language and through the language, such essential features and features, as a national psychology, the nature of the people, the warehouse of his thinking, the original uniqueness of artistic creativity, moral condition and spirituality are revealed.

N. M. Karamzin said: "Let the honor and glory of our language, which in the native wealth, almost without any alien impurity, flows as proud, the majestic river - noise, rattles - and suddenly, is it necessary, softens , murmurs with a gentle stream and sweetly poured into the soul, forming all measures that are only in the fall and elevation of the human voice! "

Russian language is almost the most difficult for study. How to translate into a foreign language phrase "yes no" or "exactly, probably"? And about slangiism is generally better thanch. We can, as your heart break off the sentences, rearranged the words by changing them with places, replacing other or complementing synonymous. We also have a movable stress. Compare: City - town - suburb. None of the languages \u200b\u200bhas such freedom. Move the places to be both failed in German, and get instead of a narrative question offer. The richness of the language is traced at all levels: in phonetics, grammar and vocabulary. The latter is more visual. In our dictionary reserve there are words describing feelings, shades of feelings and emotions that cannot be translated into another language without loss of meaning. And rows of homonym, synonyms, paronyms and antonyms! To know the expressive means of the language, be able to use it with stylistic and semantic wealth in all their structural diversity - every native speaker should strive for this.

The language is the door of the people, it is in it that the famous Russian spirit is concluded, our soul is with you. Not so long ago, linguists faced the problem of a large number of borrowing from the English language and wondered: Is the language enriched with their help or at crees? In the reasonable limits of borrowing - a normal phenomenon, it is at the expense of it growing a vocabulary. But with the "convergence" we forget our native speech and communicate with the help of "High", "Okay" and other words, although we have our own "hello", "Hello", "good evening".

It is the people who are keeper of the language, so each of us has one task - to save and multiply existing wealth.

One of the main works of Academician V. V. Vinogradova "Russian Language", the largest philologist of our time, became the necessary book not one generation of russists, linguists, philologists. The 1947 edition is now the bibliographic rarity, the second edition - 1972 - did not fully satisfy the need for it, and since then the new generation of its readers has been told.

Russian, besides the fact that he unites us all, he also connects us with all those who are not indifferent to Russian culture. Russia with all its power of the cultural power - as the Eurasian country - unites the many nations, peoples based on the basis of the Russian language, on which the greatest works of world literature are written. It is clear that our compatriots living beyond the borders of the Russian Federation are also combined by great, powerful, powerful and singers in Russian.

Polybin Ivan.

Essay "Russian language in the modern world"


1 language and society

3 problems of language ecology

4 Outstanding Scientists Rusists

1 language and society

Social Essence of Language:

Language function in society;

Languages \u200b\u200band ethnic groups;

Language situations;

Language contacts;

3 problems of the Russian language

4 Famous Scientists Rusists

russian Linguistic language

Posted on


1 language and society

2 Russian in the modern world

3 problems of language ecology

4 Outstanding Scientists Rusists

1 language and society

The language occurs, develops and exists as a social phenomenon. Its main purpose is to serve the needs of human society and primarily ensure communication between members of a large or small social collective, as well as the functioning of the collective memory of this team.

The concept of society refers to one of difficult-determinants. Society is not just a variety of human individuals, but a system of various relationships between people belonging to one or another social, professional, sexual and age, ethnic, ethnographic, confessional groups, where each individual occupies its definite place and, by virtue of this, acts as a carrier of a certain place. Public status, social functions and roles. Individual as a member of society can be identified on the basis of a large number of relationships that are associated with other individuals. The peculiarities of the language behavior of the individual and its behavior are generally largely due to social factors.

The problem of the relationship between language and society includes many aspects, including those that fall into groups.

Social Essence of Language:

Language function in society;

The main directions of social evolution of languages;

History of language and history of the people.

Variation of language in society:

Functional options (forms of existence) language;

Language and territorial differentiation of society (territorial dialects);

Language and social differentiation of society (social dialects);

Language and social roles speaking.

Interaction of languages \u200b\u200bin a multi-ethnic society:

Languages \u200b\u200band ethnic groups;

Language situations;

National language policy;

Language contacts;

Multilingualism in a sociological aspect. "

Their research is engaged in sociolinguistics (social linguistics), which arose at the junction of linguistics and sociology, as well as ethnolinguistics, ethnography of speech, style, rhetoric, pragmatics, theory of linguistic communication, the theory of mass communication, etc.

The language performs the following social functions in society:

Communicative / infidative (implementable interpersonal and mass communications transmission and receiving messages in the form of language / verbal statements, exchange of information between people as participants in acts of language communication, communications),

Cognitive / cognitive (processing and storage of knowledge in the memory of individual and society, the formation of the picture of the world),

Interpretative / interpretative (disclosure of the deep meaning of perceived language statements / texts),

Regulatory / social / interactive (language interaction of communications, aimed at sharing communicative roles, approval of its communismative leadership, impact on each other, organization of successful information exchange due to compliance with communicative postulates and principles),

Contactor / Fatic (establishing and maintaining communicative interaction),

Emotional-expressive (expression of their emotions, feelings, moods, psychological attitudes, relations to communication partners and subject of communication),

Aesthetic (creating artwork),

Magical / "spell" (use in the religious ritual, in the practice of spellcasters, psychics, etc.),

Ethnocultural (union into a single integer representatives of this ethnos as carriers of the same language as a native),

Meta-language / metaretse (transmitting messages about the facts of the language itself and speech acts on it). History of each language is most closely related to the history of the people, which is its carrier.

Identifier (there are significant functional differences between the language of the tribe, the language of the nationality and the language of the nation. The language plays an extremely important role in the consolidation of related (and not only related) nation tribes and in the formation of a nation.

The same ethnos can use both two or more languages. Thus, many peoples of Western Europe throughout the Middle Ages enjoyed both their spoken languages \u200b\u200band Latin. In Babylonia, along with Akkadi (Babylon-Assyrian), a long time was used for a long time. And on the contrary, one and the same language can simultaneously serve several ethnic groups. So, Spanish is used in Spain, as well as (often simultaneously with other languages) in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Republic of Cuba, in the Philippines, in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, etc. Ethnos may lose its language and go to another language. This happened, for example, in Gaul due to the Romanization of the Celts.

Describing the relationship of various languages \u200b\u200bused in one social team or different languages, talk about the language situation. Language situations may be single-component and multicomponent, equilibrium and non-equilibries. An example of a single-component language situation can be Iceland. The equilibrium situation takes place in Belgium (the same status of French and Dutch languages).

In many West African states, non-equilibrium situations are observed: local languages \u200b\u200bhave a greater demographic power, and they are inferior to European languages \u200b\u200bon communicative power. Dominance can one language: Volof in Senegal. In Nigeria, several languages \u200b\u200bdominate (Haus, Joruba, igbo). Used languages \u200b\u200bmay have different prestige (in the case of Diglice). For thoughtful analysis and weighted estimates of linguistic situations, the choice of rational language policy pursued by the state.

The correlation of various language systems and different types of culture (as well as different ways to categorize the phenomena of the world) is the content of ethnolinguistics. Many representatives of ethnolinguistics often illegally exaggerate the role of a language in the knowledge of the world (School Leo Weisgerbera in Germany, a hypothesis of language relativity, nominated in the United States by Edward Sepir and Benjamen L. Wharf).

The language definitely reflects the territorial differentiation of the people speaking on it, speaking in the form of a set of dialects, and social differentiation of society into classes, layers and groups that exist between them differences in the use of a single language, speaking in the form of a set of options, types, social dialects (sociolects). In the language in the form of a variety of forms of general and specialized nature, such as literary language, spacious, coin, functional styles, phenomenon of science, jargon and argo, reflects the diversity of spheres and its use.

In this language, the appearance of their letter system and the formation of the invention and distribution of typhography, newspapers, magazines, radio, telegraph, telegraph, television, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telegraph, television, telegraph, telegraph, telegraph, television, telephone, telegraph, telegraph, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telephone, telegraph Since society in the process of its historical development is continuously changing, the functions of the serving language, its socio-functional stratification, the relationship between the territorial and social dialects, the social status of various forms of the existence of the language are changing.

For theoretical linguistics, considerable interest is the problem of the relationship between internal (intrastructural) and external (primarily social) factors for the development of the language system. Language (and above all his dictionary) is sensitive to the development of material culture (technique and technology), to achieve spiritual culture (mythological, philosophical, artistic, scientific comprehension of the world, the formation of new concepts).

2 Russian in the modern world

The Russian language according to the total number of speakers takes place in the top ten of world languages, but accurately define this place is quite difficult.

The number of people who consider the Russian native language exceeds 200 million people, 130 million of which live in Russia. At 300-350 million, the number of people who own the Russian language in excellence and use it as the first or second language in everyday communication.

In total, more than half a billion people speak Russian in the world in the world, and according to this indicator, Russian ranks third in the world after Chinese and English.

The question is also a controversial today, the influence of the Russian language in the world falls in recent decades or not.

On the one hand, the language situation in the post-Soviet space, where, before the collapse of the USSR, the Russian language served as a generally accepted language of interethnic communication, very contradictory, and here you can identify the most different trends. On the other hand, the Russian-speaking diaspora in the far abroad over the past twenty years has grown multiple times. Of course, another Vysotsky in the seventies wrote songs about "the distribution of ours on the planet", but in the nineties and two thousandths, this spread was much more noticeable. But to begin consideration of the situation with the Russian language as of the end of zero anniversary, of course, from post-Soviet states. In the post-Soviet space, in addition to Russia, there are at least three countries where the fate of the Russian language does not cause any concern. This is Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

In Belarus, the majority of the population speaks in everyday life and in general in everyday communication in Russian, and in the cities of young people and many middle-aged people in Russian speech, even the Belarusian accent characteristic of the past.

At the same time, Belarus is the only post-Soviet state, where the state status of the Russian language is confirmed on the referendum with an overwhelming majority of votes. It is obvious that the services of translators from Russian to Belarusian will not be in demand for a long time, and perhaps never - after all, almost all the official and business correspondence in Belarus is conducted in Russian.

The language situation in Kazakhstan is more complex. In the nineties, the share of Russians in the population of Kazakhstan was significantly reduced, and the Kazakhs for the first time since the thirties of the last century were the national majority. According to the Constitution, the only state language in Kazakhstan is Kazakh. However, from the middle of the nineties there is a law that equates Russian in all official areas to the state. And in practice in most government agencies of the city and regional level, as well as in the capital government agencies, the Russian language is used more often than Kazakh.

The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. Representatives of different nationalities are working in these institutions - Kazakhs, Russians, Germans, Koreans. At the same time, absolutely all educated Kazakhs are perfectly owned by the Russian language, while representatives of other nationalities know Kazakh essentially worse.

A similar situation is observed in Kyrgyzstan, where there is also a law that gives Russian official status, and in everyday communication, Russian speech in cities can be heard more often than Kyrgyz.

Azerbaijan adjoins these three countries, where the status of the Russian language is officially not regulated, but in cities most of the inhabitants of indigenous nationality speak Russian very well, and many prefer to use it in communicating. This again contributes to the multinational nature of the population of Azerbaijan. For national minorities since the Soviet Union, Russian is Russian.

The mansion in this row is Ukraine. Here the language situation is peculiar, and language policy is sometimes extremely strange forms.

The entire population of the East and the South of Ukraine speaks Russian. Moreover, attempts to violent Ukrainization in a number of regions (in Crimea, Odessa, Donbas) leads to the opposite result. Previously, the neutral attitude towards the Ukrainian language is changing negative.

As a result, even traditional mixed speech disappears in these territories - Surzhik in the East and Odessa speak Odessa and the surrounding area. The new generation teaches the language not on the example of parental speech, but on the example of the speech of Russian television speakers, and begins to speak in the right Russian literary language (with the slang peculiarities of the XXI century).

The indicative example: in the Russian speech of Ukrainian youth, the Gundy Ukrainian "soft" g (h) is replaced by "solid" ґ (g) of the Moscow-Petersburg type.

And in Western Ukraine, too, not everything is simple. After all, the population of the Carpathian and Transcarpathian Ukraine speaks on dialects, which in neighboring countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia) are considered to be a separate Rusin language.

And it turns out that in the Ukrainian literary language and on the dialects close to the literary, the minority of the population speaks in the Ukrainian state. However, the Ukrainian authorities in recent years are engaged in the plantation of the Ukrainian language with completely ridiculous methods - it seems to anyone who is not necessary, but the mandatory translation of all films going in cinemas to the Ukrainian language.

However, unrivaled in the desire to ensure that translation services were required to translate from the Russian language, the Baltic countries remain - especially Latvia and Estonia.

True, it should be noted that the language policy of the state and the attitude of the population is still two big differences (as still spoken in Odessa). Rumors that for communication with the local population, the Russian tourist needs a translation from English, greatly exaggerated.

The requirements of the life are stronger than the efforts of the state, and in this case it is manifested as it can not be ill. Even the youth, born in Latvia and Estonia, already in the period of independence, owns the Russian language sufficiently so that one friend can be understood. And cases where Latvian or Estonian refuses to speak Russian from the principle - rare. So much that each of such cases turns out to be a rapid discussion in the press.

According to the testimony of most Russians who visited Latvia and Estonia in recent years, with the signs of language discrimination, they were not encountered. Latvians and Estonians are very hospitable, and the Russian language continues to remain in these countries with the language of interethnic communication. In Lithuania, the language policy was originally softer.

In Georgia and Armenia, the Russian language has the status of a national minority language. In Armenia, the share of Russians in the total population of the population is very insignificant, but the noticeable share of Armenians can speak Russian well. In Georgia, the situation is about the same, and the Russian language is more common in communicating in those places where the share of the foreign language population is large. However, among young people, knowledge of the Russian language in Georgia is very weak. In Moldova, the Russian language does not have official status (with the exception of Transnistria and Gagauzia), but de facto can be used in the official sphere.

In Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the Russian language is less used, rather than in neighboring Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In Tajikistan, the Russian language according to the Constitution is the language of interethnic communication, in Uzbekistan, it has the status of the National Minority language, the situation remains unclear in Turkmenistan.

One way or another, in all three states the Russian language owns most of the urban population. On the other hand, the indigenous people are talking to their native language, and the Russian goes only in conversation with Russians or with representatives of national minorities.

For example, in some new Uzbek films resembling Indian melodramas, heroes are transferred to Russian to express feelings or clarifying relationships that do not fit into patriarchal local customs. And the peculiar language barrier is charged. In a rather Europeanized Uzbek society, any topics can be discussed - but not all can be discussed in Uzbek. For some, Russian is best suited. Anyway, the Russian language remains the language of interethnic communication in the entire post-Soviet space. Moreover, the main role here is not the position of the state, but the attitude of the population. But in the far abroad, the situation with the Russian language is the opposite. Russian, alas, refers to languages \u200b\u200bthat are lost in two generations.

Russian first generation emigrants prefer to speak Russian, and many of them assimilate the language of the new country do not fully and speak with a strong accent. But their children are already talking in a local language with almost no accent (a girl who familiar to the author from her birth and who left her mother in Sweden at the age of 11, the Swedes took sixteen for the local, speaking in the village diabete) and prefer a local language in communication.

In Russian, they speak only with their parents, and recently also on the Internet. And, by the way, the Internet plays an extremely important role to preserve the Russian language in the diaspora. But on the other hand, in the third-fourth generation, interest in the roots of the descendants of immigrants is being revived, and they begin to specifically teach the language of the ancestors. Including Russian.

Today, the last year belonging to the "zero", Russian language not only remains the main language of interethnic communication in the entire post-Soviet space. It speaks well since the generation is well and is well explained by the younger in many countries of the former Socialist camp. For example, in the former GDR schoolchildren taught Russian, to be honest, much better than Soviet schoolchildren - German. And it is hardly possible to say that the role of Russian in the world has fallen in the world over the past twenty years. The fact that the role of national languages \u200b\u200bover the years in the post-Soviet space has increased, you can only rejoice. But the Russian language continues to remain the language of interethnic communication and one of the world languages, which is not entirely in vain is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the UN.

3 problems of the Russian language

In the Moscow House of Nationalities, the "Round table" "Russian in the 21st century" passed not so long ago. It was told here a lot about the fact that the culture of speech everywhere is lost that the language is in a deep crisis. I must say, this is a very common opinion. It is noteworthy: among the participants of the discussion, there was only one linguist - Professor of the Department of the Russian Language of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov Lyudmila Chernico. So it considers this kind of statement to be exaggerated: "I see nothing of the deplorable in the state of the Russian language. I see only threats to him. But we are listening to each other with you. We speak very well. I listen to students. They speak perfectly. Generally speaking, experts were always interested in the tongue. If society exhibits such interest in the Russian language, which it is now in the last, at least 5 years, is evidence of the rise of national self-consciousness. It instills optimism. "

Amazing business, but only lingules tend to discuss linguistic problems in a more or less restrained register. Spores of non-specialists are usually hot. Busy: The arguments are often the most casual. Moreover, not only disputes cause a painful reaction. Many can catch themselves on the fact that, noticing in the speech of an official or, say, a TV journalist, just one, but a rough mistake, suddenly ready to jump from the perturbation or exclaim something like: "Oh, Lord, well, you can't ! "

No wonder there are sustainable phrases "native language" and "native speech". The word "native" in Russian national consciousness is closely associated very important for each deep concepts, for example, "native house" or "native person." The encroachment on them causes anger. Plowing native language too. Lyudmila Chernechko notes - there is another reason why we are so embarrassed by learning that they uttered or wrote some word incorrectly. (Compare with your reaction to an error, say, in arithmetic counts - it will not be so emotional).

Lyudmila Cherneko believes that it is a social passport telling a lot about a person: "And we will know, the place where a person was born, where he grew up. So, you need to be released from some territorial features of your speech, if you do not want to give extra information to the listener. Further. The level of education. As we say, depends on what our education is and, in particular, humanitarian. Why now Bauman University introduced the subject "Culture of Speech"? Moreover, why slang, such a thieves of Argo is an isoteric system, a closed system, why? Because the speeches are someone else's speeches. On speeches, we find like-minded people, we discover people on speeches that are about the same as we, the worldview. It's all on speeches. " And these speeches in recent years did not illiterately, rather, rather - on the contrary. Why do many make up a persistent feeling that the Russian language degrades? The fact is that his existence has changed largely. Previously, the oral statement in a number of cases was only an imitation of such, and, in fact, was a written form of speech. From all the stands, starting from the factory assembly and ending the tribune of the CPSU Congress, the reports were read on a piece of paper. The overwhelming majority of transfers in television and radio came into records, and so on, and so on. People of the middle and older generation remember, with which greedy interest, the whole country listened to performances that Mikhail Gorbachev who came to power, easily (here's a rare case), asking him to "start" instead of "start." The new leader knew how to talk, not looking in advance written text, and it seemed fresh and unusual.

Since then, the public oral speech has become the prevailing, and, of course, if a person speaks not written, it is more often mistaken. What does not justify some extremes, emphasizes Lyudmila Cherneco: "The television audience is colossal. In the absence of self-censors, when in the transmission for young people "Cool", "Kayf", this is an infinite "wow" - this method of communication is given as a sample, as a standard, somehow they want to imitate. "

By the way, the English-speaking exclamation of "Wau" Lyudmila Chernyko does not like for the simple reason that he has a Russian analogue. Therefore, she says, a person who care about the purity of speech, it will not be able to drink. Yes, it probably does not come true: "If we are not talking to you" Wow ", so we will not speak. We will say Russian "Ah", "says Lyudmila Cherneco.

But in fact, in the current abundance of borrowing (and this, many people consider one of the main threats to the language) Linguist does not see anything terrible: "The language is so arranged, especially Russian is an open system, the language that has always absorbed someone else's influence, processed it creatively . When, quite recently, our graduate was performed at the university, for many years already working in America, he said: "Let's throw out all foreign roots." He has such a mission - to clear the Russian language from all foreign roots. But I, like a linguist, a completely natural question - and you, in general, offer a Russian person to throw out the word "soup". Yes, he will be very surprised. But the word "soup" is borrowed. Therefore, when I offer some completely utopian ideas - let's, we will clean the Russian language from foreign borrowing - it seems funny to me. Because it is impossible. For example: "Only a vulgar person has no physiognomy." This is Turgenev. Are you the word "physiognomy", borrowed, where is Dennet? By the way, a scientific fact is not to find a borrowed word rooted in Russian, which would fully reflect the semantics of the recipient language, that is, the language from which is taken. There is no such thing. Language all takes and embeds it into your system, because he lacks some means. Among other things, these are such banal things - why did the "black-workers" wondered as the name of the profession in Russian? Because you never clean the Russian word from age connotations, from associations. Because in each word the meaning is associative sticks out a beam in all directions. He wrote about this mandelstam. Foreign word, especially in thermal grid, especially in thermosystems, is absolutely necessary as the air. Because it does not possess some unnecessary connotations, unnecessary for scientific thinking. " And here's another. It is believed that the language is a self-organizing system that lives in its internal laws. But not only, another participant of the round table in the Moscow House of Nationalities is approved - the head of the coordination and analytical department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Smirnov. According to him, the political component is played by a significant role, in any case, if we are talking about the range of distribution of the language: "Its scope of use is narrowed - narrows in the former republics of the former Soviet Union. Although not so long ago, President of Kyrgyzstan spoke in favor of maintaining the status of Russian as official. " Still, this is an exception. Russian language is becoming less and less as a means of interethnic communication.

4 Famous Scientists Rusists

russian Linguistic language

A.A. Reformed (1900-1978) is a wonderful philologist. Fame in wide ranges he acquired thanks to the famous textbook for students of universities "Introduction to Linguistics". Its scientific interests are extremely diverse, and the work is devoted to various problems of the language: phonetics, word formation, vocabulary, letter theory, linguistic history, language ratio and speech. Together with other outstanding linguists - Kuznetsov, Sidorov and Avaneov, the reformat was the founder of the Moscow phonological school, the ideas of which are being developed today.

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1 language and society

2 Russian in the modern world

3 problems of language ecology

4 Outstanding Scientists Rusists

1 language and society

The language occurs, develops and exists as a social phenomenon. Its main purpose is to serve the needs of human society and primarily ensure communication between members of a large or small social collective, as well as the functioning of the collective memory of this team.

The concept of society refers to one of difficult-determinants. Society is not just a variety of human individuals, but a system of various relationships between people belonging to one or another social, professional, sexual and age, ethnic, ethnographic, confessional groups, where each individual occupies its definite place and, by virtue of this, acts as a carrier of a certain place. Public status, social functions and roles. Individual as a member of society can be identified on the basis of a large number of relationships that are associated with other individuals. The peculiarities of the language behavior of the individual and its behavior are generally largely due to social factors.

The problem of the relationship between language and society includes many aspects, including those that fall into groups.

Social Essence of Language:

Language function in society;

The main directions of social evolution of languages;

History of language and history of the people.

Variation of language in society:

Functional options (forms of existence) language;

Language and territorial differentiation of society (territorial dialects);

Language and social differentiation of society (social dialects);

Language and social roles speaking.

Interaction of languages \u200b\u200bin a multi-ethnic society:

Languages \u200b\u200band ethnic groups;

Language situations;

National language policy;

Language contacts;

Multilingualism in a sociological aspect. "

Their research is engaged in sociolinguistics (social linguistics), which arose at the junction of linguistics and sociology, as well as ethnolinguistics, ethnography of speech, style, rhetoric, pragmatics, theory of linguistic communication, the theory of mass communication, etc.

The language performs the following social functions in society:

Communicative / infidative (implementable interpersonal and mass communications transmission and receiving messages in the form of language / verbal statements, exchange of information between people as participants in acts of language communication, communications),

Cognitive / cognitive (processing and storage of knowledge in the memory of individual and society, the formation of the picture of the world),

Interpretative / interpretative (disclosure of the deep meaning of perceived language statements / texts),

Regulatory / social / interactive (language interaction of communications, aimed at sharing communicative roles, approval of its communismative leadership, impact on each other, organization of successful information exchange due to compliance with communicative postulates and principles),

Contactor / Fatic (establishing and maintaining communicative interaction),

Emotional-expressive (expression of their emotions, feelings, moods, psychological attitudes, relations to communication partners and subject of communication),

Aesthetic (creating artwork),

Magical / "spell" (use in the religious ritual, in the practice of spellcasters, psychics, etc.),

Ethnocultural (union into a single integer representatives of this ethnos as carriers of the same language as a native),

Meta-language / metaretse (transmitting messages about the facts of the language itself and speech acts on it). History of each language is most closely related to the history of the people, which is its carrier.

Identifier (there are significant functional differences between the language of the tribe, the language of the nationality and the language of the nation. The language plays an extremely important role in the consolidation of related (and not only related) nation tribes and in the formation of a nation.

The same ethnos can use both two or more languages. Thus, many peoples of Western Europe throughout the Middle Ages enjoyed both their spoken languages \u200b\u200band Latin. In Babylonia, along with Akkadi (Babylon-Assyrian), a long time was used for a long time. And on the contrary, one and the same language can simultaneously serve several ethnic groups. So, Spanish is used in Spain, as well as (often simultaneously with other languages) in Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Costa Rica, Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, Republic of Cuba, in the Philippines, in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, etc. Ethnos may lose its language and go to another language. This happened, for example, in Gaul due to the Romanization of the Celts.

Describing the relationship of various languages \u200b\u200bused in one social team or different languages, talk about the language situation. Language situations may be single-component and multicomponent, equilibrium and non-equilibries. An example of a single-component language situation can be Iceland. The equilibrium situation takes place in Belgium (the same status of French and Dutch languages).

In many West African states, non-equilibrium situations are observed: local languages \u200b\u200bhave a greater demographic power, and they are inferior to European languages \u200b\u200bon communicative power. Dominance can one language: Volof in Senegal. In Nigeria, several languages \u200b\u200bdominate (Haus, Joruba, igbo). Used languages \u200b\u200bmay have different prestige (in the case of Diglice). For thoughtful analysis and weighted estimates of linguistic situations, the choice of rational language policy pursued by the state.

The correlation of various language systems and different types of culture (as well as different ways to categorize the phenomena of the world) is the content of ethnolinguistics. Many representatives of ethnolinguistics often illegally exaggerate the role of a language in the knowledge of the world (School Leo Weisgerbera in Germany, a hypothesis of language relativity, nominated in the United States by Edward Sepir and Benjamen L. Wharf).

The language definitely reflects the territorial differentiation of the people speaking on it, speaking in the form of a set of dialects, and social differentiation of society into classes, layers and groups that exist between them differences in the use of a single language, speaking in the form of a set of options, types, social dialects (sociolects). In the language in the form of a variety of forms of general and specialized nature, such as literary language, spacious, coin, functional styles, phenomenon of science, jargon and argo, reflects the diversity of spheres and its use.

In this language, the appearance of their letter system and the formation of the invention and distribution of typhography, newspapers, magazines, radio, telegraph, telegraph, television, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telegraph, television, telegraph, telegraph, telegraph, television, telephone, telegraph, telegraph, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telegraph, telegraph, telephone, television, telephone, telegraph Since society in the process of its historical development is continuously changing, the functions of the serving language, its socio-functional stratification, the relationship between the territorial and social dialects, the social status of various forms of the existence of the language are changing.

For theoretical linguistics, considerable interest is the problem of the relationship between internal (intrastructural) and external (primarily social) factors for the development of the language system. Language (and above all his dictionary) is sensitive to the development of material culture (technique and technology), to achieve spiritual culture (mythological, philosophical, artistic, scientific comprehension of the world, the formation of new concepts).

2 Russian in the modern world

The Russian language according to the total number of speakers takes place in the top ten of world languages, but accurately define this place is quite difficult.

The number of people who consider the Russian native language exceeds 200 million people, 130 million of which live in Russia. At 300-350 million, the number of people who own the Russian language in excellence and use it as the first or second language in everyday communication.

In total, more than half a billion people speak Russian in the world in the world, and according to this indicator, Russian ranks third in the world after Chinese and English.

The question is also a controversial today, the influence of the Russian language in the world falls in recent decades or not.

On the one hand, the language situation in the post-Soviet space, where, before the collapse of the USSR, the Russian language served as a generally accepted language of interethnic communication, very contradictory, and here you can identify the most different trends. On the other hand, the Russian-speaking diaspora in the far abroad over the past twenty years has grown multiple times. Of course, another Vysotsky in the seventies wrote songs about "the distribution of ours on the planet", but in the nineties and two thousandths, this spread was much more noticeable. But to begin consideration of the situation with the Russian language as of the end of zero anniversary, of course, from post-Soviet states. In the post-Soviet space, in addition to Russia, there are at least three countries where the fate of the Russian language does not cause any concern. This is Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

In Belarus, the majority of the population speaks in everyday life and in general in everyday communication in Russian, and in the cities of young people and many middle-aged people in Russian speech, even the Belarusian accent characteristic of the past.

At the same time, Belarus is the only post-Soviet state, where the state status of the Russian language is confirmed on the referendum with an overwhelming majority of votes. It is obvious that the services of translators from Russian to Belarusian will not be in demand for a long time, and perhaps never - after all, almost all the official and business correspondence in Belarus is conducted in Russian.

The language situation in Kazakhstan is more complex. In the nineties, the share of Russians in the population of Kazakhstan was significantly reduced, and the Kazakhs for the first time since the thirties of the last century were the national majority. According to the Constitution, the only state language in Kazakhstan is Kazakh. However, from the middle of the nineties there is a law that equates Russian in all official areas to the state. And in practice in most government agencies of the city and regional level, as well as in the capital government agencies, the Russian language is used more often than Kazakh.

The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. Representatives of different nationalities are working in these institutions - Kazakhs, Russians, Germans, Koreans. At the same time, absolutely all educated Kazakhs are perfectly owned by the Russian language, while representatives of other nationalities know Kazakh essentially worse.

A similar situation is observed in Kyrgyzstan, where there is also a law that gives Russian official status, and in everyday communication, Russian speech in cities can be heard more often than Kyrgyz.

Azerbaijan adjoins these three countries, where the status of the Russian language is officially not regulated, but in cities most of the inhabitants of indigenous nationality speak Russian very well, and many prefer to use it in communicating. This again contributes to the multinational nature of the population of Azerbaijan. For national minorities since the Soviet Union, Russian is Russian.

The mansion in this row is Ukraine. Here the language situation is peculiar, and language policy is sometimes extremely strange forms.

The entire population of the East and the South of Ukraine speaks Russian. Moreover, attempts to violent Ukrainization in a number of regions (in Crimea, Odessa, Donbas) leads to the opposite result. Previously, the neutral attitude towards the Ukrainian language is changing negative.

As a result, even traditional mixed speech disappears in these territories - Surzhik in the East and Odessa speak Odessa and the surrounding area. The new generation teaches the language not on the example of parental speech, but on the example of the speech of Russian television speakers, and begins to speak in the right Russian literary language (with the slang peculiarities of the XXI century).

The indicative example: in the Russian speech of Ukrainian youth, the Gundy Ukrainian "soft" g (h) is replaced by "solid" ґ (g) of the Moscow-Petersburg type.

And in Western Ukraine, too, not everything is simple. After all, the population of the Carpathian and Transcarpathian Ukraine speaks on dialects, which in neighboring countries (Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia) are considered to be a separate Rusin language.

And it turns out that in the Ukrainian literary language and on the dialects close to the literary, the minority of the population speaks in the Ukrainian state. However, the Ukrainian authorities in recent years are engaged in the plantation of the Ukrainian language with completely ridiculous methods - it seems to anyone who is not necessary, but the mandatory translation of all films going in cinemas to the Ukrainian language.

However, unrivaled in the desire to ensure that translation services were required to translate from the Russian language, the Baltic countries remain - especially Latvia and Estonia.

True, it should be noted that the language policy of the state and the attitude of the population is still two big differences (as still spoken in Odessa). Rumors that for communication with the local population, the Russian tourist needs a translation from English, greatly exaggerated.

The requirements of the life are stronger than the efforts of the state, and in this case it is manifested as it can not be ill. Even the youth, born in Latvia and Estonia, already in the period of independence, owns the Russian language sufficiently so that one friend can be understood. And cases where Latvian or Estonian refuses to speak Russian from the principle - rare. So much that each of such cases turns out to be a rapid discussion in the press.

According to the testimony of most Russians who visited Latvia and Estonia in recent years, with the signs of language discrimination, they were not encountered. Latvians and Estonians are very hospitable, and the Russian language continues to remain in these countries with the language of interethnic communication. In Lithuania, the language policy was originally softer.

In Georgia and Armenia, the Russian language has the status of a national minority language. In Armenia, the share of Russians in the total population of the population is very insignificant, but the noticeable share of Armenians can speak Russian well. In Georgia, the situation is about the same, and the Russian language is more common in communicating in those places where the share of the foreign language population is large. However, among young people, knowledge of the Russian language in Georgia is very weak. In Moldova, the Russian language does not have official status (with the exception of Transnistria and Gagauzia), but de facto can be used in the official sphere.

In Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, the Russian language is less used, rather than in neighboring Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. In Tajikistan, the Russian language according to the Constitution is the language of interethnic communication, in Uzbekistan, it has the status of the National Minority language, the situation remains unclear in Turkmenistan.

One way or another, in all three states the Russian language owns most of the urban population. On the other hand, the indigenous people are talking to their native language, and the Russian goes only in conversation with Russians or with representatives of national minorities.

For example, in some new Uzbek films resembling Indian melodramas, heroes are transferred to Russian to express feelings or clarifying relationships that do not fit into patriarchal local customs. And the peculiar language barrier is charged. In a rather Europeanized Uzbek society, any topics can be discussed - but not all can be discussed in Uzbek. For some, Russian is best suited. Anyway, the Russian language remains the language of interethnic communication in the entire post-Soviet space. Moreover, the main role here is not the position of the state, but the attitude of the population. But in the far abroad, the situation with the Russian language is the opposite. Russian, alas, refers to languages \u200b\u200bthat are lost in two generations.

Russian first generation emigrants prefer to speak Russian, and many of them assimilate the language of the new country do not fully and speak with a strong accent. But their children are already talking in a local language with almost no accent (a girl who familiar to the author from her birth and who left her mother in Sweden at the age of 11, the Swedes took sixteen for the local, speaking in the village diabete) and prefer a local language in communication.

In Russian, they speak only with their parents, and recently also on the Internet. And, by the way, the Internet plays an extremely important role to preserve the Russian language in the diaspora. But on the other hand, in the third-fourth generation, interest in the roots of the descendants of immigrants is being revived, and they begin to specifically teach the language of the ancestors. Including Russian.

Today, the last year belonging to the "zero", Russian language not only remains the main language of interethnic communication in the entire post-Soviet space. It speaks well since the generation is well and is well explained by the younger in many countries of the former Socialist camp. For example, in the former GDR schoolchildren taught Russian, to be honest, much better than Soviet schoolchildren - German. And it is hardly possible to say that the role of Russian in the world has fallen in the world over the past twenty years. The fact that the role of national languages \u200b\u200bover the years in the post-Soviet space has increased, you can only rejoice. But the Russian language continues to remain the language of interethnic communication and one of the world languages, which is not entirely in vain is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the UN.

3 problems of the Russian language

In the Moscow House of Nationalities, the "Round table" "Russian in the 21st century" passed not so long ago. It was told here a lot about the fact that the culture of speech everywhere is lost that the language is in a deep crisis. I must say, this is a very common opinion. It is noteworthy: among the participants of the discussion, there was only one linguist - Professor of the Department of the Russian Language of Moscow State University named after Lomonosov Lyudmila Chernico. So it considers this kind of statement to be exaggerated: "I see nothing of the deplorable in the state of the Russian language. I see only threats to him. But we are listening to each other with you. We speak very well. I listen to students. They speak perfectly. Generally speaking, experts were always interested in the tongue. If society exhibits such interest in the Russian language, which it is now in the last, at least 5 years, is evidence of the rise of national self-consciousness. It instills optimism. "

Amazing business, but only lingules tend to discuss linguistic problems in a more or less restrained register. Spores of non-specialists are usually hot. Busy: The arguments are often the most casual. Moreover, not only disputes cause a painful reaction. Many can catch themselves on the fact that, noticing in the speech of an official or, say, a TV journalist, just one, but a rough mistake, suddenly ready to jump from the perturbation or exclaim something like: "Oh, Lord, well, you can't ! "

No wonder there are sustainable phrases "native language" and "native speech". The word "native" in Russian national consciousness is closely associated very important for each deep concepts, for example, "native house" or "native person." The encroachment on them causes anger. Plowing native language too. Lyudmila Chernechko notes - there is another reason why we are so embarrassed by learning that they uttered or wrote some word incorrectly. (Compare with your reaction to an error, say, in arithmetic counts - it will not be so emotional).

Lyudmila Cherneko believes that it is a social passport telling a lot about a person: "And we will know, the place where a person was born, where he grew up. So, you need to be released from some territorial features of your speech, if you do not want to give extra information to the listener. Further. The level of education. As we say, depends on what our education is and, in particular, humanitarian. Why now Bauman University introduced the subject "Culture of Speech"? Moreover, why slang, such a thieves of Argo is an isoteric system, a closed system, why? Because the speeches are someone else's speeches. On speeches, we find like-minded people, we discover people on speeches that are about the same as we, the worldview. It's all on speeches. " And these speeches in recent years did not illiterately, rather, rather - on the contrary. Why do many make up a persistent feeling that the Russian language degrades? The fact is that his existence has changed largely. Previously, the oral statement in a number of cases was only an imitation of such, and, in fact, was a written form of speech. From all the stands, starting from the factory assembly and ending the tribune of the CPSU Congress, the reports were read on a piece of paper. The overwhelming majority of transfers in television and radio came into records, and so on, and so on. People of the middle and older generation remember, with which greedy interest, the whole country listened to performances that Mikhail Gorbachev who came to power, easily (here's a rare case), asking him to "start" instead of "start." The new leader knew how to talk, not looking in advance written text, and it seemed fresh and unusual.

Since then, the public oral speech has become the prevailing, and, of course, if a person speaks not written, it is more often mistaken. What does not justify some extremes, emphasizes Lyudmila Cherneco: "The television audience is colossal. In the absence of self-censors, when in the transmission for young people "Cool", "Kayf", this is an infinite "wow" - this method of communication is given as a sample, as a standard, somehow they want to imitate. "

By the way, the English-speaking exclamation of "Wau" Lyudmila Chernyko does not like for the simple reason that he has a Russian analogue. Therefore, she says, a person who care about the purity of speech, it will not be able to drink. Yes, it probably does not come true: "If we are not talking to you" Wow ", so we will not speak. We will say Russian "Ah", "says Lyudmila Cherneco.

But in fact, in the current abundance of borrowing (and this, many people consider one of the main threats to the language) Linguist does not see anything terrible: "The language is so arranged, especially Russian is an open system, the language that has always absorbed someone else's influence, processed it creatively . When, quite recently, our graduate was performed at the university, for many years already working in America, he said: "Let's throw out all foreign roots." He has such a mission - to clear the Russian language from all foreign roots. But I, like a linguist, a completely natural question - and you, in general, offer a Russian person to throw out the word "soup". Yes, he will be very surprised. But the word "soup" is borrowed. Therefore, when I offer some completely utopian ideas - let's, we will clean the Russian language from foreign borrowing - it seems funny to me. Because it is impossible. For example: "Only a vulgar person has no physiognomy." This is Turgenev. Are you the word "physiognomy", borrowed, where is Dennet? By the way, a scientific fact is not to find a borrowed word rooted in Russian, which would fully reflect the semantics of the recipient language, that is, the language from which is taken. There is no such thing. Language all takes and embeds it into your system, because he lacks some means. Among other things, these are such banal things - why did the "black-workers" wondered as the name of the profession in Russian? Because you never clean the Russian word from age connotations, from associations. Because in each word the meaning is associative sticks out a beam in all directions. He wrote about this mandelstam. Foreign word, especially in thermal grid, especially in thermosystems, is absolutely necessary as the air. Because it does not possess some unnecessary connotations, unnecessary for scientific thinking. " And here's another. It is believed that the language is a self-organizing system that lives in its internal laws. But not only, another participant of the round table in the Moscow House of Nationalities is approved - the head of the coordination and analytical department of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Vyacheslav Smirnov. According to him, the political component is played by a significant role, in any case, if we are talking about the range of distribution of the language: "Its scope of use is narrowed - narrows in the former republics of the former Soviet Union. Although not so long ago, President of Kyrgyzstan spoke in favor of maintaining the status of Russian as official. " Still, this is an exception. Russian language is becoming less and less as a means of interethnic communication.

4 Famous Scientists Rusists

russian Linguistic language

A.A. Reformed (1900-1978) is a wonderful philologist. Fame in wide ranges he acquired thanks to the famous textbook for students of universities "Introduction to Linguistics". Its scientific interests are extremely diverse, and the work is devoted to various problems of the language: phonetics, word formation, vocabulary, letter theory, linguistic history, language ratio and speech. Together with other outstanding linguists - Kuznetsov, Sidorov and Avaneov, the reformat was the founder of the Moscow phonological school, the ideas of which are being developed today.

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Language formation is a long but interesting process. The combination of sets of words and wordforms, grammar designs, borrowing and pronunciation features includes the speech of our people. What value is Russian in the modern world.

In contact with

Features of the lexic composition

As the national wealth of the people and the form of our culture, the language has extensive terminology, brightness and clarity of grammar. According to the Russian Constitution, our "adverb" in June 2005 became official and documented.

This will help provide citizens rights to use it in the territory of the Russian Federation, and will also be a way to preserve and develop language culture.

The most important criterion is considered to be the purity of the word: to preserve lingvo-stylistic wealth, the use of spacious, as well as graft words should be avoided.

There are also not recommended words with a tint of explicit neglect and propaganda of the dominance of borrowed wordforms. This is the trouble of modern society it becomes global: Anglicizms and Americanism constantly displacing the original vocabulary.

Important! The basis of our lexicon should be the Russian speech field to preserve and multiply the diversity of the surrounding world, using the Russian "talk".

In the list of adventure world, our native "talk" entered only the 20th century, his status was enshrined In the United Nations. The carriers are only Russia's residents with a number of about 150 million people. In 2005, the number of those who knew how to speak in domestic adverbs increases sharply up to 278 million. According to expert estimates, approximately 140 of them are among Russia, about 26 refers to the CIS countries and the Baltic Republic, almost 7.5 million countries and the United States are taken.

Martov analysis of the linguistic situation in 2013 showed that our "" becomes the most popular on the Internet and is inferior in the number of requests only English, that is, it takes honorary second place.

Important! In which countries the Russian is a state language. Along with Russia, residents of Belarus, South Ossetia and the Moldavian Republic speak. The right to be the official language of documents and government agencies our "dialect" deserved in Kazakhstan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Abkhazia and Ukraine.

Russian language in the modern world can be heard in countries such as Tajikistan. Representatives of this state use it as an official The Constitution, and even in the state of New York, documents relating to elections are printed using Russian linguistic designs.

Updating speech system

The development of the Russian language occurs intensively. According to the literary monuments that reached us, you can see how difficult was the path of this lingue to its today's external and internal filling.

Our people received a new language system that is completely reflects Russian heritage and thinking.

For example, before in grammatical, there were three numbers: the only, multiple and dual one. There were also 9 and three simple time forms.

Changing together with the epoch, our simplified its laws and came to a more understandable, modern binary oppression: the numbers became seven and the amount of birth decreased by two. All this became the result of a general time-learning practice, during which the language layer was not stored, but was constantly updated.

Main functions

The local "speech" has always been a multifunctional system, as it is associated with different areas of human activity: the creation, storage and transmission of the necessary information between carriers.

Main functions Russian language are:

  1. The first and most important thing is to be a means of communication, it is also a communicative. To live in one space, it means to communicate, use various sides of the information, using different grammatical forms and structures to be able to properly express their idea. Task - convey to the interlocutor of knowledge and skills.
  2. The cognitive function, which is aimed at the knowledge of culture, the personality of speaking, as well as on the development of figurative thinking and comprehending the Azov of Self-Operation. This feature implies reflection over own speech activities.
  3. The cumulative, revealing "adverb", as a means of accumulating and storing important information. Russian, as it were, "accumulates" in itself the experience of communicating the entire team. This function, along with the lexical component, reflects fragments of the history, life and cultural experience of the entire people.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about speech competence: the ability to understand and accept not their speech behavior programs. Everyone must occur according to the goals of communication, the sphere, as well as the situation of speech practice. The main moment Here will be the choice of the correct language form, which will suit a specific case.

For example, request and order. Both speech situations will have a whole set of differences:

  • scene. It is better to ask for a private atmosphere, with an eye on the eye, and you can order in the presence of many people, which will give the authority to the boss even more;
  • personality speaking. We usually ask us for loved ones, friends, relatives, and order our subordinates;
  • the purpose of speaking: in the first case, we want to get something with the help of soft intonation, emotions of gratitude or resentment for something. And the second case, naturally, will be different both in the intonation plan, and in the meaning. By ordering, we put forward strict requirements.

Is Russian a tool of international communication. Until 1991, our "adverb" was international, because the then the USSR state introduced it in the countries that were part of the Soviet Republic.

After the union broke up, the Russian did not cease to be a means of communication between nations, and became the main for migrants from former allied states.

In the countries of Eastern Europe, they explore Russian in gymnasiums and universities along with French and Spanish. In Russia, you can meet many foreigners, attending special courses.

Russian language in international communication is a common phenomenon. It is one of the six official UN working languages. However, according to the statements of the research center, our "adverb" still does not give positions: in particular, in 2006, carriers according to the last census were 152 million people, and in 2012 - already 215, which becomes a rather optimistic statement.

Study and preservation of national features

The social nature of the linguistic uzus is always in motion: it is wide and multifaceted. Therefore, he is as he created his society for thousands of years. It helps to organize labor, supports the process of education and cultural development of society, participates in the development of all regions of science and culture. In essence, all its functions are social and dependent on the participants of speech contact.

The significance of the Russian language in the modern world is great, the importance of it It is difficult to overestimate. Today you can see the tendency to form a new picture of the world.

Through the prism of our Lingva, we must meet someone else's culture. To do this, you need to adhere to special cultural competence and learn how to use correctly speech etiquette.

Both in our and in any other Lingwe, such competence helps to add to the features of the national culture of another people are also easy as their own.

Also develops the knowledge of originality and character nature of another language material. And, of course, the most important feeling is formed: we begin to realize how important our own linguistic uzus is. Understanding and taking this, people make a significant step towards their spiritual and moral development.

Attention! The view of our linguistic formation depends on society. The language is under his influence and at the same time forms public consciousness.

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