Capital of Germany now. Germany

Now we will move south, to Bavaria. In 90 km south of Munich, not far from the border with Austria, there is a fabulous village of Masters Oburammergau, who has not been confused over the several centuries their cultural and historical identity. The population of the commune is only 5,000 people, and this figure is fading against the background of 500 thousand tourists who visit these seats throughout the year. The main attraction of the village - the theater of the Passion of Christ, collecting on thematic productions a large number of viewers.

Village Oberammergau

In the vicinity of the South Bavarian city, Füssen, surrounded by the Virgin Nature, is located the castle of Hohenschwangau, from which the stunning views of the German Alps are opening (it is also called the high swan Wittelsbach Castle). On the contrary, it is fascinating the elegant beauty of Neuschwanstein castle, as if soaring over the mountains. It seems that this magnificent structure has descended from the pages of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm; It reminds Bavarians about the times of the Chunky King of Ludwig II, which ruled by the region in 1864-1886.

Want to see the most ambitious medieval project? Then welcome to Cologne. On the coast of the Rhine, there is the most famous landmark of the city - a real masterpiece of gothic architecture. The cathedral is one of the largest religious buildings, its construction started in 1248. It has a magnificent interior, equipped with 56th huge columns. Above the main altar is the golden tomb of three kings. There is also a chapel of three kings and a treasury with a collection of jewels. From the windows of the southern towers, beautiful views of the surroundings are opening.

Railway layout "Miniature Wonderland" in Hamburg

Attraction, interesting not only for adults, but also for children, is located in the center of the port city of Hamburg - this is the model railway, the largest in the world, stretching for as many as 12 kilometers. At this amazing highway, 890 trains run, which come to various sections dedicated to various countries. For a few hours spent here, you can plunge into the fascinating world of miniature cities, villages, noisy harnesses and airports.

One of the most popular tourist routes of the country is the romantic road of Germany. It is located on the old town of Rothenburg-Ob der Tauber or simply. Just imagine: the urban walls and towers reached us in primeval form since the time of the thirty-year war of 1618. Of the most famous buildings of this impeccable preserved medieval city, we can name the majestic Town Hall of the XIII century, built in 1466 the Church of St. James and the municipal tavern with its famous clock, the city museum, the fountain of the construction of 1608.

Due to the weakening of the central power to maintain the order and the reflection of the attacks of Gunnov and Normannov, local señoras were engaged. At the territory controlled by him later there were such duchy as Franconia, Saxony, Schwabia and Bavaria arose. Heinrich I Caxon on nicknamed birds by conquering neighboring German states managed to restore the central office, but to a small extent. More "lucky" his son will distinguish. In 936, he proclaimed himself a direct heir to Karl the Great and King of all Germany: a superbly organized ceremony of his coronation took place in Aachen.

The power of the German kings and emperors, however, was not inherited. The decision on who will be the next chapter of the state, took a narrow circle - the Kurfürst of the largest German cities, including Prince-Archbishopov Mainz, Cologne and Trill. One of the bright rulers was the emperor Frederick I (1152-1190). With the court of this representative of the Dynasty of Gogenstaufnes in the post, poets, Minnesinger and valiant medieval knights were honored. And although the central government was still weak, the state - it was then called the Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation - existed until the end of the Middle Ages.

At the end of the XVII century, political leadership in the German lands switched to the rulers of large state entities, among which Prussia was noticeably allocated. The reference for their kings was France of the Times of Louis XIV, with the idea of \u200b\u200bcentralizing and absoluting the power and strengthening of the bureaucracy, including the creation of a strong army on an ongoing basis. The autocrats of the new generation became closely in medieval castles, and they built luxury palaces in the Baroque style for themselves. The construction of these residences and the subsequent content is expensive by ordinary taxpayers. However, from a historical point of view, such victims were not in vain: in our time these palaces became the main tourist attractions of Germany, which attract hundreds of thousands of tourists.

A significant impact on the future of the state, oddly enough, the Great French Revolution of 1789. In 1794, the German lands of the West of the Rhine were under the control of the French. Soon, the odious emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and at all set sovereignty over the entire Germany. On the one hand, it was enslaved, and on the other, it brought positive changes. The French, for example, was put in order a political map of the neighbor: Bavaria and Baden became kingdoms, thoroughly expanding their possessions, and small church states were abolished. At the same time, the foreign domination did not like anyone, and in the spring of 1813, unrest against the occupiers began to flare up across the country. In October of the same year, Prussia's troops, Austria, were united on the advanced struggle to establish control over Schleswig-Holstein, but eventually betrayed his ally. The defeat of the army of the latter in the battle with Prussians in Bohemia eliminated any opportunity to participate Austrians in building the future of a single German state. Indeed, Germany led Germany to the union: Prussia was given: its king - Wilhelm I was proclaimed to the first Other Emperman (Kaiser)

The attitude towards the unification of the country among the ruling elites of local monarchies was ambiguous, the very same people were covered by the National Euphoria. The economy grew rapidly in the country, the industry developed, railway highways were laid - the whole she reminded one big building! The first results were not forced to wait: Germany not only caught up with the production of coal and production, but also overtook the British Empire. At the same time, electrification and the chemical industry developed. The usual people began to live better because the government is not in words, but in fact dealt with social problems of unemployed and persons with disabilities.

Trophy German Tank Sturmpanzerwagen A7V in French Paris

Relative well-being inside the state contrasted with the state of affairs beyond. By the beginning of the 20th century, relations between major players in the European arena began to enter a dead end. They spent huge funds on their armed forces, which could only testify only about one thing - each Power was preparing for war. The formal reason was the murder in the Sarajevo of the Austro-Hungarian Kronprint Franz Ferdinand in June 1914. So the First World War began. Germany, the Habsburg Empire and Italy formed a three-way union. Antena, uniting Russia, Great Britain and France, was opposed to this military-political unit. Germany prepared a crushing blow to Paris, and when he failed, the country could no longer hope for military success. The situation has become more complicated by the fact that the United States of America joined the war. In the summer of 1918, the German military command recognized his defeat, but the civil government was responsible for him for him.

World War II had for Berlin and deep domestic political consequences. The Kaiserov regime fell, the Weimar Republic came to replace it, forced to accept extremely unprofitable conditions for himself by the conditions of the Versailles world. Germany officially recognized its responsibility for the unleashing of the war, lost to the Rhine Earth, returned to France Alsace and Lorraine, provided Poland to the sea corridor - access to the Baltic and pledged to pay the lighter burden on the economy of the country of reparation. Not everyone agreed with this world, many perceived it as a betrayal of national interests.

Meanwhile, the position of ordinary people was rapidly deteriorating, hyperinflation ruined millions of Germans. The government grew dissatisfaction with the government than and used the Nazi Party Adolf Hitler. Having covered by patriotic slogans, in the 1932 elections, she received the vast majority in Reichstag. President Hindenburg was forced to appoint a leader of this political force by Reichskanzler. To focus in his hands, the Nazis organized arson of the Parliament Building on the night of February 27, 1933, accusing the Communists in this. There are no direct evidence, but historians do not even doubt that these are their hands. In the first years of the Renuities of the Nazis, the economy began to revive, the military-industrial complex developed especially violently. The successes were waiting for Hitler and on the foreign policy arena: when he returned the Rhine Land in 1936, the Germans began to slowly get rid of the "complex of Versailles". They again began to feel a full-fledged nation - proud and strong!

Meanwhile, the appetites of the Fuhrera grew, and in general, almost all Western Europe turned out to be under the rule of the Nazis. In March 1938, Germany joined Austria to themselves (Anchlus), and in November, as a result of the Munich Consight, the Sundean Region of Czechoslovakia, inhabited by the Germans. This country itself, with the exception of Slovakia, was transformed into the puppet protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. On September 1, 1939, the Third Reich attacked Poland - the Second World War began, the most bloody in the history of mankind began. On June 22, 1941, the troops of the Wehrmacht invaded the territory of the Soviet Union: the Great Patriotic War lasted 1118 days and nights.

However, in this, unleashed by Germany, she was not destined to become a winner. On April 30, 1945, the fully demoralized Hitler committed suicide, and on May 8, 1945, the Nazi regime capitulated to the Allied troops. Over the defeated Reichstagus proudly realized the Red Flag of the USSR. The country was in ruins, lost some of its territories in favor of neighbors and was divided into occupation zones - English, American, French and Soviet. The capital of Reich - Berlin turned out to be similarly divided. In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany was proclaimed in the Western occupation zones. The German Democratic Republic with the capital in East Berlin was formed in the eastern lands that were in the field of US Department of Management of the USSR. West Berlin did not enter any of the newly formed states and was under external control. The relationship between the GDR and the FRG remained difficult throughout the period of their existence.

With the beginning in 1985, in the Soviet Union of Perestroika, the influence of the "older brother" on Eastern Germany significantly weakened, and the Western neighbor, on the contrary, increased. Political and social sentiments in both countries led to the prospect of association, but no one thought it would happen so soon. In 1989, the Berlin wall fell - the odious stone boundary between the separated parts of the city. This event has become a turning point that led to the union of two parts of Germany in October 1990. However, many historians consider it not to unite, but by accession - in fact, the acquisition of the Federal Republic of GDR. According to experts, the difference in the standard of living between the "old" parts of Germany is still felt, although almost three decades have passed after reunification.

The first mention of the German capital of Berlin appeared in 1237, already at that time this city began to play a significant role in the lives of many principalistics of Germany. There was no united state in those days, there were continuous wars between the minor principalities, Berlin often had to beat conquerors. It did not pass without a trace for the city, the cruelty of the winners during the period of the Middle Ages did not know the limit, Germany (Germany) was no exception.

Modern Berlin

Now the capital of Germany is a fast-growing cultural and economic center of the country. Recently, in the very center there was a big wasteland, now modern quarters have grown on it, the most famous architects worked on their design. They managed to organically entertain new buildings in the old appearance of the city. Now this place has become a cultural center, in which various museums and restaurants are located, numerous exhibitions and festivals occur here.

Urban transport - the standard of accuracy and comfort

Everyone knows German punctuality, but the accuracy and rhythm of the movement of urban transport surprises even the Germans. There are more than 170 city bus routes in the capital, late for any of them more than a minute perceived as an emergency. You always get into the planned place on time, no matter how many transfers should have done.

Capital Germany Berlin This city is the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany, it takes the territory of about 900 km2 and is part of Germany for the rights of federal land. For a long time (from 1948 to 1990), the city was divided into the eastern and western parts. East Berlin was the capital of the German Democratic Republic, West Berlin had a special status. In the countries of the Warsaw Treaty, it was called the temporarily occupied territory, in countries - the NATO-informal land of the Federal Republic of Germany. The city of the territory of the territory within 40 years could not develop as a whole. After the reunification of Germany, Berlin almost immediately declared the capital of the state, but the main government agencies were transferred here from Bonn only in 1999.

Capital Germany Located in the eastern part of the country, in the passfire Elbe and Oder, approximately 180 km from Baltic. Berlin is located on the plain surrounding the river SPRE. This river flows through the entire capital. To the west of the city center, near Shpandau, the Hafel River is connected to it. Both water artery in the vicinity of Berlin flow through a number of lakes surrounded by small groves left from ancient forests. So Berlin is located in the center of Europe, the continental climate is dominated here. Summer roast, winter cold and snowy. Per year falls on average 580 mm of precipitation. The average daily temperature in the summer is within + 18 ° C, the winter is lowered to -1 ° C.

The capital of Germany ... It is unlikely that there is a person in the modern world who has never heard about such a city like Berlin. But what do we know about him, and whether we know at all? Yes, this is the largest administrative center of Germany, both in the area and the number of people living here. In addition, he is deservedly considered the most important transport and trade and economic node in the world. And what else?

Capital of Germany. general description

It should be noted that this, located at once on two rivers - spree and a hafel, the city did not even become the capital. In the entire history, he managed to visit the main city of several states at once, for example, the marking Brandenburg, Prussian kingdoms, until 1990, the capital of the GDR was considered only his eastern part, and from the moment of reunification, Berlin finally received the status of the main city of the entire state.

At the moment, despite the fact that in Berlin there is a massive and virtually widespread construction, the administration of the city and the townspeople themselves are trying to give him a more cozy and well-groomed appearance. Here, even communication pipes are painted in different colors.

Perhaps the occupation for yourself can find everyone here. Architects lovers will definitely defeat the cathedral located right on the banks of the river, local and buildings of the Jewish Quarter.

If the traveler is ready to discover something new and not quite ordinary, Berlin (Germany) is just the place where he must certainly visit at the first time. Why? And where else, as not here, you can meet such a number of unusual, original and sometimes just exciting the imagination of monuments, statues and monuments. For example, the most interesting is the memorial of the burned books on the square of Babel, a monument to the Jewish tailor, sculptures dedicated to the inhabitants of Berlin, the happy rats of Lorcher on the embankment, Helf Gertrud on one of the bridges.

Capital of Germany. What to see first

  1. Unter-Den Linden. First of all, I would advise to go through the famous Unter-Den Linden Boulevard, whose name in Russian will mean "under Lipami". The street for more than 300 years is considered a symbol of the capital, and the secret of its attractiveness is in the presence of a huge number of different architectural monuments. Many of them are built by masters of past centuries. For example, the Opera House, founded in 1870, the Library, Museum of Lustgarten, Fire Calancha and, Finally, famous for the whole world
  2. If you go out from the northern side of the gate and go through only a few meters, you can see Reichstag in Berlin. The neo-source style building now performs the function of the residence of Parliament. Under a huge glass dome, the observation deck is very popular with tourists. From there you can actually look at the city from a bird's eye view.
  3. Berlin zoo. If time remains, you must have to visit the Berlin Zoo. The history of this place has several centuries. Initially created as a nickname at the courtyard of Friedrich Wilhelm IV, the zoo was constantly replenished not only by rare birds and animals, but also seedlings of unique plants. Now here is collected the richest collection of representatives of world flora and fauna.
  4. House Aquar. Glass atrium, inside which are located numerous shops, restaurants, cafes, offices and even a luxury hotel. But this is not the most important thing. The fact is that everyone who looks inside the premises will be able to admire the huge model of the Atlantic Ocean with their own eyes. Here you can get acquainted with the inhabitants of the sea depths, watch the life of the real coral reef and listen to the most exciting excursions.

Capital of Germany. The symbol of the city

Probably, many are known that Berlin's symbol is a bear. And those who have already managed to visit this city, drew attention to the fact that the figures of this funny animal very often adorn not only urban squares, parks and supermarkets, but also private houses of the most ordinary citizens.

Nobody knows exactly why the Bear is located on the coat of arms of the city. There are many legends, speculations and options, but, nevertheless, the animal figurine without any problems can be purchased approximately for and later to decorate as the heart tells. Someone turns it into a fabulous and cheerful creature, something resembling a good keeper of the house, someone wants to see elements or branches of the genealogical tree on it, and someone simply uses in order to promote and advertise a family business.

Having visited this amazing city several times, I drew attention to one stunning nuance. In Berlin, you need to walk as long as possible, trying to penetrate this place to feel it. In pursuit of successful and unusual frames, with a camera in hand, you can miss the main thing, and it is not to notice his mood and spirit.

1. At the site of the current megapolis in the Middle Ages, two merchant town were located - Berlin and Cologne (not to be confused with the ancient Roman colony on the Rhine). For the first time in historical sources, they are mentioned in the second third of the XIII century. And since 1307, the united Berlin is already known. In the XV century, he lost the status of a free shopping city and became the capital: consistently marking and the Kurfenburg, the Kingdom of Prussia, the German Empire, the Weimara Republic, the Nazi Reich, the German Democratic Republic and Finally, the modern Federal Republic of Germany.

2. Berlin has always been a stronghold of militant, aggressive ruling regimes, which more than once became a real battlefield. Inogenous troops were repeatedly included in Berlin (French, the British, Americans, three times - Russians). Moreover, a couple of times the city was exposed to strongest destruction, as a result of World War II, was practically totally destroyed. Modern Berlin is a city actually restored since the middle of the 20th century, in which individual historical buildings and objects are preserved.

3. Reichstag.

The idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a building for meetings of the Lower Chamber of Parliament of the United German Empire originated in 1871, Reichstag was built in 1894. The representative body worked in the building until February 1933, when Reichstag burned out as a result of a fire. According to one of the versions, he was arranged for the Nazis recently who came to power; In any case, they accused of arson of the Communists ("Process Georgy Dimitrov") and used a disaster to strengthen their own regime.

4. Cosmetically renovated after a fire building was actually abandoned and was not used by the administrative bodies of the Third Reich. However, despite this, storming the building in April-May 1945 in Soviet historiography became a real symbol of the victorious end of the Great Patriotic. After the war fragments of the building, traces from bullets and graffiti inscriptions made by the fighters of the Red Army were preserved as historical exhibits. In the second half of the 20th century, the building was found in West Berlin and played an auxiliary role.

5. After the country's reunification in 1990, the German Bundestag works in a historic building. His current appearance and status of one of the main tourist attractions of Berlin Reichstag received in the mid-90s of the last century after capital reconstruction: on the project of the famous British architect Norman Foster over the building elevated a glass dome with a diameter of 40 meters and 23.5 meters high. The dome serves as an observation platform (tourists can get to the Reichstag by appointment), and the cone-shaped system of 360 mirrors serves to naturally illuminate the meeting of the German parliament.

6. One of the main symbols of Berlin is the Brandenburg Gate. The six-meter wagon-quadriga crowned them in 1795. Initially, the chariot was ruled by the goddess of the world of Eyrena, and the author of the sculpture of Johann Gottfried Shadov was planted the figure of a naked, but Emperor Friedrich-Wilhelm II ordered to "wear" the goddess in cape. Having captured Berlin in 1806, Napoleon ordered to dismantle and take the sculpture to Paris, so the spirit of Berliners. Only in 1814, Quadriga returned to the place in 1814, the goddess of the world turned into the goddess of Victoria's goddess, and her rod was complemented by Prussic symbols - Eagle and Iron Cross. During World War II, the quadrig was completely destroyed, it was restored on plaster cast only in 1957.

7. Berlin was once charged with a wall from one and a half dozens of gates, they were not preserved. The Brandenburg Gate - built on the site of medieval in 1791 in the image of the front entrance to the Athenian Acropolis. The height of the gate is 25 meters, width 65, depth - 11 meters. The central out of five openings opened only for the monarch and his family. The Brandenburg Gate was very victims during the second world and later were restored. During the Cold War, they became a symbol of the separation of Germany, the Berlin Wall was held through them. From the 1990th year, on the contrary, - a symbol of the reunification of the nation. True, during the destruction of the Berlin wall and the stormy joy of the Germans, the gates again suffered greatly and repaired again.

8. Potsdamer-Platz.

Before the beginning of World War II, Potsdamskaya Square with a crossroads at once, five highways was one of the busiest places of Berlin. Higher suffered during the war. Berlin wall passed through the square, her fragment was preserved here. Modern Potsdamer Platz is a major business and entertainment center of Berlin.

9. The Leipzig Square is adjacent to Potsdamer-Platz, it was laid in the 1730s, due to the octagonal form, the name Othogon was named, Leipzig named in 1814 in honor of the battle of peoples. Destroyed during the Second World War. Actively restored as a business and shopping center after combining Germany.

10. Sony Center on Potsdamer Platz.

A complex of seven buildings (residential apartments, offices, entertainment and shopping centers) under a common dome, which symbolizes the Japanese Mount Fuja. Sony Center has one of the world's largest IMAX format cinemas with a screen area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters.

11. View of the Leipzig Square from Potsdamer Platz. On Potsdam Square on the top of the Kolfoff Tower is a Panoramapunkt observation platform, which serves the most high-speed elevator in Europe: on the 24th floor (100 meters) he "takes off" in just 20 seconds.

12. Bahntower is a high-rise building on Potsdam Square, Deutsche Bahn Railroad Holding Headquarters. The building on the east side is adjacent to the Sony Center complex. The height of the "glass" 26-storey - 103 meters.

13. Dedicated to the history of the crimes of Nazism and the memory of its victims, the Topography of Terror Topography. It is located in the so-called "quarter of the Gestapo" - on the site of the destroyed buildings of the Security Service of the Reichsführera SS and the headquarters of the State Secret Police of the Third Reich. In addition, the Topography of Terror Complex includes a fragment of the Berlin Wall.

14. Built in 1935, the headquarters of the Imperial Ministry of Aviation became the largest administrative complex of Germany at that time. In a building, which is a unique case! - practically not suffered during the bombardment and storming of Berlin, was located the office of Herman Goring. Currently, the complex is occupied by the German Ministry of Finance.

15. Mitte (it. "Middle") - a historic district and administrative district in the center of Berlin. Here are most attractions of the city, as well as government bodies and foreign embassies.

16. The indisputable key symbol of the city is the Berlin Tenerbashnya in the area of \u200b\u200bAlexanderplatz Square. Established on the territory of East Berlin in 1965-69 as a visible proof of the effectiveness of the socialist building. The height of 368 meters is the highest structure of Germany. A curious story from the category of urban legends is associated with a tower: an image of a cross appears in Sunny weather on Sunny weather, because of this optical illusion, the tower was called "Pope's revenge". According to the same legend, the state security bodies of the GDR conducted a special examination, the result of which became the "winged phrase": "This is not a cross, but plus socialism!".

17. The largest Protestant church of Germany, the Berlin Cathedral was built in 1894-1905. The height of 98 meters (initially, before the reconstruction, the building suffered during the war with the dome was above 16 meters). The cathedral serves as a family tomb of the monarch of the Dynasty of Hohenzollers.

18. Old National Gallery. Founded in 1861, the exhibition stores the works of the pictorial art of the XIX century. Gallery is located on the museum island in Berlin. Along with four other expositions (Museum of Bode, Pergami Museum, etc.) forms the most large museum complex in Europe, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage.

19. From above, the rational approach of the Germans is much better noticeable: almost in every house under the roof are organized attic.

20. Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse, one of the busiest streets in the eastern part of Berlin. Until 1945, Kaiser Wilhelm was named. In the foreground in the center - the spire of the Church of St. Mary.

21. Line S-Bahn - City Railway, Land Metro.

22. Church of St. Mary (Marienkirche). The first mentions belong to the XIII century, reconstructed in the middle of the XVII century. After the war restored in 1970. The most ancient evangelical churches operating in Berlin. The famous fresco on the popular medieval allegorical plot "Dance of Death" is exhibited under the bell tower.

23. Leading on the Museum Island Bridge Friedrich through the spree. Built in 1703, later repeatedly rebuilt. In 1945, he was blown up by German troops. Restored in a tree in the 1950s, in Concrete in 1981. In 2012, after another reconstruction, the width of the bridge reached the initial 27 meters. By the way, about 1,700 bridges are located in Berlin, it is four times more than in Venice.

24. Panorama of the central part of Berlin. To the left of the computer in the background - the highest building of the city Hotel Park Inn by Radisson Berlin Alexanderplatz (149.5 meters with antennas). From the 38th floor of this building with wild screams, people regularly fall, and they pay for this money: this is an attraction ROP-jumping (we have a better known as "Tarzanka").

25. Neptune is one of the oldest fountains of Berlin. Built in 1891, reopened after restoration in 1969. The diameter of the pool is 18 meters, the height of the trident is the figure of the marine god Neptune in the center - 10 meters.

26. In the foreground photo - Red Town Hall. Built in 1861-69 from red brick, which is why he received its name. The building was destroyed in the war restored in 1951-58. Height 74 meters. The building contains the residence of the Government of the United Earth Berlin and the ruling burgomaster (mayor) of Berlin. For the Red Town Hall in the photo - one of the oldest church of St. Nicholas in Berlin. Built in the XIII century. After the Second World War, only the core remained from the church, restored in the early 1980s. Now serves as a museum and a concert hall whose acoustics are highly appreciated by experts.

27. Brightsplac Square in the center of the western part of Berlin, the favorite place of meetings and communication of young people from around the world. Laid in 1889. Earlier wore the names of the first product of Johann Guttenberg and Empress Augustus Victoria. In 1947, it was named in memory of the politics of Rudolfe Brightshaide in the concentration camp. The square was greatly injured during the war, the ruins of the Memorial Church of Kaiser Wilhelm were preserved here. The sad fame received in December 2016: the leaving of Tunisia made a terrorist attack on the square, drove into the Christmas market on a truck, 12 people died, more than fifty was injured.

28. Standard building Eastern Berlin.

29. The complex of residential high-rise buildings "Leipzigskaya Street" is a socialist response-counterweight to the capitalist height of the publishing house of Axel Springer. The number of apartments in these project homes - about 2000. During the construction in 1969 in East Berlin, historical buildings preserved after the war were demolished.

30. Berlin places are very similar to ordinary sleeping areas of Russian cities.

31. Schönhaus-Alley is the largest shopping street and the main transport axis in the northern part of Berlin.

32. In the foreground - the complex of Buundesz buildings in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Leipzig Square. Parliament in Germany one-palated (Bundestag). And the Bundesrat at the same time plays the role of a kind of advice of the Federation: it includes representatives of all federal FRG lands. In the background - Berlin Mall (LP12 Mall) is one of the largest shopping complexes of the country.

33. Colored Berlin.

34. Memorial victims of the Holocaust - in the foreground on the left. Opened in 2005 between the Brandenburg Gate and the elements of the Bunker of the Nazi leadership. The monument to the Jews victims of Nazism is more than 2,700 identical gray stone slabs on a huge field, which produce a strong impression on visitors.

35. In the foreground in the center - Angelter Banachof, the once large passenger railway station, the most important node on the way from Germany to Austria-Hungary and Italy. The post-war ruins of the station were demolished in August 1960. Now in the area of \u200b\u200bthe surviving fragment of the building there is a stopping point of the city train Berlin. In the center of the picture - the concert hall "Tempodrom". The roof is stylized under a huge circus tent. Who originally he was. His inspirer and sponsor was a simple nurse from Western Berlin: having received an unexpected major inheritance, she spent him on the room for mass events, mainly for representatives of the underground. The current "tempode" is already a capital structure built on the site of the former Ankhalt station Station.

36. Building of the Berlin Office Consulting and Audit-Companies PricewaterhouseCoopers.

37. Potsdamer-Platz and Sony Center. In the background - the largest city park of Berlin Tiergarten.

38. The residence of the Chancellor of Germany (Bundeskantsem). Construction took 4 years, the complex was commissioned on May 2, 2001. It is in close proximity to the Brandenburg Gate and Reichstag.



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