Bitbox for novice girls. Bitbox lessons for beginners

Bitbox call art to create rhythm, melody and bits when using a voice apparatus alone. Basically, it sounds at concerts of musicians, the direction of music of which is hip-hop.

Learn bitbox with desire can each. To achieve good results, you need to regularly engage, do not neglect the exercises offered and try to improve your skills every time.

Short story

Bitbox originated in the USA when Hip Hop was at the peak of his popularity. Its hometown was the "large apple", that is, New York is one of the largest megalopolises in the world.

Rapper Doug E. Fresh decided to make a variety of creativity and for the first time began to imitate rhythm and melody, which became nonsense, and the news about Rapere was separated throughout the city. And soon a lot of information appeared in the press and network, which tells how to learn Bitbox. He fell in love with young people, in particular, due to the fact that thanks to the new invered art, it was no longer anywhere to carry a drum machine or boombox with him, because the device for obtaining a rhythm is always with me!

How to learn Bitbox

Many people want to learn the art of damage to bits of the bits of the voice apparatus. For this there are many exercises, each of which develops a certain skill. First you need to get acquainted with the main sounds of bitbox and learn them. For a start, it will be quite enough three. The first one is "kicking" - implies the utility of the letter "B" with a dense compression of lips. Making "Hat", you need to be very short, but clearly utter the letter "C". And then the hardest of them - Snar. It is necessary to inflate the cheeks and, without using the voice apparatus, only lips to say a loud "puff".

At the initial stage of these three sounds, it is enough to create simple, unparalleled rhythms that can accompany the same simple melodies.

Of course, it is more convenient to apply for help to a person who professionally owning this type of art. He will be able to objectively appreciate the ability of the student, tell him how to learn Bitbox, and show the first exercises, which then need to be given at least twenty minutes a day. But naturally, he will charge for his private lessons, and sometimes this fee is expensive. Therefore, many people need to master this art, without resorting to the help of the teacher. Sometimes self-learning even makes the process of mastering more interesting.

As the Bitbox will learn, it will perform the compositions. Therefore, you need to train often.

It is necessary to remind about the three main sounds of bitbox: "Kik", "Hat" and "Snar". "KIK" is extracted as follows: the upper lip must be tight pressed to the lower. After you make sure that everything is like that, you need to breathe dramatically the air, as a result of which the humble "b" flies. "SNR" is also called a "small drum"; It is removed by a sharp exhalation through compressed lips. Lip compression is necessary, since without this the sound will turn out sluggish and barely audible. "Hat", it is the "plate", there are two types: open and closed. With a closed "plate" you need to press the tongue to the upper teeth and clearly say "C", when the sound is open, it should be extended and hissing.

When learning, you should not stop for a long time on the result. For example, when the sounds are already mastered, you can try to fold them into bits. Who knows, maybe you are ready for something more? Here it can help the metronome - a device that sets the rhythm and allows not to be knocked out. The main thing before proceeding to the sounds itself is to pay a considerable time to setting the right breathing, which, as in vocal art, is the basis of Bitbox. Non-smokers and sports can learn to extract bits faster than people who do not lead a healthy lifestyle, because they have more or less correct, developed breathing.

Everyone saw on TV performances of guys, within which they published strange sounds connected into a cool melody. After viewing there are different opinions. Someone applies skeptical, others begins to interest how to learn the bitbox at home from scratch.

Bitbox - Creating sounds identical to musical instruments using voice. People who perfectly mastered this art are able to imitate the sound of the guitar, drums and even synthesizers.

The musical direction appeared in Chicago in the early 90s. Bitbox professionals are actively touring and earned decent money. Their fees often exceed the earnings of the present stars of show business.

Batbox base sounds

Contrary to seeming complexity, everyone can master the craft. It is enough to know several sounds. Among them:

  • [b] - "big butterfly";
  • [t] - "Plate";
  • - "Small drum".

To explore Bitbox at home, a bit of requirements. The development of basic sounds will require a lot of time. We will analyze them in more detail.

  1. "Big butterfly» . The sound is reproduced by pronunciation of the letter "b" without voice by means of compressed air. How closely squeeze your lips, slightly inflate the cheeks and, continuing to squeeze the lips, start exhaling and simultaneously say "b". The volume of the audio published is moderate. Initially, there will be difficult, but after a few workouts will conquer this step.
  2. "Plate" . The task is reduced to a repeated pronunciation of the word "here". Only the first letter sounds louder. Having mastered the technique, the letter "T" say without other sounds.
  3. "SNER" . It will take more time and strength to master the sound, as it combines a quiet sound "b" and loud sound "f". Switch to learning after the development of the two previous sounds. Otherwise, nothing will happen.
  4. Layout . Having learned to pronounce three sounds, concentrate on the layout layout. The main bit is the sequence of sounds: "Big Butterfly", "Plate", "Small Drum", "Plate". Pretty work on pronunciation. To facilitate the task, remove the last sound, and later return back.
  5. Speed . Be sure to take the speed of speed. In the end, learn how to quickly and clearly pronounce bits.

I looked at the first steps how to learn Bitbox. You have left to continue to develop, study new bits and strive to become better.

Video lessons and exercises

In the matter of studying Bitbox, breathing play a huge role. It is impossible to reproduce long bits without retention. Therefore, constantly train the lungs, watch the tutorials, listen to music.

Permanent workouts are the key to success. Try, experiment and let the will of fantasy.

How to learn bitbox from scratch

Bitbox - the creation of melodies, sounds and rhythms of various tools using the mouth. If you decide to devote free time to this lesson, the story, how to learn the bitbox from scratch will be useful.

The strategic goal was determined, it remained to understand where to start. The starting point in this matter is the study of the basic principles of the musical direction.

  • Mastering the playback of the three main sounds is the basis of bitbox. Kick, Hat and Snar.
  • Having learned how to correctly reproduce the sounds individually, proceed to creating bits, combining sounds in various ways. If nothing happens, do not hurry to lower your hands. In the creation of rhythmic melodies will help the metronome.
  • Without proper breathing, do not achieve success. Pay attention to the breathing training and easy development. Bitbox is not friendly with bad habits. Throw smoking - paramount task.
  • Learn from professionals. Not necessarily sign up for courses. See performances of successful performers and copy their actions. Listening to the Soviets, Details and studying the secrets of success, learn how to create bits of varying complexity.
  • Do not disregard the development of abilities. Adapt Popular musical compositions into bits. After successful imitation of the song, change the original version or create a variation. As a result, it will turn out a new product that will expand the boundaries of creative abilities.

Remember, the chief teacher is a permanent practice. Systematically exhaust the skills, reproduce new sounds and invent new compositions. Do not be afraid to mix the combination or hold back fantasy. If a new product seems boring or unfinished, try to add it to the sounds of nature. This will display bits to a new level.

Do not forget that rhythm and pace are directly dependent on the ease and indestination of the reproduction of individual sounds. The Bitbox Masters characterizes the reproduction clarity, not speed.

How to learn bitbox at home

Bitbox is a musical direction that is rapidly gaining popularity. All musical styles widely use this type of sound reproduction. Style fans are greatly interested in how to learn Bitbox at home.

When you look at a person reproducing live music using this technique, it seems that it is elementary. In reality, Bitbox is a complex occupation that requires confidence, excerpts and patience.

  1. Skills . Master the bitbox without trained ligaments, developed breathing and good articulation will not work. The development of art involves the presence of good hearing, the feelings of the rhythm and the ability to sing. Therefore, start with the development of listed skills.
  2. The development of the lungs . Special musical studios teach this style, but learn the bitbox will work independently, without leaving the limits of the house. For the development of the lungs, use gymnastics based on respiratory techniques, and even the yoga instructor will not need.
  3. Tongue Twisters . It will help to learn how to use the set of articulation instruments, including teeth, lips, sky and language. Singing along with dancing will improve the voice and feeling of rhythm.
  4. The development of basic sounds . Without it, it will not be possible to become a real bitboxer. The number of simple elements is huge - barrels, propellers, plates and so on. Not knowing it, you already know how to reproduce most of the right sounds.
  5. Listening to records . As a guide, it is recommended to use the records of sounds that are abused on the Internet. Download them and compare your reproduction with references.
  6. Lessons online . In the past times, novice bitboxers had to learn art alone by listening to favorite tracks. Now the virtual schools and free lessons that help rapid learning are open.
  7. Layout layout . Based on the studied sounds, create small and most simple ligaments. They act as a basis for creating complex compositions. Believe me, each professional bitboxer has a whole pack of useful billets.

I looked at how to learn Bitbox at home. With the help of the instruction, you will begin to perform full-fledged compositions, the complexity of which will increase over time.

Cool Bitbox video

Thanks to the hard work, you can climb the top of skill, where creative activities expect to participate in competitions and tournaments.

History of Bitbox

In conclusion, I will talk about the history of the musical direction. Read bitbox can every person. You will not even need to record music school or buy musical instruments that you can't call cheap pleasure.

A man who climbed to the top of skill can be called an orchestra. Using lips and language, he simultaneously sings and reproduces the beautiful game of various musical instruments, including drums, plates and guitars.

According to a common opinion, the birthplace of Bitbox is the American city of Chicago. It originated with Hip Hop. In reality, the roots of art stretch in the distant XIII century. In those times, about such a concept, as a DJ or a pop singer, did not hear. French troubadours sang on urban areas without using musical instruments. Each participant of the group with the help of the mouth imitated the sound of a specific tool. It turned out a beautiful composition. Residents of neighboring states studied this art only two centuries later.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century, the musical direction was forgotten, and it was possible to revive only at the end of the XIX century. In the XVIII century, some African tribes used the semblance of Bitbox during rituals.

It is difficult to say who became the first bitboxer of the modern world. Nevertheless, thanks to art, for the first time, it was possible to glorify the Brooklyn team called "Thefatboys", which won the talent contest.

The number of bitboxers achieved success is calculated by hundreds. Now you know how to learn Bitbox from scratch at home. If you want to strive and hard work, it is possible that the whole world will know about you and your talent, and your name will be turned on one of the walls of the glory hall. I wish you patience, excerpts and success in this difficult business. See you!

Among the many musical genres, tools and vocal techniques, there is one of the most exotic and interesting types of sound extraction - bitbox. The manner of sharing sounds resembling various musical instruments has a story in several centuries, but this musical form was popularized by African Americans in the 70s and 1980s and used as a kind of accompaniment to freestyle in the RAP style. Now Bitbox lives its own separate life, finding its use in completely different genres of pop music. In this regard, people who would like to learn this unusual form, the question arises - is it possible to learn Bitbox and how hard it is? The answer is in this article.

Unrecognized genius

To begin with, it is worth saying that professional musicians with conservative education in most cases are inflicting the value of bitbox, like all hip-hop as a whole. On the other hand, some music theorists directly refer to its special vocal (yes, it is the vocal form that is unique in itself. Nevertheless, Bitbox will never be studied in professional music institutions, unless in some private vocal school. From this, a young enthusiast, who decided to go along the way of studying this skill, at the initial stage there may be certain difficulties, because he does not know where to start.

For those who do not believe in their own strength, there are special courses of bitbox, which in Russia enough. For those who decided to master the bitbox independently, this article will contain highlights to which it is worth emphasizing at the beginning.

Breathe, I ask you, breathe!

The first thing to understand when studying Bitbox is that this genre is, again, a special vocal form. Therefore, at first and in the future you need to approach it exclusively with this position. And what are future vocalists study at the first lessons? They study breathing. Proper breathing is the basis for extracting sound. It is possible to properly enter the notes, but because of the wrong respiration, the voice will be neuropric, and there will be an additional load on the ligament, which will sooner or later lead to the latter rupture. The same thing in Bitbox is the first thing you need to know and from what to repel, it is a proper breathing. And a person who wants everything and immediately, this item needs to pay special attention. So what is this for the right breath?

It is important to know that any voice extraction of sound occurs not at the expense of voice ligaments, as many people think, and at the expense of the diaphragm - a special muscle, which is located under the ribs. That is, no singer or bitbler uses voice ligaments. The latter are just a certain intermediary between the diaphragm and, in fact, the room. How to detect a diaphragm? Everything is simple - you need to take any hissing sound, for example, the consonant "f", and how can I pronounce it. At this point you can feel how the stomach is strained. This is a diaphragm. Almost anyone when breathing, she does not feel. But if you stretch and try to breathe a diaphragm all the time, you can see that less air is spent to extract any sound than with incorrect, "ordinary" breathing. In addition, the brightness of the sound is important for Bitbox, and the breathing of the diaphragm contributes to this. More details to get acquainted with the function of the diaphragm and its training can be on the Internet with the help of any vocal lessons, which are now a large number.

The second important point, before starting to engage in Bitbox - the development of articulation . Why do dubbing actors, hip-hop performers and the same vocalists such a bright, clear voice? They just know how to articulate well. One of the exercises - you need to relax the jaw, and alternately compress your mouth into the tube, and after making a wide smile. Another exercise - patter, which should be pronounced quickly and most clearly. The muscles of the face will help to relax and thereby make it move freely. Again, exercises for the development of articulation a lot and any of them can safely find in the World Wide Web.

Mr. Drum Installation

The basis of bitboxing is the sound, imitating drums, and from that moment begins, actually, the practice of a beginner bitboxer begins. It is in good way to know the main sounds that are used in the drum party. The first of these sounds is Kick or Barrel. Usually in bitbox it is used using the letter "b". For a deaf sound, you can use the letter "P". But, of course, it is necessary to pronounce this letter with a closed mouth and as quickly as possible to achieve good and correct sound. To reproduce HAT, that is, a plate, you can use the combination of letters "TS" or simply "C". You need to pronounce these sounds too quickly and compressed as much as possible. Well, the last sound, which is necessary at the initial stages is a small drum, that is, Snare, the sound of which is achieved by the combination of the letters "BF" and "PF".

In any case, at the initial stages, you can watch the speeches of famous bitboxers and try to imitate them to train your skills, learn various rhythms and rhythms. Then you can already diversify these three sounds with something else and more interesting - here, as they say, there is no limit of perfection.

As for the Rhythm of Bitbox . If a person has never come across that some kind of music party should be played or, for example, to fulfill bitbox, then in the first time there may be problems with rhythm. To overcome these difficulties, it will help the metronome tool that reproduces the speed of the rhythm section. It will be easier to download the program to the computer and already under certain speed to train.


The path of self-taught in any sphere of vital activity is complicated - no people who can advise something. However, during the development of the Internet, it is not difficult to find auxiliary materials that will clarify the process. Yes, bitbox, as it may seem first, far from a simple occupation. But his plus is that it does not require any auxiliary tools.

Gradually, honing its Bitbox style skill, you can become a real orchestra person - imitate the sounds of the saxophone or bass sounds and all this, if you can engage in consistently and correctly, quite in a short period of time. The main thing is not to forget about the foundations of bitbox, that is, breathing and proper articulation. It will immediately save a novice from a number of problems with which he first faces. And after some time, you can already perform complex things, and not just the cherished and legendary "tuc-tuc-tuch".

Video lessons

Many people, looking at the TV on the guys who publish strange, but cool sounds connecting to an unusual melody, wondered what it is and how they do. Let's figure it out in this matter and find out how to learn Bitbox.

What it is?

The ability to create with the help of your voice sounds identical to musical instruments, such as drum, bass guitars, and so on. This direction appeared in the 90s in Chicago, and today the craftsmen of this case earn a lot of money, they collect full concert halls and toured, as the real stars of show business.

Is it possible to learn Bitbox yourself?

Let's look at what you need to independently learning Bitbox. You will be surprised if you find out that you have enough to know only 3 sounds:

  • "KIC" or "big barrel" is denoted by this sound [b];
  • "High Hat" or "Plate", this sound is denoted by [T];
  • "Snar" or "Small Drum", it is indicated.

As you can see, it is not so much so much, but it is worth noting that a lot of time will go to the training of basic sounds, so we will analyze each of them in more detail.

How to learn to make bitbox: basic sounds

Now we will analyze each of the sounds.

  1. « Big barrel" This sound is obtained, if we publish without voice using a compressed air the letter "b". Complicated? We will analyze more: very tightly squeeze your lips, as if you are going to say the letter "b". Inflate a little cheek and, without sprinkling the lips, begin to exhale and at this moment they say loudly "b". The main thing is to say it briefly, without unnecessary sounds, but do not shout, but simply say it loudly, it is important to understand this difference. Of course, the first time you will not get the perfect "kick", but some patience and training, and the first step in solving the issue will be submitted to you.
  2. « Plate" Your task is to whisper to say the word "here" several times in a row. The main thing is that the first letter sounded louder than others, repeat this. When you get at least a little, start utilizing "T" without other letters. This is called "Hai Hat".
  3. « Snar" To learn this sound you will need to spend a little more forces and time. If you have not learned to pronounce the first sound "b", then you should not be criticized to this sound, since "SNR" connects the "kick" and the letter "F". The sound "b" you need to pronounce as briefly and quieter than "f". Train yourself and everything will turn out.

The next stage in our investigation, how to quickly learn beatbox - disassemble bits.

When you can easily pronounce any of three sounds, you need to go to bits, that is, to layouts of sounds.

The main bit - [b] [t] [t], to begin to spend its pronunciation, your task is to say so that each sound sound clearly.

To facilitate yourself the task, remove the last sound [T], and then learn and with it. Further work on speed. As a result, you should be able to clearly and quickly utilize the standard bit.

So we figured out how to learn the bitbox yourself and everything that is now needed is to develop and learn new, more complex bits.

Finally, we will analyze several rules that need to be considered during the training of bitbox.

I think you got the answer to the question: how will you learn to read Bitbox? " And now it's about you - only perseverance and labor will help you achieve success in this activity.

Bitbox learning

Bitbox lessons - Bitbox training - Beatbox Lessons. TheBitbox is the creation of sounds, rhythms and melodies by voice and mouth. Creating music in Bitbox, nothing but fantasy is unlimited, it may include imitation of musical instruments, vocal scratching and much more. Bitbox lessons for beginnersPlaced on this site will teach you all this and you will understand how to make bitbox. Thanks to a set of lessons, now bitbox training is very simple, the main thing is to remember everything solves the practice. All the lessons of bitbox for beginners, in this tutorial of bitbox, will teach you a new sound or effect. . Submit bitbox learning, This is not one day of training and without practicing to strike a qualitatively to make bitboxes. Now when Beatbox became mainstream, his training pay attention and there are bitbox lessons on each sound, everything is simple, but in the distant 80s everything was different. Executive imitation of sounds existed Times, but similar to modern bitbox it became only in the eighties, it was when there were no bitbox lessons and when children from the poor quarters of America have no money for expensive drum machines, they began to imitate the sounds independently. Due to there and the name Bitbox, so The first dram was called the BEATBOX machine. The best tutorial is the lessons of Bitbox Stas Chamb, in which he talks about how to make bitbox in more than 40 of his video on the most frequently used sounds. The most important sounds they are best Bitboxes were taken from the drum installation. The first sound that suits us tutorial Bitbox In her first lesson - the so-called kick, this is a kind of imitation bass drum. In Bitbox, this sound is indicated as [b] the second sound from the basics of bitbox - High Hat, blow to the plate. In my opinion on this sound is one of the simplest lessons. For beginners in learning Bitbox. It is written as [T] the third sound - this is a PFF Snare something like a strike on a small drum. This is the basis of bitbox ends. So we learn Bitbox through the tutorial, and you will learn how to make bitboxes. And now a little about the techniques and styles. In bitboxing, such a technique - Haming, whose training is important for your development as a bitboxer, Ie when simultaneously with the bit you touch through the nose some melody. By thenamant of this technique - Rahzel, one of the first bitboxers. If you look at the lessons of the bitbox you will see that there is a bitbox tutorial and this technique. There are several battles of bitboxes. Frystyle - as improval from the name. Covers - adaptation and execution of familiar topics .Multitrack - Bitbox is written with special equipment and includes several layers of records Sounds. In my opinion, Multitrek is the brightest style in Bitboxing. Skratching - imitation DJ plates. This style also has bitbox lessons.

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