What is phonetics. What is phonetics in Russian definition What do I know about phonetics

We list the rules that need to be taken into account when parsing a word phonetically: compiling transcription and phonetic characteristics. Consider the rules for soft and hard signs, for vowels and consonants. There are some nuances from the list of rules that are paid attention to in middle grades and are not studied in elementary school, for which we will give examples. The rules discussed on this page are correct and complete only for the school curriculum.


Notations used in phonetic parsing:

  1. The transcription of a word is enclosed in square brackets: family → [with "im" y "a].
  2. Each sound in phonetic analysis is enclosed in square brackets: s - [s], and - [and], m - [m "], etc. Opposite the soft and hard signs, put a dash or dash in square brackets: b - [- ];
  3. The softness of the sound is marked with an apostrophe: m - [m "];
  4. A long sound (long sound) is indicated by a colon: tennis → [t "en": is], a loader → [sad ’: ik];
    instead of a colon, a long sound is also indicated by a horizontal bar above the sound;
  5. In most school programs, a line is drawn at the end of the phonetic analysis, under which the number of letters and sounds in the word is indicated.

A detailed outline, oral and written examples of phonetic analysis are presented on the page.

Rules for b, b

  1. The letters b, b do not denote sounds. They cannot be present in the transcription of a word.
  2. The letter ь softens the previous consonant.
  3. The letter ъ is used only as a separating character.

Vowel phonetics

  1. There are no sounds [e], [e], [u], [i]. They cannot be present in the transcription of a word.
  2. The letters a, o, y, s, e make the previous consonant solid.
  3. The letters I, ё, yu, and, e make the previous consonant soft. But in some foreign words, the consonant before the letter e remains solid.
    Cafe → [cafe], compartment → [coupe], hotel → [atel "].
  4. The letters i, yu, e, e after consonants denote the following sounds: i → [a], yu → [y], e → [e], e → [o].
    Ball → [m "ah"], chalk → [m "el].
  5. Letters i, e, e, o after consonants without stress denote the following sounds: i → [e] or [and], e → [and], e → [e] or [and], o → [a].
    Rowan → [r "eb" ina], spot → [n "itno], fun → [in" es "silt], cow → [karova].
  6. The letter e, i, yu, e after vowels, after ъ, b and at the beginning of a word denote the following sounds: i → [y "a], yu → [y" y], e → [y "e], e → [ th "o] (under stress) and i → [th" and], e → [th "and] (without stress). They are called iotated. In some publications, j is written instead of x.
  7. The letter and after b denotes the sound [y "and].
    Brooks → [ruk "y" and].
  8. The letter and after the consonants ж, ш, ц denotes the sound [s].

Let's summarize the rules for "converting" vowels into sounds with a table:

a O and e at NS e I am NS NS
under stress aOandNSatatOaNSNS
without stress aaandandatatOuh, anduh, andNS
at the beginning of a word aOandth "uhatth "yth "ohth "aNSNS
after vowels aOandth "uhatth "yth "ohth "aNSNS
after b, b aOth "andth "uhatth "yth "ohth "aNSNS
after w, w, c NSONSNSatatOaNSNS

Consonant phonetics

  1. In phonetic parsing, soft consonants are denoted by the apostrophe sign ": [l"], [s "], [h"], etc.
  2. In phonetic analysis, a long sound (stretching) is indicated by a colon [w:], [c:] or a dash above the sound [w], [c].
  3. The letters d, h, u always denote soft sounds: [y "], [h"], [u "]. They remain soft, even if they are followed by the vowels a, o, y, s, e.
  4. Letters w, c, w always denote solid sounds: [w], [c], [w]. They remain solid even if they are followed by the vowels I, ё, Ü, and, e.
  5. The letter y always denotes a sonorous and soft sound [y "].
  6. The letters l, m, n, p, d always denote voiced sounds and are called sonorous.
  7. The letters x, c, h, u always denote deaf sounds.
  8. Consonants paired in voicing / voicelessness at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant denote a voiceless sound: b → [n], d → [t], g → [k], s → [s], c → [f]:
    pillar → [pillar], train → [sing "est].
  9. Unpronounceable consonants в, d, l, t do not fundamentally denote sound:
    feeling → [h "ustva], sun → [son" e].
  10. Double consonants after a stressed vowel give a long sound:
    group → [group: a], tennis → [ten: is].
  11. Double consonants in front of a stressed vowel give a single consonant sound:
    million → [m "silt" ion], alley → [al "hey" a].

In some cases:

  1. The letter c at the beginning of a word means a voiced sound [z]:
    did → [z "d" elal].
  2. The letter g in front of a voiceless consonant is pronounced as [k] or [x]:
    claws → [cockt "u], soft → [m" ah "to" ui "]
  3. The consonants between the root and the suffix before the soft consonant are pronounced softly:
    umbrella → [zone "t" uk].
  4. The letter n denotes a soft sound before the consonants h, u:
    cup → [glass "h" uk], changer → [see "en" uk "uk].
  5. The combination -чн-, -чт- is pronounced as [w]:
    of course → [kan "eshna], boring → [boring] that → [INTO].

The combination of certain consonant letters in words gives a long or unpronounceable sound:

  1. The combination of letters -zzh- denotes one sound [w:]:
    get rid of → [izh: yt "], leave → [uizh: at"].
  2. The combination of letters -ts-, -ts- denotes one sound [c:]:
    swim → [kupats: a].
  3. The combination of letters -stn- is pronounced as [sn], -stl- - [sl], -zdn- - [zn]:
    stellar → [star "ozny"], stairs → [l "es" n "itza].
  4. In the endings of the adjectives -th, -his, the consonant Г denotes the sound [в]:
    gold → [patch], blue → [sin "eva].
  5. Combinations of letters -sch-, -zch-, -zhch- denote the sound [ш "]:
    happy → [uh "lustful"], cabman → [izosch "hik], deserter → [n" ir "ib" esch "uk].

These are all the basic rules for phonetic parsing. To consolidate the topic within the framework of the school curriculum, the publication of Litnevskaya E.I. "Russian language. A short theoretical course for schoolchildren. "

There are a number of rules for the program of the institute and in-depth study of the phonetics of the Russian language. The rules take into account the subtleties of modern phonetic pronunciation and phonetic features over the past centuries. Such rules are not considered in the school curriculum, so as not to complicate an already difficult topic for schoolchildren. So, outside the school curriculum, options with a soft sound [w '] are considered, including those characteristic of the old Moscow pronunciation. At the root of the word in the combinations -zhzh-, -zzh- and -zhd- in the word rain instead of a solid sound [f:] there is a place to be soft [f ’:]. For example, yeast - [shuddering ’: and]. According to another rule: the letter u before the voiced consonant receives voicing and is marked with a voiced sound [f ':]. For example, in the word material evidence - [v'izh ’: doc].

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Each of us came across the word "phonetics" at school when we studied Russian. This section is very important in Russian, like all the others. Knowledge of phonetics will allow you to correctly pronounce sounds in words so that your speech is beautiful and correct.

Definition of phonetics

So, let's start our conversation with what we say, what is phonetics. Phonetics is a part of the science of language that studies the sounds that are part of words. Phonetics has a connection with such sections of the Russian language as spelling, speech culture, as well as word formation and many others.

Sounds in phonetics are considered as elements of the entire language system, with the help of which words and sentences are embodied in a sound form. After all, only with the help of sounds can people communicate, exchange information and express their emotions.

Phonetics is divided into private and general. Private in another way is called the phonetics of individual languages. It is divided into descriptive phonetics, which describes the sound structure of a particular language (for example, the phonetics of the Russian language) and historical phonetics, which studies how sounds change over time. General phonetics deals with the study of the basic conditions of sound formation, the compilation of a classification of sounds (consonants and vowels), as well as the study of the patterns of combinations of various sounds.

And now it's time to talk about what the phonetics of the Russian language is. The phonetics of the Russian language consists of several levels of the formation of oral speech. Namely:

  • Sounds, variety of sounds, pronunciation of sounds.
  • Syllables, combinations of sounds.
  • Stress.
  • Intonation, speech in general and pauses.

Note that the Russian language includes 37 consonants and 12 vowels. Sounds form syllables. Each syllable necessarily has one vowel sound (for example, young-lo-ko). Stress is the pronunciation of a certain syllable in a word with greater duration and strength. And intonation is a speech element that is expressed in a change in pitch. A pause means stopping the voice.

Thus, we now know what phonetics is, the definition of this concept will summarize this article. Phonetics is a branch of the science of linguistics that studies the sound side of the language, namely sound combinations and syllables, as well as the laws of combining sounds into a chain.

(from the Greek. Phone- sound) studies the sounds of speech and everything connected with them (compatibility, education, change, etc.). Accordingly, the object of phonetics is sound. The sounds themselves do not matter, but they constitute the material shell of the word.

In writing, sounds are conveyed by letters. The letter is a conventional sign that serves to designate the sounds of speech in writing. The ratio of letters and sounds in the Russian language is not the same: for example, 10 letters of the Russian alphabet denote vowel sounds (there are 6 of them), and 21 letters are consonants (there are 36 + 1 of them), moreover, the letters and sounds do not denote at all. For example, festive- 11 letters and 10 sounds [pra'z "n" ich "ny"], her- 2 letters and 4 sounds [th "uy" o´], etc.

The phonetics of the Russian language is distinguished by an abundance of classifications of sounds: voiceless / voiced, hard / soft, percussion / unstressed, paired / unpaired and others. But even among these "rules" there are exceptions: for example, unpaired solid([w], [w], [q]) and unpaired soft([h "], [w"], [j]), unpaired voiced (sonorous)([l], [l "], [m], [m"], [n], [n "], [p], [p"], [j]) and unpaired deaf([x], [x "], [c], [h], [u]). They must be memorized so that meeting with them does not seem a sad and unpleasant incident. And remembering all the classifications is quite difficult, so you should resort to help fantasy: for example, " For them he - r ah "- all sonorous Russian, " St epk a, x och esh eh s ets? - F and!"- all deaf, etc.

We speak in many ways intuitively, therefore, when pronouncing words, we do not think about the sounds that we pronounce, and about the processes that occur with sounds. Let us recall, for example, the simplest phonetic processes - stunning, sounding and assimilation by softness. See how the same letter - depending on the pronunciation conditions - turns into different sounds: with the most – [with a'myy "], with to go – [c " id "et"], with sew– [NS sew], with friend – [s friend'm], about sit ba- [pro´ h " ba] and others.

Often ignorance of the phonetics of the Russian language leads to mistakes in speech. Of course, this primarily concerns trap words like meter(unit of measurement) and master(outstanding person) and words for memorization type shi [ n "uh] eh... In addition, quite simple words, with their ease of pronunciation, often create problems with transcription: Spring- [in "isna"], watch- [h "isy"] and others. Let's not forget that e, e, y, i, and (in some cases) under certain conditions give two sounds.

In other words, knowledge of Russian phonetics and the ability to use its mechanisms is not only an indicator of the level of education and culture of a person, but also very useful knowledge that will be useful in school and can be useful in extracurricular life.

Success in the study of Russian phonetics!

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Basic concepts of phonetics

Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that studies the sound forms of a language, their acoustic and articulation, properties, laws by which they are formed, the force of functioning.

The sound of speech is the minimum unit of a howling chain that arises as a result of a person's articulation and is characterized by certain phonetic properties.

Sound is the basic unit of a language with a word and a sentence, but in itself it has no meaning.

Sounds play an important meaning in the language, a significant role: they create the outer shell of words and thereby help to distinguish words from each other.

Words differ in the number of sounds they consist of, in the set of sounds, in the sequence of the arrangement of sounds.

The sounds of the tongue are formed in the speech apparatus when air is exhaled. The following parts can be distinguished in the speech apparatus:

1) a breathing apparatus (lungs, bronchi, trachea), which creates the pressure of the air stream necessary for the formation of sound vibrations;

3) the cavity of the mouth and nose, where, under the influence of vibrations of the vocal cords, fluctuations in the air mass occur and additional tones and overtones are created, layering on the main tone that arose in the larynx.

4) The cavities of the mouth and nose are resonators that amplify additional tones of sound; organs of pronunciation, i.e. tongue, lips.

5) 5) the human brain and nervous system, which control the entire work of the speech apparatus.

Articulatory, all speech sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. The main differences between them are associated with the way these sounds are formed and their role in the formation of a syllable. Vowels are syllabic, which form the top of a syllable, therefore, in almost all languages ​​of the world, the number of consonants exceeds the number of vowels.

Principles of Classification of Speech Sounds

The sounds of the Russian language, according to the characteristics of education and acoustic properties, are divided into vowels and consonants.

Vowels are sounds that consist only of a voice; in the formation of vowels, the participation of the vocal cords and the absence of an obstruction in the oral cavity are mandatory. The exhaled air passes through the mouth without encountering any obstacles. The phonetic function of vowels is in organizing the sound integrity of a syllable, a word.

There are six main vowel sounds in Russian: [a], [o], [y], [e], [and], [s].

Vowel sounds are percussive (for example, noise - [y], forest - [e]) and unstressed (for example: water - [a], spring - [and]).

Consonants are sounds that consist of noise or voice and noise: when consonants are articulated, exhaled air encounters obstacles in the mouth. In the formation of consonants, the participation of the vocal cords is not necessary, but the presence of an obstruction and occlusive articulation is necessary.

Consonants as a class of sounds oppose vowels also because they are not syllabic: the very name "consonant", that is, occurring with a vowel, indicates the subordinate role of the consonant in the syllable.

Finally, one more important feature in the opposition of vowels and consonants should be noted - their role as carriers of certain information. Since there are significantly fewer vowels than consonants, they are more common, and their choice is quite simple. There are much more consonants than vowels, so the choice of the necessary one is more difficult.

Voiced and voiceless consonants are paired and unpaired.

In accordance with this sign, all consonants are divided into noisy and sonorous (from the Latin Zopogiz - sonorous).

A voiced consonant at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant is replaced by a paired voiceless consonant. This replacement is called stunning (friend - [k], spoon - [w]).

A voiceless consonant before a voiced consonant (except for l, p, Well, m, d) is replaced by its paired voiced one. This replacement is called voicing (request - [z "]).

Syllable. Stress

A syllable is one vowel sound or several sounds in a word, which, in the process of speaking, are pronounced with one blow of air. A syllable is the smallest unit of pronunciation of a word. Syllables consisting of two or more sounds can end in either a vowel (this is an open syllable, for example, po-ra, go-ra,), or a consonant (this is a closed syllable, for example, doctor, black).

Stress is the emphasis of a syllable in a word with greater strength when pronouncing a word using phonetic means (voice strength, sound length, pitch).

The stress always falls on a vowel sound in a syllable, for example: kni-ga, ve-sen-niy, invites-sit.

Depending on the location of the stress in the syllabic structure, words are distinguished between free and connected stress. Free stress is an unfixed stress that can fall on any syllable of a word (in Russian, for example, it can be on the last syllable: good, on the penultimate: girlfriend, on the third from the end: expensive.

Associated stress is a fixed stress attached to a specific syllable in a word (in French it is on the last syllable, in English it is on the first).

In relation to the morphological structure of a word, stress can be mobile and fixed.

Secondary stress is an stress that can move in different word forms of the same word, it is not tied to the same morpheme, for example: mountain - mountain.

Fixed stress is a constant stress attached to the same morpheme of different word forms of a word, for example: book, book, book.

Stress can distinguish between meanings of words or different forms of a word: atlas (collection of geographical maps) - atlas (shiny silk fabric), windows (named plural) - window (genus singular)

The word usually has one stress, but sometimes (as a rule, in compound words) there is a secondary stress (for example: medical school, two-story).

To indicate stress in writing, when necessary, use the a sign above the stressed vowel.

In some words of the Russian language, the stress is placed on one or the other syllable. Both options are correct, for example: simultaneously and simultaneously, cottage cheese - cottage cheese, otherwise - differently, thinking and thinking.

The Russian stress in the words being changed, when added or conjugated, can be retained on the same part of the word to which it was in the initial form: mountain - mountains, large - large, sandy - sandy, choose - choose, or can move to another part of the word, for example: friend - friend, borrow - borrowed.

Phoneme as a unit of language

Each language has a huge variety of sounds. But the whole variety of speech sounds can be reduced to a small number of language units (phonemes) participating in the semantic differentiation of words or their forms.

A phoneme is a unit of the sound structure of a language, represented by a number of positionally alternating sounds, which serves to identify and distinguish significant units of the language.

There are 5 vowel phonemes in Russian, and the number of consonant phonemes ranges from 32 to 37.

Like any unit of language, the phoneme has its inherent phonological features. Some of them are "passive" signs, others - "active", for example: hardness, sonority, explosiveness. To determine a phoneme, it is necessary to know the set of its differential features.

To determine a phoneme, you need to find such a position in the word in which the most phonemes differ (compare: mal - mol - mule - here, under stress in the same phonetic environment, phonemes differ [a], [o], [y]) ...

Position is a condition for the realization of a phoneme in speech, its position in a word in relation to stress, another phoneme, the structure of the word as a whole. Distinguish between strong and weak positions.

A strong position is the position in which the largest number of units are differentiated. The phoneme appears here in its main form, which allows it to perform its functions in the best possible way. For Russian vowels, this is the stressed position. For voiceless / voiced consonants - the position before all vowels, for example: [g] ol - [k] ol.

A weak position is a position in which a smaller number of units differs than in a strong position, because phonemes have limited capabilities to fulfill their distinctive function, for example: s [a] ma - sama and soma.

For vowels of the Russian language, the weak position is the position without stress. For voiceless / voiced "consonants" - the position of the end of the word, where they do not differ, coinciding in one sound, for example: forests - fox [fox], congress - eat [syest].


Transcription is a special writing system used to accurately convey the sound composition of spoken or written speech. The transcription is based on strict adherence to the principle of correspondence between the sign and the sound transmitted by this sign: the same sign must in all cases correspond to the same sound.

There are several types of transcriptions. The most commonly used phonetic transcription.

Phonetic transcription is used to convey a word in full accordance with its sound, that is, with its help, the sound composition of the word is fixed. It is built on the basis of an alphabet using superscript or subscript characters to indicate stress, softness, longitude, brevity. Among the phonetic alphabets, the most famous is the alphabet of the International Phonetic Association, built on the basis of the Latin alphabet, for example, the words window and day are transmitted as follows: [akpo [d u en y].

In addition, in Russia transcription is used, which is based on Russian graphics: [ltsno], [d * en "].

The transcription does not use punctuation marks and capital letters.

PHONETICS - a section of the science of language, in which the sounds of the language, stress, syllable are studied.

Words differ in the number of sounds they consist of, in the set of sounds, in the sequence of the arrangement of sounds.


in one sound

difference in two or more sounds

rash - scree

crow - funnel

litter - grade

port - sport

dispute - sport

lemon - estuary

enthusiasm - fence

longing - board

flow - flow

cat - mouse

lesson - mole

beans - password

tan - congestion

bush - knock

nose - sleep

barge - gill

school - student

catfish - beluga

rook - goldfinch

plum - gooseberry

Vowel sounds : [a], [o], [y], [e], [u], [s]. Vowel sounds arepercussion andunstressed .

Consonant sounds in Russian they are divided into hard and soft, voiced and voiceless.

Hard and soft consonants are paired and unpaired. Paired hard and soft consonants distinguish between words, for example, kon b [con ’] and con [con];l uk [bow] andl yuk [l'uk].

Paired and unpaired consonants for hardness / softness.

Unpaired consonants

by hardness / softness





only solid

only soft

[ b]

[ v]

[ G]

[ d]

[ s]

[ To]

[ l]

[ m]

[ b’]

[ v’]

[ G’]

[ d’]

[ s’]


[l ']



[ NS]

[ R]

[ with]

[ T]

[ f]

[ NS]

[n ']







[ f] , [ NS] , [ c]

[ h’] , [ SCH’] , [ th’]

Paired and unpaired consonants for voiced / voiceless.

Unpaired consonants



only voiced

only deaf

[b], [b ’]

[in], [in ’]

[g], [g ’]

[d], [d ']


[h], [h]

[n], [n ']

[f], [f ']

[to], [to ’]

[t], [t ']


[s], [s]

[th ’], [l], [l’],

[m], [m ’], [n],

[n '], [p], [p']

[ NS], [ NS’],

[ c], [ h’],

[ SCH’]

Alternating sounds.

Alternating sounds - this is a change of sounds in the same part of a word, for example:cast - cast, bake - bake, dry - dry - dry.

In place of stressed vowels [a`], [o`], [e`] in an unstressed position in the same part of the word, other vowel sounds are pronounced, for example:[water] - [wada`], [vo`s] - [vaz'i`t '], [l "e`s] - [l'iso`k]. In this case, they say: drums alternate with unstressed ones.

A voiced consonant at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant is replaced by a paired voiceless consonant. This replacement is calledstunning (do b [n], about b ka [n]).

A voiceless paired consonant before a voiced consonant is replaced by a paired voiced consonant. This replacement is calledvoicing consonant(about with bang [ s ’] ).


Stress - this is the selection of one of the syllables with greater force when pronouncing a word. Sometimes only accent distinguishes words, for example:steam and steam. The stress always falls on a vowel sound in a syllable. The stress in a word can always occupy the same place(ba`snya, ba`snyam) , but can change from one syllable to another(water` - water`).


Syllable - this is one vowel sound or several sounds in a word, which, in the process of speaking, are pronounced with one push of air. Syllables consisting of two or more sounds can end in either a vowel (these are open syllables) or a consonant (these are closed syllables).

Russian letters.

To convey sounds in Russian letters, special characters are used - letters. The set of letters arranged in a certain sequence isalphabet.

Russian alphabet and names of letters.

Aa Bb Vv Dg Dd Her Yo Lj Zz Ii Yi Kk LL

"A" "be" "ve" "ge" "de" "e" "e" "zhe" "ze" "and""And short" "ka" "el"

Mm Nn ​​Oo Pp Rr Ss Tt Uu Ff Xx Tsts Chh Shsh

"Em" "en" "o" "pe" "er" "es" "e" "u" "f" "ha" "tse" "che" "sha"

Shsch b y y Ee Yuyu Yaya

"SchA""Hard mark""NS"Soft sign"E" "u" "i"

Do not mix the sounds and names of the letters of these sounds in oral speech.: [l] - sound, "el" - letter. Two letters b and b do not have sound meaning, that is, they do not denote sounds. They are used in combination with other letters to indicate the softness of consonants (b) and separate pronunciation (b, b).

The soft consonant [y '] is denoted by a special letterth and some letter combinations.

At the end of a word and

before other consonants

Before vowels at the beginning of a word

After consonants before vowels

barn, may

th [th ’] shed


e - spruce [y'e`]

yo - Christmas tree [y'o`]

yu - yula [y'u`]

I am an apple [y'a`]

e - congress e - atelier

ё - shooting ё - we sew

yu - adjutant yu - pour

ya - ad ya - family

s - sparrows

Phonetic parsing of the word.

Sample parsing : e`l-nick - 2 syllables

e - [y "] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft unpaired -" e "

[e] - vowel, stressed

l - [l "] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft paired -" el "

b - [-] - "soft sign"

n - [n "] - consonant, voiced unpaired, soft paired -" en "

and - [and] - vowel, unstressed - "and"

k - [k] - consonant, voiceless paired, solid paired - "ka"

6 letters, 6 sounds

When shortening words, we must put a full stop: ringing. parn., soft. unpaired, deaf. unpaired, tv parn., acc., vowel ..

Vowels "Sly"

letters - sounds vowels

a - a e- й΄  I am- й ΄

I - а э а

e - e e- й ΄ NS- й΄ 

e - э о у

o - o 1.at the beginning of a word -I am measles

ё - о 2.in the middle of a word after

у - у separating ъ and ь signs -risee m, sevenNS

yu - у 3.in the middle of a word after a vowel -funI am , one m

and -  and

s - y

10 – 6

Transcription - recording the sound of speech.

The transcription is written in square brackets using additional characters:

[y΄] - the sound of iot, written in lettersth or "tricky" e, e, y, i: hedgehog - [yosh];

[΄] - designation of consonant softness: sang - [p΄el];

[ ־ ] - designation of a long consonant: quarrel - [litter].

Sound designation methods [u΄ ]:

    sorrel - [sh΄iv΄el΄]; SCH

scores - [shoty]; mt [uh΄ ]

carter - [waxik΄]; zh

man - [muschina]. zh

Sound designation methods [c]:

    circus - [tsyrk]; c

to swim - [merchant]; ths [c]

fighting - [d΄ir΄otsa]. mf

Take note!

1. Voiced consonants at the end of words and before voiceless consonants are stunned:mushroom - [gr΄ip], fairy tale - [skaska].

2. Voiceless consonants before voiced ones are pronounced:to bring down - [zb΄it΄].

3. The softness of consonants is indicated by letterse, e, yu, i, i, b: rural - [s΄el΄skiy΄].

4. According to the norms of pronunciation, with a confluence of consonants in some words, the sounds [in], [d], [l], [t ] are not pronounced:feeling - [feeling], heart - [s΄erce], sun - [sonce], domineering - [hairy΄].

    Remember! All voiceless consonants are in the phrase:

Word formation - a section of the science of language, which studies the structure of words (what parts they consist of) and the methods of their formation.

The composition of the word.

The word consists of a stem and an ending. The basis includes: prefix, root, suffix. Prefix, root, suffix, ending - parts of a word (or morpheme).

The foundation Is a part of a word to be changed without an ending. For example:pestilence e -pestilence I am -pestilence NS. The word is based on its lexical meaning.

The ending - This is a variable significant part of the word, which forms the form of the word and serves to connect words in a phrase and a sentence. The ending can be zero, that is, one that is not expressed by sounds. It is found when comparing the forms of the word, for example: horse - horse - horse.

Root - the main significant part of the word, which contains the general meaning of all cognate words:water - underwater - water - water - watery ... All these words designate objects or signs related to water, since the root of water is included in them. Words with the same root are calledsingle-rooted. A word can have one root (water ) or two roots (Difficult words : water carrier, waterfall, water supply, reservoir ).

Suffix - This is the significant part of the word, which is located after the root and usually serves to form words.

Prefix - this is the significant part of the word, which is located in front of the root and serves to form words. Prefixes form words with a new meaning, for example:run - run in, run out, run, run across, run, run up, run away, run. A word may contain not one, but two or more prefixes:exit-move, no-exit (position).

Ways of forming words.

Words in Russian are formed in the following main ways: prefix, suffix, prefix-suffix, non-suffix, addition, transition from one part of speech to another.

When forming wordsattached in this way the prefix is ​​attached to the original, ready-made word. In this case, the new word refers to the same part of speech as the original word.

Suffix the method consists in adding a suffix to the stem of the original word. This is how words of all independent parts of speech are formed. Suffixed words tend to be another part of speech.

Prefix - suffix the method consists in simultaneously attaching a prefix and a suffix to the stem of the original word.

The plan for parsing a word by composition.

    Determine which part of speech the analyzed word belongs to.

    Highlight the ending and stem. To do this, the word should be changed (for example,early - early - early - early; morning - morning - morning - morning).

    Determine if the stem consists only of the root or if it has a prefix and suffixes. To do this, compare the same root words.

    Select root, prefix (if any), suffix (if any).

    Prove that these prefixes and suffixes are present in other words. For this, similar words are selected.

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