Dalmatov d I'm a story of bison. Masterpiece of Russian hunting literature

[Manuscript, the basis of the book "Hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha"] The story of the bison / comp. D.Ya. Dolmatov [Dalmatov]. 1847-1848 141 liters 27 × 21 cm. In velvet binding of the era. Pads tissue, fabric loss on the root. On the front cover, the lining of the yellow metal with engraving: "The story of the bison comp. Dolmatov. " The back cover completely departs from the block, front - partially. Triple Golden Crimple, Floats Moirova Paper. At the beginning and end of the Fault Block. Small pollution of pages. Loss of Forsza 1b. On the last page Signature Captain D.Ya. Dolmatova. The text there are plants and edits.

Foresting Grodno Chamber of the Ministry of Public Protection, Scientist, Captain (and in the future - Colonel) Dmitry Yakovlevich Dolmatov (in other sources - Dalmatov; 1810-1877) was a namoor of research work in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. At the end of the 1840s, the captain provides the ministry lost in the second half of the XIX century, which describes the bison and hunting for it. Georgy Petrovich Kartov referred to this report to his book "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" (1903). In turn, the historian of the Russian hunt O.A. Egorov in the sketch "masterpiece of Russian hunting literature" (about the book "Hunting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha") wrote: "Kartov reported only that he, apparently, is not a hunter, and that the historical essay about the forest in this book is taken by the latest from the report provided to the Ministry of Talmatov. Relying on this remark Cartzova, who saw the report of Dalmatov, who had not survived to date in the Foundation, it can be assumed that the author not known to us, most likely, the ministry official has expanded the usual hunting report for the Minister, recycling and adding it to it The ministry material on the history of hunting in the forest. Thus, the text of the book was born. " In the report of 8 chapters: "Brief essay of Lithuanian forests", "Zubr", "Natural Bison Story", "On Tegra's Treatment", "Bison Hunt", "The History of Lithuanian Legislation regarding the preservation of forests and game", " "," On the identity of the tour and bison. "

Studies Dolmatov studied the Great Russian Zoologist, founder of the Siberian School of Zoology MD. Ruzsky in his work "Bison, as an extinct representative of our fauna" (1895). They are included in the "Materials for Geography and Statistics of Russia collected by officers of the General Staff" (Tom "Grodno Province", 1863). The results of the scientific work of Dmitry Yakovlevich were published in 1846-1878 in the "Forest Journal" and other periodicals.

The book "Hunting in Belovezhskaya Forest" in 1861 wasit is not for sale with a small circulation for sale and only for the participants of the hunt, among which were Alexander II, the Great Duke of Saxen-Weimar, Prince Carl Prussian, Prince Hesse-Kasselsky and many other high-ranking specials.

(N.B. No. 419, Solovyov "Catalog No. 105" No. 296, Vereshchagin No. 644, Klochekov No. 56 - 30 r., Goutier number 774 - 50 r.).

For the works on the natural history of bison in 1848, Dmitry Yakovlevich was elected a full member of the Russian Geographical Society. For the preparation of the "bison history" in October 1849, he was declared appreciation to the Minister of State Protection and 250 rubles with silver was issued. In the future, the emperor personally handed him a diamond ring for his merits to Russia.

Estimate: 480,000 - 500,000 rubles.

Fig. 19. Only in the spring, with the beginning of the coziness, the bison is actively eating the bark of trees, soaked in mineral salts

Fig. 20. Young bison love to catch the horns, frantically "Boday" trees (Photo by E. Arbuzova)

No one to get up for the bison - after all, it is possible to show his role in ecosystems, the need for it in our forests can only argue by conscientious research. And there is no them yet. There is no support to the plans for the restoration of the bison and from hunting organizations, because this species does not have the status of the hunting object - after all, it is listed in the Red Book. The hunting economy would be more willing to populate their land to the bison, if there were scientifically developed economy programs on this species. Now there are no such studies, we only approach their holding, and this delay does not allow you to quickly and correctly respond to a bison conflict with a rural resident or with a forester. But this experience will still be accumulated, and the bison will have a "place under the sun"! If you manage to implement the reconstruction plans of the bison range, restore its natural habits and lifestyle, then this species will contribute to the equilibrium-shaped equilibrium alignment in nature. The necessary result will be achieved by the whole work, begun in 1923 by the Sberry Conservation Society. Of course, we are still far from achieving the ultimate goal, but the traveled path will instill hope.

Moreover, such works for us are also important as a methodological guide. The experience gained can be used in events to preserve and restore other types of animals, which found themselves in a similar situation. After all, we all know well that the process of extinction of species is not only not stopped, but also increasing. Increasingly, enthusiasts have to resort to emergency measures to conserve animals - to breeding in captivity. It is imperative for the species disappeared in the wild, but it is necessary even for those who still exist at least in small freely living populations. To maintain a fascinating population of the Mauritius Kestrel, held in 1974 of all of the six birds, had to urgently develop measures for aviary breeding. Success managed to achieve only in 1978. And if the last wilders could not "reach" until this point, it was unlikely that a successful release in the natural medium of the island of Mauritius born in captivity was in captivity. Thanks to complex measures for security and breeding in 1984, the number of this species increased to fifty individuals.

Only well-established breeding of American caravals in the Potussentic nursery helped to increase the reproductive potential of the last two dozen birds remaining in the wild. The Arabic Orix population in the Middle East, which had only a few dozen beasts, since 1980 began to be replenished with animals born in North America's Zoos and Western Europe.

However, it is not always timely possible to establish such an influx of new features from the centers of breeding in the last foci of the existence of wild populations of animals. Last example - California Condor: Despite the various measures to preserve birds, the number from 1978 to 1985 was steadily declined from thirty-five to seventeen individuals; Wound a real threat to the loss of species. The only hope is to establish breeding in captivity. The last bird was caught in nature in April 1987. Now only the efforts of scientists and employees of zoos in San Diego and Los Angeles are able to revive California Condor, achieving the reproduction of the last twenty-seven birds. Today, Condor is at the beginning of the path that the bison has passed since the 20s of our century.

Centers for breeding is the last step, having survived through which the species goes into oblivion. Laughing on it, you can avoid disappearance, but only temporarily. This should be understood as the role of nurseries and zoos - as the pianars for rare animals in the struggle for the preservation of the diversity of nature. It is necessary to assimilate the words of William Conveya: "Animal breeding programs in captivity cannot serve as a means of general protection from the extinction epidemic, they only help eliminate such private" symptoms "of this epidemic, as the loss of higher animals." Next, there must be their return to nature.

I am sure that the accumulated experience with the bison is interesting not only as a special case of salvation of one zoological species. He is also important because the problems that arose at every step on a non-turret road allowed us to work out the various aspects of the strategy for the preservation and restoration of the disappearing representatives of the animal world. The results of this work are the model using which other species found in a similar situation can be revived. I would like to hope that this book will contribute to the solution of the vital problems of the protection of wildlife.

Bashkirov I. Caucasian bison. - In Sat.: Caucasian bison. - M., 1940. - P. 3-72.

Bihner E. A. Mammals. - S.-Petersburg, 1902. - 867 p.

Gusovsky M. Song about bison. - Minsk: 1980. - 194 p.

Dalmatov D. Ya. The story of a bison or a tour licked in Belovezhskaya Pushcha Grodno province. - Forestry magazine, 1849, No. 28. - P. 220-222.

Derdagina M. A. Internal relationships in bison, bison and their hybrids. - Zoological magazine, vol. 51, no. 3, 1972. - P. 429-434.

Dink N. Caucasus beasts, h. I. Catto-shaped and hoofs. Notes of the Caucasian branch Russian. Geographer, Oba, KN. 27, vol. I, 1910. - P. 138-158.

Zablotsky M. A. Modern bison Belovezhskaya forest. - Scientific and methodological notes of the Main Department of Reserves. - M., 1947, t. 9. - P. 129-142.

Zablotsky M. A.The need to explore the characteristics of the bison and its restoration in the USSR. - In the book: Scientific and methodological notes of the Main Department of Reserves. - M., 1949, t. 13. - P. 128-146.

Zablotsky M. A. Protection, feeding and transportation of bison. - M., 1957. - 114 p.

Bison Morphology, systematics, evolution, ecology. - M.: Science, 1979. - 495 s.

Kalugin S. G. Bison restoration in the North-West Caucasus. - Proceedings of the Caucasian Goszkovka. M.: 1968, vol. 10. - P. 3-94.

Kartov G. P. Belovezhskaya forest: its historical essay, a modern hunting farm and the highest hunting in the forest. - St. Petersburg, 1903. - 414 p.

Conway W. D.A general overview of animal breeding in captivity. - In Sat: Biology for Nature Conservation. - M.: Mir, 1983, - pp. 225-237.

Korochkin L. N. The habitat and stadial placement of bison in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. - In the book: Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Minsk, 1973, vol. 7. - P. 148-165.

Cross V. V.Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Travel notes. - Russian Bulletin, 1876, vol. 126, No. 11. - P. 72-136.

Kulagin N. M.Bison of Belovezhskaya Forest, - M., 1919, - 166 p.

Satun K. A. Caucasian bison. - Natural science and geography, number 2, 1898. - P. 1-21.

Usov S. A.Bison - 1888, t. I. - P. 67-158.

Filatov D. P. About Caucasian bison. - Notes of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, Series 7, Vol. 30, No. 8, 1912. - C. 1-40.

Kholevnikov N. V. About bison Belovezhskaya forest. - Forest magazine. St. Petersburg, 1873, t. 5.- S. 81-90.

About Dalmatov Dmitry Yakovlevich to collect information was quite difficult, because Many Vyati Local Lowers did before me, information from their research, newspaper publications, the pedigrees who found one ancestors with him have many discrepancies, both in the year of birth and on the service list ... Below I give part of the material from the "History of Vyatka Mail, "Kirov, 2017. p. 28-30. As in the introduction to the book I will repeat that I do not pretend to complete the material outlined and accept comments and additions.

Dalmatov Dmitry Yakovlevich - Managing mail on Vyatka province - 10.1869-03.01.1877.

- born - in 1814,

- was educated in St. Petersburg Forest Institute

- joined the service - from 08/30/1830,

- appointed in the forest part in the Penza province - 1832,

- awarded the rank of the provincial secretary - 08.1833,

- translated by order of the Department of State Committee by District Forestry in the Nizhny Novgorod province, in the 1st District - 07.11.1835,

- he was expressed by him a special thanks for the restoration of statistical information about the forests of the Semenov district and the project of maintaining the right farm - 1841,

- held the position of Scientific Foresting Grodno Chamber of State Property - in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - from 02.1842,

- made for the difference in service in the lieutenants - 1842,

- produced in headquarters - 1843,

- produced in lieutenant colonels - 1845,

- introduced to the ministry detailed and a comprehensive description of Belovezhskaya Forest together with the project of an income forestry. There was a progress of research work there. In the scientific world, I gained fame as an authoritative researcher of Belovezhskaya Zub, the author of the book "Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the story of the bison",

- the results of his scientific work in the "Forest Journal" and other periodicals were published - 1846 - 1848.,

- he was elected for the works on the natural history of the bison with a valid member of the Russian Geographic Society - 1848,

- received from the London Zoological Society Gold Medal with the inscription "To Mr Dalmatof in Aknowledge of Services Rendered to The Society" - " g. . Dalmatov in sign appreciation per merit , rendered society "-1848 g. .,

- Perm Gubernsky Forestry - 1848,

- It was appreciated for the preparation of the "bison history" of the Minister of State Protection and a reward of 250 rubles was issued. silver - 10/28/1849,

- produced in Colonels - 1850,

- determined by the Novgorod provincial forestry - until 1855,

- awarded the sovereign emperor personally to a diamond perverse for his merits to Russia,

- awarded a medal of bright bronze in memory of the war 1853-1856.,

- awarded the signs of distinction for XXV and XXX V. years of impeccable service

- Cavalier of the Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree For XXXV years of exaggeration ,

- Cavalier of the Order of St. Stanislav 2nd degree with the imperial crown for wearing on the neck,

- Kavaler of the Order of St. Anna 2 degrees - 07.07.1872,

- Managing post office in Ufa - from 24.07.1855,

- correcting the post of managing post office in Vyatka - from 10.1869,

- Stat advisor - according to 1870,

- Sign of 800 rubles, dining rooms 400 rubles. - According to information 1871,

- Class V - from 04.01.1869,

- he was married three times, had three sons and nine daughters - according to the information from the pedigree Elizabeth Dmitrievna Pogventko "Dalmatov, Scherbov - Nebabovichi and family related families",

- arrived in Vyatka with his wife Barbara Petrovna,

- quartered, on arrival in Vyatka, in the rooms of the Pusta - 10.1869,

- occupied by being correcting post manager post office in Vyatka, with a family, the second floor of the postal house located on the corner of the streets of Kazan and Orlovskaya - 1870-1877,

- Died - 01/03/1877,

"The widow of him in 1877, after the death of the spouse, led to Lebedev-Lochkin's manor, which was at today's street. Derendyaeva.

Note from the author. 1. Dalmatas - homeopath. Dmitry Yakovlevich's doctors are known as a passionate fan and propaganda of homeopathy. In addition, he was a member of the Committee of the Orthodox Missionary Society and the Vyatsky Local Department of the Accounting Company on the wounded and sick warriors. Wherever the Dalmatians live - in Grodno or Novgorod, in Perm or Ufa, and later - and in Vyatka, every day in the morning, before the service, he took patients who appealed to him for advice and medicines he distributed for free. In the book R. M. Glenetov "Music and Musicians Vyatka". G.Bitter. Volga-Vyatka book publishing house. 1982 On page 53-55, the author refers to the memories of Dalmatov Dr. P. Solovyov: "Moves in 1875 in Vyatka and the doctor of the Movable Lazaret of the Red Cross, I met Dmitry Yakovlevich Dalmatov, a zealous follower of Haneman's teachings. It was a man energetic and honest, always ready to help everyone than could. Although Dmitry Yakovlevich was not a doctor, but when he learned about the illness of someone, a friend or unfamiliar, he was, even to doctors, caught them to be treated with homeopathy. Many above him laughed, but many thanked him for the assistance provided. "

2. Dalmatas - fan of art. Dmitry Yakovlevich was familiar with scientists and writers, including Vladimir Ivanovich Dale. From him, Dalmatov received letters and books, perceived the alphabet of homeopathy. Dalmatov loved music, literature and painting. His apartment in Vyatka on the corner of the streets of Orlovskaya and Kazan in the building of the post office was always full of people. Here were many interesting people Vyatki: And the progressive book publisher Florenti Fedorovich Pavitkov, and the owner of the library store Alexander Krasovsky, and the referential Polish revolutionary - the artist Elviro Andriolly, and the brothers - artists Victor and Apollinaria Vyatnikov, came and Vyatsky lovers - musicians ... These meetings sometimes turned into literary or musical evenings. In the improvised concerts, the host himself, His wife Varvara Petrovna and their children appeared. Dmitry Yakovlevich used in Vyatka great authority. This thanks to his petition was reduced by the time of reference to the artist Andiolly.

Dalmatov, noticing in a very young Apollinaria Vasnetsov's talent of the artist, appealed to Governor Vyatka with a request to send it to the Academy of Arts. "... One fine day of November 1870, recalls in his autobiography Apollinaria Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, - I went along with Dalmatov to the governor. With the album under the arm I entered the office. Dalmatov has recompresented me that this young man Vasnetsov has a desire to go to the Academy of Arts, and showed my albums. Pouring them, governor, looking out the window, said that all this is very, very good. Then he turned to me with a question: where I study, whether I am ready for me much, and I said that I am very pleased with my drawings and what knows my brother Victor ... The governor advised me to merge in the seminary ... But Dalmatov objected. He said that Vasnetsov, without losing an extra year, can pass the exam on the cumulative course in the lower artistic educational institution. Then the governor, seeing that it would be impossible to postpone the case in a long box, promised to give a letter to Moscow, in the Stroganov School ... First, I seem to have fun. And then, when they came out of the office and, I again met with the eyes of the gendarme who opened the door to us, thought: "He will not write anything ...". Dmitry Yakovlevich, apparently, noticed how my mood changed ... Taking me at hand, he said fun: - "Well, well! Just do not lose heart, my friend! You will learn in Moscow. You will definitely! Believe me, old man ... ". I could, thanked Dmitry Yakovlevich. But to believe right away that I will soon see Moscow that I will study there, it was difficult for me ... We went to Andrioleli from the governor. "

3. A few words about Children Dalmatov. Daughter Dalmatova - Nadezhda Dmitrievna was the student of Andriolly. At the age of 18, she married Vyatka Surveyor Sergei Alexandrovich Kitovsky, who was an outstanding person. He read a lot, was fond of theater. Natalia Dmitrievna loved painting and music. Until the end of life, living in Moscow, she was friends with Apollinaria Vasnetsov. Died in Moscow in 1932.

The son of Dalmatova - Konstantin Dmitrievich gathered a richest collection of folk ornaments and is well known for encyclopedia. It is noteworthy that, judging by the announcement in "HBV" No. 83 of 10/16/1871, page 2, he worked at one time in the post office - "On October 7, a senior sorter of the Kotelnian postal office of the nobleman Konstantin Dalmatov, according to his stature, ranged provincial excise control ", and" HBV "No. 39 of May 13, 1872, p.2;

A very colorful person was another son of Dalmatov - Nikolay Dmitrievich, who died on January 8, 1876, under the chief, in a case with Turks, like a Serbian volunteer. This is what the newspaper Vyatski provincial statements has written about it for July 6, 1877 - He was born in 1842 by the Perm province, where his father, then the Perm provincial forestry, had the estate. Nikolai's initial education received at home, under the direct leadership of his very enlightened father, who had an impact on the entire warehouse of his son's life - the personality of the wonderful, who had energy, non-life and honest good heart, ready for any self-sacrifice, for the good of the common one. In 1859 He gave his peasants a complete will and presented all 1000 tents of the Earth, received from his mother in a spiritual testament, no longer leaving anything.

Dalmatov Alexander Dmitrievich, 1873. R., Natives of Vyatka, Russian, non-partisan, beginning. The officer's cavalry school, Colonel of the Tsarist Army, the editor of the magazine "Army and Fleet", before arrest the consultant of the photo postal department store "Passage", lived: Leningrad, ul. Slutsky, d. 35, square. 20. Arrested on November 4, 1937 by the NKVD Commission and the USSR Prosecutor's Office on August 28, 1938 sentenced under Art. Art. 58-6-8-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to the highest punishment. Shot in Leningrad on September 6, 1938 (his daughter Nataliya Aleksandrovna Bobrisov-Pushkin was repressed in 1933). See also: Butovo Ya. Alexander Dmitrievich Dalmatov // Cynernic notes. 2013. No. 102/103. P. 334-344. (The certificate is clarified by the Center "Returned Names".)

Scherbov-Nebabovichi and family related families

These notes are devoted to the memory of my dead relatives, as I consider my first and most important debt - to return with no worthy respect for the names of your ancestors.

Dalmatov - My ancestors on the maternal line.
According to all service lists, my great-grandfather Dmitry Yakovlevich Dalmatov (1814-1876) came from "Ober-officer children." For a long time I thought that the fathers of "Ober-Officer Children" should have been the military. It turned out, however, that they could have both civilian officials of the corresponding class on the table of ranks. In any case, the first of the famous Dalmatovykh me, my grandfather Yakov, was a serum man - the family lived in Saransk, in his own stone house.

D. Ya. Dalmatov graduated from the full course of Sciences in the St. Petersburg Forest Institute and served in consistently in the forest part in the Penza province (travelers), Nizhny Novgorod province (district forestry), Grodno province (fixed by the post of Scientific Foresting in Belovezhskaya Pushcha), Perm Province (provincial forestry ). The last 22 years served by the managing post office (in Ufa, then in Vyatka). D. Ya. Dalmatov was the impulse of research work in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, engaged in tornness toolt, and acquired fame as an authoritative researcher of Belovezhsky bison.

Married Dmitry Yakovlevich was three times. In all, he had twelve children: three sons and nine daughters (one of them died in childhood).

His younger son - Alexander Dmitrievich Dalmatov, was born on June 19, 1873 of the Orthodox religion. Got a military education. In 1896, he was the cornet of the Dragun Region, since 1910 - Headquarters of the Rotmistrome in the officers of the Cavalry School, in 1917 - Guard Colonel. In addition, he was a highly qualified photographer. At the request, Georgy Kartzova took part in illustrating his book about Belovezhskaya Pushcha - in it more than two hundred kischi photographs: "Thanks to A. D. Dalmatov Fauna Fauna is presented in the publication of snapshots with animals who were on freedom, in their daily life. Snapshots These are valuable for the hunter that the beast in them is caught in its real incomprehensible setting. " In 1914, he published the magazine "Army and Fleet", and he himself was a editor, and the publisher, and the author of many articles, and a photoconductor. Removed not only on Earth, but also in the air: "" Ilya Muromets "Sikorsky over Petersburg", "View of St. Petersburg with" Ilya Muromets "and the inner view of the aircraft." In addition, he was also the author of several books and musical works. In one of the newspapers for February 1905, there was a brief message about the waltz "Pacific Waves" A. Dalmatov and that "income from the sale will be aimed at the development of the military fleet." A. Dalmatova's wife - Elizabeth Ivanovna, daughter Ivan Ivanovich Dernova, a hereditary honorary citizen, a merchant of the 1st Guild. Alexander Dmitrievich with his family lived on a Tavricheskaya street in the house number 35, built by Derneov in 1905 (known as the "house with a tower", one of the apartments of which entered the history of the "silver century" of Russian culture).

Since 1918, Alexander Dalmatov - one of the organizers of the "Red" Cavalry School, earned gratitude from Budyanny, but later, despite the merits to the Soviet authorities and the Red Army, he was fired, worked at the killerfare. Alexander Dmitrievich Rastelyan in 1938 did not save even positive feedback on his work. Rehabilitated posthumously. His wife died in evacuation in 1941-43. Daughter Dalmatova, my aunt Natalia, was beauty, studied at an art school, which was located in her grandfather's house. Worked in the photoabeel. Participant of war "free hire". It was married four times. Her first husband - Boris Bobrisov-Pushkin - Shot, like his father, a famous lawyer. The third husband is the Italian pilot Luigi NN - also was repressed. Her son from the first marriage Vladimir Bobrisov-Pushkin (1929-1976), being evacuated from a blockade Leningrad with her grandmother, Elizabeth Ivanovna Derneova, thirteen-year-old boy went to the front. (The mother considered the escape to the front caused grandmother's death, could not forgive him and refused meetings with his son.) Vladimir was the "Son Regiment" in Tank Brigade, Jung on the "Sea Hunter", was awarded orders and medals, including the Order of the Patriotic War 2nd degree. About his fate Valentin Multatuli wrote a story "Bobryov-Pushkin. Boy from the blockade Leningrad. " After the war, Vladimir lived in Dnepropetrovsk. Provided the rehabilitation of his father and grandfather.

One of the sisters of Alexander Dalmatova - Varvara (1858-1892) was married to Ludwig Stanislavovich Dravert, Chairman of the Vyatka District Court, then by Senator. Their son Peter "hit" in revolutionary activities - became the "socialist". Grandson, Leonid Petrovich Dravert, "went" even further: became a member of the party of the left Socialist Republic. In 1925, he was condemned for three years of imprisonment to the polisulator, in 1928 - for three years of references to Kazakhstan, in 1931 - for three years references to the Urals, then in Bashkiria. In February 1937, it was arrested on charges of anti-Soviet terrorist activities, the Supreme Court Military Collegium on April 25, 1938 was sentenced to shooting in Moscow and shot. Rehabilitated.

Other sister - Elizabeth, my grandmother, was the wife of Major General Ivan Ivanovich Reiman. In 1902, their daughter Irina was born - my mother.

Scherbov-Nebabovichi - my ancestors on the father's line.
1918 ... After the killing of the chairman of the Petrograd CC, Uritsky, among the five hundred and shot in St. Petersburg, was my great-grandfather Pavel Osipovich Shcherbov-Nefedovich - General from infanteria, a well-deserved professor of the Nikolaev Academy of General Staff, a military writer, a cavalier of many orders, and his sons: Paul (Comrade Prosecutor of the Petrograd district court), Georgy and Vladimir (Officers of the Lab Guard). Wowa Paul - Olga Ernestovna Shcherbova-Nefedovich, my grandmother (Mom married her son).

Dmitry Pavlovich Shcherbov-Nebabovich as the son of the "enemy of the people" and the "alien element" was closed to the university. He finished cinema and worked on Lenfilm. Until 1935. After the murder of Kirov, his father was arrested on charges that he was a member of the counter-revolutionary grouping and systematically led counter-revolutionary conversations. " He received under Article 58-10 five years of the camps and was sent on logging, where he became disabled (damaged his foot). In March 1936, he was translated into Medvezhiegorsk, where the remaining time was "worked out". After liberation there worked there.

After the arrest of the nephew, the elder brother grandmother - a former world judge Vladimir Ernestovich Bostrom - was expelled together with his mother, Raisa Afanasyevny, and his wife, Zinaida Gavrilovna, in Kuibyshev (Samara); He died in the link.

In 1935, he was sent to Saratov, where he died, the cousin of my mother - Maria Apolloovna Senavin, a surgeon traumatologist. She worked in the clinic of the professor harmful.

In the same ill-fated 1935, Olga Ernestovna Shcherbova-Nefedovich was sent to Orenburg. Together with her, Olga Leopoldna Scherbova-Nefedovich was sent (her mother, my great-grandmother). Her husband and three sons lost during the Red Terror period, Olga Leopoldovna in 1934 received the status of a personal pensioner, but it did not save it from expulsion. Olga Ernestovna returned from the reference only before the war itself. As a former reference, besides, the mother of the "enemy of the people", she was denied registration in Leningrad, not to mention the return of the apartment. By that time, our family (or rather, her "remnants" - my mother, grandmother Elizabeth Dmitrievna and I) moved to Pushkin (former royal village). For some reason, it was believed that life in the suburb is safer from the point of view of repression. Mom back in 1937, they fired from work - she worked as a translator referential at the Institute of Vaccine and Serum; fired "to reduce states", but more likely, as the wife of the "enemy of the people"; The next stage of her life, most likely there would be a link or even arrest. "Baba Olya" settled with us. Shortly before the Germans occupied Pushkin, we were "evacuated" to Leningrad. Actually, we, two old confused women and their six-year granddaughter, more like the refugees, as they left without things, they were almost what they were, but they came to one of the last trains. Moms at that time with us were no longer - one day she did not return from Leningrad, from work. Baba Olya, having received a secondary refusal to registration, was forced to return to the occupied Pushkin, where he died. Grandmother Elizabeth Dmitrievna died from hunger in a blockade Leningrad in July 1942

My Father - Dmitry Pavlovich Shcherbov-Nefedovich - passed all the circles of hell, but survived and retained the vigor of the Spirit. The fate of his fate from the tragic end of many of his "colleagues" on the camp - from executions in Sandarmich. He returned and even was able to find a daughter in one of the orphans of the after-blockade Leningrad. The father worked until the last day worked as if she tried to make twenty years old stolen from him (from arrest in 1935 to rehabilitation in 1957). Without ending because of the arrest, the correspondence department of "technologies", he did not think about the possibility of protection of the dissertation, and he could never write it. Work colleagues have achieved permission for him to make a report on the candidate degree competition for the totality of work (and there were many of them). After the report, the Scientific Council decided to assign him the degree of Doctor of Science (the decision was supported by him). It was in 1961, and then there were another twenty years of creative labor. His works in the field of analytical chemistry, the father was known not only in our country, but also abroad.

Unfortunately, the Father, until the end of his life, did not know anything about the fate of his missing wife (my mother) Irina Ivanovna. We believed that she had died in a blockade Leningrad, perhaps at the art-rider, because no traces of her and no information about her (nor about living, or about the dead) never managed to find. Therefore, when in 1956 the Father decided to marry the second time, by the decision of the court Irina Ivanovna was recognized as dead. And only at the end of 1993, it was quite by chance that I learned that ITS employee (mother again took a place to work - a librarian) Mom was arrested right at work July 30, 1941. After the week of Mom, Mom was convicted of Art. 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR "For Anti-Soviet agitation" is recognized as "guilty of the spread of panic rumors" (about the fact that Minsk is taken by the Germans and bombed Smolensk). Seven years for the words about the bombing! After two years of searches, I learned that my mother died in the "places of imprisonment" on July 25, 1946. He was buried in the village of Yagdynia Verkhnebureinsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. There are no words ... What no words to describe the feelings arising from familiarizing with the "Business" of Mom. August 1941. The Germans near the walls of Leningrad (these days have already built barricades on the streets), and the "bodies" create the appearance of activities and "case" (illiterate denunciations, the same interrogation protocols, each in three copies, so that "the case" looked more ). The complete impression that these "figures" did everything of them depends to avoid sending to the front. I believe that one of them caught and real spies, but innocent "enemies of the people" was incommensurable.

For the "Origin" and "Father-Emigrant", another relative of Grandma Olga Ernestovna was shot - a graduate of the sea corps, Gleb Ivanovich Bostrom's hydrograph. His father, a member of the world expedition, a favorite Fleet Vice Admiral Ivan Fedorovich Bostrom, died in emigration.

The second wife of my father, Anna Dmitrievna Ganin, also suffered - in the 30s their family with six children, aged from twelve to three years, was "smoked" and sent to Kazakhstan, where Anna Dmitrievna still lives. My father Mikhail Leonidovich Schilling and his wife were also repressed. Nikolai Nikolayevich Schilling was arrested in 1945 in Prague.

I think that among my relatives of the victims of repression was even more, but I simply have no information about others. And all over the country ... Millions of my comrades in misfortune, everyone has their own mourning list, their graves - found and unknown ... "Victims" are rehabilitated ... not everything, of course, since some did not get soulful, and physical forces, To bother about it, but about the good name of many who killed by whole families, and in general, it was generally about to take care.
Do not give God to repeat it! God forbid Russia to forget it!

Elizabeth Dmitrievna Perevinko,
dzerzhinsky Moscow region.

Alexander Dmitrievich Dalmatov was shot on the so-called list of spies - members of the Russian Fascist Party (Russian Promotional Union). In the prescription for the execution a 16th of 73 sense of sense of sentences are set. 71 of them are considered shot on September 6, 1938. They are remembered in this volume. Possible burial place - Levashov memorial cemetery. Two were not shot. They will be marked in the 12th Tome of "Leningrad Martyrosc".

For the fate of bobrut-Pushkin, see the material of the "Business of Bobrum-Pushkin" in the 7th Tome of "Leningrad Martyrosc".

Leonid Petrovich Dravert is shot in Moscow. Many in the memory book "Focusing lists: Moscow, 1937-1941:" Communard ", Butovo" (M., 2000), in the books of memory of the republics of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, as well as the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Pavel Osipovich Shcherbov-Nefedovich and his sons Pavel, Georgy and Vladimir will be marked in the 15th volume of our martyrologist - in the Petrograd Martyricol.

Vladimir Ernestovich, expelled in Kuibyshev, Zinaida Gavrilovna and Raisa Afanasyevna Bostrom are leaning on the CD "Victims of Political Terror in the USSR" (4th ed. M., 2007).

Gleb Ivanovich Boston is shot in Kustana. Many in the Arkhangelsk Book of Memory "Pomeranian Memorial" and in the Book of the Sorrow of Kostanay region. (Almaty, 2001). Will be remembered in the 12th Tome of the "Leningrad Martyrosc".

Irina Ivanovna and Dmitry Pavlovich Scherbov-Nefedovichi are marked at the CD "victims of political terror in the USSR" (4th ed. M., 2007).

Singo-manness Dmitry Pavlovich, as well as expelled to Olga Leopoldovna and Olga Ernestovna Shcherbov-Nefedovich and Alexander Fedorovich Sechsandov, sent to Saratov, and Alexander Fedorovich, Seyavini are marked on the website "Returned Names" site at the RNB.

Mikhail Leonidovich Schilling and his one-Rooms are marked in the book F. D. Ashnina and V. M. Alpathov "Slavists" (M., 1994), as well as on the site "Returned names" at the RNB. - Red .

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