David Hawkins Biography. David Hawkins: Quantum Racing of Human Consciousness

St. Petersburg Publishing Group "All" 2010

Very important information about the book is in end of the document!

"The Way of Spirit"

leaving books

David Hawkins

Opening of the Divine Presence. Path of Spirit

Power VS Violence. Hidden motifs of human actions

Truth vs lies: what's the difference

Eye "I", from which nothing is hidden. About the nature of consciousness

"I": Reality and Subjectivity

Master's power is hidden inside his creations

Master's actions only seem we are simple

and infertility.

Those who know about it

gain ability to know the absolute

Knowledge of the Absolute gives a man invisible power

This force manages all life processes.

and does not have the name.


Imagine that you can get a simple answer in the form "yes" or "no" for any question that you wish to ask. Accurate and truthful answer. For any question.

Think about it.

Here are examples of such questions: "Jane meets with a different guy?" (Yes / No?) Or "Johnny tells the truth about school?" (Yes / No?) But you may ask: "Is this a secure financial attachment?" (Yes / No?) Or "Is this job worth my efforts?" (Well no?)

What if every person could get answers to such questions?

In this case, the consequences would be stunning. Think about it again.

What would happen to cumbersome and in many ways imperfect judicial system if we had a clear and reasoned answer to the question: "Is John Dow guilty to him charged?" (Well no?)

What would have become with our politicians if everyone could ask a question: "Is the candidate of X are going to honestly fulfill all the stated promises as part of his political campaign?" (Yes / No?) - And get the right answer.

And what would happen to those who do the preparation of advertising texts and slogans?

Do you understand what I'm talking about. But in fact it is about big. What happens to the state ("the state of the X is really striving for the overthrow of democracy?") And the government ("This bill is actually called up to protect the rights of citizens?")?

What you will feel, having heard: "Check discharged to you was delayed by mail."

If a person really learned to lie the hour after he learned to speak, the phenomenon discussed would lead to the most significant changes in human knowledge from the moment of society; These changes would affect all areas of life - from the rules of communication to ethical principles, each region of our everyday existence would have so unpredictable consequences, which is not even impossible to imagine what life would be after the onset of the real era of truth. The familiar world would have changed completely, including the foundations of being.

Kinesiology is a noun, means the doctrine of muscles and their movements, especially in specific physical conditions. (Greek, Kinesis, movement - "Kinain", "Move", plus "Logia" - "Science".)

Science Kinesiology first attracted the attention of scientists in the second half of the last century, thanks to the work of Dr. Georg Gudhart, who became the discoverer in the area called by applied kinesiology. He discovered that favorable physical factors and useful nutritional supplements increase the force of certain muscles, while harmful factors immediately weaken them. In this regard, he concluded that at the level, far away from the ideas familiar to us, the body "understood" and with the help of muscular signals indicated that it is good for him, and what causes harm. The classic example, which is presented in this book, can be the observed weakening of the indicator muscles when taking a chemical sugar substitute; The same muscles come to the tone when receiving a healthy nutritional supplement healthy.

In the late 1970s, Dr. John Diamond on the basis of applied kinesiology created a new discipline, which called behavioral kinesiology. The amazing find of Dr. Daimond was the fact that the indicator muscles are strengthened or weaken by the iodine by the influence of positive or negative emotional and intellectual, as well as mental factors. The smile gives strength. And the words "I hate you" do weaker.

Before you continue, let me explain in more detail how the person "detects certain properties as a result of the test", since the reader will surely be interested in to make sure of this on its own experience. Next, we give the main provisions of the theory of Dr. Daimond, mentioned in his book "Your body does not lie", published in 1979. This description of the methodology, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bwhich he borrowed from the work of O. Kendalla "Muscles: a study of muscle functions" (Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 2nd Ed., 1971).

For kinesiological experience, two people are needed. Ask a friend or family member to assist in your experiment. We will call your partner or partner assistant.

  1. Let the assistant become straight, his right hand is relaxed, and the left is elongated parallel to the floor and straightened in the elbow. (You can change your hands, if so more convenient.)

  2. Stand up to the assistant and tightly take him for the right elbow with your left hand. Then put your right hand on the elongated hand of the assistant over the wrist.

  3. Tell the assistant that you will try to lower his hand, and he must keep up with your intention.

  4. Now push on his hand quickly quickly, firmly and calmly. Your goal is to crush so much to feel resistance, but not to tire the muscles of the body. The question is not to find out which of you is stronger, but to find out whether the muscles are capable of "blocking" the shoulder joint, resisting pressure.
If the assistant has no problems associated with the physical condition of the muscular system, and it is in a normal, relaxed state of consciousness, without being distracted by external stimuli, the muscles will "be strong". - The hand will remain in the same place. (For this reason, it is important that the person who conducts the test does not laugh and did not interact in any way with a partner.) If the experiment is repeated, subjected to the second person to the influence of adverse factors (for example, suggesting it to adopt an artificial sugar substitute), "despite What you will put pressure on his hand no more than before, the muscles will not be able to resist the power of the pressure, and the hand of the assistant quickly drops down. "

A significant aspect of research work conducted by Dr. Daimond was that the results obtained by them were constant. They possessed predictability, repeatability and versatility. This happened even in cases where there was no rational connection between the stimulus and the reaction. In absolutely incomprehensible reasons, some abstract symbols made all the subjects weaker, while others, on the contrary, stronger. Some results set researchers in a dead end: certain pictures, the plot of which did not carry a pronounced positive or negative nature, forced all the subjects to feel weak, and other "neutral" in their contents of the paintings did people stronger. Other results were also given the soil for important assumptions. While almost all classic musical works and most pop music (including the "classic" rock and roll) brought muscles into tone, "heavy" music or "metal" rock, which won popularity in the late 1970s, Muscles made noticeably weaker.

It is necessary to mention another phenomenon that Diamond accidentally noticed, but did not make a deeper analysis of the surprising results they received. Those tests who listened to the fake records - "Lyndon Johnson attacks the Tonkin Bay", "Edward Kennedy prevents an accident on the Chappakid Dick Bridge, usually demonstrated muscle weakness. However, listening to the records of genuine performances, people acquired muscle tone. This observation served as the starting point for the work of the author of this book, the famous psychiatrist and physics David R. Hawkins. In 1975, Dr. Hawkins began studying the kinesiological response to genuine and false information.

It was found that the subjects do not need awareness of the issue (or subject) that appeared during the experiment. In closed studies and during open demonstrations that collected entire audience of the audience, the tests always felt muscle weakness, taking clean envelopes, which contained an artificial substitute for sugar, and, on the contrary, felt muscle strength, touched into similar envelopes with natural substance. The same result was obtained in the study of the influence of intellectual factors.

It can be assumed that we are talking about a certain form of the combined consciousness, the world soul, or, according to Hokins, which is a follower of Jung, the "database of consciousness". This phenomenon is very common among animals living in a flock. For example, a fish swimming at the end of the jacket instantly turns, feeling that her relatives that are in front, at a distance of a quarter mile from her, they flee themselves, meets the predator path. Perhaps, people are also subject to such influence in the unconscious level. There is too much documentary cases when people instantly received detailed information about what happened with those who were unfamiliar to them and were far from them so that you could deny the presence of certain forms of joint knowledge besides those that the mind offers. Simply put, the same inner subconscious wisdom, which helps to distinguish benefit from harm can also distinguish the truth from deception.

One of the important components of the elements of this phenomenon is the dual nature of the reaction. Hawkins found that questions should be formulated in such a way that the answer could be either "yes" or "no", like a nervous synaps, which is in the on state or inactive. Like most major cellular forms of "knowledge" or the fact that modern physicists are called the original nature of universal energy. Is it true that the human mind is essentially an amazing computer connected to a universal energy field and has much greater knowledge of what it seems to him?

Let's go back to the topic of our discussion. By continuing the study, Dr. Hawkins created a methodology for determining the relative degree of truth of a particular approval, with the help of which it is possible to estimate the truth of any approval, the claims of OL ideology on a scale from a unit to a thousand points. A person can ask a question: "This subject (book, philosophy, teacher) corresponds to 200 points? (Yes / No?) 250 points? " (Yes / No?) And so on until an objective assessment of this thing is established, the muscular weakness reaction will be observed below. The huge meaning of this technique is that for the first time in the history of mankind, the ideological component can be estimated as quality, originally inherent in any subject or phenomenon.

In twenty years, Hawkins were able to analyze the entire spectrum of consciousness levels, reaching an amazing map of the geography of human experience. This "anatomy of consciousness" is a brief overview of humanity in general, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the emotional and spiritual development of a person, society or a nation. So deep and having great perspectives, the view system not only provides a new understanding of the path of the person in the universe, but also allows you to understand what stage of the stairs leading to the spiritual enlightenment and realization of personal potential, we are and those surrounding.

In this book, Dr. Hawkins presents the results of long-term research, and also describes in detail about the latest discoveries in the field of modern physics of elementary particles and the dynamics of nonlinear systems. In the history of the Western world, it demonstrates objective scientific data confirming the testimony of mystics and the saints on the inner essence of the person, God and the nature of reality. This vision of being, our existence and divine starts is the basis of a human connection with the universe, which offers a unique opportunity to satisfy the needs of not only the soul, but also of the mind. Here you will find a rich intellectual and spiritual material, which may be much higher than your cognitive and creative opportunities.
Turn the next page. The future begins right now.
I. Valen, publisher,

Bard Press,

Arizona, 1995

David Hawkins (David R. hawkins) in his book "Power against violence" (Power Vs. Force) described the hierarchy of human consciousness levels. This is a very interesting approach.

Although people can switch from one level to another, usually there is one prevailing "normal" state. If you read this article, you probably have at least at the level harotbecause at lower levels you would have no conscious Interest in personal development.

The names of the levels came up with Hawkins. He speaks about the logarithmic scale: at the top levels there are much fewer people than on the lower. Each low-level transition to a higher accompanied by a significant change in life.

A shame(Shame) - One step to death. Probably here you think about suicide. Or you are a serial killer. In other words, it is hatred aimed at himself.

Wines (Guilt) - at the level of the shame, but you may have thoughts about suicide. You think about yourself as a sinner and you can not forgive our past actions.

Apathy (APATHY) - Have hopelessness or torment yourself. Complete conviction in his helplessness. Many homeless people are stuck at this level.

Gore(Grief) - the level of endless sadness and losses. Here you can get after the loss of your loved one. Depression. Yet higher than apathy, because You start to get rid of stupor.

Fear (Fear) - the world seems dangerous and unreliable. Paranoia. You usually need help to rise above this level or you will stay in a trap for a long time.

A wish(Desire) - not yet burdened by the production and achievement of goals, is the level of desire, bad habits and passions - to money, approval, strength, fame, etc. consumption. Materialism. This is the level of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

Anger (ANGER) - the level of disappointments, often due to the inability to fulfill the desires born at the previous level. This level may freeze you to action at the highest levels, or force you to choke in hatred.

Pride (PRIDE) - the first level when you begin to feel good, but this is a false feeling. It depends on the external environment (money, prestige, ...) and therefore it is vulnerable. Pride can lead to nationalism, racism and religious wars. Remember the Nazis. The level of irrational self-denial and self-defense. Religious fundamentalists also belong to this level.

Bravery (Courage) - the first level of the present force. Here you begin to see that life is full of tests and it captures and does not suppress it at all. You have a hint of interest in personal development, although at this level you are likely to call it an increase in skill, career, promotion, education, etc. You begin to see your future as an increase in the past, and not just as its continuation.

Neutralitet (neutrality) - it can be described by the phrase "Live myself and let us live another." Flexible, relaxed and unfounded life. Whatever happens - you get out.

You do not need something to prove someone. You feel safe and good to get along with people. Many people working on themselves are at this level. Very comfortable place. This is the level of satisfaction and laziness. You care about your needs, but do not strain.

Readiness (Willingness) - When you feel safe and comfortable, you start using your energy more efficiently. Just to reduce the ends meet no more good idea. You pay attention to work well, even show your best results. This is the level of development of will and discipline.

Such people are "soldiers" of our society; They do their job and do not complain. If you are at school - you are really a good student; You seriously perform the lessons and invest time to do it well. This is the level where consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Adoption (Acceptance) - now there is a powerful shift, and you awaken for opportunities for proactive life. At the level of readiness, you became competent, and now you want to find good uses to your abilities. This is the level of setting and achieving goals. Essentially, this means that you are starting to accept (take on) responsibility for your role in this world.

If something in life is not in order (career, health, relationship), you define the desired condition and reach it. You start more clearly see the full picture of your life. This level encourages many people to change their career, start a new business or to engage in your diet.

Intelligence(REASON) - At this level, you cross the emotional aspects of the lower levels and you begin to think clearly and rationally. Hawkins determines it as a level of medicine and science. Upon reaching this level, the ability to use the abilities of the mind to complete power appear. Now there are discipline and proactivity to fully express their innate abilities. You reach the point where you say "excellent. I can do it all, and I know that I must find this correct application. So how best to use my talents? ". You look around and you start doing significant things for the world. In its limit, this level of Einstein and Freud. Obviously, most people never reach him for their lives.

Love (Love) is an unconditional love, a constant understanding of his connection with everything that exists. Think about compassion. At the level of your life, your life works for the head. But in the end it turns out to be a dead end, you fall into a trap, where the intelligence becomes too much. You see that you need a wider context than just thinking for yourself. At the level of love your head and all other talents begin to work on the heart (not on emotions, but for a greater feeling of good and evil - on your consciousness). As I see - this is the level of awakening for your true purpose.

Your motifs at this level are chicted and are not corrupted by the passions of your ego. This is the level of life service to humanity. Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Albert Schweitzer.

At this level, you begin to be guided by the forces, big than you yourself. This is a feeling of liberation. Intuition becomes extremely powerful. Hawkins argues that this level reaches only 1 of 250 people for their lives.

Joy (Joy) - a sense of penetrating and unshakable happiness, the level of holy and advanced spiritual teachers.

At this level, you will feel amazing, just being among the people. Here life is fully controlled by intuition and coincidences. No more needs for purposes and detailed plans - your extended consciousness allows you to operate with higher concepts. Events close to death may temporarily raise you on this level.

Peace (PEACE) - complete transcendence. Hawkins assures that this level reaches one of ten million.

Enlightenment (ENLIGHTENENT) - the highest level of human consciousness, where humanity is combined with Divinity. Extremely rare. This is the level of Jesus. Even thoughts about the people of this level can increase your consciousness.

I hope this model will seem worth thinking about it. Not only people, but also objects, events and even whole communities can be assessed by these levels. In your life you can see that different parts of it are at different levels.But you can define your current overall level.

It seems to me the most important work that we can perform, being people - raise your personal level of consciousness. When we do it, we distribute the highest levels of consciousness for everyone around.

The famous researcher of Consciousness David Hawkins, with the help of applied kinesiology, brought the map of consciousness. According to this card, the human consciousness is divided into levels, each corresponds to the dominant emotion and perception of life, as well as each level, a certain amount of energy is available. The higher the scale on the scale, we rise, that respectively, the amount of vital energy increases and the perception of life changes for the better. And the lower, that respectively, below our energy and emotions are more negative.
Values \u200b\u200bon the map are not arithmetic, but logarithmic, this means that each energy level increases in geometric progression.

David Hawkins - control scale and increase vibration frequency

For optimal presentation of these values, it is assumed that these regular practices are fully integrated into the personality and lifestyle. Apparent activity definitely does not increase the frequency! When some point becomes a skill or practice, we equate this to the extraction of maximum benefits in achieving full skill in this area.
Some of the categories below have a relatively small percentage of benefits, but are vital, because they can work as serious energy anchors that determine the energy evolution if they have a matter with them. Other categories have a greater benefit, but are optional because they represent one of several possible ways to increase the energy frequency. That is, they represent alternative ways to move forward.
All these factors, combined, do not create direct addition, rather they have a complicated effect. However, it is clear that the constant increase in vibration up to 500% is available by means of diligent absorption and integration of the correct practical combination. This is not achieved in one night, but you begin to absorb a number of points, already considering the table itself. According to the Hawk scale, the number 500, added to the usual value of the average human (200), will give 700. This value it defines how the beginning of a true higher consciousness.
Note: Since we are talking about vibration / energy growth, religion is not required, although for some it can serve as significant support. If religious practices are clean, it is possible to achieve a large increase in vibration. Beware of excessively dogmatic, religious practices that reduce the frequency by a very destructive way.

Remember: these are only recommendations, not a panacea! There are many difficulties, and we are all different, so personal variations are possible.
The numbers and letters against each item mean the following:
Numbers are the maximum degree of vibration increasing, available when using each item / practice, believing that the average person begins with 200. That is, the base frequency is added to this magnitude, shown on the comparative scale.
Letters indicate four levels of importance of influence on the frequency of vibration: Well - is vital, it is very important, in - it is important, but alternatively.

1) Getting pleasure: "The biggest secret - we came here, enjoy themselves."
Time held with like-minded friends - +90 (s)
Passion hobby - +120 (c)
Raising sounds / Music:
a) Hearing - +40 (s)
b) participation - +150 (a)
c) singing and proper work with voice - +140 (g)

2) Diet and power skills: "You are what you eat."
Food with fully natural products - +52 (g)
Proper vitamin supplements - +100 (g)
Regular post, 1 day per week - +20 (s)
Regular post, 2 days per week - +80 (s)
Cleaning / detoxification / Internal cleaning of the body - +140 (g)
Vegetarianism, useful vegetables - +10 (a)
Naturally grown vegetables - +90 (a)
Strict Vegetarianism - +70 (a)

3) exercise: "Maintaining the lives of your" Skafandra "
Regular walks - +15 (c)
Sports classes - +60 (B)
Dancing - +70 (a)
Classes in the Gymnastic Hall - +50 (a)
Martial Arts - +110 (a)
Yoga - +120 (B)

4) Relationships: "Test Polygon for Our beliefs"
Harmony in personal relationships - +60 (g)
Harmony in professional / working relationships - +110 (s)
Permission to go inside personal contracts and problems - +80 (g)
Regular quality of proximity and love relationships - +60 (B)
Love classes, based on holiness - +190 (a)

5) Setup / Alignment / Energy Restore: "Fuel Life"
Regular harmonization of body energy - +160 (s)
Managed meditation to restore the vibration state - +150 (B)
Proper mental surgery - +180 (g)
Establish / maintaining links with higher vibration sources - +180 (s)
Negative body ionization for balance with positive ionization caused by contamination, chemicals, electric fields, etc. - +160 (s)
Release of stress / memory of the body - +220 (s)
Harmonization of chakras and auric energies - +240 (g)

6) The current philosophy of the path and life: "Personal vision of life"
Not causing harm in the world - +180 (g)
Engage in favorite business of life - +170 (g)
Avoiding devastating rival practices - +180 (g)
Getting rid of debt - +160 (FA)
Regular time spending with you - +90 (g)
Conduct time alone in nature - +220 (s)
Conduct time in sacred places (with high energy) - +180 (a)

7) conditions at work: "How we spend most of the time"
Refusal from the mouse from the forced search for a way to make money on life - +170 (s)
Creative approach to problems and results - +110 (g)
Avoiding non-macatic stress - +100 (g)
Availability forward - +80 (B)
Not to be a workaholic - +120 (s)
Work in conditions corresponding to life standards - +90 (s)
Work on yourself - +105 (a)

8) Life conditions: "support of their being"
Moving from the city - +60 (s)
Creating optimal conditions for physical life - +140 (B)
Exemption from binding to:
a) places and situations lowering the frequency - +80 (g)
b) Low Energy People Lowing Frequency - +160 (g)
c) negative or "meaningless" media -
+200 (g)
Life in the optimally supportive community - +320 (B)
Elimination of electrical and magnetic pollution - +180 (g)

9) Spiritual Practices: "Balancing of spiritual and physical"
Exit from dogmatic beliefs, practiced mechanically - +150 (g)
Choosing good common spiritual practices - +130 (g)
Prayer - +60 (B)
Call - +90 (s)
Solution - +110 (g)
Regular meditation - +160 (a)
A visit to the proper groups / participation in the activities of groups focused on spirituality - +330 (g)
Use of crystals to preserve energy patterns, thoughtforms, etc. - +280 (g)

10) Activation of higher abilities: "To a fully conscious person"
Fully / relatively developed intuition - +140 (g)
Service of mankind - +210 (s)
Channeling (in the broadest sense) - +440 (s)
Using lenses (view of vision at a distance) - +300 (g)
The practice of healing work based on energy - +380 (g)
Practice technician manifestation - +240 (g)

Summing up: The above applies to the way, how to become a powerful person and is actively freed from the old duality to help maximize. If you completely seized your power, aligned and live in the appropriate environment, the body is revered, and the vital problems are effectively converted. Enjoying life implies the potential to increase the vibration leading to the appearance of a higher consciousness required to commit a large step forward. This is a significant trip to the maximization of the energy you can control with the help of a lifestyle. Maximizing energy is accompanied by the abilities coming together with this energy, and is a determining factor in delivering from the matrix - an expanded consciousness!

David Hawkins - About the Author

Life member of the American Psychiatric Association, he began working a psychiatrist since 1952. Refusing extensive practice in New York for scientific research, he continues spiritual leadership.

Dr. Hawkins - the author of numerous scientific works and video courses; In 1973, in collaboration with Linus Pauling, the Nobel Prize laureate, created an innovative work "orthomolecular psychiatry". The vast experience of Dr. Hawkins as a psychotherapist and the teacher was noted in the biographical reference "Who is who in America."

Dr. Hawkins is a rector of the Institute of Advanced Theoretical Research.

David Hawkins - Books Free:

In their previous works, David Hawkins presented a comprehensive, but mainly theoretical analysis of the kinesiological method (obtaining information on what is truly, and what is false from the subconscious of a person by measuring its muscular ...

There are a number of things that we can do to increase the power of the power of the body that we hold. This power is often called the speed of vibration ...

Vibration speed is the key aspect of the upcoming evolutionary jump. Insofar as...

Imagine that you can get a simple answer in the form of "yes" or "no" for any question that you wish to ask. Accurate and truthful answer. For any question. Dr. Hawkins believes that such an opportunity exists. It provides ...

The famous researcher of Consciousness David Hawkins, with the help of applied kinesiology, brought the map of consciousness. According to this card, the human consciousness is divided into levels, each of which corresponds to the dominant emotion and perception of life, as well as a certain amount of energy.

The higher the scale on the scale, we rose, respectively, the amount of vital energy increases, and the perception of life changes for the better, the lower - below our energy and emotions are more negative.Values \u200b\u200bon the map are not arithmetic, but logarithmic, this means that each energy level increases in geometric progression.Sir David Hawkins is known as a psychiatrist, writer, teacher and researcher, spiritual teacher. Dr. Hawkins i was looking for a way to restore a human connection with the highest reality, with the highest level of consciousness.

And found it in applied kinesiology, which confirms the presence of communication of the muscular tone and the state of the internal organs, as well as human spiritual well-being. Considering the consciousness as a single information (energy) field, through which you can know the truth, David Hawkins opposed him a human mind that is not able to distinguish true from false.

Consciousness map of David Hawkins

To gain access to consciousness, he suggested using a simple kinesiological muscular test that determines the truth or falsity of approval depending on the muscle tone.

The muscles of the body instantly weaken in the absence of truth or become stronger in its presence.

With this bridge between the mind and body, between the embodied and not embodied, you can get the answer "yes" or "no" practically to any question.

"With this simple tool, you can explain and document the exact nature of everything in the universe, at any time. Everything that exists or existed, without exception, radiates the frequency and vibration, as a constant trace in an impersonal field of consciousness, and information can be obtained using muscle test through self-awareness. "(from the book D. Hawkins "Strength and Violence")

Conscious map on D. Hawkins

Studies of David Hawkins led to the creation of a system of calibration of human consciousness. Determine the level of Consciousness Hawkins proposes with the help of all the same muscle dough. Using it, he calibrated the levels of the truth of many phenomena of our life.

Levels of Consciousness on Hawkinsu: shame, wine, apathy, mountain, fear, desire, anger, pride, courage, neutrality, readiness, adoption, intelligence, love, joy, world, enlightenment.

At each moment of life there is a predominant "normal" state.

The transition from a low level to a higher accompanied by a significant change in life.

Studies of David Hawkins led to the creation of a system of calibration of human consciousness.

Calibration of consciousness on D. Hawkins

A shame(Shame) - One step to death. Suicide level or serial killers. In other words, it is hatred aimed at himself.

Wines (Guilt) - at the level of the shame, but may be thoughts about suicide. A person thinks about himself as a sinner and can not forgive the past actions.

Apathy (APATHY) - a person is experiencing hopelessness or torments himself. Complete conviction in his helplessness.Many homeless people are stuck at this level.

Gore (Grief) - the level of endless sadness and losses. Here you can get after the loss of your loved one. Depression. Still higher than apathy, because Man begins to get rid of stupor.

Fear (Fear) - the world seems dangerous and unreliable. A person needs help, otherwise he will stay in a trap for a long time, for example, such as "overwhelming" relationships.

A wish (Desire) is the level of aspiration, bad habits and passions - to money, approval, strength, glory. This is the level of smoking, alcohol and drugs. Consumption. Materialism.

Anger (ANGER) - the level of disappointments, often due to the inability to fulfill the desires born at the previous level. This level can raise a person to action at the highest levels, or make choke in hatred. In the "overwhelming" relationships, you can often see a couple: one overflows anger, the other is fear.

Pride (Pride) - the first level when a person begins to feel good, but this is a false feeling.

It depends on the external environment (money, prestige) and therefore it is vulnerable. Pride can lead to nationalism, racism and religious wars.

The level of irrational self-denial and self-defense. Religious fundamentalists also belong to this level. A person becomes so tied to his faith that any attack on your picture of the world perceive as an attack on yourself.

Bravery (Courage) - the first level of the present force.

Here a person begins to see that life is full of tests, it captures, and does not suppress. There is a hint of interest in personal development, although at this level a person calls its promotion, career, education. A person begins to see his future as an increase in the past, and not just as its continuation.

Neutrality(neutrality) - it can be described by the phrase "Let yourself be yourself, and others be different".

Flexible, relaxed and unfounded life. No need to prove anyone. Many people working on themselves are at this level. Very comfortable place. This is the level of satisfaction and laziness. A person takes care of his needs, but not straining.

Readiness(Willingness) - When a person feels safe and comfortable, he begins to use his energy more efficiently.

Just to reduce the ends meet no more good idea. It draws attention to working well, it is possible to even show my best results. There are thoughts on time management, productivity and self-organization, the concepts that were not so important at the neutrality level.

This is the level of development of will and discipline.

Such people are "soldiers" of our society; They do their job and do not complain. This is the level where consciousness becomes more organized and disciplined.

Adoption (acceptance) - now there is a powerful shift, and a person awakens for the opportunities of active life.

This is the level of setting and achieving goals. Man begins to take (take on) responsibility for its role in this world. If something in life is not in order (career, health, relationship), it defines the desired state and reaches it.

The man begins to more clearly see the full picture of his life. This level encourages many people to change their careers, start a new business.

Intelligence (REASON) - At this level, a person overcomes the emotional aspects of the lower levels and begins to think clearly and rationally.

Hawkins determines it as a level of medicine and science. When a person reaches this level, he has the ability to use the abilities of the mind to complete power.

Now he has discipline and activity to fully show his innate abilities. A person reaches a point where he says "excellent. I can do it all, and I know that it should find this proper application. So it is better to use my talents? ". In its limit, this is the level of Einstein and Freud.

Love (Love) - I do not like the label of Hawkins "Love" here, because it is not the emotion of love.

This is an unconditional love, a constant understanding of his connection with everything that exists. Think about compassion! At the level of intelligence, your life works for the head.

But in the end it turns out to be a dead end, you fall into a trap, where the intelligence becomes too much. You see that you need a wider context than just thinking for yourself. At the level of love your head and all other talents begins to work on the heart (not on emotions, but for a greater feeling of good and evil - to your consciousness).

This is the level of awakening for its true purpose. Your motifs at this level are chicted and are not corrupted by the passions of your ego. This is the level of life service to humanity. At this level, you begin to be guided by the forces, big than you yourself. This is a feeling of liberation. Intuition becomes extremely powerful. Hawkins argues that this level reaches only 1 of 250 people for their lives.

Joy(Joy) - a feeling of penetrating and unshakable happiness.

Eckhart Tolle talks about him in his lecture The Power Of Now. This is the level of advanced spiritual teachers. At this level, you will feel amazing, just being among the people.

Here life is fully controlled by intuition and coincidences. There is no longer any need for purposes and detailed plans - your expanded consciousness allows you to operate with higher concepts. Events close to death may temporarily raise you on this level.

Peace(PEACE) - complete transcendence. Hawkins assures that this level reaches one of 10 million.

Enlightenment(ENLIGHTENENT) - the highest level of human consciousness, where humanity is combined with Divinity.

The hierarchy of human consciousness levels described David Hawkins in his book "Power against violence" (Power VS. Force). In his concept, the author relies on the hypothesis R. Sveddreka on the existence of "morphogenetic fields" and the holographic model of the work of the brain K. Pribrama.

The awareness measurement scale proposed by Hawkins has a range from 0 to 1000 conditional values \u200b\u200bof the activity of energy fields generated by consciousness.

Each of the 17 levels of consciousness corresponds to a variety of mental states and a certain level of activity of energy fields. An important note is given that the numbers are not an arithmetic progression, but a logarithm with a base of 10.

1 denotes the existence as such (bacteria), and 1000 is the highest level of development of consciousness in the physical body (Jesus, Buddha, Krishna). Most people barely reach the level of truth (200).

Hawkins determines the boundary feature (the conditional indicator \u003d 200), below which the main objectives of the person are survival, the manifestation of their animals of instincts, and above it increases the desire for harmony, positivism, gradually acquires the significance of other people's well-being.

Through this scheme, the interdependence of the level of consciousness and the amount of force, the vital energy, which is possessed by a person - the higher its creativity and positivism, the higher the potential of the energy fields that it generates.

In the concepts of D. Hawkins proposed by D. Hawkins and O. Oris, the psychic personality is described as a complex dynamics of multi-level processes. The course of evolution on a scale occurs not strictly linearly within a single level - rather, the process is carried out in accordance with the distribution of interest.

A person consistently acquires a spectrum of multi-level life experience, "going back", then "running forward", and only on the averaged dynamics of his thought activity, elections and actions can be judged by the range of activity of consciousness. Moreover, in different spheres of life, the person may exercise themselves through the radically different levels of consciousness.

Scale of mental activity (map of consciousness) D. Hawkins

The figure shows a scale of mental activity in the format proposed by the author: emotion that corresponds to it energy level, the key perception of oneself (lifestyle) and the Divine.

According to the proposed model, starting with the level of courage, a person is able to overcome obstacles to the goal, to a greater degree trusting life and others, perceiving obstacles as incentives for development. It is from the state of courage begins aware, creative creativity of man begins.

All states that are peculiar to the mark below 200 are characterized by a different degree of frustration, destructive identity motivations towards themselves and the surrounding reality.

The critical point with the mark "200" Author calls the transition zone between negative and positive, dual and more conscious holistic thinking.

The most "rude" forms of manifestation of mental activity, according to this scale, are apathetic, depressive states in which the person led by instincts is capable of manifestations of extreme aggressiveness and destructiveness, despite adverse consequences for themselves.

It is noteworthy that as a result of perennial research, D. Hawkins leads the following overall characteristics of the collective level of consciousness of mankind:

"The collective level of consciousness of mankind for many centuries remained at the level of 190 points and, that strangely, rose to its current mark of 204 points only during the last decade."

Overcoming the mark 200 also symbolizes the transition from violence to strength as a creative resource.

How can you test and increase your level of consciousness?

We use the control scale and increase the frequency of Vibration D. Hawkins.

If you make an analysis of habits, preferences, the most regular activity and lifestyle of a person, then it is possible to obtain an indicator of its level of consciousness, as the influence of different practices and activities on the development of consciousness is observed. Each item listed in the scale is a comparative indicator measured on the basis of the "average person".

The factors listed in the scales are assumed to be regular practices fully integrated into personality and lifestyle. Wherein, apparent Activity definitely does not increase the frequency!

It is also the case with the skill.

When some regular practitioner occupation becomes skill, it is equal to the extraction of maximum benefits from achieving full skill in this area.

However, some of the following categories have a relatively small percentage of benefits, but are vital when they work as serious energy anchors that determine the energy evolution.

Other categories have a greater benefit, but are optional, since one of several possible (alternative) ways to increase the frequency of energy are presented.

All these factors, combined, have a complicated effect on quantitative indicators. However, it is clear that the constant increase in vibration up to 500% is available at the expense of the correct practical combination.Considering the scale itself, you can already achieve certain results.

Control scales and increasing the frequency of hockey vibrations

Numerical and letter notities are used as basic scale indicators.

Numbers- This is the maximum degree of increase in vibration, available when using each item / practice, believing that the average person starts with 200. That is, the base frequency is added to this magnitude, shown on the comparative scale.

Letters Indicate four levels of importance of influence on the frequency of vibration:

Well - vital; S - very important; In - important; A - alternatively.

1. Getting pleasure: "The biggest secret - we came here, enjoy themselves":

Time held with like-minded friends - +90 (s)
Passion hobby - +120 (B)
Raising sounds / Music:
a) hearing - +40 (s);
b) participation - +150 (a);
c) singing and proper work with voice - +140 (g)

2. Diet and power skills: "You are what you eat":

Food with fully natural products - +52 (g)
Proper vitamin supplements - +100 (g)
Regular post, 1 day per week - +20 (s)
Regular post, 2 days per week - +80 (s)
Cleaning / detoxification / Internal cleaning of the body - +140 (g)
Vegetarianism, useful vegetables - +10 (a)
Naturally grown vegetables - +90 (a)
Strict Vegetarianism - +70 (a)

3. Exercise: "Maintaining the lives of your" Skafandra ":

Regular walks - +15 (B)
Sports classes - +60 (B)
Dancing - +70 (a)
Classes in the Gymnastic Hall - +50 (a)
Martial Arts - +110 (a)
Yoga - +120 (B)

4. Relationship: "Test polygon for our beliefs":

Harmony in personal relationships - +60 (g)
Harmony in professional / working relationships - +110 (s)
Permission to go inside personal contracts and problems - +80 (g)
Regular quality of proximity and love relationships - +60 (B)
Hannost-based love classes - +190 (a)

5. Setting / Alignment / Energy Restore: "Fuel Life":

Regular harmonization of body energy - +160 (s)
Managed meditation to restore the vibration state - +150 (B)
Proper mental surgery - +180 (g)
Establish / maintaining links with higher vibration sources - +180 (s)
Negative body ionization for balance with positive ionization caused by contamination, chemicals, electric fields, etc. - +160 (s)
Release of stress / memory of the body - +220 (s)
Harmonization of chakras and auric energies - +240 (g)

6. The current philosophy of the path and life: "Personal vision of life":

Non-defense of harm in the world - +180 (g)
Engage in favorite business of life - +170 (g)
Avoiding destructive rival practices - +180 (g)
Getting rid of debt - +160 (FA)
Regular time spending with you - +90 (g)
Conduct time alone in nature - +220 (s)
Conduct time in sacred places (with high energy) - +180 (a)

7. Conditions at work: "How we spend most of the time":

Refusal from the mouse from the forced search for a way to make money on life - +170 (s)
Creative approach to problems and results - +110 (g)
Avoiding non-macatic stress - +100 (g)
Availability forward - +80 (B)
Not to be a workaholic - +120 (s)
Work in conditions corresponding to life standards - +90 (s)
Work on yourself - +105 (a)

8. Life conditions: "Support for our Being":

Moving from the city - +60 (s)
Creating optimal conditions for physical life - +140 (B)
Exemption from binding to:
a) places and situations lowering the frequency - +80 (g);
b) Low energy people lowering the frequency - +160 (g);
c) negative or "meaningless" media - +200 (g)
Life in the optimally supportive community - +320 (B)
Elimination of electromagnetic pollution - +180 (g)

9. Spiritual practices: "Balancing of spiritual and physical":

Exit from dogmatic beliefs, practiced mechanically - +150 (g)
Choosing good common spiritual practices - +130 (g)
Prayer - +60 (B)
Call - +90 (s)
Solution - +110 (g)
Regular meditation - +160 (a)
A visit to the proper groups / participation in the activities of groups focused on spirituality - +330 (g)
Use of crystals to preserve energy patterns, thinking - +280 (g)

10. Activation of higher abilities: "To a fully conscious person":

Fully / relatively developed intuition - +140 (g)
Service of mankind - +210 (s)
Channeling (in the broadest sense) - +440 (s)
Using lenses (view of vision at a distance) - +300 (g)
The practice of healing work based on energy - +380 (g)
Practice technician manifestation - +240 (g)

So, we see that the process of expanding consciousness can be controlled by leading the appropriate lifestyle.

Increased vibrations leads to a higher consciousness. Maximizing energy is accompanied by the abilities coming together with this energy, and is a determining factor in delivering from the matrix.published.

If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

Elena Paradise

P.S. And remember, just changing your consciousness - we will change the world together! © Econet.

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