Characteristics of the heroes of the story of the adventure of electronics. Evgeny veltistov - new adventures electronics

It is difficult to find a person who would not watch the famous adventures of Electronics in Soviet times. All the children were looking forward to this film and followed the adventures of the robot boy. A film was shot based on the fairy tale Veltist's Adventures of Electronics, which we will consider in a summary for the reader's diary.

Adventures of Electronics briefly chapter by chapter

The book Adventure Electronics is read quickly and with pleasure even in its full version, but for lack of time, the presentation of Veltistov's story in chapters of the book for grade 4 will allow you to get acquainted with the plot. What we present below.

Chapter: Suitcase with four handles

Professor Gromov arrives at the Dubki hotel. Having settled in the room, the professor opened the suitcase, in which there was a boy with his eyes closed. No one would immediately understand that in front of him is not a living child, but a cybernetic one. Asking him how he was feeling, the professor put the robot on charge, he himself began to call someone. At this time, the unthinkable happened. The boy-robot tore out the wires, jumped out the open window and ran. Gromov chased after him. Thus begins the adventure of Electronics.

Chapter: White coat or formulas

This chapter introduces us to Sergei Syroezhkin, who had an unattractive ordinary appearance. He was 13 years old. Sergei lives on Gorokhov Lane, where he moved two years ago. He entered a new school, which was called the school of young cybernetics. Serezha dreamed of making a robot in the future that would do all the work for him.

After the first day at school, the boy was delighted. He came with new knowledge, as well as with the goal of choosing a profession. Become an installer and wear a white coat, leaning over the drawings or a programmer and make mathematical programs and formulas. Doing his homework, the boy was constantly distracted, and then he completely abandoned everything with thoughts that he would write off from a classmate Korolkov, with whom Gusev was friends. Gusev constantly teased Syroezhkin. There were students in the 9th grade Popov and Nedelin, who were considered great mathematicians. Just at school, mathematics lovers were divided into two camps. Some were fans of Popov, others were Nedelin, including Syroezhkin.

Once, having run into Popov at school, Syroezhkin began to dream that one day he would write a mathematics olympiad and take first place, after which he would receive praise from a mathematician. What, isn't that possible? Why is it impossible to discover a new Syroezhkin theorem? Serezha often thought about why he couldn’t understand himself, why he couldn’t decide on a profession. He often asked his father how to understand what you want to be and soon announced that he would be a veterinarian.

Chapter: Who is the champion

In the morning Syroezhkin went to buy rolls for his father, and on the way he amused himself by reading the opposite. Syroezhkin, as always, had many questions. He wanted to get answers from Korolkov, but Gusev was with him, who showed Syroezhkin a telescope and let him look into it, talking about the starry sky. But in the end, Seryozha looked at the sun, which blinded him. Calling Gusev, Syroezhkin ran away.

When Sergei was walking along the road and making a plan for revenge, he heard that something was being shouted at him. It turned out that Syroezhkin was mistaken for a champion who ran quickly and at the same time the boy did not have shortness of breath. They wanted him on the team. Understanding nothing, Syroezhkin runs away. And then the boy meets the robot, his double and they get to know each other.

Chapter: Magician of all time

Boys in the park. There they have fun and then they began to invite everyone to the stage to demonstrate their talents. Syroezhkin persuaded his friend to show tricks, Elektronik agreed. Showing the next number, he swallowed the items that were taken from the viewer, then suddenly jumped over the fence and ran. The audience called the boy a crook, but Electronics' legs themselves suffered due to the strong electric current turned on by the professor. The audience ran after him.

Chapter: All About Electronics

The cybernetic scientist Svetlovidov arrived at the hotel where the professor was staying. But there was no one in the room. There was only an empty open suitcase. But Professor Gromov was talking about some kind of surprise. And now Gromov enters the room.

Chapter: How the Electronics Engineer Was Born

The professor said that there would be no surprise since he ran away. After that, he spoke about Electronics and how it was created. He also spoke about the red beast, which was created as part of the Electronics. He also escaped.

Chapter: How the Electronics Engineer Studied

Then they called from the police and reported what Electronics had done in the park. Then he disappeared without a trace. The professor assures that the things are not missing and will be returned as soon as the boy is found. Then Gromov continued the story and told how they trained the robot. Elektronik himself was inquisitive and quickly studied everything. Then they called again and said that they saw a boy in a blue jacket, who ran very fast and could well set a world record. He called himself Syroezhkin. The professor asked to find the boy, not understanding why his cybernetic boy came up with such a name. And here comes the call again. It was reported that the boy was found.

Chapter: X-ray showed nothing

Gromov arrived at the police station, where they said the boy had been found and was in the hospital. He is being X-rayed to find objects. The professor rushed to the hospital, where he saw Syroezhkin. But the x-ray showed nothing. Seryozha himself said that he did not know and did not see anything, because he did not want to lose the found double. But at the moment the robot sits in his house in the closet. Syroezhkin goes home.

Chapter: Secret you are me

Serezha came home and called Electronics. It was already late and the boy wanted to go to bed, but the robots do not sleep and Elektronik asked for books. He reads all night. In the morning, when Seryozha woke up, he learns in a conversation that Elektronik knows a lot, including the school curriculum. He asks Electronics to change places for a while so that he will answer for him in the lesson, since Syroezhkin was not ready. The robot agrees.

Chapter: Optimistic Programmer

The Optimist Programmer is the name of a newspaper published by programmer mathematicians. There was already an article about the champion. All the guys were wondering how Syroezhkin managed to run so fast. Here Syroezhkin, aka Electronics, noticed an error in the equation in the newspaper and pointed it out. Spartacus praised the boy. The bell rang. Electronics on the drawing. The teacher took the children to the river and told them to sketch the landscape. However, Elektronik drew incomprehensible lines, as it turned out, it was the movement of skiers, which is depicted using a system of three vectors. Spartak wanted to place this material in the newspaper, but the drawing teacher herself was dissatisfied, because there was no drawing. The electronics was given the task of fixing everything and drawing a drawing of the house. Gusev invites Electronics - Syroezhkin to compete and see who will be the first to reach the school.

Chapter: Bride's Chair

Electronics is now in the second lesson instead of Syroezhkin. Mathematics is taught by Taratar. At the blackboard, first Gusev, then the teacher suggests giving other proofs of the Pythagorean theorem. Volunteered to do this Electronics, who began to give 25 examples of evidence. The last figure was the Bride's Armchair, which made the whole class laugh. The teacher was at a loss, the class was delighted. Electronics deserved a solid five in the magazine. Now they have a star in their class, not only among the ninth graders. Their Syroezhkin is a running champion, and a real Pythagoras, and also a newspaper correspondent. Spartak enters the class and hands Syroezhkin a ticket to the circus - a reward for a good note about skiers and three vectors.

Chapter: Three Keepers of the Theorem

At this time, Sergei was in the park on the stage behind the screen. He liked this kind of life, whatever you want to do, and most importantly, you don’t need to go to school. The boy lay down on the floor of the stage and began to count the boards. A sunbeam appeared and the boy began to let out sunbeams, which began to disappear somewhere. A girl came and said that her grandfather was catching them. They suggested that Syroezhkin go to an amazing place. The boy ended up in the second dimension, where everything was flat, while the girl herself was selling smiles that grandfather made from the skins of hares. In this world, the boy made a noise with his laughter. The keepers of the theorem appeared, whom Seryozha puzzled with Pythagorean pants as a result. Further, proving that the earth is round and not flat, he is accused of deceit. The girl asks Seryozha to run away. Syroezhkin runs, hoping to be in his own world, but someone grabs him by the leg. Serezha opens his eyes and sees Electronics, to whom he is very happy. It turns out that it was a dream, the Electronics himself reported and the boys went to the circus.

Chapter: Electronics' First Defeats

Here the heroes of Veltistov's work Adventure Electronics go to the circus. Three more hours until the show. Serezha decides to please the double. Taking out various stamps and papers from his pockets, he invites the cybernetic double to go to the guys and exchange the good. Not understanding why to do this, the robot goes. Came back quickly with various unnecessary items. Syroezhkin realized that nothing good came of this and, with the help of his cunning, exchanged unnecessary trash back for his own things.

On the way to the circus, Electronics meets a girl named Maya Svetlova. He himself introduces himself as Sergei Syroezhkin. The girl was delighted with the tricks that he showed, but the Electronics, despite Serezha's signs from behind, hurried to say goodbye to Maya. Syroezhkin did not understand why the double could not start a conversation, get interested in history, but simply quickly said goodbye. Anyway, the boys go to the circus.

Chapter: Behemoth Code

Electronics entered the circus with a ticket. The second ticket could not be found and Seryozha remained at the entrance, but later a man showed him, asking him to find an empty seat for the boy. Sitting in an armchair, Syroezhkin looks for Electronics, but does not find him. An incredible thing is happening here. The bear began to rise towards the viewer. As it turned out, the robot called the animal, later Elektronik gave instructions to other animals, confessing to the trainer that he studied signs and signals, but he did not study the code of hippos. As a result, Electronics was called a great trainer.

Chapter: Conversation with the Goose and the Ophiuchus

Syroezhkin and Al return home. Serezha knows that he will be scolded, so he asks the robot to go instead of him. However, no one scolded him, and even praised him for his achievements, which they learned from the newspapers, and not personally. Syroezhkin already regretted that he sent the robot instead of himself. Later, the boys talked about the universe and the signs by which they communicate in the world. Including about animals, which also have their own language. They also talked about the fact that all actions can always be transferred using mathematics. After Syroezhkin gave the letter to the double and ran away. In the letter, he writes that Elektronik became his friend, he reciprocated.

Chapter: Good thing dogs don't talk

Theory is always good, but practice is better. Syroezhkin offers to bring a dog so that Electronics can show how he will communicate with her. Seryozha lures a mongrel into the apartment, who rushes barking at a robot - a boy, but with the help of sounds, he made the dog howl like a dead man. Sergey quickly drives the dog out of the apartment, while Elektronik himself says that dogs are the most mysterious creatures. Then the boys started talking about the red fox that runs around the city and no one can catch him. Later, Syroezhkin understands why the dog was barking like that, because she realized that it was not Syroezhkin in front of her. Now the secret is known to the third living creature, it's good that the dogs do not speak.

Chapter: The oppression of mystery

Serezha has a strange life, he does not study, but he earns fives, as a double goes instead of him. Electronics, on the other hand, earns fame, and there was even an incident that changed Gusev's relationship with Sergey. Now he no longer teased. Syroezhkin himself was tired of the current situation, he already wanted to go to school himself, but he fell behind the students and launched the program. I had to wait until the end of the quarter. He found an excuse for himself in the fact that, having found another similar car, he did the same.

Chapter: What does it mean to think

The teacher brought a miracle machine called the Tutor to the math lesson and says that now the lessons will be held with its help. At this time, Syroezhkin really wants to be among the students, in the classroom at the desk.

Chapter: Duel with Tutor

At the lesson, each student received a task from the machine, and now the turn of Syroezhkin came. As always, instead of Seryozha, there was an Electronics at the lesson, who easily solved the example given by the Tutor. Everyone expressed admiration, the teacher was somewhat embarrassed.

Chapter: Music Education

There was another incident that brought glory to Syroezhkin. The electronics engineer went with the professor to visit Korolkovo to study there. Vova's grandmother asked her grandson to play, but he did not succeed. Instead, Elektronik played his tune. Grandma's head was spinning from the music. Now Syroezhkin was asked to play at concerts, fame was becoming dangerous and it was scary to go out into the street.

Chapter: If there was a time machine

Syroezhkin is now afraid of everything. He is tired of such a life and he decides to go to his friends in Murmansk. Having ordered a ticket, he was going to go, but before that he decided to call Maya. The girl did not understand the conversation with Serezha, saying only if he had any questions, then they could meet today at the questioning day and talk. The train leaves in three hours and Serezha needs to solve a difficult problem during this time.

Chapter: Question Day

On this day, every student does not study, but asks questions. Variety. Great people answer them. And now this day has come. Questions are written, professors began to answer them. There were a lot of questions about cybernetics, about computers, to which Svetlovidov answered. He also mentioned Electronics, which he promised the children would see soon. Now none other than Syroezhkin is invited to the microphone. He must answer the question whether it is possible to learn the language of animals. An Electronics in a blue jacket under the name of Sergey began to enter the stage, but a voice was heard from the hall. Everyone was dumbfounded.

Chapter: Syroezhkin is me

A boy walked along the row, a girl ran after him, who looked first at the stage, then into the hall. Everyone saw two similar boys. Sergei climbed onto the stage and announced that he was Syroezhkin. Professor Gromov entered and began to ask the robot boy questions, to which he immediately answered. Gromov immediately understood who was standing in front of him. Children also called the boys twins, until someone suggested and said that it was Electronic. A break has been announced.

Chapter: He laughs

Sergei remained standing aside, and all the children surrounded Professors Gromov and Eletronics. Taratar approached Seryozha, praised Syroezhkin for his courage to confess, but many already began to guess that the robot boy was not Seryozha. The teacher told Seryozha to approach his double that he had become a friend. When Syroezhkin approached, there were many children next to Elektronik and everyone wanted to ask questions. Then everyone decided to cheer up Al. Gromov himself admitted that he did not provide for this function, as he was worried that his brainchild would not burn out. And here the Electronics uttered the long-awaited ha-ha.

The children ask the professor to give them Electronics and leave them at their school. Maya came up and asked Gromov to make an electronic machine, which would be in the department of chemists. But the guys all unanimously began to invite Maya to their place. The girl can come to Electronics at any time. Everyone will be happy. Syroezhkin also said that he would be glad, because he was not going anywhere.

"Adventures of Electronics" summary

4.7 (94.29%) 14 votes

Electronics is a mechanical copy of a living boy who dreams of becoming a man. The robot, which appeared in the laboratory of the brilliant Professor Gromov, independently learned the basics of life in a team, having managed to find a soul and the ability to express emotions.

History of creation

In the 1960s, the electronic era experienced a romantic period. At the peak of fashion were topics related to the development of technological progress. In every Soviet kitchen, new scientific advances and opportunities were discussed. In such an atmosphere, a miracle robot was born, invented by a journalist, science fiction writer Evgeny Veltistov.

The first story about the adventures of an unusual teenager, created in the laboratory of Professor Gromov, was published in 1964. The story "Electronics - the boy from the suitcase" was followed by three more works: "Rassi - the elusive friend", "Winner of the Impossible" and "New Adventures of Electronics".

The idea to write about a young robot came to the author on a trip to the sea, which was told about by the children's poet and writer, Veltistov's friend Vladimir Prikhodko in the preface to the first book. The boy really appeared "out of the suitcase". Evgeny Serafimovich once went on vacation to warmer climes. Carrying luggage to the train, I was surprised at its weight, because flippers and clothes could not weigh so much.

On the way, the fantasy played out in earnest: the science fiction writer suddenly thought that perhaps there was an electronic boy in the suitcase who could talk. Unfortunately, instead of a living being, there was only a pile of books - the vacationer confused his own suitcase with someone else's.

The incident would have remained just a curiosity, but the fictional Elektronik firmly settled in the imagination of Evgeny Veltistov, and the writer began to create an amazing story of a young robot. During his work, he often visited a school with a mathematical bias in order to more realistically embody the idea.

Here the science fiction writer met the brilliant teacher Isaac Tanatar, who became the prototype of the book teacher of mathematics Taratar, who borrowed a nickname from his prototype. Later, the teacher had the honor to act as a critic of the first story, and he considered that the reader would certainly like the book.

The honored mathematician turned out to be right: the adventures of the robot boy won the hearts of little and even adult bookworms. The author was flooded with letters. Inspired by the success of Veltistov, he sat down to continue the story, inventing new characters. The last part of "Electronics", which came out from under the printing presses, the author received while lying in the hospital with a fatal illness.

The main characters turned out to be so original and original that they were torn to the screen. The director's incarnation of the books made an even greater sensation - queues appeared in bookstores for the writer's stories, and the children united in clubs under the name of their favorite character, where they sculpted their own robots.

The works of Yevgeny Veltistov were also evaluated by the luminaries of science. For example, a physicist-mathematician, a professor saw features in Electronics, calling fantastic stories a projection of a fairy tale into the electronic age: a man-made boy acquires the features of a living person, and behind the goodies are people “with a soul”, for whom freedom comes first.

Adventure Electronics

Events unfold in the late 70s in the capital of Russia. A talented professor, cybernetic engineer Gromov proved that the possibilities of technological progress are endless by creating Elektronika. The model for the embodiment of the appearance was a photograph of a 6th grade student Sergei Syroezhkin, which the genius saw on the cover of a Soviet magazine.

An amazing robot, although it does not differ from an ordinary teenager, but has super-powers - it demonstrates miracles of physical strength and endurance, runs at high speed, and learns any information on the fly. Moreover, a soulless creature begins to turn into a person, dreaming of becoming a real person.

The leader of a foreign group of art robbers, Stump, found out about the appearance of an unusual car and sent his assistant named Urry to get it. But then the plot took an unexpected turn.

Offended by the creator, Elektronik runs away from Gromov's house. Acquaintance with his own double Serezha Syroezhkin, an idiot and a loafer, gives a chance to "become a man." A cunning schoolboy convinces a new friend that the goal is achievable if he will go to school instead of him. A naive robot, of course, believes a friend.

This is how Syroezhkin's heavenly life begins - the boy is lazy while Elektronik studies for him, demonstrating incredible talents in the sciences. Gradually, the robot completely takes the place of Sergei, and he, feeling that he was left out of work, returns to school and reveals to his peers the secret of his transformation. At the same time, he confesses to Electronics - the answer to the question of how to become a man is unknown to him.

Frustrated, Electronic wanders around the city until he finds the meaning of existence in helping people. The boy repairs mechanisms and devices, for which one day he receives a toy in the form of a dog as a thank you, from which he creates a faithful robot friend named Rassi. A triumphant return to school happens at the request of the girl Maya: Syroezhkin urgently needs help to enroll in the hockey team. And Elektronik agrees to help.

Meanwhile, Gromov guesses where his mechanical creation is, and, having analyzed the thread of recent events, he realizes that the robot managed to get closer to the dream, because he was able to join the team and not arouse suspicion about his origin.

The proof that Elektronik nevertheless turned into a living person was a mess with a hockey match, when the robot failed to understand the essence of the game, and Syroezhkin won at least something for the first time in his life. The boy created in the laboratory, who had not shown emotions yesterday, suddenly began to cry.

Further adventures of Electronics are even more exciting. The robot is captured by Urri and ends up abroad, where he helps gangsters get into the museum. But when the boy learns about the true goals of the thief, he decides to return the stolen paintings to their place. In this, Syroezhkin helps the main character through a medallion-transmitter.

Screen adaptation

In the summer of 1980, Soviet children sang the song "We are little children", performed by Syroezhkin (sang off-screen) in the three-part film "Adventures of Electronics". The screenwriters took two stories by Veltistov as the basis for the film directed by Konstantin Bromberg - "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase" and "Rassy - an elusive friend".

The director's assistants went through the Land of the Soviets up and down in search of suitable characters. But most importantly, young applicants for the roles were required to be able to play the guitar, sing and ride a moped. The brothers Volodya and Yura Torsuev, who were sent for testing by the head teacher of their native Moscow school, possessed these skills.

The twins managed to argue before the distribution of roles - everyone wanted to appear in the image of the positive character Electronics. As a result, Vladimir Torsuev lost to his brother, but during the filming, the director changed places for the boys.

The film starred such bright stars of Soviet cinema as (Urri), (Stump), (Professor Gromov), (math teacher Taratar).

Fantastic books about Electronics immediately after the premiere became a huge success. A year later, the film was also appreciated by representatives of cinematography - at the All-Union Television Festival, the director received a prize for the best film for children. And over time, "The Adventures of Electronics" turned into a cult picture.


“Electronics is a brilliant invention. But what are you going to do with him now?
Gromov: - You were created for other purposes.
Electronics: - To play chess? No I do not want. I want to be like everyone else, like the boys on TV.”
“They gave me a bike and said: press it. Well, I overtook. The bike got in the way a bit. If only I had come earlier.”
"You see, I want to be human."
“I can pretend to eat or sleep. And most of all I don’t like to drink water - it then gurgles!”
“Every person has a button: vanity, greed, ambition… Especially a robot.”

Series: 4 book - Adventures of Electronics and his friends

Year of publication of the book: 1986

The book "Adventures of Electronics" often means the entire series of books by Evgeny Veltistov about the robot Electronics. But the series consists of five books, and only the first two stories were filmed. The book "Adventures of Electronics" was published in 1983 and in 1988 was rewritten into the story "New Adventures of Electronics". It is the fourth book in the series.

Brief description of the book "The Adventures of Electronics"

Those who have read or watched "The Adventures of Electronics" probably know the main plot of the book. It develops around a new robot created by Professor Gromov. In a modern manner, this is a cyborg. He has a human face and a very developed mind. It was created in the image and likeness of one boy, whose photograph the professor saw on the cover of a magazine. Gromov calls his robot Elektronik.

Share of chance Electronics manages to escape from the professor, and he sets off in search of his prototype - Syroezhkin. Seryozha Syroezhkin is an ordinary schoolboy who is used to living for his own pleasure, without straining. He does not study very well and she does not really strive for this. Therefore, when Electronic offers to replace him at school, he gladly agrees. But he soon realizes that everyone loves Electronics more than him and he comes out of the "underground". In the future, Electronics and Syroezhkin allegedly become twin brothers, and you can read their many adventures in the Adventures of Electronics series.

For the current generation of young people, the stories of the Adventures of Electronics series may seem a bit unrealistic. At the same time, like the works of other Soviet authors of that time, such as "", this book breathes good. This is exactly what modern children lack. Therefore, it is not surprising that the books "Adventures of Electronics" are strongly advised to read to their children not only by parents, but also by the school curriculum.

The book "Adventures of Electronics" on the Top Books website

Despite the rather long period of time that has passed since Veltistov's "Adventures of Electronics" was written, the book is being read quite actively. This allowed the work to take a relatively high place in our rating. And given that interest in the work has been growing lately, we can expect the book to strengthen its position in our ratings.

A fantastic film about the achievements of Soviet science, which for the first time created, under the guidance of Professor Gromov, a robot, a complete copy of a real boy. The whole point of the film is that the robot wanted to master human feelings.

Release date of the movie "The Adventures of Electronics"

The film was shot in 1979 and could have been released, but its revision, or rather censorship, led to the fact that the premiere could take place only on March 23, 1980 and was held not in Moscow, but in the cinema hall of the sanatorium "Ukraine", located in Odessa. After approval already on May 2, 1980, the film was shown on television. For the whole of 1980, this film was broadcast on television 4 times. Then he regularly went out during school holidays.

How many episodes in the movie "The Adventures of Electronics"

The whole film was divided into 3 series, approximately 72 minutes each (total time 216 minutes or 3 hours 36 minutes) Professor Gromov creates a robot that is completely human-like, but has great encyclopedic knowledge, a high level of intelligence, great physical strength and knowledge in the field mechanics and electronics. One professor could not put into his creation - human feelings. The electronics, that was the name of the robot, runs away from the professor in search of himself as a person.
After some time, he meets his copy, a real boy, Sergei Syroezhkin, from whose photograph from the magazine, the professor created the image of Electronics.
Sergey is trying to benefit from getting to know Electronics and substitutes him, instead of himself, at school. This doesn't go on for long.
Foreign gangsters learn about the latest development of the professor and send their agent Urry to capture him, who sets up surveillance of two objects at once and tries to figure out where the mysterious robot control button is located.
Finding a weak point in the Electronics, Urry kidnaps the robot and ferries it overseas into the hands of a gang leader named Stump.
The guys from the school from Syroezhkin and Professor Gromov find out the whole truth and organize a help group to free Electronics. A robotic dog, Ressy, is sent for him, through which they keep in touch.
Gangster chief Stump organizes, with the help of Electronics, a robbery of an art museum. The robot thinks that vile people have seized works of art and do not show them to ordinary people, but the guys from Syroezhkin's class explain to him that this is a hoax and Elektronik is running away from the bandits.
At the end of the film, Professor Gromov brings Electronics to school with his friends. The robot is announced that he is a human, and the Electronics rejoices and smiles like a human.

Where was the film "The Adventures of Electronics" filmed?

The entire plot of the film takes place in Moscow and in a fictional foreign city, but in fact the filming took place in Odessa and Vilnius.
Kuyalnitsky Estuary - 5 kilometers from Odessa, where Elektronik runs away from Professor Gromov.
The village of Kotovsky is a microdistrict in Odessa, here Elektronik continues his escape.
Vingis Park - the city of Vilnius, here the attack of hooligans on the girl Maya, who was spied on by Syroezhkin and Electronics, was filmed.
Victory Park - the city of Odessa, here Elektronik gets acquainted with dogs.
Odessa Palace of Sports - Odessa city, Shevchenko street, house 31, in this palace Syroezhkin undergoes a medical examination. Maya also trained here.
National Polytechnic University - Odessa city, Shevchenko street, house 1, next to it Syroezhkin is pursued by an angry Gusev.
Shop "Children's World" - the city of Odessa, Lenina street, house 14 (now Rishelyevskaya street), a showcase was removed, inside which there is a dog toy.
Shop "House of toys" - the city of Odessa, Karl Marx street (now Ekaterininskaya street), the insides of a children's toy store were filmed here.
The city of Odessa, Sverdlov street, house 29 (now Kanatnaya street), there was a house and a yard where Syroezhkin lived.
Kotzebue Bridge - the city of Odessa, Rosa Luxembourg Street (now Bunin Street), here Syroezhkin's moped broke down.
Sabaneev Bridge, Potemkintsev Square, a fountain on Cathedral Square, a fountain at the Museum of the Navy - the city of Odessa, over these places Syroezhkin pushes a moped.
The districts of Lazdinai and the Old Town - the city of Vilnius, here they rented a house of gangsters.
Trakai Castle - the city of Trakai, Lithuania, where the robbery of the museum was filmed.

Actors and roles of the film "The Adventures of Electronics"

Sergei Syroezhkin
Yuri Torsuev
Due to the fact that the actor's voice was breaking and his pronunciation was not very good, Irina Grishina was engaged in voicing the role, and Elena Kamburova vocals
Vladimir Torsuev
Due to the fact that the actor's voice was breaking and his pronunciation was not very good, Nadezhda Podyapolskaya was voicing the role, and Elena Shuenkova was vocal
Makar Stepanovich Gusev "Goose"
Vasily Modest
Vova Korolkov "Professor"
Maxim Kalinin
Victor Smirnov
Dmitry Maksimov
Evgeny Livshits
Maya Svetlova "T-shirt"
Oksana Alekseeva
Zoya Kukushkina "Sausage"
Valeria Soluyan
The schoolgirl who called Chizhikov - Ryzhikov
Oksana Fandera
Professor Viktor Ivanovich Gromov
Nikolai Grinko
Masha, Gromov's assistant
Elizabeth Nikishichina
Nikolai Karachentsov
Stump the gangster boss
Vladimir Basov
Head teacher
Maya Bulgakova
Semyon Nikolaevich "Taratar Taratarych", mathematics teacher
Evgeniy Vesnik
Rostislav Valeryanovich "Rostik", physical education teacher
Nikolai Boyarsky
singing teacher
Rosa Makagonova
art teacher
Marina Samoilova
Galina Ostashevskaya
Grigory Ilyich, head of the literary circle
Valentin Kulik
Mom Syroezhkina
Natalia Vasazhenko
Papa Syroezhkin
Yuri Chernov
Salesperson in a department store
Valentina Voilkova
Lug, a gangster in Stump's gang
Lev Perfilov
Bree, gangster in Stump's gang
Gennady Yalovich
Bald gangster
Vadim Gutman
Ervinas Pyatraitis
Bronius Talachka
Rassy, ​​the electronics dog
Airedale Terrier named "Genghis"
Gusev's father
Andrey Gonchar
Korolkov's father
Alexander Kazimirov
Mom Kukushkina
Valentina Gubskaya
Boris Smeltsov
The photo of the actors is taken from an open source on the site

Film "Adventures of Electronics" songs

Several songs sounded in the film, some later became hits for children.
Song Urri - sings Nikolai Karachentsov
We are little children - Elena Kamburova sings
What progress has come to - Elena Kamburova sings
Winged swing - performed by the Children's Choir of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater
Syroyezhkin's sad song - Elena Kamburova sings
Toy Song - performed by the Children's Choir of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater
What is this ... - Elena Kamburova sings
Everyone knows this - performed by the Children's Choir of the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre, soloist Lena Shuenkova
Stump's song - Vladimir Basov sings
The clock strikes on the old tower - performed by the Children's Choir of the State Academic Bolshoi Theatre, soloist Lena Shuenkova
You - a man - performed by the Children's Choir of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater, soloist Lena Shuenkova
Composer of music for the film and songs - Evgeny Krylatov
Lyricist - Yuri Entin

When will the sequel to the movie "The Adventures of Electronics"

In 2010, director Konstantin Bromberg delighted fans of the film that he would shoot the continuation of the adventures of the robot Electronics, consisting of 30 episodes, in which the actors Vladimir and Yuri Torsuev, Sergey Syroezhkin and Electronics, who had already matured, would take part. But to the great chagrin, the shooting of the series "Adventures of Electronics 2" did not begin, although they were planned to shoot in the USA.

The plot of the 2nd season "Adventures of Electronics"

Sergei Syroezhkin became an outstanding scientist and headed the institute where Professor Gromov had previously worked. And Elektronik went through a hard way of becoming human feelings in his robot body. Syroezhkin had a son, very similar to his father, and according to plans, he should become the main character of the film. Each episode of this series should contain a discovery of Russian science unknown to the world. In some schools, the task is given: to come up with a sequel to the adventure of Electronics.

© Bilenko, Yu. S., illustrations, 2015

© Yanaev, V. Kh., cover design, 2015

© Design. LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL classic", 2015


"Hello! My name is Electronic...

This book could have been published without a preface.

Why a preface? Moreover, it was written by a man who, in his childhood, without preamble, embarked on the adventures of his favorite heroes.

The fact is that a great many children now know about Electronics. Not lazy and curious. What if the most curious want to know about the author of their favorite books?

For them, a preface was written.

There was a war. Great War. In the second year of the Great War, he came to the 265th Moscow school to study. There were few books. Even fewer notebooks. I wanted to read very much. When asked what you would become, he replied: “Seller of children's books. To read everything.

Then he changed his mind. Decided to become a journalist. It was a solid decision. Graduated from the faculty of journalism. He began to work - first in newspapers, then - as a department editor in the popular Ogonyok magazine. He was in charge of feuilletons and all sorts of things that were printed on the last pages. Was very thin. And so it seemed even longer. In a multi-storey building, the editorial office occupied three floors. And when a cheerful wall newspaper was hung out on holidays, Veltistov was depicted something like this: the head on the third floor, the torso on the second, and the running legs on the first.

He was a real reporter: tirelessly nursed the news. Found interesting people. He found, for example, in one Arbat lane, the author of the famous song "A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest", an old woman, Raisa Kudasheva. And he managed to help her, as help was needed. He also helped the kindergarten to settle in a luxurious dacha, previously owned by a crook. And the famous science fiction writer Stanislav Lem - to see the nuclear reactor in Dubna.

I met with the famous radio electronics and cyberneticist Axel Ivanovich Berg, in order to later “write off” his professor Gromov, an eccentric and with outward severity of a kind person. I met Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, chief designer of space rockets, whom we consider a national hero today. He visited the most prominent scientists: the physicist Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa and the cybernetics Viktor Mikhailovich Glushkov. I interviewed (at that time a curiosity!) the chief of the criminal police of the city of New York. (We find echoes of the overseas business trip in the novel "Nocturne of the Void", also half-real, half-fantastic.)

Veltistov was a man of few words. Stubborn. Collected impressions. Thinking about future books. The manuscript of the first story "Adventures at the Bottom of the Sea" was brought to the publishing house "Children's Literature". Soon She Saw the Light (1960). It was followed by other works. There were many of them: "Tyapa, Borka and the Rocket" (1962), "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase" (1964), "A Sip of the Sun" (1967), "Iron Knight on the Moon" (1969), "Gum-Gum" ( 1970), Rassy the Elusive Friend (1971), Radiate Light (1973), Conquer the Impossible (1975), Heroes (1976), A Million and One Days of Vacation (1979), Nocturne of the Void "(1982), "Praskovya" (1983), "Classroom and Extracurricular Adventures of Extraordinary First Graders" (1985), "Planet of Children" (1985), "Selected" in two volumes (1986), "New Adventures of Electronics" (1988) .

The books "Tyapa, Borka and the Rocket" and "Emit Light" were written by Veltistov in collaboration with his wife and friend Marta Petrovna Baranova.

... I remember the atmosphere in which "Electronics - the boy from the suitcase" was born (the first and, for my taste, the best part of the tetralogy). In the late 50s - early 60s, schoolchildren began to study according to rich programs. The triumphant flight of Yuri Gagarin paved the way into space - it seemed that we would always be the first. The word "cybernetics", which goes back to the ancient Greek "I control the ship", fluttered over the kitchen tables of Moscow communal apartments. The newspapers argued about the fate of poetry in the technical age. The poet Boris Slutsky wrote that physicists are held in high esteem, while lyricists, on the contrary, are in the fold, and that this is a world pattern. The zealous supporters of the exact sciences, the so-called techies, reduced the role of art in the future to a miserable minimum. Interest in science fiction has spread unusually widely. Lem became a favorite of techies. The golden oars of literary fantasies took the reader into such wilds of the universe that previous generations really did not dream of. There was no bitter, still undissolved sediment from the Chernobyl disaster. We did not yet know that we were trailing behind the computer revolution. And that not we, but the Americans will soon land on the moon. They sang with enthusiasm: "On the dusty paths of distant planets ..." The electronic era was going through its romantic period. Your radiant youth.

It was then that "Electronics - a boy from a suitcase" was written.

By the way, why "from a suitcase"?

This image came about like this. Once the author was going on vacation to the warm sea. Carries a suitcase along the platform to the train and is surprised: heavy. As if there are not shirts and flippers, but stones. To make it more fun to carry, he began to fantasize: “Maybe there is someone in the suitcase? Maybe there… an electronic boy? I'll put the suitcase on the shelf, open the lid. The boy will open his eyes, stand up and say: “Hello! My name is Electronic…” He entered the compartment, clicked the locks and gasped. It turns out that in a hurry he mixed up the suitcases: he took another one full of books. I had to do without flippers by the sea. But I did read a lot.

And don't forget about the imaginary boy.

The tale obeys the general laws of art. One of them is formulated something like this: silver apples can grow on an apple tree, but you cannot grow any apples on a willow. It seems to be irrefutable. However, art exists in order to refute its own laws. It happens that what is depicted by the writer is quite reliable, similar to real life, but it looks pathetic, wingless and barely highlighted by a wretched thought, some kind of banality. I don't want to read. Feeling falsehood, the reader says, like a director to an incompetent actor: “I don’t believe it!” This is the verdict.

In Veltistov's book, strange, unbelievable situations, including the notorious "apples on a willow," follow each other. And stories about Electronics are written expressively, brightly. The plot-joke is driven by the extraordinary resemblance of a robot boy and a 7th grade student "B" Seryozhka Syroyezhkin. From the very beginning, having accepted the mischievous conventionality, the festive fantasy of the plot, you get used to it and already believe everything: the crafty Professor Gromov, who prefers an ordinary taxi to helicopters, and the unheard-of Land of two dimensions, where everything is flat: people, houses, balls, trees ... And others miracles. All this seems to have been invented not by the writer, but by the readers - those to whom it is addressed. The ones who can't learn without being mischievous.

Veltistov-fantastic had a real ability to talk about complex things simply. I was able to see the familiar (even boring) from a new perspective. His pen clothed the incorporeal flesh. Turning the abstract into the concrete. He is, of course, a "physicist", not a "lyricist". His sympathies are on the side of the exact sciences. But he did not share the disdain for "lyricism". The heroes of "Electronics" do not suffer from lack of spirituality. The mathematician Taratar, telling his students about the process of creative discovery, cited as an example ... Pushkin's poems. He adjusted his glasses and read quietly, almost in a whisper: “I remember a wonderful moment ...” And a light breeze seemed to burst into the classroom, clouding my eyes.

I wonder if this mathematician is fictional?

It turns out not really.

While working on "Electronics", Veltistov more than once looked into the school with a mathematical bias. Met a respected teacher. His name was Isaac Yakovlevich Tanatar. At the lessons, he did not do without a joke, went hiking with the guys, published with them the wall newspaper “Optimist Programmer” with rebuses in the “Tanatar” language of formulas. The children, of course, called him "Taratar". This is how the name sounds in the story.

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