Reading competition in our dhow. Scenario for a reading competition Script for Readers' Day in kindergarten

Valentina Frolova
Scenario for a reading competition in kindergarten

Scenario for a reading competition in kindergarten

Program content: Goal: increasing the speech activity of children, increasing the level of expressiveness in reading poetry.

Tasks: To develop the ability to tell and listen to poems that other children read; develop skills of emotional response to poetry; continue to teach how to recite poetry emotionally, loudly, with expression; evoke a joyful, emotional mood in children.

Progress of the event:

Let's sit quietly next to you

Lyrics enter our home,

In an amazing outfit

Multi-colored, painted,

And suddenly the walls open up

The whole earth is visible around,

The waves splash like a foamy river

The forest and meadow are lightly dozing,

Steppe paths run along

Melting into a blue haze

This lyric is in a hurry,

And he leads us along.

Good afternoon, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are glad to see you in our hall. Today is an unusual day. Today we are holding a reading competition. We have gathered to please each other with our ability to recite poetry beautifully, loudly, clearly, and perhaps among us there will be those who do this especially well.

No competition is complete without a jury, so allow me to introduce our jury:

The head of our kindergarten is Marina Aleksandrovna Pyshnenko.

Methodist Tatyana Aleksandrovna Sokolova.

Accountant Antonina Vasilievna Filippova.

To begin with, I would like to invite our little guest here, a little girl from the second junior group, Shkorkina Sonya. And we will find out who her poem will be about by guessing the riddle:

What kind of animal is playing with me?

Doesn't moo, doesn't neigh, doesn't bark,

Attacks balls

Does he hide his claws in his paws?

(Children's answers. An invited child from the second younger group speaks).

Let me introduce our competitors:

Bushkova Dasha, Safonov Kostya, Petrov Petya, Sleptsov Andrey, Gasimov Marat, Baishev Andrey, Dubovsky Stas, Borisov Artem, Dynina Lera, Savelyeva Sonya, Kuranova Elya, Kharlampyev Sasha, Gabysheva Christina, Sazonov Roma, Makeeva Arina, Prokopchuk Dasha, Podymakhina Karina , Alina Sidorkevich, Olya Avramkina, Nadya Uvarovskaya, Polina Pervashova, Svyatoslav Nikolaev, Zhenya Komar.

Have you noticed how especially our hall is decorated? The sorceress winter did her best. Winter bound the rivers and lakes with frost and covered the earth with a snow coat. For three long months, nature rests from its troubles, dozes, and accumulates strength. Today there will definitely be poems about this mysterious, magical time of year.

Our reading competition today is opened by Komar Zhenya (preparatory group “Snowdrop”), who will read the poem “Signs of Winter”.

Kostya Safonov (middle group “Solnyshko”) will continue our competition program. Sergei Yesenin’s poem “Winter is singing, calling out...”.

Sonya Savelyeva (middle group “Bell”) will read us another poem about winter.

Dasha Bushkova from the middle group “Sun” will read the same poem to us.

Winter is a time of fun holidays, fun, entertainment and games. Stas Dubovsky (middle group “Bell”, who prepared the poem “Childhood”) will tell us about this.

The same poem will be read by Maxim Gorgadze (middle group “Sun”).

And I also invite you to play a fun game called “Is this true or not?”

1) Leaf fall, leaf fall - snow flakes are flying...

2) Birds have arrived from the south, which means there will be a blizzard soon...

3) Sanki pulled out Sveta - it’s probably summer outside?

4) If a bear sleeps in a den, it means summer is on the doorstep...

5) We ask mom for a fur coat - it means autumn has returned to us...

We will walk in fur coats and collect mushrooms...

6) The snowman was afraid of the cold

And ran under a warm shower.

I really liked to steam -

He often went to the bathhouse...

Well done boys! Did you like the game? Winter is in full swing. What is winter without snow? Everything around was covered with snow: the ground, the trees in the forest, and the roofs of houses... And we continue the competition program and I invite you to listen to the poem “Winter” performed by Artem Borisov (middle group “Bell”).

Name it guys

A month in this riddle:

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly.

The bird is freezing from the frost

The sun turned towards summer.

What month is this, tell me? (January)

January delights us with New Year holidays and gifts. And what else happened one day in January in the forest, Andrei Baishev (middle group “Bell”) will tell us in the poem “It Happened in January...”

We heard wonderful poems about animals in the forest. And I know one forest animal that goes into a long winter hibernation. Do you know him? Do you know why a bear sleeps in winter? Let's find out this from the poem that Dynina Lera (middle group “Bell”) prepared for us.

Our competition will be continued by Marat Gasimov (middle group “Sun”). Valentin Berestov's poem “Teddy bear, bear, couch potato...”

Petya Petrov (middle group “Sun”) learned and will tell us a short poem about a bear.

And Polina Pervashova (preparatory group “Snowdrop”) will tell us what the bear likes to eat most of all. “Mishkina Raspberry” is the name of the poem that she will read to us.

(The phone rings.)

Speech therapist: My phone rang.

Who's speaking?

Can you guess which poem this excerpt is from? Who is its author? (Children's answers). Of course, this is our favorite writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. From an early age, the poems of K. I. Chukovsky bring joy to everyone, not only you, but also your mothers, fathers and even grandparents, cannot imagine their childhood without “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”, “Fedorin’s grief”, “Barmaley” , “Flies-Tsokotuhi”, “Telephone”... Today we will hear many poems, excerpts from fairy tales that the guys prepared for this competition.

K.I. Chukovsky began writing poetry by accident. One day, while working in his office, Chukovsky heard loud crying. It was his youngest daughter who was crying and did not want to wash herself. Korney Ivanovich took her in his arms and, completely unexpectedly for himself, said to her quietly:

I need to wash my face

In the mornings and evenings,

And to the unwashed chimney sweeps -

Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace!

This is how “Moidodyr” was born. And now we will listen to an excerpt from the fairy tale “Moidodyr”. I invite Dasha Prokopchuk (preparatory group “Smile”).

(Aibolit appears).

Aibolit: Oh, if I drown, if I go to the bottom...

Speech therapist: Hello, excuse me, who are you?

Aibolit: I think everyone here knows me. Am I wrong? Guys, do you recognize me? What do you know about me?

Speech therapist: Doctor Aibolit, now Alina Sidorkevich (preparatory group “Smile”) will tell you about you.

Aibolit: What a great fellow you are, Alina! I was so excited with joy that I needed my pills. (Takes money out of the first aid kit.) Oh, what is this?

Speech therapist: What is it with Doctor Aibolit, guys?

Children: Money.

Aibolit: Indeed, money... Someone must have lost it...

Speech therapist: In which work by Chukovsky does the mistress of the money live? (Children's answers).

Aibolit: I’ll go, guys, I’ll return the money to the hostess. (Leaves).

Speech therapist: And we will listen to an excerpt from the work “The Tsokotukha Fly.” Meet Karina Podymakhina (preparatory group “Smile”).

And now it’s Elya Kuranova’s turn (middle group “Snowflake”) to tell her version of an excerpt from the same fairy tale.

Speech therapist: And in the big river

The crocodile is lying down.

And it’s not fire that burns in his teeth -

The sun is red!

Guys, have you guessed what fairy tale we are talking about?

Children: “Stolen Sun”!

Speech therapist: An excerpt from this work by K.I. Chukovsky will be read to us by Sasha Kharlampyev.

Now let’s listen to Arina Makeeva. She also wants to read an excerpt from this fairy tale.

(Fedora comes in to the music. Cries and laments)

Fedora: Oh, you are my poor orphans,

My irons and pans...

Speech therapist: Guys, did you find out from which fairy tale this guest came to us? What is her name?

Children: Fedora from the fairy tale “Fedorino Woe”

Speech therapist: Hello, Fedora! What happened, Fedorushka?

Fedora: I have grief, trouble

Somebody ran away...

Why, tell me

Tell me...

Speech therapist: Listen, Fedora, Olya Avramkina (preparatory group “Smile”).

Fedora: Well, thank you, Olya! You helped me, Olya! And I want to dance with you. (General dance to cheerful music. Fedora says goodbye and leaves).

Speech therapist: So we remembered the wonderful fairy tales and poems of the wonderful children's writer K.I. Chukovsky. No less interesting fairy tales in verse were written for children by the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. Our competition will be continued by Andrey Sleptsov (middle group “Sunshine”), he will read us an excerpt from “The Tale of the Sleeping Beauty and the Seven Knights.” A.S. Pushkin wrote not only fairy tales, but also lyrical, very beautiful poems. I suggest you listen to Roma Sazonov (senior group “Snowflake”) He will read us a poem by A. S. Pushkin.

Speech therapist: These are the wonderful fairy tales our mothers and grandmothers tell and read to us. Kristina Gabysheva came to our holiday party today, she loves her grandmother very much and prepared a surprise for her - Dora Khaikina’s poem “Grandmother’s Hands.”

Our wonderful competition is coming to an end and now I want to read a few lines about our Motherland.

If they say the word “Motherland”,

It immediately comes to mind,

Old house, currants in the forest,

Thick poplar at the gate,

By the river there is a modest birch tree

And a chamomile hillock,

Or the steppe, red with poppies,

Virgin gold…

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

Our competition program is completed by Svyatoslav Nikolaev (preparatory group “Snowdrop”, poem “Drawing”.

Speech therapist: Well done, Svyatoslav. With this wonderful performance we complete our reading competition and it’s time for us to sum up the results. I give the floor to the jury. (The floor is given to the jury members).

Thank you guys for the wonderful poems, I see how you love and know how to read them beautifully. Prepare poems for the New Year, Santa Claus... See you again!

(Presentation of diplomas, awarding of competition participants).

On February 3, smart, inspired and joyful children hurried to the music hall of the kindergarten for the now traditional reading competition. Beautiful poems by Russian poets were heard in the hall. It is worth noting that there were quite a lot of people willing to participate. Therefore, the group underwent a preliminary selection and the best readers took part in the final round of the event.

Parents were invited to the poetry festival, Zimushka-winter herself came (teacher Filippova E.V.), who played, sang and had fun with the children, and most importantly, the children dedicated their poems to her - the Russian beauty - Zimushka-winter! It was fun to dance in circles with her, play musical games, dance fiery dances, and solve riddles. The children read lyrical, playful, humorous poems with expression. Each performance is a separate concert number. And everyone read poetry better than anyone else! The friendly atmosphere, loud applause, and parental support inspired the children. The children did not just read poems, but experienced the events they were talking about. Games, dances and choreographic performances by their friends were prepared for the young readers and all guests of the competition. At the end of the event, all participants received diplomas.

We would really like that after each such event, the child would again and again want to turn to a book, read a fairy tale or poem, or learn a work he liked.

Thank you very much to all the teachers and parents who prepared the children for the competition!

"I am the lyre sounds of pleasure
As a baby I knew how to feel"

A.S. Pushkin.

The reader begins from the cradle. The rhythms of the first songs, the rhymes of folklore nursery rhymes, and poetry introduce the baby to works of art. K.I. Chukovsky rightly called preschool childhood a “verse” time. This is true. Sensitivity to poetry, a desire to listen and rhyme are wonderful properties of children. They listen carefully and with pleasure to large and small poems, with some special instinct they capture the beauty and expressiveness of the language.

In order to maintain children's interest in poetic texts and develop the ability to perceive poetry, it has become a good tradition to hold reading competitions for children of middle and senior preschool age in our preschool educational institution.

The core of each competition is poetic texts. They are united by a single plot. The role-playing basis of the competition makes it similar to a game, so children are happy to participate in it. The use of game moments and musical numbers turns the competition into a poetic performance that the teacher acts out together with the children.

When children are introduced to various examples of artistic poetry, the naturalness of behavior, the ability to convey their attitude to the content of the work through intonation, gestures and facial expressions are improved, fantasy and imagination are developed, aesthetic culture, spirituality, and reading taste are formed. The themes of the competitions are varied: “Visiting the Rainbow”, “Nature’s Wonderful Moment”, “Kindergarten Birthday”, “Irina Tokmakova’s Wonderland”, etc.


  • To form in children, through music and poetry, ideas about the greatness and beauty of their native country;
  • lay the foundations of citizenship and patriotism.
  • cultivate a sense of pride in one’s homeland;
  • to develop artistic taste, creativity, artistic and performing abilities of children, the ability to read poetry intonationally and expressively.


Educator: Guys, look how unusually decorated our music room is today. What is this? Draws children's attention to the central wall, in the center of which a flag and a map of Russia hang. Today our reading competition will be dedicated to the country in which we live. And which of you reads the poem better will be chosen by our jury.

Represents the jury members.

– What is the name of the country in which you and I live? So you and I are Russians! All countries of the world have their own distinctive signs - flag, coat of arms and anthem. It is everyone’s duty to know and understand their meaning. What are the colors of our flag? Children's answers

Who knows what the colors of our flag mean?

Child: White color – birch
Blue is the color of the sky
Red stripe -
Sunny dawn.

Educator: And each country also has an anthem - a solemn, laudatory song that glorifies the country, its heroic past, and the merits of its people. Our country has its own anthem. The Russian anthem plays.

– So what is our Russia like?

Poetry reading:

L. Deryagina

Russia is our beloved country.
Let's think together, what is she like?
Yakut, who lives in the extreme north,
He will tell us: “It snows very often there,
Herds of shaggy deer walk,
And there’s a lot of shiny ice everywhere!”
And the boy from Sochi
Laughs fervently:
“What are you guys doing! How cold is it?
Palm trees and fragrant roses grow here!”
And which one is right? Both are right, of course:
Russia is huge, strong, vast!

A. Vasiliev

Russia...Like a word from a song -
Birch young foliage.
There are forests, fields and rivers all around,
Expanse, Russian soul.
I love you, my Russia,
For the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the holy deeds,
For a voice as clear as a stream.
I love you, I understand you deeply
Steppe the thoughtful sadness.
I love everything that is called
In one broad word “Rus”.

V. Stepanov

“My vast Russia”

If long - long - long
We're going to fly on the plane,
If long - long - long
We should look at Russia,
We'll see then
And forests and cities,
Ocean spaces,
Ribbons of rivers, lakes, mountains...
We will see the distance without edge,
Tundra, where spring rings,
And then we will understand what
Our Motherland is big,
An immense country.


My boundless Russia,
Siberia, and the Volga, and the Urals...
All places are holy for Russians,
Wherever you are in Russia.
Every birch tree, every bush,
Fields dozing in the snow -
Everything will remind us of the most important things,
Only here is our native land!
And wherever fate takes you,
We are not allowed to forget about one thing -
This beloved Russia
There is our only father's house.

The song “My Russia” is performed by N. Solovyova, music by G. Struve.

Educator: First of all, guys, Russia is the Motherland for all of us. What does Motherland mean?

Poetry reading:


– What does it mean: My Motherland? –
You ask. I will answer:
- First, the path is earth
Runs to meet you.
Then the garden will beckon you
Each fragrant branch.
Then you will see an orderly row
Multi-storey houses.
Then the wheat fields
From edge to edge.
All this is your homeland,
Your native land.

N. Zabila

"Our Motherland"

How big is my land
How wide are the spaces!
Lakes, rivers and fields,
Forests, and steppe, and mountains!
My country has spread
From north to south:
When it's spring in one region,
In the other there is snow and blizzard.
And a train through my country
To the border from the border
No less than ten days
And it will barely get home.
And in cities and among the seas,
And among the collective farm fields -
Everywhere you meet people
Relatives, Russians, ours.
We live in a joyful land,
And we must know it -
Your beloved country,
Your beloved bright land.

M. Plyatskovsky

The country we live in
With love we call you Motherland.
Its open spaces are wide -
You can't count the miles.
Above her they burn like beacons,
Lights of the Kremlin stars.
And every day she grows,
My beloved country is blooming!
And we know: throughout the whole earth
Our Motherland is no dearer!

V. Karasev

Each leaf has
At every stream
There is the most important thing in the world -
I have my own homeland.
For weeping willow
There is no river sweeter
For a white birch
There are no relatives at the edge of the forest.
There is a branch near a leaf,
Gully by the stream...
Everyone in the world
I have my own homeland.
The country where we were born
Where we live joyfully
Our native lands
We call it Motherland.

Educator: The word Motherland means a lot to each of us. This word, first of all, refers to the city or village where you were born. What city do we live in? Children's answers. Now we will take the flags in our hands and imagine that we are walking along the streets of our beloved Sayansk.

Children perform line changes to music.

Educator: On April 22, our city celebrated its birthday. Today we will tell poems dedicated to our city.


My hometown, bright and spacious!
I want to sing of your greatness.
You were erected in the high mountain taiga,
You are the cradle of your people.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
My young city and its people.
And on this spring birthday of ours,
Let it live in everyone's heart.
Live my city. Become more and more beautiful
Blossom with houses and palaces
Be the pride of our Sayan land
Glorify our Siberian region with yourself.

V. Egorova

The forest around Sayansk is green
I really want to visit it more often.
Listen to the forest, go skiing,
Or maybe just silently dream.
Listen to the birds sing today
And the woodpecker is hammering away at the old pine tree
There the chipmunk will pass quickly - quickly
And your heart feels spring.

We fell in love with our Sayansk right away,
The forest is green, next to the porch,
And in the forest there are roads, paths, songs
Bird songs flow endlessly
It is necessary for our city to remain
Clean and beautiful forever
So that my mother's songs can be heard
And they were never forgotten.

Educator: Not only many poems, but also proverbs and sayings have been written about the Motherland.

There is a quiz “Finish the proverb”

  • There is nothing more beautiful in the world... (than our Motherland)
  • Where will someone be born... (this is where it will come in handy)
  • Motherland … (know how to stand up for her)
  • For your Motherland... (don’t regret your strength or your life)
  • A person has only one mother... (one and the Motherland!)
  • Who fights for the Motherland -... (that true hero)
  • Take care of your beloved land... (like a dear mother)


How lucky you and I are
We were born in such a country
Where people are all one family,
Everywhere you look, there are friends all around!


M. Plyatskovsky

"Let's be friends"

Sometimes voices are heard
That there are no miracles.
There are miracles on our land,
But they must be found, of course.
Friendship is always the main miracle,
A hundred discoveries are melting for all of us.
And any trouble is not a problem,
If you have real friends nearby!
A friend won't look down on you
He will learn your character by heart.
You have to believe that a friend's hand
It will definitely help you out in difficult times.
So let's, let's be friends
Let these words be remembered more than once
If you always value friendship,
Then any wishes will come true!

M. Plyatskovsky

Children on the planet are friends:
You are with me, and I am with you.
The wind twists our songs
Above the planet is blue.
If we laugh out loud
What a fun laugh it will be!
If we hold hands,
Enough joy for everyone!
Children on the planet are friends -
Sounding, young as spring.
And only the sun shines for us,
And we have one land.

The song “The world is like a colorful meadow” is performed by V. Shainsky, music by M. Plyatskovsky

Educator: We all love our Motherland, we are proud of its open spaces and beauty.

M. Ipatov

My homeland, Russia!
How to tell you
That I love you?
This sea, this sky is blue,
This life in my native land.
This rain and these blizzards are evil,
These maples, these poplars...
My homeland, my Russia!
How to say that I love you?

Karine Navasardyan

"My motherland"

I have loved Russia for a long time.
After all, this is my homeland!
There's nothing foreign here
This is my Russian land!
Forests, fields, meadows and mountains,
Native rivers and lakes
They always greet me here.
After all, this is my homeland!
I have loved Russia for a long time.
After all, this is my homeland!
There's nothing foreign here
This is my Russian land!
Forests, fields, meadows and mountains,
Native rivers and lakes
They always greet me here.
After all, this is my homeland!

Alena Pavlichenko

I love my motherland
For the Russian birch tree,
For berries - currants,
For the fast river.
I love the warm distances
And the snowdrifts are white,
For fleeting nights
And the flowers are delicate.
For green grass,
For the forests are elegant
And for the land - mother,
Incredible beauty.

Z. Petrova

We live in a mighty country,
The most friendly, the best
We are proud of her
Your homeland.
She has enough for everyone
And attention and warmth,
And she doesn't forget
Baby things.
We still know little
We're still growing
But we're getting smarter
Every hour, every day...

Educator: We not only talk about love for our country, our Motherland in our poems, but also in songs.

The song “We Love Our Motherland Very Much” is performed by Naydenova, music by Popatenko.

Educator: Our competition has come to an end. We remembered many poems and songs about our Motherland. Who did the best reading of the poem? While the jury chooses the winner, we will play with you.

The games “Game with balls”, “Who is more attentive” and awarding of the winners are held.

Goals and objectives of the competition:

  • Creating conditions for cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development of children;
  • Cultivating a positive emotional attitude towards literary poetic works;
  • Formation of expressive reading skills and artistic skills in preschoolers;
  • Identifying the best readers among children, providing them with opportunities for self-expression.

Location: music hall

Preliminary work:

  • Selection of poems by topic;
  • Learning poetry with children;
  • Conducting qualifying rounds in groups.


  • Decoration of the music hall;
  • Making scenery: book, balcony, columns, royal throne;
  • Diplomas, certificates, gifts for competition participants;
  • Attributes for competition participants.


  • Princess
  • Messenger

Celebration progress:

The phonogram “Birdsong” plays.

The sad Princess comes out, sits on the balcony and sighs.

Princess. The nightingales sing in the little garden,

Already, from morning to evening!

What should I do?

The Tsar's daughter, if she has nothing to do.

The Tsar appears to the music.

Tsar. Dear daughter, don't cry,

I'll buy you a kalach.

Princess. I am from your rolls,

I will become ten times fuller.

Tsar. Do you want new blush?

Oh, you're flawless!

I love you so much

If you want, I’ll give you a book!

Draws the Princess's attention to the book

Princess. This book is simply amazing!

Who will tell me the secret?

Tsar. I'll call the messengers now,

Let them send readers here.

The Messenger gallops to the music and reads the Tsar’s order.

Messenger. Attention! Attention!

Listen to the king's message.

He issued a new decree:

Gather all the readers now.

Don't be timid, don't be shy,

Get ready for the royal palace!

To the music, the competition participants walk around the hall in a circle.

and take their places on the chairs.

Tsar. Lovely, lovely!

Hello, I am the king,

Your great sovereign!

We are glad to see you in the palace

And the rewards are ready.

I ask you without delay,

Let us read poems!

Messenger. Tsar, they did not order the execution,

Let's talk about it.

From overseas, distant countries

The sages came to us.

They've traveled all over the world

To see your tournament.

Tsar. Well, wonderful, excellent,

Bravo, bravo, noble!

The wise men will then judge,

Determine the best one.

Presentation of the jury members.

Tsar. Daughter, open the book,

The glorious competition begins!

To the music, the Princess opens the book,

The first page shows different animals.

Princess. Oh, funny animals:

Hares, tigers and kittens!

One two three four five.

Children of younger groups read poems on the topic “To the children about animals.”

Princess. Your poems about animals,

Not even that bad.

Just sitting around doing nothing

I'm pretty tired of it.

Musical pause.

Tsar. Daughter, dear queen,

You, turn the page.

To the music, the Princess turns the page

and sees a picture of a family.

Queen. It's funny, I see

It's like someone's family is here:

Mom, grandmother and daughter,

Grandfather, father and son!

Tsar. I, as a king, tell you,

I love poems about family.

No further words needed here

I'm ready to listen to you!

Children in middle groups read poems on the topic “My Family.”

Musical pause.

Who will we learn poems about?

To the music, the Princess turns the page and sees pictures,

where different professions are depicted.

Children of older groups read poems on the topic “Professions”.

Tsar. Sages, don't be shy

Consult among yourselves.

Work hard for the future

To announce the result!

Musical pause. Announcement of results, awarding of winners

Title: Holiday script for children of junior, middle and senior groups “Readers’ Competition”
Nomination: Holidays, entertainment, scripts/competitive events

Position: music director
Place of work: MBDOU "Polaznensky kindergarten No. 7"
Location: Perm region, Polazna village, st. 50 years of October 11

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