Isaac Newton opening. Isaac Newton: a brief biography and its discovery

Newton was born in a farmer's family, but he was lucky with good friends and he was able to escape from rural life into a scientific environment. Thanks to this, a great scientist appeared, which was able to open not one law of physics and astronomy and formulate many important theories in mathematics and physics sectors.

Family and childhood

Isaac was the son of Farmer from Wolstorp. His father was from the poor peasants who walked around the case and thanks to this succeeded. But before the birth of Isaac, his father did not live - and died a few weeks before. The boy was called in his honor.

When Newton was three years old, his mother married again - for almost three times the eldest rich farmer. After the birth of three more children in a new marriage, Isaac began to study his mother's brother - William Ejo. But I could not give any education to Newton, so the boy was granted himself - he played his own mechanical toys, and he was a bit closed.

The new husband of Mother Isaac lived with her just seven years and died. Half of the inheritance went to the widow, and she immediately rewrote everything to Isaac. Despite the fact that the mother returned home, she almost did not pay attention to the boy, as the younger children demanded him even more, and she did not have helpers.

Twelve-year-old Newton went to study at school in the neighboring town of Granthem. To make a few miles home every day, he was settled in the house at the local pharmacist Mr. Clark. At school, the boy "bloomed": he greedily grasped for new knowledge, the teachers were delighted with his mind and abilities. But after four years, the mother took the assistant and she decided that the 16-year-old son would be able to cope with the farm.

But even returning home, Isaac is not in a hurry to solve economic problems, but reads books, writes poems and continues to figure out the various mechanisms. Therefore, acquaintances turned to his mother to returned a guy to school. There was among them a teacher of Trinity College, familiar to the very pharmacist who had Isaac lived during study. Newton's common efforts went to Cambridge.

University, Plague and Opening

In 1661, the guy successfully passed the exam with Latin, and he was enrolled in the college of the Holy Trinity at the University of Cambridge as a student who instead of paying for study performs various instructions and work for the benefit of Alma Mater.

Since life in England in those years was very heavy, it was not the best things in Cambridge. Biographers converge on the thought that it was the years in college who ordered the nature of the scientist and his desire to reach the essence of the subject with their own efforts. Three years later, he had already achieved scholarships.

In 1664, Isaac Barrow became one of the teachers of Newton, who instilled his love for mathematics. In those years, Newton makes his first discovery in mathematics, known now as Bin Nudon.

After a few months, studies in Cambridge stopped due to the epidemic of the plague, which was growing in England. Newton returned home where he continued his scientific works. It was in those years that he began to develop a law, which since the times received the name Newton labitsa; In his hometown, he discovered that white color is nothing more than a mixture of all colors, and called the phenomenon of the spectrum. At the same time, he opened his well-known world of global.

What was a feature of a Newtonian character was not too useful for science - it is its excessive modesty. He published some of their research only in 20-30 years after their discoveries. Some were found three centuries after his death.

In 1667, Newton returned to college, and in a year he became a master, he was invited to work as a teacher. But to lectures Isaac was not too soul, and he did not use particularly popular among students.

In 1669, different mathematicians began to publish their embodiments in endless ranks. Despite the fact that Newton has developed his theory on this topic many years ago, he did not publish it anywhere. Again because of modesty. But his former teacher, and now And the friend of Barrow persuaded Isaac. And he wrote "Analysis using equations with an infinite number of members," where he outlined briefly and in essence his discoveries. And although Newton asked not to call his own behalf, Barrow could not resist. So the scientists of the whole world first learned about Newton.

In the same year, he goes into place Barrow and becomes a professor of mathematics and optics in the college of the Holy Trinity. And since Barrow left him his laboratory, Isaac is fond of alchemy and spends many experiences on this topic. But he did not leave the study with light. So, he developed his first telescope reflector, which gave an increase of 40 times. The new development was interested in the court of the king, and after the presentation before scientists, the mechanism was assessed as a revolutionary and very necessary, especially for navigators. And Newton in 1672 adopted in the Royal Scientific Society. But after the first controversy about the spectrum, Isaac decided to leave the organization - he was tired by the dispute and discussion, he was used to working alone and without much fuss. His hardly managed to persuade to remain in the royal society, but the contacts with them have become minimal.

Birth of physics like science

In 1684-1686, Newton wrote his first great printed work - "Mathematical starts of natural philosophy". To publish it, he was persuaded by another scientist - Edmond Galley, who first suggested developing the formula of the elliptical movement in the orbit of the planets, using the formula of the law of aggression. And then it turned out that Newton decided not long ago. Galley did not retreat, until he knocked out the promise from Isaac to publish the work, and he agreed.

Two years wrote her, to finance the publication agreed Halley himself, and in 1686 she finally saw the world.

In this book, the scientist first used the concepts of "external force", "mass" and "the number of movement". Newton gave three basic law mechanics, made conclusions from the laws of Kepler.

The first circulation of 300 copies was repaid in four years, which was triumph for the time. In total, the book was reissued three times during the life of a scientist.

Recognition and success

In 1689, Newton is elected by a member of the Cambridge University Parliament. A year later, he is rereaded again.

In 1696, thanks to the promotion of his former student, and now the president of the Royal Society and the Treasury Chancellor Montague, Newton becomes the keeper of the Mint, for which it moves to London. Together they are in order of the case of a mint of the mint and conduct a monetary reform with the coins.

In 1699, his native Cambridge began to teach the Newtonian system of the world, in another five years the same course of lectures appeared in Oxford.

He was also accepted in the Paris Scientific Club, making Newton with an honorary foreign member of society.

Last years and death

In 1704, Newton issued his work "On Optics", after a year Queen Anna raised him to the knights.

The last years of Newton's life went to finish "began" and prepare updates for the following publications. In addition, he wrote the "chronology of ancient kingdoms."

In 1725, his health had seriously deteriorated and he moved from the noisy London to Kensington. He died there, in a dream. His body buried in Westminster Abbey.

  • The erection of Newton in the knights was the first in English history when the title of knight was assigned to scientific merit. Newton acquired his own coat of arms and not very reliable pedigree.
  • By the end of his life, Newton raised himself with Leibnian, which had fallen on science of British and European in particular - a lot of discoveries were made because of these quarrels.
  • In honor of Newton, a unit of power was called in the international system of units (SI).
  • The legend of Newton's apple spreads widely thanks to Voltera.

Sir Isaac Newton is an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, the creator of classical mechanics that made the greatest scientific discoveries in the history of mankind.

Isaac Newton was born on January 4, 1643 (according to the Gregorian calendar) in the village of Wolstorp in the county of Lincolnshire. He received his name in honor of the Father, who had deceased 3 months before his son. After 3 years, the mother of Isaac, Anna Eysu, married again. Three more children were born in the new family. And Isaac Newton took his uncle, William Ejan.


The house in which Newton was born

Ros Isaac closed and silent. To communicate with his peers, he preferred reading. He liked to make technical toys: air serpents, windmills, water clock.

At the age of 12, Newton began to study at school in Gentem. He lived at the time in the house of the pharmacist Clark. Persening and hardworking soon made Newton as the best student in the classroom. But when Newton was 16 years old, he died his stepfather. Isaac's mother returned him to the estate and laid his duties on housework. But it did not like Newton at all. He did little economy, preferring to read this boring lesson. One day, Uncle Newton, putting it with a book in his hands, was amazed, seeing that Newton solved the mathematical task. And Uncle, and the school teacher, convinced the mother of Newton is that such a capable young man must continue their studies.

Trinity College

Trinity College

In 1661, 18-year-old Newton was enrolled in the Trinity College of Cambridge University as a Sizar Student (Sizar). From such students, the fees for training did not take. They had to pay training by performing various work at the university or serving rich students.

In 1664, Newton passed the exams, became a Scholars student (Scholars) and began to receive a scholarship.

Newton studied, forgetting about sleep and rest. He studied mathematics, astronomy, optics, phonetics, music theory.

In March 1663, the college was opened by the Department of Mathematics. He headed her Isaac Barrow - mathematician, future teacher and friend Newton. In 1664, Newton opened binomine decomposition for an arbitrary rational indicator. It was the first mathematical opening of Newton. Later Newton will open mathematical method of decomposition of a function in an endless row. At the end of 1664, he received a bachelor's degree.

He studied Newton Proceedings of Physicists: Galilee, Descartes, Kepler. Based on their theories, they were created universal system of the world.

Newton's program phrase: "In philosophy there can be no sovereign, except for truth ...". It was not from here if the famous expression was happening: "Plato I friend, but truth is more expensive"?

Years of the Great Epidemic of Plague

Years from 1665 to 1667 were a period of the Great Epidemic of Plague. Classes in Trinity College stopped, and Newton went to Wolstorp. All his notebooks and books he hurt with him. In these heavy "plague years" Newton did not stop engaged in science. Conducting various optical experiments, Newton proved that white color is a mixture of all colors of the spectrum. The Law of the World Health - This is the greatest opening of Newton, made by him in the "plague years." Finally, this Newton law formulated only after the discovery of the laws of mechanics. And these discoveries were published only across decades.

Scientific discoveries

Newton telescope

In early 1672, in the royal society was demonstrated telescope reflectorwho made Newton famous. Newton became a member of the Royal Society.

In 1686, Newton formulated three law of mechanics, described the orbits of celestial bodies: hyperbolic and parabolic, proved that the Sun is also subject to the general laws of movement. All this was set out in the first volume of "mathematical began".

In 1669, Newton's world system began to teach in Cambridge and in Oxford. Newton also becomes a foreign member of the Paris Academy of Sciences. In the same year, Newton is prescribed by the manager of the coin court. He leaves Cambrid to London.

In 1669, Newton was elected to parliament. He stayed there just a year. But in 1701 he was elected there again. In the same year, Newton resigned from the post of professor Trinity College.

In 1703, Newton became president of the Royal Society and stayed in this post to the end of his life.

In 1704, the monograph "Optics". And in 1705, for scientific merit, Isaac Newton was awarded the title of knight. This happened for the first time in the history of England.

The famous collection of lectures on algebra, published in 1707 and called "universal arithmetic", laid the birth numerical analysis.

In the last years of his life, he wrote the "chronology of the ancient kingdoms", prepared a reference book on comets. Newton very accurately calculated the orbit of Gallei comet.

Isaac Newton died in 1727 in Kensington not far from London. Buried in Westminster Abbey.

Newton's discoveries allowed humanity to make a giant jerk in the development of mathematics, astronomy, physics.

Isaac Newton A brief biography is set forth this article.

Isaac Newton Brief biography

Isaac Newton - English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, mechanic who laid the foundations of classical mechanics. He explained the movement of heavenly bodies - planets around the sun and the moon around the Earth. Its the most famous discovery was the law of global

Born December 25, 1642.of the year in the farm family in the town of Wolstorp near Gharta. Father died before his birth. From the age of 12 studied in the Genschool. He lived at this time in the Clark Pharmacist's house, which perhaps the craving for chemical sciences awakened

1661 Entered the Trinity College of the University of Cambridge as a subsizer. The college in 1665, Newton received a bachelor's degree. 1665-67, during the epidemic of the plague, was in his native village of Wolstorp; These years were the most productive in Newton's scientific work.

In 1665-1667, Newton had ideas that led it to the creation of differential and integral calculus, the invention of the mirror telescope (his own hand-made in 1668), the opening of the world of global. Here he spent experiments on the decomposition (dispersion) of the light. Then then Newton outlined the program of further scientific growth

In 1668, he successfully protects the Master's degree and becomes a senior member of Trinity College.

In 1889 Gets one of the Department of Cambridge University: Lucasian Department of Mathematics.

In 1671, Newton built his second mirror telescope - larger and better quality than the first. The demonstration of the telescope made a strong impression on contemporaries, and soon after that (in January 1672), Newton was elected a member of the London Royal Society - the British Academy of Sciences.

In the same 1672, Newton provides its research on the new theory of light and colors to the London Royal Society, which caused an acute controversy with Robert Thick. Newton belongs to those who are informed with the subtlest experiments on the monochromatic light rays and the periodicity of their properties. In 1687, he published his grand labor "Mathematical Beginning of Natural Philosophy" ("Beginning").

From 1696, the Royal Decree was appointed by a caretaker of the Mint. Energeticly held by the reform quickly restores confidence in the UK's monetary system. 1703g. - The election of Newton by the President of the Royal Society, with which he ruled 20 years 1933.- Queen Anna builds Newton to Knight's dignity for scientific merit. In the last years of life, there is a lot of time dedicated theology and antique and biblical history.

Being a very young man, Newton built a small windmill that caused universal admiration. However, Newton did not stop on the achieved. Instead of the wind, the mill was supposed to move a live miller - the Newton's role was intended for a mouse that was moving the wheel. To make the mouse climb on the wheel and those lead him into motion, he hung over the wheel with a grain bag.

Water watches

In order to make water watches, Newton first mined a large box served to the receptacle for the mechanism. The hour arrow was driven by the wheel, which turned from the action of the wood, and the woods were lying on the fall of large droplets of water. Water watches were so true that the pharmacist family was used by them.

Subsequently, being a famous scientist, Newton was heading once a conversation about these hours and said: "The main inconvenience of this kind of mechanisms is that the water must be passed through a very narrow hole, and it is easily clogged, as a result of which the correctness of the move is violated."

Reflector Newton

Newton built a mixed telescope reflector consisting of a lenses and a concave spherical mirror that Newton did and polished himself. The project of such a telescope was for the first time proposed scientist James Gregory, but this idea was never implemented. The first design of Newton also turned out to be unsuccessful, but the next, with a more carefully polished mirror, despite the small dimensions, gave a 40-fold increase in quality.

The practical importance of the invention was large: astronomical observations served to accurately determine the time, which in turn was necessary for navigating the sea.


Newton's scooter was a trolley, like Dresa. A man sitting in the trolley, acting on the handle, led the wheel movement. The inconvenience of such a scooter was that he could only move on a smooth surface. Nevertheless, this invention proves the huge engineering abilities of Newton: many self-taper mechanics have been crazy, in-minded bike.

Newton's name is familiar to every graduate of high school. Unfortunately, familiarity with his works is limited to physics. And who actually was this outstanding scientist - physicist or mathematician, astronomer or alchemist? What is his contribution to the Treasury of Human Knowledge?

Newton childhood and youth

The birthplace of the scientist was England, a village in the county of Lincolnshire. He was born in 1642 in the family of a poorly shepherd farmer.

Due to weak health and closed character, the boy avoided communicating with peers and did not shine at school. The conflict with classmates changed his attitude to study. It i decided to conquer the authority among the guys and teachers with excellent knowledge. His successes in learning were so shiny that, on the advice of teachers, he continues his college training at the University of Cambridge. In those days, it was the most prestigious educational institution not only in England, but also in Europe.

In university walls

For more than three decades, Newton's connection with the university was not rummaged. The first four years for the right of free studies, he served rich students. Finally, in 1664 he himself received a student ticket. And in a year he receives a bachelor's degree of graceful arts.

His student years were filled with preparation for subsequent scientific discoveries. Abstract lectures are full of its own comments and the names of the most famous physicists and mathematicians. Newton manufactures scientific tools, enthusiastically studies astronomy, various sections of physics and mathematics, music theory. Twenty-year-old student this is a list of 45 unsolved scientific problems, and begins to work on their solution. The idea, revealed to him in the head, exciting a tortured mind of a young man until the decision was finally clear.

His stay in the university walls interrupted the epidemic of plague, broken down in England and affected by the student town. The young man leaves the university for two years and leaves for his village.

Scientific activities in "Plague years"

In the silence and solitude of the native estate, Newton makes a significant part of its discoveries. He already had extensive knowledge of the most different areas of science, including mathematics. It is the love of a scientist to this subject led him opening in mathematical science. The most significant of them:

  • proof of the opposite of integration and differentiation operations;
  • method of searching for roots of square equations;
  • the output of the formula of the Binoma of Newton is the formula for the decomposition of an arbitrary natural degree of bounce (A + B) N into polynomials and others.

Young scientist summarizes the results of observations for the movement of heavenly luminaries and establishes on this basis the law of global gravity. The legend of the apple, fallen on Newton's head, is far from truth. This made it possible to explain the whole chain of natural phenomena, calculate the masses and density of the planets.

Return to Cambridge

When forced excretion from the university ended, Newton returns to Cambridge. He gets a master's degree and a professor of mathematics in college. During this period, scientists are very attracted by optics. It designs and creates a telescope - reflector, The resulting very popular popularity. A telescope created by Newton allowed to more accurately determine the time on the heavenly luminaires, which immediately appreciated the navigations involved in navigating ships. Thanks to this invention, he becomes an honorary member of the Royal Scientific Society.

Newton argue with your great contemporaries about the nature of light. Publishes the work "Mathematical starts of natural philosophy", where:

  • introduces the concept of mass, the amount of movement, and so on;
  • formulates 3 of the mechanics law, which became the basis of classical physics (Newton's laws);
  • recalling experiments with priscious, proves the complex composition of white light;
  • describes the orbits of celestial bodies;
  • it makes a significant contribution to the rationale for the heliocentric system. In terms of research in the field of physics and mathematics, Newton gives a lot of strength to an alchemy. In the biography of Newton there are pages describing his work as the director of the Royal Mint and a member of the British House of Lords.

The merits of Isaac Newton are huge in front of world science. But this scientific heritage was created not from scratch. Scientist enjoyed an extensive arsenal knowledge of his predecessors. They were rethought with them, verified by observations and elegant experiments.

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