Happiness has power over the things we need. Michael weller all about life

Getting rid of unnecessary things - whether it's selling an old car, donating clothes that have not been worn for a long time or children's toys - we think more often that these things will be useful to someone, or the sale will bring us some profit, or we will hear words of gratitude. But it's all empty. Why not think first of all about the fact that we are getting rid of something superfluous in our lives, which took up a lot of space and practically does not bring any benefit?

Financial gurus often advise making selling extra items another source of money. It's hard to disagree with this. And yet another aspect is much more important: the removal from sight of many objects that only interfere and even distract from more useful deeds and acquisitions. Sound wild? Let's figure out what is a priority for us in this case, and ask ourselves a few questions.

Why do I need so much junk?

When it comes to everyday things, everyone has a different attitude towards them. Someone is annoyed by obsolete and non-functional items, someone is unbearably sorry to part with them. Others may come up with a place for some thing and forget about it, just not to throw it away. But at some point, savings become more than space in the house. Once this happens, it becomes obvious that something needs to be got rid of. There is a good solution for reducing the number of things without much effort.

First of all, let's clarify one truth for ourselves: if I had fewer things, it would be easier for me to manage them. But the most difficult thing is to decide: what exactly can I get rid of without regret?

A few reasons why we keep so many things

Our discoveries

They begin from the moment when the process of getting rid of rubbish begins (that's what we call everything superfluous). The empty space that we were so afraid of actually turns out to be freedom, it’s just right to start celebrating the day of liberation. It turns out that friends are actually completely uninterested in what furniture they sit or lie on. They didn't even come to sit on your plush couch. They are much more pleasant to chat, drink tea or beer together, you can at the kitchen table or on the balcony, or even sitting on the wooden floor.

What makes you happy?

Where does our precious energy go? We convinced ourselves too easily that the recipe for happiness is wealth, fame, and power. Such fetishes are the most important thing for someone, but are such a global state as happiness exhausted by them? Let's try to focus on three significant concepts and connect our personal experience with them. To repeat like a mantra: I am most happy when I am:

If you asked this question, it means that you did not quite understand the essence of what was said above. Note that spiritual concepts most often directly involve the participation of quite tangible objects. Money and high-tech gadgets can be extremely helpful in our pursuit of goodness and beauty. Nobody talks about hovering above the ground. But there is no direct necessity to subordinate one's existence to the accumulation of things.

What is needed and what is not needed: how to figure it out?

Finding out what is really required for well-being turns out to be much easier than it seems. Let's try to figure out what things really matter and make us happier. When sorting through your “rubbles”, ask yourself a few questions that will significantly simplify the task, and you can easily decide what to keep and what to give, sell or send to a landfill.

Help a friend

It is possible that the help of a friend or girlfriend will be invaluable. How? When going shopping, it is useful to take with you a friend with a sober look at things, which can stop, suggest, dissuade you from buying an extra thing initially. The way she knows about your goal is to get rid of the excess and not restock the unnecessary. This game will appeal to both her and you. And most importantly, there will be real benefits for the wallet and for the home.

And if you have a friend who is not too lazy to take apart your papers, old books and records and take all the moral and physical rubbish out into the street - this will be a huge gift! You will breathe easily. You will feel happy and free, which, in essence, is the same thing.

What to do with things that you no longer need, and throw away - the hand does not rise?

Here you can return to the question of money, which is never superfluous. If you don't have people you know willing to snap up your extra items, you might consider one of the following options:

  • Hand over your clothes, household appliances, obsolete gadgets to a thrift store.
  • Put something up for sale on Internet resources like Avito or eBay.
  • Give your belongings to those who need them. There are special funds that accept clothes and household items to help the poor.

Yard sales are practiced all over the world - you expose everything you don't need, something is sold, something is given away. You can even come up with a prize draw.

And then you will return to your slightly empty apartment and breathe freely. And you will say to yourself: “Why did I need so much junk?”

Test 6

The answers to tasks 1-24 are a word, phrase, number or

sequence of words, numbers. Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas or other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the examples given in the form.

Read the text and complete tasks 1-3.

(1) For centuries, Egyptologists have tried to find out whether there is any pattern in the location of the great pyramids of Egypt, and if so, what kind. (2) One day, engineer Robert Bauval, who lived in Egypt for a long time and was interested in the mysteries of the pyramids, saw on TV a map of the starry sky, which depicted the Milky Way and the constellation Orion. (3)….. the engineer realized: the location of the pyramids relative to the Nile completely repeats the location of the stars of Orion relative to the Milky Way.

1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys MAIN

information contained in the text?

1) Egyptologists around the world for a long time could not reveal the secret of the location of the ancient pyramids.

2) Robert Bauvel revealed one of the secrets of the pyramids, guessing that their location repeats the location of Orion's stars relative to the Milky Way.

3) For many years it was not known whether there was any pattern in the location of the pyramids on the lands of Ancient Egypt.

4) The ancient pyramids of Egypt have revealed their countless secrets to modern scientists.

5) Seeing a map of the starry sky on TV, Bauval realized that the location of the pyramids of Egypt repeats the location of the stars of Orion relative to the Milky Way.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place

gaps in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write out this word.



6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form

the words. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

pair of socks

sixty years

both sisters

legalize construction

a pair of stockings

Answer: ___________________________.

7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) Books introduce and give some idea of ​​the life of Russian society at that time.

B) No one outside this room will hear a sound.

C) One of the famous scientists of the twentieth century, who had a significant impact on the development of linguistics, was Ferdinand de Saussure.

D) On the eve of the premiere of Betrothal in a Monastery, an opera by Sergei Prokofiev, we were arguing about the details of the plot.

E) According to an ancient legend, it was edelweiss that grew on the blood of Prometheus chained to a rock.


1) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

2) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

3) violation in the construction of a proposal with an inconsistent application

4) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

5) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover

6) violation in the construction of a sentence with participial turnover

7) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.







14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.

And so Avdotya decided to go to the monastery. She sold her hundred souls and the same number left (1) by her husband, lived in obedience for six years, as a tonsure (2) as a nun for five years, gave half of the capital to the monastery, the rest to the kinship (3) iks of the late husband.

Answer: ___________________________.

15. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1) By evening, my arms, legs, shoulders ached and yearned for rest.

2) There were daffodils and tulips pansies and forget-me-nots dahlias and

3) We were promised a fascinating journey through the protected Red Coast to the flowering steppes and foothills of Crimea.

4) Goncharov seeks to depict the national essence of the Russian person and his natural properties.

5) The moon rose and illuminated both the road and the field, as well as the houses of the sleeping village.

Answer: ___________________________.


Simonov (1) fished out melted cheese or ham trimmings from the window (2) put on a plate and began his bachelor's feast (3) on a neatly spread (4) newspaper.

Answer: ___________________________.

17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.

Poetry in the work of F. Sologub (1) according to critics (2) plays an important role and (3) without a doubt (4) along with the novel "The Little Demon" is the most valuable part of the author's creative heritage.

Answer: ___________________________.

18. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which

The sentence must contain commas.

A small house (1) to tell (2) about which (3) I consider it my duty (4) stood on the other side of the lake.

Answer: ___________________________.

19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which

The sentence must contain commas.

Alyoshka had an unusually developed imagination (1) and (2) when we read the same book together (3) he always imagined the events described very vividly (4) and added something of his own to them.

Answer: ___________________________.

more reliable, or rather, here your will and power are greater, it is maximum.

(According to M.I. Weller *)

* Mikhail Iosifovich Weller (born in 1948) - modern Russian

novelist, playwright, essayist.

20. Which statement matches the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) The question of happiness cannot be considered without addressing the problem of moral duty and the meaning of life.

2) A successful confluence of the external circumstances of life allows each person to find peace of mind.

3) Wealth, success in professional activities are indispensable conditions for a person to feel happy.

4) Human values ​​and beliefs are the least dependent on external circumstances.

5) Human happiness is not measured in material goods.

21. Which of the following statements are false? Specify the answer numbers.

Which of the statements is wrong?

1) Sentences 8-10 provide a description.

2) Sentences 18-22 present the narrative.

3) Sentences 4-6 clarify the judgment expressed in sentence 3 of the text.

4) In sentences 23-31 reasoning is presented.

5) Sentences 38-40 present the narrative.


22. Write out colloquial words from sentences 10-12.


23. Among sentences 15-21, find one that connects with the previous ones using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

Answer: ___________________________.

Option. You can change the object of your passion - and with another person experience the former, bygone, happiness. Don Juan joke: love is always the same - only its objects change. After all, Romeo fell in love with Juliet when he despaired of getting Rosaline. (Shakespeare was very smart.)

Theoretically speaking, it is possible to do just the opposite: while retaining the old subject, change the attitude towards it. This is familiar to many women who wanted to get rid of the love that dominates them for an unworthy person, a tormentor, when the prospects for happiness are still not visible. They look for vices and shortcomings in a loved one, diligently inflate their disgust for them - and sometimes love really passes. And what does a man do, long and diligently seeking the reciprocity of his beloved, who does not like it too much? Goes to any tricks so that she changes her attitude towards him, this is a whole science. And often seeks her love! Becomes a source of happiness for her - and yet he is the same.

TO HAVE AND NOT TO HAVE. Over the things we need from life for happiness, fate, circumstances, and other people are powerful - we will repeat after the ancient philosophers. Here and rivals, and accidents, and diseases. Sometimes little depends on us, and sometimes nothing depends at all. Earthquake, flood, fire - and you're a beggar. An unexpected competitor - and you are out of work or without a place in the national team. War, crisis, crime of a subordinate - and goodbye career. Sharakh - the bank burst, and with it the savings of your whole life.

The more you have, the more troubles and accidents you want to insure against. The more worries. You spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Work, home, payments, insurance, business connections, image maintenance, self-control in behavior... And you can still be unhappy! Yes, often and simply no time to feel happy.

On the other hand, no one can order us to think and feel not in this way, but in a different way. In what other people and external circumstances have the least power - in our inner world. No one will forbid me to love what I love. That's how I feel about something - that's how I feel, and you won't do anything to me. I myself, with my feelings, are always with me.

They put a man in a solitary cell. Punished? Fig! Yes, all my life I dreamed of loneliness and peace! I am indifferent to gastronomy, open spaces scare me, I don’t like to move a lot, my eyes hurt from bright light. I hate the service. And here is the food, the regime, the wife does not cut, the children do not tease - and they give paper and a pen, they are allowed to write as much as they like. What else do I need?!

I enjoy all the conditions for creativity and a quiet life.

After all, this is theoretically quite possible.

The less external things a person needs for happiness, the easier it is for him to be happy. No envy, no competition, no exhausting race in the struggle for life. Happiness is your inner state, not junk and portraits in newspapers.

So you need to turn your gaze inward, and direct your efforts not to external things, over which you often have no control, but to an internal state such that even with a little you are happy. This is more reliable, or rather, here your will and power are greater, maximum.

ECCLESIASTE AND SENEC. Better a pinch in peace than a handful in labor and vexation of the spirit, said Ecclesiastes three thousand years ago. That's the old truth.

This is what ancient philosophers taught. Be content with little. Drive unfulfilled desires. Don't be tempted by the hard-to-reach. Have as little as possible of what is easy to lose, then enemies and nature will not have power over you. Be happy with the essentials in life.

Is there food, shelter, clothing, family, children, respect for fellow citizens? This is quite enough for the happiness of any worthy person. What if he doesn't feel happy about it? Let him improve himself, work on himself, so that he finally feels. For this, reason and will are given to man. The main thing is to understand and want.

And where you can do nothing, there you must want nothing, said Seneca. There is no greater misfortune than unholy desires.

Very reasonable. Clear, rational, helpful. It's hard to object. These animals are guided only by desires, instincts. And man, unlike them, is given reason. And the mind should rule everything. To control one's senses according to one's surroundings is the greatest boon. It is to him that we must strive in the first place.

That is. You can achieve happiness by satisfying your needs beyond what is necessary. It's difficult, risky, pointless.

And you can achieve happiness by reducing your needs and desires to the vital, already available.

The main thing is that there should be a correspondence between what is desired for happiness and what is already available.

ALEXANDER AND DIOGENES. Diogenes lived in Athens. He had a barrel as a dwelling, a torn mantle and a lantern. With this lantern, he ran around the city during the day and shouted: “I am looking for people!”. In our time, such a person would be called a disturber of public peace.

He decided to be content with the bare minimum. Of the household utensils, he had only a shard for drinking. Seeing a dog lapping water from a stream, he was ashamed of his excess and threw away the shard.

He was in excellent health. Without health in such conditions you will not overwinter, even in Greece. That is, he had physical needs and their minimal satisfaction. He also considered communication with a woman an excess, and defiantly engaged in masturbation, and when passers-by shamed him, he objected: “Oh, if it were just as easy to satisfy hunger.” Because of this fact, the current concept of "cynicism" is not at all what the school of ancient cynics taught. They only remember: "What is natural is not ugly."

Alexander the Great, on the other hand, was the king of a semi-world empire. He once visited the famous sage Diogenes and, wanting to show himself as a guardian of philosophy, asked what he could do for him that was necessary and good. To which he received the answer: “Step aside, you are blocking the sun for me.” Assessing what he heard, Alexander said with feeling: "I would like to be Diogenes if I were not Alexander." Famous history.

Alexander soon died in India, and Diogenes lived for a long time.

According to ancient authors, this should speak of the advantages of a philosophical life, since the advantages of an imperial life are already clear to everyone. Nevertheless, such a philosophical life has always attracted a tiny minority of people, constituting from the general mass the very exception that confirms the rule. The rule is that youth was brought up on the example of Alexander, but by no means Diogenes.

Alexander was a student of Aristotle and a very educated person. What influenced his worldview very partially: he decided to inject his views into everyone who only inhabits the reachable world. The Hellenization of the ecumene went with fire and sword. The ambition of the young lord was boundless.

So teach people to be content with what is necessary.

REVERSE SIDE OF THE MEDAL: UNHAPPINESS. One way or another, but people do not want to live in barrels. Their desire for happiness is extensive in nature: to add something, supplement, change upwards, usually like that.

But the longed-for happiness as a goal is at some distance, and troubles lie in wait at every step. You seek love - you are terribly nervous at every step, a lot of strong negative emotions. And if you don’t achieve it, how much grief. And love is more often unhappy than mutual. Why is it so necessary, please tell me?

Glory is overstrain, stress, tranquilizers, disappointments, breaks, tears; otherwise it is impossible, if you take it steeply to the wind, you break at the limit of all possibilities.

Great sport - injuries, ruined health, a still young person becomes disabled, forgotten and useless, suffers morally and physically, and health can no longer be bought.

A great career requires the ability to endure spitting, swallow insults, put up with the meanness of friends and the deceit of enemies, control your every step, forget about free time; sometimes you have to sacrifice friends, love, conscience.

Part 1 The answers to tasks 1-24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the ANSWER FORM No. 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, no spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.
Read the text and do tasks 1-3. (1) For centuries, Egyptologists have tried to find out whether there is any pattern in the location of the great pyramids of Egypt, and if so, what kind. (2) Once, engineer Robert Bauval, who lived in Egypt for a long time and was interested in the mysteries of the pyramids, saw on TV a map of the starry sky, which depicted the Milky Way and the constellation Orion. (3)….. the engineer realized: the location of the pyramids relative to the Nile completely repeats the location of the stars of Orion relative to the Milky Way.
1. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys MAINinformation contained in the text?1) Egyptologists around the world for a long time could not reveal the secret of the location of the ancient pyramids.2) Robert Bauvel revealed one of the secrets of the pyramids, guessing that their location repeats the location of Orion's stars relative to the Milky Way.3) For many years it was not known whether there was any pattern in the location of the pyramids on the lands of Ancient Egypt.4) The ancient pyramids of Egypt have revealed their countless secrets to modern scientists.5) Seeing a map of the starry sky on TV, Bauval realized that the location of the pyramids of Egypt repeats the location of the stars of Orion relative to the Milky Way.
2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in placegaps in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write out this word. however, this is because although
6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the form the words. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly. pair of socks sixty years both sisters legalize construction a pair of stockings Answer: ___________________________.7. Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. SUGGESTIONS A) Books introduce and give some idea of ​​the life of Russian society at that time.B) No one outside this room will hear a sound.C) One of the famous scientists of the twentieth century, who had a significant impact on the development of linguistics, was Ferdinand de Saussure.D) On the eve of the premiere of Betrothal in a Monastery, an opera by Sergei Prokofiev, we were arguing about the details of the plot.E) According to an ancient legend, it was edelweiss that grew on the blood of Prometheus chained to a rock. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters. A 8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter. Applied Blessed Exp. Answer:____________________14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HH is written.And so Avdotya decided to go to the monastery. She sold her hundred souls and the same number left (1) by her husband, lived in obedience for six years, as a tonsure (2) as a nun for five years, gave half of the capital to the monastery, the rest to the kinship (3) iks of the late husband.Answer: ___________________________.15. Set up punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.1) By evening, my arms, legs, shoulders ached and yearned for rest.2) There were daffodils and tulips pansies and forget-me-nots dahlias and asters. 3) We were promised a fascinating journey through the protected Red Coast to the flowering steppes and foothills of Crimea.4) Goncharov seeks to depict the national essence of the Russian person and his natural properties.5) The moon rose and illuminated the road, the field and the houses of the sleeping village.Answer: ___________________________.16. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of whichSimonov (1) fished out melted cheese or ham trimmings from the window (2) put on a plate and began his bachelor's feast (3) on a neatly spread (4) newspaper.Answer: ___________________________.17. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which commas should be in the sentences.Poetry in the work of F. Sologub (1) according to critics (2) plays an important role and (3) without a doubt (4) along with the novel "The Little Demon" is the most valuable part of the author's creative heritage.Answer: ___________________________.18. The sentence must contain commas.A small house (1) to tell (2) about which (3) I consider it my duty (4) stood on the other side of the lake. Answer: ___________________________.19. Place punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of whichThe sentence must contain commas.Alyoshka had an unusually developed imagination (1) and (2) when we read the same book together (3) he always imagined the events described very vividly (4) and added something of his own to them.Answer: ___________________________.more reliable, or rather, here your will and power are greater, it is maximum.(According to M.I. Weller *)* Mikhail Iosifovich Weller (born in 1948) - modern Russiannovelist, playwright, essayist.
20. Which statement matches the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.1) The question of happiness cannot be considered without addressing the problem of moral duty and the meaning of life.2) A successful confluence of the external circumstances of life allows each person to find peace of mind.3) Wealth, success in professional activities are indispensable conditions for a person to feel happy.4) Human values ​​and beliefs are the least dependent on external circumstances.5) Human happiness is not measured in material goods.
21. Which of the following statements are false? Specify the answer numbers.Which of the statements is wrong?1) Sentences 8–10 provide a description.2) Sentences 18-22 present the narrative.3) Sentences 4-6 clarify the judgment expressed in sentence 3 of the text.4) Sentences 23–31 present reasoning.5) Sentences 38-40 present the narrative. Answer:______________
22. Write out colloquial words from sentences 10-12.Answer:_________________________________
23. Among sentences 15-21, find one that connects with the previous ones using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number of this offer.Answer: ___________________________. 3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LOCATION. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.1) Locate (1 character) and Locate (1 character).Organize books on shelves. Squad location. 2) Troop deployment area.Invade the river enemy. Get close to an enemy position. 3) The order or way in which something is placed.Get an apartment with a convenient location of rooms. Change r. furniture in the interior. Thematic r. photos in the album. 4) (to someone). Good, favorable attitude towards someone; sympathy. Show special r. to smb. Heartfelt, sincere. Feel, experience. Notice someone. R. 5) usually with def. Internal mental state, mood. Wake up in a good mood. Stay in a bad mood. No location to read. Answer: ___________________________.
4. One of the following words has an accent error:WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted. Write out this word. ailment spoiled plum will give (medal) nap Answer: ___________________________.
5. One of the suggestions belowWRONG used highlighted word.Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.For people who have recently arrived in a foreign country, it can be difficult to overcomeThe language barrier.The capacity of air conditioners in the cockpits of some aircraft is not enough forCOMFORTABLE condition of the pilot.Sergey got up at six in the morning, because in the army he got used to HARD discipline. A HORSE clatter was heard from afar, and soon a horse appeared on the road.a group of riders.Our village is famous for its GLASS production.Answer: ___________________________.9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words out with the missing letter.ra ... chain, ..givenpr…pocket, pr..cutefrom ... to fight, post ... infarctionwith ... huddle, injection ... injectiontake .. mother, under .. play Answer: _____________________.10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap. sirens ... wow chime ... wow wistful ... wow wild ... nk talented..yy Answer: ___________________________.11 . Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap. Hall..shocked..shashed..sleep..sh Take out .. your Answer: ___________________________.12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.The (un)defeated squadron of Ushakov conquered the impregnable fortress of Corfu, cleared the Ionian Islands, Naples and Malta from the French hordes.Alexander passed by without saying a word.In the flower garden, tall stems of wormwood look (un)usually impressive.The mechanism of interaction of smell with other perception systems is still (not) fully disclosed.There was a (NOT) sent letter on the table.Answer: ___________________________.13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.(NOT) DESPITE the fact that the employees (IN) Rush forgot to notify about the changes that had taken place, everything went well.WHAT (WHAT) happens, his parents will always come to his aid - Maxim was sure of this, (FROM) THEM easily took the risk.Aleksei often remembered the house in the same (SAME) way, and in these memories of his he (REALLY) REALLY rested his soul.They went on (ON) TWO, and the Skinhead, looking around, saw everything(B) GIVE a bluish fire.Answer: ___________________________.Read the text and complete tasks 20-25. (1) Over the things we need for happiness, destiny is also powerful,and circumstances, and other people - we will repeat after the ancientphilosophers. (2) There are rivals, and accidents, and diseases. (3)Sometimes from uslittle, and sometimes nothing at all. (4) Earthquake,flood, fire - and you are a beggar. (5) An unexpected competitor - andyou're out of a job or out of the team. (6) War, crisis, crimesubordinate - and goodbye career. (7) Only saved up money, onlydreaming about a new apartment ... (8) The rooms are spacious, on the ceilingstucco. (9) Heated floors. (10) There is a dishwasher in the kitchen...(11) Here are the balls - the bank burst, and with it the savings of your whole life.(12) The more earthly you have, the more troubleand accidents you want to insure. (13) The more worries thatcomplicate life. (14) Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. (15) Work, home,urgent payments, insurance, business relations, image maintenance,self-control in behavior ... (16) However, the happiness that was planned was notcomes. (17) After all, often in such a mess there is no time to feel yourself happy! (18) But no one can give us an order to think and feel differently, butotherwise. (19) In what other people and external circumstances are least powerful -in our inner world, subordinate only to ourselves. (20) Nobodyforbid me to love the things that I love. (21) That's how I always felt aboutsomething, that's how I feel about it, and you won't do anything to me. (22) Self-I am always with my feelings.(23) Let's say they put a person in a cell alone. (24) Punished?(25) Nothing like that! (26) Yes, he may have dreamed all his life that heleft alone! (27) He is indifferent to gastronomy, openspaces frighten him, does not like to move much, from bright lighteyes hurt. (28) He hates the service. (29) And here is the food, the regime, the wife is notsaws, children do not tease ... (30) They give paper and a pen, they are allowed to writehow much will fit. (31) What else does he need?! (32) He may have wanted books all his lifewrite! (33) Enjoys all the conditions for creativity and calm life. (34) After all, this, you see, is theoretically quite possible. (35) Thanthe less external things a person needs for happiness, the easier it is for him to behappy. (36) No envy, no competition, no exhausting race infight for life. (37) Happiness is your inner state, not things andnewspaper portraits.(38) So, maybe you need to look inward and make effortsnot to external things, over which he often has no control, but to the internalcondition. (39) To this, when even with little you are happy. (40) This24. Reflecting on the philosophical problem, M. Weller uses a whole arsenal of techniques for sharp journalistic polemics. The syntax of the text contains __________ (sentences 12–13, 38–39), there is a whole series of __________ (sentences 17, 26, 32). Among the lexical means of expression, we note the combination of ________ “balls” (sentence 11), “saws” (sentence 29) and _______: “powerful” (sentence 1), “earthly” (sentence 12), “strive” (sentence 38). 1) colloquial and colloquial vocabulary2) syntactic parallelism3) phraseological unit(s) 4) epithet(s) 5) rhetorical exclamation(s)6) row(s) of homogeneous members 7) parceling 8) book word(s)9) interrogative sentence(s) (rhetorical question(s)) Answer: A
25. Write an essay based on the text you read. Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed the author of the text (avoid excessive quoting). Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account). The volume of the essay is at least 150 words. A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points. Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

School notebooks, worn jeans, long-used and dusty players and phones. According to psychologists, everything that we do not use for more than a year automatically turns into trash. Which, by the way, programs us for poverty. But is it so easy to get rid of junk?

the site found five reasons that make us keep old things, and figured out how to force ourselves to sort out household rubble.

1. Because we tend to be frugal.

Is the dress out of fashion? Are your favorite sneakers torn? Broken laptop? Approximately 88 percent of Russians do not know how to part with old and unnecessary things. We store clothes and shoes, magazines and books, toys, postcards, appliances and much more that we don’t use at all.

Pathological frugality, experts say, is in Russian blood. It is hard for our grandparents, who grew up in the war and post-war years, to throw things away - because of the poverty they experienced and the fear of being left with nothing, they put aside all sorts of things for a "rainy day" all their lives. Hence - endless five-liter cans, bags in bags, broken skis and other rubbish, which to this day is neatly stored by our compatriots on balconies, mezzanines and cottages.

Of course, being frugal is good, but still, the next time you send holey sweaters, cracked plates and the remains of a laminate to the back of a closet or balcony, think about it: are you turning into Gogol's Plushkin?

syllogomania, pathological hoarding, or Plushkin's syndrome is a disorder in which a person experiences a passion for collecting and storing things. Clothes, books, household utensils and other items are not used, but only accumulated.

It is difficult for a person suffering from syllogomania to throw away trash (even the smallest one). Sometimes it doesn’t work at all - he is too reverent about his junk.

The northern peoples, who live in unfavorable climatic conditions, are prone to a certain kind of materialism: we store food. This is a tradition on which the well-being of our ancestors depended for centuries during the long winter. So even now, we, the descendants, feel more comfortable if the refrigerator is full of dumplings and other products with a long shelf life.

In addition, our country has a difficult history: throughout the 20th century, millions of families suffered from hunger and poverty. This still affects: it is more difficult for us to throw things away, especially food. For example, the United States has never participated in defensive wars on its territory, they have a different history, and therefore the attitude towards things is easier: bought - tired - threw it away. And we're scared.

Meanwhile, materialism can be both a manifestation of character traits and a mental pathology. The line is thin, but in any case it is incorrect to say that materialism leads to psychological ill health. After all, it cannot be said that nausea is the cause of poisoning. On the contrary, poisoning leads to nausea.

Irina Solovieva


2. Because they will definitely come in handy someday.

Uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, "when I'm thin" jeans, and five old flip-flops in case the iPhone breaks. We do not throw away dozens of obsolete things just because we stubbornly hope to use them again someday.

In fact, having lost weight, you would rather buy new jeans than put on those that have been lying on the far shelf of the closet for several years - by that time they may simply go out of fashion. And for shoes purchased only because of beauty, there will surely be an equally attractive, but comfortable alternative. Do not be fooled: things that have not been used for years will never be needed again.

The same applies to books. If you have Marx's multi-volume book and the Great Soviet Encyclopedia gathering dust on your shelf, which you are not going to read, it is better to take them to the library. Don't clutter up your home if you don't have a dedicated room for books: keep only those titles that you like to re-read and that you need for work and study.

By the way, psychologists say that attachment to old things programs us for poverty. Allowing yourself to leave a torn blouse for a rainy day, you instantly bring its offensive closer - assuming that such a day will come and you really have to walk in a tattered pullover.

In general, it’s good to take it once a month and look at what surrounds you - clothes, some books, notes. You need to understand how much all this is necessary right now: whether these things feed your self-esteem or not.

Surely there are things in the closet that do not suit you at the moment, do not correlate with your personality. You may have bought some of them when you were not feeling very well. Because of some, you have already "grown up". Or maybe you have books that have already outlived their usefulness. You need to get rid of all this.

The situation when you open a closet, and clothes fall out from there, can cause psychological inconvenience. There is a feeling that you have a lot of things, but nothing really needed. It's not clear what you want. This can lead to helplessness and insecurity.

Vera Joyful

psychologist, art therapist

3. Because they are reminiscent of the past.

Russian notebooks, diaries, notes, dried roses, old tickets for concerts, planes and trains - all this, of course, contains many stories. Such things represent entire epochs of our lives - school years, past relationships, perfect travels.

There is nothing wrong with remembering the past - put your favorite papers and trinkets in a box and put it under the bed or on the closet. Just don't overdo it: there is no need to keep a bunch of T-shirts left by an ex-girlfriend, endless teddy bears "from fans" and dozens of old copybooks and student lectures.

Keeping flared jeans, a checkered jacket and DC sneakers in the closet also does not make sense. After all, you probably still have photos of the times when you wore them. Do you really want to fill your apartment with things that have already served their purpose?

Veshchizm can be formed as an attempt to keep something in your life, to save. For example, it can develop after the loss of a loved one or in the event of separation. Or maybe an aging woman is trying to keep her youth in this way - naturally, unconsciously.

In some cases, you can deal with materialism on your own. The main thing is to understand what exactly you are trying to fill in such a symbolic form, what you really lack. What you really don't want to part with. You should still find the strength to let it go from life. If you cannot do this on your own, you can seek psychological help.

Irina Solovieva


4. Because someone once gave them

Many people are really tormented by the need to get rid of things that were once donated by acquaintances. A bulky figurine of the Eiffel Tower, a clumsy candle stand, a belt that you have never worn and never will... Do you even remember who gave it to you and when?

Feel free to clear the house of such things: it is unlikely that a loved one could give something that you will never use. And if a friend was not close, then why are you afraid to hurt - even mentally - his feelings?

5. Because they feel sorry for them

Yes, you do not need this little porcelain horse at all. But he was bought in the year of the Horse - that is, in your year! Surely the figurine brings good luck. And anyway, does a tiny bauble take up a lot of space?

The 1992 Cosmopolitan binder came from your aunt, but you collected all the 2002 issues of Snob yourself. Of course, they should not be thrown away: after all, they are dusty, but such a living personification of bygone days. Take out an old wooden chair, too, the hand does not rise. It was sitting on it that you spent your student years poring over term papers and spending sleepless pre-graduation nights. It's a pity somehow.

Remember: every time you refuse to throw away a thing that has objectively become unnecessary, you do not allow yourself to acquire something new. According to a Chinese proverb, there will never be anything new in life until something old is gone ("The old will not go away - the new will not come").

In addition, according to esotericists and psychologists, things that lie and are not used accumulate negative energy, which causes apathy, laziness and pathological fatigue among the inhabitants of a cluttered house. Well, and dust, of course (it is generally contraindicated for allergy sufferers to be Plyushkins).

If you accumulate things and do not use them, then it turns out that the energy has no way out. Energy circulates only when you have learned and applied something, bought it and put it on. When things just lie, they bring nothing.

It is necessary to get rid of old things because we immediately have space, free space. Free space, in turn, attracts something new, with new energy.

It is impossible to attract something new if there is physically nowhere to attract, if everything is packed everywhere, something is lying everywhere. You have to throw something away to bring something new into your life. No other way.

Vera Joyful

psychologist, art therapist

How do you know if things will soon consume you?*

* Consulted by psychologist Irina Solovieva

  • If your passion for collecting things is a manifestation of a mental disorder, it will certainly be accompanied by other disturbing symptoms. For example, inadequate perception of reality, impaired memory and attention.
  • Pay attention to the scale that materialism has taken. Maybe he began to interfere with your daily life? Maybe things are already pushing you out of the apartment?
  • What matters is what you collect. Let's say it's okay if a mechanic or engineer collects parts that may be useful to him in his work. But often, having "caught" Plushkin's syndrome, you begin to litter the house with completely unnecessary things.
  • Think about it, is it difficult for you to part with things - to sort out your wardrobe, give unnecessary things to an orphanage or the poor? If so, then it's time to sound the alarm.
  • Remember that older people are more prone to pathological hoarding. On a moderate scale, it is even normal for them. So you don't have to look up to your grandmother who doesn't throw away plastic chicken boxes, and the grandfather who collects bottles of perfume that has run out.

How not to become a hostage of your own things?

1. Clean up household rubble once a month.

When you get used to getting rid of old things and parting with them will no longer seem like a disaster, general disassembly can be carried out less frequently.

2. Buy new things only after you get rid of the old ones.

If you buy a new chest of drawers, deciding to move the old one "sometime later", there is a high probability that your intention will never be fulfilled.

3. Be critical

Pull everything out of the cabinets, from the balcony, from the mezzanine. Sort things by constantly asking yourself the following questions: “Can I do without it?”, “Have I used it in the last six months / year?”, “Will I need it in the next six months / year?”.

4. Get rid of things gradually

When sorting out, for example, old children's toys, first leave at home only those with which there are especially many pleasant memories. Then sort through the toys again. Well, if in the end there will be only one or two bunnies or bears dear to the heart. Give the rest of the toys to the orphanage - they are more needed there than on your mezzanines.

Toys are usually accepted at the same locations as clothing, a list of locations can be found.

5. Do not make a warehouse of non-working or simply unnecessary equipment out of your home

It is harmful not only for moral and physical health. Leave one old, but still working mobile phone in case the current one breaks. Take all other equipment to special collection points for electrical appliances.

A list of places can be found.

6. Be extra careful when sorting out your old clothes.

Stop storing jeans that are out of fashion, or a jacket that once drove classmates and classmates crazy. Old clothes that gather dust in the closet can be useful to someone else - orphans, the poor, the elderly. Wash things, iron them and take them to a second-hand store or a special collection point, from where the clothes will be given to orphanages or social support centers.

List of places where clothes are accepted (naturally, not torn, not dirty and not wrinkled) -.

7. Don't overdo it when getting rid of things

Antique furniture, dishes, front-line letters from great-grandfather, an old piano and a working cassette player, of course, are not worthy of being in the trash. A piano that has become unnecessary can be sold, antiques can be adapted to the interior of an apartment or cottage. With a set of dishes or glasses, you can do the same, after knowing its price.

The strangest things Muscovites keep at home*

Part of a nuclear reactor from Chernobyl and a spearhead. Fortunately, the "button" of the reactor is "cleaned" and has no background radiation.

Innokenty: "The nuclear reactor element is a gift from a person who was in Chernobyl. The thing itself is on the mnemonic diagram of the reactor shield, but no one knows the exact name. Another artifact is a spearhead I found during a trip to the Upper Volga Lakes in the 1980s" .

Rail. Timofey: "This thing is a rail fastener. It was found in the area of ​​​​the Matveevskoye platform. Left over from the construction of the railway.

I use it as a press when I need to glue something."

Stone from the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Evlampia: "When I was little, my parents and I walked past the Cathedral of Christ the Savior - then it was still under construction. When we walked along the construction site, I lagged behind my parents, ran into it, took a piece of stone there and ran back to mom and dad. "

Stone from Andreevsky Descent. Agrippina: "When I was in Kiev, my friends and I went for a walk on Andreevsky Descent. They sell all sorts of rarities, trinkets and jewelry. I bought a pendant around my neck from one woman, and her little daughter - she was two and a half years old - said, I agreed, gave her the money, took the bag with the pendant, and in pursuit she picked up a piece of paving stones from the ground - and it is so beautiful, red with some kind of mica - and said that it was a "wish stone", and she he gives it to me. Since then, he has been living with me. "

Stone from Palace Square. Benjamin: "My friend and I were in St. Petersburg for the first time, and we were already tipsy enough to want to take a piece of the city with us. We took and pulled this stone right on Palace Square."

photo lab. Agathon: “I don’t collect any rubbish on the street, I have enough good things at home. Most of the things left from my grandfather are a darkroom, rare photos (including Joseph Stalin), an ancient radio with buttons “Budapest”, “Berlin”, " Milan" and "Moscow", morse codes and more.

Morse code. Agathon: "I have not put things in proper order yet and periodically find something new - either a coin for my collection, or things that are completely incomprehensible to me that excite the imagination. Despite the fact that such rarities are most often put up for auction, I will not Still, these things are dear to me as a memory. "

* The names of the respondents have been changed for confidentiality purposes.

Anna Teplitskaya, Dmitry Kokoulin

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