Orphoepic dictionary of the exam.

Orphoepic standards (stress) are checked in task 4.

From the students you need to write one of the four words, in which the emphasis is not allocated - the impact vowel is indicated by a large letter. In response, the word fits unchanged, without the selection by large letters. Pay attention to the letter ё: If the word with the error contained this letter, it must be written and in response. For example, from four words:


the first has incorrectly highlighted emphasis. We write out this word in response unchanged, with the letter E. Please note that the question of possible writing e instead of it is solved simply: before each examiner on the exam will be a form in which all allowed letters and signs are indicated. At the moment of time in samples of the letter it is there.

For training in working out the skill of stagnation of stagnation, Svezhegé offers both words from the ORFOPIC minimum of the FII (2016), and words that have not included or came out of it.

In tasks with an increased level of difficulty, along with words with a clearly erroneous stress, words have two accent options.

Ophoepic Slice FII 2016

An important side of orthoepia is emphasis, that is, the sound allocation of one of the symbols of the word. The emphasis on the letter is usually not denoted, although in some cases (when teaching the Russian language of non-Russian) it is customary to put it.

The distinctive features of the Russian stress - its discoveredness and mobility. Dominacy is that the emphasis in Russian can be on any word syllable (the book, signature - on the first syllable; lantern, underground - on the second; hurricane, orphoepium - on the third and t . d.). In some words, the emphasis is fixed on a specific syllable and does not move when the grammatical forms are formed, in others - changes its place (compare: tons - tons and wall - wall - walls and walls). The last example demonstrates the mobility of Russian stress. This is the objective difficulty of absorption of accent norms. "However, - as C.S. is rightly noted. Gorbachevich, if the dimensions and mobility of the Russian stress and create some difficulties in his assimilation, then these inconveniences are completely bothering the opportunity to distinguish with the help of the point of accepted the meaning of words (flour - flour, a coward - a panting, immersed on the platform - immersed in water) and even Functional and stylistic fixedness of accent options (bay leaf, but in Botanic: Lavrovy family).

Particularly important in this regard, the role of stroking as a method for expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200band overcoming omonimia of word forms is presented. As established by scientists, most of the words of the Russian language (about 96%) differ in fixed stress. However, the remaining 4% are the most common words constituting the basic, frequency vocabulary of the language.

We give some of the rules of orthoepia in the area of \u200b\u200bstress, which will help to prevent the corresponding errors.

Nouns names

airports, stationary. 4th syllable stress

bows, fixed. Emphasis on the 1st syllable.

beard, winep., only in this form of units Emphasis on the 1st Slog

accountants, Rod.p.Mn.ch., still accent on the 2nd syllable

religion, from faith to confess



dispensary, the word came from English. Yaz. through Franz. Dyas., Where to hit always on the last syllable



blinds, from Franz. Jaz. where blow always on the last syllable

significance, from adj. significant

Ikers, im.p. MN.C., stationary. Emphasis

catalog, in one row with the words dialogue, monologue, necrologist, etc.

quarter, of it. Yaz. where the emphasis on the 2nd syllable

kilometer, in one row with the words

centimeter, decimeter, millimeter ...

cones, cones, still. Emphasis on the 1st syllable in all cases in units. and mn. h.

cranes, fixed. Emphasis on the 1st Slog

flint, silica, blow. in all forms on the last syllable, as in the word fire

lecturers, lecturers, see the word bow (s)

locality, rod.p.mn.ch., in one row with a word conformity, jaws ... but news

garbage chute, in one row with the words gas pipeline, oil pipeline, water supply


necrologist, see Catalog


news, news, but: see locations

nail, nail, stationary. Emphasis in all forms of units, from the trailer

parter, from Franz. Jaz. where blow always on the last syllable



call, in one row with the words by calling, feedback (ambassador), convocation, but: review (for publication)

orphans, im.p.mn.ch., emphasis in all forms of MN.C. Only on the 2nd syllable

means, im.p.mn.ch.

convening, see Call

carpenter, in one row with the words painted painter, Diare, Scholyar ...

cakes, cakes

scarves, see bows

chaffin, in one row with the words kiosk, controller ...

expert, from Franz. Yaz. where the emphasis is always on the last syllable

Adjective names

In complete forms of the adjectives, only still emphasis on the basis of or at the end is possible. The variability of these two types in the same word forms is explained, as a rule, a pragmatic factor associated with the delimitation of non-consuming or book adjectives and adjective frequency, stylistically neutral or even reduced. In fact, non-considerable and book words are more likely to emphasize, and frequency, stylistically neutral or reduced - at the end.

The degree of mastery of the word is manifested in the variants of the place of accent: a circle and mug, incentable and spare, near-earth and near-earth, minus and minus, cleaning and cleaning. Such words are not included in the tasks of the USE, since both options are considered correct.

And yet the choice of the place of emphasis causes difficulties most often in brief forms of adjectives. Meanwhile, there is a fairly consistent rate, according to which the shock syllable of the full form of a number of used adjectives remains shock and in brief form: Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful; unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable, etc.

The number of adjectives with rolling stress in Russian is small, but they are often used in speech, and therefore the stress standards in them need comments.

The emphasis often falls the basis in the form of a plural, as well as in the only number in the male and middle way and on the end of the female form: the right - right - the right - right - rights; gray - gray gray - sulfur - sulfur; Slender - Stored - Slim - Slendy - Slim.

Such adjectives, as a rule, have a single-sided base without suffixes either with the simplest suffixes (-K-, -n-). However, one way or another there is a need to appeal to the orthoepic dictionary, since a number of words "knock out" from the specified norm. You can, for example, speak: Long and length, fresh and fresh, full and full, etc.

It should also be said about the pronunciation of adjectives in a comparative degree. There is such a norm: if the emphasis in the brief form of a female kind falls to the end, then in a comparative degree it will be on the suffix of it: strong - stronger, it is pain - it is greater, alive is more, slim - harder, right - right; If the emphasis in feminine is based on, then in a comparative degree, it is preserved on the basis of: beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sad, disgusting - disappearing. The same applies to the form of an excellent degree.


One of the most intense points of emphasis in the consumable verbs is the forms of the past time. The emphasis in the past time usually falls on the same syllable as in infinitive: sitting - sat, moaning - moaning, hiding - hid, start - starting. At the same time, the group of consumable verbs (about 300) is subject to another rule: the emphasis in the form of a female kind goes to the end, and in the other forms remains on the basis. It is the verbs to take, be, to take, throw, lie, chant, give, wait, to live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear, etc. It is recommended to say: live - lived - lived - lived - lived; wait - waited - waited - waited - waited; Pour - Lil - Lilo - Lily - Lila. Also pronounced the derivatives of the verbs (live, pick up, finish, shed, etc.).

The exceptions make up words with the prefix you, which takes the emphasis on yourself: survive - survived, pouring - poured, cause - caused.

In the verbs put, steal, sly, send an emphasis in the form of a female day of the past time remains on the basis of: Slla, sent, Slal.

And another regularity. Quite often, in return verbs (in comparison with non-returnable), the emphasis in the form of the past time passes to the end: to begin - began, began, began, began; Share - began, began, began, began.

About the pronunciation of verb to call in the hidden form. Orphoepic dictionaries of the last time perfectly reasonably continue to recommend emphasis at the end: call, calls, call, call, call. This

the tradition relies on classical literature (primarily poetry), the speech practice of authoritative speakers of the language.

pamper in one row with words

indulge, spoil, break up ..., but: balovd fate





enable-turn on,

turn on, turn on











call, gets call,

can be donate





take-took, taken,

occupied, occupied


shifted - locked (on the key, on the castle, etc.)


call-call, calls,



rush - Run

lie lgala






torn - called



name narrova


start-started, started, started


easily facilitate











severed, in one row with the words

form, normalize, sort,

premium ...





cut off-otkuporl



call back - call back










arrived arrival-arrived arrival














Emphasis in communion and verbalia

The most frequent vibrations of the accent are fixed when pronuncified by brief suffering communals. If the emphasis in full form is on the suffix -, it remains on it only in the form of a male genus, in the rest of the forms goes to the end: conducted - conducted, carried out, carried out, carried out; Divided - brought, brought, delivered, brought. However, the speakers of the tongue are sometimes difficult to choose the right place of emphasis and in full form. They say: "brought" instead of the brought, "translated" instead of the translated, etc. In such cases, it is worthwhile to contact the dictionary, gradually working out the correct pronunciation.

Several comments on the pronunciation of complete communities with suffix -t-. If the suffixes of an indefinite form are, they have emphasis on themselves, then in communations, it will switch to one syllable forward: span - flew, prick - bend, bend - bent, wrap - wrapped.

Praising communities from verbs pouring and drinking (with a suffix -t-) are distinguished by unstable stress. You can say: spilled and spilled, everything and everything stratum (only!), Solid and shed, sheds and sheds; Dop and doppop, I will add and add, read and dop, doppit and dop, dops and dops.



included-turned on, see the rendered




locked locked


spoiled, see Balked









degraded-reduced, see turned on ...














Tempecistry often have an emphasis on the same syllable as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verb: invested, asking, the bay, taking, writing, having exhausted (it is impossible: exhausted), starting, raising, agreed, watering, putting, revealing, betraying, making it Arriving, accepting, selling, damning, strait, putting, spooking, creating.





Emphasis in adverbs

Emphasis in adverbs will mainly be studied by memorizing and appealing to the orthoepic dictionary.



also, in the meaning of the fag

body, spoken


more beautifully, acceleration. in comparant.

An important side of orthoepia is emphasis, that is, the sound allocation of one of the symbols of the word. The emphasis on the letter is usually not denoted, although in some cases (when teaching the Russian language of non-Russian) it is customary to put it.

Distinctive features of Russian stress - its discoveredness and mobility. The distinguishedness is that the emphasis in Russian can be on any syllable of the word (the book, signature - on the first syllable; lantern, underground - on the second; hurricane, orphoepium - on the third, etc.). In some words, the emphasis is fixed on a specific syllable and does not move when the grammatical forms are formed, in others - changes its place (compare: tons - tons and wall - wall - walls and walls).

The last example demonstrates the mobility of Russian stress. This is the objective difficulty of absorption of accent norms. "However, - as C.S. is rightly noted. Gorbachevich, if the dimensions and mobility of the Russian stress and create some difficulties in his assimilation, then these inconveniences are completely bothering the opportunity to distinguish with the help of the point of accepted the meaning of words (flour - flour, a coward - a panting, immersed on the platform - immersed in water) and even Functional and stylistic fixedness of accent options (bay leaf, but in Botanic: Lavrovy family). Particularly important in this regard, the role of stroking as a method for expressing grammatical values \u200b\u200band overcoming omonimia of word forms is presented. As established by scientists, most of the words of the Russian language (about 96%) differ in fixed stress. However, the remaining 4% are the most common words constituting the basic, frequency vocabulary of the language.

We give some of the rules of orthoepia in the area of \u200b\u200bstress, which will help to prevent the corresponding errors.

Emphasis in adjectives

In complete forms of the adjectives, only still emphasis on the basis of or at the end is possible. The variability of these two types in the same word forms is explained, as a rule, a pragmatic factor associated with the delimitation of non-consuming or book adjectives and adjective frequency, stylistically neutral or even reduced. In fact, non-considerable and book words are more likely to emphasize, and frequency, stylistically neutral or reduced - at the end.

The degree of mastery of the word is manifested in the variants of the place of accent: a circle and mug, incentable and spare, near-earth and near-earth, minus and minus, cleaning and cleaning. Such words are not included in the tasks of the USE, since both options are considered correct.

And yet the choice of the place of emphasis causes difficulties most often in brief forms of adjectives. Meanwhile, there is a fairly consistent rate, according to which the shock syllable of the full form of a number of used adjectives remains shock and in brief form: Beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful; unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable - unthinkable, etc.

The number of adjectives with rolling stress in Russian is small, but they are often used in speech, and therefore the stress standards in them need comments. The emphasis often drops the basis in the form of a plural, as well as in the only number in the male and middle way and the end in the form of a female kind: right - right -

right - right - right; gray - gray gray - sulfur - sulfur; Slender - Stored - Slim - Slendy - Slim.

Such adjectives, as a rule, have a single-sided base without suffixes either with the simplest suffixes (-K-, -n-). However, one way or another there is a need to appeal to the orthoepic dictionary, since a number of words "knock out" from the specified norm. You can, for example, speak: Long and length, fresh and fresh, full and full, etc.

It should also be said about the pronunciation of adjectives in a comparative degree. There is such a norm: if the emphasis in the brief form of a female kind falls to the end, then in a comparative degree it will be on the suffix - it is: strong - stronger, sick - it is more painful, alive - more, slim is slightly harder, right - right; If the emphasis in feminine is based on, then in a comparative degree, it is preserved on the basis of: beautiful - more beautiful, sad - sad, disgusting - disappearing. The same applies to the form of an excellent degree.

Emphasis in verb

One of the most intense points of emphasis in the consumable verbs is the forms of the past time. The emphasis in the past time usually falls on the same syllable as in infinitive: sitting - sat, moaning - moaning, hiding - hid, start - starting. At the same time, the group of consumable verbs (about 300) is subject to another rule: the emphasis in the form of a female kind goes to the end, and in the other forms remains on the basis. It is the verbs to take, be, to take, throw, lie, chant, give, wait, to live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear, etc. It is recommended to say: live - lived - lived - lived - lived; wait - waited - waited - waited - waited; Pour - Lil - Lilo - Lily - Lila. Also pronounced the derivatives of the verbs (live, pick up, finish, shed, etc.).

The exceptions make up words with the prefix you, which takes the emphasis on yourself: survive - survived, pouring - poured, cause - caused. In the verbs put, steal, sly, send an emphasis in the form of a female day of the past time remains on the basis of: Slla, sent, Slal.

And another regularity. Quite often, in return verbs (in comparison with non-returnable), the emphasis in the form of the past time passes to the end: to begin - began, began, began, began; Share - began, began, began, began.

About the pronunciation of verb to call in the hidden form. Orphoepic dictionaries of the last time perfectly reasonably continue to recommend emphasis at the end: call, calls, call, call, call. This tradition relies on classical literature (primarily poetry), the speech practice of authoritative speakers of the language.

Emphasis in some communion and verbalia

The most frequent vibrations of the accent are fixed when pronuncified by brief suffering communals. If the emphasis in full form is on the suffix -, it remains on it only in the form of a male genus, in the rest of the forms goes to the end: conducted - conducted, carried out, carried out, carried out; Divided - brought, brought, delivered, brought. However, the speakers of the tongue are sometimes difficult to choose the right place of emphasis and in full form. They say: "brought" instead of the brought, "translated" instead of the translated, etc. In such cases, it is worthwhile to contact the dictionary, gradually working out the correct pronunciation.

Several comments on the pronunciation of complete communities with suffix -t-. If the suffixes of an indefinite form are - - in themselves, they have an emphasis on themselves, in the communions it will switch to one syllable forward: span - flew, prick - bend, bend - bent, wrap - wrapped.

Praising communities from verbs pouring and drinking (with a suffix -t-) are distinguished by unstable stress. You can say: spilled and spilled, everything and everything stratum (only!), Solid and shed, sheds and sheds; Dop and doppop, I will add and add, read and dop, doppit and dop, dops and dops.

Tempecistry often have an emphasis on the same syllable as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verb: invested, asking, the bay, taking, writing, having exhausted (it is impossible: exhausted), starting, raising, agreed, watering, putting, revealing, betraying, making it Arriving, accepting, selling, damning, strait, putting, spooking, creating.

Emphasis in adverbs will mainly be studied by memorizing and appealing to the orthoepic dictionary.

Nouns names

airports, stationary. 4th syllable stress

bows, fixed. Emphasis on the 1st syllable beard, WIN. P., Only in this form of units. Emphasis on the 1st syllable of accountants, born. P.MN. h., fixed. Emphasis on the 2nd syllable of religion, from faith to confess citizenship

dEFIS, of NAM.Y.YU., where the emphasis on the 2nd syllable

dispensary, the word came from English. Yaz. through

by Franz. Dyes., Where to hit. Always on

last syllable



blinds, from Franz. Jaz. where blow always on the last syllable

significance, from adj. significant

Ikers, im.p. MN.C., stationary. Emphasis

catalog, in one row with the words dialogue,

monologue, necrologist T.P.

quarter, of it. Yaz. where the emphasis on the 2nd

kilometer, in one row with the words centimeter, decimeter, millimeter. cones, cones, still. Emphasis on the 1st syllable in all cases in units. and mn. h. Koryst.

cranes, fixed. Emphasis on the 1st syllable of flint, silica, blow. In all forms on the last syllable, as in the word fire lecturers, lecturers, see the word bow (s) skiing

locality, Rod.p.Mn.ch., in one row with a word conformity, jaws., But the news

garbage chute, in one row with the words

gas pipeline, oil pipeline, water supply


necrologist, see the hatred catalog

news, News, BUT: See the locations of the Nail, nail, stationary. Emphasis in all forms of units. h.

Adolescence, from teen

parter, from Franz. Jaz. where blow Always on

last syllable



call, in one row with the words by calling, feedback (ambassador), convocation, but: review (for publishing)

orphans, im.p.mn.ch., emphasis in all forms

mN.ch. Only on the 2nd syllable

means, im.p.mn.ch.

convening, see Call

joiner, in one row with the words painted,

diarer, Scholyar.

cakes, cakes

scarves, see bows

chaffin, in one row with the words kiosk, controller.

expert, from Franz. Yaz. where the emphasis is always on the last syllable

pamper, in one row with the words to call-call

indulge, spoil, break down., Easy-facilitates

bUT: Balchery fate will drench - poured





enable-turn on,

turn on, turn on











call, gets call,

can be donate





take-took, taken,

occupied, occupied











severed, in one row with the words form, ignore, sort, premie. Decorate




cut off-otkuporl



call back - call back





shifted - locked (on the key, on the castle and call-call-call


call-call, calls,



rush - Run

lie lgala






torn - called



name narrova


start-started, started, started





arrived arrival-arrived arrival
















included-turned on, see the rendered




locked locked


spoiled, see Balked








reduced-revened, see included















beginning on time we need to go to the top of the Donom to dryness envy, in the meaning of the fag


visiting raising

understanding the arrival of Naschayia

body, spoken


more beautifully, acceleration. in comparant.

The greatest excitement among graduates of schools is exams in the form of the exam. After all, depending on whether the results are, the admission to the desired university will depend on. And more importantly for many parents of eleventh graders - it is the opportunity to teach their children on the budget, and not for commerce. One of the mandatory exams is Russian, the preparation for which can provide a "airbag" for the final score of all the exams taken. What can help in successful crossing the exam in Russian? Orphoepic dictionary for EGE-2019. FIPI to facilitate preparation for this topic laid out it on its official website.

What is orphoepium?

Orphoepium is a section of a language science, where the stress is studied in particular.

The French in this regard does not need to bother, as in their language everything is extremely simple - the emphasis is permanent, on the last syllable. But in Russian, the stress is movable. It may fall to different parts of the word:

  • to the prefix (no means);
  • root (garbage chute);
  • suffix (pamper);
  • the end (removed).

In addition, in a strong position there may be different parts of the word one and the same part of speech and in the same form. For example: in the verbs of the female genus the only number, as a rule, the emphasis falls on the ending (slept, took, took it). But in the words of Klava, Krala, sent the emphasis "runs away" from the end of the root.

What is the difficulty of tasks for orthoepia?

Often from students when studying the topic "Orphoepium", you can hear such phrases: "Well, why is it right? After all, everyone speaks differently! "

In the complexity of comprehending the rules of stressing that children from the people around them constantly hear incorrectly sound words. Remember, do you often hear, for example, "meters", "on Wednesdays", "cakes" or "watery"? But this is the literary utterance rate.

Therefore, this should be treated with all seriousness and teach out loud words with the right stress.

Task number 4 on the exam in Russian

It is under this number that the graduate will find the task of the accentological norm.

The wording of it in the measuring materials of 2019 is as follows.

In one of the words below, an error is made in the formulation.

accent: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted.

Write this word.

  • disabled
  • Defense
  • chauffeur
  • Wholesale
  • news

Correct answer: Wholesale.

Some rules of orthoepia

To facilitate the preparation of the task number 4 on the exam in the Russian language, graduates need to learn some rules of orthoepia.

Orphoepia rule Examples
Many verbs of the last time of the female genus the sole number have percussion end lgala, started, locked exceptions: put, stole, sent
In some brief adjectives and female communities, the emphasis falls on the end slim, right, locked, started
In the group of words with the root - the waterproof falls on this root water pipe, garbage chute, gas pipeline.
But electrical wires
In single words with the root -bal- emphasis on this root does not fall pamper

Exception is the word balovian

In these verbs, the emphasis should be at the end. enable, turn on, turn on
In the words ending on -log, the emphasis falls, as a rule, on the last syllable: dialogue, catalog, monologue, necrologist
In words denoting the lengths of length and ending on-level, the emphasis falls on the last syllable: kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, decimeter
In some nouns, emphasis is fixed and remains at the root in all cases: airport - airports
Bow - Bands - with bows
Accountant - accountants
X - With Xa - Xers - Iks
Crane - Cranes
Lecturer - lecturers - lecturers
Cake - with cake - cakes - cakes
Scarf - Scarf - Scarves Scarves
In some adjective emphasis, as in the source nouns, from which they are formed: plum - plum
Kitchen - Kitchen
In the verbs, ending to smear, with the hidden, the emphasis falls at the end: - I am, -It, -I, -t, -at / -t: enable - Enable, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on
In hand, you will hand out, hand it seems, hand, hand
get through - you will call, get through, you will call, get through, you will call
bleed - bleeding, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding, bleeding.
According to the same scheme, verbs are hidden: call, exclude, riddling, tightening, coming, call, ease, encourage, encourage, lend, surround, repeat, call back, call, drill, strengthen, chem.
In the following verbs, ending on, the emphasis does not fall on the end: decorating - Oposhlyat
Inquiry - inquiry
In the verbs formed from the names of adjectives, the emphasis is most often falling:

But: the verb of angry, formed from the adjective evil, does not obey this rule.

fast - Slip, sharp - to sharpen, light - ease, cheerful - encourage, deep - deepen
In return verbs, emphasis in the form of the past time often goes to the end or suffix (in the verbs of the past time of the male race): start - began, began, began, began
Share - began, began, began, began
Tempecism often have an emphasis on the same syllable as in the infinitive of the verb, from which they are formed: ask - asked, fill up - bay, take - taking, start - starting, raising - raising, take - by doing, create - creating
In the followers with a suffix, it is, the emphasis falls on the vowel letter, which is in the word in front of these suffixes:. starting, giving, raising, arrivals, starting
At the prefix, the addition falls in the following adversities: to the top, donomose, dryness.
At the prefix, the emphasis falls in the words: handing, dim, light. But: envy - enviable

How to prepare for the task of orthoepia?

To learn the correct staging in words, you need to practice. How to do it:

  • download on the FII website orthoepic wordy;
  • to pronounce difficult words out loud;
  • you can learn the words alphabetically: https://studfiles.net/preview/1843174/
  • or in parts of speech.

Here you can watch the video on the topic ". Task 4. Theory and practice. Accents ":

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