Otto background Bismarck Description of appearance. Iron Chancellor Otto Bismarck Background

Otto von Bismarck

"The most pressing issue will be resolved not by speeches and by a majority of votes, but iron and blood."

Otto von Bismarck

"People are much more stupid than I thought about them."

Otto von Bismarck

The life of the Creator of the Second Reich Germany, the legendary Iron Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck, with her thorough and more detailed consideration, appears to us with an amazing example of persistent and consistent struggle, during which, thanks to the tough rule of will, a person managed to complete a long chain of unsuccessful attempts by a colossal victory, which allowed to take a prominent line in world history.

An impartial look at the success and strategy of his achievement, no doubt, will not allow to leave the birth and development of this such an extraordinary person, a person, while still a legend.

Otto Bismarck von Bismark was the fourth child of the Prussian landowner. The fact that the two senior brothers of the future Chancellor died still in infancy, and his immediate predecessor was very weak health, had a considerable effect on the attitude of the father and mother to the fourth boy and, accordingly, at the ratio of the latter to himself. Otto was not just loved - the hopes of their parents were associated with him, he was given the lion's share of parental attention and the faith was made to him in what he had a big future. It was this attitude towards the fourth son who contributed to the transformation of a boy in an unpredictable and decisive egoist, ready for any eccentric act and believing in his own infallibility. And the climbing awareness, it can be argued that later this played a significant role in the appearance of his thoughts about his own messianism in the mature years - the coming to the German land for its exaltation.

Being a Junker (German landowner), formally, Bismarck Father referred to the nobility, but was not the owner of such material wealth, which would guarantee him the necessary degree of influence in the state. On the other hand, the origin of the mother (it was from the family of the official approximate to the court of King Friedrich Wilhelm II) played a significant role directly in defining the life path of Bismarck and even discovered some starting opportunities. In addition, who lived in childhood and early youth at the Royal Court, Bismarck's mother not only learned about the art of court intrigues, but also managed to develop a flexible inventive mind, without any doubt, transmitted to his son in which she almost unconditionally believed.

Some Bismarck biographers argue that the fact of non-participation of his father in the liberation war is 1813-1814. It was definitely reflected on the character of the boy, for the patriotic mood of that time often made the children of their families honor their children. So, Alan Palmer even came to the conclusion that in childhood Otto was "an aggressive outsider who acutely fallen his inferiority." It is possible that the reverent experiences of childhood and early adolescence, unpleasant and shameful sensations of their own vulnerability, the complexity of overcoming frustration for the militant and indomitable nature of Bismarck later and awakened in it thirst for importance in the field of German statehood and the development of the national idea. An equally serious factor in the influence on the formation of Bismar Skolymidi was a mother, not only with the sons of fervent ambitions, but also ensuring them quite a decent education. The latter was an important factor, if we consider that we are talking about the prestigious and extravagant in the days of the Berlin School of Plan, where, in solid insistence, both boys were sent. It seems that it is in this educational institution, where special attention was paid to the development of original personal qualities, a young Bismarck and mastered in five years of training the foundations of multifaceted strategic thinking. In addition, the school has become not only a gymnastic room for the development of a young, fairly chain and fruit mind, but also a good tempering of independence. Although, giving the tribute objectivity, it is worth noting that the future German Chancellor is quite a fairly strict discipline of the school. Otherwise, it could not be - torn away from home and in a rigidly managed team from seven years old, he, on the one hand, was forced to abandon child pity for himself, and on the other - it's early to learn to live in the world with my own sometimes very stormy emotions and experiences. Moreover, the result of such independence was the emergence of an hopeless self-confidence, which was playing such a significant role in his future life.

It was also important for the future life of young Bismarck, and the fact that at the end of the school he not only did not leave the big city, but on the contrary, continued his studies, even having time to change two gymnasiums. Most likely, the role of mother was decisive in such a key turn. It is also quite obvious that early cutoff from the parental house and the forced independence, which practically always accompany their impressionability and some closure of thoughts, determined the bonus of the formation of a young man - educational institutions visited by Otto, had a clear humanitarian orientation. The early originality of the young Bismarck is confirmed by the fact that he was a unmarked middle student, that is, referred to school, as it was supposed to - as a mandatory, quite ordinary, and therefore, not too important for the future life, almost a chimerical lesson without a certain purpose . But at the same time, he became very sophisticated and arrogant. So much as being a university student, he managed to participate in the first nine months to participate in twenty-five duels. This is an excellent illustration of the early desire of Bismarck to implement ambitious behavior. He did not agree to accept the position of the "ordinary", or the "average", student, and the protest served as perverted and eating a form of self-expression. A certain characteristics of the character also include the reluctance of a young man to respond to the requirements of the mentors and its attempts from the very beginning of the life find their own style of information perception. However, in return for studies and good estimates, the Popper's boy read, mostly English and German authors, and later sent efforts to master the peculiarities of the international relations of the countries of Europe. It is possible that the latter was just the result of negative experiences of children's years related to the protection of family honor. But the reading of the mop, as usual, served him a good service - later it was the unique knowledge of history and in general the features of the relationship of European states, with the synthesis of the current political situation, which was capable of a flexible bismarkovsky mind, determined the direction of major efforts and the final choice of life path.

Interestingly, if the father did not express any distinct attitude towards the formation of sons, then a much more demanding and pretty mother was extremely unhappy with his level. For example, in her opinion, young men were supposed to have a much more accurate picture of the ideas who had to devote further life. As it is not surprising, it is the female flair and intuition that prompted the mother of Bismarck that ideas are the driving force of human development. She could not realize only one - ideas are not born in the spiritual bondage, they come only at the moments of the greatest creative insight, a favorable medium for which is the atmosphere of complete freedom of peace of mind. Dogmata of Berlin studies, even taking into account their progress, the development of the ideas of Bismarck about their role, despite the fact that they discovered the path to the world of reflection.

Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning the impact on the young Bismarck of one mentor - the thewor of Dr. Schleiermachera, who visited Otto a rational approach not only to religion, but also to life itself. However, the attitude to religion in general after communication with the famous scientist forever and remained only emphasized cold - the pragmatic mind of the emerging person did not find rational grain in it. At the end of the gymnasium at the age of seventeen (on the memoirs of the Chancellor himself), he had a firm conviction that "the republic is the most reasonable form of the state device."

However, it was still so far to this idea that she could never be born.

On the path of the true unquesting and pretty ambitious bismarca again pushed the mother, insisted on his shipment to the University of George Augustus in Göttingen. Obviously, and here the developed maternal feeling did not fail - the educational institution was famous for serene freedomiff and extraordinary to that time latitude of intellectual views. It seems that the mother felt a certain compactance and storm in the views of the Son and therefore put another effort to unobtrusive definition of his life path. It is not surprising, however, as the university attitude towards academic studies at the future Chancellor has not changed. On the contrary, his self-esteem began to acquire such wonderful forms, which without exaggeration could already be called the mania of greatness. Attitude towards professors, among which were well-known in the country, masted colostes from science, was contemptuously ironic. Although exceptions, of course, were. But it's surprising that the degree of respect for one or another scientist in Bismarck was not related to the perception of other students and with official estimates of the merit of the teacher before science - already at such a young age he managed to separate the true charm from the tithories of titles and symbols. In other words, in the judgments of the young Bismarck there was a level of freedom and radicalism inherent in people who are ready for serious actions confident in their own jesters and not burdened by the influence of the surrounding masses. The latter, undoubtedly, was the achievement of a mother, demonstrating nonconformism unique for that time towards her husband.

Bismarck-student even dressed firmly, which confirms the unbridled desire to stand out from the crowd, to be unlike a faceless mass, although there were no internal prerequisites at that moment. At the same time, an insurmountable physical desire is to be different, who has found an expression in extraordinary behavior, a tendency to exaltation and the mound half-sized leaving, gave rise to an internal need to reinforce their exclusivity. In order to succeed in identity and coloring, Bismarck, it seems, was ready for everything. Therefore, the assumptions are quite substantiated that already in the early student period, he was in search of a worthy idea and deliberately developed the audacity, which served a bright sign of disagreement with a faceless and bright conventional world.

Almost does not cause amazement that a completely capable student Bismarck has not completed his studies at Göttingen University - bringing the local professors to the extreme degree of indignation underlined by inadequate causing behavior, the reluctance to take academic school and obey the established authorities. In addition, feeling financial difficulties from too lush and not adequate income of life in Göttingen, as well as, not excluded, realizing the futility of efforts to obtain a formal education, he decided to move to the metropolitan educational institution. From the point of view of the formation of the idea and inclusion of volitional efforts to the implementation of a life strategy, at least two events of the near-tried period of life of the future statesman who have printed on all its continued life are interesting. The first is associated with studying Berlin, where he did not just desperately studied with tutoring, and stubbornly and walked around, with incredible efforts I fought with the help of books in the very essence of the knowledge, continuing to ignore the lectures inherent to it. This testifies not only about the strength of the character ready for difficulties (in the end, Bismarck proved to itself and others, which possesses a fairly unique intellectual potency when he defended his thesis on philosophy and political economy), but also that he was still under the influence Mother who was inspired by the maddy son, that the path to greatness definitely lies through knowledge and acquired, even the ephemeral, titles. It was she who pointed out her son on a very prestigious and quite interesting diplomatic career. The second point is unique in the Bismarkovsky approach to solving any problem - using absolutely all means: movements of altar, proactive actions and tricks. His set of dynamic and extraordinary funds became the basis of a unique and completely new diplomacy with, undoubtedly, the strategic vision of the European Card, as well as the willingness to fight at once a few fronts, despising any opponent. Interesting and response to the first tangible life barrier and failure associated with the refusal of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia to satisfy the ambitions of a young man, whose stormy, like a mountain river, temperament, pride and narcissus selfishness did not inspire any trust careful and suspended first diplomat of the country. It is noteworthy that the young man, barely completed the university education, managed to make the reception to the minister and, throwing excessive trepacy, quite specifically asked him about the assistance. Such an act is not only evidence of emergency decisiveness and calculation. This, first of all, the indicator that Bismarck was ready for any actions, including the asymmetric situations actions (for what, by the way, neither his opponents were not ready, nor those who surrendered under his inexorable ), promoting it to goal. Bismarck was ready to use all means, if only their application brought results. In addition, he was ready to play, and it is possible that it is a dizzying balancing on the verge of a fatal fall and has become a source of idea to realize itself in gambling diplomacy. This unique feature, characteristic only for very successful and surprisingly persistent and energetic people, was carried by them through all the changeable and all-weather life and, of course, brought dividends. In the case of the audience, the problem was only that the Bismarca had neither a clearly formulated goal, nor a specific program of action, no fierce intentions, nor the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich he had already believed himself and to implement it would be ready to attract All your disadvantaged will and fantastic energy. However, he was ready to go through the chain of unsuccessful attempts, because he took up the advice of the minister with a certain fraction of irony.

No less interesting is the fact that, at the nineteenth age, a young man has vague thoughts about Prussia transformations. It seems that he is not yet knowing where to direct his energy, has already entered the phase of active search and the idea of \u200b\u200bsculpture from himself the heroic image of the state team was considered as one of several ways of self-realization. But it also seems that the immature Bismarck had no doubt on the expense that he should become someone. Who, he still did not know. But the presence of thoughts of this kind is a very important detail of the formation of any genius and the creator.

Is it possible to say that the mother created Bismarck, giving him the best education and arbitrarily put on the starting rut of the diplomatic career? Knowledge, links and its acquired in the younger Youth Female of the former court lady played an emergency role. But even if Bismarck was consistent in the implementation of the Mother's Soviets and forced to silence his own voice, desperately breaking on the surface, he could only count on the routine career of the Middle Diplomat and never managed to enter his name in history. But the charismatic impulsiveness of the Bismarck, his choleric exaltation, the early developed ability to move alternate and contempt for polls, multiplied by knowledge and supported by maternal support, gave him starting opportunities. Not without the help of the mother from the young age, Bismarck learned to look at the world through the prism of his own interests - the trait is extremely necessary for any victory. Perhaps it was the main achievement of a long-term educational process of young Bismarck.

For each person, ever achieved success, it is characterized by mastering a certain package of books, which if not formed his character, then left the indisputable and indelible imprint on the development and formation of his personality. Practically, the composition of this package can essentially fluctuate, but in the life of the person of the second millennium, it is unlikely that something can replace him with its presence, for the synthesis of humanity experience is one of the main conditions for the appearance of a new genius. Bismarck was no exception to the rules. It was formed by the writings of Goethe and Schiller, the works of Shakespeare, Creations of Bairon and Scott, as well as materials on the history of politics. There is no doubtful, the rate of the mother of two sons of Bismarkov at the "penetration into the world of ideas" and the associated well-founded disappointment: Nor Otto nor his brother Berngard demonstrated the presence of any worthy of ideas at the time of the end of education. It seems that at that time the mother built more ambitious plans than her who had not yet opened children. In the end, thanks to her, Otto went to Aachen to pass the service in the administrative board of the city, where the service was not burdensome, but slightly opened the path to self-improvement. The fact that young Bismarck easily succumbed to the fleeting attractions of youth easily and absolutely not burdered himself to fulfill his duties. It is only an additional evidence of the lack of a real idea at that time, and the chain of frivolous mistakes dominated at the beginning of his quite mediocre diplomatic career. Undoubtedly, a choleric temperament brightly pronounced by the choleric temperament drove it along the edge of the abyss, to which one day he would never have got out of it. In the end, he again showed himself, practically casting the place of its service for any reason without any convincing explanations. A series of erroneous and mysterious ill-conceived steps was thus continued. It is not surprising that the mother was beside himself from completely unpredictable frivolous behavior of the Son. The only and completely unreasonable reason that the Bismarck has nowhere to direct its crushing energy and the brilliant, prone to the dynamic combinations of the mind, was the lack of idea as such. He, as a powerful ship of a new unique design, could not move forward into a big swimming, for did not have sails.

It is not surprising that with the death of a mother, pushing his son, thanks to his own relations and persistently calling the career more seriously, the diplomatic map of the young Bismarck was almost a bit. The resignation followed almost immediately. But at that time, he was already formed as a person who did not just adored outreach from the total homogeneous mass, but she was literally shocked by others so that, God forbid, do not be colorless. He walked in life as an icebreaker, and crushing everything that could not or did not want to take his way of thinking and visions of the world, while not experiencing any feelings and not leaving anyone influence. To some extent, the behavior of Bismarck after failures on a diplomatic field can be regarded as the usual overtimexation of its own weakness and the need to prove their own significance through the use of the prism of a non-market environment. But at the same time, he continued to persistently and seriously work on books, deepening in the literature and the history of diplomacy, without ignoring, however, and philosophy. Several years of gate brought the end of the internal crisis and began to form the first outlines of the future fundamental idea. Reflections on their own role so vague him that he even entered the service in the Potsdam administration, but soon he could not stand the office work and returned to the village novel. Double beginnings to build the foundation of the career suffered the collapse ... Undoubtedly, the twenty-one-year-old Bismarck actively looking for himself, not finding the bed, in which he could direct his fraternity and extreme energy.

But every seeker of himself does not seem to be a real case to change everything and continue to hold no longer in the minds, but in reality. And the point here is not at all in fate and the devilish rock, but that the world is ready to transform a strong hand, if only one who decided on anything serious, believed in his strength. Bismarck ripe for transformations of his life. His will, received from the books of knowledge and aspirations to the vague, unclear and transcendental altitudes were ready to break the ridiculous ring formed around it, which did not characterize the rest of the rest of the rest and dull to the rest. Bismarck craved fighting and victories. So he created himself and more could not hold his demonic will in captivity.

And the key turn in the life of the depressed landowner, the most admired by the harsh spectacle of the ice drift, nevertheless happened when he was presented in the desire to expand a circle of dating, he was presented quite influential in the country brothers Gerls. The latter were at that time the advisers of the King Friedrich Wilhelm IV. During meetings with them, Bismarck quickly demonstrated the skills of large-scale state thinking, and their hurricane temperament, perceived as the ability to strong actions. And when the right case was introduced - to replace the sick deputy from Magdeburg in the United Landtage, - Bismarck in the role of a novice policy without hesitation went to Berlin.

It was already the third attempt, but neither failed diplomat career nor the ending with the resignation of gusting to become an employee did not undermine the faith of a young man in himself. And the demonstrative type of his personality is not suitable for the implementation of the political career. True, he still experienced difficulties in order not to express the opponent of all that he thought about him. Although sometimes frank statements from his part were perceived as a game and added Bismark's points. Not surprisingly stagnant in the village for many years of hermitable life, Bismarck began to play at the first opportunity to realize himself. He has already been enough for knowledge quite - not formed finally there was still a direction. The latter was to felt.

Bismarck did not want to wait. He felt that if he would take the initiative, he could catch a wave. The main thing - now it was already the scale of the country, and therefore everything looked much more attractive than the first step of a diplomatic career somewhere on the backyards of the Great Power. Intuitively understood that the brightness of the individual could be promoted by the climbing factor, especially on a political field. He introduced an iron rule into his life, which is that none of his public speech as a policy or state leader should remain unnoticed. The solution of such a task required both incredible efforts and extensive knowledge, but the sharpness of the young Bismarck in handling opponents, multiplied by the spectacular virtuosity and the most clear understanding of both the rapidly changing situations in the international arena and the total default on the continent, instantly allocated it from The negative mass of more or less mediocre politically active Germans. All any noticeable personalities applying for authority, he suppressed its energetic and extraordinary determination. In general, his activity was so volcanic that sometimes it was unclear how he managed not to be tired for a long time. It is quite curious that in the ripe years, Bismarck paid to speaking art no less attention than, let's say, acting, and sometimes he managed to sanctifly possess the audience, which, of course, affected his popularity and perception as a Savior of Germany. Moreover, both in the young, and in the ripe years, this statesman gave free to emotions during the speeches, so his opponents were very difficult to distinguish the acting game from the true feelings, which often played on the hand of the promotion of Bismarknkovsky intrigue. So, for the first time speaking at the top two years from the Tribune of Landtag on the topic of national honor, Bismarck practically did not change himself - almost every visit to the Tribune was associated with a scandal in which he assigned to the role of defender of a German national feeling.

Only a rigid and extraordinary speech in Landtaghe led to the fact that for one day he achieved that which was not possible to achieve in long years: the scandalous celebrity and the transformation into odious, but the recognizable figure was provided. It seems that this is precisely this contributed to the overcoming of the main policy of the border - he fell into the field of view of the first persons of the state. And although the king during official receptions did not induce the attention of the unrestrained and fierce parliamentaria, yet met in Venice, barely married Bismarck with a young wife, he suddenly invited a couple of dinner. Obviously, at the time, having anticipated the monarch of thought about the future role of a young ambitious policy forced him to look at him more steadily.

For a long time, Bismarck made many mistakes in his desire to play as a significant role as possible for the environment and the burning desire to attract as much attention as possible. However, the mistakes and miscalculations of Bismarck, as well as other statesmen of the highest rank, continued throughout life; They were drowning and dissolved in dynamism, activity and those successes that brought accurate hit. And it seems that in this period of the formation of politics and statesman, he firmly decided what the life would devote. Bismarck found a worthy goal - to realize himself as a historian, and this idea was adequate to his overestimated ambitions. Now, when Bismarck was ready and walked into a wide flow of a strong man who had upgraded the unshakable will, comprehended by the art of intrigue and enjoying the great breath of Great Game, he turned out to be an armed main weapon - thirst for climbing. He, like a climber, finally caught in high mountains, saw the clear outlines of his vertex - mounted and dazzling. The main thing is psychologically, it was prepared for breakdowns and falls. Finally, he was ready to become patient, although his stormy and rapid character was languishing from the so necessary diplomats of waiting. Bismarck, before that, twice who left the public service, now it was much less likely to fall into the extremes of his head - even the fact of his informal meeting with the brilliant and obstormal foreign policy chancellor of Austria Clemens Metternal, for 39 years we asked the tone not only in the German Union, but also in Europe Overall, confirms the desire of the future Chancellor to comprehensively explore the situation in Europe, to imbued with all the underwater flows and understand where traps may be placed for unlucky leaders. Having reached the age of Jesus, he was full of strength and is ready to withstand any fight. In addition, it was now that Bismarck became dangerous for very many. But the main thing, he was now why to live and for what to deal with.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Otto Eduard Leopold Karl-Wilhelm Ferdinand Duke von Lauenburg Prince von Bismarck Und Shenhausen (it. OTTO EDUARD LEOPOLD VON BISMARCK-SCHÖNHAUSEN ; April 1, 1815 - July 30, 1898) - Prince, Politician, State Affairs, First Chancellor of the German Empire (second Reich), called "Iron Chancellor". He had an honorary rank (peacetime) of Prussian Colonel-General in the rank of General Feldmarshala (March 20, 1890).

Being at the post of Reichskanzler and the Prussian Chairman, he had a significant impact on the policy of the Reich created until his resignation in the city of Foreign Policy Bismarck adhered to the principle of the balance of power (or European equilibrium, see. Union system Bismarcka)

In the internal policy, the time of its rule with the city can be divided into two phases. At first he entered into an alliance with moderate liberals. During this period, numerous internal reforms took place, for example, the introduction of a civil marriage, which was used by Bismarck to weaken the influence of the Catholic Church (see CulturcMPF). Since the late 1870s, Bismarck is separated from Liberals. During this phase, he resorts to the policy of protectionism and state intervention in the economy. In the 1880s, an anti-socialist law was introduced. Disagreements with the then Kaiser Wilhelm II led to the resignation of Bismarck.

In the following years, Bismarck played a noticeable political role, criticizing his successors. Due to the popularity of their memoirs, Bismarck managed to influence a long time on the formation of his own image in the public consciousness.

By the middle of the 20th century, a positive assessment of the role of Bismarca as a policy responsible for the unification of the German principalities in a single national state was certainly dominated in the German historical literature as a policy responsible for the unification of German principalities. After death, numerous monuments as a symbol of strong personal power were erected in his honor. It was created a new nation and progressive social security systems are embodied. Bismarck, being a faithful king, strengthened the state a strong, well-prepared bureaucracy. After the Second World War, they began to sound louder to the critical voices, accused of Bismarck, in particular, in the collapse of democracy in Germany. More attention was paid to the shortcomings of his policies, and the activity was considered in the current context.



Otto von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of small nobles, in the Brandenburg province (now - the land of Saxony-Anhalt). All generations of the Bismarkov family served the rulers on a peaceful and military field, but they did not show any special behavior. Simply put, bismarcks were junkers - descendants of knights-conquerors who founded settlements on the lands east of the Elbe River. Bismarcks could not boast extensive land tenure, wealth or aristocratic luxury, but were considered noble.


Iron and blood

Regent with the incapacitated King Friedrich Wilhelme IV - Prince Wilhelm, closely associated with the army, was extremely dissatisfied with the existence of Landver - the territorial army, which played a decisive role in the fight against Napoleon and retained liberal moods. Moreover, the relatively independent of the government Landver turned out to be ineffective when the revolution was suppressed in 1848. Therefore, he supported the Military Minister of Prubor Prubor in the development of military reform, which had the creation of a regular army with an increased service life in infantry and four years in cavalry. Military expenses were supposed to increase by 25%. It met the resistance, and the king dismissed the liberal government, replacing it with the reactionary administration. But the budget was again not approved.

At that time, European trade was actively developed, which was the important role in which Prussia played with its intensively developing industry, the obstacle to which was Austria, practicing the position of protectionism. To apply moral damage to it, Prussia recognized the legitimacy of the Italian king Victor-Emmanuel, who came to power on the wave of revolution against the Habsburgs.

Joining Schlesvail and Holstein

Bismarck -Trumfator.

Creation of the North-German Union

Fighting Catholic Opposition

Bismarck and Laster in Parliament

The unification of Germany led to the fact that communities were once fiercely conflicting among themselves. One of the most important problems that made before the newly created empire was the question of the interaction between the state and the Catholic Church. On this soil began Kulturkampf. - Bismarck's struggle for the cultural unification of Germany.

Bismarck and Windthorst

Bismarck went to meet the liberals in order to ensure that they support his course on their part, agreed with the proposed changes in civil and criminal legislation and ensure freedom of speech, which is not always consistent with his desire. However, all this led to strengthening the influence of centrists and conservatives, which began to consider the offensive against the Church as a manifestation of godless liberalism. As a result, Bismarck himself began to consider his campaign as a serious mistake.

The long-term struggle against Armenius and the irreconcilable resistance of the Centrist Party of Windthorst could not not affect the health and moral chancellor.

Strengthening peace in Europe

Introductory quote to the exposition of the Bavarian Military Museum. Ingolstadt

We do not need war, we belong to the fact that the old prince of metternals meant, namely, a state completely satisfied with his position, which if necessary, to protect himself. And, moreover, even if it becomes necessary - do not forget about our peace initiatives. And I declare it not only in Reichstag, but especially to the whole world, that in this was the policy of Kaiser Germany, all the past sixteen years.

Shortly after the creation of the Second Reich, Bismarck was convinced that Germany was not able to dominate Europe. He failed to implement an existing one hundred years an idea of \u200b\u200buniting all the Germans in a single state. Austria was prevented in this, but only under the condition of the dominant role in this state of the Dynasty of the Habsburgs.

Fearing French Revenge in the future, Bismarck sought to rapprochement with Russia. On March 13, 1871, he signed together with representatives of Russia and other countries in the London Convention, which has canceled the ban of Russia to have a military fleet in the Black Sea. In 1872, Bismarck with Gorchakovy (with whom Bismarck had personal relationships, like a talented student with his teacher), organized a meeting of three emperors in Berlin - the German, Austrian and Russian. They came to the agreement together withstanding revolutionary danger. After the Bismarck had a conflict with the German Ambassador in France, Arnic, who, like Bismarck, belonged to the conservative wing, which removed the chancellor from conservative junkers. The result of this confrontation was the arrest of Arima under the pretext of the wrong handling of documents.

Bismarck, given the central position of Germany in Europe and the real danger associated with this, to be involved in the war on two fronts, created the formula that followed during the entire period of his reign: "Strong Germany seeks to live peacefully and peacefully develop." To this end, it should have a strong army so that "not to be attacked by anyone who will reach the sword from the sheath."

Throughout the service life, Bismarck felt a "nightmare of coalitions", and, figuratively speaking, tried unsuccessfully, juggling, keep five balls in the air.

Now Bismarck could hope that England will be concentrated on the problem of Egypt, which arose after France bought the shares of the Suez Canal, and Russia became involved in the decision of the Black Sea problems, and therefore the danger of creating an anti-German coalition decreased significantly. Moreover, rivalry between Austria and Russia in the Balkans meant that Russia needs support from Germany. Thus, a situation was created when all the significant forces of Europe, with the exception of France, will not be able to create dangerous coalitions, being involved in mutual rivalry.

At the same time, it created for Russia the need to avoid exacerbation of the international situation and it was forced to go on the loss of some advantages of his victory in London negotiations, which found their expression on the Congress on July 13 in Berlin. Berlin Congress was created to consider the results of the Russian-Turkish war, which was presided by Bismarck. Congress was surprisingly effective, although the bismarck had to constantly lavish between representatives of all the great powers. On July 13, 1878, Bismarck signed the Berlin treatise with representatives of the Great Powers, which established new borders in Europe. Then, many of the territories passed to Russia were returned to Turkey, Bosnia and Herzegovina were transferred to Austria, the Turkish Sultan was grateful to Britain.

In the press of Russia after that, the acute campaign of Pan-Slavists against Germany began. Again the nightmare of the coalition. Being on the verge of panic, Bismarck suggested that Austria conclude a customs agreement, and when she refused, even an agreement on mutual nonsense. Emperor Wilhelm I was afraid to stop the former pro-Russian orientation of the German foreign policy and warned Bismarck that it was about the conclusion of the Union between the Tsarist Russia and became the Republic of France again. At the same time, he pointed out the unreliability of Austria as an ally, which could not understand with his internal problems, as well as the uncertainty of the position of Britain.

Bismarck tried to justify his line, indicating that his initiatives were taken in the interests of Russia. On October 7, he concluded with Austria by the "mutual agreement" (Dual Alliance), which pushed Russia to the Union with France. It was a fatal bismarock mistake, destroyed by the close relations between Russia and Germany, established from the time of the liberation war in Germany. A tough tariff struggle began between Russia and Germany. From this time, the general headquarters of both countries began to develop plans of a preventive war against each other.

According to this agreement, Austria and Germany were to jointly reflect the attack of Russia. If Germany is attacked by France, Austria pledged to comply with neutrality. For Bismarck, it quickly became clear that this defensive union was immediately turned into offensive actions, especially if Austria would be on the verge of defeat.

However, Bismarck still managed on June 18, confirms the contract with Russia, according to which the latter has pledged to maintain neutrality in the case of the French-German war. But there was nothing about the relationship in the case of Austro-Russian conflict. However, Bismarck demonstrated an understanding of the claims of Russia to Bosphorus and Dardanelles in the hope that this would lead to a conflict with Britain. Supporters of Bismarck considered this step as a new proof of the diplomatic genius of Bismarck. However, the future showed that it was only a temporary measure when trying to avoid an impending international crisis.

Bismarck proceeded from his confidence that stability in Europe can be achieved only if England joins the "mutual contract". In 1889, he turned to Lord Salsbury with a proposal to conclude a military union, but the Lord has categorically refused. Although Britain was interested in resolving a colonial problem with Germany, but she did not want to associate itself with any obligations in Central Europe, where potentially hostile states France and Russia were located. The hopes of Bismarck on the fact that contradictions between England and Russia will contribute to rapprochement of it with the countries of the "mutual contract" were not confirmed.

Danger on the left

"While the storm is a steering wheel"

To the 60th anniversary of the Chancellor

In addition to the external danger, the danger internal, namely the socialist movement in the industrial regions, was becoming more and more. To combat him, Bismarck tried to adopt a new repressive legislation. Bismarck increasingly spoke of "Red Threat", especially after the attempt on the emperor.

Colonial policy

At certain points, he demonstrated a commitment to the colonial issue, but it was a political course, for example, during a 1884 elective campaign, when he was accused of lack of patriotism. In addition, it was done in order to reduce the chances of Prince-Heir to Friedrich with his left views and far-reaching projangiic orientation. In addition, he understood that normal relations with England were a key problem for the security of the country. In 1890, he exchanged in England Zanzibar on the island of Helgoland, which became much later by the outpost of the German fleet in the World Ocean.

Otto, the Bismarck background managed to draw the colonial affairs of her son Herbert, who was engaged in resolving issues with England. But there was enough problems with the son too - he inherited from his father only bad features and drunk.


Bismarck tried not only to influence the formation of his own image in the eyes of the descendants, but also continued to interfere in the modern politics, in particular, was actively campaigning in the press. Bismarck attacks most often undergoing his successor - Caprivi. Indirectly, he criticized the emperor, who could not forgive his resignation. In the summer of G. Bismarck took part in the elections to Reichstag, however, he never participated in his 19th electoral district in Hanover, never took advantage of his mandate, and 1893. folded his authority

The campaign in the press was successful. Public opinion bent in favor of Bismarck, especially after Wilhelm II began to attack him. The authorstate of the new Reichskanzler Caprivy was particularly suffered when he tried to prevent the meeting of Bismarck with the Austrian emperor Franz Joseph. Journey to Vienna turned into triumph of Bismarck, who stated that he had no duties before the German authorities: "All bridges burned"

Wilhelm II was forced to go for reconciliation. Several meetings with Bismarck in the city were good, but did not lead to a real discharge in relations. The way unopullen was Bismarck in Reichstag, showed fierce battles around the approval of congratulations on the occasion of his 80th anniversary. Due to publication in 1896. A super secretal reinsurance contract he attracted the attention of the German and foreign press.



For more than 150 years from the birth of Bismarck, many different interpretation of his personal and political activities arose, some of them are opposite. Until the end of World War II, the writers prevailed in German-speaking literature, whose point was under the influence of their own political and religious worldview. Historian Karina Urbah noted in g.: "His biography was taught at least six generations, and it can be said with confidence that every next generation studied another Bismarck. No other German policies were used and is distorted so much as he. "

Empire times

Disputes around the Bismarck Figure existed in his life. Already in the first biographical editions, sometimes multi-volume, the complexity and ambiguity of Bismarck are emphasized. Sociologist Max Weber в г. Critically appreciated the role of Bismarck in the process of combining Germany: "The case of his life was not only in the external, but also internal uniformity of the nation, but each of us knows: this is not possible to achieve. This cannot be achieved by methods. " Theodore Fontan in the last years of his life wrote a literary portrait in which he compared Bismarck with Wallenstein. The assessment of Bismarck from the point of view of the fountain differs significantly from the assessment of most contemporaries: "He is a great genius, but a small person."

The negative assessment of the role of Bismarck has not found support for a long time, partly thanks to his memoirs. They became an almost inexhaustible source of quotes for his fans. For decades, the book was at the heart of the presentation of the Bismarck by patriotic citizens. At the same time, it looked like a critical look at the founder of the empire. During the lifetime, Bismarck had a personal influence on his image in history, because he controlled access to documents, and sometimes corrected the manuscript. After the death of Chancellor, the control over the formation of the image in history took over his son, Herbert von Bismarck.

Professional historical science could not get rid of the influence of the role of Bismarck in the unification of German lands and joined the idealization of his image. Heinrich von tray changed its attitude to the bismarck with a critical, turning into a devotee. The basis of the German Empire, he called the most striking example of heroism in the history of Germany. The tray and other representatives of the Malone Malek-Borus school of history were fascinated by the power of the character of Bismarck. Biographer Erich Marx wrote in 1906: "In fact, I must recognize: to live in those times was such a huge experience that everything that has a relationship is present, represents the value for history." However, Marx, together with other historians, the times of Wilhelm, such as Heinrich Von Ziebel, noted the contradiction of the role of Bismarck in comparison with the achievements of Hohenzollers. So, in 1914. In school textbooks, the founder of the German Empire was not called Bismarck, Wilhelm I.

The decisive contribution to the exaltation of the role of Bismarck in history was made in the First World War. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Bismarck in 1915. Articles were issued, which even did not hide their propaganda goal. In the patriotic rust of historians, the duties of German soldiers were defended to defend the unity and greatness of Germany from foreign invaders, and at the same time, was silent about the numerous warnings of Bismarck about the inadmissibility of such a war in the middle of Europe. Bismarck researchers, such as Erich Marx, Mak Lenz and Horst Kohl portrayed Bismarck as a conductor of the German militant spirit.

Weimar Republic and Third Reich

The defeat of Germany in the war and the creation of the Weimar Republic did not change the idealistic image of Bismarck, since the elite of historians remained true to the monarch. In such a helpless and chaotic state, Bismarck was as a reference point, father, the genius, to which should be equal to end with the "Versailles' humiliation." If there was some criticism of his role in history, it concerned the Malonesetsky path of the decision of the German issue, and not a military or imposed state association. Tradiomalism was removed from the appearance of innovative biographies of Bismarck. The announcement of the next documents in the 1920s once again helped to emphasize the diplomatic skill of Bismarck. The most popular biography of Bismarck was written by G. Emil Ludwig, in which critically psychological analysis was presented, according to which Bismarck was depicted by the Faustic hero in the historical drama of the XIX century.

During the Nazism, the historical heredity between Bismarck and Adolf Hitler was often depicted to consolidate the leading role in the movement of German unity for the Third Reich. Erich Marx, Pioneer Bismarck Studies, stressed these ideologized historical interpretations. In the UK, also depicted Bismarck as the predecessor of Hitler, who stood at the beginning of a special path of Germany. In the course of World War II, the weight of Bismarck in propaganda slightly decreased; His warning about the inadmissibility of war with Russia was not mentioned. But the conservative representatives of the resistance movement saw their conductor in the bismarke

An important critical work unveiled a German lawyer in Erigrate Erich Eyk, writing a biography of Bismarck in three volumes. He criticized Bismarck for a cynical attitude towards democratic, liberal and humanistic values \u200b\u200band laid responsibility for the destruction of democracy in Germany. The system of unions was very cleverly built, but, being an artificial construction, was doomed to the collapse of birth. However, Eyk could not help but rescue the admiration of the Bismarck figure: "But no one, where neither was, can not disagree with the fact that he [Bismarck] was the main figure of his time ... no one may not resist from admiration for the power of the charm of this person, which is always curious and important. "

Post-war period until 1990

After World War II, influential German historians, in particular Hans Rotfelds and Theodore Soter, adhered to although diverse, but still a positive look at Bismarck. Friedrich Mineke, the former admirer Bismarck, argued in 1946. In the book "German catastrophe" (it. Die Deutsche Katastrophe.) that the painful defeat of the German National State crossed all the praises of Bismarck in the foreseeable future.

Briton Alan J. P. Taylor announced in 1955. Psychological, and not least due to this limited, Biography of Bismarck, in which he tried to show the struggle between the father's and maternal beginning in the soul of his hero. Taylor positively described the inline struggle of Bismarck for Europe with an aggressive foreign policy of the Wilhelm era. The first post-war biography of Bismarck, written by Wilhelm Momsen, was distinguished from the works of precursors with a style that claims sobriety and objectivity. Momsen emphasized the political flexibility of Bismarck, and believed that his failures could not eclipse the success of state activity.

In the late 1970s, social historians against biographical research was formed. Since then, the biographies of Bismarck began to go, in which it is depicted or in extremely light, or dark paints. A common feature of most new biographies Bismarck is an attempt to synthesize the effect of bismarck and describing its position in social structures and political processes of that time

The American historian Otto, the pflanta released between and GG. A multi-volume biography of Bismarck, in which, unlike others, the Personality of Bismarck, who studied by means of psychoanalysis was put on the fore. The pflant was criticized by his appeal with political parties and subordination of the Constitution to his own goals, which created a negative precedent for imitation. According to the pflant, the image of Bismarck as a united by the German nation comes from the Bismarck himself, which from the very beginning it was just to strengthen the power of Prussia over the main states of Europe.

Phrases attributed to the bismarck

  • I was destined to be a diplomat: after all, I was even born on April first.
  • Revolutions are plotted by geniuses, they are carried out by fanatics, and scoundrels are used by their results.
  • Never lie as much as after hunting, during the war and before the election.
  • Do not hope that once taking advantage of the weakness of Russia, you will receive dividends forever. Russians always come for their money. And when they come - do not hope for the Jesuit agreements signed by you, allegedly justify you. They do not stand the paper on which they are written. Therefore, with the Russians it is worth or playing honestly, or not to play at all.
  • Russians are harvested for a long time, but they quickly go.
  • Congratulate me - the comedy ended ... (during the departure from the post of Chancellor).
  • He, as always with the smile of Primateonna on the lips and with an ice compress on the heart (about the Chancellor of the Russian Empire Gorchakov).
  • You do not know this public! Finally, the Jew Rothschild ... This, I will tell you, unmatched cattle. For the sake of speculation on the stock exchange, he is ready to bury the whole of Europe, but to blame ... Me?
  • There is always someone who does not like what you are doing. This is normal. Everyone in a row I like only kittens.
  • Before death, having arrived at the consciousness, said: "I am dying, but in terms of the interests of the state is impossible!"
  • The war between Germany and Russia is the greatest nonsense. That is why it will definitely happen.
  • Learn as if you have to live forever, live as if you have to die tomorrow.
  • Even the most favorable outcome of the war will never lead to the decomposition of the main force of Russia, which is based on millions of Russians ... these last, even if they are dispentized by international treatises, they are also quickly connected again with each other, as particles of a cut piece of mercury ...
  • Great time issues are decided not by the rulings of the majority, but only iron and blood!
  • Woe to the state actor who will not take care of finding such a basis for the war that after the war will still save its meaning.
  • Even a victorious war is evil, which should be prevented by the wisdom of peoples.
  • Revolutions are preparing geniuses, they make romance, and rods are used by its fruits.
  • Russia is dangerous than blameing his needs.
  • Preventive war against Russia - suicide due to fear of death.


see also


  1. Richard Carstensen / Bismarck Anekdotisches.muenchen: Beechtle Verlag. 1981. ISBN 3-7628-0406-0
  2. Martin Kitchen. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Germany: -Cambridge University Press 1996 Isbn 0-521-45341-0
  3. Nachum T.Gidal: Die Juden in Deutschland Von Der Römerzeit Bis Zur Weimarer Republik. Gütersloh: BERTELSMANN LEXIKON VERLAG 1988. ISBN 3-89508-540-5
  4. Showing a significant role of Bismarck in European history, the author of the caricature is mistaken in relation to Russia, which has led the policy independent of Germany.
  5. "Aber Das Kann Man Nicht Von Mir Verlangen, Dass Ich, Nachdem Ich Vierzig Jahre Lang Politik Getrieben, Plötzlich Mich Gar Nicht Mehr Damit Abgeben Soll." Zit. NACH ULLRICH: Bismarck.. S. 122.
  6. Ullrich: Bismarck.. S. 7 f.
  7. ALFRED VAGTS: DIEDERICH HAHN - EIN POLITIKERLEBEN. In: Jahrbuch Der Männer Vom Morgenstern. Band 46, Bremerhaven 1965, S. 161 f.
  8. "ALLE BRÜCKEN SIND ABGEBROCHEN." Volker Ullrich: Otto Von Bismarck. Rowohlt, Reinbek Bei Hamburg 1998, ISBN 3-499-50602-5, S. 124.
  9. Ullrich: Bismarck.. S. 122-128.
  10. Reinhard Pözorny (HG)Deutsches National-Lexikon- DSZ-Verlag. 1992. ISBN 3-925924-09-4
  11. In Origіnali: English "His Life Has Been Taught to At Least Six Generations, and One Can Fairly Say That Almost Every Second German Generation Has Encountered Another Version of Bismarck. No Other German Political Figure Has Been Assed and Abused for Political Purposes. " Div.: Karina Urbach, Between Saviour and Villain. 100 Years Of Bismarck BIOGRAPHIES, in: THE HISTORICAL JOURNAL.. Jg. 41, Nr. 4, Dezember 1998, Art. 1141-1160 (1142).
  12. Georg Heseekiel: Das Buch Vom Grafen Bismarck. Velhagen & Klasing, Bielefeld 1869; Ludwig Hahn: Fürst von Bismarck. Sein Politisches Leben Und Wirken. 5 bd. Hertz, Berlin 1878-1891; Hermann Jahnke: Fürst Bismarck, Sein Leben Und Wirken. Kittel, Berlin 1890; Hans Blum: Bismarck Und Seine Zeit. Eine BIOGRAPHIE Für Das Deutsche Volk. 6 bd. MIT REG-BD. Beck, München 1894-1899.
  13. "Denn Dieses Lebenswerk Hätte Doch Nicht Nur Zur Äußeren, Sondern Auch Zur Inneren Einigung Der Nation Führen Sollen und Jeder Von Uns Weiß: Das Ist Nicht Erreicht. ES KONNTE MIT SEINEN MITTELN NICHT ERREICHT WERDEN. » Zit. n. Volker Ullrich: Die Nervöse Großmacht. Aufstieg Und Untergang Des Deutschen Kaiserreichs. 6. AUFL. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt Am Main 2006, ISBN 978-3-596-11694-2, S. 29.
  14. Theodor Fontane: DER ZIVIL-WALLENSTEIN. In: Gotthard Erler (HRSG.): Kahlebutz und Krautentochter. MÄRKISCHE PORTRÄTS.. AUFBAU TASCHENBUCH VERLAG, BERLIN 2007,

Otto Bismarck is one of the most famous 19th century politicians. He had a significant impact on political life in Europe, developed a security system. Played a key role in the unification of German peoples in a single national state. A variety of premiums and titles was awarded. Subsequently, historians and political figures will evaluate differently who created

The Biography of Chancellor is still between representatives of various political flows. In this article we will get to know her closer.

Otto von Bismarck: a brief biography. Childhood

Otto was born on April 1, 1815 in Pomerania. Representatives of his family were junkers. These are the descendants of medieval knights who received land for the service of the king. Bismarcks had a small estate and occupied various military and civil posts in the Nomenclature of Prussia. By the standards of the German nobility of the 19th century, the family had quite modest resources.

The young Otto was given to the Plamana School, where students have hardered heavy exercise. Mother was a Yellow Catholic and wanted the Son to brush in the strict standards of conservatism. To the youthful age Otto turned into a gymnasium. There he has not proven himself as a diligent student. He could not boast and success in study. But at the same time I read a lot and interested in politics and history. He studied the features of the political structure of Russia and France. Even learned French. At the age of 15, Bismarck decides to associate itself with politics. But the mother, who was the head of the family, insists on learning in Gottingen. Right and jurisprudence were chosen as a direction. Young Otto should have become a diplomat of Prussia.

On the behavior of Bismarck in Hannover, where he was trained, legends go. He did not want to play right, so she preferred a rampant life. Like all elite youth, he often visited entertainment establishments and started a lot of friends among the nobles. It is at this time that the faster nature of the future chancellor is manifested. He often comes into clashes and disputes that prefers to solve a duel. According to the memoirs of university friends, only for several years of stay in Gottingen Otto participated in 27 duels. As a memory of a stormy youth for a lifetime, he remained a scar on his cheek after one of their such competitions.

Care from university

Luxurious life side by side with children of aristocrats and politicians was not affordable for relatively modest Bismarck family. And the constant participation in the polls caused problems with the law and leadership of the university. So, without having received a diploma, Otto went to Berlin, where he entered another university. Who graduated in a year. After that, I decided to follow the advice of the mother and become a diplomat. Each Worker at that time claimed personally the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Having studied the case of Bismarck and learning about his problems with the law in Hannover, he refused to a young graduate in his work.

After the wreck of hopes, becoming a diplomat Otto works in Anshhene, where he is engaged in small organizational issues. According to the memoirs of the Bismarck himself, the work did not require significant efforts from him, and he could devote himself to self-development and rest. But in a new place at the future Chancellor, problems arise with the law, so in a few years he is recorded in the army. Military career lasted long. A year later, the mother of Bismarck dies, and he is forced to return to Pomerania, where their generic estate is.

In Pomerania Otto faces a number of difficulties. This is a real test for him. Managing a large estate requires a lot of effort. So Bismarck has to abandon their student habits. Thanks to successful work, it significantly raises the status of the estate and increases its income. From the serene youth, he turns into a respected Junker. Nevertheless, quick-tempered character continues to remind himself. Neighbors nicknamed Otto "Fucky".

A few years later, Bizmarka Malvina's sister arrives from Berlin. With her, he is very close in due to their common interests and views on life. At about the same time, it becomes Yarym Lutheran and read the Bible every day. The engagement is engaged in the future chancellor with the Johann Puttkamer.

Start of a political path

In the 40s of the 19th century, a tough struggle for power between liberals and conservatives begins in Prussia. To remove the voltage Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm convenes Landtag. Pass elections in local administrations. Otto decides to go to politics and without much effort becomes a deputy. From the first days in Landtag, Bismarck acquires fame. Newspapers write about him as a "mad junker from Pomerania." He is quite sharply expressed about liberals. The whole articles of defeat criticism of Georg Finke.

His speeches are quite expressive and inspiring, so Bismarck quickly becomes a significant figure in the village of conservatives.

Confrontation of liberals

At this time, a serious crisis is brewing in the country. In neighboring states there is a series of revolutions. Inspired by her liberals lead active propaganda among the workers and poor German population. Heads and strikes occur repeatedly. Against this background, food prices are constantly increasing, unemployment is growing. As a result, the social crisis leads to the revolution. It was organized by patriots together with liberals, demanding from the king of the adoption of the new Constitution and the unification of all German lands into one national state. Bismarck was very frightened by this revolution, he sends a letter to the king with a request to check the army campaign to Berlin. But Friedrich goes on concessions and partially agrees with the demanding of the rebels. As a result, it was possible to avoid bloodshed, and reforms were not as radical as in France or Austria.

In response to the victory of Liberals, Camarilla is created - the organization of conservative reactionaries. Bismarck immediately comes into it and leads active propaganda through the agreement with the king in 1848 there is a military coup, and the right-wing returns lost positions. But Friedrich is not in a hurry to emphasize their new allies, and Bismarck is actually removed from power.

Conflict with Austria

At this time, the German lands were strongly fragmented on large and small principalities, which somehow depended on Austria and Prussia. Two these states conducted a constant struggle for the right to be considered unifying the center of the German nation. By the end of the 40s, a serious conflict occurs due to the Principality of Erfurt. Relations deteriorated sharply, rumors rumored about possible mobilization. Bismarck takes an active part in solving the conflict, and he manages to insist on signing agreements with Austria in Olmyutsk, because, in his opinion, Prussia was not able to solve the conflict with the military way.

Bismarck believes that it is necessary to begin long-term preparations for the destruction of Austrian domination in the so-called German space.

For this, according to Otto, it is necessary to conclude an alliance with France and Russia. Therefore, with the beginning of the Crimean War, he actively agitates not to conflict on the side of Austria. His efforts bring fruit: mobilization is not carried out, and German lands adhere to neutrality. The king sees the perspective in the plans of the "Rainy Juncker" and sends it to the ambassador to France. After negotiations with Napoleon III, Bismarck suddenly respond from Paris and send to Russia.

Otto in Russia

Contemporaries claim that the formation of the personality of the Iron Chancellor had a huge impact of staying in Russia, and Otto Bismarck himself wrote about it. The biography of any diplomat includes the period of learning skill that dedicated himself in St. Petersburg. In the capital, he spends a lot of time with Gorchakov, who was considered one of the most outstanding diplomats of his time. Bismarck was impressed by the Russian state and traditions. He liked the policy held by the emperor, so he carefully studied Russian history. Even began to learn Russian. A few years later he could have been free to talk to him. "The language gives me the opportunity to understand the very image of the thought and logic of the Russians," Bismarck wrote Otto. The biography of "Rainy" Student and Juncker brought bad fame to the diplomat and prevented successful activities in many countries, but not in Russia. This is another reason why Otto liked our country.

In it, he saw an example for the development of the German state, since Russian managed to unite the lands with an ethnically identical population, which was a long-standing dream of the Germans. In addition to diplomatic contacts, Bismarck makes many personal connections.

But the quotes of Bismarck about Russia cannot be called flattering: "Never believe Russian, for the Russians do not even believe themselves"; "Russia is dangerous than blameing his needs."

Prime Minister

Gorchakov taught OTTO the basics of aggressive foreign policy, which was very necessary Prussia. After the death of the king "Fucking Juncker" send to Paris as a diplomat. Before him, it is a serious task to prevent the restoration of the long-standing union of France and England. The new government in Paris, created after the next revolution, treated negatively to the Mary of the Conservator from Prussia.

But Bismarck managed to convince the French in the need for mutual cooperation with the Russian Empire and German lands. In his team, the ambassador selected only proven people. The assistants were selected candidates, then they considered Otto Bismarck himself. A brief biography of applicants was compiled by the King's secret police.

Successful work in establishing international relations allowed Bismarck to become Prime Minister of Prussia. In this position he won the real love of the people. Weekly, the first stripes of German newspapers decorated Otto Bismarck. Quotes Policies became popular far abroad. Such fame in the press is due to the love of the Prime Minister to populist statements. For example, words: "Great time issues are solved not by the speeches and resolutions of the majority, but iron and blood!" Until now, used on a par with similar statements by the rulers of ancient Rome. One of the most famous statements from Otto von Bismarck: "Stupidity - the gift of God, but should not be abused."

Territorial expansion of Prussia

Prussia has long delivered the goal of the union of all German lands to one state. For this, preparation was carried out not only in the foreign policy aspect, but also in the field of propaganda. The main rival in leadership and patronage over the German world was Austria. In 1866, the attitude with Dania sharply agreed. Part of the kingdom occupied ethnic Germans. Under the pressure of the nationalist part of the public, they began to demand the right to self-determination. At this time, Chancellor Otto Bismarck launched full support of the king and received extended rights. The war began with Denmark. Prussia's troops without special problems took the territory of Holstein and shared it with Austria.

Because of these lands, a new conflict arose with a neighbor. Habsburgs who were squeezed in Austria lost their positions in Europe after a series of revolutions and coups, which overthrew the representatives of the dynasty in other countries. Over 2 years after the Danish War, the enmity between Austria and Prussia grew in first trade blockades and political pressure. But very soon it became clear that it would not be possible to avoid direct military collision. Both countries have begun to mobilize the population. A key role in conflict played Otto Bismarck. Briefly presenting its goals to the king, he immediately went to Italy to enlist her support. The Italians themselves also had an attraction to Austria, seeking to master Venice. In the 1866th war began. Prussian troops managed to quickly capture part of the territories and force the Habsburgs to sign a peace treaty on favorable conditions for themselves.

Union of land

Now all the ways to unite the German lands were open. Prussia took the course to create a constitution for which he wrote Otto Bismarck himself. Chancellor quotes about the unity of the German people were popular in the north of France. Strengthening the influence of Prussia strongly worried the French. The Russian Empire also began to wait for Otto, which will take Otto Bismarck, a brief biography of which is described in the article. The history of Russian-Prussian relations during the reign of the Iron Chancellor is very indicative. Politician managed to assure Alexander II in intentions to cooperate with the empire and further.

But the French failed in the same thing. As a result, the next war began. A few years before that, an army reform was held in Prussia, as a result of which a regular army was created.

Military spending also increased. Thanks to this and successful actions of German generals, France suffered a number of major lesions. Napoleon III was captive. Paris was forced to go to the agreement, losing a number of territories.

On the wave of triumph, the second Reich is proclaimed, Wilhelm becomes the emperor, and his trustee - Otto Bismarck. Quotes of Roman commander at the coronation gave Chancellor another nickname - "triumphator", since then it was often portrayed on a Roman chariot and with a wreath on her head.


Permanent wars and internal political disassembly seriously handled the health policy. He went on vacation several times, but was forced to return because of the new crisis. Even after 65, he continued to take an active part in all political processes of the country. No meeting of Landstag was held if Otto Bismarck was present on it. Interesting facts about the life of the Chancellor are described slightly below.

For 40 years in politics, he has achieved tremendous success. Prussia has expanded its territory and was able to master the superiority in the German space. Contacts were established with the Russian Empire and France. All these achievements would be impossible without such a figure as Otto Bismarck. The photo of the Chancellor in the profile and in the fighting helmet became a kind of symbol of his inexperienced rigid outdoor and domestic politics.

Disputes around this person are still being conducted. But in Germany, each person knows who was Otto von Bismarck - Iron Chancellor. Why it was so nicknamed, there is no consensus. Whether due to a hot-tempered nature, whether due to mercilessness to enemies. Anyway, he had a huge impact on world politics.

  • His morning Bismarck began with exercise and prayer.
  • During his stay in Russia, Otto learned to speak Russian.
  • In St. Petersburg, Bismarck was invited to participate in royal fun. This is a hunt for bears in the forests. The German even managed to kill several animals. But during the next routing, the squad was lost, and the diplomat received a serious frostbite of the legs. Doctors referred amputation, but everything cost.
  • In the youth, Bismarck was an avid deuel. He took part in 27 duels and at one of them got a scar on his face.
  • Once Otto, the Bismarck background asked how he chose a profession. He replied: "My nature itself was destined to become a diplomat: I was born on April 1st."

Otto Bismarck. A person who united Germany with the help of three bloody wars, consisting before this, more than thirty small kingdoms, dukes and principalities. A convinced monarchist, in fact, 20 years old alonely managed the country and retired by a young emperor who did not want to be in his shadow. Kumir Adolf Hitler.

One of his name is in the mind of a hard, strong, gray-haired chancellor with a military straightening and steel gloss in the eyes. However, Bismarck sometimes was not at all like this image. He was often overwhelmed by passion and experiences characteristic of ordinary people. We offer several episodes from his life, in which the whip of the Bismarck is revealed as it is impossible.


"Strong always right."

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismark-Shehenhausen was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of Prussian landowner. When a little Otto turned 6 years old, the mother sent him to Berlin to the Plamin School, where children of aristocratic families were brought up.

At 17, Bismarck enters the University of Göttingham. High, red-haired Otto does not climb in the word in his pocket and in the heat of disputes with his opponents fiercely defends monarchical views, although at that time among young people in fashion were liberal views. As a result, a month after arrival, his first duel happens, on which Bismarck earned his scar on his cheek. After 30 years, Bismarck will not forget this incident and says that the enemy then did dishonestly, hitting the cheat.

Over the next nine months, Otto had another 24 duels, of which he invariably went out by the winner, won the respect for classmates and receiving 18 days of Gaupvakta for a malicious violation of the rules of decency (including public drunkenness).


Surprisingly, Bismarck did not even consider the option of a military career, although his older brother went exactly this way. Having advocated the post of official in the Berlin Court of Appeal, quickly hated the Scripture of the Infinite Protocols and asked for a transfer to an administrative position. And for the sake of this brilliantly endured a strict exam.

However, falling in love with the daughter of the English parish priest Isabella Lorein-Smith, he collapses with her and simply ceases to come to the service. And he declares: "My pride requires you to command, and not fulfill other orders!" As a result, decides to return to the family estate.

Mad landfill

"Stupidity - Dar of God,
But you should not abuse. "

In the early years, Bismarck did not think about politics and indulged in all sorts of vices in his estate. He drank without a measure, Kutil, lost significant amounts in the card, changed the ladies and did not leave the peasant daughters. Zadira and Halp, Bismarck with wild leishes, brought his neighbors to white crown. He woke up friends, shooting the ceiling so that the plaster was filled. Moved for other strangers on his huge horse. Flot on targets. In the area where he lived, there was a saying; "No, still little, says Bismarck!", And the very future Reichskanzler there was no other than the "wild Bismarck". Hosting energy required wider scales than the life of the landowner. In hand, he played the turbulent revolutionary sentiment of Germany 1848-1849. Bismarck joined the Conservative Party formed in Prussia, putting the beginning of his dizzying political career.

The beginning of the way

"Politics is an art to adapt
To circumstances and benefit
Of all, even from what is pretty. "

Already in her first public speech in May 1847 in the United Landtag, where he was present as a spare deputy, Bismarck, not Creven, crushed his opposition with his speech. And when the perturbed buzz of votes filled the hall, said calmly: "I don't see the arguments in the inseparable sounds."

Later, this, far from the laws of diplomacy, manner of behavior will manifest itself not once. So, for example, Count Avula Andrassi, Austria-Hungary Foreign Minister, remembering the negotiations of the Union with Germany, said that when he resisted the requirements of Bismarck, he was ready He was strangle him in the literal sense of the word. In June 1862, being in London, Bismarck met with Dizraeli and during the conversation posted him his plans for the future war with Austria. Later, Dizraeli will say one of his friends about Bismarck: "Beware of him. He says what he thinks! ".

But it was true only in part. Bismarck could throw thunder and zippers, if it was necessary to intimidate someone, but he could have been emphasized, if it was promised the outcome of the meeting for him.


"Never lgut so much like during the war,
After hunting to the elections. "

Bismarck was a supporter of power methods for solving political issues. He did not see a different way to unite Germany, except for the "iron and blood". However, everything was ambiguous here.

When Prussia won a crushing victory over Austria, Emperor Wilhelm wished to solemnly enter Vienna with the Prussian army, which would certainly lead to the looting of the city and the humiliation of the Duke of Austrian. For Wilhelm, a horse was already submitted. But Bismarck, who was an inspirer and strategist of this war, unexpectedly began to discourage him and arranged a real hysterical. Falling into the legs to the emperor, he grabbed his boots with his hands and did not let out of the tent until he agreed to abandon his plans.

The War of Prussia with France Bismarck provoked, falsifying the Emsk Development - a telegram sent through him Wilhelm I Napoleon III. He corrected it so that the content became offensive for the French emperor. A little later, Bismarck published this "secret document" in central German newspapers. France responded properly and declared war. The war took place, and Prussia won, annexing Alsace and Lorraine and receives an end to 5 billion francs.

Bismarck and Russia

"Never accumulate anything against Russia,
For any of your trick she will answer
With his unpredictable nonsense. "

From 1857 to 1861, Bismarck was in the ambassador of Prussia in Russia. And, judging by the stories and statements that came to our time, managed not only to learn the language, but also to understand (as far as it is possible) a mysterious Russian soul.

For example, before the start of the Berlin Congress of 1878, he said: "Never believe Russian, because the Russians do not even believe themselves."

The famous "Russians are harvested for a long time, but quickly go" also belongs to Bismarcku. With a quick ride of Russians, the case that happened to the future Reichskanzler on the way to St. Petersburg is connected. Honeying the cab driver, the background Bismarck doubted whether the skinny and half-hearted klyachi would be able to carry enough quickly, which I asked the cab.

Nothing ... "- handed out the one who accelerate horses in a bumpy road so quickly that Bismarck could not resist the next question.
- Yes, you will not fall out?
"Nothing about ..." said a rocket, and soon Sani overturned.

Bismarck fell into the snow, having fun in the blood. He has already swung on the driver ran to him, a steel cane, but never hit, having heard how he calmly sentenced, wiping blood blood from the face of the Prussian ambassador:
- Nothing ... nothing ...

In St. Petersburg, Bismarck ordered a ring from this cane and ordered to engrave one word on it - "nothing". After he said, hearing an overlooking the unnecessarily to Russia: "In Germany, only one I say" nothing! ", And in Russia - all people".

Russian words periodically slip in his letters. And even being the head of the Prussian government, it continues to sometimes leave resolutions in official documents in Russian "prohibited", "Caution", "Impossible".

With Russia, Bismarca was tied up not only work and politics, but also suddenly broken love. In 1862, at the resort of Biarritz, he met the 22-year-old Russian princess Katerina Orlov-Trubetskoy. A stormy romance has fallen. Princess's husband, Prince Nikolai Orlov, who recently returned from the Crimean war with a heavy wound, rarely accompanied his spouse in her swims and forest walks than and used 47-year-old Prussian diplomat. He considered his duty to even tell his wife about this meeting in the letters. And did it in the enthusiastic colors: "This is a woman to whom you could experience passion."

Otto von Bismarck (Edward Leopold von Schhenhausen) was born on April 1, 1815 in the generic estate of Shenhausen in Brandenburg to the north-west of Berlin, the third son of Prussian landowner Ferdinand von Bismark-Shehenhausen and Wilhelmina Menken, at birth, received the name Otto Eduard Leopold.
The shhenhausen estate was in the heart of the province of Brandenburg, which occupied a special place in the history of early Germany. To the west of the estate in five miles, the Elba River flowed, the main water and transport artery of northern Germany proceeded. The estate of Shehenhausen was in the hands of the Bismarkov family from 1562.
All generations of this family served the rulers of Brandenburg on a peaceful and military field.

Bismarcks were considered Junkers, descendants of the Knights-conquerors who founded the first German settlements on extensive lands east of Elba with the small Slavic population. Junckers refer to the nobility, but the fact that there were wealth, influence and social status, they did not make any comparison with the aristocrats of Western Europe and Habsburg possessions. Bismarcks, of course, did not belong to the number of land magnates; They were satisfied with the fact that they could boast of noble origin - their pedigree was traced until the board of Charles Great.
Wilhelmina, Mother Otto, was from the family of civil servants and belonged to the middle class. There were more and more similar marriages in the XIX century when the middle classes were educated, and the old aristocracy began to connect to a new elite.
At the insistence of Wilhelmin Berginard, the elder brother, and Otto were aimed at studying at the Plaman School in Berlin, where Otto was held from 1822 to 1827. At the age of 12, Otto left the school and moved to the Gymnasium named after Friedrich Wilhelm, where he studied for three years. In 1830, Otto moved to the gymnasium "at the gray monastery," where he felt freer than in previous educational institutions. Neither mathematics nor the history of the ancient world nor the achievements of the new German culture attracted the attention of the young Juncker. Most Otto was interested in politics of past years, the history of military and peaceful rivalry of various countries.
After graduating from the gymnasium, Otto on May 10, 1832, at the age of 17, he entered the university in Göttingen, where he studied the right. In beability, the student received a reputation between the walks and Drachun, was distinguished in duoral fights. Otto played money in the card and drank a lot. In September 1833, Otto moved to a new metropolitan university in Berlin, where life was cheaper. To be more accurate, then the University of Bismarck was only listed, because lectures almost did not attend, and enjoyed the services of tutors who visited him before exams. In 1835 he received a diploma and was soon credited to work in the Berlin Municipal Court. In 1837, Otto took the position of an applied official in Aachen, a year later - the same position in Potsdam. There he joined the Guards Hsenther Regiment. In the fall of 1838, Bismarck moved to Greifswald, where, in addition to the fulfillment of his military duties, studied animal breeding methods in the Elden Academy.

Bismarck is a landowner.

On January 1, 1839, the mother of Otto von Bismarck, Wilhelmina died. The death of the mother did not make a strong impression on Otto: only a lot later came to him a true assessment of its qualities. However, this event allowed an urgent problem for some time - what he should do after the end of the military service. Otto helped his brother Berngard to keep the farm in Pomeranian estates, and their father returned to Shehenhausen. The cash loss of his father, together with the innate disgust to the lifestyle of the Prussian official, forced Bismarck in September 1839 to resign and adopt the management of family possessions in Pomerania. In private conversations, Otto explained this by the fact that in his temperament did not fit for the position of subordinate. He did not tolerate over himself any authorities: "My pride demands to command me, and not to fulfill other people's orders" . Otto von Bismarck, like his father, decided "To live and die in the village" .
Otto von Bismarck himself studied accounting, chemistry, agriculture. His brother, Berginard, almost did not participate in the managing the estates. Bismarck was a rapid and practical landowner, conquering respect for their neighbors as its theoretical knowledge of agriculture and practical successes. The value of the placement increased by more than a third in nine years, during which they managed them, and for three years out of nine, a widely spread agricultural crisis fell out of nine. And yet Otto could not be just a landowner.

He shocked his neighboring junkers in that he drove on their meadows and forests on his huge stallion Caleba, without worrying about who these lands belonged. Just also he acted in relation to the daughters of neighboring peasants. Later, in the attack of repentance, Bismarck, admitted that in those years he "There was no sin, driving a friendship with a bad company of any kind" . Sometimes, after the evening, Otto lost everything that was able to save the month of painstaking management for months. Much of what he did was meaningless. So, Bismarck used to notify friends about his arrival with shots to the ceiling, and once he appeared in the living room of a neighbor and led himself on a leash, like a dog, frightened fox, and then for the loud hunting shouts let her go. For the bright temper neighbors nicked him "Fucking Bismarck".
In the estate, Bismarck continued his education, enduring the works of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza, David Friedrich Straus and Feyerbach. Otto perfectly studied English literature, as England and her affairs occupied Bismarck more than any other country. In intellectual terms, "Funny Bismarck" far exceeded its neighbors - junkers.
In the middle of 1841, Otto Bismarck wanted to marry the Ottolin von Puttkamer, the daughter of a rich Junker. However, her mother refused him, and to dispel Otto went to travel, having visited England and France. This vacation helped Bismarck dispel a boredom of rural life in Polaria. Bismarck became more sociable and acquired many friends.

The arrival of Bismarck in politics.

After the death of the Father in 1845, family property was divided, and Bismarck received the estate of Shenhausen and Knikhof in Pomerania. In 1847, he married Johanne von Puttkmer, the far relative of the girl, behind which he worked in 1841. Among his new friends in Pomerania were Ernst Leopold von Gerlah and his brother, who not only were at the head of Pomeranian chipters, but also included a group of court advisors.

Bismarck, a student of Gerlacha, became known for his conservative position during the constitutional struggle in Prussia in 1848-1850. From the "mad Juncker" Bismarck turned into a "mad deputy" of the Berlin Landstag. Countering Liberals, Bismarck contributed to the creation of various political organizations and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper" ("Neue PreussisChe Zeitung"). He was a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Parliament Prussia in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850, when he opposed the Federation of Germanic States (with or without or without Austria), because it believed that this union would strengthen the revolutionary movement. In his Olmyutsky speech, Bismarck defended King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, capitulated before Austria and Russia. Contented monarch wrote about Bismarck: "Angry reactionary. Use later" .
In May 1851, the king appointed Bismarck by the representative of Prussia in the Union Sejm in Frankfurt am Main. There, Bismarck almost immediately concluded that the purpose of Prussia could not be the German Confederation with the dominant position of Austria and that the war with Austria is inevitable if the dominant position in the United Germany will take Prussia. As Bismarck was improved in the study of diplomacy and the art of public administration, he was increasingly distinguished from the views of the king and his Camarilla. For its part, and the king began to lose confidence in Bismarck. In 1859, Brother King Wilhelm, who was at that time regent, liberated Bismarck from his duties and sent the Messenger to St. Petersburg. There Bismarck became close to the Russian Foreign Minister Prince A.M. Gorchakov, who contributed to Bismarck in his efforts, aimed at diplomatic isolation at first Austria, and then France.

Otto von Bismarck - Minister of Prussia. His diplomacy.

In 1862, Bismarck was sent by the Messenger to France to the court of Napoleon III. Soon he was withdrawn by King Wilhelm I to resolve the contradictions on the issue of military allocations, which was burly discussed in the lower chamber of parliament.

In September of the same year, he became the head of government, and a little later - the Minister of Commerce and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia.
The militant conservative, Bismarck announced the liberal majority of parliament, consisting of representatives of the middle class, that the government will continue to collect taxes, conforming to the old budget, because the parliament may not be able to adopt a new budget due to internal contradictions. (This policy lasted in 1863-1866, which allowed the Bismarck to conduct military reform.) At the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on September 29, Bismarck emphasized: "The Great Questions of Time will be decided not to speeches and resolutions of the majority - it was a gross mistake of 1848 and 1949, but Iron and blood. " Since the upper and lower chambers of parliament were unable to develop a single strategy on the issue of national defense, the government, according to Bismarck, should have been initiated and to force the parliament to agree with his decisions. Listing the activity of the press, Bismarck made serious measures to suppress the opposition.
For their part, the liberals were sharply criticized by Bismarck for the proposal to support the Russian emperor Alexander II in the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 (Alvezleben Convention 1863). Over the next decade, Bismarck's policy led to three wings: War with Denmark in 1864, after which Schleswig, Holstein (Holstein) and Launburg were attached to Prussia; Austria in 1866; and France (Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871).
On April 9, 1866, the day after the signing of the Secret Agreement on the military union with Italy in the event of an attack on Austria, he presented his project of the German Parliament and Universal Secret Rights for the Male Population of the country for consideration of the Bundestag. After the crucial battle of Körtiggrez (Sadovaya), in which German troops defeated Austrian, Bismarck managed to achieve a refusal of the annexionist claims of Wilhelm I and Prussian generals who wanted to join Vienna and demanding large territorial acquisitions, and offered Austria an honorary world (Prague world of 1866) . Bismarck did not allow Wilhelm I "put an Austria to his knees," occupied by Vienna. The future chancellor insisted on a relatively easy world conditions for Austria in order to ensure its neutrality in the future conflict of Prussia and France, which year from the year he became inevitable. Austria was excluded from the German Union, Venice joined Italy, Hannover, Nassau, Hesse-Casel, Frankfurt, Schleswig and Holttein moved to Prussia.
One of the most important consequences of the Austro-Prussian war was the formation of the North-German Union, in which, along with Prussia, there were about 30 more states. All of them, according to the Constitution, adopted in 1867, formed a unified territory with common laws and institutions. The external and military policy of the Union was actually transferred to the hands of the Prussian king, who was announced by his president. With South Germanic states, a customs and military contract was concluded soon. These steps clearly showed that Germany quickly goes to his union under the primacy of Prussia.
Outside the North German Union, the southern German lands of Bavaria, Württemberg and Baden remained. France did everything possible to prevent Bismarck to include these lands in the North German Union. Napoleon III did not want to see the united Germany at his eastern borders. Bismarck understood that without war, this problem would not be solved. In the next three years, the secret diplomacy Bismarck was directed against France. In Berlin, Bismarck introduced a bill to Parliament, exempting him from liability for unconstitutional actions, which was approved by liberals. French and Prussian interests are also faced by various issues. In France, at that time, militant antigherman moods were strong. On them, Bismarck and played.
Appearance "Emskoy Depth" It was caused by the scandalous events around the nomination of Prince Leopold Gaenzollerne (Vilhelm I nephew) to the Spanish throne, freed after the revolution in Spain in 1868. Bismarck faithfully calculated that France would never agree to a similar option and in the case of the top of Leopold in Spain will begin to break the weapon and make militant statements against the North German Union, which sooner or later end the war. Therefore, he strongly promoted the candidacy of Leopold, saying, however, Europe is that the German government is completely invalid to complaints of Hohenzollers to the Spanish throne. In his circulars, and later, in the memoirs, Bismarck was completely disgraced from his participation in this intrigue, arguing that the nomination of Prince Leopold to the Spanish throne was a "family" business of Hohenzollers. In fact, Bismarck and the Military Minister Rouon and the head of the General Staff, Moltke spent a lot of strength, to convince the restraining Wilhelm to support the candidacy of Leopold.
As Bismarck and expected, Leopold's application to the Spanish throne caused a storm of indignation in Paris. On July 6, 1870, France Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Duke de Gommon exclaused: "This will not happen, we are sure about that ... Otherwise we would have managed to fulfill our debt, without showing no weaknesses or oscillations." After this statement, Prince Leopold, without consultation with the king and Bismarck, announced that he refuses claims to the Spanish throne.
This step was not included in Bismarck plans. Leopold's refusal destroyed its calculations to the fact that France herself will unlighten the war against the North German Union. It was fundamentally important for Bismarck, who was undertaking to enlist the neutrality of leading European states in the future war, that he was later due to the fact that France was the striker side. It is difficult to judge how sincere was Bismarck in his memoirs, when he wrote that upon receipt of the news of Leopold's refusal to take the Spanish throne "My first thought was retired" (Bismarck has repeatedly applied to Wilhelm I, using them as one of the means of pressure on the king, who did not mean anything without his chancellor), but it is quite reliably another of his memoir testimony related to the same time: "I have already considered the war at that time, to evade whom we could not" .
While Bismarck thought, what other ways can be provoked by France on the announcement of the war, the French themselves gave a wonderful reason to this. July 13, 1870, Vilhegelm I in the morning, Vilhelm I in the morning, the French ambassador of Benedetti declared, and handed him a rather brazen request of his minister of gramon - to assure France that he (the king) would never give his consent if Prince Leopold again expose his candidacy for Spanish throne. The king, perturbed by such a really bold for diplomatic etiquette of those times, answered with a sharp refusal and interrupted the audience of Benedetti. A few minutes later, he received a letter from his ambassador in Paris, which said that a gram insists that Wilhelm with his own letter to assure Napoleon III in the absence of his intentions to damage the interests and dignity of France. This news finally led Wilhelm I. When Benedetti asked for a new audience for a conversation on this topic, he refused him in the reception and transferred through his adjutant, which said his last word.
Bismarck learned about these events from a deposit sent during the day from Ems by advisor Abeken. Bismarck was taken away during lunch. Together with him, Roule and Moltke. Bismarck read them a team. On two old soldiers, the deposacle made the worst impression. Bismarck recalled that Ron and Moltke were so upset that "neglected with eats and drinks." Having finished reading, Bismarck after a while asked the Moltke on the state of the army and about her willingness to war. Mytke responded in that spirit that "the immediate start of the war is more profitable than the deception." After that, Bismarck immediately edited the telegram at the dinner table and read it to the generals. Here is her text: "After the news of the renunciation of the heredge Prince of Hohenzollerne was officially reported to the French Imperial Government of the Spanish Royal Government, the French ambassador presented its royal majesty in Ems to His Royal Magicia. Never give your consent if the Hohenzollers return to his candidacy. His Majesty King refused to once again take the French ambassador and ordered the duty adjutant to convey to him that his majesty had nothing more to report anything.
More contemporaries Bismarck suspected him in falsification "Emskoy Depth". The German Social Democrats Liebknecht and Bebell began to speak the first to say. Liebknecht in 1891 even published the brochure "Emskaya Depret, or how wars are made." Bismarck also wrote in his memoirs that he only "something" broke out from the deposit, but did not add "not the word" to it. What did Bismarck drawn out from the Emsk Deposit? First of all, what could indicate the true inspirationor in the press of the king telegrams. Bismarck struck out the wish of Wilhelm I convey "at the discretion of your Excellency, i.e. Bismarck, the question of whether to report both to our representatives and in the press about the new requirement of Benedetti and about the refusal of the king." To strengthen the impression of the disrespectfulness of the French Messenger to Wilhelm I, Bismarck did not insert the mention that the king answered the ambassador "rather sharply". The remaining cuts did not have a significant value. The new editorial office of the Emskoy Department brought out of depression dinner with the Bismarck of Ron and Moltke. The latter exclaimed: "So it sounds differently; before it sounded a signal to retreat, now - fanfare." Bismarck began to develop his future plans to them: "We must fight, if we don't want to take on the role of a defeated without a fight. But success depends in many respects from those impressions that we also cause other origin of the war; it is important that we are the same. Who attacked, and Gallic arrogance and susceptibility will help us in this ... "
Further events unfolded in the desired bismarck direction. The promulgation of the Emsk Deposit in many German newspapers caused a storm of indignation in France. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, a gram indignantly shouted in parliament that Prussia gave a slap in France. On July 15, 1870, the head of the French Cabinet Emil Olivier demanded a loan of 50 million francs from parliament and announced the decision of the government to invoke to the army of reservists "in response to a challenge to war." The future president of France Adolf Tier, who in 1871 will enter into a world with Prussia and will drown in the blood of the Paris commune, in July 1870, while the parliament's deputy was, perhaps, the only sensible politician in France in those days. He tried to convince the deputies to refuse Olivier on credit and in the call of reservists, arguing that since Prince Leopold refused the Spanish crown, his goal was the French diplomacy and should not quarrel with Prussia because of words and bring the case to a discontinuity for a purely formal deal. Olivier answered it that he was "with a light heart" is ready to be responsible, from now on falling on him. In the end, the deputies approved all government proposals, and on July 19, France announced the war to the North German Union.
Bismarck, meanwhile, communicated with the deputies of Reichstag. He was important to carefully hide his painstaking backstage work on provoking France to the announcement of war. With the hypocrisy inherent in him, Bismarck convinced the deputies that in the whole history with Prince Leopold, the government did not personally participate. He disgustly blocked when he told the deputies about the desire of Prince Leopold to take the Spanish throne he did not recognize not from the king, but from some kind of "private person" that the North-German ambassador from Paris left himself "for personal circumstances", but Not recalled by the government (in fact, Bismarck ordered the ambassador to leave France, being annoyed by his "softness" towards the French). Bismarck diluted this lie dose of the truth. He was not lied, speaking that the decision to publish a dispatch about the negotiations in Ems between Wilhelm I and Benedetti was adopted by the government at the request of the king himself.
Wilhelm I did not expect that the publication of the Emsk Depth will lead to such a quick war with France. After reading the edited text of Bismarck in newspapers, he exclaimed: "This is the war!" The king was afraid of this war. Bismarck later wrote in memoirs that Wilhelm I did not have to negotiate with Benedetti at all, but he "provided his own monarch of shameless treatment from this foreign agent" in many respects due to the fact that he gave way to the pressure of his wife of Queen Augustus with "her Female justified by fearfulness and missing her with a national feeling. " Thus, Bismarck used Wilhelm I as the cover of his backstage intrigues against France.
When Prussian generals began to win the victory over the French, not a single major European power entered into France. This was the result of the preliminary diplomatic activities of Bismarck, who managed to achieve the neutrality of Russia and England. Russia, he promised neutrality if it was released from a humiliating Parisian agreement, prohibiting her to have his fleet in the Black Sea, the British were outraged by the project of an annexation agreement by France Belgium published on the instructions of Bismarck. But the most important thing was that France was attacked by the North-German Union, contrary to repeated peace-loving intentions and small concessions, for which Bismarck of Prussian troops from Luxembourg in 1867, statements about readiness to abandon Bavaria and create From it is a neutral country, etc.). Editing the "Emskoy Depospey", Bismarck did not impulsively improvised, but was guided by the real achievements of his diplomacy and therefore came out the winner. And the winners, as you know, do not judge. The authority of Bismarck, even retired, was so high in Germany that it did not occur to anyone (except Social Democrats), when in 1892, the authentic text of the "Emskoy deppendacy" was facilitated by publicity from the Raybuna of Reichstag.

Otto von Bismarck - Chancellor of the German Empire.

Exactly a month after the start of hostilities, a significant part of the French army was surrounded by German troops under the sedan and capitulated. Napoleon III himself surrendered to Wilhelm I.
In November 1870, South Germans entered into a converted from the Northern Unified German Union. In December 1870, the Bavarian King offered to restore the German empire and the German imperial dignity destroyed at one time by Napoleon. The proposal was accepted, and Reichstag turned to Wilhelm I with a request to adopt the imperial crown. In 1871, in Versaille Wilhelm I inscribed on the envelope address - "Chancellor of the German Empire"By approving the right Bismarck's right to manage the empire, which he created, and which was proclaimed on January 18 in the mirror hall of Versailles. On March 2, 1871, the Paris Treaty was concluded - severe and degradingful to France. The cross-border areas of Alsace and Lorraine moved to Germany. France was supposed to pay 5 billion contributions. Wilhelm I returned to Berlin, as a triumph, although all merits belonged to Chancellor.
"Iron Chancellor", which represented the interests of the minority and absolute power, managed this empire in 1871-1890, relying on the consent of Reichstag, where from 1866 to 1878 he was supported by the Party of National Liberals. Bismarck held the reform of German law, management and finance systems. In 1873, the reforms of education conducted by him in 1873 led to a conflict with the Roman Catholic Church, but the main cause of the conflict was the volatile distrust of German Catholics (who made up about a third of the country's population) to Protestant Prussia. When these contradictions manifested themselves in the activities of the Catholic Party of the Center in Reichstag in the early 1870s, Bismarck was forced to take action. The struggle against the Zasili Catholic Church was named "Culturcampp" (Kulturkampf, struggle for culture). In the course of her, many bishops and priests were arrested, hundreds of dioceses were left without leaders. Now church appointments were to be coordinated with the state; Church employees could not be in the service in the state apparatus. Schools were separated from the church, a civil marriage was introduced, Jesuits were expelled from Germany.
Bismarck built his foreign policy, based on the situation in 1871 after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war and the capture of Germany Alsace and Lorraine, which became a source of constant voltage. With the help of a complex system of unions, ensuring the isolation of France, the rapprochement of Germany with Austria-Hungary and maintaining good relations with Russia (the Union of Three Emperors - Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia of 1873 and 1881; Austro-German Union 1879; "Triple Alliance" between Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy of 1882; The "Mediterranean Agreement" of 1887 between Austria-Hungary, Italy and England and the "reinsurance contract" with Russia of 1887) Bismarck managed to support the world in Europe. The German Empire when Chancellor Bismarck became one of the leaders of international politics.
In the field of foreign policy, Bismarck made all efforts to consolidate the conquest of the Frankfurt World of 1871, contributed to the diplomatic isolation of the French Republic and sought to prevent the formation of any coalition threatening German hegemony. He chose not to participate in the discussion of claims on a weakened Ottoman Empire. When, at the Berlin Congress of 1878, the next phase of the "Eastern Question" discussion was completed chaired by Bismarck, he played the role of "honest broker" in the dispute of the rival parties. Although the "Triple Union" was directed against Russia and France, Otto Bismarck thought that the war with Russia would be extremely dangerous for Germany. The secret agreement with Russia of 1887 is the "reinsurance contract" - showed the ability of Bismarck to act for the backs of its allies, Austria and Italy, to preserve Status Quo in the Balkans and the Middle East.
Until 1884, Bismarck did not give clear definitions of the colonial policy, mainly due to friendly relations with England. Other reasons were the desire to preserve the capital of Germany and minimize government spending. The first expansionist plans of Bismarck caused the energetic protests of all parties - Catholics, the Publicists, Socialists and even representatives of his own class - Junkers. Despite this, in Bismarke, Germany began to turn into a colonial empire.
In 1879, Bismarck broke with liberals and further relied on the coalition of large landowners, industrialists, the highest military and government officials.

In 1879, the Bismarck Chancellor achieved the adoption by Reichstag of the Protecting Customs Tariff. Liberals were displaced from great politics. The new course of the economic and financial policy of Germany corresponded to the interests of large industrialists and major agrarians. Their union took the dominant positions in political life and in state administration. Otto Bismarck von Bismarck gradually moved from the politics of "Culturmcup" to persecutions for socialists. In 1878, after an attempt to the life of Emperor, Bismarck held through Reichstag "Exceptional Law" Against Socialists, forbidden the activities of social democratic organizations. Based on this law, many newspapers and societies were closed, often distant from socialism. The constructive side of his negative prohibitive position was the introduction of a system of state insurance on illness in 1883, in the event of injury in 1884 and pension collateral in old age in 1889. However, these measures could not be isolated by the German workers from the Social Democratic Party, although they distracted them from revolutionary methods of solving social problems. At the same time, Bismarck opposed any legislation regulating the working conditions of workers.

Conflict with Wilhelm II and the resignation of Bismarck.

With the entry into the throne of Wilhelm II in 1888, Bismarck lost control over the government.

With William I and Friedrich III, which rules less than half a year, the position of Bismarck could not shake none of the opposition groups. Self-confidently and ambitious Kaiser refused to play a minor role, stating on one of the banquets in 1891: "There is only one lord in the country - this is me, and I will not bearing another" ; And his stretched relationship with Reichskanzler became increasingly stretched. The most seriously discrepancies were manifested in the question of amending the "Exceptional Law against Socialists" (operating in 1878-1890) and on the issue of the right of ministers subordinate to the Chancellor, to the personal audience of the emperor. Wilhelm II hinted Bismarck on the desirability of his resignation and received a resignation from Bismarck on March 18, 1890. The resignation was adopted in two days, Bismarck received the title of Duke of Launburg, he was also awarded the title of Colonel-General Cavalry.
The removal of Bismarck in Friedrichsruhe was not the end of his interest in political life. Particularly eloquent, he was criticized by the newly appointed Reichskanzler and the Minister President of Count Leo von Carimi. In 1891, Bismarck was elected to Reichstag from Hanover, but never took his place there, and two years later refused to put his candidacy for re-election. In 1894, the emperor and an old-aging bismarck again met in Berlin - at the suggestion of Hohenwhea Hohenloe, Prince Shillingfurest, the successor of Caprivi. In 1895, all Germany celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Iron Chancellor. In June 1896, Prince Otto von Bismarck participated in the coronation of the Russian king Nicholas II. Bismarck died in Friedrichsruue on July 30, 1898. Iron Chancellor was buried at his own desire in his estate Friedrichsruhe, on the tombstience of his tomb the inscription was knocked out: "A loyal servant of the German Kaiser Wilhelm I". In April 1945, the house in Shehenhausen, in which Otto Bismarck was born in 1815, was burned with Soviet troops.
Literary monument Bismarck are His "Thoughts and memories" (Gedanken Und Erinnerungen), and "Big Policy of European Cabinets" (Die Grosse Politik Der Europaischen Kabinette, 1871-1914, 1924-1928) in 47 volumes serves as a monument to his diplomatic art.


1. Emil Ludwig. Bismarck. - M.: Zakharov-AST, 1999.
2. Alan Palmer. Bismarck. - Smolensk: Rusich, 1998.
3. Encyclopedia "Peace around us" (CD)

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