Regulations on the competition of the Vygotsky fishermen foundation. Applications for the L.S competition are ending

The All-Russian competition of scholarships and grants named after. L. S. Vygotsky. Deadline January 11, 2018.

Organizer: charitable foundation "Rybakov Fund".

The goal of the competition is to search for, support and popularize bright, creative Russian preschool education specialists who are capable of developing, applying and disseminating modern pedagogical practices.

Teachers of preschool education, final year students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, master's students and graduate students studying full-time in the areas of training - "pedagogical sciences" and "humanities" who have experience working with children aged 2 months and older are invited to participate in the competition up to 7 years or planning to work with them on a professional basis.

Projects describing technology, methods of working with children from 2 months to 7 years and/or their parents that have already been implemented, are currently being implemented or are planned for implementation, and the results of the project have already been received/planned, indicating about its effectiveness. The project should be based on the basic principles of education for preschool children: preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person, as a period of life that is significant in itself, without any conditions, ensuring the developmental nature of preschool education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child , learning through play, involving the family in the educational process, developing the personality of each child, his communication, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic abilities, social skills, physical abilities, protecting and strengthening his health. Additionally, you must prepare a video on the stated topic of the project, post it on and copy the link into the application form.

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For the competition, student and graduate student participants are required to analyze according to a given format and propose a practical solution to a case (pedagogical situation). Describe a real pedagogical situation from your own practice (the essence of the problem, the age of the children, the number of participants, the solution) and evaluate the presented solution based on self-analysis. Present a long-term plan for your own implementation in the profession after completing your studies.

Each applicant has the right to submit no more than one application for the competition. An application for participation in the competition is submitted electronically through the participant’s personal account on the competition website.

  • For winning teachers - a grant of 50,000 rubles
  • For student winners - a one-time scholarship in the amount of 20,000 rubles
  • Additional opportunity for teachers: participation in the Summer School of the All-Russian Competition named after. L. S. Vygotsky, which will be held in July 2018. The opportunity will be given to the first 100 teachers from the rating list who have expressed a desire to take part in the Summer School. To cover the costs associated with participation in the Summer School, the winner will be allocated additional financial
  • Additional opportunity for teachers: participation in an educational tour/conference held from March 15, 2018 to June 15, 2018. For two winners from the rating list of teachers who have expressed such a desire. Additional financial support will be provided to these winners to cover the costs associated with participating in the selected educational tour/conference.
  • Additional opportunity for students: participation in the Summer School of the All-Russian Competition named after. L. S. Vygotsky, which will be held in July 2018. The opportunity will be given to the first 20 students from the rating list who expressed a desire to take part in the Summer School.
  • Additional opportunity for students: participation in an educational tour/conference held from March 15, 2018 to June 15, 2018. For two winners from the ranking list who have expressed such a desire. Additional financial support will be provided to these winners to cover the costs associated with participating in the selected educational tour/conference.
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Competition of scholarships and grants named after L.S. Vygotsky 2018

The All-Russian competition of scholarships and grants named after. L. S. Vygotsky.

Organizer: charitable foundation "Rybakov Fund".

The goal of the competition is to search for, support and popularize bright, creative Russian preschool education specialists who are capable of developing, applying and disseminating modern pedagogical practices.

Teachers of preschool education, final year students of higher and secondary vocational educational institutions, master's students and graduate students studying full-time in the areas of training - "pedagogical sciences" and "humanities" who have experience working with children aged 2 months and older are invited to participate in the competition up to 7 years or planning to work with them on a professional basis.

Projects describing technology, methods of working with children from 2 months to 7 years and/or their parents that have already been implemented, are currently being implemented or are planned for implementation, and the results of the project have already been received/planned, indicating about its effectiveness. The project should be based on the basic principles of education for preschool children: preserving the uniqueness and intrinsic value of preschool childhood as an important stage in the overall development of a person, as a period of life that is significant in itself, without any conditions, ensuring the developmental nature of preschool education, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of each child , learning through play, involving the family in the educational process, developing the personality of each child, his communication, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic abilities, social skills, physical abilities, protecting and strengthening his health. Additionally, you must prepare a video on the stated topic of the project, post it on and copy the link into the application form.

For the competition, student and graduate student participants are required to analyze according to a given format and propose a practical solution to a case (pedagogical situation). Describe a real pedagogical situation from your own practice (the essence of the problem, the age of the children, the number of participants, the solution) and evaluate the presented solution based on self-analysis. Present a long-term plan for your own implementation in the profession after completing your studies.

Each applicant has the right to submit no more than one application for the competition. An application for participation in the competition is submitted electronically through the participant’s personal account on the competition website.


  • For winning teachers - a grant of 50,000 rubles
  • For student winners - a one-time scholarship in the amount of 20,000 rubles
  • Additional opportunity for teachers: participation in the Summer School of the All-Russian Competition named after. L. S. Vygotsky, which will be held in July 2018. The opportunity will be given to the first 100 teachers from the rating list who have expressed a desire to take part in the Summer School. To cover the costs associated with participation in the Summer School, the winner will be allocated additional financial
  • Additional opportunity for teachers: participation in an educational tour/conference held from March 15, 2018 to June 15, 2018. For two winners from the rating list of teachers who have expressed such a desire. Additional financial support will be provided to these winners to cover the costs associated with participating in the selected educational tour/conference.
  • Additional opportunity for students: participation in the Summer School of the All-Russian Competition named after. L. S. Vygotsky, which will be held in July 2018. The opportunity will be given to the first 20 students from the rating list who expressed a desire to take part in the Summer School.
  • Additional opportunity for students: participation in an educational tour/conference held from March 15, 2018 to June 15, 2018. For two winners from the ranking list who have expressed such a desire. Additional financial support will be provided to these winners to cover the costs associated with participating in the selected educational tour/conference.

All-Russian competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky, which was launched on November 2, 2017. The regional operator of the competition in the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) is the Garant Charitable Foundation.

"Rybakov Foundation" summed up the results of the All-Russian competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky, which was launched on November 2, 2017. The regional operator of the competition in the Northwestern Federal District (NWFD) is the Garant Charitable Foundation.

More than 300 teachers and students of the district submitted their applications for the competition. And, as a result, the Northwestern Federal District entered the top three among the 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation in terms of the number of competition winners - a total of 91 people.

54 teachers of preschool educational institutions in the district will receive financial support in the amount of 50 thousand rubles, 16 students will receive a scholarship in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. An additional opportunity - to take part in the Summer School of the “Fishermen of the Foundation”, which will be held in July in Moscow, was won by 16 teachers and 5 students from Arkhangelsk, Vologda, Leningrad, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Novgorod regions, the Komi Republic and Karelia. All winners will receive diplomas, and competition participants will receive certificates.

The experts who took part in evaluating the competitors’ work noted the high professionalism, passion, and elaboration of the projects and methodological materials submitted to the competition.

All-Russian competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky was held for the second time this year, the next competition is planned to start in October 2018.

Competition materials:

The competition is held in all federal districts of the Russian Federation


  • preschool teachers working both directly in organizations carrying out educational activities and outside such organizations (in the form of family education), including in the form of e-learning, as well as using distance educational technologies using the Internet;
  • final year students of higher educational institutions, final year students of secondary vocational educational institutions, master's students and graduate students studying full-time in the areas of training - “pedagogical sciences” and “humanities” (in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated September 12, 2013 No. 1061), having experience working with children aged 2 months to 7 years or planning to work with them on a professional basis.

The number of participants from one educational institution and organization is not limited.

The number of winners from one institution and organization is not limited.

Conditions for participation in the Competition for Preschool Teachers

Winners of the All-Russian competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky 2016 can participate in the Competition only with new project.

The application presents a project describing the technology, methods of working with children from 2 months to 7 years and/or their parents, which has already been implemented, is currently being implemented or is planned for implementation, and the results of the project have already been received/planned, indicating its effectiveness.

The prepared videos will participate in a special category of the Competition with the opportunity to receive valuable support.

Conditions for participation in the Competition for final year students of undergraduate and secondary vocational educational institutions, master's students and postgraduate students

To participate in the competition you must:

The applicant will have to:

  1. Analyze according to a given format and offer a practical solution to a case (pedagogical situation).
  2. Describe a real pedagogical situation from your own practice (the essence of the problem, the age of the children, the number of participants, the solution) and evaluate the presented solution based on self-analysis.
  3. Present a long-term plan for your own implementation in the profession after completing your studies.

Additional opportunities for student applicants of the All-Russian Competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky:

  • participation in the Summer School of the All-Russian Competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky, which will be held in July 2018.
  • participation in an educational tour/conference held between March 15, 2018 and June 15, 2018.

The applicant has the opportunity to express a desire to participate in one of the events indicated in the list of additional opportunities, or not to participate in any.

Procedure for the Competition

An application for participation in the Competition is submitted electronically via Personal Area participant on the Competition website The application fields are required to be filled out in compliance with the requirements for their content. After filling out the required fields of the application and placing the documents included in it, the application is registered and assigned a registration number. A corresponding confirmation email will be sent to the email address specified during registration.

Materials submitted to the Competition will not be returned and can be used for research purposes, publications in the media and in the preparation of educational materials for the Competition.

Procedure for consideration and evaluation of applications

Each application is assessed by 2 (two) experts in accordance with the criteria established in these Regulations.

The final decision to recognize participants as winners of the Competition is made at a meeting of the Expert Council of the Competition (link to the “Experts” page)

When the Expert Council of the Competition makes a decision on the winners of the Competition, other things being equal, priority is given to applications that were submitted earlier from the start of accepting applications.

The list of winners of the Competition is published on the Website no later than March 1, 2018.

There should be a PDF file here to download the Terms of Participation in the Competition"

For details on the procedure for holding the competition and submitting an application for participation, please contact the coordinators of the relevant federal district (link to the “Contacts” page).

The competition was established by the Rybakov Foundation with the participation of regional partners: Charitable Community Development Foundation "Garant" (Arkhangelsk, Northwestern Federal District, Central Federal District, North Caucasus Federal District + Southern Federal District) Charitable Foundation for Support of Public Initiatives “Sibirsky” (Novosibirsk, Siberian Federal District, Far Eastern Federal District) Charitable Foundation for the Development of the City of Tyumen (Tyumen, Ural Federal District, Volga Federal District)

and with the assistance and information support of: Development Fund of the Orthodox St. Tikhon's Humanitarian University (Moscow) Interregional public organization “Resource Social and Legal Center” (Armavir) Nizhny Novgorod regional public organization for the promotion of social development “Service-NEXT” (Nizhny Novgorod)

100steps.rf Foundation for supporting youth initiatives “Tatiana’s Day” (Khabarovsk)

Competition named after L.S. Vygotsky is the first initiative of its kind aimed at increasing the value of preschool education as a separate element of the Russian education system.

This competition for workers in the field of preschool education, encouraging best teaching practices and stimulating innovation teachers and senior students profile directions.

Participants in the competition can count on grants ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 rubles.

Organizer of the competition: A non-profit organization founded by Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov in 2015. The Rybakov Foundation creates programs that can change public institutions and create new conditions for the lives of Russians.

Purpose of the competition- search, support and popularization of bright, creative Russian preschool education specialists who are capable of developing, applying and disseminating modern pedagogical practices.

Financial support for competition participants provides

Additional features:

For 100 teachers and 20 students - participation in the Summer School organized by the Rybakov Foundation in July 2018.

For two best teachers and two best students - participation in an educational tour / conference held from March 15 to June 15, 2018.

The following are invited to participate in the competition:

Preschool teachers who work directly with children from 2 months to 7 years.

Preschool teachers working both directly in organizations carrying out educational activities and outside such organizations (in the form of family education), including in the form of e-learning, as well as using distance educational technologies using the Internet.

Graduate students of higher educational institutions, final year students of secondary vocational educational institutions, master's students and graduate students studying full-time in the areas of training - “pedagogical sciences” and “humanities”, who have experience working with children aged 2 months to 7 years or planning to work with them on a professional basis.

Competition participation format for



1. Offer a practical solution to the case
2. Describe a real pedagogical situation from your own practice
3. Present a long-term plan for your own implementation in the profession

Since November 2, 2017, applications for the All-Russian Competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky. Both preschool teachers and final year master's and bachelor's degree students and graduates of secondary vocational educational institutions who have experience working with children aged 2 months to 7 years can participate in the competition.

Competition named after L.S. Vygotsky takes place this year for the second time, but remains the first and only initiative in Russia that unites teachers of all forms of preschool education from state kindergartens to alternative ones, and also supports students of specialized universities and colleges.

The purpose of the competition is not just to encourage individual specialists in the field of preschool education. It is important to identify bright, creative and talented teachers who are able to create relevant practices, and unite them into a single community. Then the process of exchanging ideas and innovative solutions will become truly continuous.

“L.S. Vygotsky saw enormous potential in organizing an ecosystem that allows a child to grow and develop independently. We assign the main role in this process to the educator. A teacher is a beacon who will help guide a child in the right direction even in the most difficult situations. One of the tasks of the Fishermen of the Foundation is to find the brightest beacons that will bring innovative ideas and strengthen the modern image of preschool education, and we expect that the All-Russian Competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky will become one of the main tools in achieving the goal,” said Ekaterina Rybakova, co-founder of the Rybakov Foundation.

To participate in the competition, you must fill out an online application on the competition website, prepare a video on the stated topic of the project, and post it on the portal and copy the link into the application form (students do not need to prepare video material to participate).

Scholarships in the amount of 20,000 rubles are provided for student winners, and grants in the amount of 50,000 rubles are provided for teacher winners.

Additional opportunities for teachers and students - applicants of the All-Russian Competition named after L.S. Vygotsky:

Participation in the Summer School of the All-Russian Competition named after L.S. Vygotsky, which will be held in July 2018.

Participation in an educational tour/conference held between March 15, 2018 and June 15, 2018.

Acceptance of applications for participation in the Competition from 02.11.2017 to 11.01.2018.

Winners of the All-Russian competition named after. L.S. Vygotsky of the previous year can only participate in the Competition with a new project.

Detailed information on the websites:

If you have any questions, please contact us by phone or e-mail:

"Rybakov Fund" was founded in 2015 by Igor and Ekaterina Rybakov. Its goal is to create equal opportunities to unlock the potential of every person. The Rybakov Fund initiates and implements programs aimed at developing entrepreneurship, education and the third sector. “Rybakov Fund” is engaged in the popularization and implementation of the best global and domestic practices in the field of entrepreneurship and the third sector, creates an educational motivational environment that allows everyone to fully realize their potential and continuously develop themselves. An important direction in the work of the “Fishermen Fund” is the integration and support of regional initiatives in all areas of activity. The Foundation's programs, including competitive ones, today cover about 80 constituent entities of Russia. Detailed information about the activities of the Rybakov Fund is available on the website:

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