Presentation on sound waves. Presentation on the topic "Sound."

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Sound sources. Sound characteristics.

Sound is a mechanical waves perceived by human hearing, which cause sound sensations. Sound sources can be any bodies that make oscillations with sound frequency (from 16 to 20,000 Hz).

The sound wave is a longitudinal wave, therefore, it can be distributed in solid, liquid and gaseous media.

Children man aged 20 years old man aged 35 years old man aged 50 years old Hz 16-22000 16-20000 16-15000 16-12000 Cricket grasshopper Frog Dolphin Hz 2-4000 10-100000 50-30000 400-200000 Range of audible sounds.

The person does not perceive the infrasound, although it can feel its impact due to resonance. Frequency of infrasound fluctuations less than 16 per second, i.e. below the threshold of hearingness.

Ultrasound Ultrasound Concept - High Frequency mechanical oscillations Particles of a solid, liquid or gaseous medium that are not sausaged by the human ear. The frequency of ultrasound fluctuations is above 20,000 per second, i.e. above the threshold of hearingness.

Ultrasound and infrasound ultrasound and infraser are distributed in nature as wide as the waves of the sound band. They are emitted and used for their "negotiations" dolphins, bats and some other creatures.

Sound sources Natural (murmur stream, bird voices, light water splash) artificial (tape, string, bell, membrane, etc.)

For the existence of sound: 1. Sound source 2. Wednesday 3. Header 4. Frequency 16-20000 Hz 5. Intensity

: Sound Wave Receivers: Natural - Ear. Its sensitivity depends on the frequency of the sound wave: the less the frequency of the wave, the less the sensitivity of the ear. Exceptional selectivity: The conductor catches the sounds of individual tools. Artificial - microphone. It converts mechanical sound oscillations into electric.

Sound propagation The sound propagates in any elastic medium - solid, liquid and gaseous, but cannot be distributed in space, where there is no substance (for example, in vacuo).

From the history of opening speed. The speed of sound in the air was first determined in 1708 by the English scientist William Derem. Two points, the distance between which was known, shot from the guns. In both items, the time intervals were measured between the appearance of the fire when shot and the moment when the sound of the shot was heard. Sound speed in air 340 m / s

Physical sound characteristics Objective: - sound pressure (pressure rendered by a sound wave to an obstacle standing in front of it); - the spectrum of sound is the decomposition of a complex sound wave into the components of its frequency; - The intensity of the sound wave.

Subjective: - Volume - Height - timbre

Sound height is a characteristic that is determined by the frequency of oscillations. The greater the frequency of the body, which produces oscillations, the sound will be higher. The timbre is called the color of the sound. The timbre is something that is distinguished by two identical sounds performed by various musical instruments. The volume of the sound depends on the amplitude of the oscillations.

Sound volume The sound volume depends on the amplitude of the oscillations: the greater the amplitude of the oscillations, the louder sound. The volume of sound is the subjective quality of the auditory, allowing the sounds on a scale from quiet to loud. The audio volume unit is called sleep.

Timbre. The quality of musical sound, his peculiar "color" is characterized by timbre. Here are some timbre characteristics: thick, deep, courageous, stern, velvety, matte, brilliant, lightweight, heavy, saturated. The timbre depends on the material from which the tool is made from the tool shape.

Sound oscillations that occur by harmonious law are perceived by a person like a musical sound, or tone.

The pure tone of the Tameton Branch make harmonic (sinusoidal) oscillations. Such fluctuations are inherent only one strictly defined frequency. Harmonic oscillations are the most simple sight oscillations. The sound of the camera is a clean tone. Clean tone is called the sound of a source that performs harmonic fluctuations in one frequency

Noise is loud sounds Different frequencies, sprinkled in a non-stroke sound.

More read physics and happiness will smile!

Volnown Sukhovskaya Sosh
Physics teacher -
Puchkov Svetlana Alexandrovna

The purpose of the classroom is the connection of physics and biology, expand the concept of "sound waves", tell about the sounds in nature.

Stroke of classroom
Sound waves: Heard by man, infrase, ultrasound, hyperzvuk
Acoustic signals
Acoustic properties of various habitats
Ultrasound use

Echo - Constant answer
Nature to questions that
We will ask her - a constant answer
Nature to questions that
We ask her

Usually, when they talk about the sounds published by animals, first of all talk about the birds, since most often we hear their voices. As for other living organisms, many consider them almost dying. Although in fact it is not so, we simply do not always hear them, the sound bond between them is carried out on an inaccessible height for our hearing.

For what to us
Nature given ears?

Whether all sounds
Can we hear?

About sounds ...

In the air, the sound speed was first measured in 1836 by the Frenchman. At a temperature of 200 s, it was 343 m / s. In air the speed of sound was first measured in 1836 by the Frenchman. At a temperature of 200 C, it was 343 m / s.
The speed of the bullet from the Kalashnikov machine is 825 m / s, i.e. The bullet overtakes the sound of the shot and reaches the sacrifice before the sound comes.


Acoustics (from Greek. Akusticos - "Hearing") - the doctrine of sounds. Acusticos (from Greek. Akusticos - "auditory") - the doctrine of sounds.
There are "audible" and "nonstable" sounds.
In an ordinary understanding, the sound is what perceives the human ear.
The sounds hear not only people, but also animals, and even the plants in one degree or another react to the sounds.

Sound can be divided
in frequency on the following
Basic range

Slide number 10.




109 < <1013 Гц

16< < 20 000 Гц

Slide number 11.

Good perceive fish, cats and whales. Good perceive fish, cats and whales.


Slide number 12.

Whales have a very thin hearing and are able to catch a wide range of sound waves. Capes have a very thin hearing and are able to capture a wide range of sound waves.
Echolocation allows the whale to determine what size the object, how far it is and in which direction is moving.

Slide number 13.

Malull, who lives in the steppe, and a velvet cat, living in extensive open spaces, should be outraged to hear their prey. Holded, dwelling in the steppe, and a velvet cat, living in extensive open spaces, should be outraged to hear their prey.
Therefore, these two breeds of cats are widely placed and arranged in such a way that they work as a good antenna: they catch the weakest sounds, strengthen them and transmit to the eardrum.

Slide number 14.

The Japanese keep this fish in home aquariums, which can predict a natural disaster in a few hours. Yapons hold this fish in home aquariums, which can predict a natural disaster in a few hours.


Fish react an hour before the earthquake. If the earthquake is not very strong, they are going to a dense flock, the bodies are pressed together and stand to the epicenter, literally indicate it. And when the earthquake is strong, fish jump out of aquarium.

Slide №15

Good perceive bats, dolphins, dogs. Good perceive bats, dolphins, dogs.


Pupil message

Slide number 16.

Echo from its signal, bats are capable of perceiving at a pressure of 10,000 times less than emitted signals. Egor from its signal bats are capable of perceiving at a pressure of 10,000 times less than emitted signals.

The bats
During sounding
spaces empty I.
Take impulses
Frequency from 30 to 150 kHz.
At a distance of 5-10 cm from the head of the animal
Ultrasound pressure reaches 60 mbar
(1 bar \u003d 100 kPa).


Slide number 17.

The location of the sounds is the larynx, in which the zone of the occurrence of sounds is created before the "emission" of the signal, in which the high pressure zone is created before "emission"

Bats are relying on their acoustic memory.
During informational flights, when traditional ultrasonic location is used, the animals remember the "sound picture" of space.

Slide №18.

For information about the presence of fish or aphalin items (Dolphin type) publishes a series of short signals perceived by a person like clicks.
Limits of auditory
Dolphins perceptions
from 75 to 180 kgzdelphin

Slide №19

Dolphins publish more than 700 ultrasound clicking sounds per second. Sounds
Through a certain
time interval
in the form of echo and tells
Dolphins Distance
to the closest
Jamatic fish.

Slide number 20.

On Earth approximately 1018 different insects. All of them are distinguished by the number of wings waves, which means that the wavelength they generate is different. Fishes use predominantly organs, the main function of which is not directly related to the generation of sounds (this is finners, swimming bubble). Acoustic signals

Slide №21

mosquitoes make the breakmoms make about
1000 crawling wings
per second

bumblebees - about 200

butterflies - 5-10 crashes per second

bees flying light - 400-500
Exchange per second
Bees with a rider - about 200 times per second

Slide №22.

Studies have shown that if they talk with a plant, they grow better. Expectations have shown that if the plant is talking, they grow better.
Sound waves of our voices make plant cells vibrate.

At the plants to which classical music and jazz acts, dense healthy leaves grow and roots are well developed.
Under the influence of rock, they develop their roots so poorly that plants begin to die.


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Why do they buzz? Why do they buzz?
Hummingbirds are masting with wings with such speed, which is generated by a high buzzing sound.

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The animal habitat has an impact on the formation of the features of the system of sound signaling alarmish inhabitants of animals affects the formation of the features of the sound alarm system.

Acoustic properties
Different habitats

Slide number 25.

In the desert and steppe air in the afternoon there is a low humidity and high temperatures. In such conditions, the transmission of sounds of frequency more significantly deteriorates.
1 kHz, since these frequencies are strongly absorbed.
With relative humidity of 20%, the attenuation of the sound with a frequency of 3 kHz is 14 dB per 100 m.

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The spread of sound in the forest or in thick grass affects the density and height of the vegetation cover.
Thus, when the sound passing a frequency of 10 kHz over thick high grass, the attenuation is 0.6 dB per meter, while when it is distributed over the ground with a rare low grass - only 0.18 dB per meter. Distribution of sound in the forest Or in thick grass affects the density and height of the vegetation cover.
Thus, when the sound is passing a frequency of 10 kHz over thick high grass, the attenuation is 0.6 dB per meter, while when it is distributed over ground with a rare low grass - only 0.18 dB per meter.

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Animals predict:


Slide №28.

People simply do not notice some phenomena preceding the earthquake, but animals that closer to nature can feel and show concern. Horses rzut and run away, dogs are treated, and the fish begin to jump out of the water. Animals, which are usually hiding in non-brands, such as snakes and rats, suddenly come out of the holes: chimpanzees in zoos becomes restless and spend more time on Earth. We simply do not notice some phenomena preceding the earthquake, but animals that are closer to nature can Feel their concern. Horses rzut and run away, dogs are treated, and the fish begin to jump out of the water. Animals that are usually hiding in nonorahs, such as snakes and rats, suddenly come out of the holes: chimpanzee in zoos becomes restless and spend more time on Earth.

Slide number 29.

There was a very famous case in Leninakan: two hours before the earthquake, a dog - Lika - pulled his master from the house to the street, although recently returned from the walk. When the owner of the husky called the police, he was surmed. Called in the city executive committee - the same reaction. He ordered all the neighbors to leave the house and brought his family. Those people were saved, and tens of thousands died a very famous case in Leninakan: two hours before the earthquake, a dog - Lyaka - pulled her master from the house on the street, although recently returned from the walk. When the owner of the husky called the police, he was surmed. Called in the city executive committee - the same reaction. He ordered all the neighbors to leave the house and brought his family. Those people were saved, and tens of thousands were killed

Slide number 30.

I live in Irkutsk. This is a seismic zone. In 1998, my cat led himself very strangely before the earthquake. I was hiding under the bed, poured loudly, ran after everyone like a tail. I was afraid ... Soon, the shock began. I live in Irkutsk. This is a seismic zone. In 1998, my cat led himself very strangely before the earthquake. I was hiding under the bed, poured loudly, ran after everyone like a tail. I was afraid ... soon the shock began.

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If the earthquakes occur under the ocean, then they can form a giant wave with a height of more than 30 m.
Such a wave is called tsunami.

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Tsunami - giant waves.
Fake in shallow water, they slow down their run, but their height increases sharply.

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Ultrasound defectoscopy


Slide number 34.

Echo is also used in ultrasound scanning, allowing to look inside the human body. Perhaps muscles and fat reflect sound waves in different ways. The computer uses this information and creates the image of the desired organ.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

Slide description:

Topic: Sound Waves. Objectives: 1. Enter the concept of sound waves. Consider the features of their occurrence and distribution, sound characteristics, the effect of noise on the human body, the interaction of sound waves with a substance. 2. Develop memory, logical thinking, the ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations. 3. Show the value of the physical knowledge in the life of a person. Maintain sustainable interest in the subject.

2 Slide

Slide description:

The world of sounds is so diverse, rich, handsome, diverse, but all of us tormented by the question from where the sounds arise that our hearing is delighted everywhere? It's time to think seriously.

3 Slide

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A person lives in the world of sounds. Sound for a person is a source of information. He warns people about danger. Sound in the form of music, singing birds delivers us pleasure. We are glad to listen to a person with a pleasant voice. The noise of rain, the rustle of the leaves ... - All this is an expensive person. The sound waves are customary to call waves perceived by the human ear. The sound frequency range lies within about 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The waves with a frequency of less than 20 Hz are called an infrasound, and with a frequency of more than 20 kHz - ultrasound.

4 Slide

Slide description:

Cause of sound? - Vibration (oscillations) bodies, although these oscillations are often invisible to our eye. Sound sources - physical bodies that fluctuate, i.e. trembling or vibrate with a frequency of 16 to 2000 times per second. A vibrating body can be solid, for example, a string or earth bark, gaseous, for example, air jet in wind musical instruments or a whistle or liquid, for example, waves on the water. Sound is mechanical elastic waves propagating in gases, liquids, solids.

5 Slide

Slide description:

To hear the sound is needed: 1. Sound source; 2. Elastic medium between it and ear; 3. A certain range of frequency oscillations of the sound source - between 16 Hz and 20 kHz, sufficient to perceive the oh power of sound waves.

6 Slide

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Sound characteristics Volume. The volume depends on the amplitude of the oscillations in the sound wave. Over the volume of the sound volume is taken 1 Bel (in honor of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the phone). Sound volume is 1b. In practice, the volume is measured in decibels (dB). 1 dB \u003d 0.1 b. The sound is volume over 180 dB can even cause a breakpoint breakfast.

7 Slide

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Tone height. - determined by the frequency of oscillation of the sound source. The sounds of the human voice in height are divided into several ranges: bass - 80-350 Hz, Bariton - 110-149 Hz, tenor - 130-520 Hz, Cotton - 260-1000 Hz, soprano - 260-1050 Hz, coloratura soprano - up to 1400 Hz. Frequency spectrum sounds of musical instruments.

8 Slide

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Sound distribution. SOUND SPEED. The propagation of the sound does not occur instantly, but with the final speed. To propagate sound, you must need an environment - air, water, metal, etc. Sound in vacuum can not be distributed, because There is no elastic medium here, and therefore no elastic mechanical oscillations may arise. In each medium, the sound spreads at different speeds. Sound speed in air - approximately 340 m / s. The speed of sound in water is 1500 m / s. The speed of sound in metals, in steel - 5000 m / s.

9 Slide

Slide description:

Camerton is a U-shaped metal plate, the ends of which can fluctuate after the strike on it. The strongest oscillations will be observed at the ends of the fork. The ends of the fork make oscillations removing from each other and approaching. At the same time hesitates the lower end - the feet of the chamberon. The sound published by the tuber is very weak and heard only at a short distance. The resonator is a wooden box on which the tape can be fastened to enhance the sound. The radiation of the sound occurs not only from the camera, but also from the resonator's surface. However, the duration of the sound of the camera on the resonator will be less than without it.

10 Slide

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Ex about a loud sound, reflected from the obstacles, returns to the sound source after a few moments, and we hear echo. Multiplying the speed of sound for a time passed from its occurrence to return, you can determine the twice distance from the sound source to the barrier. This method of determining the distance to objects is used in echolocation.

11 Slide

Slide 2.

Sound speed

The sound applies very quickly, but not infinite. Sound speed can be measured. The time interval between the lightning flash and the thunder blow can sometimes reach several tens of seconds. Knowing the distance from the sound source and measuring the delay of sound, you can determine the speed of its propagation. In the dry air at a temperature of 10 ° C, this speed was equal to 337.5 m / s.

Slide 3.

The sound applies very quickly, but not infinite. Sound wave has a certain speed. Speed \u200b\u200bspeed can be measured and calculated ...

Slide 4.

... by lagging for thunder from flash lightning

Knowing the distance from the sound source and measuring the delay of sound, you can determine the speed of its propagation. In the dry air at a temperature of 10 ° C, this speed was equal to 337.5 m / s.

Slide 5.

Measurement of sound speed in water

In 1826, the coldladon and assault produced the next experience on the Geneva lake. On one boat, an outbreak of powder was made and at the same time the hammer hit the bell, lowered into the water. On another boat, which was at a distance of 14 km from the first, the time was measured between the outbreak and the appearance of sound in the Hour, also lowered into the water. The speed of sound in water at 8 ° C was equal to 1435 m / s.

Slide 6.

It is interesting in warm air escupus spreads faster than in cold through the steel pipe the sound passes in 20 faster than in the air sound waves cross the football field for a quarter second in the raw air the sound is faster

Slide 7.

Scout aircraft can fly faster sound. They exceed the speed of sound, which produce, and sound waves from them are going to the shock wave. Cotton you hear on Earth testifies to overcoming sound barrier. Faster sound

Slide 8.

Sound waves are not infinite. They gradually fade, that is, lose energy. But the sound can be reflected from solid and smooth surfaces. The reflected sound is called echo. Echo

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Lesson of the wave

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We are surrounded by the world of sounds: musical instruments. Voices of people. Noise of transport. Bird sounds. And animals. We are seeing echo. What is the sound? The human ear can perceive elastic waves with a frequency of about 16 Hz to 20 kHz. Animals as a sound perceive waves of other frequencies. What is the sound source? Source Sound - oscillating body. There are both natural and artificial sound sources. One of the artificial sound sources is Cameton. Shore to configure musical instruments. Cameton is a curved metal rod with a middle holder. - wave lesson.ppt.

Sound waves

Slides: 7 Words: 146 Sounds: 1 Effects: 16

Sound wave. Timbre. Tone. Volume. Sound waves - elastic waves in a medium causing auditory hairstyles. The frequency of oscillations of sound waves lies in the range from 16 Hz to 20 kHz. The process of propagation of sound waves. Sound characteristics. Volume - the energy level in sound - is measured in decibels. The timbre of sound is determined by the total of tones. Additional tones (overtones) are superimposed on the main tone. The timbre is a subjective characteristic of perception, as a whole reflecting the peculiarity of the sound. Piano. Clarinet. - Sound waves.ppt.

Waves and oscillations

Slides: 9 words: 33 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Standing waves. Fashion oscillations. For arbitrary N\u003e 1, the corresponding mode of oscillations is called the N-th harmonic or N-M Operton. Recall that own oscillations can occur in various environments. The arrows marked the direction of movement of gas molecules at the moment of time. Sound waves. Consider the process of occurrence and and perception of sound waves. Sound waves - elastic waves in a medium causing auditory hairstyles. A special area of \u200b\u200bphysics is devoted to the study of sound - acoustics. Spreading sound waves. Prerequisite propagation of sound waves - availability material environment. - Waves and oscillations.ppt

Sound sound waves

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And the snow crunch! And the crucible campfire! And metal singing and ringing saws and ax! Pooh M. Ivensen "Music". Theme of the lesson: "Sources of sound. Sound phenomena. " Frontal survey. Sounds are our unchanged satellites. The field of physics in which sound phenomena is studied is called across the battle. Find out the causes of sound. Receivers of sound waves. Natural. Artificial. Ear structure. Technical sound receivers. Sound sources. Source of human voice. Sound propagation rate. Sound speed in various media, m / s (at t \u003d 20 s). A task. The speed of the wings is different. - Sound Sound Waves.PPT

Sound waves lesson

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Topic: Sound Waves. Physics lesson. Physics grade 8. Work on cards. Substance? 4. Give examples of the sources of the waves. 6. In which environments are longitudinal waves? Transverse? A - liquid b - solid in - gaseous. 7. What are waves on the water? Theme lesson: sound waves. The purpose of the lesson: equipment. Taketon metal line wave machine. Sound frequency 0.

Sound waves physics

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Sound waves. In the world of sounds. Sound characteristics. Musical sounds. Infra and ultrasound. Methodical manual in physics. Output. Acoustics. Sound. Sound sources. Sound receivers. Sound perception by man. Plan. Biology. Physics. Acoustic waves. Infra. Ultra. Frequency. The object of studying acoustics. Susceptibility to sounds. Artificial and natural. Fork. Standard Tambleton issues a wave with a frequency of 440 Hz. The source of thunder during a thunderstorm is a powerful electric discharge. Elastic medium. Solid. Liquid. Gaseous. Longitudinal. Transverse. Waves. Aristotle. - Sound waves physics.ppt

Mechanical Waves, Sound

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Mechanical waves. Lecture plan. Mechanical waves. Wave distribution scheme. Wave characteristics. Phase and group speeds. Differential wave equation. Wavelength. Flow energy waves. Volumetric energy density. Energy flow density (intensity). Vector Ukova. Physical bases of biological acoustics. Energy characteristics of sound. Sound or acoustic pressure. The connection of the intensity and acoustic pressure. Types of sounds. Objective sound characteristics. Acoustic spectra. Sound as a psychophysical phenomenon. Characteristics of the auditory (subjective) sensation. - Mechanical Waves, Sound.PPT

Sound waves physics Grade 9

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Sound waves. Creative name. The world of sounds is so diverse, rich, is beautiful, diverse ... the fundamental question. Is it possible to understand the audience? Problem question. Sound is a friend or enemy? About the project. Project goals. Educational: to actualize and expand knowledge under the section "Mechanical oscillations and waves. Sound "(physics grade 9). Developing: promote the development of thought activity of students. Educational: contribute to the formation of communicative qualities, careful attitude towards their health. Annotation. This project is devoted to sound waves. Meet the characteristic of sound - the timbre, with inland sounds (infrasound and ultrasound). - Sound waves Physics Grade 9.PPT

Spreading sound waves

Slides: 29 Words: 1229 Sounds: 0 Effects: 110

Sound waves. What is the sound. Two main aspects. Sound. The world of sounds. With the help of speech, people communicate. Mechanical elastic waves. Cause of sound appearance. Environmental fluctuations. Sound sources. Knowledge of sound. Information transfer tool. Sound is a means of sharing information. Music and noise. An object. The sound has the properties to overeat obstacles. Sound transmission. Question. Sound has a definite speed. Spreading sound waves. Sound wave. Sound speed. Distance to source. Why echo you can not always hear. Predictable phenomenon. Assumption. - distribution of sound waves.ppt

Sound Wave Speed \u200b\u200bSound

Slides: 8 Words: 325 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Sound waves. Sound speed. The sound applies very quickly, but not infinite. Sound speed can be measured. Sound wave has a certain speed. The speed of sound can be measured and calculated ... ... by the lagging of thunder from the flash of lightning. Measurement of sound speed in water. In 1826, the coldladon and assault produced the next experience on the Geneva lake. The speed of sound in water at 8 ° C was equal to 1435 m / s. Scout aircraft can fly faster sound. Cotton you hear on Earth testifies to overcoming sound barrier. Faster sound. Sound waves are not infinite. - Sound waves Speed \u200b\u200bSound.PPT

Reflection of sound waves

Slides: 10 Words: 921 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Reflection of sound. What is the reflection of sound? As a rule, O. s. accompanied by the formation of refracted waves in the second environment. Private case O. s. - reflection from a free surface. Otherwise, sound scattering or sound diffraction occurs. . Reflection of flat waves. Echo. Sound echo - reflected sound. Types of echo. Practical applications. Echo is a significant interference for audio recordings. Reflection of sound in the halls. Went, focusing walls create particularly adverse effects. -

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