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After the abnormally warm January, which will enter the climatic history, as the most warm second month of the calendar winter for all the time of meteorism, in February the weather will make an unexpected reversal. According to weather forecasters, in a number of Russian regions, snowfall and almost 40-degree frosts are expected to be significantly cold.

Weather in February in the Urals

So, according to the forecast of weather forecasters, strongly foster in the last winter month of the calendar winter in the Urals, where the average temperature will be minus 14-16, which is 2-4 degrees below the climate norm of February. At the same time, as meteorologists assume, the entire region will fall in snow - it is expected that 25-45 mm will fall out, which is more than usual.

The very snow and frost will be the first decade of February. For example, in Yekaterinburg, where until the end of January will remain a high temperature background (minus 2-7), in the period from 3 to 10 February, the blocks of thermometers will go down sharply - to "-" 17-22, and after midnight and will hit 30- Degree frosts.

A little warmer, according to the forecast of weather forecasters, in the first half of the month will be in Chelyabinsk and Magnitogorsk, where even in the night clock weather degrees will not show less than 13-18. In the afternoon, the air temperature will be "-" 8-12. Winter will end with another weather turn - the air will cool until 20-25 frost, during the day - it will boil up to 15-17 degrees of cold.

Weather forecast for February in Siberia

The weather will make an unexpected reversal and throughout Siberia, where according to the long-term weather observation, the climate situation in February is much more comfortable than in January. But this year, according to the forecast of weather forecasters, everything will be different.

For example, in the first decade of the month, a powerful cooling is expected in the Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal Territory, as well as in the Chita and Irkutsk regions - the average temperature of February here will be "-" 17-19, which is 5-6 degrees below the norm. At the same time, February from the real Siberian frosts will begin - the air will cool until minus 30, at night - to 38 degrees of frost. By the middle of the month, weak snow will fall, and the day, according to the forecast for February, the weather will become much warmer, about minus 12-17.

Cold in February will also be in Novosibirsk, Tomka, Omsk and Kemerovo regions. In the period from February 1 to 15, weather forecasters predict the day of minus 20-25, at night - up to 33 degrees of frost. In the second half of February, snowfall is expected. But it will be much warmer: day - minus 4-8, at night - minus 10-15. Winter will end in Siberia almost spring weather - the weather forecasters are predicted from zero to minus 5, at night - minus 5-10.

Weather in the North-West Federal District. Forecast of weather forecasters for February

According to the forecast of weather forecasters, colder in the last month of the calendar winter will be throughout the North-West federal District. It is expected that the average air temperature in February-2020 here will be 12-19 degrees of frost, which is 3-5 degrees below the climatic norm.

According to the weather forecast, the strongest frosts will hit Komi. Here, according to weather forecasters, in the first half of the month can foster up to minus 35-38. Also cold, frosty, while snowy weather is expected in the Murmansk region - at night, the degrees will show minus 13-22.

But quite comfortable weather is expected in February in the Kaliningrad region. In the first half of the month, small precipitation in the form of snow is predicted here, and the daily temperature will be minus 5-10, the day can fool up to minus 15. Starting from February 15-16 and before the beginning of March, the weather in the Kaliningrad region will make a sharp turn - the air will warm up Up to plus 5-8, it is possible to rain. However, at night, the thermometer columns will continue to fall below zero and on sidewalks and roads is possible morningast.

Weather in Moscow. Exact forecast of weather forecasters for February

In Moscow, according to weather forecasts, frosty weather is also expected in February - the average monthly temperature, according to weather forecasters, will be minus 5-7. At the beginning of the month, the capital will cover heavy snowfall, the day will be 2-5 degrees of frost. After February 11-12, small precipitation will be held, but already in the form of wet snow and rain, the daily temperature background will rise to plus 2-4.

In the 20th of February, the sediments in the metropolitan region will stop, and the weather will again make an unexpected and very steep turn. According to the long-term forecast of meteorologists, for several days in Moscow and the region sharply grinds, even at night, even up to minus 15-17, which was not all winter. IN the last days The cloudy weather is expected to be cloudy weather with snow, but with a more comfortable temperature background - minus 2-4 days and 5-6 degrees of frost at night.

Weather forecast for St. Petersburg for February

Compared to abnormally, warm jarus will significantly cool in February in St. Petersburg, where the average monthly temperature will be minus 5-6, and the amount of precipitation may exceed the norm - 30-40 mm. Frosty weather will last in St. Petersburg for at least the middle of the month. How weather forecasters warn, on some days it will be very cold, especially at night, when the columns of thermometers will be devastated to 20 degrees of frost. After February 17-18, the breath of spring will begin to be felt - the air will warm up to the plus 4-6 day. At the same time, freezing is possible at night.

Winter 2016-2017 in Russia will be frosty, dry and sunny. In December, frosts from -5 -11 ° C are expected during the day to -11 -20 ° C at night. The coldest will be the beginning of the month. In the first quarter of December a lot of snow will fall. In January, the air temperature drops to -12 -22 ° C during the day and -19 -26 ° C at night, the precipitation will be a bit. In the first half of February, strong blizzards and frosts are predicted to -28 ° C during the day and up to -32 ° C at night. At the end of the month warmer to -8 ° C during the day and -14 ° C at night, there will be little precipitation.

December 2016.

December will be moderately frosty. At the beginning of the month, the average air temperature will be from -10 ° C in the afternoon to -18 -20 ° C at night. In the first quarter of December, heavy snowfall are expected, and the temperature drops by 3-5 degrees. In the middle of the month, the thermometer column will show -5 -7 ° C during the day and -11 -13 ° C at night. In late December, small snowfall are expected. Air temperature will be -9 -11 ° C during the day and -14 ° C at night.

January 2017.

At the beginning of the month are expected non-snowfall. The average air temperature will be -12 -14 ° C during the day and -19 ° C at night. After January 17, it creates 6-7 degrees for several days. At the end of the month there will be no big precipitation. The thermometer column will show -20 -22 ° C during the day and -2266 ° C at night.

February 2017.

In the last month of winter, severe frosts are expected. The thermometer column can drop to -26 -28 ° C during the day and up to -32 ° C at night. At the end of February, the weather will be softer. Large precipitation is not expected. The average air temperature will be -8 -10 ° C during the day and -14 -16 ° C at night.

What will be the weather in the winter of 2016-2017 in the regions of Russia

Moscow and Moscow region

Weather in winter in Moscow and the Moscow region are expected to be 2-4 degrees warmer than in the rest of Russia.

December will be cold and snowy. Frosts are expected to -25 ° C. The average air temperature will be -15 -20 ° C. In the second half of the month there will be severe snowfall. In December, strong gusts of wind, blizzards are possible.

In the first half of January, soft weather is expected. The average air temperature will be -15 -17 ° C. Big preciputes are not foreseen. In January 15-18, strong gusts of wind and snowfall are possible. After baptism, "Winter will calm down", and the weather will work out.

In February, the weather will be soft and tender. The average air temperature will be -5 -10 ° C. At night, the thermometer column can be lowered to -20 ° C. Strong precipitation is not foreseen. Possible long winds.

St. Petersburg and Leningrad region

Residents of St. Petersburg and the region expect a soft and warm winter. The average air temperature in December will be from 0 ° C to -6 ° C at night. In January, the thermometer will show -4 -8 ° C day and -12 ° C at night. February will be snowy and non-cool - from -6 -8 ° C day to -8 -10 ° C at night.


Strong snowfall is expected on the Polar and Polar Urals. In early December and January, the thermometer column drops to -25 ° C. In February there will be no strong frosts.

In the north of the Urals, the average air temperature in winter 2016-2017 will be -33 ° C. There will be no gusts of strong wind. In early February, protracted snowfall and warming are expected.

On the Middle Urals December will be moderately cold and sunny. In January, a slight cooling is expected. The thermometer column will show -15 -24 ° C. In early February, it warms up to -7 ° C, and in the middle of the month it creates, and snowfall will come.

In the southern part of the Urals, the beginning of December will delight relatively warm weather. In the 20th of the month, it creates up to -8 ° Happy and up to -20 ° at night. January will be sunny and low. Such weather will remain until mid-February. Then a few cloudy and cold days are predicted. At the end of the month warmer.

Kuban (Krasnodar Territory)

Residents of the Krasnodar Territory expect a soft and warm winter. In December there will be little precipitation. Air temperature will be from -6 ° at night to +5 ° afternoon. Such weather will remain until mid-January. Then small frosts will be alternating with thaws. At the end of the month, severe snowfall and ice are possible. The thermometer column will show from -12 ° at night to 0 ° afternoon. In February, frosty weather, abundant and tightening snowfall are predicted.

Novosibirsk and Novosibirsk region

The inhabitants of Novosibirsk and the field in the winter expects frosty, windy and unstable weather. The average day air temperature in December will be -1 -13 ° C, night -3 -15 ° C. Until the middle of January, there will be a little precipitation. After baptism, strong snowfalls are predicted with blizzards, gusts of strong wind and ice. The thermometer column in January drops to -10 -30 ° C day and up to -38 ° at night. Stronger frosts will come after Christmas. In February, unstable weather is predicted. The air temperature ranges from -45 ° at night to -29 ° F. Possible heavy snowfall.


Cold and snowy winter is expected in Siberia. In December, the average air temperature will be -15 ° C. The precipitation will be small. On the eve of the new year, heavy snowfall will begin, and the thermometer column will rise to -10 ° C. In the first half of January, frosts are expected to -20 -25 ° C, and in the second - warming up to -15 ° C and abundant precipitation. Winter in February will be snowy and soft. The thermometer column will fall at least -15 ° C.


Residents Volgograd I. Volgograd region Waiting for a cold winter. In December, frosts, snowfalls, blizzards are predicted. The air temperature will be fluctuated between -4 ° C and -10 ° C. In early January, sharply grinds. In the 10th of the month, a short thaw will come, which will lead to ice. Then grows again. The air temperature in January will vary between +5 ° C and -17 ° C. February will bring tightening snowfall and blizzards. The air temperature will vary between +1 ° C and -21 ° C.

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