If our planet makes Kuwar, which consequences. Scientists predict the revolution of the planet

There are currently a lot of information about what happened quite recently, (well, or not so long ago) of a global catastrophe (or even a few). The reasons are called a lot. This is from the fall of the asteroid (as an example is the Faroese Astroble), one of the Luna of the Earth, until the shelling of the Earth is super-hand with space orbit. Explicit evidence: young forests of Russia (not older than 200-250 years), village deposits, clay, soup covering the entire planet, cards shown on them by other climates and systems of unknown now rivers.
One of the possible causes of the World Flood, the planetary cataclysm is the so-called Dzhanibekov effect:

Janibekova's effect is an interesting opening of our time. Double Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General Vladimir Alexandrovich Janibekov deservedly considered the most experienced cosmonaut of the USSR. He made the greatest number of flights - five, all as the commander of the ship. Vladimir Alexandrovich owns the discovery of one curious effect called by his name - so-called. The effect of Janibekova, who was discovered in 1985, during its fifth flight on the ship "Union T-13" and the Salyut-7 orbital station (June 6 - September 26, 1985).

The effect of Janibekova is in the strange behavior of the flying rotating body in weightlessness. When the cosmonauts unpackled the cargo delivered to orbit, they had to unscrew the so-called "lamb" - nuts with ears. It is worth hitting the "lamb"'s hand, and he himself is spinning. Then, unwinding to the end and jumping from a threaded rod, the nut continues, rotating, fly on inertia in weightlessness (approximately like a flying rotating propeller). So, Vladimir Alexandrovich remarked that she was flying about 40 centimeters to the ears forward, the Nut suddenly performs a sudden coup 180 degrees and continues to fly in the same direction, but already ears back and turning back to the other side. Then, again flying centimeters 40, the nut again makes the squirrel at 180 degrees and continues to fly again with the ears forward, as for the first time and so on. Janibekov repeatedly repeated the experiment, and the result was consistently repeated. In general, the rotating nut, flying in weightlessness, performs sharp 180-degree periodic coups every 43 centimeters. He also tried to use other items instead of the nut, for example, a plasticine ball with a ripped to him with a regular nut, which in the same way flewing a certain distance, performed the same sudden coup.

The effect is really curious. After its discovery, as usual, dozens of various explanations of the effect of Janibekov appeared. It was not without frightening apocalyptic forecasts. Many began to say that our planet is essentially the same rotating plasticine ball or "lamb" flying in weightlessness. And that the earth periodically makes such alder. Someone even called the period of time: the turnover of the earth's axis occurs once every 12 thousand years. And that, they say, the last time the planet made a squirrel in the era of mammoths and soon it is scheduled for such a coup - maybe tomorrow, and maybe in a few years - as a result of which the pole changes will be changed on Earth and the cataclysms will occur on Earth.

The correct explanation of the effect of Janibekova is as follows. The fact is that the speed of rotation of the "Barashka" is relatively small, so it is in an unstable state (as opposed to a gyroscope, which rotates faster and therefore has a stable orientation in space and the battlement is not threatened). Nut, in addition to the main axis of rotation, also rotates around two other spatial axes with an order of magnitude lower (secondary movements). As a result of the influence of these secondary movements, over time, a change in the main axis of rotation gradually occurs (precession is enhanced), and when it (i.e., the angle of inclination) reaches a critical value, the system makes kuwrock (like a pendulum that has changed the direction of oscillation).

Are the Earth like the Earth similar apocalyptics? Most probably not. First, the center of gravity "lamb", like a plasticine ball with a nut, is significantly shifted along the axis of rotation, which cannot be said about our planet, which is not an ideal ball, but more or less balanced. And, secondly, the value of the magnitudes of the inertia of the Earth and the size of the precession of the Earth (oscillations of the rotation axis) allow it to be resistant as a gyroscope, and not tumbling like a Janibekian nut.

(The precession of the earth's axis is equal to about 50 seconds (1 angular second \u003d 1/3600 degrees) - it is extremely not enough to tumble in space).

The experience was confirmed by other cosmonauts:

Watch with 5min 10c

Conclusions. If the rotating body does not have a strictly correct geometric shape and the axis of the rotation of the body makes rotational movements, then at a certain point it makes "Kuvoke".
If you remember the ancient epic on the worldwide, that is, the references that at that moment the side of the world changed places. The sun was not at the wrong place several times. I assume that the impact was applied to the surface of the Earth, which affected the spatial arrangement of the axis of rotation. The land performed "Kuvoke", huge tsunamis swept over the surface. Then everything was stubbered. What was the impact? Drop asteroid? Displacement of the insides of the planet due to driving past something massive, past the star of nemens, Nibiru? Either over the planet parade? I also want to assume that the moon stabilizes the rotation of the Earth, does not give it to modernize, or moves this moment for a longer time.
I do not exclude further a global catastrophe when something happened across the continent or part of it. Especially in the database

The author of these lines is a fan of fundamental works E.P. Blavatskaya and at the same time has the formation of an astronomer physicist, although at present and not working actively in science (it was in the first to give years at the end of the university in 1970, when he was M.N.S. on astronomical observatives). Currently, I work as a teacher of physics and astronomy in high school.
ON THE. Larznova (Simferopol), working on the article on the terms of cataclysms and related shifts on the Earth described by E.P. Blavatskaya in the "Secret Doctrine", requested me with a request to give his assessment about the possibility of changing the orientation of the axis of rotation of the Earth in space, from the point of view of modern science (Art. N.A. Large "continent", see "TD", №№ 15, 16/2008 - Ed.). The fact is that in this book E.P. Blavatskaya refers to the change of earthly poles (the tumble of the axis of rotation in the space 180 °) every ... 1,080,000 years! And this process lasts about ... 500,000 years!
If you stand in the positions of modern physics and astronomy, you can immediately say that Blavatskaya is the creator of myths, having nothing in common with the science and real physical world. Well, indeed, we know from the mechanics of rotation of the solid body, from the astronomy, such a phenomenon as precession (with the imposition of governing oscillations of the earth's rotation axis), describing about 26,000 years in the cone space with an angle at the top of about 47 °. The cause of the phenomenon is associated with the compression of the body of the Earth in the poles, so the equatorial protrusions appear (see Fig. 1). If the sun (moon) is in the direction of TS, then the protrusion is lower and the gravitational force on its part will be greater than on the ledge at the same time in (see work).
The equally applied these forces is no longer applied to the center of the Earth T, so that around the axis perpendicular to the drawing plane passing through the point T, the rotational moment arises, which, according to the law of rotation of the wolf, will lead to the movement of the axis of the RR Earth's rotation from ... the drawing plane to observer (see Fig. 2, work).
We emphasize that the associated population movement of the world will be in the heavenly sphere not around the circumference, but about the sinusoidal curve, with a small amplitude - the manifestation of the nation! And the outragees here are the moon (to a greater extent) and the sun!
Here, in fact, everything that can only cause the precession, but there are no rod axis there, and even 180 °! Of course, we immediately reject the tangent strikes of asteroids by the body of the planet, for such terrible targets repeating through constant collision time intervals are simply not conceivable! And there would be no 500,000 years old in this case.

However, the situation looks completely different if you become a point of view of the model of the essential structure of the substance! Ether theory Modern science rejects. But there are many supporters of the existence of ether and in a scientific environment.
We quote the work of the author V.A. Azjukovsky, which is one of the most authoritative specialists in this area:
"The work shows that the broadcast is a world environment that fills world space is a building material for all without exception of the species; The movement of this medium is manifested in the form of the corresponding power fields, and it is the usual real, i.e. viscous and compressible gas. The density of the ether in the near-earth space is 8.85x10-12 kg / m3, the pressure in it is more than 2x1032 Pa, the viscosity is negligible than the disappearing small effect on the movement of the planets (enemy ethics as evidence of its absence is used exactly! ). But as a result of large internal pressure at large speed gradients, large pressure differences may occur and, accordingly, large forces ... ".
Next there:
"... Therefore, all the masses, in particular, all cosmic bodies - stars, sun, planets and their satellites continuously from the moment of their formation absorb the ether. Since the ether does not undergo adiabatic changes during its advancement (the volume of the mass remains unchanged), then it falls on the surface of the mass as a solid, and this means that the ether is included in the surface of this mass with the second space rate equal to the Sun 610 km / s, for the Earth - 11.18 km / s, and for the moon - 1.68 km / s. Thus, on the surface of the Earth there is a stream of ether entering the ground at the specified speed. This circumstance leads to significant distortions of the boundary layer of ether, flowing down the land, resulting in the surface of the earth the horizontal component of the velocity of the ether wind is not equal to zero, as it would be if the earth would not absorb the ether of the surrounding space ... ".
As indicated by the ester absorbed leads to an increase in the mass of the Earth with a constant density. And this means that the size of the planet ... increase! But this is stated in the "Secret Doctrine"
(Fig. 3)! For those who want to reduce ends with the ends, I propose to study the calculations in the rate of increasing the radius of the Earth, its surface area, continents, and so on to relate this data with the terms and values \u200b\u200bthat are indicated in the book E.P. Blavatskaya.
We will return to work. Developing its ideas, V.A. Azjukovsky comes to the idea of \u200b\u200ba cycle of ether in the universe, through the galaxies! For example, in spiral galaxies, the ether is absorbed by the sleeves in the core, where ... proton gas is formed! Next, he must leave the core, which is experimentally fixed by astronomers!
Now we approached the most important thing for us.
It turns out that the Earth, as well as the Sun with the rest of the planets, enters the galactic stream of ether moving at a speed of about 400 km / s in the direction, almost perpendicular to the plane of the ecliptic. And the earth's axis is not perpendicular to it, but, as is well known, tilted at an angle of 66.5 °. Those. The land is blown by the ether wind, the direction of movement of which is not parallel to the earth's axis, which is very important for justifying the causes of the bodywork of the earth's axis in space (Fig. 4)!
Then the author says:
"If the ball is blown by the gas flow, then on the surface of the ball, the pressure on the side of this thread will be different in various areas. In the frontal part under the direct impact of the stream impact, the gas pressure will be increased. On Earth, this corresponds to the region of the Northern Ocean, the continent can not penetrate here: the increased pressure of the ether in this area will move them. Next, the ethereal flow is flowing around the ball. The speed gradient is formed in the border layer, and therefore reduced pressure. This will lead to the fact that from the areas of higher pressure in the southern hemisphere, the mainland will gradually be shown in the area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure in the northern hemisphere, which will be somewhat more elongated compared to the southern hemisphere.
The presence of an attached vortex in the southern pole area will lead to a decrease in the temperature of the ether, and therefore, to a decrease in pressure on the air in this area, which will contribute to the displacement of one of the mainland in this area. "
Thus, the growth of the Earth, in the literal sense of the word, is simply inevitable! Asymmetry of the flow of ether relative to the axis of rotation of it, the appearance of new continents (huge masses!) Changes the orientation of the main axes of the body inertia and the value of the inertia's moment component along these axes relative to the axis of the earth's rotation! And in the theory of rotation of the solid, as is well known, it is said that the steady rotation will either be about the axis with the maximum component value, or with the minimum value of the component of the inertia! Here is the search for these two states and leads, in our opinion, to the tumble of the axis of rotation of the Earth - as a transition to a steady state of rotation! And since the process of the growth of the earth is stretched over time, then the axis movement itself is also a temporary process!

So, in my deep conviction, what is written in the book "The Secret Doctrine" E.P. Blavatskaya, as scientifically, as the most modern science itself! I am happy that I was at the junction of two unrecognized "modern science" of works - the theory of Ether V.A. Azjukovsky and "Secret Doctrine" E.P. Blavatskaya, in which a set of experimental facts has been collected over the past few million years !!! They actually confirm how many other "paradoxes of modern science", the rightness of supporters of the ether!
Of course, I do not understand the role of modern science in the knowledge of the universe! But, turning to certain scientific clans in the craft for making money, dubious glory, the implementation of the ambitions of the strengths of this world and individual "scientists", it has fallen in attractiveness, romanticism for people with a clean conscience and soul - those people whom the highest mind could, through Intuition, entrust the most intimate secrets of the universe!
I believe that over time it is through the facts set forth in the work of E.P. Blavat, science will have to revise their foundations! Yes, and the theory of ether must take them into account!

Vladimir Polobyov
[Email Protected]

1. D.V. Strong. Introduction to astrometry (the main issues of spherical astronomy). Ed. "The science". Moscow. Leningrad. 1966.
2. Sat. Articles / Ed. V.A. Azjukovsky. - M. Energoatomizdat, 1993.
3. Azjukovsky V.A. Total esterodynamics. Modeling the structures of the substance and fields based on the representations of gas like air. - M.: Energoatomizdat, 1990


Recently, the television broadcast literally flooded the transfer and programs foreshadowed a series of planetary and space catastrophes in the near future, which are able to erase humanity from the face of the entire planet in the shortest possible time. "It may happen at any time!", "Approve the leading and participants of such programs, describing the terrible scripts of the apocalypse, from which any sensible person's hair begin to move on the head.

I will make a reservation immediately - I do not address the number of unrestrained optimists who can make fun over similar subjects and do not take it seriously. But also to the content of such televersions of the end of the world, I try to treat pragmatically, considering them as important food for further reflection.

In this small publication I will try to bring a small interim result of such reflections. Under the apple tree, I was not sitting, and the apple did not fall on my head (not another season). And, nevertheless, maybe someone will be interested in reasoning designated here.

So, in one of the TV shows (perhaps, these were "secret signs" on TV-3) described about the so-called "effect of Janibekov". Our astronauts, being in Earth orbit, found that any item fluently moving along an arbitrary trajectory in weightlessness, for inexplicably reasons, with a certain regularity makes a complex squirrel around its axis. It was impossible to assume that all the largest planetary catastrophes that took place with our planet during her existence with enviable periodicity were attracted by the cardinal climate change, the death of civilizations, caused a cardinal turn of evolution, could be associated with this "effect of Janibekov" - land , change of geographical, magnetic poles and consequences caused by these truly apocalyptic phenomena.

On the impressionable people, it is necessary to say 100%. Hitting what is called, "ten". Humanity now lives with a pistol descended to a temple, which can shoot at any time. However, no possible hidden massive psychosis and its consequences are interested in the author of these lines.

The experiments that were discussed and which were shown in the television program were carried out with a round subject consisting of a homogeneous substance (something like a plasticine ball). The spectacle is really fascinating: the ball moves in weightlessness in a straight line evenly and evenly, and suddenly, without any influence from the side, makes a complex known (something like the "eight"), and then continues to continue to move on. And again - Kuvoke - Movement - Kuvoke - Movement (see Figure 1). The rhythmic change of these states without any visible reasons, at a minimum, indicates that we know about the properties of the space around us and the forces acting in it still disappearing little.

However, does this effect apply to our planet? In a word, whether to get used to us full with all the ensuing consequences?

Assumption 1st.
Experience at the space station was carried out with the subject of a homogeneous substance, while our land consists of a substance of different density: a relatively solid metal core floats in a molten magma, like a chicken yolk in chicken protein of a raw egg. A good mistress knows how to determine - a raw egg or it is welded by screwing. You need to turn the egg on the table. Boiled will be twisted, and raw - quickly stops, because the yolk, hanging in the squirrel, will prevent this rotation, "hosted" him.
Of all the above "CULINARY" example, I dare to make the first conclusion: the metal kernel in the center of the Earth is a kind of balanced regulator, which will not allow the planet to make Kuvoker (after all, there are forces that cause a similar effect) or at least significantly reduce the consequences Similar knuckle.

The same principle of oscillation deviations were used in the construction of Taiwanese skyscraper Taipei. Between the 87th and 91st floors of this 101-storey building with a total height of 500 m, a 660-ton steel ball was suspended on the cable, which serves as an inertial damper of oscillations and contributes to greater stability of the building during earthquake or hurricanes.

Assumption 2nd.
The experience was carried out at the space station not just with a small subject, but also at such a small period of its movement, which allows you to consider it as a movement along a strictly straight line, and what is important, considering gravitational influence as a permanent, uniform factor (intervals between the knuckles occur more often What changes the position of the subject relative to the dominant gravitational fields (see Figure 1).

When we consider the movement of the Earth around the Sun along the elliptical orbit, we will see that with the position of the Earth, at different points of the orbits, the strength of gravity acts mainly on different points of the earth's surface (see Figure 2). In addition, we will have to take into account the combination for the merger of centrifugal and centripetal forces, which is clearly not observed when the small body moves inside the space station space (again Figure 1).

For example: a person on the ground surface is sufficiently small compared to the entire planet, so its surface is not perceived as a sphere, but as a plane. If a person takes a bowl with a diameter, for example, 10 m, the ratio between the sizes between the person and the size of the ball will not be neglected, and the person will perceive the surface of the ball as the sphere.

Of all the above mentioned, I dare to assume that the "Effect of Janibekov" open by our astronauts is not applicable to all coordination systems and should take into account changes in the position of the body relative to the dominant center of attraction in the event that the relationship between the body and the dominant attraction center cannot be neglected.

P / S /
However, the astronomical fact known to everyone from school that the earth's axis is not static, but constantly fluctuates, perhaps, is the manifestation of the "Dzhanibekov effect" on the scale of the entire planet.

(Drawings will be added later)


Equations describing the rotational movement and related "complex cottages" are removed in the XVIII century. Euler. Theory can be read here:

LD Landau, E.M. Lifshitz. Theoretical physics. T. 1. Mechanics. M.: Science, 1973 (paragraph 37 - asymmetric top).

So no mysticism in the effect of Janibekov is not. You can be sure that the earth does not threaten this effect.

Researchers from the United States report that the Northern Magnetic Pole of the Earth shifts to Russia, or rather - to Taimyr. His arrival on the peninsula is expected in 30-40 years. Siberians can be envied: the polar shine will become an ordinary spectacle for them.

But if it were limited to only a slight drift of the magnetic pole, this news would remain in the heading "And now about the weather." However, scientist forecasts are stunned: some of them say not only about the shift of magnetic poles, but also about changing the poles of geographical. That is, about the upcoming coup of the earth!

Calls on Taimyr

From different regions of the planet come reports about the strange behavior of birds. Observers make the feeling that, having confused in flocks, the feathers do not know where to fly. As you know, birds are focused on the power lines of the magnetic field of the Earth. The derivation of scientists: the geomagnetic field undergoes some changes.

In principle, the magnetic poles are never in strictly specified points. The liquid metal core of the Earth is constantly moving. It is it that forms the magnetic field of the planet, which, by the way, protects us from cosmic radiation. During the 20th century, the northern magnetic pole was located in the Canadian archipelago area, shifting about 10 km per year towards the geographical pole. Now the speed of his drift has increased to 50 km a year. Simple calculations show: if it goes further, by the middle of the century the magnetic pole will cross the Northern Arctic Ocean and reaches the Northern Earth archipelago. And there before Taimyr not far.

The South Pole is also not worth it. It turns out that he seeks to change places with the North. For 4.5 billion years of the existence of the planet, this happened more than once. In the language of geophysics, the process is called a magnetic field inversion. The phenomenon is rare, mankind in his entire history has never found him. It is assumed that the last time the inversion was 780 thousand years ago, and the view of Homo Sapiens was formed about 200 thousand years ago.

About previous inversions of the magnetic field, scientists learned, examining the frozen volcanic lava. As it turned out, at the time of solidification, it retains its magnetization, that is, it allows you to set the direction and magnitude of the magnetic field. In essence, the lava consists of tiny magnets, which indicate where the north and south are located. As it turned out, layers of lava, having different magnetization, alternate, replacing each other.

Most researchers believe that the process of changing the magnetic poles is stretched by the Millennium. And the North Pole will get to Antarctica not earlier than in 2 thousand years. But when the magnetic shield of the planet will weaken (and at some point it will happen), humanity will be before the threat of solar radiation. In addition to obvious harm to health, electromagnetic radiation will lead to failures in the work of navigation equipment and communication systems.

The effect of Janibekova

On June 25, 1985, Soviet cosmonaut Vladimir Janibekov unpackled the cargo delivered from the ground on the Salute-7 orbital station. Radically cooling the lamb nut, he watched her threaded and, spinning, swam in weightlessness. After a dozen-other centimeters, the Nut sharply turned over 180 degrees and began to rotate in the other direction.

Janibekov was impressed. He conducted his own experiment: blinded from plasticine ball, shifting his center of gravity with the help of cargo (the same nut). Moving in weightlessness, the ball turned over several times and changed the direction of rotation.

Such an unstable behavior of the body of an asymmetric form was later called the effect of Janibekov. In principle, it is described by the laws of classical mechanics and no secret for physicists. But let's imagine that the plasticine ball is the model of our planet, which shall be in outer space, rotating around its axis. Can she roll over?

It is appropriate here: the earth is almost the perfect spherical shape, except that the poles are slightly slightly. There is no asymmetry of the celestial body and speech. It's right. But it is true only in terms of the appearance of our planet. But what about it inside?

It is difficult to believe in it, but modern science has a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bhow the land of the earth looks at a depth of over 3000. km. There are only theoretical models and hypotheses built on indirect data.

Kuvoke in space

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Igor Belozørov For many years, he has defended the theory, according to which the core of the Earth consists of a "neutron substance". This is super-density matter, in which the structure of the atom is impaired.

Heart of land. What do we know about the structure of the core of our planet?
"Earth's core constantly emits neutrons that turn into hydrogen. It actively interacts with the environment, launching a whole chain of the transformation of the substance, "says Igor Belozørov. - This phenomenon is called the hydrogen degassing of the Earth. But in relation to the effect of Janibekov, the other is important. According to the theory, the core of our planet is much more dense than its periphery. More densely for several orders. And the gravity of the Earth is created by its core: the rest of the planet can be neglected. And then the main question arises: what is the shape of the core? If it is strictly spherical, it is one. And if it is wrong, asymmetrical? Then the core has an imbalance that can lead to the effect of Janibekov: the turn of the planet. "

If you believe in these satellites measuring the gravitational field of the Earth, it is really heterogeneous: somewhere the gravity is higher, somewhere below. This means that the core of the planet is not an ideal ball. It also means that the third is the third heavenly body, our cradle of life, where the number of Homo Sapiens reached 7.6 billion individuals, at any time it can simply turn over in space. Make kuwrock.

And this scenario will be more involuntary than a collision with some asteroid. After all, the whole world ocean will come from such a knuckle.

Have you heard of the World Flood?

Back in 1985, immediately after the discovery by Vladimir Janibekov his famous effect, there was an attempt to tie it with the coup of the axis of our planet. Changing the position of the magnetic pole speaks of the displacement of the kernel. Mathematical model of the process, analysis of the situation in historical myths and prophecies of the peoples of the Earth, foreshadow the inevitable event when we see the sunrise in the West!

"Science only then achieves perfection when she succeeds in using mathematics" Karl Marx

The effect of Janibekova

In 1985, at the station "Salyut-7", engaged in unloading the transport ship, Vladimir Janibekov unloaded the fastening lambs, which were screwed down the tapes holding containers for laying things sent into space.

The lambs came down with the hairpins, and to a considerable amazement of astronaut, flying about 30 centimeters, turned over 180 degrees, rotating at the same side, but already another pole, and even after 30 centimeters of lambs again performed "Kuwark" again. This phenomenon is so interested in astronaut that he secured the nut in a plasticine ball and repeated an experiment with a similar result!

After a slight confusion in the scientists, it turned out that explaining the effect of Janibekov perfectly managed with the help of classical mechanics. (Rotation of the nut, can be analyzed using Euler equations by the seven differential equations of the first order).

Projection of angular velocity on their own axis

Projection of angular velocity on their own axis

From the graphs it can be seen that with a very insignificant perturbation of the angular velocity vector, the body shrewd around the axis with the maximum inertia's moment will be periodically avalanchely changing the orientation in the space by 180 degrees.

The essence of the phenomenon is that the body with a displaced center of gravity, freely rotating in weightlessness, has different moments of inertia, impulses and initial speeds of different axes of rotation. When tying a plasticine ball with a nut, it is difficult to spin it strictly on one axis. Be sure to be the minimum impulse, a communicated body, directed relative to another axis. Gradually, this impulse accumulates and outweighs the axial rotation of the body. Thus, the ball first rotates around one axis, then this axis turns over in the opposite direction. Combine comes, but after the same time the axis turns over again, returning the body into the previous position. In space, where there is no friction, this cycle may repeat many times.

Shift of the center of gravity

The center of the mass of the Earth, or the Geocenter, is chosen as a start in many coordinate systems, since it is a very stable point in the body of the Earth. This point is implemented by observing satellites moving in the gravitational field. The geocenter is recommended as a start for the Earth's reference system in (IERS, 1996) and (IERS, 2003) as the center of the mass of the Earth, including the oceans and the atmosphere.

Analysis of satellite laser rangefinder observations confidently shows that the reference system implemented in the coordinates of observation stations, fixed relative to the earth's crust, is significantly shifted relative to the center of the mass of the Earth.

It is clear that in 1997, the International Earth Rotation Service conducted a campaign to study the stability of the geocenter, in which 42 researchers from 25 scientific groups took part, which used modern geophysical models and the results of processing laser measurements, GPS and DORIS.

Century shifts in the geocenter position can be explained by such reasons:

  • by changing the sea level;
  • changes in the ice shield (in Greenland, Antarctica);
  • tectonic offsets in the earth's crust (the increase in the volume of the Earth).

The stability of the geocenter affects the position of the core of our planet floating in the mantle! The inner core rotates at a speed other than the external one. This creates a dynamo effect in the form of convection flows. As a result, this gigantic electromagnet generates a magnetic field (MP) of the planet. Consequently, according to the actual position of the axis of the magnetic dipole, one can judge the position of the nucleus of the Earth!

So, displacement of the core of our planet Must be recorded by the difference between the magnetic axis and the axis of rotation.

"At the beginning of the first systematic observations of the geomagnetic field (1829), it was noted that the magnetic dipole of the Earth (respectively, the inner core) is shifted relative to the axis of rotation of the planet by 252 km in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. According to 1965, this displacement has increased to 430 km, And continues to increase! At what distance from the center of the Earth there is a magnetic dipole at present, it was not possible to find out, since for some reason this information is no longer published in open sources. "

These phrases are walking in the network of the network for a decade already! I offer readers a mathematical model calculating the deviation of the planet's kernel from the geocenter according to the coordinates of the magnetic poles:

Angle a. Between two dots A (μ1; λ1) and In (μ2; λ2) on the sphere, (where μ and λ - Latitude and longitude) is determined from the spherical cosine theorem:

a \u003d arccos\u2061 (sin\u2061 (μ1) * sin\u2061 (μ2) + cos\u2061 (μ1) * cos\u2061 (μ 2) * cos\u2061 (λ1-λ2))

The distance of the deviation of the magnetic from the geographical center of the Earth, (where R. - Earth radius):

H \u003d R * √¯1-SIN² (A / 2)

If you take the coordinates of the magnetic poles from Wikipedia, then the distance between the axis of the magnetic dipole (and therefore the kernel) and the geocenter is growing and is currently about 1500 km (it is 24% of the radius of the Earth), which causes great fears!

The problem is exactly the accuracy and synchronization of the coordinates of the poles. Official data on the situation of the Ma Night Poles of the Earth. Give the result of 2015 - 1517 km, 2017 - 1548 km.

An alternative reason for such a significant displacement can be that the magnetic axis is not direct, reflected in the work of Shmonov G.A. "The two-headedness of the northern and multipoint of the Southern Magnetic Pole of the Earth"

Magnetic Poles of Earth and their true position

True magnetic poles - Small areas in which the power lines of the magnetic field are absolutely vertical. They do not coincide with geomagnetic and lie not on the surface of the Earth, but under it. The coordinates of the magnetic poles at one time or another moment of time are calculated within the framework of various models of the geomagnetic field by finding the interactive method of all coefficients in a row of Gauss.

Respectively, magnetic axis - straight, passing through magnetic poles - does not pass through the center of the Earth and is not its diameter!

Precession of the Northern Virtual Magnetic Pole for one hour in the height of the magnetic storm on March 17, 2013 according to the Novosibirsk Observatory

Precession of the Northern Virtual Magnetic Pole for one hour in the height of the magnetic storm on March 17, 2013 according to the Novosibirsk Observatory

The positions of all poles are constantly shifted (even even!), Especially during magnetic storms caused by the flows of charged particles from the Sun.

As you can see, the daily bias of the pole can be several hundred kilometers.

What affects the magnetic field of the Earth?

According to today's ideas, MP Earth is a combination of several magnetic fields generated by various sources.

  1. The main field. More than 90% of the total magnetic field is generated in the external liquid core of the planet.
  2. Magnetic anomalies of the earth's crustcaused by the residual magnetization of rocks. Change very slowly.
  3. External fieldsgenerated by currents in the ionosphere and the Magnitosphere of the Earth, vehicles.
  4. Electric Toki. In the crust and external mantle, excited by rapid changes in external fields.
  5. The influence of oceanic flows.

Magnetic poles drift over the surface of our planet at a speed of about 40 km per year.

The movement of the Northern Magnetic Pole of the Earth from the beginning of the XVII century. Red dots - observed positions, blue - settlement positions calculated by GUFM models (1590-1890) and "IGRF-12" (1900-2020) with a temporary step in 1 year. For 1890-1900, smooth interpolation was carried out between two models.

Dzhanibekova's effect in relation to Earth

Consider the conditions under which our planet could repeat the plasticine trajectory in the experience of Janibekov.

FirstlyThe center of gravity of the Earth (Geocenter) should be significantly shifted relative to the planet's geographical center (based on the mathematical model, now it is about 1500 km, which is 24% of the radius, the conditions are ripe!).

Secondly"The coup" occurs along the axis of the movement of the ball (the slope of the earth axis is 23,44 ° and perpendicular to the axis of the motion of the planet).

ThirdlyFrom experience it is clear that "Kuvoke" is carried out in one turn of the ball (in the case of land - per day)!

Not very accurate, in my opinion, modeling the process of "knwge" geoid

The movement of the planet is more reminiscent of the top than the Janibekov effect. Also, the model does not take into account the stabilizing role of the Moon.

"But the effect of a regular cyclic coup of the poles from the body rotating in weightlessness concerns only the bodies with an unstable center of gravity, what does this have to do with our land?" - The careful reader will ask.

Probably, each of us has tried to twist a raw or boiled egg on the table - the difference is visible immediately. Our land is a relatively small solid core, floating in a thick layer of liquid magma and a thin layer of solid lithosphere by three-quarters covered with oceans, and therefore, again liquid. A sort of a huge ball size with a planet is mainly consisting of substances located in the liquid phase, where you just have nowhere to take the hardware center of gravity.

The inner core shifts, most likely due to the moon

It is reasonable to consider not separately the land, but the system of the Earth-Moon, since in terms of the mass ratio (1:81) it is unique in the solar system. Under the influence of the moon, the core of our planet is periodically shifting from the axis of rotation and as a result of the impact on it centrifugal force is gradually removed from the center of the Earth, overcoming the resistance of a viscous external liquid nucleus. Forces that would return the inner core to its original state, no. There is only one possibility to again move into a state of stable equilibrium - the displacement of the axis of rotation of the Earth.

Mention of the Sun, standing in the West in the ancient myths

IN indian The myth "Strengthening the Earth" says that "... In those days, the Earth fluctuated, as under the dunge of the wind, like a leaflet of the lotus, from side to the side" and the gods had to strengthen it.

IN syrian The text dedicated to the goddess Anat, which "destroyed the population of Levant was found (Ras Schamra), which" destroyed the population of Levanta and changed two dawn and the star movement.

IN mexican Codeses describe "Sun in four movements". The luminaries, which moves to the east, opposite to the modern sun, they called Teotl Likso. The ancient peoples of Mexico symbolically likened changes in the direction of the solar movement of the celestial game in the ball, which is accompanied by earthquakes on the planet. With the coup of the Earth, the northern stars become southern. This phenomenon is described in the Codes as "Care of the Four South Stars".

Plato in labor "Politician" writes:

"I'm talking about changing the sunrise and sunset and other celestial bodies, when in those long-standing times they went where they are going to go, and they went there, where they now come ... In certain periods, the land has its current circular movement, and in other Periods she rotates in the opposite direction ... Of all the changes that occur in heaven, this inverse movement is the most significant ... At that time, the full destruction of animals occurred, and only a small part of people survived. "

In another work of Plato ("Timy") refers to the movement of the earth's earth axis with a nightmare cataclysm:

"Forward and backward, and again to the right and left, up and down, wandering in all six directions." The earth Axle "... Once turned over, then bowed and returned to the previous position ... when it happened, it happened People were asked: the circle was the unwarked terrible desert, a huge mass of the Earth, all animals died, only in some way, the herd was accidentally survived, and the goat tribe. These herds were delivered to the shepherds scarce to life "(Plato, t. 3, h . Ii).
"Luminous, moving in the sky and the range of the Earth, evade the path, and through long intervals of the time everything is on the ground through strong fire. Then the inhabitants of mountains, high and dry locations die more than those living in the rivers and the seas. As for us, That Neil, who keeps us also in other cases, is our Savior and in this trouble. When there are again the gods, to purify the Earth, they flood it with water, they saved those who live on the mountains, shepherds and Volopasses, people living in your cities They are carried away by water flows into the sea. But in this country, neither then, in no time, water is not poured on the fields from above, but on the contrary, the whole comes usually from below. " (Plato, Time, Part 22D).

Expansion of the Earth on the Mid-Ocean Ranges

Expansion of the Earth on the Mid-Ocean Ranges

Here it is appropriate to remember the subcortical ocean (see the article "World Flood"). With the "Kuwarka" of the Earth, most likely there will be no displacements of the oceans, but the process of "extrusion" will occur, under the action of centrifugal force, subcortical water and magma on the surface of the Earth!

The Chinese had believing, "that the new order of things came only after the stars began to move from the east to the west." The Jesuit missionary Martinius (XVII century), based on the ancient chronicles, wrote the book "The History of China", which refers to the displacement of the Earth's axis: "The sky support has collapsed. The land was shocked until the very foundation. The sky began to fall to the north. The sun, the moon and the stars changed the path of their movement. The whole system of the universe came to the mess. The sun turned out to be in the eclipse, and the planets changed their paths. "

Karelian Finnish Epos "Kalevala" tells that the terrible shadows were cut the land, and the sun sometimes left its usual way. "

W. Herodota There is a mention that the sun came from the West to the flood, and before the flood came from the east.

About the future forerunner of the vessel's day in Korana It is said:

"An hour will not come until the sun goes in the West, and when it goes out and people will see him, they will all believe, but then a person will not be good in faith, if he did not believe before, he did not deserve the good (committing righteous things) with his faith ". (Al-Bukhari, 11/352, Muslim, 2/194).

The fact that the "Kuwark" phenomenon of the planet is periodic, clear from the effect of Janibekov, and it is clear that, the smaller the size, the speed and weight of the body, the more likely it will happen!

How to remember readers from the article "World Flood", the land in doptop times was almost twice the radius and its speed was more than three times faster (day 7.2 hours)! Accordingly, in ancient times, the probability of the "Kuwarka" land was much more than now! And as the land expands, the probability of "coup" does not disappear completely, but significantly decreases!

How dangerous is the turn of the planet?

The experiment in the cosmic vacuum will be answered best on this question! You need to take a ball with a displaced center of gravity from the material wetting with water. Immerse it into a liquid that envelops the ball of the drop and, with a minimal acceleration, unwind it (not splashing the liquid from the surface), and then release it into airless space.

I think that in a vacuum chamber, our model of the globe with the oceans will be "tumbling along - Janibekovsky" together with liquid!

This will show whether there will be strong perturbations of the hydrosphere, the atmosphere during the coup of our planet. And if instead of the eccentric mass in the ball, put the camcorder and release into space, we will see the movement of the stars with the "Kuwark" of the Earth!

In 1976, Academician N.I. Corovakov using modeling conditions and processes occurring in the center of the Earth (hydrodynamic top), established an unknown chamber of the eccentric displacement of the inner core in the shell of our planet. He writes: "The dense earthly kernel does not stick to the state in the middle of the globe, pinned by the authorities of geophysics, it travels in the melt of magma in a pentagonal trajectory." In his opinion, the movement of the kernel and melt of magma around the perimeter of the pentagon is influenced by the movement of the mainland, the growth of the mountains, the drift of the magnetic poles of the Earth. Displacements cause earthquakes, tsunami, eruption of volcanoes, affect climate and oceanic flows.

The International Association of Authors of Scientific Discoveries and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences confirmed the accuracy of the opening of world importance, and in 1997 issued a diploma under No. 63. Perennial experiments and calculations allowed to establish that the inner core of the Earth under the influence of the moon and the Sun moves in magma on a peculiar orbit - pentagonal trajectories (on the pentagram!).

Our ancestors undoubtedly possessed esoteric knowledge about the causes of cataclysms that occurred in the distant past. Not in vain in the occult sciences use a pentagram to protect against Satan, whose possessions are in the underworld. When he breaks out (will leave the pentagram limits), then the world will undergo terrible devastation.

What is the danger that threatens mankind with the "Kuwark" of the Earth?

The Earth is a kind of gyroscope with three degrees of freedom. If the movement of the inner core in the direction of the earth's surface will continue the same pace as it is now, after a certain time, the center of the mass of the planet will shift so much that the earth will simply lie in space, like a plasticine ball with a displaced center of gravity in Janibekov's experience to take a more stable position. The axis of their rotation. "Kuvoke" can occur suddenly, under the influence of external factors, i.e. When the lunar and solar tides are added, under the influence of galactic magnetic fields on the magnetic moment of the kernel or when the massive cosmic body is span.

However, the moon is a stabilizing factor that gives the land sustainability from "Kuvarkov".

The coup of the planet, judging by the myths, has already happened in antiquity and, comprehending prophecies, will invariably happen in the future! The prerequisite of this event is the displacement of the planet's core, which is fixed by the magnitude of the deviation of the axis of the magnetic dipole from the axis of the earth.

For all mankind it will be a test, but not fatal! At the time of "Kuwarka", under the action of centrifugal forces, volcanic activity will sharply increase, increase the level of the ocean and the expansion of the Earth will increase. The outrage of the magnetic field (with a change of poles) will lead to malfunctionals and all electronics, from strengthening the radiation flux falling on the planet, part of the flora and fauna will die. The southern cross appears on the site of the polar star, and the sun will take place in the West!

And I saw a new sky and a new land, because the old sky and the former land passed. [Revelation of John the Bogoslov, 21]
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