Forms of education. Russian State University

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Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin(Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin) - a higher educational institution in Ryazan. It is the largest educational institution in the Ryazan region. The university bears the name of the great Russian poet, a native of the Ryazan land, Sergei Yesenin.

Founded in December 1915 as the first women's teacher's institute in Russia.

The university has 12 thousand students of all forms of education, of which about 6 thousand are full-time students. The teaching staff consists of 800 people, including members of international and Russian academies, 90 doctors of sciences and professors, 385 candidates of sciences and associate professors.

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    The new educational institution was located in the premises of Mrs. Becker's private gymnasium. Most of the teachers of the institute were Ryazan teachers who worked in the gymnasiums of Ryazan, as well as in the Ryazan diocesan school - one of the best institutions of this kind in Russia. Among them were graduates of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yuriev universities, as well as teachers with higher academic ranks from the universities of Warsaw and Vilna, who were evacuated to Ryazan in connection with the capture of the provinces of the western region by German troops. Among those who stood at the origins of the university, a graduate of the University of Göttingen, Professor L. N. Zapolskaya, one of the first women doctors of mathematical sciences in Russia, was especially distinguished, nicknamed by her contemporaries Ryazan Sofia Kovalevskaya.

    In the 1916-1917 academic year, three departments were finally formed at the institute, which had a three-year term of study and became the prototypes of the faculties: verbal-historical, physical-mathematical, and natural-geographical.

    Despite the world war, through the efforts of the provincial authorities and government bodies, the institute acquired its own building in the center of Ryazan, and on July 1, 1917, the institute became officially known as the Ryazan Teachers' Institute.

    In 1918, the educational institution was transformed into a pedagogical institute, which was located in the building of the former Ryazan diocesan women's school.

    The new university trained teachers in four areas: physics and mathematics, natural sciences, geography, and historical and philology. In a short time, the institute became the leading educational, methodological, scientific and cultural center of the Ryazan Territory.

    On October 15, 1918, the Ryazan Teachers' Institute was transformed into the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute, and on October 15, 1919, into the Ryazan Institute of Public Education.

    In January 1921, it again became known as the Pedagogical Institute, and since August 1922, the Ryazan Practical Institute of Public Education (PINO), on September 1, 1923, was reorganized into a pedagogical college, on the basis of which the Ryazan Agro-Pedagogical Institute was opened on September 17, 1930, where at the agronomic, about a hundred students studied at the physical-technical, chemical-biological, and socio-literary departments.

    Since 1932, the institute has been called a pedagogical institute; in 1933, the student body increased to 2555, and the teaching staff was represented by 3 professors, 11 associate professors and 39 assistants. In the autumn of 1934, the structure of the Pedagogical Institute included a two-year teacher's institute. in the university there were already 17 groups of the day department, 5 groups of the teacher's institute, there were an evening institute, a workers' faculty and a department of correspondence education.

    By the beginning of the 1940s, there were faculties: physics and mathematics, natural sciences, history, Russian language and literature, where more than a thousand students studied and 88 teachers worked.

    University during the war

    During the war years, more than 180 people went to the front - students, teachers and employees. Students of the Faculty of History - Pavel Ivanovich Deinekin and Ivan Mikhailovich Ognev - were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Member of the Great Patriotic War Alexander Petrovich Andreev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia in 1995. Teachers of the university, associate professors Yu. V. Fulin, Yu. I. Malyshev, professor I. P. Popov were participants in the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945, and Yu. I. Malyshev was a participant in the Victory Parade on May 9, 2000.

    post-war period

    In 1980, the institute was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1985, the RGPI was named after the Russian poet S. A. Yesenin. In 1993 the Institute was reorganized into a Pedagogical University. In 1999, the Academic Council of the University decided to award the title of "Honorary Professor of the Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S. A. Yesenin" for outstanding achievements in scientific and pedagogical activity.

    University today

    The university cooperates with the business community of the region in various areas:

    • ecology and nature management,
    • Information Technology,
    • physical Electronics,
    • economics and finance,
    • chemical synthesis, etc.

    Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin is a member of the National Scientific and Educational Innovation and Technology Consortium of Service Universities.

    The university is systematically transitioning to a two-level system of education while maintaining the best pedagogical traditions of Russian higher education.


    • 1915-1917 - Ryazan Women's Teacher's Institute
    • 1917-1918 - Ryazan Teachers' Institute
    • 1918-1919 - Ryazan Pedagogical Institute (RPI)
    • 1919-1921 - Ryazan Institute of Public Education (RINO)
    • 1921-1923 - Ryazan Practical Institute of Public Education (PINO)
    • 1923-1930 - Pedagogical College
    • 1930-1931 - Agro-Pedagogical Institute
    • 1931-1932 - Agropedkombinat
    • 1932-1985 - Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute (RGPI)
    • 1985-1993 - Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute. S. A. Yesenina (RGPI named after S. A. Yesenin)
    • 1993-2005 - Ryazan State Pedagogical University. S. A. Yesenina (RSPU named after S. A. Yesenin)
    • Since December 7, 2005 - Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin (RSU named after S. A. Yesenin)


    The university consists of three institutes, 11 scientific and educational centers, 17 scientific research laboratories of the natural-mathematical and general humanitarian orientation, 8 faculties, 49 departments, provides training in 22 areas and 45 specialties. Moreover, at 6 faculties of the university, specialists are trained on the job.

    There are 5 museums at the university: "Educational Museum of Regional Studies of the RSU named after S. A. Yesenin", "Museum of the History of Public Education of the Ryazan Territory and the History of the Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin" (abbreviated name - Museum of the History of the RSU named after S. A. Yesenin), "Museum of S. A. Yesenin", "Museum of Academician I. I. Sreznevsky", "Scientific and educational center for the study of the heritage of A. I. Solzhenitsyn". Since 1998, the student theater "Transition" has been operating at the university, which in October 2004 was awarded the title of People's Theater.

    The Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Martyr Tatiana is located on the territory of the university.

    Institutes and faculties

    There are 3 institutes and 8 faculties at the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin.

    Institutes Faculties Scientific and educational centers
    Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(IFL) Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (FMF) "Russian America"
    Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work Faculty of History and International Relations (FIMO)
    Institute of Continuing Education (INO) Faculty of Natural Geography (EHF) All-University Psycholinguistic REC
    Faculty of Russian Philology and National Culture REC of Spiritual and Moral Culture and Education
    Department of Economics REC for Humanitarian Innovation
    Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
    Faculty of Law and Political Science
    Faculty of Sociology and Management

    Institute of Continuing Education

    The Institute of Continuing Education is a structural subdivision of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin. The purpose of the EIE is to provide conditions for lifelong learning by providing quality services to meet the needs of student-centered continuing education.

    INO implements programs of preparation for entering the university for applicants; advanced training programs, professional retraining and additional qualifications (“Translator in the field of professional communication” and “Teacher of higher education”) for specialists in the region; additional educational programs for students. Also, INO organizes work on mobile and intra-university professional development of university teachers. Together with all the institutes and faculties of the university, the educational project “Weekend University” is being implemented at INO, aimed at education for adults. Within the framework of the project, a series of public lectures by the best teachers of the Russian State University for residents of Ryazan and the Ryazan region on topical topics of modern science, culture, and politics is organized.

    The Confucius Institute offers a variety of forms of education, educational and information services to students, universities, businesses, public organizations and other institutions interested in China, its language and culture. It is planned to teach Chinese to students, residents of the region and neighboring regions, conduct cultural and educational events for students, teachers and residents of the city, and organize cultural and familiarization exchanges.

    Aims of the Confucius Institute:

    • strengthening the interest of the peoples of the world in Chinese culture
    • development of friendly relations between China and other countries
    • promoting the development of harmonious relations between countries in a multipolar and multicultural world community

    Areas of activity of the Confucius Institute

    • teaching Chinese to all interested segments of the population
    • free lectures on Chinese culture for the population of the region
    • advanced training for Chinese teachers
    • testing and certification of Chinese teachers
    • information consulting on issues of education, culture, economics of the People's Republic of China
    • qualified translation services
    • promoting research on contemporary China
    • internships in China

    Student Scientific Society

    The Student Scientific Society supports public initiatives in the study of sciences, the development of theory, methodology, methodology of sciences and the conduct of research work, the organization of expeditions and research, the systematic publication of student papers, and also helps students in independent research work, including including:

    • work with scientific literature
    • mastering new methods of scientific research
    • collection and processing of primary scientific material and its system analysis
    • mastering the methods of laboratory research
    • registration of the results of scientific research and the ability to present them publicly

    The Student Scientific Society assists in the development and implementation of intra-university programs aimed at the priority development of science.


    Rectors and directors


    1. Liferov, Anatoly Petrovich (from 2007 to 2012) - President

    Main building

    The central object of the architectural complex of the university is its main building (No. 1).

    The building was designed by the assistant to the provincial architect I. V. Stopychev specifically for educational purposes and, according to the descriptions of contemporaries, was “A three-story building with 202 windows, covered with iron ... Standing on the highest, best and median place in the city, for the viewer it flaunts from all sides, dominates all the buildings of the city and, as it were, crowns the city. The construction of the building was carried out at the expense of the parishioners of the Ryazan churches and was completed in 1881, in the autumn of the same year the Ryazan diocesan school moved into it. The building amazed contemporaries with its size and splendor, a calorific heating system, which was an innovation for Ryazan.

    From the point of view of architecture, the building is of undoubted value and is distinguished by the elegance of forms, the expressiveness of the facade, the well-thought-out internal layout and excellent acoustics. In the center of the building, on the second and third floors, there was a double-height house church, which had one of the richest iconostases among the churches of Ryazan. All icon painting and iconostasis works were made in the studio of the icon painter Nikolai Vasilievich Shumov. In 1898, a stone extension was made to the building, designed by the diocesan architect I. S. Tsekhansky.

    Scientific Library of the Russian State University

    The university library was opened in 1915 and accepted into its collections books from the collections of the library at the diocesan women's school. As of January 1, 2012, there are more than 837,072 items in the library's fund. The library maintains a repertoire of 440 periodicals. The scientific library of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin is one of the leading libraries of educational institutions in the region and the second in the region in terms of the size of the fund.

    The library fund consists of collections of scientific, educational, and reference literature, periodicals, foreign literature in English, German and French, CDs, audiovisual documents, electronic publications. The fund of rare books contains a valuable collection of domestic publications of the 18th-19th centuries, the basis of which is the heritage of the library of the diocesan school.

    There are 12 departments in the library: a subscription of educational literature, a subscription of scientific literature, a subscription of fiction, a sector of rare books, a library of the Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, a library of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, a library of the faculties of Economics and Sociology and Management, a department of information service and training databases, a department for the acquisition and scientific processing of documents, a comprehensive reading room, a reading room for periodicals, a reference room for catalogs.

    On February 13, 2006, a virtual reading room of the Russian State Library was opened in the Scientific Library, in which users have the opportunity to work with electronic versions of dissertations.

    biological station

    The Biological Station is an educational and experimental base of the Faculty of Natural Geography, where classes are held during field training and research practices, scientific work of teachers, graduate students and students, seminars and workshops with biology teachers and students of schools in the city of Ryazan and the region; the decoration of the territory of the university is provided.

    The territory occupied by the biostation in its modern form began to be equipped and developed in the 1870s, when the Ryazan school for girls of the clergy was transformed into the Ryazan diocesan women's school. The construction of a new three-story building began on June 24, 1879 on the site of the former estate of court adviser I. M. Kedrov on Vladimirskaya Street, who owned a large garden. On February 23, 1918, the school was closed, and in September 1918, the building with adjacent services and a garden was transferred to the Ryazan Women's Teachers' Institute, which in October 1918 became the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute. The biostation of the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute was established in 1937. It was headed by V. N. Vershkovsky.

    The biological station occupies 1.3 hectares and has the following structure: a rock garden site, a dendrological site, a plant breeding site, a research site, a greenhouse, lawns and flower beds, and an agrocenter.

    The collection of woody plants includes more than 170 species and 80 forms (hybrids, varieties), the rock garden site is in the process of formation, about 50 species (and forms) grow on it, the collection of rare plant species of the Ryazan region, listed in the Red Book, has 19 species.

    About 150 species of plants are grown in the exposition section of the biostation's greenhouse. Spring seedlings are also grown here to decorate the flower beds of the university.

    astronomical observatory

    In 1919, an astronomical site was opened at the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute by Yakov Vasilievich Ketkovich, a teacher of physics. It was located on the roof of the educational building of the RGPI, built in 1881 for the Ryazan Diocesan Women's School.

    The astronomical observatory in its modern form appeared in 1969 as part of the AES observation station, when an observation site was built on the educational building No. 2 of the RGPI. After the termination of the observation station, AES since 1994 became an independent structural entity of the Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin. Refers to the unique objects of the universities of the Federal Agency for Education. Coordinates: 54°38′ N. sh. 39°45′ E d. HGIOL, height above sea level 110 m.

    Observatory instruments:

    • 430 mm Ritchey-Chrétien system telescope;
    • 250 mm Cassegrain Expeditionary Telescope on an equatorial mount;
    • 200mm Newton Expeditionary Telescope on EQ-6 mount;
    • TZK, BMT, school telescopes;
    • meteor patrol based on Watec-902H television cameras;
    • photoelectric photometers based on FEU-79 and FEU-86.

    The observatory has a unique library of astronomical publications containing ~1000 books.

    Literary Association "Vocation"

    Since 2010, the literary association "Vocation" has been working at the Russian State University under the leadership of Mikhail Borisovich Zhavoronkov, a member of the Writers' Union. The association conducts its classes in a club form, gathering every week of the academic year on Wednesdays in the premises of the museum of S. A. Yesenin (building Litfak), from 16.00. The activity of "Vocation" results from such external factors as holding one's own litas. evenings (2-3 per academic year), meeting with eminent contemporary writers and literary critics (P: Ashe Garrido, Nurislan Ibragimov), participation in literary city and all-Russian competitions, participation in the project "Creative Path" (release of interregional collections of fiction by young authors). "Vocation" has become the next step in the development for many young authors, ranging from children who are graduating from the school of additional education on the basis of the children's children's theater in Ryazan "Phoenix" and just students and graduates of many universities in Ryazan and the region that are engaged in creativity (journalism, prose, poetry, bard music, etc.).

    Among the well-known and regular participants of the "Vocation": the second leader Pavel Kvartnikov (organizer of the festival "Pokrovsky Evenings", director of the Yesenin Museum at the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin), Sergey Borzikov (author of the "Creative Path" project, director of literary evenings " Vocations”), Veronika Shelyakina (leading journalist of the regional newspaper Ryazanskiye Vedomosti, editor-in-chief of the Creative Way project), Maria Tukhvatulina.

    Theater "Transition"

    Chamber student theater "Transition" with a small hall for 100 people, with its cozy rooms is always filled with fans. He is loved, respected in the city of Ryazan, known in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, where he became a winner in international festivals. Experienced teachers of Ryazan theaters teach theatrical disciplines: students learn the basics of acting, stage speech, plasticity, stage movement, dance, and vocals. Training takes place on the basis of the Institute of Continuing Education of the Russian State University.

    Famous teachers

    • Grebenkina, Lydia Konstantinovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician-Secretary of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education (IANPE).
    • Eskov, Evgeny Konstantinovich - Russian entomologist, author of the discovery of the property of the trichoid sensilla to differentiate the frequency-amplitude-time structure of acoustic and electric fields in the air.
    • Zapolskaya, Lyubov Nikolaevna - professor, one of the first female doctors of mathematical sciences in Russia.
    • Kozlov, Alexander Nikolaevich - Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, public figure, chemist.
    • Kuryshev, Vasily Ivanovich - creator of the astronomical observatory of the Russian State Pedagogical University, doctor of technical sciences, professor, honorary member of the Academy of Cosmonautics. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, honorary member of the Astronomical and Geodetic Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the Yury Gagarin diploma from the Cosmonaut Training Center, author of works on astronomy and astrophysics.
    • Lytkin, Vasily Ilyich - corresponding member. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, linguist, prominent specialist in the field of Finno-Ugric philology, academician of the Academy of Sciences of Finland
    • Makarov, Irinarkh Petrovich - professor, creator of the current scientific school at the university on the qualitative theory of differential equations.
    • Malafeev, Konstantin Andreevich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, an outstanding specialist in modern and contemporary history.
    • Melnikov, Mikhail Alekseevich - full member of the APN of the USSR, a prominent scientist in the field of primary education methods.
    • Orekhov, Viktor Petrovich - professor, author of numerous works on the methodology of teaching physics.
    • Prystupa, Grigory Naumovich - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor. Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR.
    • Selivanov, Vladimir Ivanovich - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, founder of the school of psychologists-researchers of the will. Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR.
    • Fridman, Raisa Alexandrovna - a world-famous literary critic, a unique specialist in foreign literature, knew several European languages.
    • Shansky, Nikolai Maksimovich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, a prominent philologist.

    Famous Alumni

    • Andreev, Alexander Petrovich - Honored Military Pilot of the USSR (1973), Candidate of Military Sciences, Guards Colonel-General of Aviation, retired, Hero of Russia.
    • Belyakina, Darya Vasilievna - Russian swimmer, master of sports of international class. Member of the Russian Olympic swimming team at the Beijing Olympics.
    • Bogatova, Galina Alexandrovna is a well-known Russian linguist, lexicologist, lexicographer, historian of science.
    • Bogolyubov, Nikolai Ivanovich - laureate of six Stalin Prizes, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
    • Bogomolov S. G. is a three-time world champion in sambo among juniors and youth.
    • Bulaev, Nikolai Ivanovich - Russian politician and statesman.
    • Govorova, Marina Anatolyevna - Honored Master of Sports, head coach of the Russian youth team in rhythmic gymnastics.
    • Governors, Viktor Mikhailovich - referee of the international ice hockey category.
    • Deinekin, Pavel Ivanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Lieutenant.
    • Yorkina (Sergeichik), Zhanna Dmitrievna - cosmonaut, was preparing to fly on the Vostok-6 spacecraft under the women's flight program as part of a group together with V. Tereshkova, I. Solovieva, V. Ponomareva, T. Kuznetsova.
    • Kaliturina, Olga Viktorovna - master of sports of international class.
    • Klimentovskaya, Zinaida Viktorovna - Winner of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" in 1995, Honored Teacher of Russia, People's Teacher of the Russian Federation.
    • Kuzmin, Apollon Grigoryevich - a specialist in the field of ancient Russian chronicle writing.
    • Kuritsina, Zinaida Mikhailovna - parachutist, Honored Master of Sports, twenty-time world record holder.
    • Lebedev, Vyacheslav Ivanovich - professor, director of the Research Institute of Beekeeping, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.
    • Lyubimov, Lev Lvovich - author of numerous works on economic theory, deputy supervisor of the Higher School of Economics.
    • Markin, Evgeny Fedorovich - poet, singer, member of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
    • Ognev, Ivan Mikhailovich - Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel.
    • Osipov, Alexey Ivanovich (writer) - prose writer, member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.
    • Osipov, Evgeny Viktorovich - poet, worked in the genre of comedy, fable, satirical feuilleton.
    • Peryshkin, Alexander Vasilyevich - one of the founders of the methods of teaching physics, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the RSFSR.
    • Petrunin, Evgeny Nikolaevich - International Master of Sports, champion of the USSR in kayaking and canoeing.
    • Rotov, Boris Georgievich - Metropolitan Nikodim, Patriarchal Exarch of Western Europe.
    • Rudelev, Vladimir Georgievich - philologist, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
    • Simagina-Meleshina, Irina Alekseevna - Russian long jumper. Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Silver medalist of the Games XXVIII Olympiad 2004 in Athens. Bronze medalist of the World Indoor Championships in 2008.
    • Smolitskaya, Galina Petrovna - professor, linguist, lexicologist, chief researcher.
    • Sosunov, Kirill Olegovich - Honored Master of Sports, winner of the World and European Championships in long jump.
    • Terekhin, Mikhail Tikhonovich - professor, head of the scientific school on the qualitative theory of differential equations, editor-in-chief of the academic journal "Differential Equations".
    • Filippova, Ekaterina Alekseevna - Winner of the All-Russian competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" in 1996, Honored Teacher of Russia, "People's Teacher of the Russian Federation".

    Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin is the oldest university, founded at the beginning of the 20th century, a regional leader in the field of classical education based on modern quality standards, with extensive research activities that have been established for 100 years since the founding of the Ryazan Teachers' Institute.

    Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin allows foreign citizens to study in technical, humanitarian, natural-geographical areas of bachelor's degree (4 years), master's degree (2 years), postgraduate studies (3 years), Russian as a foreign language (2 semesters, 1 semester in autumn or spring, 1 semester in summer) .

    Now about 150 foreign students are studying at the university in all forms of education from China, Spain, Armenia, Nigeria, Italy, Japan, Morocco, Vietnam, Ukraine, Syria, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Georgia, Abkhazia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Belarus, etc. (See video about international students of the university

    Studying in Ryazan allows you to visit unique architectural monuments, museums, theaters, concert halls, parks and reserves, palaces and estates of the city and its environs. The close location of the city of Ryazan to the capital, to the cities of the Golden Ring and other historical centers allows students to easily travel around the Russian Federation. You can get from Ryazan to Moscow in less than three hours, transport runs every 30 minutes. Many students use the Domodedovo Airport - Ryazan bus, and also travel to Kazan, Sochi and St. Petersburg during the holidays.

    At present, the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin is a university complex of the "classic" type, with 7 academic buildings, in the historic center of the city, not far from the campus. Every week the university hosts large-scale and significant events of regional, federal or international significance.

    Educational buildings surprisingly combine century-old architecture and modern equipment for lecture halls and laboratories. On the territory of the main building there is also a sports and recreation complex, a biological station, an Orthodox Church, and an affordable dining room. Students have a wonderful opportunity to spend their winter and summer holidays outside the city in the Polyanka student complex. The university has a unique student theater "Transition", the repertoire of which is constantly updated with new productions. On the basis of the university there is a museum of S.A. Yesenin is the first and so far the only university museum of the great poet among more than 20 state, public and folk Yesenin museums in Russia and the CIS countries.

    Educational and scientific work is conducted by experienced teachers, including members of international and Russian academies and associations of other countries, such as Japan, Canada, China, Spain, Ukraine, etc.

    In recent years, at the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin, a number of steps were taken for the systematic development of international cooperation.

    Over the past 5 years, the historical relations of the university with the twin cities of the region, the development of multilingualism in the RSU named after S.A. Yesenin determined the nomenclature of countries with which our university cooperates. So, in addition to such traditional countries as Ukraine, Armenia, Germany, France and Spain, RSU named after S.A. Yesenin has close ties with Japan (the only university in the Central Federal District except Moscow), and in 2010 the scientific and educational division "Confucius Institute" was opened (the only one in the Central Federal District except Moscow). "Confucius Institute" contributes not only to the development of Chinese language teaching, scientific research, but also to the growth of academic exchanges between S.A. Yesenin and China.

    As part of the training of personnel for the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games - 2014 in Sochi, the Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ryazan Region is successfully implementing volunteer training programs. The course includes a program in English. Institute of Foreign Languages ​​and Confucius Institute of Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin released a Russian-English and Russian-Chinese phrase book for hospitality professionals and volunteers.

    On the basis of our university, up to 50 international events are held annually, in which up to 3,000 people annually take part. Among the recent major events, one can name the Russian-Armenian conference held with the support of regional authorities, the Russian-Chinese seminar on laser physics held with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, events within the framework of the Russian-German project on media pedagogy "Navigator of the Future" and many others. In addition to scientific conferences, festivals of Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, German and other cultures are held annually.

    Every year, about 40 teachers and 150 university students travel abroad to improve their skills, participate in educational programs, and conduct scientific research.

    Students of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin actively participate in educational programs abroad. Every year, up to 150 (3.5%) university students go on short-term and long-term programs to Germany, Spain, China, Japan, the USA, Great Britain, Bulgaria, France and other countries. In recent years, students of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenina also took part in youth forums in Italy and Germany, organized by Rossotrudnichestvo. (see video about university students abroad

    The university hosts annual festivals of cultures, as well as annual round tables, where Russian and foreign students discuss stereotypes and behaviors in different countries. More and more foreign students are getting education at the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin.

    In addition to international activities, the university has been actively and for many years cooperating with the business community of the Ryazan and other regions of the Central Federal District in various areas: ecology and environmental management, information technology, physical electronics, laser physics, economics and finance, chemical synthesis, etc. Partnership with various international organizations in in the field of education, tourism allows students of the RSU named after S.A. Yesenin annually participate in academic mobility programs or for practice, exchange of experience, and for further employment. Graduates of our university have already found their jobs in the USA, Japan, China, France, Germany, Panama, Belgium, the Netherlands, etc. In Russia, students actively participate in volunteer events, including: left without parental care"; "Volunteer detachment of the Center for Practical Psychology of the Russian State University "SVOI""; "Volunteer detachment of the volunteering point under the department of educational work of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin", etc.

    In 2013, on the basis of the university, together with the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh), the Center for Youth and International Projects was opened, which actively involves the youth of the university and the region in the implementation of federal projects in the field of youth activities.


      001 - 3 months (120 hours) October - December
      002 - 4 months (120 hours) February - May
      003 - 3 months (90 hours) June - August
      004 - 7 months (240 hours) October - May
      005 - 10 months (330 hours) October - August
      006 - 1 month (90 hours) possible in July or August


      1. Mathematics

      18. Pedagogical education (preschool education)

      2. Technical physics

      19. Psychology

      3. Pedagogical education (physics and English)

      20. Psychological and pedagogical education

      4. Software and AIS

      21. Social work

      22. Special (defectological) education

      6. Teacher education (English, German, French)

      23. International relations

      7. Linguistics (English, Japanese, Chinese)

      24. Teacher Education (History and English)

      9. Biology

      26. Economy

      10. Geography

      27. Trading business

      11. Ecology and nature management

      28. Sociology

      12. Tourism

      29. Management

      13. Hospitality

      30. State and municipal administration

      14. Theology

      31. Personnel management

      15. Pedagogical education (Russian language and literature)

      32. Pedagogical education (physical culture)

      16. Pedagogical education (cultural education)

      33. Teacher education (elementary school)

      17. Journalism

      34. Jurisprudence


      1. Philology (foreign language)

      10. History

      2. Psychology

      11. International relations

      3. Social work

      12. Priority directions of science in physical education

      4. Pedagogy of higher education

      13. Philology (Russian language)

      5. Psychological and pedagogical education

      14. Culturology

      6. Mathematics

      15. Theology

      7. Geography

      16. Economy

      8. Political science

      17. Technical physics

      9. Jurisprudence

      18. Fundamental informatics and information technology


        1. Differential equations, dynamical systems and optimal control
        2. Physical electronics
        3. Laser physics
        4. Inorganic chemistry
        5. Physical chemistry
        6. Botany
        7. Ecology (biology)
        8. Soil science
        9. Information-measuring and control systems (in industry)
        10. Elements and devices of computer technology and control systems
        11. Mathematical and software support for computers, complexes and computer networks
        12. Computers, complexes and computer networks
        13. Domestic history
        14. General history (modern and recent history)
        15. Historiography, source studies and methods of historical research
        16. Economics and management of the national economy (by sectors and areas of activity, including: economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; logistics)
        17. Russian literature
        18. Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (literature of the countries of Western Europe and North America)
        19. Russian language
        20. Germanic languages
        21. Theory of language
        22. Civil law; business law; family law; international private law
        23. Criminal law and criminology; penal law
        24. General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education
        25. Theory and methodology of training and education (Russian language; levels of general and vocational education)
        26. Theory and methodology of training and education (foreign languages; levels of general and professional education)
        27. Theory and methodology of training and education (mathematics; levels of general and vocational education)
        28. Theory and methodology of training and education (physics; levels of general and vocational education)
        29. Theory and methodology of vocational education
        30. General psychology, personality psychology, history of psychology
        31. Theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science
        32. Theory and history of culture
        33. Geomorphology and evolutionary geography


      04/01/04 - Physical electronics:

        Optics and physics of low-temperature plasma;
        physics and technology of gas lasers;
        optics of reflecting, absorbing and scattering media;
        methods of physical experiment, including methods of surface research;
        emission electronics.

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    Operator name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin"

    Operator location address: 390000, Ryazan, st. Svobody, 46

    Start date of personal data processing: 27.12.1915

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    Categories of subjects whose personal data are processed: employees (subjects in labor relations with a legal entity), individuals (entrants, students, graduate students, students of additional education programs, former employees) who are in contractual and other relations with a legal entity (operator), citizens who have applied to the University.

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    Legal basis for the processing of personal data: The Constitution of the Russian Federation (article 23-24, part 1, article 26), the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (article 65, article 85-90), the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Federal Law No. 27-FZ of 01.041996 "On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of Compulsory Pension Insurance", Federal Law No. 125-FZ of 22.10.2004 "On Archiving in the Russian Federation" (as amended on 13.05.2008), Federal Law of 07/27/2006 No. 152-FZ Article 5-22, Federal Law No. 49-FZ dated 07.27.2006 "On information, information technologies and information protection", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 755 dated 08.31.2013 "On the federal information system for ensuring the conduct of state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and the admission of citizens to educational organizations for secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems x ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education "(together with the "Rules for the formation and maintenance of the federal information system for ensuring the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education, and admission citizens in educational organizations to receive secondary vocational and higher education and regional information systems to ensure the state final certification of students who have mastered the basic educational programs of basic general and secondary general education"), Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 10.14.2015 No. 1147 "On approval of the procedure for admission to training in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the regulation on military National Accounting" dated November 27, 2006 No. 719 sections 3, 6, Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin" (approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2015, order No. 915 with amendments and additions of May 6, 2016, order No. 526), ​​Regulations on the archive of the SEI VPO "Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin" dated 04/26/2011, License dated 10/29/2015 reg. No. 1728 series 90L01 No. 008746

    Availability of cross-border transmission: Yes

    Database location details: Russia

    Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin(Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin) - a higher educational institution in Ryazan. It is the largest educational institution in the Ryazan region. The university bears the name of the great Russian poet, a native of the Ryazan land, Sergei Yesenin.

    Founded in December 1915 as the first women's teacher's institute in Russia.

    The university has 12 thousand students of all forms of education, of which about 6 thousand are full-time students. The teaching staff consists of 800 people, including members of international and Russian academies, 90 doctors of sciences and professors, 385 candidates of sciences and associate professors.



    The new educational institution was located in the premises of Mrs. Becker's private gymnasium. Most of the teachers of the institute were Ryazan teachers who worked in the gymnasiums of Ryazan, as well as in the Ryazan diocesan school - one of the best institutions of this kind in Russia. Among them were graduates of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yuriev universities, as well as teachers with higher academic ranks from the universities of Warsaw and Vilna, who were evacuated to Ryazan in connection with the capture of the provinces of the western region by German troops. Among those who stood at the origins of the university, a graduate of the University of Göttingen, Professor L. N. Zapolskaya, one of the first women doctors of mathematical sciences in Russia, was especially distinguished, nicknamed by her contemporaries Ryazan Sofya Kovalevskaya.

    In the 1916-1917 academic year, three departments were finally formed at the institute, which had a three-year term of study and became the prototypes of the faculties: verbal-historical, physical-mathematical, and natural-geographical.

    Despite the world war, through the efforts of the provincial authorities and government bodies, the institute acquired its own building in the center of Ryazan, and on July 1, 1917, the institute became officially known as the Ryazan Teachers' Institute.

    The first graduation from the institute. 1921

    In 1918, the educational institution was transformed into a pedagogical institute, which was located in the building of the former Ryazan diocesan women's school.

    The new university trained teachers in four areas: physics and mathematics, natural sciences, geography, and historical and philology. In a short time, the institute became the leading educational, methodological, scientific and cultural center of the Ryazan Territory.

    On October 15, 1918, the Ryazan Teachers' Institute was transformed into the Ryazan Pedagogical Institute, and on October 15, 1919, into the Ryazan Institute of Public Education.

    In January 1921, it again became known as the Pedagogical Institute, and since August 1922, the Ryazan Practical Institute of Public Education (PINO), on September 1, 1923, was reorganized into a pedagogical college, on the basis of which the Ryazan Agro-Pedagogical Institute was opened on September 17, 1930, where at the agronomic, about a hundred students studied at the physical-technical, chemical-biological, and socio-literary departments.

    Since 1932, the institute has been called a pedagogical institute; in 1933, the student body increased to 2555, and the teaching staff was represented by 3 professors, 11 associate professors and 39 assistants. In the autumn of 1934, the structure of the Pedagogical Institute included a two-year teacher's institute. in the university there were already 17 groups of the day department, 5 groups of the teacher's institute, there were an evening institute, a workers' faculty and a department of correspondence education.

    By the beginning of the 1940s, there were faculties: physics and mathematics, natural sciences, history, Russian language and literature, where more than a thousand students studied and 88 teachers worked.

    University during the war

    During the war years, more than 180 people went to the front - students, teachers and employees. Students of the Faculty of History - Pavel Ivanovich Deinekin and Ivan Mikhailovich Ognev - were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Member of the Great Patriotic War Alexander Petrovich Andreev was awarded the title of Hero of Russia in 1995. University teachers, associate professors Yu. V. Fulin, Yu. I. Malyshev, Professor I. P. Popov were participants in the victory parade on June 24, 1945, and Yu. I. Malyshev was a participant in the Victory Parade on May 9, 2000.

    post-war period

    In 1980, the institute was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor. In 1985, the RGPI was named after the Russian poet S. A. Yesenin. In 1993 the Institute was reorganized into a Pedagogical University. In 1999, the Academic Council of the University decided to award the title of "Honorary Professor of the Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S. A. Yesenin" for outstanding achievements in scientific and pedagogical activity.

    University today

    The university cooperates with the business community of the region in various areas:

    • ecology and nature management,
    • Information Technology,
    • physical Electronics,
    • economics and finance,
    • chemical synthesis, etc.

    Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin is a member of the National Scientific and Educational Innovation and Technology Consortium of Service Universities.

    The university is systematically transitioning to a two-level system of education while maintaining the best pedagogical traditions of Russian higher education.


    • 1915-1917 - Ryazan Women's Teacher's Institute
    • 1917-1918 - Ryazan Teachers' Institute
    • 1918-1919 - Ryazan Pedagogical Institute (RPI)
    • 1919-1921 - Ryazan Institute of Public Education (RINO)
    • 1921-1923 - Ryazan Practical Institute of Public Education (PINO)
    • 1923-1930 - Pedagogical College
    • 1930-1931 - Agro-Pedagogical Institute
    • 1931-1932 - Agropedkombinat
    • 1932-1985 - Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute (RGPI)
    • 1985-1993 - Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute. S. A. Yesenina (RGPI named after S. A. Yesenin)
    • 1993-2005 - Ryazan State Pedagogical University. S. A. Yesenina (RSPU named after S. A. Yesenin)
    • Since December 7, 2005 - Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin (RSU named after S. A. Yesenin)


    The university consists of three institutes, 11 scientific and educational centers, 17 scientific research laboratories of the natural-mathematical and general humanitarian orientation, 8 faculties, 49 departments, provides training in 22 areas and 45 specialties. Moreover, at 6 faculties of the university, specialists are trained on the job.

    There are 5 museums at the university: "Educational Museum of Regional Studies of the RSU named after S. A. Yesenin", "Museum of the History of Public Education of the Ryazan Territory and the History of the Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin" (abbreviated name - Museum of the History of the RSU named after S. A. Yesenin), "Museum of S. A. Yesenin", "Museum of Academician I. I. Sreznevsky", "Scientific and educational center for the study of the heritage of A. I. Solzhenitsyn". Since 1998, the student theater "Transition" has been operating at the university, which in October 2004 was awarded the title of People's Theater.

    The Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Martyr Tatiana is located on the territory of the university.

    Institutes and faculties

    Legal building on the street. Seminarskaya.

    There are 3 institutes and 8 faculties at the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin.

    Institutes Faculties Scientific and educational centers
    Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(IFL) Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (FMF) "Russian America"
    Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work Faculty of History and International Relations (FIMO)
    Institute of Continuing Education (INO) Faculty of Natural Geography (EHF) All-University Psycholinguistic REC
    Faculty of Russian Philology and National Culture REC of Spiritual and Moral Culture and Education
    Department of Economics REC for Humanitarian Innovation
    Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports
    Faculty of Law and Political Science
    Faculty of Sociology and Management

    Institute of Continuing Education

    The Institute of Continuing Education is a structural subdivision of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin. The purpose of the EIE is to provide conditions for lifelong learning by providing quality services to meet the needs of student-centered continuing education.

    INO implements programs of preparation for entering the university for applicants; advanced training programs, professional retraining and additional qualifications (“Translator in the field of professional communication” and “Teacher of higher education”) for specialists in the region; additional educational programs for students. Also, INO organizes work on mobile and intra-university professional development of university teachers. Together with all the institutes and faculties of the university, the educational project “Weekend University” is being implemented at INO, aimed at education for adults. Within the framework of the project, a series of public lectures by the best teachers of the Russian State University for residents of Ryazan and the Ryazan region on topical topics of modern science, culture, and politics is organized.

    The Confucius Institute offers a variety of forms of education, educational and information services to students, universities, businesses, public organizations and other institutions interested in China, its language and culture. It is planned to teach Chinese to students, residents of the region and neighboring regions, conduct cultural and educational events for students, teachers and residents of the city, and organize cultural and familiarization exchanges.

    Aims of the Confucius Institute:

    • strengthening the interest of the peoples of the world in Chinese culture
    • development of friendly relations between China and other countries
    • promoting the development of harmonious relations between countries in a multipolar and multicultural world community

    Areas of activity of the Confucius Institute

    • teaching Chinese to all interested segments of the population
    • free lectures on Chinese culture for the population of the region
    • advanced training for Chinese teachers
    • testing and certification of Chinese teachers
    • information consulting on issues of education, culture, economics of the People's Republic of China
    • qualified translation services
    • promoting research on contemporary China
    • internships in China

    Student Scientific Society

    The Student Scientific Society supports public initiatives in the study of sciences, the development of theory, methodology, methodology of sciences and the conduct of research work, the organization of expeditions and research, the systematic publication of student papers, and also helps students in independent research work, including including:

    • work with scientific literature
    • mastering new methods of scientific research
    • collection and processing of primary scientific material and its system analysis
    • mastering the methods of laboratory research
    • registration of the results of scientific research and the ability to present them publicly

    The Student Scientific Society assists in the development and implementation of intra-university programs aimed at the priority development of science.


    Rectors and directors


    1. Liferov, Anatoly Petrovich (from 2007 to 2012) - President

    Main building

    The building of the women's diocesan school. 19th century

    The main building of the Russian State University today

    The central object of the architectural complex of the university is its main building (No. 1).

    The building was designed by the assistant to the provincial architect I. V. Stopychev specifically for educational purposes and, according to the descriptions of contemporaries, was “A three-story building with 202 windows, covered with iron ... Standing on the highest, best and median place in the city, for the viewer it flaunts from all sides, dominates all the buildings of the city and, as it were, crowns the city. The construction of the building was carried out at the expense of the parishioners of the Ryazan churches and was completed in 1881, in the fall of the same year the Ryazan Diocesan School moved into it. The building amazed contemporaries with its size and splendor, a calorific heating system, which was an innovation for Ryazan.

    From the point of view of architecture, the building is of undoubted value and is distinguished by the elegance of forms, the expressiveness of the facade, the well-thought-out internal layout and excellent acoustics. In the center of the building, on the second and third floors, there was a double-height house church, which had one of the richest iconostases among the churches of Ryazan. All icon-painting and iconostasis works were made in the studio of the icon painter Nikolai Vasilyevich Shumov. In 1898, a stone extension was made to the building, designed by the diocesan architect I. S. Tsekhansky.

    Scientific Library of the Russian State University

    The university library was opened in 1915 and accepted into its collections books from the collections of the library at the diocesan women's school. As of January 1, 2012, there are more than 837,072 items in the library's fund. The library maintains a repertoire of 440 periodicals. The scientific library of the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin is one of the leading libraries of educational institutions in the region and the second in the region in terms of the size of the fund.

    The library fund consists of collections of scientific, educational, and reference literature, periodicals, foreign literature in English, German and French, CDs, audiovisual documents, electronic publications. The fund of rare books contains a valuable collection of domestic publications of the 18th-19th centuries, the basis of which is the heritage of the library of the diocesan school.

    There are 12 departments in the library: a subscription of educational literature, a subscription of scientific literature, a subscription of fiction, a sector of rare books, a library of the Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Social Work, a library of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, a library of the faculties of Economics and Sociology and Management, a department of information service and training databases, a department for the acquisition and scientific processing of documents, a comprehensive reading room, a reading room for periodicals, a reference room for catalogs.

    On February 13, 2006, a virtual reading room of the Russian State Library was opened in the Scientific Library, in which users have the opportunity to work with electronic versions of dissertations.

    biological station

    The astronomical observatory in its modern form appeared in 1969 as part of the AES observation station, when an observation site was built on the educational building No. 2 of the RGPI. After the termination of the observation station, AES since 1994 became an independent structural entity of the Ryazan State University named after S. A. Yesenin. Refers to the unique objects of the universities of the Federal Agency for Education. Coordinates: 54°38′ N. sh. 39°45′ E d. HGIOL, height above sea level 110 m.

    Observatory instruments:

    • 430 mm Ritchey-Chrétien telescope;
    • 250 mm expeditionary Cassegrain telescope on an equatorial mount;
    • 200mm Expeditionary Newton Telescope on EQ-6 mount;
    • TZK, BMT, school telescopes;
    • meteor patrol based on Watec-902H television cameras;
    • photoelectric photometers based on FEU-79 and FEU-86.

    The observatory has a unique library of astronomical publications containing ~1000 books.

    Literary Association "Vocation"

    Since 2010, the literary association "Vocation" has been working at the Russian State University under the leadership of Mikhail Borisovich Zhavoronkov, a member of the Writers' Union. The association conducts its classes in a club form, gathering every week of the academic year on Wednesdays in the premises of the museum of S. A. Yesenin (building Litfak), from 16.00. The activity of "Vocation" results from such external factors as holding one's own litas. evenings (2-3 per academic year), meeting with eminent contemporary writers and literary critics (P: Ashe Garrido, Nurislan Ibragimov), participation in literary city and all-Russian competitions, participation in the project "Creative Path" (release of interregional collections of fiction by young authors). "Vocation" has become the next step in the development for many young authors, ranging from children who are graduating from the school of additional education on the basis of the children's children's theater in Ryazan "Phoenix" and just students and graduates of many universities in Ryazan and the region that are engaged in creativity (journalism, prose, poetry, bard music, etc.).

    Among the well-known and regular participants of the "Vocation": the second leader Pavel Kvartnikov (organizer of the festival "Pokrovsky Evenings", director of the Yesenin Museum at the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin), Sergey Borzikov (author of the "Creative Path" project, director of literary evenings " Vocations”), Veronika Shelyakina (leading journalist of the regional newspaper “Ryazanskiye Vedomosti”, editor-in-chief of the Creative Way project), Maria Tukhvatulina.

    Theater "Transition"

    Chamber student theater "Transition" with a small hall for 100 people, with its cozy rooms is always filled with fans. He is loved, respected in the city of Ryazan, known in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Chelyabinsk, where he became a winner in international festivals. Experienced teachers of Ryazan theaters teach theatrical disciplines: students learn the basics of acting, stage speech, plasticity, stage movement, dance, and vocals. Training takes place on the basis of the Institute of Continuing Education of the Russian State University.

    Famous teachers

    • See the teachers of the Ryazan State University

    Famous Alumni

    Honorary professors of RSU

    1. Bogatova Galina Alexandrovna
    2. Gerhard W. Wittkemper

    Education plays an important role in modern life. Having the necessary knowledge and a diploma, you can find a prestigious job, build a good career and arrange your life. In which educational institutions can you get a quality education and a document that is quoted on the labor market? This is a very important question. Let's look at the Ryazan State University (RSU) named after. Yesenin.

    Brief information about the university

    The history of the Ryazan State University began in 1915 with the creation of a teacher's institute. During all subsequent years, the university was engaged in the training of teaching staff. The transition to expanding the number of areas of training and profiles occurred in 2005 due to the fact that the educational organization was given the status of a classical university. After that, the university began to produce not only teachers, but also economists, managers, psychologists, tourism specialists, etc.

    About 12 thousand students study at the university. They are educated by 2 institutes: foreign languages ​​and pedagogy, psychology and social work. The structure of the university also has an institute of continuing education. It offers pre-university training, programs of additional professional education and advanced training. They are also involved in the educational process of the Russian State University. Yesenin faculties. All of them are worth considering in detail.

    Faculty of Natural Geography

    The training of teachers of chemistry and biology was started at the university in 1934, when the faculty of natural science appeared in its structure. This structural subdivision expanded and changed its name. Today it is called the Faculty of Natural Geography. It is being prepared for:

    • teachers;
    • specialists in the natural sciences that are needed in the industrial sector;
    • hospitality and tourism professionals.

    The faculty is notable for the fact that on its basis in the Esenin Russian State University (Ryazan) there is a scientific and educational center "Planet". In it, specialists conduct research in relevant areas, unite with foreign scientists to obtain new knowledge. Students are also involved in the center. They conduct experiments, the results of which are used to write term papers and graduation projects.

    Faculty of International Relations and History

    For more than 80 years, the Faculty of International Relations and History has been operating in the structure of the Ryazan State University. At the time of its creation, it was called historical and philological. In the future, the name was changed due to the expansion of the scope of activities of the structural unit.

    The modern faculty of international relations and history at the Yesenin Russian State University (Ryazan) graduates:

    • teachers for schools and teachers for colleges and universities in such subjects as history, social studies, English;
    • advertising specialists in demand in many modern companies that provide various services, produce food, equipment, etc.;
    • specialists in international relations and foreign policy needed in the diplomatic service, state and municipal bodies, firms that operate not only in the domestic but also in the foreign market.

    Faculty of National Culture and Russian Philology

    In the Russian State University named after S. A. Yesenin (Ryazan), the Faculty of National Culture and Russian Philology grew out of the Faculty of History and Philology, formed in 1938. This structural unit acquaints students with the culture of our country, instills in them the need to preserve existing values, traditions, instills in them love and respect for their native speech and the Russian language. The faculty graduates teachers of the Russian language and literature, journalists, specialists in the field of cultural studies and theology.

    The structural unit of the university is famous for its interesting student life. Students periodically hold photo exhibitions, decide to participate in the literary and creative association "Vocation". Students regularly hold events to promote reading and respect for the Russian language.

    Faculty of Management and Sociology

    This is a structural unit in the Russian State University. Yesenin (RSPU) was founded in 2000 as the Faculty of Economics, Sociology and Management. In 2008 the name was changed. The Faculty of Management and Sociology continued the work on training sociologists and managerial personnel. Currently, he offers applicants 4 directions for undergraduate studies:

    • "Sociology";
    • "Personnel Management";
    • "Municipal and state administration";
    • "Management".

    The main activity of the faculty is educational. Qualified teachers and specialists of large enterprises introduce students to important disciplines, teach them to collect information on topical problems, conduct in-depth analysis and find suitable “medicines” - solutions. The faculty also conducts scientific activities that contribute to the formation of first-class specialists. The Center for Sociological Research functions on the basis of the structural subdivision. It studies economic, political, spiritual and social problems, students here undergo research practice.

    Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports

    At the RGU them. Yesenin (Ryazan) faculties are diverse. Among the humanitarian and natural science departments there is a structural division of physical culture and sports. This faculty has been operating since 1980. It trains students in 2 areas:

    • "Physical culture for people with health problems";
    • "Teacher Education".

    At the faculty, students study many disciplines - subjects related to sports, Russian and foreign languages, law, tourism, psychology. Students also learn sports games. Trainings are held on the basis of the Russian State University and city sports grounds. Graduates of the faculty work in various institutions - in children's youth schools, colleges and universities, sports centers.

    Faculty of Physics and Mathematics

    Since 1934, Ryazan State University has been preparing teachers of mathematics and physics at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Now this structural unit produces not only these specialists. At the faculty you can get a modern education, because there are the following specialties:

    • "Mathematical support and administration of information systems";
    • "Service";
    • "Innovation";
    • "Technical Physics".

    The faculty provides a quality education, because its structure has laboratories in physics and computer science. In them, students apply the theoretical knowledge gained in lectures, consolidate practical skills. Also, on the basis of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, there are research laboratories.

    Faculty of Economics

    One of the most famous and sought-after structural units of the Russian State University. Yesenin is the Faculty of Economics. It trains specialists capable of working in various areas of the national economy. Suggested destinations:

    • "Economics" (profiles - credit and finance, taxes and taxation, accounting, analysis and audit, etc.);
    • "Trading business".

    At the Ryazan State University, the faculty has a good material and technical base and an excellent teaching staff. These advantages make it possible to produce specialists with a sufficiently high level of professional training. Graduates of the Faculty of Economics work at various enterprises in the city and region. Some of them hold quite prestigious positions.

    Faculty of Law

    Training of lawyers of the Russian State University. Yesenin began to study in 1993. The current Faculty of Law continues to do so. People entering the bachelor's degree are offered the direction "Jurisprudence" with 3 profiles (state law, criminal law, civil law). The faculty also trains specialists for master's and postgraduate studies.

    The faculty has laboratories, specialized classrooms. The library for future lawyers has the necessary literature - books, periodicals. Students have free access to the Internet. Students can use the reference and information systems "Consultant plus", "Garant".

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