Polar researcher. Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov

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Born on the farm curve spit. Georgiy with eight years has been engaged with the father of fishing, walked on the work work, worked in the field. In 1891, at the age of 14, Georgy entered the church-parish school, she graduated from a three-year-old course in two years. In school, he was the first student, an unofficial assistant teacher, elder in a row of military gymnastics and received a commendable sheet at the end. After school, Batracil at the local rich in Afonikov, but after she slept from fatigue and for which he was hit by the plenty, he left him from his insult. A month later, I got a customer in the Frolov Shop on the Kosya curve.

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In 1894, Sedov left the family and got to Taganrog, and from there with a steamer - to Rostov-on-Don. After three years of study in nautical seeds in 1899, he received a diploma of the coaster navigator and settled the skipper for a small cargo ship. On March 14, 1899, he passed the exam in Poti and received a long-range navigator's degree, after which he was appointed to the "Sultan" steamer. In one of the swims, the owner of the vessel put him by the captain and offered to direct the ship to the stones to receive the insurance premium for him. Georgy Yakovlevich refused and brought the vessel to him to the Novorossiysk port. After that, the young captain received the calculation and remained without uploading 1901, having achieved the title of the reserves, Georgy Yakovlevich lived in St. Petersburg, where the external exams exams for the course of the maritime corps and was produced in the owners of the stock.

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Service and wedding

The scientist took Sedov affectionately and even forced to settle at himself until it would be possible to enter the service. Drinka friend His hydrograph Varnake helped overcome obstacles arising with the troubles about the resolution of the peasant son to keep the exam for the course of the marine corps. He told Sedov that his friends and patrons had achieved some preliminary test ... The official exam was brilliantly and was produced in the Chin of Lieutenant on Admiralty ... On the Council, Drinzhenko Sedov entered the main hydrographic management. In July 1910, he was married to Valeryanova in the Admiralty Cathedral of St. Petersburg, located in the building of the Chief Admiralty

Slide 5.

Hiking on the pole

On February 2, 1914, the sick of the Sedov together with the sailors G. I. Linikomi A. I. Veshkaya on three dog sledding (having only 20 dogs) came out of the bay of quiet to the pole. Visa, Pinegin and Pavlov conducted a group of Sedov to Cape Marcham. In the course of the movement, George Yakovlevich's disease was progressed, in a week he could not go and ordered himself to bind himself to the nate, but to continue the campaign. On February 20, 1914, on the eighteenth day of the campaign, Georgy Yakovlevich passed away among the ice near the island of Rudolf.

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Named in honor of Sedov: Sedov village, Sedov Street (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Novosibirsk), Sedov Avenue in Yekaterinburg.gidographic icebreaker "Georgy Sedov", Bark "Sedov" and a river passenger ship shipping April 860.22 , Two bays and peaks on the new earth, the aircraft Aeroflot airlines, the onboard number VP-BKX.

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Alternative version of the death and burial of G. Ya. Sedova

Soon after the return of the schoon of the "Holy Great Martyr Foke" in Arkhangelsk in their apartment, the sailors of the city of Lunnik and A. Veskaya, who accompanied G. Ya Sedov came to Arkhangelsk. The well and the vast said they were forced to go to the extreme measure - dismembering the body of the late head of the expedition, they began to feed his dogs who were able to give a mourning harness to Cape Aukostrov Rudolf. So that in the future it is somehow justified in front of people for the deed, sailors built a similarity of burial from the collected stones, but some of them scattered nearby - in the hope that all this will give rise to those who find the place of "burial". Sedova, dump the whole guilt on white bears [

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See all slides

To the 100th anniversary of the polar expedition under the leadership of George Yakovlevich Sedov.

Prepared: Pupil 6A Class Morozova Valery

Gymnasium №24.


Historical reference

  • The time of the expedition is 1912-1914.
  • The purpose of the expedition is the achievement of the North Pole of the Earth.
  • For many years, the North Pole has attracted scientists and travelers of many countries, attempts to reach it repeatedly.
  • The conquest of the North Pole was not only an important scientific task, but also served as to strengthen the national prestige of the country.
  • Americans Frederick Cook (in 1908) and Robert Pear (in 1909) declared the conquest of the North Pole, but their statements were questioned and were not widely accepted by the public.
  • The expedition was funded at the expense of private donations.

Expedition plan

  • The initial plan was that in the fall of 1912 to deliver the expedition participants on the ship to Rudolf Island - the North Island of Franz Joseph Archipelago.
  • Then Sedov planned to make a transition on dog sledding for drifting ice to the North Pole.
  • The total length of the possible transition on ice on dog sledding could reach about 2500 km.

Expedition composition:

  • Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov - Head of the Expedition
  • Nikolai Petrovich Zakharov - Captain Schoon
  • Nikolai Maksimovich Sakharov - Navigator
  • Janis Zadders and Martinsh Zadders - the first mechanic and the second mechanic, the native brothers
  • Vladimir Yulievich Visa and Mikhail Alekseevich Pavlov - Scientific staff of the Expedition, recent graduates of the University of St. Petersburg (fellow students and also classmates on the gymnasium)
  • P. G. Kushakov - a veterinary doctor who also served as a ship's doctor
  • Nikolay Vasilyevich Pinegin - artist and photographer, film documentist

Sedov Georgy Yakovlevich

  • Russian hydrograph, polar researcher.
  • Fishing family leaving, navy officer, a valid member of the Russian Geographical Society, an honorary member of the Russian Astronomical Society.
  • Until 1912, he participated in the expeditions to study the island of Vaigach, the mouth of the river Kara, New Earth, Kara Sea, the Caspian Sea, the mouth of the River Kolyma and the marine approaches to it, the cross lip

Vladimir Yulievich Visa

  • Polar researcher, Oceanologist, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1933).
  • In 1912-1914. Visa participated in the expedition George Yakovlevich Sedov.
  • Subsequently, the participant and the supervisor of many Soviet Arctic expeditions.

Other participants of the expedition

V.Yu. Visa, G.Ya Sedov, P.G. Kushakov, MA Pavlov

(sit on chairs, left to right)

Training expedition

  • On the collected funds on July 23, 1912, Sedov rented an old sail-steam schooner "Holy Great Martyr Fock" Former Norwegian beastremind Bark "Geyser" 1870 buildings. Because of the rush, the ship failed to completely repair, and the crew bothered to flow. The "Holy Great Martyr Foka" was equipped with a radio station, but Sedov failed to hire a radio train, which is why the equipment turned out to be useless and was left in Arkhangelsk.
  • On August 19, 1912, it turned out that the lifting capacity of Foki does not allow to take all the necessary expeditions supplies. As a result, after partial discharge on the shore, part of food, fuel, drinking water and equipment were left.

Expedition participant V. Y. Visa wrote:

"Much of the ordered equipment was not ready on time ... The team was scored, there were few professional sailors in it. Food has been purchased, and the Arkhangelsk merchants took advantage of the hurry and slipped poor-quality products. Hasp in Arkhangelsk were purchased at a very high-inflated dog price - simple mounds. Fortunately, the bridge of beautiful driving dogs arrived in time, bought in advance in Western Siberia. "

Expedition Beginning - August 27 (August 14, Art. Art.) 1912, Arkhangelsk

Schuna "Holy Great Martyr Fok". After leaving Arkhangelsk, he was renamed Sedov in Mikhail Suvorin, in honor of one of the expedition sponsors.

First wintering

  • September 15, 1912 at 77 ° C. sh. Mikhail Suvorin met impassable ice and could not achieve Land Franz Joseph .
  • By Sedov's decision, contrary to the initial plan Build from Srub Zimsier, plan the pole detachment and return to Arkhangelsk The ship is left for wintering on New Earth In Bay 76 ° C. sh. 60 ° C. D. About the Panchatyev Peninsula. The crew did not have enough warm clothes.

Place of first wintering

First wintering

  • During the wintering of the Peninsula Pancratiev, a group of V. Yu. Visa, M. A. Pavlova and two sailors crossed the North Island from Mikhail Suvorin's parking lot to Vasseyev Bay on the Kars side. The northeast coast of the new land was described, an important scientific work was performed.
  • Sedov, accompanied by a sailor A. Inyutin, for the first time, reinforced the northern tip of the island for the first time, and also passed from the pancratype of the peninsula to the cape of desire.

Place of first wintering

Second navigation

  • On September 3, 1913, Mikhail Suvorin was released from ice and approached Northbrook Islands Flora Islands ( Land Franz Joseph) To the Jackson base. Members of the expedition disassembled the construction of the base on firewood.
  • Without replenishing the supplies, on September 17, the expedition went further, but already on September 19, he stopped on the second wintering in the island bay Gucker (Land Franz Joseph).
  • During the wintering, the vessel did not experience the compression of the ice, and the bay called quietly.

Archipelago Land Franz Joseph

Place the second wintering

Island Gucker

Second wintering

  • For the second wintering, there was not enough fuel and food, the incorrectly formed diet of the expedition affected. The diseases among the crew intensified. Starting from January, Sedov almost did not leave their cabins. The inner premises of the vessel were almost not heated and covered with ice.

V.Yu.viza recorded:

« Cings were avoided only the seven who emitted the firing meat extracted by hunting, which fought hot bear blood. Most, including Sedov, refused from such food. "

".. The head of our food is porridge da porridge. The most incorporated nutrition for the polar countries. "

Second wintering

Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov on board

expedition Ship

Second wintering

Mikhail Suvorin in Ice

Coast of Gucker Island (modern photo)

Hiking on the pole

  • On February 2, 1914, the sick of Sedov, together with the sailors G. I. Linnik, and A. I. Veshkaya on three dog sledding (having only 20 dogs) came out of the bay of quiet to the pole.
  • Visa, Pinegin and Pavlov conducted a group of Sedov to Cape Marcham.

Sailors G. I. Linnik and A. I. Veskaya

Hiking on the pole

Polyus Group Movement Scheme

Sedov's death

  • In the course of the movement, George Yakovlevich's disease was progressed, in a week he could not go and ordered himself to bind himself to the nate, but to continue the campaign.
  • On February 20, 1914, on the eighteenth day of the campaign, Georgy Yakovlevich passed away among the ice near the island of Rudolf.
  • His companions buried the body on the island of Rudolf - wrapped in two canvas bags, made a cross from skis and put the flag in the grave, which he intended to install in the North Pole.
  • Then they headed back to the way. One of the dogs - Fram - remained at the grave. Linnik with the Void could not catch it and left a small supply of food, in the hope that the dog will catch them, but the Fram did not return.

Return expedition

  • On the way back, July 20, 1914, the crew "Mikhail Suvorin" on the old Jackson Cape Flora (Northbrooke Island, Land Franz Joseph) accidentally discovered and saved the two only surviving members of the Expedition G. L. Brusylov: V. I. Albanova and the sailor A. E. Konrad.
  • On the way to South "Mikhail Suvorin" experienced a brutal shortage of fuel for the steam machine. The crew had to chop furniture on firewood, deck add-ons and even the bulkhead of the vessel. The vessel was reached by Fisherman's Fishing in Murmann on August 15, 1914 in a dilapidated condition.
  • Further path to Arkhangelsk members of the expedition were carried out on the flight passenger ship "Emperor Nicholas II" - at the expense of the captain of the steamer, since no one had money from the polarists.

Searches for expedition

  • By 1914, three Russian Arctic expeditions were immediately: G. Ya. Sedov, G. L. Brusylov and V. A. Rusanova were considered missing. On January 18, 1914, the Council of Ministers instructed the Maritime Ministry to take their search, several search expeditions were organized.
  • For searching for Expedition G.Ya. Sedov For the first time in world history, polar aircraft was used: the pilot Yang Nurentsky on the Farman MF-11 hydrosapol, he explored the ice and the coast of the new land for about 1060 km.

Hydrosapol "Farman MF-11"

Jan Nursky - the first

polar pilot

Named in honor G.Ya. Sedova:

sedovo settlement,

  • hydrographic icebreaker "Georgy Sedov", Georgy Sedov icebreaker and Bark "Sedov",
  • Rostov-on-Don Order "Honor Sign" Nautical School,
  • glacier and Cape on the island of Gucker (archipelago Land Franz Joseph),
  • island in the Barents Sea,
  • cape in Antarctica, two bays and peak on the new land,
  • airplane Aeroflot Airlines, onboard number VP-BKX,
  • streets in many cities of Russia and Ukraine.

List of resources used

  • Wikipedia - http://ru.wikipedia.org.
  • Site Sailboat - http://windgammers.narod.ru
  • Site of the Russian Geographic Society www.rgo.ru

Slide 1.

In August 2012, it turned 100 years since the day when Senov's senior lieutenant Georgy Yakovlevich went to his last expedition - the first Russian expedition to the North Pole Presentation prepared: Seliverstov Victoria Pupils 10-A Class MBOU SOSH No. 8 pos. Hay

Clade 2.

Preface Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov - Russian hydrograph, Polar researcher, Senior Lieutenant, Researcher of the Arctic. This man became one of the characters of courage, heroism and purposefulness. Sedov became an educated officer, an expert on the sea. A brilliant marine officer, loving and beloved husband - the road to high posts was opened before him! Behind his shoulders are not one major expedition: to Kolyma, to a new land. It is only a preparation for the most important thing, which he dreamed of what was constantly preparing - to the expedition to the North Pole.

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Childhood Georgy Sedov was born on April 23 (May 5) in 1977 in the family of Azov Fisherman with a Kosh curve (Donskoy region of Donskoy). The family had nine children. With eight years he was engaged with the father of fishing, walked to the work work, worked in the field. After the departure of the Father on earning, the family began to starve, after which Georgy was given to the Batraaka to the wealthy Cossack, which he worked for food. The Cossack boy passes the bulls, drove the grain, drove the cargo.

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Youth in youthful age was formed a dream to be captain of long-range swimming, and after a conversation with a young captain, Schunov, moored on the pier of the Kosh curve, the dream strengthened, and the young man firmly decided to enter the nautical classes of Taganrog or Rostov-on don. Parents were against the studies of the Son.

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Defrece in 1891 at the age of 14 Georgy entered the church-parish school, he graduated from a three-year-old course in two years. In school, he was the first student, an unofficial assistant teacher, elder in a row of military gymnastics and received a commendable sheet at the end.

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Study in 1894 he left the seven and got to Taganrog, and from there with a steamer - to Rostov-on-Don. On November 13, George Sedov enrolled in the "nautical classes" named after Count Kotzebu in Rostov-on-Don. After three years of study in the nautical seed classes in 1899, he received a diploma of the coaster navigator. On March 14, 1899, he passed the exam and received a long-range navigator degree.

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Diploma for the title of land-nursed navigator, received by the Sedov in the city of Poti in March 1899 at the end of the Poti Nautical Class

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Service in 1901 externally passed the exams for the course of the maritime corps and was produced in the lieutenants. In 1902 - 1903 he participated in the hydrographic expedition in the Arctic Ocean. During the Russian-Japanese war (in 1905), commanded the Municipal Middle. In 1909 - Head of the Expedition on the Finds of the mouth of the p. Kolyma. In 1910 examined a crusade on a new land. In 1912, the Government refused to allocate funds and the expedition was organized for private funds.

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The wedding in 1909 of Sedov met with the future wife - the ballerina of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater of Veria Valeriana May Maevskaya. In July 1910, he was married to her in the Admiralty Cathedral of St. Petersburg, located in the building of the Main Admiralty.

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Sedov Lieutenant goes to the pole of the Polar Expedition of Lieutenant Sedov on the ship "St. Martyr Foka "began on 27 (14) August 1912. It was the last attempt to achieve the North Pole on the ice on dog sledding. The plan of the expedition provided that its participants will be delivered to the Earth Franz Joseph on the vessel, which in the same year will return to the mainland. In 1913, with the onset of light time, the pole party will campaign, reaches the North Pole and returns back to Earth Franz Joseph either, as a last resort, in Greenland.

Slide 14.

During the preparation for the expedition to the North Pole. Sit (on chairs, from left to right): V. Yu. Visa, G. Ya. Sedov, P. G. Kushakov, M. A. Pavlov. Arkhangelsk. 1912.

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Wires of the expedition Georgy Sedova. Ahead of Sedov with an icon goes the city head. Arkhangelsk. 1912.

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George Sedov with his wife Veria Valerian on board "Holy Foki". Right Sosnovskaya, the wife of the Arkhangelsk governor. Arkhangelsk. 1912.

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G. Ya. Sedov with members of the team adopts guests aboard the expedition vessel "St. Fock. Arkhangelsk. 1912.

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Sketchy image of the schooner route "Mikhail Suvorin" ("Holy Great Martyr Fock") in 1912-1914

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On the vessel "Mikhail Suvorin" ("St. Fock"). From left to right: Head of the Expedition G. Ya. Sedov, N. M. Sakharov, Geologist M. A. Pavlov, Captain of the vessel N. P. Zakharov, P. G. Kushakov, N. V. Pinegin, V. Yu Visa

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov gave all his life and all his strength to the study and conquest of the Arctic. It was a man of a great scientific passion, exceptional endurance and courage.

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Georgy Yakovlevich was born on February 20, 1877 on the shores of the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov, on the farm Kosy curve, in the Fisherman's family. Father Ya. Sedov had only one hut, built from a canthage and clay. The whole setting consisted of three old tables and four of the same chairs. In childhood, G. Ya. Sedov helped his father in the fishery and early learned the sea and the dangers associated with him. His parents were illiterate, did not want to teach and son. Only the fourteen years of G. Ya. Sedov managed to enroll in the initial three-class school, which he graduated in two years, finding great ability to teach. At the end of the school of G. Ya. Sedov Batrachel, then served as an employee at a shopping warehouse. Free time, mainly nights, he devoted to reading books. Eighteen years old, he managed to enroll in Rostov-on-Don in a nautical school and three years later to finish him (in 1898). Then G. Ya. Sedov swam captain on small ships on the Black and Mediterranean seas. In 1901, he brilliantly passed the external exam for the marine corps. Next year G. Ya. Sedov was "defined in service with admiralty enrollment." Since then, he has been studying and applying to a map of various waters, seas, the islands in the north, northeast, the Far East to the map of various waters, the Far East, in the south. F. K. Drizhenko - Teacher and planted father at the wedding of G. Ya. Sedov. Wedding G. Ya. Sedova St. Petersburg, 1910, near the Admiralty Cathedral

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In April 1902, G. Ya. Sedov was appointed assistant to the head of the hydrographic expedition to the ship "Pakhtusov", equipped in Arkhangelsk for the study of the Nordic seas. At this vessel, Sedov was swimming in 1902 and 1903, producing shooting and description of the shores of the New Earth. In 1904, he was appointed in the Amur River Floutilla and guarded the entrance to Cupid from the Japanese. At the end of the war with Japan, Ya. Sedov served two years in a fleet in the Pacific Ocean. In 1909, he made large scientific research in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth of Kolyma: made the Promera, made maps, explored the first (marine) and the second (river) bars (apparent races at the mouth of the river). It turned out that the river puts forward a sandy embankment of the sea bar more and further into the ocean, on average 100 meters per year. G. Ya. Sedov found out the possibility of sailing ships in this part of the Arctic Ocean.

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In 1910, there was a Russian industrial village in a crusade at the new land. In this regard, there was a need to hydrographic study of the bay in order to organize the opportunity to enter it to post posts and other ships. For the production of inventory and displays the Cross Bay was sent by G. Ya. Sedov. For small funds, he brilliantly spent this expedition. G. Ya. Sedov gave a general geographical description of the cross lip (bay), on the north shore, it was measured by the basis. The shooting of the whole shore of the lip over 30 kilometers was produced by Menzul, on a scale of 1: 42,000. Meteorological and hydrological observations were continuously. The suitability of the new land for settlement was proved. Rudolf Island. Cape Fllieglia

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Both expeditions - to Kolyma and the Huby Crusad, gave a number of new geographical data, for which the geographical maps of studied seedy areas were significantly changed and refined. In addition to holding these expeditions, G. Ya. Sedov also engaged in making the Caspian coast. He became a hydrograph professionally and accumulated a great personal experience of the study of the seas, mainly arctic.

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Already in 1903, while swimming on the ship "Pakhtusov", in Y. Sedova arose a thought of traveling to the North Pole. In subsequent years, this thought turned into a all-consuming passion. At that time, the Americans, Norwegians and representatives of other countries competed in reaching the North Pole. G. Ya. Sedov by all available ways argued that in research of the Arctic should take active participation and Russians. In March 1912, G. Ya. Sedov filed a report to the head of the main hydrographic department, in which he announced his desire to open the North Pole and the program of his polar expedition. He wrote: "... Hot gusts from Russian people to the opening of the North Pole manifested themselves at the time of Lomonosov and did not fade so far ... We will go this year and prove to all the world that the Russians are capable of this feat." Members of the Sedov expedition

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The base for the achievement of the North Pole of the city of Ya. Sedov marked the land of Franz Joseph. It was assumed here in winter, during which "Expedition, if possible, examines the shores of this land, describe the bay and finds anchor parking, and also studies the island in fishing attitude: collects all sorts of collections that can meet here in various branches of science; defines astronomical items and makes A number of magnetic observations; Organizes the meteorological and hydrological station; builds a lighthouse in a prominent place at the best anchor of the bay. " The implementation of the planned expedition was requested a very modest amount of money in 60-70 thousand rubles. A group of members of the State Duma in March 1912 introduced a proposal to leave from the State Treasury of funds for the organization of the expedition to the North Pole. The proposal was supported by the Maritime Ministry. However, the Council of Ministers in the money refused, and Sedov's plan condemned

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Contrary to the decision of the government, despite the hostility of the "colleagues", G. Ya. Sedov began for the equipment of the expedition. Without having funds, not receiving neither material or moral support from the government, he was forced to take help from the New Time newspaper. In St. Petersburg and at the site of the expedition equipment - in Arkhangelsk G. Ya. Sedov had to overcome numerous obstacles. For example, with great difficulty, he pulled out the radio faration, but it was not possible to get a radio operator. So I had to leave without a radio installation. They're hardly found a vessel from a private person for an expedition and concluded a contract with him. However, before the shipment of the shipowner refused to lead the ship equipped on the expedition and removed almost the entire team. G. Ya. Sedov had to recruit the first people. Arkhangelsk merchants provided an expedition to spoiled products and unsuitable dogs. All sorts of obstacles to the revenue and power.

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Wires of the Expedition G. Ya. Sedova for the North Pole in Arkhangelsk. In the center of G.Ya. Sedov and V.V. Sedova; Prayer on the deck of "Holy Foki"

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Finally, the expedition in August 1912 on the ship "Saint Great Martyr Fock" came out of Arkhangelsk to the pole. G. Ya. Sedov suggested in the same year to get to the land of Franz Joseph. But being late with the exit and especially heavy ice conditions in the Barents Sea forced the expedition to winter on the new land. G. Ya. Sedov sent the head of the main hydrographic department of the report that "arrived safely in the lip of a crusade, where he managed to make astronomical observations to determine the time." The report said the further intentions of the expedition. In conclusion, G. Ya. Sedov asked the Committee on the Equipment of the Expedition "For the next year, send a steamer to visit us and bring coal, as well as 3 people for a meteorological station, which we will leave after yourself Franz Joseph, so as not to interrupt the observations of the meteorological station" .

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Zimovka has exhausted material resources and tired people. But this is the time of G. Ya. Sedov used for the most important scientific research. In the bay of Foki (76 ° sev. Latitude and 59 ° 55 "Vost. Longitude), where the expedition was winterized, regular scientific observations were made. We were traveling for the nearest islands, Cape Litche, described the northeast coast of the new land. All these works were held In extremely difficult conditions. G. Ya. Sedov himself passed 63 days from the place of wintering "Foki" near the panqueeva peninsula, along the coast to the cape of desire and further to Cape Visinger (Flissinger) - GOPT, in both ends, about 700 kilometers. at This was carried out a route shooting on a scale of 1: 210000 and four astronomical and magnetic items were determined. Until G. Ya. Sedova, the shore examined by the sea was inflicted only by random filming from the sea. Map, compiled by G. Ya Sedov, found significant inaccuracies of previous cards, Achievements at some points 15 kilometers. G. Ya. Sedov first reinforced the northern tip of the North Island for the first time, and his satellites visa and Pavlov were first crossed the island of 76 ° North. latitude. Studies conducted According to the detailed written instructions in the city of Ya. Sedov, in which the purpose of the expedition was clearly defined and ways to achieve this goal are indicated. G. Ya. Sedov was a wonderful, authoritative organizer. Especially in the instructions in Y. Sedova indicated: "Caring for personal health and the health of your satellites is one of the main points of the travel program."

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Expedition participants Geologist Pavlov and Visa brilliantly fulfilled the task of G. Ya. Sedov. They found out the geography of the inner part of the new land in the field of solid glaciation. From bay sv. Foci to the karsk side they passed together, and the return path is separately. On all the pass, the route shooting and leveling, geological, geographical and meteorological observations, shooting part of the Karo shore of the new land. A visa found that the central region of the new land on the latitude of 75-76 ° is covered with a solid glacial cover having a shield form and representing a cover in miniature, similar to Greenland. In the study band, the bias of the glacial cover turned out to be cooled to the Barents Sea than to Kara. The total capacity of the glacial cover is at least 200 meters. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe coastal mountains of the New Earth, the ice fills all the valleys between the mountains and forms a series of gutters with a significant movement.

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On the results of wintering on the new land G. Ya. Sedov in her diary noted that the expedition made "a great scientific work in many industries of science." In the order of the winter work, it was said that the expedition "was made by some discoveries of disagreement with existing cards and us, the participants of the first Russian expedition to the North Pole, therefore, got a happy lot to make a fix in the existing centuries, the wrong card of the new land ... Our expedition Without asking for the future, already did something for science. Ahead of the campaign to the North Pole. This task of the expedition is the second ... associated with the name of the Russian man and the honor of the country. "

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Only in September 1913, Foka was freed from the molding ice. There was almost no fuel on the vessel. Ice fields could swee the ship, break it or carry it. G. Ya. Sedov decided to go to the land of Franz Joseph. The coast of the land of Franz Joseph "Foku" again slept ice - under 80 ° 20 "North. Latitude and 53 ° Vost. Longitude. For wintering, the bay was chosen, which G. Ya Sedov called quiet. In his diary he wrote:" Large difficulties cost the old, a stray ship to get to these latitudes, especially since we met so much ice on the way in the Barentsie Sea, as no expedition seems to have met (the belt is 3 ° 3 "), and if you add here quite Limited fuel supply and fairly low speed vessel, then it can be said that our expedition truly accomplished a feat. "

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Selected in the north-western shore of Gucker is a place for wintering turned out to be very comfortable. The bay is quiet easily accessible, the vessel may come almost close to the shore. At the same time, this is a well-protected anchor parking. In 1929, the Soviet icebreaker, which was the name of the beer-polarist Sedov's brave hero, on the southern shore of Gucker Island, Wipped the Soviet flag and confirmed the decree of our government dated April 15, 1926, to which the Land Franz Joseph was announced by the ownership of the SSR Union; In the bay of quiet "Sedovtsy" at 80 ° 20 "North. The latitudes staged a base and the world's northernmost Soviet radio station. The second wintering of the expedition G. Ya. Sedova passed in very difficult conditions. There was no fuel. Zhgli Salo killed animals, burned the bulkheads between Kyuti. Among the participants of the expedition appeared Tsyng. G. Ya. Sedov from the cheerful and brilliant man's wit turned into silent and focused. He often began to root. But his stubbornness and stubborn dreams to reach the poles have survived the last photo of Sedov

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February 15, 1914 G. Ya. Sedov from the bay quiet went hike to the North Pole. In this regard, he recorded in his order: "So today we speak to the pole: this is an event and for us for our homeland. The great Russian people have long been dreamed of a long time ago - Lomonosov, Mendeleev and others. For a lot of us , small people, fell a great honor - to carry out their dream and make a sink ideological and scientific conquest in a polar study for pride and benefit of our fatherland. Let this order, let it, maybe, last my word will serve you with all the memory of mutual friendship and love. Goodbye, dear friends! ". G. Ya. Sedov voluntarily accompanied two sailors: Twenty-year-old Alexander Ivanovich Veskaya and twenty-essential Grigory Grigorievich Linnik. The boss was sick. In the way, his illness increased. He burned from cough, often lost consciousness. This trip was caused by despair. From St. Petersburg, they were not sent anything, although the letters of the city of Ya. Sedov from the new land were obtained. All hopes collapsed. Return to St. Petersburg - meant to experience new bullying of enemies and ill-wishers. The new expedition to the pole he could no longer achieve ... The Sedov Pole Party before leaving the bay of quiet

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G. Ya. Sedov passed on foot to the pole about 2,000 kilometers. In recent days, he could no longer go, and sat tied in narts, so as not to fall. Although he has already seen the hopelessness of his position and sometimes said in forgetting: "I lost everything," but I did not want to go back. Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov died on March 5, 1914, a little without reaching the island of Rudolf - the most northern of the islands of Franz Josef's archipelago. Body G. Ya. Sedova buried on Rudolf Island. The Soviet polar base station is now built here. From here, they started the northern pole of Papanitsa, who successfully completed the task set before them. Burrying the chief, the library and the wetty, overcoming large difficulties, arrived at the "Foku". Members of the expedition made scientific trips to the Islands of the Land of Franz Josef. At the end of July, "Foka" left the bay of the bay, and a month later came to Arkhangelsk. Astronomical sign established in 1913 by the Expedition G.Ya. Sedov.

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It is not even hostile, the participants of Sedov expedition returned to their homeland were encountered. After a long weary, the sailors "Foki" filed the name Tsar Telegram, in which they wrote: "... under the command of Senior Lieutenant Sedov, we went to the expedition to the North Pole. We were promised that our families will take care, and we boldly walked for our Head. A lot of deprivation and adversity we had to be transferred due to insufficient equipment of the expedition. The test cup was overflowed when our dear head, persistently pursuing his cherished dream to hoisting the Russian flag on the North Pole, died by the death of ideological martyr. We returned home exhausted, thirsty rest ... Instead of recreation in the homeland, we were waiting for a bitter disappointment: we were thrown to the arbitrary of fate on a dilapidated expedition ship without a penny of money ... ". Two years. "Holy Fock" again in Arkhangelsk, but without Sedov.

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In the hydrographic management of the maritime ministry, they did not want to think about the processing and publishing of the scientific materials collected by the expedition. Meanwhile, they had tremendous scientific importance. G. Ya. Sedov and his members of his expedition conducted a lot of work in the field of cartography, meteorology, geology, in particular, glossology, earthly magnetism, collected Paleontological and mineralogical collections on the new land and land of Franz Joseph. G. Ya. Sedov made two cards of the new land. According to their quality, they stand incomparably above all previous ones and strongly changed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe outlines of the coast studied. For example, the cape of desire after the work of Sedov had to be "moved" to the south of almost 7 kilometers and east about 2 kilometers. The northern tip of the new land was another cape - Carlsen. Approximately 12 kilometers had to move to the south of the Cape Big Ice, and the caustic of consolation - to the south of about 3.5 kilometers and west of about 2.5 kilometers. Cape Litke was the island and is located 1 kilometer north and 10 kilometers east. And the challenge of the observatory - north of about 7 kilometers and the east of about 9.5 kilometers. In a group of pan-coloring islands, only one island was, and the rest are one common peninsula associated with the shore of a narrow lowland. France-Joseph V. Yu Visa laid four islands on the map. M. A. Pavlov produced a detailed geological shooting of the Mountains of the Gucker Island and the area surrounding the bay of the Bay, and also made a survey of the stake of Zunda Meneenius. The sign "Rose of Winds" is established in memory of the hydrographic expedition

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The meteorological stations of the expedition of Sedov in the bay of Foki on the new land and in the bay of quiet on Earth Franz Joseph delivered very valuable materials to study the atmospheric regime of such rarely visited areas. It is hourly in the bays of Foki and quietly, observations over tides and lowers were made. These data made it possible to highlight the question of the spread of tidal waves off the coast of the New Earth and the Land of Franz Joseph, as well as determine the elements of the tidal wave. At the time of swimming, the Sedov expedition vessel was observed over the temperature of the sea at different depths, the transparency was made and was made. Systematic observations over the northern lights. Many of the shine drew a member of the expedition of Sedov N. V. Pinegin. Nikolai Vasilyevich Pinegin, artist and photographer Expedition Sedov.

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Simultaneously with the expedition, Sedov went to the north, two more Russian expeditions - Rusanov and Brusylov. Participants in both of these expeditions died. Sedov expedition is the only one who has given significant scientific results. Only after 1917, the scientific results of the expedition of the city of Ya. Sedov were published. Its name gained wide fame. Soviet polar explorers successfully continue the work initiated by the selfless Son of the Azov Fisherman, according to the study of the Arctic. In 1929, the Soviet icebreaker "Sedov" delivered Franz Joseph Zimikhikov to Earth, Soviet polarons, settled in the Bay of quiet, in which the vessel was wintering Sedov "Foka". O. Rudolph. Sedov expedition died in this area

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Georgy Yakovlevich Sedov overcoming incredible difficulties, on the scant funds collected by private order, he conducted important research on the new land and tragically died towards the North Pole

"Lazarev" is the path to the southern pole. Lazarev was elected an honorary member of a geographical society. For merit M.P. Lazareva through the Chin was produced in the captains of the 2nd rank. Having conceded Cape Horn, the ship was returned to Kronstadt on July 15, 1816. Perfect with lazanese geographical discoveries have worldwide historical importance.

"Travelers of the 19th century" - Kamchatka. "Hope" and "Neva". Amur river. Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846). Antarctica. Russian travelers in the first half of the XIX century. Japan. "East" and "Mirny". "Baikal". Efim Vasilyevich Putyatin (1804-1883). Sakhalin. F.F. BELLINSGAUZEN (1778-1852) Lazarev. "Cruiser". Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky (1813-1876).

"Opening" - humanism was the most important ideological prerequisite for nationalism. Adam Smith. Intensive trading connections with the East. Herbert Spencer. In the history of the West, national states have always conflicted with the Catholic Church. Portuguese colonial system. So, in 1640 the first English fortress in. India - Fort St.

"Expeditions" - three savages made J. M.V. Lomonosov did not make a single journey to the uncharted countries. Bay Shelekhova. WHERE? The Great Northern Expedition is the largest research expedition in the history of mankind. Petra's Botik I - Grandparents of the Russian Fleet. Ship "Chelyuskin" in the ice. Peter I.

"Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern" - teaching activities. In 1811 - Lecturer of the Marine Cadet Corps. Son of judge Johann Friedrich Crowenshtern Background. I.F. Trrusenshtern and "Hope". Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (1770-1846). I. Crusenshtern and M. Lisyansky - "Russian Columbus". First around the world swimming. Died on August 24, 1846, at the dacha, near Tallinn.

"Geographical discoveries" - Enrique navigator. Try to assume what the consequences of great geographic discoveries? Choose from the proposed options, in your opinion, correct. What expeditions are in question in the documents in the work sheet. Why were the geographical discoveries of XY - XYI centuries were named great? Journey Vasco da Gama around Africa to India.

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