Letter and - occupation, games. Acquaintance of children of senior and preparatory age with the letter and with sound (and brief)

1. Claim about the letter and

2. Riddles with a generalizing word on and

Keeps a girlfriend for my ushko,
The century runs with me stitch one. ( Needle with thread)

It is always in the forest in the forest.
Go to walk and meet.
It is striking like a Yozh,
In winter in a summer dress. ( Spruce)

Angry Nadrog
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Needles a lot,
And the threads are none. ( Hedgehog)

These are different items, and that they are combined together? - Shaggy!
From how many syllables is this word? - From three!
Why? - Since there are 3 vowels.
What is the shock? - second.

3. The game "broke TV" (idea from here)
An adult says the sound and lays out a card with a picture - a child needs to finish the word.
(and) sadness, (s) Golka, (s) Supushka, (s), (s), (s)

4. Drawing up visual sounding from cards:

5. Development of phonderatic perception

a) clap (or raise the card with the letter and) on the sound [and] from the sound row:

A and about k n y and and and and y about y and

b) repeat only words with sound "and":

Iva, Quince, duck, turkey, game, smile, bus, name, corner, July, needle ...

6. Exercise with hides - on each line Moting beads-boots:

And the grandfather has.

And the grandmother has.

And mom has.

And the dad has.

And we have.

To find out,

It is necessary to call out loud.


Name the names of boys and girls, and, if the child hears the sound of [and], then he needs to clap his palm:

Anya, Ulya, And Wang, and Lia, Anton, and Nna ...

Olya, Semyon, and Bear, Sasha, Vera, Masha, and NGA, Alyosha, Paul, and Ra, Nastya, Vasya, Kolya, Anna, and RMA, Klava

7. The game "one-lot" (adult throws the ball by the child, calling the word in the singular, the child needs to throw back, calling the word in the plural)
Sock - Socks
needle -
box -
a door -
Cup -
turkey -
toy -
glove -
thread -
Snowflake -
boy -
fork -
a drop -
girl -
umbrella -
boot -

8. Education adjectives-antonyms
high Low
wide narrow
big small
Bad - good
Cold - hot

9. Game "What is superfluous?" ("Fourth extra")
Several pictures or items are laid out and it is necessary to determine which picture there is no sound and (or just for rumor).

1 \u003d Teddy bear, fox, wolf, tiger
2 \u003d glasses, wasps, will, turkey

10. Wonder Wood
You need to select pictures (inscriptions) in the title of which there is sound and and "hang" on a tree as a leaflet. I made such a tree (print on A4) and to it leaves (A5) - I give empty leaves, so you yourself can enter the necessary words themselves:

11. Find the hidden letter and

12. The fairy tale about the IR brothers and session ()
There were two brothers. One name was Ie, and the other is looking for. IK was small, and sewing is huge (showing "portraits"). Ik had a house, and looking for a domic. And now I want you to help me tell about IKA.

(There is a game exercise "Complete Proposal").

Ik is not a mouth, but ...
IKA is not nose, but ...
Ika does not have an eye, but ... etc.

What is the search? If he is so huge, it means it is all very large.

It seems not the mouth, but ...
It seems not nose, and ...
It seems that it is not an eye, but ... etc.

Many years have passed, but people did not forget about the brothers. If they want to call a small subject, then remember the brother Ike. If it is necessary to name the objects of a huge size, then they remember the fraternity.

In the names of IC, there is a common sound. Name him, please.

13. Find all letters and both of them (


Prepared and conducted: the educator of the preparatory group number 6

Abramova O. V.

Subject: Letter and short, sound (s)

Goals and objectives:

Acquaintance with the letter;

Differentiation of the concepts of "sound" and "letter";

Identifying the articulator and acoustic characteristics of the sound;

The selection of sound in words, the definition of its location;

Comparison of sound with other, phonetically similar to it sounds;

Enrichment of the dictionary reserve of children, creating conditions for the use of new words in his own speech;

The formation of the skill of education and the use of forms of words, coordination with other parts of speech;

Training answers to questions, dialogic speech, adding missing words;

Development of shallow motility fingers of the fingers, skills oriented on a sheet of paper into a cage.

Materials and equipment: wall alphabet, board, chalk, notebook in a large cage, simple pencil.

Travel course.

  1. There is a letter in our language, which is invisible, but plays a significant role. What letter is we talking about, try to learn from a small story.

Strange letter.

Scored letters in the alphabet.

SPEEM? - said one of his neighbor.

I do not know how, she said sadly.

And you try. Sing, like me: both-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-and! ..

Y ... y ... y ...

And really, you can't. Strange: all vowels sing, and you are not.

I'm not vowels.

Consonation, what?

I do not know.

Well, and who needs you?

I need everyone. See, I stand in the alphabet.

Stoi - sorry that.

Not "stoi", and "stand." So I came in handy!

Well, well, stand. Why do you have this sign?

Guess ...

They guessed what the letter is we talking about?

Right. Letter - and brief. And what sound does it indicate?

Completely right - sound (s). What is the sound or consonant? To determine, let's say it. What helps us to pronounce it in your mouth?

True tongue. He presses the sides to the nebu. It means that he is still a consonant, but unusual, but always mild consonants.

2. In our speech there is little signs of words with this sound. Basically, it is in the middle or at the end of words. And at the beginning it is only in foreign words that appeared in our speech - "iodine", "yog", "yogurt".

Let's try to determine in which words a sound (s) can occur. Answer the questions. If you choose the answer correctly, then in your words there will be sound (s):

What do we pronounce when we suddenly get hurt? (Oh!)

When did we scare something? (Ah!)

A tiny girl who lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

Who kidnapped a frog from Ivano-Tsarevich? (Koschei the Deathless)

What is the name of a boy who knows nothing? (Dunno)

A boy who wants to do anything? (Lazy person)

Bad marks at school? (Troika, Two)

Bird, which sings well? (Nightingale, canary)

Bird that can speak? (Parrot)

Sea white bird? (gull)

Who dined in the zoo at the beasts? (Sparrow)

Urban transport? (Trolleybus, tram)

You are well done! Answered all questions. In which part of the words, we most often met the sound (s)?

I agree with you - in the middle and at the end of words.

3. And now a little rest. Let's spend fizminutka. But she is unusual: there will be words with sound ... .. (s)

(Children move around the room, having fun.)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

The wizard was evil!

He waved his hands

I entered all the children.

Children heads bowed

They silent and froze.

(Children are frozen, bowing heads.)

Friends came to the class,

Namig Vloda Won driven

And the children were folded.

And now it's time to dance,

We do not need to lose heart!

(Children are dancing.)

4. - Now we will play an unusual game. We will learn to order. I call the word, and you tell me this word with the word "you".

Run, listen, jump, dance, smile, wash, think, do, clap, wash, clean, walk, watered, collect.

What has changed in these words? (Sound appeared (s)).

5. - We met with sound (s) - they uttered, determined in which part of the words it is most often found. But do not forget about the letter, which he denotes - letter and brief. Now, to not offend her, we will write it.

(On the desk)

N- put the belt,

And - put on the poverty.

Letter n put on exactly

Letter and - painter.

You give her a hat

Will be a brief letter I.

(When writing, the letter is pronounced - the distance between the letters, size).

Well done! What letter and what sound did we meet today? What can you say about them?

In the next lesson, we learn who is friends with this sound.

And again a heading for you Learn letters. How did you guess today we have consonted letter "Y". Why consonant? And say the sound. Well, how easy is the sound? Of course, the obstacles meet, prevents the tongue and teeth.

At the beginning of the word, this sound will meet you not so often, but in the middle and in the end of the word as much as you like. So start with, come up with words with the sound "th". Lay out or cut the letter.

I only offer you to help practical material: artistic word, games, species, riddles.

Letter "Y"

Merry poems

Iodine good, iodine is not angry.

In vain you shout: "Oh-oh-oh!" -

Slightly freezing with iodine flask.

Iodine sometimes, of course, burns

But heal faster

Iodine lubricated wound.

V. Lunin

Flies over a gate bird,

But it does not sit on the gate.

E. Tarlap

I have a needle and thread,

I study at my mother to sew.

If the finger is ukol

Iodine Rank I'll fill.

Oh-oh and ahhh

- Oh oh oh! Said Ohh. -

I, my friend, very big!

- You go, take a walk,

All will pass! - said Ayh.


Because comma

On her shoulders sits.

V. Kozhevnikov

Yoga Ivan would help

Yes, lives behind the sea yoga.


Digured forty

Returns from the lesson.

The whole lesson chatted with joy

And home returned with a twos.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Do not have a hundred rubles, and have a hundred friends.

2. Find new friends, but old do not lose.

3. Cold Do not be afraid. After my belt.


The game "Who more."

Come up with words with sound [th] at the beginning (iodine, yoga, yot), in the middle (T-shirt, watering can, snake), In the end of the word (May, tea, edge).

The game "Turning words."

Change the words so that they designate the request, the order, the urge to action: worth ( stone), washes ( my), builds ( stroy), sings
(sorry), decides ( decide), plays ( play), repeats ( repeat), swims ( flame), thinks ( think).

The game "Where Sound".

The teacher invites children to determine the position of the letter "y" in words: strong, jockey, washer, iodine, line.

Game "Find out the sound."

Slap your hands once if you hear the sound [th] in words: fox, husky, player, face, washbasin, nightingale, bus, trolleybus, scissors, machine, snake, name, tea.

Game "Board Lream".

The game is "curious."

- What's your name? (Andrew.)

- What do you like for breakfast? (Egg.)

- What kind of transport prefer? (Tram, trolleybus.)

- Where do you like to go on the weekend? (To the museum.)

- What do you pick up the water to pour flowers? (In watering can.)

- What fruit do you like? (Quince.)

- What drink do you like? (Tea.)

The game "Letter is lost."

Insert the missed letters in words:

sha - Ba, Hero -, Tram -, study - those.

The game "Turning words."

1. Insert the missed letters to words:

About T in E T: t-shirt, nut, bunny, husky, gut;

lake, Reika.

2. Change each word so that in it the letter "th".

Builder ( construction), pour ( watering can), hare ( bunny), reader ( read), winter ( winter).

The game "Entertaining Models".

Make words on the following models.

1. - - - (May, Lai, Tea, howl, fight.)

- - - - - - (T-shirt, T-shirt, Seagull, Coyek, Nut.)

2. - - ah (Edge)

- - - ah (Shed, deprive.)

- - - - ah (Custom, case.)

- - - to her (Museum, Lyceum, Jockey, Frame.)


Well, my dear, your practical advice replenished another letter, it Letter "Y".

Today, we will talk about the letter, which can be called a cunning traveler. Sly, because externally, it is very similar to her neighbor alphabetically, and even because the sound is able to hide well. And the traveler for the reason that in ancient times it appeared in our alphabet, it disappeared, and originally did not count her at all. And only in the last century she had his permanent place in the alphabet, next to the vowelny I. This is the letter th (and brief) and the sound [th ']. Sometimes the sound that it denotes is also called "Yot". So why in our alphabet needed another letter and? To begin with, remember the sound characteristic [and]. The sound [and] is vowel, it stretches, comes. Now try singing the sound [th ']. Did not work out? Of course, because it is a short consonant sound. So, in our alphabet in the voice [and] and the consonant [y '] completely different work, so they both we need and are important. Today we will talk only about the work of the letter J.

Let's start with the definition of the sound [th ']. Put your hands on the throat or on the ears and say the sound [th ']. We felt vibration, it means that it is a ringing sound. And now remember another trick of this sound: the sound [th '] only soft, and he has no solid pair. So, the sound [th '] consonant, ringing, soft. Now they take off to learn this sound in words.

Today we will go to the bird kingdom. Guess the riddle and call the sound place in the word: at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end.


Surrons jump!

Keys, not Roby!

Who is it?

Sparrow - sound [th '] at the end of the word (Fig. 1).

White Bird

Over the sea flies.

Fish will see -

The beak is enough.

Seagull - sound [th '] in the middle of the word (Fig. 2).

Who without notes and without a swirl

Best of all takes trill,

Respect ...

Nightingale - Sound [th '] at the end of the word (Fig. 3).

Serious bird


Neigh your neck you always.

Is there a need for this?

Wryneck - Sound [y '] in the middle of the word (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Vertisheka ()

In the bird joyful zador,

Firmly believed in success,

Who from birds dives into the sea,

Without a doubt, better than all?

Guillemot - Sound [th '] in the middle of the word (Fig. 5).

That is not a rainbow, not flame!

What a bird? Guess!

All day chatting with us

Multicolored ...

Parrot- sound [th '] at the end of the word (Fig. 6).

I don't like to live without doing

In the fifth I get sick,

Then sazing cedar beak,

That oaks in the deaf forest.

Jay - Sound [y '] in the middle of the word (Fig. 7).

Noise and gams throughout the district

Birds are moving in fright.

Appeared in the sky predator,

How to enjoy, looking for.

Hawk- Sound [th '] at the beginning of the word: [Yast'ip] (Fig. 8).

We noticed that the sound [y '] at the beginning of the word met only once. The fact is that in the words of the Russian language, this sound occurs infrequently. Words that begin with the letter in our language are a bit, among them are mostly geographical names, but not only. Try to call words on the letter J.

Iodine baby knows everyone.

Iodine mom wounds smears(Fig. 9) .

What milk product need to drink all children necessarily? Yoghurt (Fig. 10).

Yogi will not say: "Oh!"

"Oh oh oh!" - not crying yoga(Fig. 11) .

Young, Holdane!

Old, be like a young!

Yorkshire terrier, or York (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12. Yorkshire Terrier ()

Consider how the letter y is written.

Because comma

On her shoulders sits.

Consider printed letters. What do they remind you? Letters II.

The book is called and brief.

J, as in your notebook.

So that th not to be confused with and,

Top tick write.

Skolding Jump-Skok

And lay down the painter.

Changed n inside

It turned out the letter I.

And then above the letter and

Bird flew,

Become a (and short) letter and

Immediately wanted.

What does the letter look like?

Rose and under the lantern,

We do not know him.

Changed - look

On him stealing.

It used to be simple and,

And now y (and short).

Writer Viktor Khmelnitsky came up with his story.

Previously, the letters of s and th invited friend to visit each other, but the letter I always left a wand in the hallway, and the letter could not distinguish it from a soft sign. And when the letter th came to visit, he left his hat on a hanger, and the mistress was confused with the letter I. In the end, this confusion was tired of them. What about tea? And now they drink tea in the garden. The letter s holds with him a wand, and the letter may not remove the hat(Fig. 13) .

Fig. 13. Tale about the letters s and th

The sound and letter they love to answer the question "What?". Let's check. Consider a picture and tell.

What kitten (Fig. 14)?

Redhead, small, funny, soft, etc.

What is a backpack (Fig. 15)?

School, new, heavy, beautiful, etc.

Fig. 15. School backpack ()

What watermelon (Fig. 16)?

Striped, sweet, sugar, tasty, etc.

Let me read the words: ai, oh, hey - th helps to express feelings.

Replacing one letter in the word, we get another word: may - Lai - Paradise - Roy - My.

The sound [th '] is always soft. So, the letter y denotes the sound [th '], which is always soft, and vowels and shows the softness of the previous consonant.

Consider written letters th (Fig. 17, 18).

Look, see,

Cute girlfriend

To what

We are similar!

Common features

You - like me,

And I like you.

We are like chicks.

Maybe we are twins?

Fig. 17. Written and printed letter and ()

Fig. 18. Written and printed letter y ()

What is the difference? Y from above appeared a check mark, or a bird.

Practge write letter y.

Now we will perform such a task: Listen to the poem and write down all the sounds [th '] letters J. Tip: How many sounds, so many letters.

Next to my room

And there are full of friends:




And loony

And winged

And griege,

And horned

And echief

And tail ...

How many letters did you do? 9. And what animals living in the forest are you presented? Tell us.

Now write a small dictation.

Write a letter denoting the first sound in the word "Roma".

Write the letter denoting the last sound in the word "lazy".

Write the letter denoting the second sound in the word "forest".

Write the title letter N.

Write the title letter of today's lesson.

Fig. 19. Check yourself


1. Restress to write in words the title and small letter J.

2. Recall and call 5 fairy tales, in the names of which will be the letter J.

3. Compose a small fairy tale about oh and ah.


1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012

3. Agarkov N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Tutorial on learning literacy and reading: ABC. Academknig / Tutorial, 2014

1. Festival of pedagogical ideas "Open Lesson" ()

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter th, the formation of the skill of reading, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonderatic hearing, the basics of elementary graphic skill.

  • introduce a preschooler with the letter, the correct pronunciation of sound;
  • teach to write the printed letter in the cells;
  • to form interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is drawn in the pictures below:

Kettle parrot yogurt yog

  1. Please listen to words (send the last sound voice): My, your, wild, kind, clever.
  2. What kind of sound is in all these words?
  3. What kind of sound is in the word parrot, and in the word Mike?
  4. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word, the sound [th] in the word parrot? - Mike? - GIVE? - Aibolit?

When we pronounce the sound [th], the tip of the tongue is behind the bottom teeth, and the back of the tongue rises to the nebu. Take: Yiy. The back of the tongue rises to the nubber and prevents the air freely out of his mouth when we pronounce the sound [th].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [th]?
  • Ringing or deaf?
  • Why?
  • Watch the letter J. What letter does it look like?

The letters are similar, and the sounds are completely different: [and] - vowel, and [th] - consonant sound.

Repeat: Bunny. What is the first syllable in this word?
And what is the second syllable in this word?

Similarly, with the words Mike, smart, stupid, tram, Aibolit.

Read words:
My, Maja, Um-ny, Dob-ry, Krasnaya, Ge-Roy, Za-ka, de-Poy, Silic, Ze-Lyu-Bav, Tram-Wai.

Task: Printed letter y for preschoolers

Look off the letter J. Called the letter in the air and once in the notebook neatly in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint handle.

In cases where the child is invited to write a whole string of the letter, a syllable or word - an adult gives a sample writing at the beginning of the line.
If the preschooler has difficulty, the adult can spend two approximate lines, or put the support points that the child connects the lines, or write the letters entirely, and the child will simply circle them. Calligraphy at this stage of learning should not be required.

Continue phrase

The house on the rails here is like here.
Everyone will know in five minutes
You sit down and do not yawa
Departs ... (Tram).

What we sang, guess?
Kara ... (wai).
What did we sing, guess? Bai ... (Bai).
What a month, guess? The month of May).
What in a glass, guess? Sweet tea).

Tale about the letter

What do you know about yoga?

"What do you know about yoga?" - Thus called a book that mouse mouse found in the garden. A naked uncle was drawn on the cover - Yoga, who, as if nothing had been lying on the nails sticking out of the board.
On other pictures, the same yogi easily stood with bare feet on hot coals or sitting frozen in ice lump. In addition, the mice read that yoga could not eat for months and not to drink.
- Need to try! - Decided mice.
- I imagine what will happen when mom opens the refrigerator, and I sit there frozen and smile there. Or dad opens the stove, and I sit there on coals and say: "What, yoga never seen, or what?"

To begin with, he drove nails into the board and only for them, he immediately jumped up and let's yell on the whole garden:

Oh-e-e-e-her !!!

Came running home, pulled out iodine and became scratches from nails to smear. And iodine burns! Majet mice, boys, and he thinks: "I'll throw this book by this book. Let him come to the yoga now. "

Riddles for children on the letter

Wake up - proceeds by steam
And whistles, and silent with heat,
The lid is bored, knocking.
- Hey, take off! - screaming.

Amazing car!
Judge himself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with hands.

In the glade wool
Beaten the tonky.
From under steel shoes
Crashes stitch.
(Sewing machine)

Maybe crash.
Can and weld
If you want, in a bird
Can turn.
Tell me who is so afraid of
Like sticks - dog
How is the stone - a bird?
(Lazy person)

To mom river run
And I can't be silent.
I am her son's native
And born in the spring.

He produces lists
Eat latitude.
Keeps on the stems of strong
One hundred fruits of rough, chain:
If you won't go -
They will find them all.

Rose into the angry and stitching field,
In all sides of the needle.

I am always friendly with the light.
If the sun in the window,
I'm from the mirror, from puddles
Running around the wall.
(Sunny bunny)

On the head button
In the nose is solido
One hand
Yes, and that on the back.

Merry poems about the letter th for children

Iodine good, iodine is not angry.
In vain you shout: "Oh-oh-oh!"
- Slightly freezing with iodine flask.
Iodine sometimes, of course, burns
But heal faster
Iodine lubricated wound.
(V. Lunin)

Play, bunny,
Play with me.
Replies a bunny:
- I can not, patient!
Oh-oh oh, poor!
(E. Blaginina)

Oh-oh-oh! - Saved oh-oh.
- I, my friend, completely sick!
- You go walk!
All will pass! - said Ayh.

Yogi will not say: "Oh!"
"Oh oh oh!" - Does not cry yogi.
Young, Holdane!
Old, be like a young!
(V. Berestov)

I'm on the tails in birds and animals:
Here is the mountain, here is a sparrow.
(E. Grigorieva)

At the station "And Short"
We were met by Zagadkoy:
"Read, showy and guess -
How, without getting up,
You can turn the tram
In many trams?
... what you need to miss,
So that you could have a bunny
In the drill to turn? "
One of us moments three
Thought over Ripathy
And answered "hook sob
Above the book "and short."
(S. Marshak)

Ant found the epics
There was a lot of trouble with her.
How logging on the back
He carries her home ...
It bends under the riding.
He crawls already with difficulty.
But what good
Ants build a house!
(3. Alexandrov)

Lesson results:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases the vocabulary of the preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motility hands.
  3. Riddles are developing in children's intelligence, the ability to analyze and prove. Teachers apply riddles when teaching children to increase interest while performing complex tasks.
  4. The poems affect not only the development of memory. It is proved that if a few lines teach daily, new neural connections arise in the brain, the overall ability to learn is increasing.
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