Essay on history theme of the Second World War. “The Great Patriotic War: nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten...” (School essays)

An essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War” is an assignment whose purpose is to attract schoolchildren to questions and develop their interest in the heroic past of our people. The material for its implementation is historical information, works of fiction, and information about the experiences of the students’ relatives during the war years.

Historical data

Victory in this war came at too high a price. The fates of many people remained unclear. According to statistics, more than twenty-five million people died in four years, most of whom were undoubtedly men. But incomplete records of the population of the Soviet Union before 1941 cast doubt on the official death toll. In reality there were much more of them.

Great losses

The main proof that this war dealt an irreparable blow to the inhabitants of the entire former USSR is the fact that there is not a single house where grief has not come. Some people received a scary triangular envelope from the postman, others suffered all their lives from ignorance and vain waiting. An essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War” is not a creative assignment on an abstract topic. Stories of grief that people experienced over a short four-year period are passed down from generation to generation.


Soviet soldiers sacrificed their lives for the long-awaited victory. The heroism of these people sometimes bordered on madness. But it was beautiful madness. One of the German officers who was captured looked closely at the Red Army soldiers for a long time, and then said with some envy: “This is the same Russian spirit that I have heard so much about.” An essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War” primarily addresses the issue of the inhuman fortitude of the Soviet soldier, which has no similarity, perhaps, in the entire history of mankind. Why did the people, who experienced so much grief from their own rulers, not lose their sense of patriotism, made sacrifices and were ready to die rather than surrender to the enemy? Perhaps it’s all about recklessness, romance and dedication.

"Stand and forget about death!"

This order was given to his soldiers by the general in Bondarev’s work dedicated to Fiction in this case does not diverge from reality. Defensive battles for this city began in July '42. The enemy disabled the railway crossing across the Volga River. No city in the entire world has experienced such a massive air strike as this one. But still, the Soviet army won.


An essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War” can be written under the influence of the heroic deeds of a grandfather or great-grandfather. Memories of them are kept in the hearts of descendants. To forget about them means to have no past.

But there was a period in the history of our country when everything that relates to spiritual national values ​​was subject to critical assessment and cynical doubt. How did people suffering from their own power find the strength to fight the enemy? And this question can be considered in an essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War.” The feat of the Soviet people has nothing to do with love for the all-powerful leader and fear of those who extol him. The heroism of the Soviet soldier is the desire to protect his land, to free it from the enemy yoke at all costs.

Life and destiny

Joseph Grossman is a war correspondent who was in Stalingrad from the first to the last days of the significant battles. Subsequently, he wrote a great book, which had a pronounced anti-Stalinist character, but was imbued with love for the homeland, mother, and the entire Soviet people. The novel is called "Life and Fate." For a long time it was read only by KGB officers, although this book was about the people's grief and it was intended for ordinary people, whose destinies were changed once and for all by the bloodiest war in the history of mankind.

How to write an essay on the topic “in the fate of my family”? Not every soldier accomplished a feat similar to those written about in the books to which films are dedicated. But each of them was a hero. Feats were performed not only on the battlefield. An example of heroism was the life of women who, while waiting for letters from the front, continued to work hard in factories and collective farms, fulfilling double and triple standards. Mothers who were deprived of their sons but continued to live became heroes. In his main book, Grossman simply, but painfully heartfeltly depicted the grief of one of them. His work really helps to understand the true meaning of such a loud and sometimes pathetic word “heroism”.

Every Russian schoolchild can write an essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War in the history of my family.” Grief did not spare a single family in the forties of the last century, and it was so strong that only heroes could survive it. Yesterday's schoolchildren standing in line at the military registration and enlistment office. Mothers who are left alone with their grief. Children growing up before their time... They all became heroes. They had no other choice.

"I am a Russian soldier"

Who can tell about war better than one who saw its terrible face and was so close to death that its breathing even ceased to frighten and alarm? Boris Vasiliev is one of those whose writing vocation was aimed at ensuring that the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those killed during the Great Patriotic War knew about the terrible price that was once paid for their peaceful existence. The story “Not on the Lists” talks about a feat that even enemy officers could not help but admire. The main character of this work stayed in the fortress for more than a year, periodically making forays and destroying German officers. He did not receive letters from his mother or girlfriend. He did not communicate with his comrades. Nobody supported him morally. He was alone. And the only thing that gave him strength was the knowledge that he was a Russian Soldier.

An essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945” is an assignment that involves the use of various sources, the reading of which in itself is a tribute to the memory of the millions of fallen Soviet people. The books of Boris Vasiliev are those that need to be read and re-read. They contain the memory of suffering and strength, of struggle and victory. When you read these works, you understand the words of the author, who once said that the war was won by another army, not the one that Stalin prepared.

Children at war

Those who are still alive can tell about what a child experienced during the war. However, there are very few of them left. What documentary or literary works should you familiarize yourself with before writing an essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War through the eyes of children”? If the author of this work has no eyewitnesses among his relatives, Svetlana Alexievich’s book “One Hundred Non-Children’s Stories about the War” will help. There is a lot of bitterness in it, but a lot of truth. The heroes of this work talk about themselves and what they saw many years ago with their own eyes.

A long forgotten war!

War is stupid and senseless from the very beginning.

It does not lead to victory - it sows grief and hatred.

Lady Fiona

The Great Patriotic War- this is grief and tears. She knocked on every house and brought misfortune: mothers lost their sons, wives lost their husbands, children were left without fathers. Thousands of people went through the crucible of war, experienced terrible torment, but they survived and won. We won the most difficult of all wars that humanity has endured so far. And those people who defended our Motherland in the hardest battles are still alive. The war emerges in their memory as the most terrible, sad memory. But it also reminds them of perseverance, courage, unbroken spirit, friendship and loyalty.

I read about many writers who went through this terrible war. Many of them died, many were seriously injured, many survived the fire of trials. That’s why they still write about the war, that’s why they talk again and again about what became not only their personal pain, but also the tragedy of an entire generation. They simply cannot die without warning people about the danger that comes from forgetting the lessons of the past.

The poet Gleb Pagirev in his poem clearly describes the feelings of those who went to the front. “I remember, before the war, I studied at the workers’ faculty: simple trousers, a khaki shirt... The wartime suffering was still at the beginning, and we were just finishing our last year.”

People of those times who are still alive will never forget the horrors of these terrible wars, and those who died will forever remain heroes in our hearts. And how many lives did this victory cost?! Many, very many.I'm sure everyone knows this feeling. It arises when everything is over...irrevocably, as if it never began. Pain, so much pain that you can choke in it, even if you share it among all the people on Earth. Out of hopelessness, the heart begins to ache stubbornly, once again confirming the hopelessness of the situation. Like in childhood, when you read an interesting book or accidentally break your favorite toy. Feeling empty...It hurts so much. The most severe pain is the pain of irreversible loss. When tears are already dripping onto your cold palms, and you still can’t realize that it’s all over.

We won. But what is the use of this if all relatives and loved ones died fighting to the end for this Victory. The country came to victory with its last breath, devastated, depopulated - entire generations were almost completely wiped out. Horrible gaps were evident wherever you looked. Thousands of villages were burned to the ground, hundreds of citiesturned into ruins. Great - truly great, determining the fate of the country and the world - the victory was unbearably bitter.

Let our memory and experience teach us kindness, peacefulness, humanity. And let none of us forget who and how fought for our freedom and happiness. We are indebted to you, S soldier! We remember every soldier who did not return from the war, we remember at what cost he achieved victory. He preserved for me and millions of my compatriots the language, culture, customs, traditions and faith of my ancestors.

Subjects of creative works in the essay genre:

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Essay War in the history of my family

There is not a single family in our country where the memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of millions of Soviet people, is not honored. This war left an everlasting mark on the history of every family.

Probably every person knows that there was a war. And all these events were described by Vasiliev in his work “The Dawns Here Are Quiet.” During the war there was famine, devastation, destruction and constant bombing

Essay No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten

More than 70 years have passed since that terrible hour when the first fascist bombs fell on peaceful cities and villages of the Soviet Union. Exactly at four o'clock, when people are most sleepy.

Essay Letter to the past to a soldier of the Great Patriotic War

Hello, dear defender of the Fatherland! I don't know how old you are. If you are older than me, be my older brother, if you are much older, be my uncle, if you are a girl, be my sister or aunt.

War is the most terrible, most terrible word that exists in the world. Just his pronunciation gives you goosebumps and makes you feel uneasy.

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Hello dear veteran, participant in the battles of the Great Patriotic War! I am writing to you to express my deep gratitude for what you have done for us - future generations.

Essay What do I know about war? (1941-1945)

War is always pain of loss, devastation and horror. This was the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. How much grief she brought to our Motherland.

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War - there is so much in this word. Such a seemingly short and simple word, but how much grief, sadness and pain there is in it. When I hear this word, tears involuntarily well up in my eyes, and a suffocating lump swells in my throat.

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Essay The Great Patriotic War in the literature of the 20th century

When I pronounce just the words “Great Patriotic War,” I immediately imagine battles and battles for my homeland, many years have passed, but that pain is still in the souls and hearts of people who lost relatives in those days

The most difficult war in the history of this world was the Great Patriotic War. She tested the strength and will of our people for more than a single year, but our ancestors passed this test with honor.

Every person living in Russia should know their history so as not to repeat past mistakes and know the structure of society. War, so much is included in the meaning of this word. Grief, sadness, loss, togetherness

All people living on earth know about wars. They always talk about them, remember them, and of course they are afraid of a repetition of these terrible events in our time. Parents and teachers at school constantly remind and talk about all the horrors of wartime

Kutuzov always spoke about the Russian soldiers of the Battle of Borodino as brave, courageous and loyal defenders of their country, their family. I can say that it is precisely these main qualities of soldiers that are the main victorious force of our army.

The ninth day of the last month of spring is a significant and important holiday not only for the Russian people, but also for many people on our planet.

Essay about war

Of course, war is the most terrible, merciless and harsh word in the world. It brings people only the worst: suffering, grief, tears, hunger. War will never bring happiness even to the winner. She is very cruel.

It’s hard for me to imagine how much hatred people must have for them to go kill their own kind.

War reveals not only the cruelty of people, but their stupidity. A person is called intelligent. But, in my opinion, he is not worthy of such a name if he picks up a weapon. Of course, any war can be prevented, and this task lies with politicians. Their main responsibility is to resolve any conflict peacefully. But, unfortunately, these people do not always cope with this responsibility. In our time, the problem of the outbreak of war is very relevant.

An example of the mistakes of politicians and the cruelty of people is the war in Iraq. The US government acted recklessly, resulting in the deaths of both Iraqis and Americans. The whole world followed these events with bated breath; everyone saw the grief and suffering of the civilian population. The war disrupted their usual way of life and made their well-being impossible. The war ended, but it forever remained a black spot in the minds of many thousands of people. Civilians in Iraq see no improvement in their lives. Military actions only destroyed houses, and the same new rulers replaced the old government.

I would like to wish the governments of all countries that, using any means, they would prevent the outbreak of a new war, so that subsequent generations would not be ashamed of our reckless actions.

So, I am for music to sound forever in our lives and for the sounds of developing shells to never be heard in the destinies of people.

Project dedicated to Victory Day, Collection of creative works of schoolchildren "My family in the Great Patriotic War"

Description of work: We present to your attention the Project: Collection of creative works of schoolchildren “My family in the Great Patriotic War”. This material may be useful for teachers of Russian language and literature, class teachers, and librarians.


Collection of creative works by schoolchildren "My family in the Great Patriotic War"

Project Manager: Belikova Ekaterina Petrovna teacher of Russian language and literature, 1st qualification category
Project participants: 10th grade students
Objective of the project: drawing attention to the memory of the history of the country, the memory of the heroic deeds of the people as a whole, knowledge of the history of one’s family, one’s heroes.
Project objectives:
- develop students’ interest in the history of their family and country;
- to cultivate students’ patriotism and respect for those to whom we owe our lives;
- develop the ability to work with archives, including family ones; collect material (conversation with parents and grandparents about great-grandparents).
Results of the project:
As a result of working on the project, schoolchildren learn to plan and carry out work in accordance with goals and objectives; learn to express their thoughts, impressions, opinions and present them in the form of creative essays.
Dates: 12.01.15 – 28.02.15
Stages of the project:
1) Preparatory (12.01.15 – 31.01.15)
At this stage of work on the project, the composition of the team members is determined, the terms of work are determined, the editorial board is selected: editors, journalists; photographs are printed, a class hour is held “How it was!” What a coincidence - war, trouble, dream and youth! ", takes part in a rally dedicated to the liberation of the city of Zernograd from the Nazi invaders, students talk with their grandparents.
2) Creative (01.02.15 – 20.02.15)
Creative works about the family during the war years are being prepared, artistic design and suitable photographs are being selected, and essays are being edited. And finally, a brochure is released.
3) Final (21.02.15 – 28.02.15)
And now the brochure has been released! In the future it will be transferred to the school museum.
Municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary school with in-depth study
mathematics, computer science, English language Zernograd
Collection of essays
Head: E. P. Belikova
teacher of Russian language and literature
first qualification category

Essay “My family in the Great Patriotic War”

War! There is so much connected with this word. How many lives were taken, how much grief this terrible event entailed, how much people suffered during these terrible years. How hard it was for the people when there were crop failures, hunger, losses of loved ones, bombing, lack of sleep, fatigue from long hours of work - people suffered from the war. War is a disaster for the entire people and no one is protected from it, everyone is equal before it.
My dad’s parents: Boris Grigorievich and Lidiya Panteleevna were very young, they were only 6–7 years old when the war began. Despite such a small age, these terrible events clearly left a mark on the childhood memory of my grandparents. Grandma Lida often told me how hard it was to live during the Great Patriotic War. There were eight children in their family, but the war took away their childhood too. While parents worked in the fields and on farms from morning to evening, the children managed the housework themselves. The older ones looked after the kids.
There was almost nothing to eat; everything possible was sent to the front. Grandmother said that they lived mainly on potatoes, there were more of them than other products; and they even made bread from potatoes, adding leftover flour and quinoa to it. Bread made from such dough was not at all tasty, heavy, wet and bitter in taste, but people were happy about this too. My great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers dug up a large garden by hand with shovels, planted potatoes, and then themselves or with their grandchildren harvested the potatoes and took turns herding the cows. Everyone saved themselves from hunger as best they could.
During the war, people wore out all their things a lot. It’s good that my great-grandmother knew how to sew; she taught this to my grandmother’s older sister, Grandma Lyuba, even before the war. And she, in her free time, sewed and sewed patches on a tiny old machine - giving a second life to the things of her brothers and sisters.
My great-grandfather on my father’s side, Grandfather Grisha, was wounded and was sent to the hospital from the front. There they could not get him a fragment, he remained to live with it, suffering from periodic pain, from which he died a few years after the war. My grandfather Borya was very proud of his relatives; they all fought with him. After he graduated from school, he entered a military school and began servicing airplanes. My dad followed my grandfather’s path; he also became a military man.
The theme of war has always interested me, touched a nerve, I have always sympathized with those people who survived this terrible time. I thought about those who gave their lives for their homeland, who fought and fought with the Nazis for a peaceful sky above their heads.
These thoughts gave rise to a desire in me to read about the war, to reproduce all these terrible moments in my imagination. I read such works as “Letter No.,” “Sevastopol Stories” by L.N. Tolstoy, “They Fought for the Motherland” and “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov and many other works about the war. They show life during the war years, how actions unfolded at the front, how people did everything they could to help the soldiers, how wives and mothers waited for their sons, husbands and relatives to come home. Reading these books, I felt pain, problems, needs, grief, fear, courage, bravery - everything that people experienced at that time, many years ago.
To summarize, I would like to say that, despite the fact that my grandparents were small during the Great Patriotic War, they were able to tell me about how they lived at that time, they were able to convey those terrible moments to us, the younger generation, I think this is good. Thanks to my grandparents, my parents, for instilling patriotism in me, for instilling love for my homeland, and thanks to them, I know the history of my country.
Essay “Thank you grandfather for the Victory!”

Through blood and sweat
Through fire and water,
Through the smoke of the fires,
Through the stench of corpses,
Defending the right to freedom
Ours was on its way to victory
valiant soldier!
On May 9, 1945, the most terrible war of the twentieth centuries, the Great Patriotic War, ended. She took away many innocent souls, deprived many of their relatives and friends.
The Great Patriotic War swept across our country in a whirlwind of death and destruction. How many troubles, tragedies and silent bodies she left behind...
So many years have flown by since then, but we still remember that terrible time when people went to the front and defended their Motherland.
One of these people was my great-grandfather, Mikhail Leontievich Ivashkin. He was born on December 30, 1918 in Donetsk in Ukraine. He studied in elementary school and successfully completed four classes. Afterwards he worked at a textile factory in Donetsk.
In 1941 he was sent to the front, he was only 23 years old.
As you know, in the war, awards were given for courage and bravery, but for a true patriot (and this was probably each of those who volunteered to go to the front), what was more important was not this, but the defense of their Motherland. One of the volunteers was my great-grandfather.
His first meeting with the enemy occurred during a German attack on a train that was carrying soldiers to the front. The train was attacked by enemy bombers, a fierce struggle ensued, and my great-grandfather and his comrades had to engage in an unequal battle. Having no weapons, they selflessly fought against the German soldiers and conquered their native land inch by inch. This is how the Great Patriotic War began for him...
He was a scout and standard bearer. He knew German well. He was wounded three times, but did not stay in the hospital for long.
Soviet soldiers, without hesitation, rushed into burning huts and walked through icy, swampy swamps. They endured all the hardships, did not eat, did not sleep... They were driven forward by one goal - to reach the end, not to give up, not to let the Nazis take away the most valuable thing - their country, their Motherland. To shoot at the enemy, even if there are no more cartridges in the machine gun, to shoot down “Messers” if the machine gun has been silent for a long time, to blow up fascist “tigers” if there are no grenades - only our Soviet soldier was capable of this. At any second he was ready to give up his life. With the last of your strength, get to the gun and fire at least one last shot. To die yourself, but to cover with your body a friend, or even a little acquaintance, but also a soldier. And how many of them there were - famous and nameless!
My great-grandfather fought like a real hero, a brave and courageous man. He reached Berlin.
I think that everyone who was in that terrible war deserved this title - Hero. And even if we cannot thank many of them, we must always remember their feat, remember that they fought for us, for our Motherland.
For courage and bravery, Mikhail Leonidovich Ivashkin was awarded a personalized commander’s watch. The Presidium of the Supreme Council awarded him the Order of the Great Patriotic War of the second degree, the medal "For Courage", the medal "For Military Merit", the medal "For the Capture of Berlin", the medal "For Victory over Germany". And this is not the entire list of his awards; most of the awards were lost in battle.
Upon returning, Mikhail Leontievich took an active part in restoring the destroyed economy and worked in the mine.
This is the story of my great-grandfather - a man who knew about the war firsthand. This man died, but his memory remained and will always live in the hearts of his family and friends.
We, the children of the new era, must become a strong, reliable link in the chain of generations. How a person relates to the heroic past of his grandfathers and great-grandfathers depends on his moral character, attitude towards society, towards work. Patriotic education is especially important these days, in an environment of intense struggle, when our enemies rely on young people, hoping for their lack of historical memory. How hard this victory was for us and how much it meant! I want people to become smarter and kinder, and this hell on earth will not happen again!
Eternal glory to all who defended our Motherland!
Essay “Family in the Great Patriotic War”

War is a terrible tragedy in the fate of humanity. She comes into people's lives and destroys them with explosions, gunshots and deaths. Unfortunately, the war did not spare our Motherland either. In the summer of 1941, it burst into the quiet life of an entire people, like a deadly hurricane, breaking all the dreams of thousands of boys and girls, destroying the stable and happy life of adults acquired over the years and labor, and forever inscribing itself in the memory of children who survived this terrible period of the war.
The terrible events of the war did not leave a single Soviet family indifferent, taking to the front everyone who could benefit the Red Army. And the decisive role in the war was played by the spirit of the Russian people, which, despite all the horrors of the first years of struggle, did not break, but rather grew stronger and stronger. Everyone, young and old, tirelessly voluntarily worked in the most difficult conditions to give the Russian soldier a chance to defeat the deadly enemy. Every boy strove to the front, not sparing his life, to save his mother and sister. Everyone contributed to the victory.
I want to tell the stories of my friend’s grandfathers, whose family has already become dear to me, and I believe that people like her grandfathers should be spoken about loudly and openly, because the feat they accomplished is worthy of great attention and respect.
First of all, I want to talk about Andrei Sergeevich Kalashnikov (1910-2008).
Andrey Sergeevich is from Novoivanovka. He was from a large and friendly family, in which everyone did their job, everyone was hard-working. At the expense of the economy, they did not feel the need during the revolution, when the Bolsheviks came to replace the tsarist power in the 1920s. However, the change of power turned into a real disaster for the family. The Bolsheviks began a policy of dispossession of wealthy families. At this moment, the Kalashnikov family also came under repression. They were sent to the Urals, where they were required to cut down and float timber. The work was hard, there was no money, and there was no food either. But the family found ways to survive. Alexander Sergeevich worked as a tractor driver and helped feed his family.
They lived like this for about 20 years, until the war burst into everyone’s lives. Andrei Sergeevich, who was already 30 years old, was called to the front. In July 1943, he was taken to the Kursk Bulge, where he fought through the battle, but was severely wounded by a bullet. After the injury, Andrei Sergeevich spent a long time in the hospital. But his war is not over yet. After the Battle of Kursk and a long recovery, he was transferred to Iran. Andrei Sergeevich said that the war in Iran was not the same as in Russia. Fruit grew there in abundance, and there was no debilitating hunger. At the end of the war he was awarded many medals and awards.
An outstanding person was Sergei Yakovlevich Chernyshenko (1918-1995).
He graduated from Rostov University and worked only briefly as a teacher at the Konzavod school before news of the war thundered throughout the country. Sergei Yakovlevich was called to the front. Having a university education, he was very useful for the army, so he was assigned to an artillery regiment. He first fought for the liberation of Crimea in 1944, receiving the rank of officer. At the end of the war he was relocated to Berlin, where he ended the war. He returned to the USSR only a couple of years after the victory due to his rank, since at that moment help was needed in Germany. After the war, Sergei Yakovlevich was awarded the Order of the Red Star.
Another worthy soldier was Sergei Yakovlevich’s brother, Ivan Yakovlevich Chernyshenko (1922-2009).
He was an infantryman and, considering that, an incredibly lucky guy. Ivan Yakovlevich walked to Berlin without a single injury, which was simply unthinkable for an infantryman. He was of small build and therefore very nimble, which may have saved him from injury. Ivan carried a large, heavy gun with him everywhere, as if he knew that one day it would save his life. Once, Ivan Yakovlevich, sitting in ambush, was targeted by a sniper, who was also safely hidden. And the unsuspecting Ivan Yakovlevich looked out from the ambush, placing the barrel of his gun along him. The sniper fired. But even here, luck did not turn away from the young man: a sniper bullet got stuck in the barrel of a gun. I believe that the luck that saved his life is the main reward that cannot be overshadowed by any medals or orders.
We owe everything to the people I told you about, because thanks to them and soldiers like them, we live in peace. For clear skies and happy children, we must always thank the people who accomplished this feat and defeated fascism, creating an amazing phenomenon in the history of mankind - the mass heroism of the Soviet people.

This year our country will celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the Victory over Nazi Germany. Many years have passed since that terrible war. Every year there are fewer and fewer veterans who, at the cost of their lives, defended the freedom of our Motherland, eyewitnesses of the terrible war years.
My peers and I know about the Great Patriotic War only from books and films. Every year on May 9, my parents and I go to the Victory Parade, and when a column of veterans passes by the stands, we always see tears in their eyes. At these moments, I really want to approach them, talk, warm them with my warmth, so that they know that we remember and really appreciate what they did for us, winning this difficult victory in 1945.
On the eve of the holiday, my classmates and I visited the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Vasily Nikiforovich Kotov.
Vasily Nikiforovich was born on January 2, 1926 in the Krasnodar region. Now he is already 89 years old. He is very old and sick and has difficulty hearing. But he still agreed to talk with us.
We learned that from the age of 14 Vasily Nikiforovich was already working on a collective farm. When the war began, he was only 15, and at 17 he was taken to the front. He served in the air defense forces as an anti-aircraft gunner. Despite his young age, he was a squad commander.
Vasily Nikiforovich fought in Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, was wounded in the head and shell-shocked. “It’s very difficult to remember the war,” says the veteran. - “It was a terrible time. The victory came at a high price for our country. During the war, the Soviet Union lost 27 million people. But even this huge figure is approximate: it is no longer possible to accurately count those killed at the beginning of the war and those missing in action.”
And tears appear in the old man’s eyes. And we, silenced by his story, understand that the most terrible grief in the world is war, that our soldiers won thanks to their great love for their Motherland. They defended their homes, their families, their mothers, wives and children from terrible enslavement by the enemy and therefore there was no way back for them to retreat. All peoples rallied in fraternal struggle against the invaders. This unity helped to survive and defeat the enemy.
But then a smile appears again on Vasily Nikiforovich’s face and he continues his story.
After the war, Vasily Nikiforovich returned home and married the girl Valentina. They lived their whole lives together in love and harmony and raised a son. Looking at the kind, wrinkled faces of Vasily Nikiforovich and his wife, you are imbued with respect for these honest, open people, and even a little envy their, albeit difficult, but happy fate.
Having thanked the veteran and his wife for an interesting conversation, we leave their small, cozy courtyard, well-groomed by the caring hands of the owners.
What a pity that we most often remember veterans on the eve of Victory Day. But there are very few of them left alive and they are all very old and need our support, not only physical, but also mental. It is very difficult for them to live in our time, when the values ​​for which they fought and died during the Great Patriotic War are questioned.
Essay “Heroes of the Great Patriotic War”

In the early 1930s, the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. From that time on, the words “fascist” and “Hitlerite” became synonymous. The Nazis declared that the Germans were “the best people,” the “superior race,” and that other peoples should submit to them. “Today Germany belongs to us, tomorrow the whole world will be ours!” - this is what the Nazis claimed in one of their songs.
The symbol (sign) of fascism became the swastika - a cross with ends bent at right angles. This symbol has been known since ancient times and meant fertility, the sun, and lightning. The Nazis used it as a sign of power and violence.
Germany prepared in advance for war in order to achieve dominance over the world, to subjugate as many countries as possible. On September 1, 1939, she attacked Poland, and the Second World War began. Soon, Hitler’s troops captured (occupied) 12 European countries.
At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi troops crossed the borders of the Soviet Union. Hitler's Germany thereby violated the non-aggression pact that existed between the two states.
Hitler and his generals had no doubt about a quick victory over the Red Army. They believed that two to three months would be enough to capture the USSR. The main blows were delivered by German troops in three directions: “North” - to Leningrad, “Center” - to Moscow, “South” - to Kyiv and further to the shores of the Black Sea. By October 1941, the occupiers were already on the outskirts of Moscow, blockaded Leningrad, and captured Kyiv.
The fascist troops were a huge force. The fact is that Germany used the resources (money, minerals, human labor, etc.) of the countries it occupied. The Nazis had much more military equipment and experience in conducting combat operations than our army. Passing through the captured land, the enemies killed civilians, including old people and children, turned cities into ruins, and burned villages and hamlets.
But from the very first hours of the war, the Nazis encountered stubborn resistance from Soviet border guards and units of the Red Army. They suffered significant losses both in manpower (killed and wounded) and in military equipment. Already in the first month of the war, fascist troops lost almost half of all tanks that took part in the attack on the Soviet Union.
Our soldiers fought bravely - artillerymen and pilots, tank crews and infantrymen. The war united the peoples of the country even more. People of different nationalities declared their readiness to fight for their Motherland without sparing their lives, to defend the freedom of the Fatherland.
Soviet people showed heroism not only at the front, but also in the rear - in that part of the country's territory that was outside the boundaries of hostilities.
Life in the rear was subordinated to the main thing: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” Women, old people, teenagers stood at the machines, extracted fuel and cooked steel, worked on tractors and combines instead of husbands, sons, and fathers who had gone to the front.
Scientists made a great contribution to the victory. It is known, for example, that tanks, airplanes and other equipment require not only strong metal, but also good fuel: without it you can’t start a tank or take a plane into the air. Fuel (gasoline, kerosene, fuel oil) was obtained from oil. Geologists searched for new oil deposits, technologists developed effective ways to process it. During the war, radars were created. With their help, Soviet soldiers detected enemy ships and aircraft long before they appeared in sight.
Children provided all possible assistance to the front. They collected ordinary glass bottles, which the workers of military enterprises turned into formidable weapons, filling them with a flammable mixture.
Teenagers helped care for wounded soldiers in hospitals, organized concerts for them, and wound up bandages after washing. They helped the families of front-line soldiers as much as they could with housework.
Village children, along with adults, worked in the fields, in repair shops, and looked after livestock. The difficult responsibility of caring for the harvest fell on women's and children's shoulders. During harvesting, the children picked up the remaining spikelets in the field so that not a single grain was lost.
The girls sewed mittens, embroidered pouches for the soldiers, knitted socks and mittens. With their small gifts that were sent to the front, they delighted the soldiers, raising their spirits and confidence in victory.
The soldiers of the Red Army accomplished many feats. Having met stubborn resistance, the Nazis were unable to carry out their plans. On May 8, 1945, Nazi Germany unconditionally surrendered. The Great Patriotic War, which lasted 1,418 long days and nights, is over. May 9 was declared Victory Day in the USSR.
The victory came at a high price for our country. During the war, the Soviet Union lost 27 million people. But even this huge figure is approximate: it is no longer possible to accurately count those killed at the beginning of the war, those missing in action, and there is no complete data on those killed in besieged Leningrad, behind enemy lines.
I believe that our soldiers won thanks to their great love for their Motherland. They defended their homes, their families, their mothers, wives and children from terrible enslavement by the enemy and therefore there was no way back for them to retreat. All peoples rallied in fraternal struggle against the invaders. This unity helped to survive and defeat the enemy.
It seems to me that people should remember this terrible war in order to prevent new wars, and take care of those few veterans who are still alive.

All people living on earth know about wars. They always talk about them, remember them, and of course they are afraid of a repetition of these terrible events in our time.

Parents and teachers at school constantly remind and talk about all the horrors of wartime. According to the school curriculum, we go through many books related to the exploits of soldiers, for example, “Hero of Our Time” or “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...”. The books depict in detail military events and how people fought for peace on earth. The war, which began in 1941, introduced almost the entire world to the terrifying policies of fascism, and also showed the baseness of human racism. Adolf Hitler decided to conquer the whole world, and he almost managed to achieve his desired goal, but the invincible, strong-willed citizens of the USSR managed to give a worthy rebuff and defeat fascism, driving German troops to Berlin itself.

The German army attacked very suddenly and unexpectedly, but even the unprepared troops did not lose heart. During the war of 1941-1945, hundreds of thousands of brave soldiers died every day, who bravely went to defend their homeland, often sacrificing themselves. But not only soldiers died in the hundreds at the front, civilians suffered especially, because cities were bombed, destroyed, and people were taken prisoner as labor.

The Great Patriotic War proved that the Russian spirit cannot be broken, that there is still a balance of good and evil in the world. I am proud that I have such strong-willed ancestors, that I live on a land from which they were able to drive out German fascism, that I am a true heir to the wealth that our grandparents left us, they gave us a homeland, a clean, bright, kind homeland . I want their memory to always be revered, no matter how much time passes since the Great Victory, people should always remember what feat the participants of the Great Patriotic War accomplished.

Essay on the war 1941 - 1945 for a student, short

In the lessons dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, I learn a lot of new things; we are told about how Hitler attacked our country and wanted to win. In class, I learned that it began in 1941 and ended in May 1945. Hitler attacked people and wanted to conquer everyone. I know that war is always bad. Brave soldiers constantly died there, defending their homeland from the Nazis. Ordinary people died when their houses were hit by shells or they were taken prisoner by the Germans. When the Victory Day holiday comes, my classmates and teachers and I go to congratulate the veterans. Grandparents receive flowers as a gift, we read poems and say “Thank you.” Veterans need to be congratulated every year so that they can see gratitude for the victory. I want people living on earth to never fight again, but to always have prosperity and peace!

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