Essay themes on social science exam economy. Requirements for essay

1. If there is a certain block, then we appeal to it immediately. BUT! It happens in your favorite block the extremely "narrow" "bad" quote, which means you need to search for a quote from another block of social studies.

2. Choose a quote.

3. Corresponding quotation and block from the course of social studies, it is indicated next to the quote! We immediately begin to think categories of this block (sociology, political science, economy, etc.)

4. Make a list of terms on the draft, which must be reflected in the essay. But only those that coincide with the theme essay!

5. If we cannot compile a list of terms (at least 3 terms), it means that you choose another quote that we can uncover.

6. We write a quote to draft and emphasize keywords based on which we build key ideas affected by the author.

This is the first paragraph essay - the most important criterion, if for it 0, then for all essay 0!

7. We derive theoretical judgments (2 for sure) from the key ideas, accompanying them with terms from the list.

This is the second paragraph essay - theoretical argument

  • Need to clarify ...
  • Researchers understand ...
  • Allocate the following types ...
  • The classification is based on ....

8. To each theoretical judgment, select an illustrative example. Different sources! History, literature, social experience, books, films.

Examples should not be the same type and abstract. Must clearly reflect theoretical judgments. You must show why this particular fact you use as an illustrating argument!

This is the third paragraph essay - practical argument

  • As an example…
  • Firstly (if we say, firstly, it means that, secondly, if we talk on the one hand - then on the other hand!)
  • Experience ... illustrate

9. In the outcome, it is necessary to formulate, show than / why ideas affected by the author in the quotation are important (we go from the bottom up essay)

Paragraph - ending

  • The importance of development ....
  • In this way,
  • Hence…

10. Phrase-slogan, as a logical completion of creative thought.

Essay is an option of creative work:

  • I hope,
  • I consider it important
  • I consider it necessary ...
  • This will improve ...
  • Create background improvement ...

We present a specific detailed plan How to write an essay on the exam in social science. It consists of 7 important items.

Essay writing plan

  1. Quote.
  2. The problem raised by the author; Its relevance.
  3. The meaning of the statement.
  4. Own point of view.
  5. Theoretical argument.
  6. At least two examples from social practice, history and / or literature confirming the loyalty of the judgments expressed.
  7. Output.

How to write an essay in social science in 2019 - Webinar

1. Selection of statements

  • Choosing statements for the essay, you must be sure that we own the basic concepts of the basic science, to which it belongs;
  • clearly understand the meaning of the statement;
  • you can express your own opinion (fully or partially agree with the statement or refute it);
  • know the social sciences necessary for the competent substantiation of personal position on the theoretical level (while the terms used and concepts should clearly correspond to the topic of the essay and not go beyond its limits);
  • we will be able to give examples from social practice, history, literature, as well as personal life experience to confirm your opinions.

2. Determination of the problem of statement.

For a clearer formulation of the problem, we offer a list of possible formulations of problems that are most often found.

After formulating the problem, it is necessary to indicate the relevance of the problem in modern conditions. To do this, you can use phrases-cliché:

  • This problem is relevant in conditions ...
  • ... globalization of social relations;
  • ... formation of a single informational, educational, economic space;
  • ... exacerbations of global problems of modernity;
  • ... a special contradictory nature of scientific discoveries and inventions;
  • ... development of international integration;
  • ... modern market economy;
  • ... development and overcoming the global economic crisis;
  • ... tough differentiation of society;
  • ... open social structure of modern society;
  • ... formation of a legal state;
  • ... overcoming the spiritual, moral crisis;
  • ... dialogue of cultures;
  • ... the need to preserve their own identity, traditional spiritual values.

The problem must be periodically returning throughout the process of writing the essay. It is necessary in order to correctly reveal its content, as well as accidentally do not go beyond the framework of the problem and do not get involved in reasoning that are not related to the meaning of this statement (this is one of the most common mistakes in many examination essays).

3. Formulation of the main thought of saying

  • "The meaning of this statement is that ..."
  • "The author draws our attention to the fact that ..."
  • "The author is convinced that ..."

4. Determining its position to the statement

  • "I agree with the author that ..."
  • "It is impossible to disagree with the author of this statement about ..."
  • "The author was right, claiming that ..."
  • "In my opinion, the author completely clearly reflected in his statement a picture of modern Russia (modern society ... the situation that pretended in society ... one of the problems of modernity)"
    "Let me not agree with the opinion of the author that ..."
  • "In part, I adhere to the point of view of the author about ... but with ... I can not agree"
  • "Are you not thinking about what ...?"

5-6. Argumentation of own opinion

The argument must be carried out on two levels:

1. Theoretical level - Its foundation are social science knowledge (concepts,
terms, contradictions, directions of scientific thought, relationships, and opinions
scientists, thinkers).


  • Consider the statement from the point of view of the economic (political, sociological ...) theory ...
  • Let us turn to the theoretical meaning of the statement ...
  • In the economic (political, sociological ...) theory, this statement has its own reasons ...

2. Empirical level - Here are two options:

  1. use of examples from history, literature and events in society;
  2. appeal to personal experience.

In the selection of facts, examples from public life and personal social experience mentally answer questions:

  • Do they confirm my opinion?
  • Can they be interpreted differently?
  • Does they contradict the thesis expressed by me?
  • Are they convincing?

The proposed form will allow strictly controlling the adequacy of the arguments given and prevent "care from the topic."

7. Conclusion

Finally, it is necessary to formulate a conclusion. The conclusion should not literally coincide with the judgment given to justify: it drives together in one-two sentences the main ideas of arguments and summarizes the outcome of the reasoning confirming the loyalty or infidelity of the judgment, which was the theme essay.

For the formulation of problem output, phrases-cliché can be used:

  • "Thus, it can be concluded ..."
  • "Summarizing a common line, I would like to note that ..."
  • In conclusion, we can conclude that ...
  • Based on the foregoing, it can be argued that ...

In addition, the additional advantage of the essay is to include in it

  • a brief information about the author of the statement (for example, "Outstanding French Philosopher-Enlightener",
    "The Great Russian Thinker of the Silver Century", "Famous Philosopher Existentialist", "Founder
    idealistic direction in philosophy, etc.);
  • descriptions of different points of view on the problem or various approaches to its solution;
  • instructions on the multigid of the concepts used and the terms with the justification of the value in which they
    apply to essay;
  • indications on alternative solutions to the problem.

And in conclusion. We'll see the webinar, in which the structure of writing mini-writings is considered, exercises for training are given and evaluation criteria are considered:

Most popular errors when writing an essay

  • The saddest situation is not available at all. The man was frightened to write him, confused, stupid did not have time to rewrite from the draft. Chernovik is not checked in any exam exam, everything is aware of? Neither appeal, nor tears this situation change.
  • Invalidly allocated "mandatory" items. Yes, with innovations it became terrible, but still it is worth trying. For example, to disclose the "political parties" theme "mandatory" clauses on the exam, the features of political parties as public organizations, political parties and classification / types of political parties were taken. That's bad. Do you know what items are required for this topic?
  • In terms of less than 3 points or none of the items are disclosed in subparagraphs. "You do not know the rules - you will not get points." Teach criteria.
  • Plans for outdated templates No one needs it, it is a loss of time and points. No need to write the first point of the question: "What is the market?" - This formulation has long been outdated.
  • No need to try to "stand out" or "show a special look at the world." This is not a casting, it's just one of the tasks of the exam.
  • Spelling errors do not worry anyonebut if you can't formulate the thought, scores will drop
  • The plan is written off the topic or does not disclose the topic "essentially."
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How to write an essay? EGE on social studies, Task number 29

The last task of Kim Ege on social studies is considered the most difficult. For writing mini-writing examiners of FIPIs take 45 minutes. Proper task execution gives the maximum possible number of primary points.

In this short guide, I will tell you how simple and quickly write an essay.

Evaluation criteria Essay

For a start, let's look at the wording of the task number 29 from the demolism of the social science of social studies:

Choose one From the statements proposed below, discover its meaning in the form of mini-essay, if necessary, different aspects of the problem assigned by the author (affected theme).

When presenting his thoughts on the raised problem (designated topic), with the arguments of its point of view, use knowledgeobtained in the study of the social studies of the corresponding Concepts, as well as facts social life and own life experience. (As actual arguments, give at least two examples from different sources).

"All our theories are nothing more than a synthesis of experience, observed facts" (V.A. Ambartsumyan).
"Demand and proposal is the process of mutual adaptation and coordination" (P.T. Hayne).
Sociology, social psychology
"The pest of the person comes much later than the beginning of the individual" (B.G. Ananiev).
Political science
"" "Divide and conquer" - a wise rule, but "unite and send" even better "(I.V. Goethe).
"The law does not know howstral crimes, does not know the differences in a circle of persons, in the environment, it is committed by his violation. He is equally strict and equal to the merciful "(A.F. Koni).

To cope with the task, we need to become familiar with. You can find criteria on the FII website, they are posted in one document along with the exam demo.

First criterion (K1) -defining. You need to reveal the meaning of the statement. If you do not do this or disclose the meaning of the statements inaccurately, the K1 is put to you zero points and all essays are not checked. If K1 is observed, you are put on 1 point and the expert checks the work on.

Second criterion (K2). You must bring arguments from the course of social studies. It is necessary to bring and explain the concepts, social processes, laws that will help reveal the meaning of the statement.

The maximum number of primary points on this criterion is 2. If "the response is given separate theme relating, but not related to each other and with other components of the argument of concept or position, the expert reduces the assessment and puts one score.

If the meaning of at least one term is incorrect, then the assessment of K2 is reduced by 1 point: with 2 points up to 1 point, from 1 point to 0 points.

Third criterion (K3). According to this criterion, you need to bring 2 actual arguments in favor of your own point of view. If you admit the actual error (for example, you will say that Putin is the chairman of the government), the argument will not be credited. If the argument does not work on your point of view and disclose the meaning of the statement, it is also not credited.

Arguments should be from various sources: "media messages, materials of training subjects (history, literature, geography, etc.), the facts of personal social experience and their own observations." Two arguments from literature or two arguments from the media can calculate as "arguments from the source of one type", which will lead to a decrease in the estimate for 1 point.

How to choose a quote?

Before writing an essay, you need to choose a quote. And you need to choose not according to the principle of "liked - I did not like it," "boring is interesting." It is necessary to carefully examine the statements and evaluate the prospects for writing a good essay for each of them. It should be less than 2-3 minutes.

  1. Read the statements carefully. Determine several quotes, the meaning of which you are most clear.
  2. For each statement, the meaning of which is understandable, determine the terms of the terms, processes, phenomena and laws from the course of social studies. Those quotes in which you are not sure, throw off.
  3. From the remaining quotes, choose those to which you can give high-quality arguments.

If after you skip all quotes through these three filters, you will have all five quotes, you can choose the one that is closest to the heart. (In this case, you know the social studies in perfectly, congratulations!)

Algorithm writing an essay

You chose a quote, the meaning of which is clear to you, and you can easily give theoretical and actual arguments. In the worst case, this quote will cause you least of all difficulties that is also good.

We write essays, based on the fact that he will have only two - experts of the exam. So we need to make it easier for them to verify the work. The expert will be conveniently verified if the work is structured in blocks according to the criteria.

The structure of the essay may look like this:

1) We convey the meaning of the quotation. It is important that this is not just retelling statements. You must demonstrate an understanding of the author's words.

Not scary if you write primitively. In the criteria for the essay there are no requirements for text style.

We chose a quote from the economy. "Demand and proposal is the process of mutual adaptation and coordination" (P.T. Hayne).

Example: The author of the statement, the American economist Paul Heine, argues that the supply and proposal mechanism regulates the relations of market participants.

2) formulating your own point of view: I agree / I do not agree with the author.

As a rule, with statements that offer graduates on the exam. It is difficult to argue. But if you feel that we disagree, do not be afraid to argue.

Example: I agree with P. Heyne, because ...

3) reinforce the point of view Terms, concepts and laws from the course of social studies. Moreover, it is important to use the material from the sphere of public relations, which is indicated in the task. Citation in economics disclose in economic terms, by political science - in terms of political science, etc.

Example: The basis of the interaction of the consumer and the manufacturer (seller) in the market conditions is the mechanism of supply and demand. Demand is the desire and consumer ability to buy a specific product or service here and now. The offer is the desire and the possibility of the manufacturer to offer the consumer a product or service at a specific price for a certain time. Demand and proposal are interconnected. The increase in demand is able to influence the value of the sentence, and vice versa.

The ideal is the situation when the market is the equilibrium price. If demand exceeds the proposal - the scarce market of a certain product is developing. If the offer exceeds demand - this can lead to overproduction.

In high competition, when the market is a lot of demand and many manufacturers, the quality of goods is growing, and the price drops, since the sellers are forced to fight for the buyer. This is one of the examples of changing the situation on the market under the influence of supply and demand.

4) Give two actual arguments from different sources. If you use a fact from personal experience as an argument, try not to invent it. The examiner will most likely not believe you if you declare that they ran into the presidents of Chile or a member of the Nobel Committee.

Example: one of the examples proving the regulatory function of the proposal is the situation in the oil market in the modern world. In 2014, the price of hydrocarbons fell due to the declining demand. The oil market pushed promising technology: the energy of the Sun, wind and other renewable resources. Oil companies had to adapt to new conditions - reduce oil production costs, reduce value added and lower prices for goods.

The law of supply and demand works not only on global commodity markets. We can see, as under the influence of supply and suggestions, the situation is changing literally outside the window of our house. In a residential area, where I live for more than 15 years, a grocery store worked in the basement. Residents of nearby houses regularly bought essential products there. However, a supermarket was opened in the neighborhood of one of the major retail chains. Prices there were lower, the work schedule is more convenient, and the range is many times richer. People voted legs, after a while, a small store closed, because I could not adapt to the new situation in the local market.

5) Conclusion. Here you can sum up your reflection. Writing output only if you have time left and you are sure that all other tasks do not require recheck. Otherwise, forget about the conclusion - in the criteria for the task the presence or absence of output is not estimated.

Example: IN Market and mixed economy The regulatory impact of supply and demand is the basis of economic relations. The indicators of supply and demand are taken into account when planning the activities of any enterprise and the whole country. It is important that the demand and supply will be balanced, otherwise crisis phenomena may occur in the economy.

It is worth remembering that the enemy of good results on the exam is a useless spending time. Do not make excessive work. Many teachers need to withdraw the problem affected by the author. This is not necessary to do, it will not affect the assessment, and the risk to make a mistake will increase.

This algorithm is not truth in the last instance. It can be adhered to it, you can navigate it, but you should not use these recommendations thoughtlessly. Perhaps, after training, you will have your own idea of \u200b\u200bhow to write essays. Perfectly! The main thing, do not forget that this work is assessed by tight criteria that you need to try to observe.

Essay or essay? How to correctly call the task of 29 ege on social science? It would seem what difference? But, no, the sense load depends on the name, so I propose a little reflecting on this topic and bring an example!

Essay or essay?

We already reasoned with you about the features of the genre. In general, a relatively short independent essay, requiring an assessment criteria from a graduate (Task 29).

To begin with, we recall what they want to see from a graduate as the result of writing an essay:

At the same time, this task is required as limited as possible, in line with approximately the following recommendations:

1. We write as short as possible ✍
2. Examples are not signed, only pumped into a new thought;
3. Terms that reveal, take directly from the quotation;
4. At the same time, we continue to apply information from the theory and terms (not even revealing them) further in the text;
5. Apply all possible sources of information for examples of K3;
6. We try to see and reflect the most different aspects (views) on the problem raised by the author;
7. And for a start, just see her ...

Why briefly? Let me bring an example from real work on the exam in 2017, when a graduate is definitely claiming maximum (5 out of 5 possible points) According to this task, simply ... I did not have time to rewrite the work on the first quarter. Time (and this is 3 hours 55 minutes !!!) came out ... while, to this point, the first two criteria were performed on maximum points, it was necessary to write actual argumentation.

Let's look at this essay. At the same time, we note that, perhaps, it would be that a graduate could not be enough for admission.

And here is the essay itself ... on two sheets, and it is only a logical middle of it ...

Optimal essay

And now we will publish our essay, which, on the one hand, is seen optimal with the light of the fulfillment of the criteria of the FII, but, on the other hand, caused questions from competent. It is dedicated to the actual topic of the Codifier of the EGE "Threats of the XXI Century" you can familiarize yourself, to begin with, with a complete analysis of this important topic!

And now the essay on this topic:

29.1 "Nature is a person workshop." (I. Turgenev).

In his statement from the work of "Fathers and Children", Russian writer Ivan Turgenev suggests that nature creates a person and gives him the resources for further development.

From the social studies course, we remember that a person is a biosocial creature with developed thinking, mind. People, uniting with themselves, create a society, humanity. At the same time, a person lives in nature, appears as an animal (individual). Nature is part of the material world that exists in its laws, the natural habitat of humanity.

In my opinion, the author raises the problem of ecology and interaction between nature and society among themselves. On the one hand, a person cannot without resources, raw materials that nature gives us. For example, since the 1970s, the huge revenues of our country (USSR, the Russian Federation) bring "petrodollara" - sale abroad of oil, gas through the "Friendship" gas pipelines, northern, southern streams ...

On the other hand, since the development of industrial society, problems associated with the environment are very relevant, the exhaustibility of resources, the pollution of the atmosphere, ocean water. For example, from the course of geography we know that today the problem of pollution of the Pacific Ocean products of the refueling, garbage can be very important .. and, of course, everyone remembers the tragedy of the Chernobyl NPP, which destroyed Eastern Europe's ecosystem in 1986.

Completing his reflections, I would like to remember the story of the science fiction writer Ray Bradbury "and hit the thunder." Only one change in the natural chain, balance in the ecosystem, can lead to a global catastrophe, and a person will suffer responsibility for it. In pursuit of the development of the economy, technologies, we should not forget that nature is a "cradle" of mankind, and we cannot destroy it in favor of our needs.

On the one hand, of course, all the criteria are concluded, short, concisely, but with a margin. For instance, by criterion 3. There is data from and geography, as required by the verification criteria!

However, I get from a familiar expert here is such a hurt:

Essay Essays for Social Science for EGE

Esse samples

"The child at the moment of birth is not a person, but only a human candidate" (A.Pieron).

It should be understood what sense A. Pieron invested in the concept of a person. At the moment of birth, the child is already a man. He is a representative of a special biological species of Homo Sapiens, which has inherent specific features of this biological species: a large brain, strain, chain-handed hands, etc. At the moment of birth, the child can be called an individual - a specific representative of the human race. From birth, it is endowed with individual features and properties inherent in him: the color of the eyes, the shape and structure of the body, drawing its palm. This is already possible to determine as an individuality. Why then the author of the statement calls the child only by a human candidate? Apparently, the author meant the concept of "personality". After all, a person is a biosocial being. If the biological features are given from birth, then the social it acquires only in society to itself. And it happens in the process of socialization, when the child absorbs with the help of upbringing and self-education of the value of a particular society. Gradually, it turns into a person, i.e. It becomes subject to conscious activities and has a set of socially significant features, in demand and useful in society. It was then that can be fully called a man. How can this assumption be confirmed? For example, on March 20, 1809 in the villagers in the family of the landowner, Vasily Gogol - Yanovsky, a son was born, ceremony named after Nikolai. It was one of the landlord sons born on this day, nicolai, i.e. individual. If he died on his birthday, it would remain in the memory of his loved ones as an individual. The newborn was distinguished by signs characteristic only for it (growth, hair color, eye, body structure, etc.). According to the testimony of people who knew Gogol from birth, he was thin and weak. Later, he had features associated with mature, an individual style of life, "he began to read early, he wrote poems from 5 years, diligently studied in the gymnasium, became the writer, whose work was followed by all Russia. It showed bright individuality, i.e. Those features and properties, signs that distinguished exactly Gogol. Apparently, it was this meaning that A. Pieron put into his statement, and I fully agree with him. Appearing for light, a person must do a long, thorny way to leave a trace in society so that the descendants with pride say: "Yes, this person can be called great: they are proud of our people."

"The idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom is associated with the true essence of man" (K.Jaspers)

What is freedom? Independence from the strong world of this, which can give money and glory? Lack of lattice or scorching? Freedom to think, write, create without regard to generally accepted canons and tastes of the public? You can only answer this question, trying to figure out what a person is. But the trouble! Each culture, each era, each philosophical school gives its answer to this question. Each response is not only the level of a scientist who has comprehended the laws of the Universe, the wisdom of the thinker who penetrated the Secrets of Genesis, kings a politician or fantasy of the artist, but also a certain life position is always hidden, a very practical attitude towards peace. And yet. Of all the diverse, contradictory ideas about a person, one general conclusion follows: a person is not free. It depends on anything: from the will of God or gods, from the laws of space, the location of stars and shining, from nature, society, but not from himself. But the meaning of expressions to Jaspers, in my opinion, is that a person does not think freedom and happiness without preserving his personality, his unique, unique "I". He does not want to "become all", but "wants to be an albeit of the universe", as the author of the famous "Mowgli" wrote R. Kipling. There can be no man happy and free to reveal his personality, refusal from their individuality. Truly indestructible in man, the desire for the creation of the world and himself, to the opening of a new one, to no one unknown, even if it is achieved by the price of his own life. Become a free - not easy task. It requires a man of the maximum tension of all spiritual forces, deeply thought about the fate of the world, people, about their own life; critical attitude to what happens around and to itself; Search for the ideal. The search for the meaning of freedom continues sometimes all his life and are accompanied by internal struggle and conflicts with others. This is exactly the free Will of Man, since from a variety of life circumstances, options, he himself has to choose, which preferred, and what to reject, how to do in one way or another. And the harder the world around, the more dramatic life, the more efforts it is required from a person to determine its position, to make one or another choice. So, K.Jaspers turned out to be right, considering the idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom to the true essence of man. Freedom is a necessary condition for its activities. Freedom can not be "to give", because there is a heavy burden of free freedom or turns around to arbitrarily. Freedom conquered in the fight against evil, vices and injustice in the name of the approval of good, light, truth and beauty, can make every person free

"Science is ruthless. She disseminately refutes her beloved and familiar misconceptions. "(N.V. Karlov)

It is quite possible to agree with this statement. After all, the main goal of scientific knowledge is the desire for objectivity, i.e. To the study of the world, what it is outside and regardless of man. The result obtained should not depend on private opinions, addictions, authorities. On the way to finding objective truth, a person passes through relative truths and delusion. There are a lot of examples. Once people were quite sure that the earth has a disk form. But centuries passed, and the journey Fernando Magelana refuted this delusion. People learned that the earth is shaped the ball. The geocentric system that existed the millennium was the delusion. The opening of Copernicus was debunking this myth. The heliocentric system created by him explained to people that all the planets of our system rotate around the Sun. The Catholic Church more than two hundred years forbade to recognize this truth, but in this case, science, indeed, was ruthless to the delusions of people. Thus, on the way to absolute truth, which is final and will not change over time, science passes through the stage of relative truths. Initially, these relative truths seem to be final, but it takes time and with the emergence of new opportunities in a person in the study of a particular area, absolute truth appears. It refutes earlier knowledge of knowledge, forcing people to reconsider their former views and discoveries

"Progress indicates only the direction of movement, and it is indifferent to him, which expects at the end of this path - good or evil" (J. Hasing).

It is known that progress is the movement of society from a simple to complex, from the lowest to the highest. But the long history of mankind proves that movement forward in one area leads to a rollback back to another. For example, the replacement of the boom with firearms, a flint rifle - automatically indicates the development of equipment and related knowledge, science. The opportunity to kill the mass of people with deadly nuclear weapons, too, unconditional evidence of the development of science and technology of the highest level. But is it possible to call all this progress? And therefore, everything that manifested itself in history as something positive, you can always oppose as something negative, and a very many positive in one aspect, we can say as negative in the other. So what is the meaning of history? What is the direction of her movement? What is progress? Answer these questions is far from easy. The abstract concept of progress itself, when trying to apply it to an assessment of certain events specifically - historically, will certainly contain in-free contradiction. In this contradiction, there is drama history. Is he inevitable? And the fact is that the main acting person of this historical drama is the man's evil itself as if inevitably, because a person sometimes receives as a result, what he did not seek at all that it was not his goal. And the case objectively lies in the fact that the practice is always richer, always surpasses the level of knowledge achieved, which generates human capabilities in other conditions to use the achieved effect. Evil, therefore, as a shadow, pursues good. Apparently it meant the author of this statement. But I would like to continue the reasoning and call people, especially scientists, think about our future discoveries. After all, to determine the true progressive, there is a concept developed by the entire history of mankind. The word "Humanism", it denotes both the specific properties of human nature and the assessment of these properties as the highest start of social life. Progressively, which is combined with humanism, and not just combined, but contributes to its elevation.

"The revolution is a transition from inappropriate to truth, from lies to the truth, from oppressing to justice, from deception and suffering to straight honesty and happiness"

(Robert Owen)

The revolution is often referred to as a public explosion, which is why, in my opinion, the revolution does not solve all the problems that arose in life.

In the historical past of Russia, the most significant revolution in October 1917 was. The most important result was the beginning of the construction of communism, which meant a radical change in the life of the whole country. And if it is the most truth, justice and honesty, which Owen says, then why is Russia at all forces trying to join the Western development model and does everything to become a capitalist country in the full sense of the word? And this is despite the fact that in Soviet times, Russia has achieved a lot: it became a superpower, first carried out a person's flight into space, won in World War II. It turns out that the revolution did not lead our country to the truth. Moreover, by the end of 1991, Russia was on the verge of an economic catastrophe and hunger.

It is necessary to talk about social revolutions, if there are many questions during the scientific and technological revolution in the modern world. Among them are environmental problems, and unemployment growth, and terrorism.

On the one hand, during the HTR, health care is improved, the most hopeless patients are saved from death, and on the other hand, weapons of mass lesion are produced, including bacteriological. The media every day highlights millions of events occurring in all corners of the planet, informing, forming people, but at the same time media act as a manipulator with human consciousness, will, mind.

There are still many examples of revolutions, but the conclusion will remain unambiguous: the revolution is a multilateral and controversial process, during which the solved problems are replaced by others, often even more complex and confusing.

Religion is a reason justified wisdom

I fully agree with this statement and I want to prove the truth of this saying on the example of famous books that contain such wisdom to which humanity will always handle.

New Testament. He is already 2 thousand years old. He made an unprecedented, unprecedented excitement of hearts and minds, not soothing and donne. And all this is because it contains wisdom that is taught by humanity of kindness, humanism, morality. In this book, written simply and without any embellishment, the greatest mystery is captured - the mystery of human salvation. People remain only to fulfill these great wisdom: do not kill, do not steal, do not be offended, read your parents. Is it bad wisdom? And when people forget to perform these wisdom, misfortunes are waiting for them. In our country during the years of Soviet power, people left this book. All this led to the destruction of the spirituality of society, which means to beless. And even the Communists, making their law - the Moral Code of the Communist, took the moral principles as the moral principles contained in the Bible. Only contradicted them into another form. This proves that the wisdom of this book is eternal.

Koran. This is the main book of Muslims. What does she call for? Special attention is paid to the nobility, which, in turn, implies respect for parents. The Quran teaches Muslims to be firm in the Word, mandatory in affairs and actions. It makes such low-lying human qualities, like a lie, hypocrisy, cruelty, pride. Is it bad wisdom? They are reasonable.

The above examples prove the correctness of the present statement. All global religions contain such wisdom that instruct people only for good actions. Show people the path at the end of the tunnel.

Science reduces us experiences of rapidly current life.

It is impossible to disagree with this statement. After all, with the advent of science, human progress began to accelerate, and the pace of human society accelerates every day. All this is due to science. Until her appearance, humanity slowly slowly moved along the path of progress. Millions of years have appeared a wheel, but only thanks to scientists who invented the engines, this wheel was able to move at a higher speed. The life of mankind accelerated sharply.

Humanity thousands of years had to look for answers to many, it would seem unresolved, questions. This was done by science: the discovery of new types of energy, treatment of complex diseases, the conquest of outer space ... with the beginning of the scientific and technical revolution in the 50s and 19th century, the development of science became the main condition for the existence of human society. Time requires a quick solution to the global problems that will depend on the preservation of life on Earth.

Science now came to each our home. It serves people, really reducing the experiments of a quickly current life: instead of washing on their hands - an automatic washing machine, instead of a sex rag - washing vacuum cleaner, instead of a typewriter - a computer. And what to talk about the means of communication that our globe made so small: in one minute you can get a message from places located at different ends of the world. The plane delivers us a few hours in the most distant corners of our planet. But some hundred years ago it took for many days and even months. This is the meaning of this statement.

The political fortress is solid then and only if it is based on the power of moral.

Of course, the statement is correct. Indeed, the politician must act, relying on the laws of morality. But for some reason, the word "power" in many are associated with the opposite opinion. This in the history there are many confirmation examples, ranging from the ancient Roman tyrants (for example, Nero) to Hitler and Stalin. Yes, and modern rulers do not shine examples of morality.

What is the matter? Why deep moral norms, such as honesty, conscience, commitment, the truthfulness do not fit into political power?

Apparently, much is connected with the nature of power itself. When a person is committed to power, he promises people to improve their lives, guidance, the establishment of fair laws. But as soon as it turns out to be at the helm of power, the situation changes dramatically. Many promises are gradually forgotten. Yes, and the politician itself becomes another. He lives by other standards, he has new views. Those he promised, are increasingly moving away from him. And there are other, which are always ready to be at the right moment: advise, tell. But they are no longer in the interests of society, but in their mercenary interests. As they speak in the people, the power spoils man. Perhaps this is so. Or maybe there are other reasons? Coming to power, politician understands that he is unable to cope with the cargo of the problems facing the state: corruption, a shadow economy, organized crime. In such difficult conditions, a retreat of moral principles occurs. You have to act hard. It seems to me that it is better to rephrase this statement like this: "The political fortress is solid then and only when it is based on the strength of the law." For politics it is most reasonable. Only here the laws should also be moral ....

What could be more beautiful school time? But despite this, you have to deal with many difficulties. The biggest obstacle that will have to go through to everyone who decided to graduate 11 classes is a single state exam.

Almost in all universities and in all directions, it is necessary to take a subject called social studies. The most severe exam is an essay. Therefore, before writing, you need to make a plan essay on social science and follow it strictly on points. Only so you can write a beautiful essay. Essay on social studies, as well as for other subjects, should contain three main parts: accession, main part and conclusion. At each point we will focus in detail.

Why do you need to be able to write writings?

All make us express our thoughts consistently, correctly and reasoned. This will be useful in life. Even if you just wad a friendly conversation, then it will be appropriately not saturated with jargonisms and other "garbage" of the Russian language.

Also, writing works teaches us to identify the basic idea that they want to convey to us, analyze, express their personal opinion about the problem.

If we talk about the exams, then before writing, you should develop a detailed plan for writing an essunity on social science. It will help you do not get lost in your own thoughts, do not move away from the main problem. Some of the writing works very much, it is enough to make up social science in the head. The rest is best to use the draft so that the plan is always in front of you.

Entry and conclusion are short parts that consist of about three or four proposals each. All parts are separated by paragraph. It is not necessary to write with a solid cloth, it is very hard perceived by reading. For such a "sheet" you will not earn many points.

Ege in social studies

The test part of the social science exam is quite simple. You need to answer test questions, they all have 4 options for answers. The second part is a bit harder. Here they offer to add missed words, you will double-fulfill the table or connect the relevant items.

The most difficult part is C. Here you need to choose the expression (quote) of the famous personality from several proposed options. Next - write an essay-reasoning dedicated to the topic of statements. In order to cope with the work and get a good score, you need to make a plan to an essay on social science. The exam is quite simple to pass if you prepare a little to him.

It is worth allocating at least one hour per day for self-preparation or hire a tutor or attend specialized courses for training. Especially pay attention to the creative part. It is possible to draw up such an essay plan for social studies (EGE) to use it for absolutely all topics. This we suggest you do it right now. We will highlight the main parts that should be contained in your work, we give the main cliches. All this will greatly simplify your work during a single state exam.


An essay on social studies is practically no different from that for other creative works. Now we will give a detailed plan of writing, quite in detail, which should be included in each part. So, the Essay Essay on social science is as follows:

  1. Introduction. It is worth saying to immediately say that there are no harsh requirements for this work. The main thing is that the topic is revealed. It is necessary to demonstrate their knowledge of theory and confirm with facts from history, literature or life. Entry is not mandatory, but desirable. Many schoolchildren can not imagine an essay without administration. If it is difficult for you to start the essay immediately with reflections, make a small introduction (2-3 sentences). Here you can clearly formulate the problem. If there is no accession, the points for it are not reduced.
  2. The meaning of the quotation. This small part consists of no more than five sentences. It is not necessary to give a statement completely. There will be enough links to the author, and then - the interpretations in their own words. Here, many use clichés, for example: "In the statement of the Fairbach philosopher is considered (or described) the phenomenon (process or problem) ..." or "The meaning of the statement ... is that ...". In the examples you look at how to use these forms.
  3. Theory. In this part you must write, you agree with the opinion of the author or not. In most cases, schoolchildren confirm the opinion and simply rewrite the quotation with the help of special terminology. Also in this part you can give examples in defense of your point of view.
  4. Facts. It is better to avoid any common phrases, you need to give specific examples ("As we know from the Chemistry Course ...", "As the famous philosopher said ..." and similar forms).
  5. IN conclusion We need to summarize everything we said earlier. Schoolchildren often enjoy such a form: "Thus, the above examples suggest that ..." Instead of a three-way, you need to insert the reformulated main idea of \u200b\u200bthe statement.


Essays on social studies (plan, cliche we have already provided) should be short, but reflect the main idea. In this part, we give you examples of possible accessions.

  1. "Feuerbach is a famous German philosopher who claimed that the theory and practice are interrelated and complement each other."
  2. "The most interesting quote for me was the statement of the American writer L. Peter, who spoke about the high intended economic culture."

The meaning of the statement

  1. "The meaning of the statements is very simple - you need to be able to save and properly distribute resources, which will help stop hunger all over the world."
  2. "Raising this problem, the author suggests that the younger generation understands little in adulthood. They seem to be foreigners who do not know the customs, the lifestyle of residents of this country."


Let's look at the compilation plan on social science. Further, we must demonstrate our theoretical knowledge obtained in school social science lessons. Let's give some examples:

  1. "The behavior of each individual person is of great importance for the whole society. This is a separate, but associated with the world group. It is social status that determines the model of behavior of each individual. If someone is allocated to their behavior, and this is unacceptable in society, the social control services are connected. ... "
  2. "My opinion is such: I fully agree with the position of the author. Indeed, the laws play a big role in a person's life. They help and protect against bad, immoral acts ..."


How to write an essay on social science, we almost figured out, it remains to understand which examples can be brought in the next paragraph. Facts may be this kind:

  1. Literary. For example: "I would like to give an example from the book" Rich and Poor Dad ", where the author R. Kiyosaki says that economic freedom is very important ..."
  2. From education, science, media, and so on. "As an argument, you can lead the history of the development of chemistry science. How did people get knowledge about possible reactions? Of course, from experiences ... "


The last part consists of 1-2 sentences, for example:

  1. "I fully agree with the statement, because only ... can lead to ..."
  2. "Thus, the philosopher ... expressed a rather intelligent thought ... which requires analysis and reflection."
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