Ейфелева вежа описання англійською. Топік The Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel) is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars beside the River Seine in Paris, France. It is the tallest structure in Paris, the fifth-tallest structure in France and possibly the most recognized monument in Europe. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, it is the most visited monument in the world. Including the 24 m (78.7 ft) antenna, the structure is 324 m (1063 ft) high (since 2000). In 1902, it was struck by lightning, which meant that 300 feet of the top had to be reconstructed and the lights illuminating the tower had to be replaced, as they were damaged by the high energy of the lightning. The structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7300 tons. There are 1660 steps (360 to the first level, another 359 to the second). It is not possible for the public to reach the summit via the stairs, lifts are required beyond the second platform. Lift tickets may be purchased at the base or either platform.

intenance of the tower includes applying 50-60 tons of three graded tones of paint every seven years to protect it from rust. On occasion, the color of the paint is changed - the tower is currently painted a shade of brownish-gray. However, the tower is actually painted three different colors in order to make it look the same color. The colors change from dark to light from top to bottom, but it looks the same because of the background (the sky being light and the ground being dark). On the first floor, there are interactive consoles hosting a poll for the color to use for a future session of painting. The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower are Emile Naugier, Maurice Koechlin and Stephen Sauvestre.

The structure was built between тисяча вісімсот вісімдесят сім and 1889 as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World "s Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. Eiffel originally planned to build it in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor the Universal Exposition of 1888 but they rejected it. The tower was inaugurated on 31 March, 1889, and opened on 6 May. Three hundred workers joined together 18,038 pieces of puddled iron (a very pure form of structural iron). The risk of accident was great, for unlike modern skyscrapers the tower is an open frame without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. Yet because Eiffel took safety precautions including use of movable stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died, during the installation of its elevator "s lifts. The tower was met with resistance from the public when it was built, with many calling it an eyesore. Novelist Guy de Maupassant - who claimed to hate the tower - supposedly ate lunch at the Tower "s restaurant every day. When asked why, he answered that it was the one place in Paris where you couldn" t see the Tower.

Today, it is widely considered to be a striking piece of structural art. One of the great Hollywood movie cliches is that the view from a Parisian window always includes the tower. In reality, since zoning restrictions limit the height of most buildings in Paris to a few stories, only the very few taller buildings have a clear view of the tower. Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years, meaning it would have had to be dismantled in 1909 році, when its ownership would revert to the City of Paris. The City had planned to tear it down (part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it could be easily demolished) but as the tower proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit. The military used it to dispatch Parisian taxis to the front line of the Marne, and it therefore became a victory statue of that battle. It was also used to catch the infamous "Mata Hari", and after this, its demolition became unthinkable.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the tower has been used for radio transmission. During the German occupation of Paris between 1940 and 1944 the tower was also used for German television broadcasts, which were apparently intended mostly for wounded German soldiers in local military hospitals. Since 1957 the tower has been used for transmission of FM radio and television. The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor (95m above sea level); and the Jules Verne, an expensive gastronomical restaurant on the second floor, with a private lift.

Images of the tower have long been in the public domain; however, in 2003 SNTE installed a new lighting display on the tower. The effect was to put any night-time image of the tower and its lighting display under copyright. As a result, it was no longer legal to publish contemporary photographs of the tower at night without permission in some countries.

Допоможіть скласти опис Ейфелевої вежі на англійській мові 5 клас

  1. дякую

  2. дякую
  3. сенькю
  4. ДЯКУЮ
  5. та я так бали заробити
  6. Eiffel Tower - is the most famous architectural landmark of Paris, known as the symbol of France, erected in the Campus Martius, and named after its designer Gyustafa Eiffel.

    It is the most recognizable and tallest building in Paris, its height with the new antenna is 324 meters, which is approximately equal to the house in the 81 floor!

    The Eiffel Tower was built in тисяча вісімсот вісімдесят дев'ять and has an amazing history of origin. In один тисяча вісімсот вісімдесят дев'ять in Paris, to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution, was held World Exhibition, the exhibition thanks to the city government to come up with and instructed to erect a temporary structure serving her entrance arch.

    Ейфелева Вежа це найвідоміша архітектурна пам'ятка Парижа, відома як символ Франції, споруджена на марсовому полі і названа на честь свого конструктора Гюстафа Ейфеля.

    Вона є найбільш впізнаваним і найвищою будівлею в Парижі, е висота разом з новою антеною становить 324 метри, що приблизно дорівнює з будинком в 81 поверх!

    Ейфелева Вежа була побудована в 1889 році і має дивовижну історію походження. У 1889 році в Парижі, в пам'ять столітнього ювілею Французької революції, була проведена Всесвітня виставка, саме завдяки виставці міська влада доручила придумати і спорудити тимчасову споруду служить їй вхідною аркою.

  7. спасиб
  8. дякую
  9. дякую
  10. дякую
  11. Eiffel Tower - is the most famous architectural landmark of Paris, known as the symbol of France, erected in the Campus Martius, and named after its designer Gyustafa Eiffel.
  12. спасибі все що потрібно я знайшла
  13. Дякую)

Допоможіть скласти опис Ейфелевої вежі на англійській мові 5 клас

  1. дякую
  2. дякую
  3. сенькю
  4. ДЯКУЮ
  5. та я так бали заробити
  6. Eiffel Tower - is the most famous architectural landmark of Paris, known as the symbol of France, erected in the Campus Martius, and named after its designer Gyustafa Eiffel.

    It is the most recognizable and tallest building in Paris, its height with the new antenna is 324 meters, which is approximately equal to the house in the 81 floor!

    The Eiffel Tower was built in тисяча вісімсот вісімдесят дев'ять and has an amazing history of origin. In один тисяча вісімсот вісімдесят дев'ять in Paris, to commemorate the centenary of the French Revolution, was held World Exhibition, the exhibition thanks to the city government to come up with and instructed to erect a temporary structure serving her entrance arch.

    Ейфелева Вежа це найвідоміша архітектурна пам'ятка Парижа, відома як символ Франції, споруджена на марсовому полі і названа на честь свого конструктора Гюстафа Ейфеля.

    Вона є найбільш впізнаваним і найвищою будівлею в Парижі, е висота разом з новою антеною становить 324 метри, що приблизно дорівнює з будинком в 81 поверх!

    Ейфелева Вежа була побудована в 1889 році і має дивовижну історію походження. У 1889 році в Парижі, в пам'ять столітнього ювілею Французької революції, була проведена Всесвітня виставка, саме завдяки виставці міська влада доручила придумати і спорудити тимчасову споруду служить їй вхідною аркою.

  7. спасиб
  8. дякую
  9. дякую
  10. дякую
  11. Eiffel Tower - is the most famous architectural landmark of Paris, known as the symbol of France, erected in the Campus Martius, and named after its designer Gyustafa Eiffel.
  12. спасибі все що потрібно я знайшла
  13. Дякую)

In the picture you can see the Eiffel Tower - the best known symbol of France and Paris. It was named after Gustav Eiffel, whose company designed and built the tower in 1889. This lattice tower is made of puddle iron. The tower stands on four legs and has a sharp peak on the top.

The tower is the tallest structure in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; 6.98 million people ascended it in 2011. The tower received its 250 millionth visitor in 2010 року.

The tower is 324 metres tall, about the same height as an 81-storey building. Its base is square, 125 metres on a side.

The tower has three levels for visitors, with restaurants on the first and second. The third level observatory "s upper platform is 276 m above the ground, the highest accessible to the public in the European Union.

На зображенні ви бачите Ейфелеву вежу - найвідоміший символ Франції і Парижа. Вона була названа на честь Густава Ейфеля, чия компанія розробила і побудувала вежу в 1889 році. Ця ґратчаста вежа зроблена з пудлінгової стали. Вежа стоїть на чотирьох «ногах» і закінчується гострою пікою.

Ейфелева вежа - найвища споруда в Парижі і найбільш відвідувана платна пам'ятка в світі; в 2011 році на вежу піднялися 6.98 мільйонів чоловік. У 2010 році вежу відвідав 250-мільйонний відвідувач.

Висота вежі - 324 метра - приблизно як 81-поверховий будинок. Підстава вежі - квадрат стороною 125 метрів.

Для відвідувачів відкрито три рівня башти - з ресторанами на першому і другому. Верхня платформа обсерваторії на третьому рівні (висота 276 метрів) - найвища загальнодоступна платформа в Європейському Союзі.

Нижче наводиться довідкова інформація. Ейфелева вежа була побудована для Всесвітньої паризької виставки 1889, відзначала сторіччя французької революції. Автор проекту французький інженер Олександр Ейфель. Саме його робота, виконана в ... ... Енциклопедія ньюсмейкерів

Ейфелева вежа - вночі. ЕЙФЕЛЕВА ВЕЖА, сталева вежа (висота 300 м, сторона квадрата підстави 123 м, маса 9 тис. Т), споруджена за проектом французького інженера А.Г. Ейфеля в Парижі для Всесвітньої виставки 1889 як символ досягнень техніки 19 в. Використовується ... ... Ілюстрований енциклопедичний словник

ЕЙФЕЛЕВА ВЕЖА - ЕЙФЕЛЕВА ВЕЖА, сталева вежа (висота 300 м, сторона квадрата підстави 123 м, маса 9 тис. Т), споруджена за проектом французького інженера А.Г. Ейфеля в Парижі для Всесвітньої виставки 1889 як символ досягнень техніки 19 в. Використовується як ... ... сучасна енциклопедія

ЕЙФЕЛЕВА ВЕЖА - сталева вежа (висота 300 м, сторона квадрата підстави 123 м, важить 9 тис. Т), споруджена за проектом А. Г. Ейфеля в Парижі для Всесвітньої виставки 1889 як символ досягнень техніки 19 в. Використовується як оглядова і радіотелевізійна вежа ... Великий Енциклопедичний словник

ЕЙФЕЛЕВА ВЕЖА - сталева вежа, гратчастої конструкції (висота 300 м, сторона квадрата підстави 123 м, вага 9000 т), споруджена за проектом франц. інженера А. Г. Ейфеля в Парижі для Всесвітньої виставки 1889 року як символ досягнень техніки XIX в. Використовується як ... Велика політехнічна енциклопедія

ЕЙФЕЛЕВА ВЕЖА - в Парижі, залізна вежа, висотою в 140 саж., Вибудувана до всесвітньої виставки 1889 р .; названа по імені будівельника інженера Ейфеля. Повний словник іншомовних слів, які увійшли у вжиток в російській мові. Попов М., 1907 ... Словник іншомовних слів російської мови

Ейфелева вежа - в Парижі видна з КОЖНОГО вікна ... Енциклопедія кіноштампів

Ейфелева вежа - Координати: 48 ° 51'29 "пн. ш. 2 ° 17'40 "в. д. / 48.858056 ° с. ш. 2.294444 ° сх. д. ... Вікіпедія

Ейфелева вежа - сталева вежа (висота 300 м, сторона квадрата підстави 123 м, важить 9 тис. Т), споруджена за проектом А. Г. Ейфеля в Парижі для Всесвітньої виставки 1889 як символ досягнень техніки XIX ст .. Використовується як оглядова і радіотелевізійна вежа. ... ... енциклопедичний словник

Ейфелева вежа - ейфелева б ашня, Ейфелевої б ашні ... Російський орфографічний словник

Ейфелева вежа - см. Ейфель ... Енциклопедичний словник Ф.А. Брокгауза і І.А. Ефрона


  • Ейфелева вежа: Збірна модель, Збірна дерев'яна модель. Видавіть окремі деталі і зачистите краю шкіркою. Для складання користуйтеся фотографією на обкладинці. Поєднуючи деталі, використати якісний схему, де місця ... Категорія: Збірні 3D моделі з дерева кольорові максі Серія: Кольорові моделі Видавець: ВГА, Купити за 677 руб
  • Ейфелева вежа, Для того, щоб дитина виросла різнобічно розвиненим, йому необхідно постійно отримувати нові знання. Загальновідомо, що діти найкраще навчаються під час гри. Іграшки компанії "ВГА" ... Категорія:

The Eiffel Tower (la Tour Eiffel) is an iron tower built on the Champ de Mars beside the River Seine in Paris, France. It is the tallest structure in Paris, the fifth-tallest structure in France and possibly the most recognized monument in Europe. Named after its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, it is the most visited monument in the world. Including the 24 m (78.7 ft) antenna, the structure is 324 m (1063 ft) high (since 2000). In 1902, it was struck by lightning, which meant that 300 feet of the top had to be reconstructed and the lights illuminating the tower had to be replaced, as they were damaged by the high energy of the lightning. The structure of the Eiffel Tower weighs 7300 tons. There are 1660 steps (360 to the first level, another 359 to the second). It is not possible for the public to reach the summit via the stairs, lifts are required beyond the second platform. Lift tickets may be purchased at the base or either platform. Maintenance of the tower includes applying 50-60 tons of three graded tones of paint every seven years to protect it from rust. On occasion, the color of the paint is changed - the tower is currently painted a shade of brownish-gray. However, the tower is actually painted three different colors in order to make it look the same color. The colors change from dark to light from top to bottom, but it looks the same because of the background (the sky being light and the ground being dark). On the first floor, there are interactive consoles hosting a poll for the color to use for a future session of painting. The co-architects of the Eiffel Tower are Emile Naugier, Maurice Koechlin and Stephen Sauvestre.

The structure was built between 1887 and один тисяча вісімсот вісімдесят дев'ять as the entrance arch for the Exposition Universelle, a World "s Fair marking the centennial celebration of the French Revolution. Eiffel originally planned to build it in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor the Universal Exposition of 1888 but they rejected it. The tower was inaugurated on 31 March, 1889, and opened on 6 May. Three hundred workers joined together 18,038 pieces of puddled iron (a very pure form of structural iron). The risk of accident was great, for unlike modern skyscrapers the tower is an open frame without any intermediate floors except the two platforms. Yet because Eiffel took safety precautions including use of movable stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died, during the installation of its elevator "s lifts. The tower was met with resistance from the public when it was built, with many calling it an eyesore. Novelist Guy de Maupassant - who claimed to hate the tower - supposedly ate lunch at the Tower "s restaurant every day. When asked why, he answered that it was the one place in Paris where you couldn" t see the Tower.

Today, it is widely considered to be a striking piece of structural art. One of the great Hollywood movie cliches is that the view from a Parisian window always includes the tower. In reality, since zoning restrictions limit the height of most buildings in Paris to a few stories, only the very few taller buildings have a clear view of the tower. Eiffel had a permit for the tower to stand for 20 years, meaning it would have had to be dismantled in 1909 році, when its ownership would revert to the City of Paris. The City had planned to tear it down (part of the original contest rules for designing a tower was that it could be easily demolished) but as the tower proved valuable for communication purposes, it was allowed to remain after the expiry of the permit. The military used it to dispatch Parisian taxis to the front line of the Marne, and it therefore became a victory statue of that battle. It was also used to catch the infamous "Mata Hari", and after this, its demolition became unthinkable.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the tower has been used for radio transmission. During the German occupation of Paris between 1940 and 1944 the tower was also used for German television broadcasts, which were apparently intended mostly for wounded German soldiers in local military hospitals. Since 1957 the tower has been used for transmission of FM radio and television. The tower has two restaurants: Altitude 95, on the first floor (95m above sea level); and the Jules Verne, an expensive gastronomical restaurant on the second floor, with a private lift.

Images of the tower have long been in the public domain; however, in 2003 SNTE installed a new lighting display on the tower. The effect was to put any night-time image of the tower and its lighting display under copyright. As a result, it was no longer legal to publish contemporary photographs of the tower at night without permission in some countries.

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