Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful turn of speech. Russian folk tale "Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle

F or - there was a rich merchant with a merchant's wife in the world. That merchant traded in expensive and noble goods. Every year he traveled with them to foreign countries.

At some time he equipped a whole ship. He began to get ready for a long journey and asked his wife:

Tell me, my joy, what should you bring from those lands to a present?

The merchant's wife answers:

I seem to be happy with everything, I have plenty of everything! And if you want to please me and amuse me, bring me a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle.

Well, if I find it, I will definitely bring it to you.

The merchant sailed to the distant lands, to the distant kingdom, to the thirtieth state. His ship docked to a rich, great city. The merchant sold all his goods, and bought a new one, loaded the ship. He walks through the city and thinks: "Where can I find a wondrous miracle, a wondrous miracle?"

The merchant comes across an unfamiliar old man. The old man asks the merchant:

What, good fellow, so thoughtful, untwisted?

How can I not twist! - the merchant answers him. - I want to buy my wife a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle, but I don’t know where to look.

Oh you, you would have asked me long ago! Come with me, I have a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle - so be it, I'll sell it to you.

They went together. The old man brought the merchant to his house and said:

Do you see - there is a goose walking in my yard?

So look what will happen to him ... Hey, goose, come here!

Goose came to the room. The old man took a frying pan in his hands and again ordered him:

Hey goose, lie down in the skillet!

The goose lay down in a frying pan, the old man put it in the oven. The old man roasted the goose, took it out of the oven and put it on the table.

Well, merchant, good fellow! Sit down, let's have a snack. Just don't throw the bones under the table, collect everything in one heap.

So they sat down at the table, and together they ate a whole goose.

The old man took the gnawed bones, wrapped them in a tablecloth, threw them on the floor and said:

Goose! Get up, wake up, and go to the yard.

The goose got up, roused himself and went into the yard, as if he had never been in the oven!

Truly, master, you have a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle! - said the merchant. I began to trade this goose with him and bargained for a lot of money. He took the goose with him on the ship and swam to his homeland.

The merchant came home, greeted his wife. He gives her the goose and tells her that with this bird, at least every day, eat an unbought roast! Roast it - it will come to life again!

The next day the merchant went to the shop, and a lover ran to the merchant's wife. Oh, how delighted she was to such a guest, a heartfelt friend! I decided to treat him to a fried goose, leaned out the window and shouted:

Goose, come here!

Goose came to the room.

Goose, lie down in the pan!

The goose does not obey, does not go to the pan. The merchant's wife got angry and hit the goose with a frying pan. At the same moment, the frying pan clung to the goose with one end and the other to the merchant's wife. And it clung so tightly that you can't tear it off!

Ah, my dear friend, - the merchant's wife cried, - you tear me off the frying pan, you can see this damned goose spellbound!

The lover wanted to tear the merchant's wife away from the frying pan, grabbed her with both hands, and clung to it himself ...

Goose ran out into the yard, then into the street. And he dragged them to the shops.

The bailiffs saw and rushed to separate them. But whoever touches them also sticks!

People came running to see such a miracle. The merchant also left the shop. He looks - something is wrong: what kind of friends did his wife have?

Confess, - the merchant tells her, - in everything, or else you will stay like that forever - having slept!

There is nothing to do, the merchant's wife obeyed. Then the merchant took them apart. He nailed the lover on the neck, and took his wife home and taught him a lot, saying:

Here is a marvelous wonder for you! Here is a wonderful miracle for you!


The protagonist of the fairy tale "Wonderful Wonderful, Wonderful Wonder" is a poor peasant. Once it happened that in his house all the bread ran out, and there was nothing to eat. And he had many children, and everyone was hungry. The poor man began to ask a rich neighbor for a loan of bread, promised to work at the same time, but the rich man drove him away.

Then the peasant, having thought, went hunting, hoping to shoot some game and feed the hungry children. But for the whole day he did not shoot anyone, only got lost. He went out to an unfamiliar lake, and there was a noise and din - the devils attacked the goblin and beat him. The man fired a gun, and the devils disappeared from fright in the lake.

And the goblin, in gratitude for his salvation, presented the peasant with a magic goose. To use special words, this goose would shake off its feathers and lay down in a frying pan. And then it was necessary to put the bones of the eaten goose to the feathers, and say others magic words the goose then came to life and became the same.

Here is such a wondrous miracle, a wonderful miracle the poor man brought home. Since then, they have not had hunger in the house. Yes, only a rich neighbor found out about that goose and wanted to get his own property. But the poor man refused to sell the goose, after which the rich man decided to secretly steal the unusual bird.

Having stolen a goose from a poor man, the rich man brought it home, but he does not know magic words. The goose does not want to throw off its feathers and lie down in a frying pan. The rich man tried to hit the goose, and he stuck to it. The wife rushed to help her husband out, but she herself stuck to him. And then the daughters of the rich man found themselves in the same position. And the goose dragged them all into the street.

On the street, everyone who decided to help the rich man turned out to be stuck too. And the goose led them all down the street, and then went to the poor man's house. The poor man understood where his magic bird had gone. He said magic words, the goose shook himself off and all the people who adhered to him flew in different directions, then they fled to their homes and since then they try not to be seen by honest people. This is summary fairy tales.

The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Wonderful miracle, miracle miracle" is that people who commit unseemly deeds, offending the weak, sooner or later will be punished. The tale teaches how to help those who are in trouble.

I liked the fairy tale the main character, a poor man who stood up for the devil, having spent the last charges in his gun to save him. And the goblin did not remain in debt and generously thanked the savior.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale "Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle"?

Those who helped on time helped twice.
Do not open your mouth on someone else's piece.
The secret always becomes apparent.

Once upon a time there lived a poor, poor peasant in one village, he had a lot of children, but there was not enough bread. Once they ate all the bread: not a crust, not a crumb remained. The wife is grieving, all blackened with grief. The guys are screaming out of hunger, asking for food.

What to do? Where can I get the bread?

The man went to bow to his rich neighbor. So and so neighbor, help me, I'm in trouble, lend me bread.

“As soon as I’ve reaped the harvest, I’ll give it back immediately.”

- Otherwise, order me to work for you, I will not stay in debt.

And the rich man doesn't even want to listen:

- Are you not enough of you such ragamuffins hungry? If you help everyone, you yourself will become the same. I don't have in store for your guys. Go wherever you want. And forget the way to me!

So he drove it away. The man returned home with empty handed, sat down on a bench, began to ponder what to do. Let, thinks, I'll go into the forest, maybe I'll shoot a hare or a grouse. He took his inferior rifle and went.

The whole day I wandered around the spruce forest, but wandered through the swamps, I broke off all over, got worn out, and everything was useless, I didn't even see the tail of a hare all day. He wandered like that, wandered around the more often, and even lost his way. I went out into a clearing and heard noise and screams, came closer, looked closer and saw that there was a large lake on that glade, and on the shore devils were fighting with a devil. Everyone piled on him, and look - they will crush him. The goblin bends down to the ground, pulls out the roots, and fights off the devils. But it was not so, the devils are pushing and pushing, and grabbing him by the legs and arms. The man looked and looked and thinks: “We don't have to rely so that everything is on one”.

Aim and bang at the devils with a shotgun. The devils got scared and forgot about the fight, all at once poured into the lake - only circles in the water went.

A man came up to a devil and asks:

- Well, did you stay alive?

The goblin caught his breath and says:

- Thank you man for your help, I would have disappeared without you. Why did you, tell me, climbed into such a thicket?

- I thought at least to shoot a hare or a grouse, but only wasted the whole day. I wasted all the charges.

Goblin and says:

- You man, do not worry! I'll make you a good present.

And he took him to his hut. Brought and says:

- Do you see a goose wandering near my hut?

- Well, then look what happens to him. Hey goose, come here!

The goose immediately entered the hut. Goblin took out a frying pan and said:

- Shake yourself, shake yourself up, and lie down in a frying pan.

The goose shook himself, threw off the feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Goblin pushed that frying pan into the oven. As the goose was roasted red and ruddy, the goose took it out of the stove and said:

Well, now we will eat. Look only eat the meat, don't break the bones, don't throw them away, collect everything in one pile. So they sat down, and together they ate a whole goose. After that, the goose took the gnawed goose bones, threw them on the floor to the feathers and said:

- Hey, goose, shake it up, shake it up!

The goose appeared again. Alive and whole. He shook himself, shook himself, as if he had never been in the stove.

- Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful - says the man. - I've never seen anything like this.

- Look, you will see more! Now, get this marvelous gift as a gift. You will have an unbought roast every day.

He gave the goose to the peasant and ordered him to sit on his back. The man sat down on his back to the devil, He instantly carried him to the edge. The man returned home, himself cheerful, contented.

Well, wife, well, children, it's not for nothing that I wandered in the forest all day. I brought a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle. Now we will always be full. And shows them the goose.

The wife looked at the goose, sighed and said:

- Well, this diva is enough for us only for one dinner.

The man chuckled.

- And you do not be sad, maybe he will stay for tomorrow. Give me a frying pan!

The wife gave it, but she herself does not know what to think. The man says:

- Hey, goose, shake yourself, get up, and lie down in the frying pan!

The goose shook himself, threw off the feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Put your wife in a frying pan in the oven!

A little later, the man says:

- Well, wife, our goose is fried. Take it out, we will eat now.

We all sat down at the table and began to eat a goose. The peasant does not order to throw the bones, orders to put them in a pile. As they ate and left the table, he threw the bones on the floor to the feathers and said:

Hey, goose, get up, shake yourself, get up, and go into the yard!

Gus immediately got up, shook himself, shook himself, as if nothing had happened, and went into the courtyard.

- Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful, - says the wife. And will it always be that way with us?

- Is always.

And since then they began to live without grief. As they want to eat, now: "Hey goose, lie down in the frying pan." And they will eat their fill: “Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!”.

How many time has passed, the rich neighbor learned about it, envy seized him. He chose the time and came at lunchtime to the poor neighbor. And he can't think of anything to talk about.

- Hello, neighbor!

- Hello!

- Do you have any tar, you need to grease the cart, but yours is all out.

- What are you neighbor? I don't have a cart or a horse, I suppose you know it yourself.

That's the problem, says the rich man. What are you eating?

- We eat goose.

Have you bought something at the bazaar?

What is there, to the bazaar? - the man answers, and he told without hiding, everything was as it was.

The neighbor listened and said: - That's what the neighbor is, sell this jib to me. I'll give you two measures of rye, and a ruble one. The price you see is good.

- No, neighbor, better not ask. I will not sell!

The rich man left with nothing, but he himself thinks: “I haven’t sold it well, so I’ll take it!”.

He waited for a while, saw how the neighbor and his wife and the guys went into the forest for brushwood, and even stole the goose from them. I came home, ordered my wife to heat the stove and serve the frying pan. And he himself took a frying pan in his hands, prepared to plant a goose in the stove.

And the goose paces around the hut, as if it does not hear. He again:

- Hey, goose, lie down in the pan!

Know yourself goose walks from corner to corner. The rich man got angry with the goose, but his knock with a frying pan. Then the frying pan stuck with one end to the rich man, and the other to the goose. Yes, it stuck so tightly that it cannot be torn off in any way. The rich man can’t detach himself from the frying pan and from the goose in any way. He shouted to his wife:

- What are you, fool, standing, looking? Tear me away from this damned goose, it seems he is enchanted. The wife began to tear it off, and at the same moment she stuck to her husband. She began to shout, call her daughters for help. Her older daughter pulled her and stuck to her herself, pulled her older sister - the younger one and also stuck to her. Then the goose banged loudly and dragged everyone into the courtyard with it, and from the courtyard to the street. A goose walks to the bazaar, past the merchants' shops, he himself cries out at the top of his voice. A fat merchant saw him from his shop, wanted to help the rich man, grabbed his youngest daughter and clung to her himself.

Oh, - shouts, trouble, oh, guard!

The headman heard the cry and rushed to the rich man and the merchant to help. Here they too stuck to each other. A pop walked by saw it and shouted:

- Now I will peel you off!

Tsop the headman himself stuck to him. The priest yelled in a voice that was not his own:

- Help, save!

Both old and small gathered to shout, laugh, point fingers, and the goose know farther and farther. So he went through the whole village. And then he dragged him back.

And the richer, and the merchant, and the headman, and the priest do not know where to hide from shame. They are all disheveled, disheveled. The goose brought everyone to the peasant's hut and let it gag and summon the owner. A man came out and said:

- So there, where did my goose disappear. Well, it's good that I was not completely lost.

Hey, goose, shake yourself and go to the hut!

The goose shook himself, scattered everyone with its wings to the sides and went into the hut. And get rich with his wife and daughters, the merchant, the headman and the priest, as soon as possible, fled to their homes, hid, they do not dare to show themselves to kind people. Here the fairy tale ends.

Once upon a time there lived a poor, poor peasant in one village, he had a lot of children, but there was not enough bread. Once they ate all the bread: not a crust, not a crumb remained. The wife is grieving, all blackened with grief. The guys are screaming out of hunger, asking for food.

What to do? Where can I get the bread?

The man went to bow to his rich neighbor. So and so neighbor, help me, I'm in trouble, lend me bread.

“As soon as I’ve reaped the harvest, I’ll give it back immediately.”
- Otherwise, order me to work for you, I will not stay in debt.

And the rich man doesn't even want to listen:

- Are you not enough of you such ragamuffins hungry? If you help everyone, you yourself will become the same. I don't have in store for your guys. Go wherever you want. And forget the way to me!

So he drove it away. The man returned home empty-handed, sat down on the bench, began to think about what to do. Let, thinks, I'll go into the forest, maybe I'll shoot a hare or a grouse. He took his inferior rifle and went.

The whole day I wandered around the spruce forest, but wandered through the swamps, I broke off all over, got worn out, and everything was useless, I didn't even see the tail of a hare all day. He wandered like that, wandered around the more often, and even lost his way. I went out into a clearing and heard noise and screams, came closer, looked closer and saw that there was a large lake on that glade, and on the shore devils were fighting with a devil. Everyone piled on him, and look - they will crush him. The goblin bends down to the ground, pulls out the roots, and fights off the devils. But it was not so, the devils are pushing and pushing, and grabbing him by the legs and arms. The man looked and looked and thinks: “We don't have to rely so that everything is on one”.

Aim and bang at the devils with a shotgun. The devils got scared and forgot about the fight, all at once poured into the lake - only circles in the water went.

A man came up to a devil and asks:

- Well, did you stay alive?

The goblin caught his breath and says:

- Thank you man for your help, I would have disappeared without you. Why did you, tell me, climbed into such a thicket?
- I thought at least to shoot a hare or a grouse, but only wasted the whole day. I wasted all the charges.

Goblin and says:

- You man, do not worry! I'll make you a good present.

And he took him to his hut. Brought and says:

- Do you see a goose wandering near my hut?
- I see
- Well, then look what happens to him. Hey goose, come here!

The goose immediately entered the hut. Goblin took out a frying pan and said:

- Shake yourself, shake yourself up, and lie down in a frying pan.

The goose shook himself, threw off the feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Goblin pushed that frying pan into the oven. As the goose was roasted red and ruddy, the goose took it out of the stove and said:

Well, now we will eat. Look only eat the meat, don't break the bones, don't throw them away, collect everything in one pile. So they sat down, and together they ate a whole goose. After that, the goose took the gnawed goose bones, threw them on the floor to the feathers and said:

- Hey, goose, shake it up, shake it up!

The goose appeared again. Alive and whole. He shook himself, shook himself, as if he had never been in the stove.

- Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful - says the man. - I've never seen anything like this.
- Look, you will see more! Now, get this marvelous gift as a gift. You will have an unbought roast every day.

He gave the goose to the peasant and ordered him to sit on his back. The man sat down on his back to the devil, He instantly carried him to the edge. The man returned home, himself cheerful, contented.

Well, wife, well, children, it's not for nothing that I wandered in the forest all day. I brought a wonderful miracle, a wonderful miracle. Now we will always be full. And shows them the goose.

The wife looked at the goose, sighed and said:

- Well, this diva is enough for us only for one dinner.

The man chuckled.

- And you do not be sad, maybe he will stay for tomorrow. Give me a frying pan!

The wife gave it, but she herself does not know what to think. The man says:

- Hey, goose, shake yourself, get up, and lie down in the frying pan!

The goose shook himself, threw off the feathers and lay down on the frying pan. Put your wife in a frying pan in the oven!

A little later, the man says:

- Well, wife, our goose is fried. Take it out, we will eat now.

We all sat down at the table and began to eat a goose. The peasant does not order to throw the bones, orders to put them in a pile. As they ate and left the table, he threw the bones on the floor to the feathers and said:

Hey, goose, get up, shake yourself, get up, and go into the yard!

Gus immediately got up, shook himself, shook himself, as if nothing had happened, and went into the courtyard.

- Eco miracle is wonderful, eco miracle is wonderful, - says the wife. And will it always be that way with us?
- Is always.

And since then they began to live without grief. As they want to eat, now: "Hey goose, lie down in the frying pan." And they will eat their fill: “Hey, goose, shake yourself up, start up, and go into the yard!”.

How many time has passed, the rich neighbor learned about it, envy seized him. He chose the time and came at lunchtime to the poor neighbor. And he can't think of anything to talk about.

- Hello, neighbor!
- Hello!
- Do you have any tar, you need to grease the cart, but yours is all out.
- What are you neighbor? I don't have a cart or a horse, I suppose you know it yourself.

That's the problem, says the rich man. What are you eating?

- We eat goose.

Have you bought something at the bazaar?

What is there, to the bazaar? - the man answers, and he told without hiding, everything was as it was.

The neighbor listened and said: - That's what the neighbor is, sell this jib to me. I'll give you two measures of rye, and a ruble one. The price you see is good.

- No, neighbor, better not ask. I will not sell!

The rich man left with nothing, but he himself thinks: “I haven’t sold it well, so I’ll take it!”.

He waited for a while, saw how the neighbor and his wife and the guys went into the forest for brushwood, and even stole the goose from them. I came home, ordered my wife to heat the stove and serve the frying pan. And he himself took a frying pan in his hands, prepared to plant a goose in the stove.

And the goose paces around the hut, as if it does not hear. He again:

- Hey, goose, lie down in the pan!

Know yourself goose walks from corner to corner. The rich man got angry with the goose, but his knock with a frying pan. Then the frying pan stuck with one end to the rich man, and the other to the goose. Yes, it stuck so tightly that it cannot be torn off in any way. The rich man can’t detach himself from the frying pan and from the goose in any way. He shouted to his wife:

- What are you, fool, standing, looking? Tear me away from this damned goose, it seems he is enchanted. The wife began to tear it off, and at the same moment she stuck to her husband. She began to shout, call her daughters for help. Her older daughter pulled her and stuck to her herself, pulled her older sister - the younger one and also stuck to her. Then the goose banged loudly and dragged everyone into the courtyard with it, and from the courtyard to the street. A goose walks to the bazaar, past the merchants' shops, he himself cries out at the top of his voice. A fat merchant saw him from his shop, wanted to help the rich man, grabbed his youngest daughter and clung to her himself.

Oh, - shouts, trouble, oh, guard!

The headman heard the cry and rushed to the rich man and the merchant to help. Here they too stuck to each other. A pop walked by saw it and shouted:

- Now I will peel you off!

Tsop the headman himself stuck to him. The priest yelled in a voice that was not his own:

- Help, save!

Both old and small gathered to shout, laugh, point fingers, and the goose know farther and farther. So he went through the whole village. And then he dragged him back.

And the richer, and the merchant, and the headman, and the priest do not know where to hide from shame. They are all disheveled, disheveled. The goose brought everyone to the peasant's hut and let it gag and summon the owner. A man came out and said:

- So there, where did my goose disappear. Well, it's good that I was not completely lost.

Hey, goose, shake yourself and go to the hut!

The goose shook himself, scattered everyone with its wings to the sides and went into the hut. And get rich with his wife and daughters, the merchant, the headman and the priest, as soon as possible, fled to their homes, hid, they do not dare to show themselves to kind people. Here the fairy tale ends.

In a certain kingdom, in an unprecedented state, once the snow burned,
They extinguished with straw, destroyed a lot of people ... This is not a fairy tale yet, but a saying.
The fairy tale will be ahead when we eat bread, bread and cake, but we will hold the bull
by the horns ... Without a saying, a fairy tale - that pancakes without grease!
And it was a long time ago, when rivers of milk flowed, the banks were
jelly, steamed turnips grew in the garden, and fried partridges flew in the yard.
Once upon a time there was a grandmother Fedosya-gray hair. And she had a son, Mishka -
keen mind.
Mishka was a good guy, he took care of his mother, he fed mother. Each
day he went hunting in the forest: he will shoot a bird, then a bunny, then a grouse
will bring. And they fed on that.
Once Mishka went into the forest and got a hare by Mishka. So good
a fat, fat bunny. Brought home.
Grandma Fedosya - she stripped the gray hair of the bunny, the skin in the closet
hid, and took the carcass and cut it in half. I put one half in
boil the cauldron for dinner, and put the other in a basket for tomorrow under the bench.
Here is a bunny boiled, they sat down to dinner. They sit, eat a hare, and suddenly - how
something crashes! Bear looked around - ay, darlings! Zaitsev's hind legs
from under the bench they jumped out of the basket - yes, through the door, and ran into the forest! Marvels
- Look, mother, what a wonderful miracle: we have a crawler running along the road!
And grandmother Fedosya answers:
- And, child, this is not a miracle! But I heard, good people said,
lives somewhere in the world Wonderful, Wonderful ... But where he lives - I don't know!
They finished dinner, Mishka pulled on a short fur coat, felt boots, mittens
put on a hat, and he says to mother:
- Goodbye, mother. I will go to look in the world where the Miracle-wonderful lives,
Wonderful wondrous!
And went.
Come on, my dears, he was such a brave guy, he was not afraid of anything - go!
Mishka walks in the forests, Mishka walks in the mountains, walks in villages. And everywhere people
asks - have you seen, have not heard, where the Miracle-Wonderful lives,
Wonderful. And the people laugh:
- We don’t know, we didn’t hear!
So Mishka walked, walked and came to a small village. Walking down the street, and
old grandfather was going to meet him. The eyes are so affectionate, the beard is long.
- Hello, grandfather, - Bear says.
The grandfather smiled.
- Hello, boy, hello. Look how polite you are. Looks like not
local. Where are you from?
- Yes, grandfather, I walk around the world, Wonderful, Wonderful looking.
And Mishka told grandfather how it was. And grandfather laughs:
- That's okay, Misha, that he came to see us. Let's go, after all, Wonderful,
Wonderful wondrous lives in my house.
- Oh, grandfather, is it really true? And will you show?
- Come with me - I'll show you!
He brought Mishka to a small hut. And he says:
- Come on, Misha, look out the window.
Bear looked into the yard - and there a goose was walking in the yard. Big, fat,
- Grandpa, there’s a simple goose!
- Eh, child, a goose is a goose, but not an ordinary one. Come on, goose, come here.
Grandfather opened the window, and the goose - fr-r-r-r! - so it flew straight into the hut.
Grandfather says to him:
- Come on, goose, get up, shake yourself and lie down on the frying pan. Ay, my dears! A goose got up in the middle of the hut, shook himself that way, threw off the feathers, and
into a frying pan - yes into the stove. The bear is amazed, and the grandfather laughs, says:
- Wait, there will be more!
Here the goose is fried, they took it out of the stove, put it on the table, have dinner
sat down. And the old man says to Mishka:
- You, Misha, eat the goose, but don't throw away the bones. All bones together
add up - come in handy!
So they ate the goose, grandfather took all the bones, put them in a napkin and
is talking:
- Well, goose, stand in front of me again as if alive! He shook
a napkin - and the goose went around the hut again: alive, healthy, fat, what it was,
as if they hadn't eaten it. The bear is more amazed, and grandfather says:
- You, Misha, are a good guy, you take care of your mother, mother
feed - take the goose as a gift. Let you have fried every day
goose for dinner.
Mishka was delighted, hugs grandfather, thanks. Took a goose, home
Runs home, and grandmother Fedosya has gray hair on his porch
- Well, how, child, did you find what you were looking for?
- Found it, mother! Look!
- Misha! Why, this is a simple goose?
- No, mother, - a goose, but not an ordinary one. We go to the hut. They entered the hut,
Bear and says:
- Come on, goose, get up, shake yourself, lie down on the frying pan.
Goose got up that way, shook himself, into the frying pan, and climbed into the stove.
Grandmother Fedosya was delighted, became almost every day a roast goose to
to cook for dinner,
Only once they were sitting with Mishenka, having dinner, and by the window
a rich neighbor, a sort of fat-bellied merchant, passes by. He looked into
- What's this?! The poor old woman has a roast goose for dinner?
He enters the porch, from the porch into the hut.
- Great, grandmother Fedosya. What is that - roast goose on the table? A
Where did you, poor people, get such a dear bird?
And grandmother Fedosya was a kind old woman. Is talking:
- Maybe you haven't had dinner yet? Sit with us, eat, and after that everything and
you will find out.
So they put the merchant as a man at the table, gave him a big goose
piece, with potatoes, with gravy. The merchant ate, and grandmother Fedosya all the bones
put it together and says:
- Come on, goose, stand in front of me again as if alive. Shook
a napkin - and the goose went around the hut - again alive, healthy, fat, as it was,
as if they had not eaten it.
Ay, my mothers! The merchant's eyes and teeth flared up.
- Granny! Give me a goose!
- No, neighbor, I won't. We need it ourselves.
- Well, then sell it. I am rich, I will give you a lot of money.
“We don’t need your money either. Gifts are not sold. Do not ask, I will not give.
She didn’t give it. No, my dears - I didn't! The merchant went home. He walks, and he himself thinks about the goose.
Now the night has come, it got dark. Grandma Fedosya went to bed, (Bear -
keen little mind went to bed - and the merchant took, my dears, a bag with
a bag to the grandmother in the yard. Yes to the stable where the goose spent the night. Broke the lock, goose
pulled out - yes into a bag: stole) And go home soon.
In the morning, Grandma Fedosya wakes up, Mishka wakes up - but the goose is gone. Where
gone? Nowhere to be seen!
Grandmother Fedosya was out of grief, Mishka trampled on all his heels - running,
looking for. There is no goose, as if it has failed.
And the merchant, meanwhile, had summoned the whole family to the upper room. Was with him
wife Alena Ivanovna and three daughters - Mashenka, Dasha and Sasha. Yes called
the cook Aksinya, and the janitor Andrey, and the clerk Timofey.
- All come here! Now I'm going to show you Wonderful, Wonderful!
And the daughters are asking:
- Where did you get it, my dear?
- Where did you get it? Yes, of course, I bought it - everything is possible with my capital! Took
the merchant sack, released the goose and said:
- Come on, goose, get up, shake yourself, lie down on the frying pan! And the goose
looks at the merchant with all his eyes, does not move from his place, only shouts:
- Ha-ha-ha!
The merchant got angry and stamped his foot on the floor.
- What a ha-ha-ha! To whom I say: get up, shake yourself up and into the frying pan
lie down!
And the goose is looking at the merchant again, and even louder:
- Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha!
And he himself - not from a place.
At this point the merchant was completely angry. He grabbed a frying pan
long, very long, wants to hit the goose. Only he swung to the goose
touched - but take the frying pan and stick it: one end to the goose, and
to others - to the merchant, to his hand. The merchant got scared, he wants to throw the frying pan -
Yes, you will not quit: it is stuck, it does not come off!
The merchant shouted to his wife out of fear in a voice that was not his own:
- Wife! Alena Ivanovna! Run here quickly, get me from the frying pan,
a frying pan - from a goose!
Alyona Ivanovna, the merchant's wife, ran up, embraced her husband across the belly,
drags him, drags - not drag him away! At the very hand they stuck to the merchant.
The merchant's wife got scared, yelling:
- Daughter, Mashenka! Run here quickly, get mother from father, father
from a frying pan, a frying pan from a goose!
Daughter Mashenka ran up, embraced mother across her belly, drags,
drags, do not drag! They stuck to my mother's hand.
Mashenka got scared, shouts:
- Sister Dasha, run here quickly, get Masha from mother as soon as possible,
mother from father, father from a frying pan, a frying pan from a goose!
Sister Dashenka ran up, embraced Masha across her belly, drags her,
drags - and not drag. She stuck to Masha herself!
And after Dasha - Sasha, and after Sasha - cook Aksinya, for
Aksinya - Andrey, after Andrey - Timofey. Everyone is standing to each other
stuck. And the goose turned around, looked, and shouted:
- Ha-ha-ha! And with all of them - at the door.
The merchant runs down the street, and behind him is the merchant in a frying pan, and everything follows the merchant.
family. Goose to the right - and they all go to the right, goose to the left - and they follow him. A
people look out of the windows, show with their fingers, laugh:
- Ay, look, the thief is running! Oh, shame on you! Our poor
the old woman stole the last goose. Ay, thief, thief! And not ashamed!
And the merchant is ashamed, they all - at least fall through the earth. But as
will you fail? The goose drags them throughout the village from end to end, everyone
The goose ran to Grandma Fedosya. Grandma Fedosya goes out on the porch,
hugs the goose, rejoices ... Well, if the goose is now at home - okay, he let them go
everyone, they are unstuck ... They run home. And the people look out of the windows - they laugh:
- Ay, shame, shame! Ay, shameless thieves!
So they all ran home and at home and sat down. They say that the whole week is not
came out - it was a shame to show people in the eyes. And after, they say, and
completely left that village somewhere.
Well, they left - and left, albeit. Nobody began to catch up with them. And here
only a fairy tale about them remained ...

This tale was about a goose.
And now - the whole tale.
The fairy tale is over

The fairy tale is over.
Who listened - that fellow.

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