Quiz for elementary school on the works of Oseva. Quiz

Quiz "Questions from Hats" according to the stories of V. Zeeva (amounted to Selezneva E.V.)
Print, cut questions without answers, roll, put a master, play on teams or everyone for yourself.
1 As an old man from the story "Magic Word" needed this magic word? What is this word?
It was necessary to say it was a quiet voice, looking straight in the eye to whom they say.
You are welcome
2 Who changed the girl from the fairy tale "good host"?
Cepe-puppy chicken
3 What was the name of a large black dog, which Kolya and Vanya picked up?
4 who turned out to be a real owner of a dog, Kolya or Vanya. How did this happen? Kolya. Two huge shepherds attacked the dog. They rushed to the beetle and pushed him to the ground. Kohl rushed to help the beetle, and Vanya scratched on a tree
5 What kind of exploits dreamed of a boy of Jura from the story "Good"?
Save the sister when sinking
Shoot wolves that pounced on the nanny
Save the dog from the well
6 For what girl decided to take revenge on his brother in the story "revenge"? What was the name of the girl?
Brother took paint without permission
7 For that the woman condemned two boys in the story "Bad"
Boys did not stand up for the kitten, who almost broke the dog
8 What came up with boys in their justification from the story "What is easier"?
The first - as if the wolf attacked me in the forest, the second, that grandfather met, the third, and I will say the truth
9 What left the old man on the sand? In the sand remained inspired signs
10 From what story these words: "The truth is all easier to say, because - she, however, do not invent anything"? "What is easier"
11 For what Katya, got angry with his brother Aleshka? For paints
12 How two women praised their sons in the story of "Sons"?
Clek, Silen, sings like a nightingale ...
13 What story suits the proverb?
Better bitter truth than a sweet lie.
"What is easier?"
14 What story suits the proverb?
Good word and cat is nice. "Magic word"
15 What are the name of the boy from the story "In the same House"?
16 What story suits the proverb?
We must give it so that you can take. "Blue leaves"
17 What story suits the proverb?
Friendship is valuable in more thanks (more) everything.

"Dormant Host"
18 Why in the story "revenged" Katya did not want to take revenge on Brother Aleshka, although she promised? Instead, helped your brother, which was in danger.
19 Why in the fairy tale "good host" puppy ran away from the girl? She changed all friends
20 In the story "Time" boys could not solve examples. Why? Call the reason. One does not know how to solve with brackets, and another is difficult to solve with large numbers.
21 Why in the story "Time" boys agreed to solve examples together, but did not solve?
Spent time on meaningless conversations (what can be done in half an hour)
22 In the story "visited" Musya came to the sick shaft. What was waiting for Valya from a friend? Did the tree helped? Musya could help bring a warm height and rinse from flux.
23 Tell the names of the stories of V. Oseva, consisting of one word. "Bad", "Watchman", "Cookies", "offenders", "medicine", "revenge."
24 What was the Valya in the story "visited"? Flice
25 In the story "visited" the tree did not help. Why? He spoke only about himself.
26 In the story, "offenders" that Mom advised Mom, who constantly complained that he was offended. We must better treat comrades
27 In the story of "offenders" how Tolya helped Sasha and how responded to this Sasha? Tolya helped find a coin, Sasha called Tolly to play the courtyard.
28 In the story of "Three Comrades", Volodya did not do as Kolya and Misha. What happened to Vitya, and how did Vova help him? Vitya lost breakfast.
Volodya shared breakfast
29 What happened to the grandmother's story "just an old woman" and how the boy responded. The old woman slipped, the boy helped.
30 What were going to do the guys in the story "work warms"? Wear wood
31 years of life V. Sayeva
1902 – 1969
32 What distinguished the son of the third woman in the story of "Sons"? Silently helped mom carry heavy buckets with water
33 What did Mama Tanya and Grandma praise in the story "Grandma and Granddaughter"? They both read each other
34 In the story "Case", Mom gave a coola pencils. What did he do with them and why?
I distributed to friends who needed pencils.
35 In the story "Rex and Cupcake", the guys argued about something. About what? What is the name of the dog director.
36 How did the director's dog in the story "Rex and Cupcake"? Ralph
37 What broke the boy, indulging with the dog, in the story "Why"?
Daddy cup
38 In the story "Why" the mother drove the boom to live on the street in the booth. Why?
The boy turned to the dog that she broke the cup.
39 What story suits the proverb?
There is no truth in the commander, in that good enough.
40 What happened when Vanya pulled for a braid Tanya in the story "Who is more stupid"
Vanya offended Ian, Tanya - Barbosa, Barbos - Ustinyu.
41 Why Duck Ustinya in a fairy tale "Who is more stupid?" did not hit chicken?
She replied: "I'm not so stupid"
42 What magic was endowed with a magic needle Masha from a fairy tale "Magic needle"
Dress erases itself and strokes yourself, tablecloth appears with sweets
43 In the story "Cookies", the brothers did something wrong. What act did not decorate the boys?
Cookies shared only for themselves, forgetting about mom and grandmother.
44 Why did the girls have the leaves on the trees in the trees?
She did not have a green pencil, and a girlfriend did not give green pencil
45 In which story, the girl was sitting on the bench, the bruised knee and cried. What happened to her?
46 Who wanted to become V. Zeeva first? What are the main professions at V. Zeeva?
I wanted to be actress.
Worked as a teacher in the commune and writer
Page V. Zeeva in the project "My favorite writers" http://lubdetpis.blogspot.ru/p/blog-page_76.html

This quiz of our kindergarten is dedicated to the wonderful story "Dink" Writer Valentina Osseva. How I smelled to my soul this book! I reread it for the second time, despite the fact that there was not half a year old, as I read it for the first time. How deeply and finely breathed souls, not just the souls and the very most depths of the shower.

The main heroine of the eight-year-old Dink, the daughter of the revolutionary, lives on a quiet cozy dacha with two older sisters Alina and the mouse, Mom Marina, aunt Katya, a cake of Lina and Grandfather Nikich. And everything would be fine if it were not for the heavy 1910s, not anxiety for comrades who are sitting in prisons, for the father who is threatened with a danger every day, for children that they grow by the floor of the orphans, they have no longer seen with their dad, small Dink does not remember him at all, it also stores the photo card, if not anxiety for the sirot of Lenka, whom the owner beats every day and for much more. Voices and echoes of all of these alarms run away in one place - in the heart of the mother. How much does it need courage, strength and energy, whatever to accept, transfer and support the neighbors.

This is a life book. Life books I call books from which you can laugh to pain in the stomach and sob, do not just cry, namely, riding when everything comes in of real life. The friendship of Dinkie with Lenka touched me the strongest. I do not know whether the friendship is real and stronger than this? I doubt ...

It would seem that in common between the little playful girl and the orphan boy, who has never seen in his life, neither caress, nor good, did not hear a good word, has worked on a cruel owner? But when it took, they were found in the Lenicin heart and the words of consolation, and good, and caress. Once it happened, a big grief happened, from whom Dink burst into pieces and the boy was tirelessly comforted, did not leave for a moment, even in the city did not go to earn money on bread. Very accurately noticed Dinkina aunt and said: "She (that is, Dink) did not see anything because of her tears, and he saw nothing but her tears."

It is still very surprising ... Little, inexperienced Dink ..., and her soul is capable of brave and serious solutions, it knows exactly what to do in one way or another, she cannot explain why this is exactly how it just listens to his heart, and it is almost never mistaken . At the time when adults think as more correctly, it may, or maybe, ... and most often the dunk is ridiculous and guys naive:

"From the terrace, fatal, Dink rang, she was very afraid of late for the fees.
- Is this dress put on mom? She asked, touching two-fingers soft silk and simping from delight.
"No, my mother does not want to wear it, it is dumping," the mouse explained to her whisper.
- Papino? Why is it daddy? Dad changed to him, right? "Staining his eyes, whispered to her Dink's ear."
"-" In the sky of midnight angel flew ... "- the boy began his heart.
Dinky again stumbled on the Word and, without sustaining, he jerked Gogu for a jacket.
"Wait ... What is the angel fly?" What is Lunech? - She asked with anxiety, looking at her sister, then Gogu. "

And once the girl wanted to help her mother and Kate, decided to clean the pan, but since they were badly withered she dreamed with pellets from dirt ...

"... the sand creaked, the pans crackled, but were cleaned. In the end, in order not to wash each separately, the dink dragged them to the barrel and with a loud bouffering of drowned in rainwater, sneaking immediately relax.
Mom ran out on the terrace - she, apparently, was late, and Katya with some kind of sandwich caught up with her already at the wicket itself.
Seeing Katya, Dinky hurriedly rushed to remove the pans, but her hands did not take it to the bottom and the edges of the barrels were too high to flow back through them ... Dinky was frightened around.
"Well, Fu! - Say Katya. - Who washes the pans in the rain barrel? "

And instead of praise, strong trouble may turn out. The only one who can help pull out sunken pans is Nikich. Dink rushed to the tent.
The old man has been from the evening at Mithrich, helped him to smalle the boat and now, tired of work, slept tightly, open the mouth and publishing a whistle. But the point is not tolerant.
- Nikich, Nikich! - Tormosh An old man by shoulder, whispered Dink. - Get up soon, and then Katya will now go to the kitchen!
- BUT? What? What? - Raising the shaggy eyebrows and sitting down on Nara, muttered Nikich.
- Nikich, Foresting and barrel! Get up, lie soon in the barrel! - Dinkly whispered imploringly.
- Wait, wait ... to which barrel? - Descending with the bosy legs and blinking sleepy eyes, asked the old man.
- in a barrel with water. Foresting soon. You have long hands ... And I can't ... Katya will swear, - almost crying, dragged Nikich Dink.
- Yes, what are you in your mind ... or already I am asked to stick ... in what barrel to dive? Why will I carry me there? - Nikich spoke angrily.
- Yes, there are a pan ... they drowned on the bottom. I cleaned, cleaned, and now Katya will scold me. Let's go, pull out ... you will then lie again! - Dink said hastily.
Nikich, Glachty, rose with Nar.
- You are moving me to the next light, a fool of a muddy soothe! He said, leaving the tent.
- Nikich! Won barrel under the terrace. There are three pots ... you pull out and take it in the kitchen. And I will go Copy Katya so that she does not see. "

And it happens and ridiculous and crying, because you understand that it is not from a light life all this says:
"Yes, yes, you feel good, you will go to the cautious, and how can I stay?" Dink was worried. "
"Dink is not sleeping for a long time, and bitterness, overwhelming her heart, looking for guilty. But if life itself is to blame, it's hard to blame someone from people - maybe, only a grandfather Nikich for that he took away the dad card and keeps her ... if she, Dink, will not look at the card, he can really happen, As Alina said. The girl fell asleep frustrated and angry, in the morning of the offense finally fell on the grandfather Nikich, and, with difficulty waiting for the care of sisters, she immediately triggered to an old man with a sullen demand:
- Give dad! Why do you hide? What do you, a daughter, what?
From the coarse tone of her and surprise the old man was taken away.
"What are you, what are you ..." he fences. - What daughter? What did you bite now?
- Give dad! You, right, you want, so I never know him at all? Yes? - Screamed the dunk again. From the angry eyes, her, like beads, sprinkled along the face quick small droplets of tears.
- God is with you! - Nikich was frightened. - Is I hiding your dad? I'm just so, the coast for memory. After all, the only friend is I me!
- Draw! - fused the foot of the dunk. - I'm friend too! And mother! And we all are friends! Give out without conversations!
The old man submolded pulled out from under the pillow of an old, shabby wallet and removed from there a card. "

This is how people fought and lived at the beginning of the twentieth century. And adults and children. Dinky helped her friend's friend in the search of Katina, Lenka, after the arrest of his comrade, distributed proclamation for his revenge, and adults were preparing to escape from the prison of political comrades. Somehow and lived ...

This story, by the way, was shielded twice. The first film is called "Find me, Lenka", and the second is "early early morning." The first thing I do not up to the soul. And the second really liked. Although the film is distinguished by the plot from the story, it's still interesting. Heroes, good game very successfully.

P.S. Who is interested, there is a continuation of this book "Dink says goodbye to childhood" V. Oseev.

MBOU high school №3 of the city Roslavl

Abstract extracurricular activities

"Durry lessons"

(by works V. Sayeva)

in 1- "a" class

Teacher primary classes:

Shcherbakova Anna Alexandrovna

2012-2013, the year

Topic: "Dobrya Lesson" (according to the works of V. Sayeva) Purpose: Creating conditions for work on development moral qualities Personality when working with text.


    To summarize the knowledge of children on the topic: "Stories V.A. Zeeva". To form the ability to analyze work of fiction on affordable children levels. Show children that the topic affected by the author is relevant in the life of every person. To form the ability to determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe stories. Develop the skills of the correct and conscious reading, predict events, answer questions. Develop intelligent skills (analysis, synthesis, generalization), communicative skills, creative imagination. Educating honesty, sense of responsibility for their actions, respect and politeness in relationships. develop a self-esteem of students.

Equipment: Posters with proverbs: "Good word to man that rain in drought", "not clothes paints a man, and his good deeds", "Hurry to do good"; Cards for working in groups, laptop, Watman, titling for the newspaper.

During the classes.

In life, you can live in different ways -

On time there is to drink on time
In time to make nasty.
And so possible:
At dawn, get up -
And, thinking about the miracle,

And give it to people.
(S. Isot)
- What is this poem?- What seemed unusual to you?Today we have a lesson about the lesson of kindness. We will spend it together with a wonderful writer, the author of children's short stories V.A. Zeeva.Goodness lesson ... Guys, what do you expect from the lesson?Responses of children. Conversation.
And so what is good? What do you think when you hear the word-good?Responses of children.
Yes, it's all good, kind, beautiful. For example: Sun, Spring, Smile, Mom, Dad, Native Close People ....
Good - this is when people assist, help each other.
"A kind person is the one who ....... Conduct the phrase, and I will help you ....
loves people and ready in difficult moment Come to help them.
Loves nature and protects her.
polite in communication, respectful to adults and younger
Loves birds, helps them survive in winter strules. Etc
"A kind person notices in others, first of all, good, evil - bad.

Let's find out what kindness is? (Children's responses.)

But how Sergey Ozhegov writes about this: "A kindness is responsiveness, mental arrangement to people, the desire to do good others."

Preparing for a lesson, I found a letter of appeal V. Sayeva to readers, I will read it:

"Dear Guys! When I was like you, I loved to read little stories. I loved them for what could read without the help of adults. Once mom asked: Did you like the story?
I answered:
- I do not know. I did not think about him.
Mom was very upset.
"To be able to read little, you need to know how to think," she said.
Since then, after reading the story, I began to think about the good and bad deeds of girls and boys, and sometimes my own. And since in life it helped me a lot, I wrote for you short stories so that you were easier to learn to read and think "
- What advised, the author of the letter? -We why do we need to think, because we learned to read and now we can read any books yourself and this is already achieving for us? Responses of children.

We will continue the study to solve what the magic power of words and actions.

We will see our overall result - agazet that yourself and create in this lesson.

- And I will put the first note on our newspaper.

We read the works of V. Zeeva in the classroom and at home, but we don't know anything about the author itself.

Work in groups.

The first group was prepared by the message about the author, this is the material for the rubric of our newspaper"The author of children's short stories"



Student 1. We were interested in Biography V.A. Zeeva. And we wanted to find out about her life. We found material. And so I learned. V.A. Zeeva was born more than 100 years ago. Just like you guys, she studied in the gymnasium. V.A. He dreamed of becoming an actress, but became a teacher in orphanages and colonies for children.


Student 2. She wanted the guys to have joyful childhood, and invented various stories for them, fairy tales, poems, games. In his books, she told the children about "what is good and what is bad."

3 group.

2. The first story "Grishka".

3. The first book "Red Cat."

4. He herself wrote the plays, put them together with the children.

5. We read a lot of stories V. Sayeva, such as

We suggest placing this information on our newspaper.

-Teacher. Well, honest, bold and knightly noble, so told her friends about her.

Pupils newspaper 1 -A class "Obrass of kindness"

INlife can live in different ways -
It is possible in trouble, and you can - in joy,
On time there is to drink on time
In time to make nasty.
And so possible:

At dawn, get up -
And, thinking about the miracle,
Hand cut the sun
And give it to people.
(S. Isot)

- Well, since we have already met a biography, we turn to the stories.

The story "Cookies" shows the first group and discuss. Staging the story "Cookies" Conversation of moral and ethical content:

What questions did you ask the guys? ... mom? ... grandma?

What did Vova and Misha seemed to you? How do we call such people?

What advice, would you give guys?What feelings did you feel when I read the story of V. Saeva?Distribution "Three Comrades", 2 Group, Discussion.


Name the characters of the story?

Children call the names of boys.


Which of the heroes did you like? Why?


Volodya and Vitya.


Who did not like? Why?


Kolya and Misha, because they did not help his comrade, they did not share with him breakfast.


Which of the heroes are positive, and who is negative?


Volodya is a positive hero, and Kolya and Misha are negative heroes.


So, he has a set of certain qualities of the character, which is made by this? But in the text, it is never directly mentioned about them, so maybe Volodya does not have them?


There is.

Work with a vocabulary of characteristics.

Frontal work.

Teacher: Try to determine the qualities of the character with which the Volodya possesses, mark the check mark:Preparation:- obedient- Modest- Attentive- brave- caring- kind- Gordy- Attentive- caring- kindTeacher.And what in the relationship of the heroes condemns the author?Pupils.Greed and indifference.

The 3group shows "good"

- What is good in the story? (good thoughts, good desire)- What was not very good in the story? (Boy Acts)- What are the affairs of Yura?- And how did you actually do?- Is it necessary to wait troubles, or can you find good things in ordinary life?- Could the eurik become good friend? Why?- What would you advise Yura?

Group work.

Sit down please in groups.

1 group will work on the work of the "Magic Word".

Card blank.


angrily burned

clenched fools

coulder from insult


knocked a fist on the bench

suddenly fell silent

Read words. Think from which work these words?

What was the name of this hero?

Discussion of work in the group.

- Such different wordsSpecified about the same hero. What made the hero change so much?- Why did all the characters suddenly be done by all the desires of Pavlik?- How does the Magic Word change the heroes?- How does the behavior of Pavlik change? (The magic word changed the main hero of the story, taught him to think about other people, be attentive to them.)- Does Pavlik really met the wizard in the square?

Setting the second group.

Work with proverbs "Collect the proverb"Options for proverbs in envelopes on leaves.- Which of the proverbs expresses main thought Story V.A. Osseva "Magic Word"?

Option 1

    Where work, there and joy. Good man good and teaches. No friend is better that native Mother.

Option 2.

    It is better to do well than speak well. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Good man good and teaches.
Option 3.
    Politeness opens all doors.
    No friend - look, and found - take care. Still friendship and water do not overcome. Who soon helped, he helped twice.
3group.Task for a 1group-make-up. Consists of two parts.1. Entering. "My reader's diary" You conducted research work: reading stories, you wrote smart thoughts, the most important thoughts, wise remarks of writers whose works we studied with you and which you can come in handy in life.The task is to work with the diary of "smart thoughts", to find proverbs, tips that were in the stories of V. Saeva. 2 task.
    Answer questions: did I want to be a hero of the stories V. Saeva? Why? "If I were the main hero of the story" Magic Word ", then ..."

Speech by groups.

Final conversation.
    What is common in the stories V. Saeva? (Heroes do good, make good actions).
  1. What do you think is the most valuable man? ( Kind heart, good deeds).

    What taught us the stories V.A. Axis? What kind of human qualities are forced to think about? (Honesty, kindness, love for neighbor)
  2. What is the magic power of words and actions? (She makes people kinder. And if each of us is kinder, then the world will be kinder.)

    What did you like in class?
Responses of children.

Teacher: But most importantly, you were able to get a piece of this magic force, which makes the world of kind.


Teacher. For you, guys, I still prepared the tasks that put in our newspaper.

For newspaper:

Final song. "Good to be completely, not at all just ..."

Thanks for the lesson of kindness. You are all successful readers.

Quiz by works

V.A. Oseva

Work performed Shcherbakova ON, primary school teacher MBOU SS №4 Vyazma

Valentina Aleksandrovna


Valentina Aleksandrovna Oseev (real surname Khmelev was born on April 15, 1902 in the city of Kiev. In the young years, he dreamed of becoming an actress. After graduating from the gymnasium, she studied at the Acting Faculty of the Lysenko Institute in Kiev. But she failed to finish the institute, because The family moved to Moscow.

Here V. Oseev began to work as a teacher teacher. Worked with street children and young offenders, helping them.

IN free time I composed fairy tales, wrote the plays and put them together with the children. He loved to invent games.

In 1952, V. Oseev was awarded the State Prize of the USSR.

Remember the names of the works of V.A. Oseva

"Blue ..." word "Three…" leaves "Magic ..." host "Who…" comrade "Good…" all stupid "What…" easier

The main character Works "Magic Word"


What kind of magic word whispered old peavlya?

You are welcome

Paint What color asked Pavlik at the sister?


What was the name of the dog in the story "Good"?


The name of the boy from the story "Three Comrades" - a true friend Viti


Among who happened the dispute in the story "Who is the owner?" And because of whom?

Kohl quarreled with Vanya because of the dog beetle

What hurt a girl from the story "On the rink"?


What animals compared Alyosha from the story "revenged" when he scored on a tree?

With a monkey

How many kittens gave birth to a cat from the story "Red Cat"?


From what product line: "He looked at the desk a whole bunch of new feathers ..."?


In what story did the mother have one son who was a pilot, another - tanker, the third - sailor?

"Three sons"

What phrase did the teacher say, seeing that Lena had blue leaves?

"We must give it so that you can take"

What stories of V. Area suited proverbs? Prove.

You will not get to know your friend without trouble.

Politeness opens all doors.

Honesty is all more expensive.

Friendship remember, and evil forget .

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