Non-traditional teaching methods in classical education. Traditional lesson structure

“Rush to school as if it were a game. This is what she is,” wrote Jan Komensky. Isn’t it true that you can’t say that about a modern school? Is it good? After all, interest is the main stimulus for a child’s activity, development, and learning.

A lot has changed in education over the past two decades. Today there is no teacher who would not think about the questions: “How to make the lesson interesting and bright? How to get kids interested in your subject? How to create a situation of success for each student in the classroom?” What modern teacher does not dream that the children in his class work voluntarily and creatively; did you master the subject at the maximum level of success for each?

And this is no coincidence. The new organization of society, a new attitude to life also places new demands on the school.

Today, the main goal of education is not only the accumulation by the student of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, abilities, but also the preparation of the student as an independent subject of educational activity. The basis of modern education is the activity of both the teacher and, no less important, the student. It is precisely this goal - the education of a creative, active personality who knows how to learn and improve independently - that is responsible for the main tasks of modern education.

Training is not done only using standard methods. There is also non-standard training, which involves obtaining results using methods other than traditional ones. In some cases, it does not matter what methods were used to achieve goals. The same goes for learning, in the world of education you always need to be open to applying some new and effective technique. It is not easy to obtain knowledge, so it is important to eventually obtain it, and for these purposes, non-traditional teaching methods are considered.

Non-traditional methods can be classified as modern teaching methods, although at one time not only traditional methods were also used in education. Should I use them or not? The answers to this question are contradictory for the simple reason that there are supporters of traditional teaching methods, and there are their opposites. Everyone must choose what is best for themselves and how to achieve knowledge, whether methods or achieving goals are more important. Each industry has its own methods of non-traditional training, although there may be some commonalities between them.

Lessons can be conducted in the form of competitions, in the form of role-playing games and much more. Depending on the topic and audience, the optimal method is selected. It is worth noting that some methods are suitable for primary school children, others only for students, etc. It is very important to apply the right method to the right audience, and to do it correctly. This is called the right approach to education. In fact, sometimes this correct approach must be found for each student, since each has its own characteristics. The teacher must be a good psychologist and be able to analyze. This will allow you to achieve efficiency in training, and this is the most important thing, since this is thepurpose of education - get knowledge. So non-traditional teaching methods are most often methods that are used by the teacher, and which have individuality and even subjectivity, but are also effective, which is the most important thing.

Non-standard lessons are always holiday lessons, when all students are active, when everyone has the opportunity to express themselves and when the class becomes a team.

And it is in such a lesson, as Cicero said, that “the eyes of the listener and the eyes of the speaker will light up.”


1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race (linguistic battle), duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz, etc.

2. Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, comments, brainstorming, interviews, reporting.

3. Lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: a lesson of wisdom, a lesson of revelation.

4. Lessons that resemble public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, dialogue, “living newspaper”.

5. Lessons based on fantasy: lesson-fairy tale, lesson-surprise, lesson-gift from Hottabych.

6. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, tribunal, circus, patent office, academic council.

7. Traditional forms of extracurricular work transferred within the framework of the lesson: KVN, “experts conduct the investigation,” matinee, performance, concert, staging of a work of art, debate, “get-togethers,” “club of experts.”

8. Integrated lessons.

9. Transformation of traditional ways of organizing a lesson: lecture-paradox, paired survey, express survey, lesson-test (assessment defense), lesson-consultation, reader’s form protection, TV lesson without television.

Almost all of them allow you to ask problematic questions and create problematic situations, solve problems of differentiated learning, intensify learning activities, increase cognitive interest, and promote the development of critical thinking.

The favorite form of lesson for children in grades 5-7 remainslesson-game . A distinctive feature of educational role-playing lessons is that their psychological basis is the mechanism of imagination: children imagine themselves in certain roles, find themselves in a given situation, and jointly solve a given problem.

By taking the appropriate mechanism as a basis, you can revive even the most complex material. What is the success of such a lesson? In its unusualness (the use of a fairy-tale, fantastic plot, the invitation of favorite characters), and in the accessibility of the presentation of the material, and in the use of vivid clarity. After all, children get tired of memorizing textbook material from lesson to lesson. But if, for example, you imagine that you are on a desert island or on another planet and you need to help your fellow tribesmen, what can you not do for this?! You will move mountains, not to mention learning cases, conjugations or learning how to write a particle with a word.

Despite all the diversity and effectiveness of non-traditional lessons, they often cannot be used for a number of reasons. But you really want each lesson to be special, with its own “zest”. Therefore, you can resort to non-standard, creative elements of a separate traditional lesson. This andlexical dictation ordictation - crossword , as the guys call him, and composing riddles in class, andcommented letter orwarning dictations with a “car driver”, and a task like “find the odd one out" , which instills the ability to synthesize and comprehend information. The main thing is that children never get bored during the lesson, that they want to work and study. After all, what is important for this is the situation of success, which, as a rule, is created by non-standard lessons or elements of lessons, and the independence that children learn in such lessons, and a creative attitude towards language, which is cultivated only in creative lessons.

1. Non-standard lessons should be used as final ones when generalizing and consolidating the knowledge, skills and abilities of students;

2. Too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, as this can lead to a loss of sustainable interest in the academic subject and the learning process;

3. A non-traditional lesson should be preceded by careful preparation and, first of all, the development of a system of specific training and education goals;

4. When choosing forms of non-traditional lessons, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of his character and temperament, the level of preparedness and the specific characteristics of the class as a whole and individual students;

5. It is advisable to integrate the efforts of teachers when preparing joint lessons, not only within the framework of the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle, but also in the subjects of the humanities cycle;

6. When conducting non-standard lessons, be guided by the principle “with children and for children,” setting one of the main goals to educate students in an atmosphere of kindness, creativity, and joy.


Thus, the effectiveness of the educational process largely depends on the teacher’s ability to properly organize a lesson and wisely choose one or another form of conducting a lesson.

Non-traditional forms of conducting lessons make it possible not only to raise students’ interest in the subject being studied, but also to develop their creative independence and teach them how to work with various sources of knowledge.

Such forms of conducting classes “remove” the traditional nature of the lesson and enliven ideas. However, it should be noted that too often resorting to such forms of organizing the educational process is inappropriate, since the non-traditional can quickly become traditional, which will ultimately lead to a decline in students’ interest in the subject.

The developmental and educational potential of non-traditional lesson forms can be characterized by defining the following learning objectives:

Forming students' interest and respect for the subject;

Fostering a culture of communication and the need for practical use of knowledge;

Development of intellectual and cognitive abilities, development of value orientations, feelings and emotions of the student.


Gelpling E.M. "Non-traditional forms and methods of teaching in Russian language and literature lessons.” – Kursk, 2012

Dyachenko T.N.« Methodological development of a lesson on speech development." - Moscow 2013

S.V. Kulnevich, T.P. Lakotsenina “A Completely Unusual Lesson” (practical guide), Voronezh, 2006.

S.V. Kulnevich, T.P. Lakotsenina “Non-traditional lessons”, shopping center “Teacher”, Voronezh, 2004.

T.P. Lakotsenina, E.E. Alimova, L.M. Oganezov “Modern lesson”, part 5 (innovative lessons). Publishing house "Teacher", 2007.

The most important problem of modern didactics is the problem of teaching methods. To the questions: How to transfer knowledge, develop skills, how to acquire and develop this knowledge, skills and abilities, how to make the training short, pleasant and thorough? - there are many conflicting answers.

The problem of teaching methods began to be considered by domestic didactics quite actively in the 60s, interest in it grew, and by the 80s of the twentieth century we already had about 40 definitions of the concept " teaching method." This suggests that the theoretical development of the conceptual apparatus of didactics is weak, at the same time, creative searches by scientists do not stop, and this enriches didactics as a science. To be convincing, let us consider how this concept is interpreted by scientists, compilers of textbooks and teaching aids, which were and are mainly used for the theoretical training of specialists in cultural universities in the course “Pedagogy”.

B.P. Esipov defines the concept of “teaching method” as the methods of work of the teacher and students, with the help of which students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, their worldview is formed and their abilities are developed.

N.A. Sorokin offers his definition of this concept as a way of joint activity between a teacher and a student in the learning process, with the help of which the fulfillment of assigned tasks is achieved, and explains the functions of the teaching method, which include establishing the types of activities of the teacher and students, determining how The learning process must take place, and what actions must be performed by both the teacher and the student.

I.Ya. Lerner and M.N. Skatkin, answering the question of what a teaching method is, argue that every method is a system of conscious sequential human actions leading to the achievement of a result corresponding to the intended goal. Based on this, the structure of the teaching method should include, in their opinion, a conscious goal, without which the subject’s purposeful activity is generally impossible. Having realized the goal, a person carries out activities, that is, a system of actions using certain means at his disposal. It is difficult to disagree with this and may well be the basis for the activities of any specialist in the position of a teacher, including in the context of cultural and leisure activities.

A more detailed interpretation of the concept of “teaching method” is given by I.T. Ogorodnikov, based on the ontology of the Greek word “method”, as a way of cognitive and practical activity of people. Arguing that teaching is one of the most complex activities and has a system of various methods, Professor Ogorodnikov I.T. begins an analysis of the concept of “teaching method” with its functions, which he divides into four types: the function of information or teaching; the function of teaching students practical skills; teaching function; the function of the teacher guiding the cognitive activity of students.

The first, second and fourth functions performed

teaching, proceed both together and separately. The third function relates entirely to students, but is carried out under the influence of the first, second and fourth.

While distinguishing the functions of I.T. Ogorodnikov in this way, he nevertheless focuses on the fact that they all proceed in close unity, since the learning process is a two-way process.

Thus, any teaching method is a system of purposeful actions of teachers, organizing the cognitive and practical activities of students, ensuring their assimilation of the content of education and thereby achieving learning goals.

In other words, the teaching method presupposes the indispensable interaction of the subjects of learning, during which the process of learning, transmission and assimilation of the content of education is realized.

I.Ya. Lerner notes, like most didactics, the important role of the teaching method in the development of the student’s cognitive activity, indicating the two-way nature of the learning process. The two-sidedness of the learning process, in his opinion, is most clearly manifested in the teaching method. In this regard, he believes that it is necessary to distinguish between such concepts as the goal and the result of learning. It is obvious that although there are certain similarities, these concepts have a significant difference. A goal is a conscious representation of the final result of the activity that a person performs /teaches or studies/. Does the result of our activity always coincide with the goal that we set at the beginning of this activity? Moreover, it is not always possible to expect the teacher’s goals to coincide with the student’s goals, since despite the subject-subject relations in the learning process, its bilateral nature, the teacher’s goals will be leading in relation to the student’s goals. The activities and means in the process of this activity are also different for students from the activities and means of the teacher, therefore there cannot be a complete coincidence of the final result of learning for both.

The student, unlike the teacher, cannot objectively evaluate the results of his activities due to insufficient experience and lack of professional knowledge that the teacher has. In this regard, it is the teacher’s objective assessment of the result of the student’s educational activity that is very important, the assessment that allows the student to further develop his mental abilities and intensify his cognitive activity. In some respects, I.Ya. Lerner is right when he says that the student’s goal should not necessarily coincide with the teacher’s goal, it should only correspond to it.

Y.K. Babansky interprets the concept of “teaching method” as a way of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing, development in the learning process. This definition is closest to reality, most successfully formulated and corresponds to the basic principles of didactics.

S.P. Baranov, considering the concept of “teaching method”, falls under the influence of the interpretation of the concept “method” given in the “Philosophical Encyclopedia” and defines it, on the one hand, as a form of theoretical and practical development of educational material based on the objectives of education, education and personality development of students. On the other hand, as a path of cognitive theoretical and practical activity of teachers and students, aimed at fulfilling the tasks of education. Thirdly, it is a method of activity aimed at communicating educational material and assimilating it by children. He further clarifies that this is one side of the definition of teaching methods, and in pedagogy they talk about it as a way of teaching. The methods of learning educational material by children are not identical to the methods of teaching, therefore, teaching is also characterized by the methods of cognitive activity of students, which depend and are determined by the methods of teaching, but are different from them; in this sense, we can talk about methods of teaching. This definition, of course, lies in the realm of common sense, but does not contain new information.

I.F. Kharlamov, analyzing various approaches to the definition of the concept of “teaching method”, concludes that teaching methods should be understood as the methods of the teacher’s teaching work and the organization of the student’s educational and cognitive activity in solving various didactic tasks aimed at mastering the material being studied. Thus, this author takes as his starting point the proposition that the teaching method is a way

organization of educational and cognitive activities of students.

At the same time, obviously, if we want a student to understand the basic ideas of science, it is necessary that the process of development of cognitive abilities proceed in such a way that would allow him to become equal with the teacher in the search for truth, would allow him to improve his knowledge, skills and skills, one should adhere to the principles of pedagogy of cooperation or co-creation, and the main one is the principle of subject-subject relations, about which

we'll talk later.

Before completing the review of the literature examining the definition of the concept of “teaching method” and making a final conclusion, we will cite as an example the work of one foreign didactic student dealing with this problem - the Polish scientist C. Kupisiewicz, who analyzes the concept and essence of the teaching method. He adheres to the definition given by V. Okon and interprets it as a systematically applied way of a teacher working with students, allowing students to develop their mental abilities and interests, master knowledge and skills, and use them in practice.

This approach to defining a teaching method, as a way to achieve goals and solve assigned problems, allows us to get answers to the questions: what should be done in the learning process, how should be taught in the course of teaching different subjects, at different levels of educational work, taking into account the goals and learning objectives.

So, we can draw a brief conclusion regarding how the concept of “teaching method” and its essence in the general didactic aspect is considered in the pedagogical literature. Most scientists consider this concept as ways to achieve didactic goals and objectives, as ways of joint activity between the teacher and the student, as ways to enhance the cognitive activity of the student and the creative activity of the teacher himself, corresponding to the learning process as a two-way process, reflecting the subject-subjective nature of this process.

Therefore, teaching methods are ways of achieving the set didactic goals and objectives in the joint activities of the teacher and the student, ways of interaction between subjects in the process of transmitting and assimilating information. The teaching method answers the question: “How to teach?” In addition to the concept of teaching method, in didactics there are the terms “teaching method” and “teaching medium”. The boundaries between these pedagogical concepts are fluid, they can move from one state to another, but at the same time they should be distinguished.

Reception training- an element of the method, its integral part, it is subordinate to the method and contributes to its implementation in practice. A learning tool is a broader concept. The means of education include objects of material and spiritual culture /books, technical teaching aids, art objects, etc./, types of activities /educational, labor, games/, communication. Later we will touch upon these concepts again when considering other issues in the lecture, but for now we will focus on classification of teaching methods in

modern didactics.

One of the central problems in the field of methods of educational cognition is their classification, which is the subject of many works of domestic didactics. In modern didactics, teaching methods are usually classified in accordance with their general logical foundations and common characteristics characteristic of them. As the study of this problem shows, in didactics there are quite a lot of different approaches to the classification of teaching methods, perhaps no less than to the definition of the very concept of “teaching method”.

In the history of pedagogy, the results of the search for teaching methods that would make the process of acquiring knowledge a joyful, enjoyable and thorough process are known. In the 20s of the twentieth century, an active process of school restructuring and, accordingly, the use of new methods and forms of teaching began in Russia. Verbal teaching methods were heavily criticized and came to be seen as dogmatic, passive teaching methods. They were replaced by the so-called active methods: the team-laboratory method, the project method, the Dalton plan, the research, illustrative, and labor methods, which were borrowed from the American and English education systems and were often transferred mechanically to Russian schools. The project method, for example, based on the progmatic theory of J. Dewey, focused on the independent acquisition of knowledge by students based on independent planning, involving the complication of practical tasks, led, in fact, to the abandonment of systematic knowledge, violated the basic principles of didactics and reduced the role of teacher to simple consultation. There was an attempt to universalize other teaching methods, which ultimately led to a weakening of academic discipline and was an obstacle to students’ acquisition of more durable, deep, systematic knowledge. In the 30s, these methods were condemned, and the universalization of individual teaching methods was also sharply criticized; it was proposed to use a variety of methods in the learning process, including verbal, visual, practical and working with a book.

It should be noted that verbal methods of teaching began to be overestimated and learning acquired a verbal, verbal character, as a result of which a separation of learning from life began to be observed. We will not consider in detail the content of these methods; we will focus on individual classifications of teaching methods that are of interest from the point of view of the possibility of their application in the learning process.

Currently, in modern didactics, various classifications of teaching methods happily coexist. Here are some of them:

1. Methods of systematic oral presentation of educational material, which is implemented in the form of a story, description, school lecture, as well as in the form of explanation, evidence, the living word is also used in the form of conversation / question-and-answer training /; book teaching method; a method associated with direct perception: excursion, laboratory work, where stimuli of the first signaling system play a large role in the formation of new ideas; exercises /problem solving, written exercises, graphic work/ /I.Ya.Lerner/.

2. Verbal, verbal; methods of working with a book; methods of writing and educational and practical exercises. /D.O.Lordkipanidze/.

3. Classification of teaching methods according to didactic tasks;

4. Explanatory and illustrative or reproductive, associated with students’ assimilation of ready-made knowledge; problem; research; partially search. /N.A.Sorokin/.

5. Verbal: oral presentation and explanation of knowledge by the teacher, conversation; methods of working with a book; observations and experimental classes: laboratory classes, experimental work; exercises, practical work / written, graphic work / I.F. Ogorodnikov./

6. Informationally generalizing; performing; explanatory; reproductive, instructive and practical; productive and practical; explanatory-motivating, partially exploratory; motivating; search. /M.I.Makhmutov./

7.According to the source of knowledge and the level of independence of students in educational activities./A.N.Aleksyuk et al../

8.Methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity; methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities. Of these three groups included in this classification, the first includes: Verbal methods, visual and practical / aspect of transmission and perception of educational information/; inductive and deductive methods / logical aspect/; reproductive and problem-search methods / aspect of thinking/; methods of independent work under the guidance of a teacher /aspect of teaching management/. The second group includes methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility in learning. The third group includes methods of oral control and self-control; methods of written control and self-control; methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control. /Y.K.Babansky/

9. Problematic learning situations, constructing various types of cognitive difficulties for students, based mainly on information deficit, stimulating them to find a solution to the situation using various methods of cognition. /L.L.Dodon, G.G.Petrochenko and others/

Each group of methods already contains the essence of cognitive activity and mental activity of students. It should be noted that methods based on the source of knowledge acquisition: verbal, visual, practical, are regarded by scientists only as external forms in which methods from the above classifications can manifest themselves. There is a positive aspect to this, since together all these methods help to increase students’ independent activity in the learning process.

Understanding teaching methods based on system-structural analysis allows us to determine the qualitative characteristics and components of the learning process and identify the essence of teaching methods. This system includes two components: management and subordination. The learning process is controlled by the teacher (teacher, librarian, manager) and the controlled unit - the person receiving educational information.

Considering that the activities of the student and the activities of the teacher differ in goals, objectives, content, then, consequently, the teaching methods for each of the parties should be different. Thus, the activity of the teacher is teaching, the transfer of information requires the use of teaching methods, the activity of the student is learning, the assimilation of information requires the use of teaching methods. The first group, as a rule, includes information methods and methods that control the activities of students, and the second group includes methods that organize cognitive activity, promote the perception, preservation, consolidation and application of received information in practical activities, reproductive and productive methods. The structure of each teaching method is subject to this two-sidedness.

The authors of the above classifications defend the idea of ​​the need to combine reproductive and creative methods for students to acquire new knowledge in the educational process. This is important for organizing the learning process not only in schools of various types, but also in extracurricular activities, in libraries, leisure centers, etc.

Let us limit ourselves to these examples of classifications of teaching methods taken from modern didactics, because they sufficiently fully illustrate the complexity of the problem, on the one hand, and the productive search for ways to solve it, on the other. The many approaches to solving it once again indicate the contradictory nature of the very problem of the theory of teaching methods.

Considering that teaching methods are ways of interaction between the teacher and the student, aimed at achieving the goals of education and personal development, and the methods and nature of the activities of the subjects of learning are different, therefore teaching methods should also be different and diverse. Therefore, it would be wrong to give a strictly limited number of methods for both teaching and learning, assigning each method a permanent place in the system of teaching methods.

As an advantage of a holistic system of teaching methods, one should consider its flexibility, the ability to apply teaching methods depending on and taking into account the basic didactic principles, in particular, the principle of taking into account the age and individual differences of students, scientific character and accessibility, connection with life and others.

A holistic approach to the selection of teaching methods presupposes, first of all, the selection from the total number of those classifications that will be productive at the moment and in a given audience, and the ability to apply them in dialectical unity. If a teacher says that he uses a specific teaching method in teaching, then this only means that this method in this organizational form of training was leading, but not the only one, since teaching methods tend to interpenetrate each other in progress in solving each didactic task.

An analysis of pedagogical literature addressing the problem of teaching methods allows us to make some generalizations. In recent years, issues of teaching methods have become quite relevant, despite their obvious debatability. A bibliographic review of literature published in the 80s of the twentieth century indicates this. Most of the publications are devoted to the problem of generalizing the practical experience of individual university teachers, including cultural universities. Of these, only a small number of articles and monographs can be considered research work or an attempt to present them as such.

The nature of scientific research conducted with the aim of solving the most important social and pedagogical problems of higher education in general, as well as individual problems of higher education didactics, is changing noticeably at the present time. These changes are also taking place in the coordination of research work in Russia, as well as cooperation with scientific centers in the near abroad - the CIS countries. However, this is clearly not enough to consider the problem solved. First of all, this concerns the didactics of higher education and such an important problem as the problem of teaching methods.

What do some scientists see as the reason for this state of affairs? First of all, the scientific research examining the organization of higher education up to the present time has not been deep enough, since orders for this kind of research have not been placed with us. The selection of teaching methods in higher education was determined by the study and implementation of the experience of past years into the educational process with some of its modernization, the transfer of the results of research into the learning process in secondary schools into work practice and into the theory of teaching in higher schools. Verbal teaching methods, for example, lectures, having become traditional, essentially slowed down the creative process of training specialists and prevailed over active teaching methods, which were considered as secondary, distracting from the serious theoretical work of students and university teachers.

Mastery in the application of teaching methods, as already mentioned, begins with the training of teaching staff for higher education, capable of masterfully mastering modern teaching technology, when there is an active process of transforming university pedagogy from an experimental science into a science that has a fairly serious status as an applied science, facilitating the training of personnel in universities of culture.

The question is not to delve into the search for new teaching methods, but to skillfully combine existing ones. traditional methods with those that are included in the category of new ones, unconventional methods training. It is this optimal combination that will allow higher school teachers to radically solve didactic problems in the process of professional training.

The selection of teaching methods is connected, on the one hand, with the improvement of the content of education, on the other, with the development of the cognitive powers and abilities of students, with the development of personality and the versatile education of future specialists.

Psychological and pedagogical research aims to identify the conditions and develop methods for using tools and methods of teaching students in cultural universities, so that the learning goal maximally corresponds to the predicted result.

As an analysis of teaching experience in cultural universities and the results of studying methodological literature shows, the most common classification of teaching methods is the group of teaching methods by source of knowledge: verbal, visual, practical and working with a book.

The leading place in training is verbal, verbal methods: lecture, conversation, explanation, reading didactic literature and including reference books, working with historical documents. The word, both spoken and printed, is the main source of knowledge for students. Sometimes the perception of information /lecture, instruction, explanation/ is carried out indirectly, in the process of listening to tape recordings, watching videos, but, unfortunately, the material and technical base of cultural universities is not strong enough. and the technical means of training there are extremely limited. At the same time, it is well known that higher educational institutions of culture train personnel to serve all sectors of the country: science, technology, culture. Their training should be carried out on the basis of modern achievements in these areas, allowing them to become truly versatile specialists, capable of creatively solving issues raised by life today.

The discrepancy between the growing tasks facing cultural universities in the professional and pedagogical training of specialists and the possibilities for solving them at the modern technical level lies one of the contradictions of the learning process.

As is known, higher education is also aimed at solving the problems of comprehensive or diversified development of the personality of specialists, eliminating barriers between theory and practice, taking into account the specifics of the specialty acquired at the university.

In this regard, the choice of teaching methods for solving the problems of professional training in cultural universities is also determined by modern requirements for reinforcing theoretical training with practical work of students. That's why practical teaching methods, included in the classification of methods according to the source of knowledge acquisition, traditionally occupy one of the central places in the learning process at a cultural university. The source of knowledge in this case is the activity of the student himself. This group of methods includes methods such as exercises, creative tasks, laboratory and practical exercises, modeling, design, and conducting various experiments based on testing. Performing creative exercises, solving problems, and tests are the most common teaching methods at cultural universities included in this classification. As an analysis of the work experience of both teachers and students has shown, these methods are effective if they contribute to the manifestation of a system of conscious actions, rather than mechanical repetition of them by students. Depending on the didactic objectives, these methods can be teaching, developing, improving, reinforcing and controlling.

The main requirements that ensure the rational application of methods from the classification of practical teaching methods are that the teacher can take into account the zone of proximal development of each individual student, their preliminary theoretical preparation, ensuring conscious practical activity, the gradual complication of tasks and tasks, the content of education and methods of performing practical activities, consistent transfer of students from performing didactic tasks and assignments under the supervision of a teacher to solving professional pedagogical situations independently, as well as a certain clarity and systematicity in the application of the most effective methods of this classification.

Along with verbal /verbal/ and practical teaching methods, it is important visual methods. In this case, an important source of knowledge acquisition is sensory perception. The forms of using sensory perception in teaching are diverse: demonstration of natural objects, tables, diagrams, models, models. Conventionally, visibility can be divided into three groups: verbal-figurative, object-figurative and conventionally figurative. This proves that behind the external form of visual learning there are various methods hidden that have different effects on the process of information perception. A visual image is an external form, and its perception is the psychological basis of the learning process. This most important stage of cognitive activity is, along with sensation and ideation, an internal form. Visual teaching methods are used in combination with verbal and practical methods. Such methods of visual teaching as illustration and demonstration of natural objects, educational films, transparencies, tables and diagrams, as well as demonstration of methods for performing work, are impossible without combining them with verbal teaching methods, without accompanying explanations, stories, and instructions from the teacher.

The central place among methods in terms of the source of knowledge is occupied by method of working with a book. Most didactics give it a place among verbal teaching methods, since the source of knowledge in this case is the printed word, we can partially agree with this. At the same time, working with a book involves the use of practical and visual teaching methods.

The book, as a link between theory and practice, past and present, is also the most important means of upbringing, education, self-education and personal development. Psychologically, working with a book, with the printed word, is based on the student’s idea, imagination, and abstract thinking. Reading educational literature requires significant intellectual effort, mental effort, independence, develops cognitive interests and inclinations, improves aesthetic tastes and spiritual needs.

Methods and techniques for working with a book depend on the student’s level of preparedness; despite the general requirements of the teacher, this process is very subjective, at least its internal side.

For less prepared students, reproducing reading predominates, for more prepared students - as a means of acquiring new knowledge.

The tasks of a university teacher include teaching students rational methods of working with a book: drawing up a plan, theses, teaching how to make extracts from sources, formatting them correctly, and taking notes on what they read. Unfortunately, it should be noted that the culture of working with books among students is quite low and there is a vast field of activity for teachers here.

To be fair, it should be said that in cultural universities, the method of organizing and guiding students’ independent work, which organically incorporates verbal, visual and practical methods, as well as the method of working with a book, is beginning to establish itself and gain a strong place in the system of teaching methods.

So, with this we conclude a brief overview of one classification of teaching methods that has become traditional in higher education. It should be noted that the integrity of the learning process assumes that all its sides and components act in complex interaction and changes in each of them are subordinated to changes in the whole, therefore the above listed teaching methods act as interacting components of one system - an integral learning process. And it is no coincidence that today the development of the theory of teaching methods is largely determined by the approach to learning as a holistic process.

Consideration of teaching methods based on system-structural analysis allows us to characterize the components of the learning process in such a way as to reveal the essence of teaching methods.

So, the activities of the teacher and students, as the teaching and learning sides, are different in goals, therefore, the methods aimed at achieving these goals will also be different.

The first group, traditionally, consists of information methods that control the cognitive activity of students, the second - methods for students studying material, reproductive and productive.

Teaching methods are designed by teachers in such a way that, along with solving didactic problems, they solve the problems of general and professional development of the students’ personality. The educational effect of teaching methods, as one of the aspects of the learning process, is a natural phenomenon. The other side of the learning process - teaching and its methods correspond to the methods of scientific knowledge in essence, although they are not completely synonymous with them. Methods of scientific knowledge are used in specially organized conditions for this purpose and, unfortunately, are not presented as deeply in the educational process of cultural universities as we would like.

Teaching methods remain methods of cognition for students, which must be mastered in the context of the professional training process. The characteristics of teaching methods are directly related to the level of independence of students, the logic of which goes from reproductive to productive perception. In the first case, the acquired knowledge is reproduced in the form of ready-made knowledge; in the second case, a certain modeling of knowledge is carried out, and a creative process is carried out.

In the process of learning, the assimilation of new knowledge does not always occur only in the reproductive mode. Teaching methods, with the help of which knowledge is acquired, contribute to the emergence of cognitive activity and the implementation of work in two modes: productive (independent) and reproductive (receipt in finished form from a source of information)

In the first, an important point arises for both the teacher and the student: to teach methods of independent action. In the independent search mode, creative productive processes are involved. In the reproductive mode, when knowledge is given in a ready-made form, and this, as a rule, happens at a lecture, students receive not always useful help from the teacher, depriving them of the need to independently search for information.

Often, in the reproductive mode, the basic properties of learning are erased: its intensity and effectiveness by reducing the duration of this process.

The reproductive and productive activity of students in the process of professional pedagogical training involves their use in a combination of separate teaching methods, having one and the other nature, and both of these groups act in close unity. Each of these groups of methods already contains the essence of cognitive activity and mental activity of students.

The need to set increasingly complex and creative tasks for students is caused by the teacher’s goal of preparing students to perform these tasks, so that this requires from them exactly as much independent work and intellectual effort as they can demonstrate in accordance with their individual capabilities and abilities. It is quite difficult to solve this complex problem based only on traditional teaching methods; therefore, there is a need to find opportunities to increase the independence of students’ activities in the process of professional pedagogical training, and to increase the level of their cognitive activity in the learning process.

Along with traditional teaching methods, higher education also uses non-traditional. The concept of “non-traditional teaching method” was often synonymous with the concept of “active teaching methods,” although this is not the same thing. Traditional methods can also be active, it all depends on the skill of the teacher. For example, traditional teaching methods include the information method of ready-made knowledge, but this method can intensify the student’s cognitive activity. It is believed that the psychological mechanisms of non-traditional and traditional methods are different. In particular, the information method helps to provide great assistance to students in learning, as it relieves the tension of the educational process, saves students’ time in collecting material, and the method that involves independent search requires more time to understand the information and more tension in learning.

One of the main advantages of non-traditional teaching methods is their developmental effect. In the case when ready-made knowledge is given, the corresponding areas of the brain do not work.

Non-traditional teaching methods are accompanied by students’ ability to navigate situations of complete uncertainty, which

very important when performing professional activities of a creative nature. There is nevertheless a commonality between traditional methods, which have developed historically and have been used to teach students for many years, and non-traditional ones, which have not yet gained such a strong position in higher education didactics. This commonality lies in the fact that both serve to assimilate new knowledge for the student and characterize the pedagogical skill of the teacher.

For example, a teacher giving lecture material in a large block can invite students to derive specific information from general knowledge, for example, how a pedagogical problem is viewed in different concepts, by different scientists, or to justify their concept, thereby activating cognitive activity. This method is usually called exploratory or partially exploratory; it lies between the traditional and non-traditional methods. In ordinary traditional teaching, all this is usually absent, since the teacher himself informs students in a lecture about various options for solving the problem by various scientists and various schools.

In order to prove the advantage of non-traditional teaching methods in enhancing cognitive activity compared to traditional ones, it is necessary to consider different points of view on this matter.

It should be said that non-traditional teaching methods are sometimes called new and active, thereby characterizing two aspects of their existence: the first is their recent appearance in the theory and practice of teaching and the second is their stimulating effect on the assimilation of educational information. Most often, in order to contrast these methods with traditional ones, they are called, not quite rightly, in our opinion, active.

The problem of developing and using active learning methods in pedagogy has received much attention in recent years.

There are a number of studies in this area, including those related to it from the point of view of theory and methods of application in the educational process in higher education.

In modern literature, two groups of active learning methods have been identified: discussion/group discussions, case studies, analysis of specific pedagogical situations, solving pedagogical problems and exercises, round table and gaming methods/role-playing games, improvisation games, business, industrial and pedagogical games, behavioral training, game modeling/, the use of which contributes to the activation of cognitive activity and mental activity, the development of creative thinking of students. Active methods also include the method of “brainstorming” (it is also called the method of “brainstorming” or brainstorming). Its essence is that the teacher proposes for collective discussion a pedagogical situation containing a certain problem that needs to be solved and each student is invited to find their solution to it, to resolve the conflict that arose in the library, the culprit of which could be both the librarian and the reader. Sometimes it is proposed to name the maximum number of difficulties that could arise in a given situation. The most optimal options for solving the problem are taken as the basis for adopting a group solutions and development during the further learning process.

Analysis of foreign comparative experiments allows us to draw the conclusion that there is no complete correspondence between the teaching methods distinguished in foreign and domestic higher education pedagogy.

Foreign scientists do not raise the question of classifying teaching methods, do not draw boundaries between methods and organizational forms of training, although such attempts have been made. So J. McLeish (Canada, 1968) at the University of Alberta conducted a study in which he identified the following classification: 1) traditional teaching methods, 2) new teaching methods, 3) traditional teaching methods used in a new way. He classified the first group as lecture, walkthrough, demonstration, guided discussion, library technology class, supervised study by an undergraduate or graduate student, seminar, critique, individual study, laboratory work, and project. The second group includes discussion of problems, free discussion in a group, role-playing, modeling situations, programmed training, computer-assisted training, "syndicate method", etc. The third group includes a lecture and a film, a lecture on radio-television, a tape recorder and a video recorder, teaching practice and organized lecture delivery. L. Trump's method occupies a special place here - teaching a large audience using audio-video technology.

There is a lot of controversy in this classification, in particular, the fact that the concepts of “method”, “means” and “organizational form” of training are not differentiated, although in general it is of interest.

Currently, domestic and foreign scientists are busy searching for and implementing teaching methods in higher and secondary schools. Thus, in US higher education, active teaching methods are practiced: discussion, micro-discussion, analysis of critical situations, case study method, interview, clinic method, labyrinth method, game.

Application educational or didactic games began to be more actively used abroad in the 60s of the twentieth century. The most widespread are games as active learning methods with an international and pedagogical orientation.

The types of games used in the educational process are quite diverse. To those mentioned above we can add role-playing, playing by the rules, impromptu play, play dramatization. The components of the game are considered to be elements of competition and a game plot. The basis of games is always proposed to use elements of the life environment, imitation of the actions of people around them: public figures, professionals in any field, while it is believed that combinations of imitation of playing by the rules and role-playing can bring a special effect. Indeed, the use of this method in our experimental study, precisely in this combination, brought good results in learning. In US schools, for example, the game of Parliament is successfully used in the learning process; in it, students clearly see the content of its work, and where there is clarity in combination with practical and verbal teaching methods, the strength of memorization and comprehension of information is much higher than from using one verbal teaching method.

The process of game-based learning is very flexible; teachers creatively use for didactic purposes the most significant events that occur or have occurred in the world and in the country.

The situations for playing out are very different, but they always have educational, educational and developmental significance. Can be used for illustration, as it shows the effectiveness of the game as a method of teaching, education and personal development. Thanks to it, children, firstly, better assimilate information, master it more firmly, since it carries “living” knowledge, secondly, the game liberates the participants, they learn to improvise, thirdly, in the game, a creative personality is formed, things are comprehended the worldview that the game character has.

Game in didactic terms acts both as a method and as

form, and as a means of learning, obtaining information and exchanging it between the participants in the game.

In domestic pedagogy, the development of games as an active teaching method was carried out by famous scientists: B.G. Ananyev, Yu.P. Azarov, A.A. Verbitsky, A.M. Matyushkin, D.B. Elkonin and others. In the psychological and pedagogical literature there are studies on the comparative effectiveness of various teaching methods, for example, comparing games with traditional teaching methods. It should be noted that, according to researchers, the effectiveness of the game method is noted by the majority: when using the game method, the results in learning are higher. This is truly a reliable tool for pedagogical influence on students. Game teaching methods contribute to a faster inclusion of players in the atmosphere of the upcoming professional and pedagogical activities, help the development and formation of practical skills. In addition, they contribute to the democratization of the learning process, create an atmosphere of cooperation between teachers and students, and imply the development of scientific and professional interests, independence and initiative.

Game teaching methods help the teacher to “see” the student, approach each participant in the game individually, and keep the process of development of the “strong” and “weak” under control.

It is no coincidence that among the literary sources on active learning methods, there are many works on game methods, on the use of games in the educational process, where games are used as a means of improving the quality of professional training.

It should be noted that this method is called active for its ability to intensify mental and cognitive activity, the educational process as a whole, and intensify the learning process. Therefore, teaching methods are chosen depending on the content of education, didactic goals, age and individual characteristics, and the level of their general and professional development of students.

Experience shows that the use of the game method increases students’ interest in the subject being studied and contributes to the activation of professional and pedagogical training.

Among game-based teaching methods, a special place is occupied by business games, which help bring the theory being studied closer to practice, based on playing out a specific production situation. The business game closely combines the subject and social aspects of professional work. In it, according to the researchers of this method, a triune task is realized: training, education and development of the personality of a future specialist in a professional context. A business game, as a teaching method, allows students to master their professional activities holistically in the totality of its individual aspects and in the dynamics of development. Currently, the advantages of business games are recognized and approved by the majority of teachers who deal with the use of this method in teaching. The scope of their application has expanded significantly, but in all cases, without exception, the educational functions of the business game and its pedagogical aspect are visible and clearly understood.

Extensive experience in creating and using management business games has been accumulated and generalized. This was reflected in the works of Yu.S. Artyunov, M.M. Birshtein, V.N. Burkov, V.I. Geronimus, V.Ya. Dvorkovsky, R.F. Zhukov, L.I. Kryukova, A. K. Popov, V.I. Rybalsky and others.

Among the researchers who have attempted a theoretical generalization of the experience of business games, one can name A.A. Verbitsky, S.R.Gidrovich, V.M.Efimova, D.N.Kovtaradze, V.F.Komarov, V.I.Marsheva, I.M.Syroezhina.

The development and generalization of business games in cultural, leisure and library activities are carried out by scientists L.S. Azartseva, B.D. Vasilchenko, N.I. Safronova, I.S. Geller, A.I. Konovalov, E.K. Fedoseeva, A.I. Zhuravlev, S. Massarsky, V. Novatorov, S. Novozhilov, L.I. Rudik, T.N. Ivleva, G.I. Frolova, A.P. Khachaturyan, V.I. Chernichenko.

When developing business games, theorists and practitioners solve mainly two types of problems: professional - development, selection of a simulation game model of professional activity, which forms the basis of the game, and pedagogical - using didactic means, techniques and methods to implement the content of gaming activity in the educational process . Thus, Yu.F. Voblenko, I.A. Meizhis, V.V. Sincheskul, using a business game, teach future library workers how to behave in a communicative situation. Here the implementation of two types of tasks outlined above is clearly visible: professional tasks are closely linked with pedagogical tasks, especially in training future specialists in a dialogue form of communication with people.

In pedagogical practice, the purposeful use of a business game as a means of educational and educational influence requires careful theoretical understanding of it from the point of view of its meaning and role not only in pedagogical, but also in social activities. Business games represent unique models of human behavior and activity, and therefore, of course, have a social nature. American scientists A. Sapora and E. Mitchell in their work “The Theory of Game and Recreation”, referring to the social nature of the game, proposed using the game to understand the “theory of self-expression”, which is based on a person’s desire to realize in the game what remains unfulfilled in real life.

D.B. Elkonin, in his study of the game, proved that the game in its origin goes back to human labor, its main function is related to preparing a person for work. The human game itself is an activity in which social relationships between people are recreated outside the conditions of direct utilitarian activity.

B.G. Ananyev, A.S. spoke about the social nature of the game. Makarenko, noting that from games there is a shorter path to work in the broadest sense of the word, since games accustom a person to the physical and mental efforts that are necessary to perform work activities. A.S. Makarenko noted that the education of a future leader should not consist in eliminating the game, but in organizing it in such a way that the game remains a game, but the qualities of a future citizen are brought up in the game.

A business game is defined as a form of recreating the substantive and social content of a specialist’s future professional activity, as a modeling of those systems of relationships that are characteristic of this activity as a whole. The business game reproduces a professional environment that is similar in its main essential characteristics to the one that corresponds to the real production environment in which the student will find himself after graduation. In a business game, the student acquires not only the competence of a specialist, but also social competence: skills of social interaction and managing people, social orientation and a responsible attitude to work, the ability to order and carry out orders, as well as take on other functions of a highly qualified specialist.

The business game method is considered the most effective in developing practical skills, as well as a means of influencing the development of professionally important personality traits and abilities in future specialists. The learning process using the business game method is carried out in the following logical sequence: from the analysis of specific facts to the mastery of elementary actions, from them to a deeper understanding of the essence of professional activity, which, under favorable conditions, certainly leads to the mastery of pedagogical skills.

The most labor-intensive process is the methodical development of business games. The methodology of business games is revealed in their works by L.M. Ivanova, A.V. Mudrik, E.V. Pancheva, E.A. Fomin, S.A. Shmakov, M.G. Yankovskaya in relation to their implementation in the activities of a general education teacher schools. They consider the possibilities of the game as a method of preparing for communication and establish that the formation of communicative skills necessary in the field of interrole communication can go through several stages: mastering standard techniques, automating their use, developing improvisation in their use, as well as transferring skills from one situation to another. another.

Consequently, in a business game, one way or another, some part, element of professional pedagogical activity is imitated.

Games in which elements of pedagogical activity are imitated are called didactic by some authors, but the fact that a pedagogical game solves not only teaching problems, as in a didactic game, but also education and development is often forgotten, therefore the synonymization of pedagogical and didactic games in our opinion, unreasonable. If we understand a didactic game as a specific type of educational activity, when, in the process of competitive activity of individual participants or teams, a theoretical analysis of problems related to the topic being studied, consolidation of theory and development of individual practical skills are carried out, based on auxiliary methods and teaching techniques, then in In this case, we can talk about a partial coincidence of the tasks solved in the didactic game, as a type of pedagogical game, with the tasks of the pedagogical game, but no more.

The organization of didactic or educational games, according to A.A. Verbitsky, is based on certain principles:

The principle of simulation modeling of specific conditions and dynamics of production, as well as game modeling of the content of professional activities;

The problematic content of the educational business game and the process of its deployment in the cognitive activity of students (to encourage the student to reveal a contradiction and get out of a problematic situation);

Joint activity of participants in conditions of role interaction, separation and integration of production functions of specialists simulated in the game. (Game-communication and interaction of participants. Implementation of the methodological scheme of “subject-subject” relations);

Dialogical communication and interaction of game partners, as a necessary condition for solving educational problems, preparing and making agreed decisions, and developing the cognitive activity of the individual;

Two-dimensionality of gaming educational activities. (Serious activities for the development of a specialist are implemented in a “frivolous” gaming form, which allows the student to become intellectually and emotionally liberated and to show creative initiative).

It is quite obvious that each of these principles is a continuation of the other, and in general they constitute a certain concept of a business game as a form of learning. This approach to the learning process is best used where it is necessary to develop the qualities necessary for an individual to work in a production team. Relying on the above principles in the game also presupposes the choice of methods for preparing specialists for interaction in a production team, both vertically - “manager-team”, and horizontally - “intra-collective relations”, which is quite applicable for any professional and non-professional team.

The advantage of an educational business game or didactic game is that it acts not only as a teaching method, but also as an organizational form and means of preparing specialists for professional activities and thereby ensures the transition of students from one type of activity - cognitive - to another - professional.

The developers of the educational business game are V.P. Bederkhanova, Yu.N. Kulyutkin, V.G. Mamogonov, T.A. Mamogonova, N.E. Salnikova, N.N. Strazas, G.S. Sukhobskaya, E.V. Semenova and others convincingly prove the merits and advantages of game methods compared to other teaching methods.

Recently, the integrated use of gaming methods with others has become widespread, including socio-psychological training (N.N. Bogomolova, A.S. Zolotnyakova, L.A. Petrovskaya), micro-training, and elements of theater pedagogy. Here, special mention should be made of the experience of the Department of Pedagogical Excellence of the Poltava Pedagogical Institute named after. V.G. Korolenko, who uses this technique in her work with students. The advantage of this methodology: the integrated use of gaming methods relies on an activity-based approach to teaching, imitation and modeling of teaching activities with the subsequent use of theatrical solutions, which makes it possible to more effectively form professionally significant personality traits of a future specialist.

The value of the game teaching method is that it allows sufficient use of various teaching methods in a complex: verbal, visual, working with a book, practical, which has a beneficial effect on the strength of assimilation of information. It is well known that a person retains in his memory about 10% of the information he heard, 50% of what he saw and 90% of what he personally did.

An analysis of pedagogical, psychological and library science literature showed that the problem of choosing and applying active teaching methods in the process of professional pedagogical training of specialists in cultural universities is one of the most important for its researchers. Communication system

A situation, like any other in which people are participants, presupposes a dialogue form of communication, which not every specialist can master independently. This problem requires a special solution. It is no coincidence that the secrets of communication with the “person-to-person” system are taught by specialists specially trained for this purpose. At the same time, they assign an important place to the method of educational business games.

In pedagogical practice, the purposeful application of the game method requires a careful understanding of its meaning and role not only in pedagogical, but also in social activities.

A game as a method is nothing more than an expressive model of behavior and activity of students in the process of their professional and pedagogical training in a specific academic subject, if the goal of this subject coincides with the main goal of education - improving the quality of the general and professional development of a future specialist at the university stage.

So, the combination, the dialectical unity of traditional and non-traditional teaching methods is the most optimal condition for realizing the goals of professional pedagogical training of specialists at a cultural university to carry out professional pedagogical activities in the conditions of cultural and leisure activities.

Questions for self-control:

1. Define the concepts: “method”, “technique”, “means” of teaching.

2.What methods and why were criticized at the beginning of the twentieth century?

3.Name the main classifications of teaching methods that have developed in modern didactics.

4.What do traditional and non-traditional teaching methods mean?

5.What teaching methods in higher education can be classified as traditional?

6.Give a description of the non-traditional teaching methods used by teachers in a modern university.


Aleksyuk A.N. etc. The choice of teaching methods in secondary

school. -M.: Pedagogy, 1981

Boldyrev N.I., Goncharov N.K. and others. Pedagogy. Textbook

allowance -M.: Education, 1968

University education: Problems of activation / Ed.

B.V.Bokutya and others -Minsk, 1989

Georgieva T.S. US Higher School in Modern

stage. -M. : Higher School, 1989.

Didactics of secondary school: Some problems of modern

menny didactics. Textbook /Ed. M.A. Danilova,

M.N.Skatkina.-M.: Enlightenment, 1984

Clarin M.V. Innovative learning models in modern

foreign pedagogy //Pedagogy.-1994.-N5.-

Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. -: Higher school, 1989

Leontyev A.A. Lecture as a communication process. M.: Knowledge, 1974.

Lerner I.Ya.Didactic foundations of teaching methods.-

M.: Pedagogy, 1981.

Malkova Z.A. School and pedagogy abroad.-: Education,

Makhmutov M.I. Problem-Based Learning: Essential Questions

theory.-M.: Pedagogy, 1975.

Chernichenko V.I. Teaching methods. Lecture for students

and graduate students of cultural universities. M.: MGUK, 1996

Shmakov S.A. Students' games are a cultural phenomenon.-

M.: New School, 1994

Yakunin V.A. Modern methods of teaching in higher education

our school. -L.: Leningrad State University Publishing House, 1991.

Yakunin V.A., Nasledov A.D. Methodological support

development of intensive learning technologies L.: Leningrad State University, 1990

Pedagogical task

Mei, a beautiful Chinese-American woman, came to a marathon group (a group of intensive counseling sessions carried out in a short time over a whole day or over a weekend) to find out what she could change about herself. "I want to be more relaxed in my behavior. We "Chinese people are always so polite, we never interrupt, we never disagree. The worst thing is that we never show our feelings. I don't want to continue this traditional Chinese way." Mei was suggested to use the Gestalt therapy method - to think and act in the opposite way. "Which culture, in your opinion, has behavior completely different from the Chinese?" “Oh,” she replied immediately, “Italian!” She was asked to stand in front of the group and address each member of the group, first in the traditional Chinese manner, then in accordance with her idea of ​​Italian behavior. She did this with increasing enthusiasm, exaggerating her emotions, voice and expressions. Finally, she collapsed on a chair, threw up her hands and, laughing loudly, exclaimed: “Oh, Mama Mia! Now there are at least two me - my Chinese self and my Italian self."

(James M., Jongward D. Born to win. Transactional analysis with gestalt exercises: Translation from English / General ed. and afterword. A. Petrovskaya -.: Publishing group "Progress", "Progress-Univers" , 1993, p.88)

1.What teaching method did the teachers apply to May?

2.What did teachers take into account when selecting a teaching method in this particular case?

3.Based on the results of introspection, identify manifestations (religious, moral, aesthetic, etc.) that are characteristic of you personally, stemming from national culture, but which you would not mind changing. Create a game script. Play it (with a friend, with a classmate). What is the effectiveness of this method?



Non-traditional teaching methods

Developed by MPEI-KEK teacher: G.M. Kositsyna



    Obtaining four levels of knowledge

    Signs of active learning and communication

    Biorhythmics of professional behavior

    Main part. Active learning methods

    "Lesson - rally"

    "Lesson - Judgment"

    "Lesson - film studio"

    "Lesson - salon"

    Game "What, where, when"

    "Alternate Situation"

    Independent cognitive activity

    “Lessons - debates”, “lessons - discussions”, “round table”

    "Lesson - competition"

    "Brain attack"

    "Teacher vs. Students"

    "Lectures - provocations"

    "Press conference"

    The effectiveness of business games

    Conclusion. System of pedagogical solutions, skills and abilities


Application (for conducting lessons).


The main distinguishing feature of modern teaching methods should be the ability to simulate various processes, phenomena and their constituent elements, during which students conduct intense mental work, a collective search for the optimal solution, using their own practical experience and theoretical knowledge. Modernization of the educational process, which ensures highly qualified training of specialists, involves the introduction of active teaching methods. Knowledge is only knowledge when it is acquired by the effort of thought, and not by memory alone.

The real lesson is a joint search for truth by teacher and student, a laboratory of a culture of thinking, where this is not there, there is boredom, deadness, lack of spirituality. The drama of teaching lies in the fact that the main work of the teacher-student is not the main sphere of education. Today it is important to understand: those who think well work well, and creative thinking develops in the process of cognition. Students must strain their minds, overcome feasible learning difficulties, ask questions and seek answers to them.

Obtaining four levels of knowledge

All teaching methods: verbal, visual, practical can be either passive or active. Therefore, when using any method, first of all you need to think about how to arouse students’ interest in the topic of the lesson, attract their attention, and intensify all types of activities in the lesson. This is only possible if students feel like equal participants in the educational process. What exactly helps this? Active learning is not a correct method. There are no inactive teaching methods. If you look at the levels of mastery and use of information, you can see the following student system:

    level of belief;

    skill level;

    skill level;

    knowledge level.

Levels I and II of knowledge - the availability of information and the ability to perceive it. III level of skills - the ability to apply existing information to obtain new knowledge and practical transformation

reality. Level IV - beliefs - the ability to prove the truth. Active learning is based on level IV. Active learning methods involve learning in typical and atypical situations. What level should I reach to remember the material?

Signs of active learning

First of all, you need to “see” the signs of active learning:

    Forced activation of students' thinking and behavior, forced activity.

    The activity of students is comparable to the activity of the teacher. The more active the teacher is in class, the less active the student himself is. The form itself works when the teacher is preparing for classes (his activity). The system works for us, the created system teaches itself (therefore, much attention is paid to lesson preparation).

    An increased degree of motivation, emotionality, and creativity of active learning methods affects the emotional sphere, i.e. a person acts, expresses his attitude, etc.

    Interaction between students or with the teacher is required.

    Focus on the primary development and acquisition of professional, intellectual, behavioral skills and abilities in a short time.

    The presence of prerequisites for the gradual completeness of successful mastery of educational material.

Attention to communication is also necessary. Three sides of communication:

    perceptual - perception and understanding of another person;

    interactive - in joint learning they perform actions, build a common interaction strategy;

    communicative - convey information to the student. (I not only influence you, but also receive feedback, and you influence me).

Rules of conduct for the teacher:

    Be kind, don't humiliate.

    Ability to work in a given mode (rational distribution of forces).

    Criticism should be gentle, appropriate, evidence-based, and constructive.

    Don't blame, don't reproach, don't complain.

    Ability to communicate informally.

    If you are angry, be patient, just cool down and give in to reason; it is not difficult to break any boundary; it is impossible to restore the fragments.

Biorhythmics of professional behavior:

    Speech is clear, clear (120 words per minute - normal speech rate), speak while exhaling.

    Facial expression is open, willingness to cooperate, to understand the state of the other.

    Facial expressions - to attract attention.

    Gestures - enhance emotional moments; excessive gestures are tiring. Raise your arms to the waist, but not to face level, because it's tiring.

    The pose is not to show arrogance.

    Gait - the ability to stand up, sit down, move around a lot in the audience, but be in the center. Clothing - don't stand out.

You need to pay attention to your listening skills.

4 types: 1) listening-understanding;




Reflection is awareness of how he perceives other people and himself (analysis, self-esteem), feedback is needed to adjust his activities, his information. Forms of feedback: remarks (in a friendly manner), a desire to speak out, to speak out about the teacher’s speech.

Active learning methods

Game forms of teaching are the most effective non-traditional forms of constructing lessons. Scientists - psychologists and pedagogics Y. Azarov, A. Zaporozhets, V. Sukhomlinsky, L. Elkonin and

others noted that the use of games creates an informal atmosphere in learning, promotes the development of cognitive interest, the formation of strong and deep knowledge, and develops the intellectual sphere of students.

During the game, the learning goal is presented in the form of a game task: answer quiz questions, solve a crossword puzzle, take part in a steering game, etc. Before starting a game in a study group, you need to determine how ready the students are to participate in such classes, how favorable the psychological situation is for conducting such classes. And if it is not favorable, then you need to create a team and a psychological situation favorable for classes.

The teacher must choose a teaching method that is appropriate to the nature of the material being studied, the subject matter and the continent of the students. Therefore, before starting classes, it is necessary to study different techniques and techniques of the game, the personal characteristics of students and, knowing your personal qualities, you can start playing.

The game changes the relationship between teacher and student. The pedagogy of cooperation, empathy, with modeling of real life situations, combined with psychological combat and collective interaction in game forms, creates new prerequisites for building a new educational process. Therefore* for the effectiveness of the game, it is very important for the teacher to create a unique attitude towards the game that encourages them to take part in it. The game state consists of such factors as the excitement of the game, interest in its content, obedience to the rules of everyone, including the teacher; purposefulness of performed game actions, summing up results, evaluating performance, etc.

After defining the game task and explaining the rules of the game, students begin game actions. A role-playing historical game can be considered as a special form of organizing the cognitive collective activity of students, as a specific type of educational game, during which students perform purposeful actions in a simulated (imaginary) situation of the past in the present, in accordance with assigned roles. Psychologists believe that role-playing is possible thanks to a person’s empathic ability to imagine himself in the place of another, while empathizing or sympathizing with him. But this ability, like any other, requires its development. Surprised by the decrease in the emotionality of students, we sometimes do not think about it, that this is a consequence of underdevelopment

empathic ability, lack of experience among young people of empathy and sympathy for the people around them, the destinies of peoples, and specific historical figures. But in order for the material being studied to find an emotional response among students, it is necessary to help them understand the features of a specific historical situation, the essence of the events being studied, build a story based on several sources of knowledge, and also characterize and evaluate historical phenomena, figures, social groups, social groups. political parties and movements, the position of classes.

Very important in this regard is the formation in history lessons of the ability to analyze historical facts, causes, results and significance of the events under consideration, and the formation of the ability to correctly operate with the acquired knowledge. Knowledge of the historical situation, insight into the essence of the events being studied and the development of these skills are the necessary conditions for the active cognitive activity of students during role-playing games.

However, the effectiveness of a role-playing game depends not only on the level of formed historical knowledge, but also on the appropriate psychological preparation of students, including experience in playing the roles of historical figures, the creation of an attitude towards the game and a personal attitude towards its content. For the initial preparation of students for role-playing games, it is necessary to use a first-person story about historical events, personalities, objects, on behalf of the prince, tsar, historical figures - commanders-in-chief Suvorov, Kutuzov, etc., participants in wars, battles on Krasnaya Vresna, military leaders, members of various parties.

In completing this assignment, students must review additional literature (if the assignment is given at home), or have a good knowledge of the factual material on the new topic and on the topics covered (if he performs this role without preparation in class).

Therefore, when planning and developing a game, it is important to think through different types of operational tasks for the whole group, and not limit tasks to students who have been assigned a role in advance. The content of the game must contain a conflict of opinions, points of view, beliefs, i.e. The role-playing game must be problematic in its content.

The development and implementation of business games in the educational process has become widespread in our country, and I use elements of business games in my lessons. The use of games has a positive side.

It consists in activating the educational process.

The game is disposable by nature, it is not repeated, and if there is a need to borrow the main outline of the plot, the script, then it will still be a game in a new way dependent on the creativity of its participants, on the improvisation of actions. The effectiveness of a lesson with game elements lies in the fact that cognitive interest in the subject is awakened, a high degree of assimilation of the material is achieved, based on the emotional impact of the game. In such a non-standard lesson, conditions are created for the formation of the creative principles of the student’s personality.

Moving away from conventional forms of learning, attracting additional knowledge and demonstrating a variety of skills that are widely used in everyday life, provide an opportunity for a student who does not have good knowledge to distinguish himself, and serve as the beginning for personal self-expression. Where edification is replaced by collective work, when indifference is replaced by interest, and the teacher becomes a spectator or an equal participant in the action, the opinions of students and the teacher become equal, then role-playing game gives the greatest success.

For example "Lesson-meeting" - carried out in those lessons when there is a need to compare several fundamental points of view. Such a lesson helps develop the ability to generalize and evaluate historical facts, and apply the acquired knowledge to refute the falsification of history. At the “Lesson-meeting”, each student can criticize the assessment of a particular speaker. The student leading the rally makes a speech, and then representatives of other schools speak, the speeches alternate, and then the results are summed up.

"Lesson - Travelers' club" carried out when studying topics related to review lectures. “Participants” of the expeditions are invited to the leader’s table. In writing or orally, participants compose a story about countries, about the peoples inhabiting these countries, about economic development (in geography lessons) or a journey into the past (in history lessons).

"Lesson - court". This form can be used not only in class, but also in extracurricular activities. It can be successfully used in literature and history lessons, when studying such phenomena as fascism, racism, Stalinism. To conduct such lessons, the teacher creates two groups of students: 3 judges, a prosecutor, a lawyer and witnesses. The group accumulates material (they use collections of documents, memoirs,

publications, periodicals) and compiles testimony of witnesses, speeches of the prosecution and defense. Considering that students cannot fully reflect the role of a particular political figure, they are prone to schematism. The trial is not carried out on a specific person, but on a phenomenon and the defendant is a symbolic image. To conduct a lesson, a special arrangement of furniture is required: in the center is the judges' table, on the left is the prosecutor, on the right is the lawyer and the defendant's dock. The lesson is taught by the chairman of the court. Indictments and witness testimony are heard, and government prosecutors and a lawyer make a presentation. The court retires to deliberate and a verdict is passed. You can create a correspondent point (students who will cover the progress of the trial).

Lesson - film studio.” Two weeks before the lesson, it is necessary to divide the group into three creative groups and an artistic council, which includes: the leader, the socio-political editor, the music editor, and the head of the literary department. Technical workers are needed: a sound engineer, lighting technicians, 3 directors complete creative associations, including screenwriters, sound engineers, composers, artists, editors, announcers, actors. The teacher sets a task for each creative association. Then students study the textbook material, additional literature, determine the genre of the film and begin writing the script. We must immediately define what is included in the concept of a film. In this case, a film means changing illustrations, accompanied by narration, music, and drawings by students.

After viewing, members of the artistic council clarify any questions that have arisen with representatives of creative associations. Members of the artistic council evaluate the film.

’’Lesson - salon” . This lesson is a summary of independent work. In 2-3 weeks, three creative cultural study groups are created. Within the group, subgroups of 2-3 people are allocated to study the creativity of an individual representative of world culture. Then the task is set: after getting acquainted with the work (of a poet, composer, sculptor, artist), compose a dialogue that would reflect the characteristics of the main trends in art, the main events of that time that influenced their work. After studying additional literature, the teacher forms groups to study the main directions

in art and sets the task: to find common features of manifestations in certain directions, in different types of art and create a composition. The owner of the salon is selected. Music sounds in the salon, a dialogue and an argument ensues. This game increases emotional tone.

’’Game “What, where, when?” Teams are created. One team remains at the board. She is asked questions about the topic she has studied. Discussion of the issue - 30 seconds. One student answers. The team plays until the first incorrect answer, after which it gives way to the other team. The winning team receives a score of "5". When the elements of this game are used in the lesson, cognitive interest increases, students develop independence and collectivism, and activate passive students.

In education, independent cognitive activity of students plays an increasingly important role. Types and forms of independent work can be imagined as a kind of ladder with increasingly steep steps. First, it's about extracting additional information from the textbook. This is followed by deepening through further literature and other sources. A higher level is independent acquisition of knowledge and operating with knowledge. Under the guidance of a teacher, students master the ability to analyze and compare. The task for independent comparative analysis involves identifying the common and special features of two or more plots, events, phenomena, as well as identifying the reasons that determine the similarities and differences. On this basis, students make generalizations, form and justify judgments and conclusions.

One of the directions of this work is the use of

lessons ''alternative situations''. The word “alternative” is understood as the possibility of choosing one or several options; in the lesson, a situation is created for choosing one or another point of view: the proposed alternatives must be accessible to understanding and analysis by students, correspond to the volume of their knowledge and level of mental activity.

Training in the analysis of an “alternative situation” should be carried out in stages, as the theoretical knowledge necessary to develop criteria for the analysis of historical processes is acquired, with the constant complication of students’ mental activity. In a generalized form, the logic of working with an “alternative situation” is as follows: creating a situation of choice - understanding its essence by students - determining the criterial basis for consideration

the proposed alternatives - their analysis and evaluation in accordance with the selected criteria - a reasoned presentation by students of their position on the problem under consideration.

For example, in history:

    Formulate the essence of each of the proposed paths (solutions)

    Reveal the historical conditionality of each path

    Determine your attitude towards them

    Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the rejected development path

    Show the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen path

The teacher can use a form such as “Questions and Assignments”. Questions and Assignments assist the teacher in presenting those fundamental issues that were previously presented in a distorted form and did not correspond to historical truth. When completing questions and tasks, a creatively active personality is formed, capable of thinking independently. They apply the knowledge gained: from the media, in discussing issues that currently concern young people. Assignments are given to the topics of the curriculum and can be used both for group lessons and for individual work, taking into account the preparation of students.

The content of the assignments does not go beyond the scope of the curriculum. By doing them, students can delve deeper into problems that concern many of them.

One can assess the current state of society in different ways, but, nevertheless, it is obvious that the origins of current problems and phenomena must be sought in the events of the first revolutionary years.

By completing the task, students can not only test their knowledge, but also expand, deepen, and systematize their ideas about certain phenomena and processes. To activate the mental

activities in the lesson are "dispute lessons" , "lessons-

excursions" , "round table" , “I am a leader”, etc. When preparing such lessons, it is necessary to take into account the level of preparedness and knowledge of students. They should propose a dispute only on those issues that are within their power, for which they are able to select evidence on their own, from sources available to them. Where possible, the teacher should show samples, examples of the clash of different points of view, give arguments that are used

participants in the debate, in order to gradually prepare students for active independent participation in discussions.

To develop a culture of discussion among students and teach them how to participate in a dispute, it is useful to show examples of scientific dispute and the existence of different opinions in world science. The lesson offers cognitive tasks that are debatable. Example. The discussion shows the possibility of the existence of different points of view on the same problem. Students do not receive a conclusion, an assessment, or knowledge in a ready-made form, but obtain it sufficiently independently in the process of doubt, reflection, and their own search for truth. Without overestimating the knowledge of the elements of discussion in the lesson, it should be noted that their targeted use in teaching practice, combination with other active techniques gives a stable positive result. It consists not only in the process of knowledge and skills, but also in the formation of the qualities of a creatively thinking personality devoid of dogmatism, capable of understanding the point of view of his opponent, accustomed to the diversity of opinions and defending his principled positions with dignity.

’’Round table" . Instead of a traditional review and generalization lesson, conduct a round table seminar. Its distinctive feature is the combination of individual and group forms of activity. Part of the lesson is devoted to independent work in groups. Some groups work on the issues raised, actively discuss them, thereby forming a small “round table”; other groups receive practical tasks: make a crossword puzzle, write a short note, make a plan, test. Then there is a story about the results of your work and the progress of its implementation. This allows us to identify a diversity of opinions, develops the ability to think actively, and fosters a culture of communication. Of course, a discussion can take place if there are problematic issues that are communicated to students in advance.

Lesson-Competition” - This is a kind of combination of game and competition. Preparation for the lesson is in advance.

The teacher briefly talks about how the lesson will go. Students elect a jury who will sum up the results of the team competition. Each team receives task cards. The task is completed in writing and orally. At the end of the lesson, the jury sums up the results and selects the best answers. The teacher evaluates the work of the jury.

"Brain attack". The form of work is expressing opinions, ideas, asking questions. Technology: groups are divided into two subgroups. The first group is idea generators.

The second group are experts. The task of generators is to throw out ideas, the task of experts is to select, evaluate ideas, and choose the most acceptable ones. The first group is given a problem, they argue, prove, and experts analyze the ideas.

"Teacher vs. Students" . The topic of the subject being studied is closely related to the topics (sections) of other subjects, with the previous topics of this subject. The material studied is enough to conduct a lesson without prior preparation on this topic. The essence of the seminar is that students strive to find the correct solution, formulation, etc. The teacher puts forward counterarguments against each proposed solution. When preparing, the teacher should stock up on as many counterarguments as possible. If students begin to “run out of steam,” we need to help them by giving them new ideas.

"Lectures-legalizations". The teacher announces the topic and says that there will be n number of errors, which are written down on a piece of paper. How many mistakes are made by the teacher himself. Reading a lecture - makes mistakes. In 15 minutes the search for errors begins. Behavior options:

    All errors found;

    More errors were found than expected.

    No errors found.

Fear: they will remember information incorrectly.

Pros: 1. Increased attention of students.

    Search activity.


    Psychological moment.

    Developing critical thinking.

"Press conference".

Positive sides:

    Develops the ability to satisfy your information needs.

    Activating attention by waiting for your question.

    Search expectation.

    Creates the illusion of improvisation.

    Breaking stereotypes.

Behavioral activity.

The effectiveness of business games

Business games are a very effective form of testing previously covered material; moreover, this method gives students a good opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in conditions close to real ones.

    Business games provide an excellent opportunity to experience “what happens when this happens.”

    They emphasize the importance of feelings and emotions in various situations, especially those involving human relationships.

    They allow a manager or supervisor to look at a problem from a new point of view.

    They increase the interest of students, give classes a certain dynamics, thanks to which students can change their attitude to certain issues.

Business games are most effective when students feel at ease and free, when they are actually “playing.”

There are many varieties of the business games method:

    Roles, written and unscripted.

    Role-playing games in which students must make (“act out”) their own decisions.

    Role-playing games in which students copy (“memorize”) a particular style of leadership and behavior.

Business games can be organized in different ways: sometimes there is only one business game and most of the audience just watch. However, this option is more acceptable when students are divided into small groups that simultaneously and independently of each other play games according to the same “scenario”.

The case method and business games have much in common with each other. But there are certain differences between them:



The problem is brought up for discussion

The problem is considered in a situation close to reality

The problem is determined by antecedent events

The problem determines the development of events

The problem affects other people

The problem affects the students themselves

The emotional aspect and attitude to what is happening is considered only hypothetically

The emotional aspect and attitude to what is happening have a significant impact on the result

Emphasizes the importance of facts

The meaning is emphasized



From a psychological point of view, a discussion is a look at a problematic situation “from the outside”

Psychologically, students see a problematic situation “from the inside”

Mental participation is expected

Conditions are created for emotional participation

Improved ability to analyze problems

Improves the ability to interact with other people

Designed to develop hypotheses and ideas

Designed to test hypotheses and ideas

Trains the ability to correctly understand the situation


emotional control

Actions or decisions are only discussed

Actions or decisions are carried out

The consequences of proposed actions are usually not defined

Continuous feedback is established

Thus, active learning methods and new pedagogical technologies for organizing the educational process not only create favorable conditions for students’ creativity, but, above all, they place new demands on the teacher.

This is expressed in a new system of pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities, namely:

    in the ability to diagnose the goals of training, education and development;

    in a deeper, holistic, systemic knowledge of the academic subject and the corresponding science;

    in the ability to model the professional activity of a future specialist in the educational process;

    in the ability to determine “predict” the structure of the educational process: goals, content, forms and methods, means of teaching within the framework of the educational topic;

    in the ability to organize independent work of students;

    in the ability to fluently use active methods;

    in the ability to quickly manage the educational process, complete training, education, development, ensure the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

Business games come in different variations, but all of them are essentially a method of specific situations in action. Instead of “discussing” the possible development of the situation, students are given specific roles and communicate with each other, speaking on behalf of a specific actor - a participant in this situation.


    G.L. Landreth, Play Therapy: The Art of Relationships. Moscow, International Pedagogical Academy, 1994

    “Modular training. New pedagogical technologies", Dnepropetrovsk, 1998.

    “Games: education, training, leisure” (edited by V.V. Petrusinsky), Moscow, 1995.

    "Anthology on social psychology." Moscow, International Pedagogical Academy, 1995

    "Anthology on educational psychology." Moscow, International Pedagogical Academy, 1995

    Journal "Teaching History at School".

    Magazine "Specialist".

    Journal "Secondary vocational education".


The event is held in the form of a quiz game “Wheel of History”. The quiz can be held as an extracurricular history event as part of a subject week, as well as during a class hour dedicated to the history of Russia. The game involves two teams of 6 people. Participants are familiarized with the rules of the game in advance.

During this event

History students’ knowledge is updated and consolidated


. communication skills are improved.

An interactive presentation that accompanies the course of an extracurricular activity is the main component in the structure and content of the lesson. Used throughout the event to visually represent the playing field, select the theme of the tour, visualize tasks and check the answers given by the players.

Rules of the game

Two teams of 6 people each take part in the game.

The right to move first is determined by drawing lots.

If the team gives the correct answer, then it has the right to answer the quiz question. In case of an incorrect answer, the turn goes to the other team.

Questions and assignments have different values ​​from 1 to 7 points, depending on the complexity.

Presenters, speakers and assistants:

The role of the presenter requires an active, positive, sociable person, since playing the game requires improvisation, an active response to the players’ remarks, a thorough knowledge of the rules of the game and the ability to clearly and accurately convey them to the players and spectators-fans. Therefore, a suitable high school student or teacher can act as the facilitator.

To help the presenter and quickly count the number of points scored, it is advisable to create a counting commission of 2 people (possibly from among the class students), who periodically update the information on the scoreboard (magnetic board), indicating the total number of points scored by the teams.

Preparatory stage

The “Wheel of History” quiz game is preceded by a preparatory period, which includes:

    Work on preparing quiz questions.

    Presenter preparation.

    Determining the composition of teams by six players and choosing team captains.

    Selection of presenter assistants and counting commission.

    Studying the rules for conducting extracurricular activities in the form of the game “Wheel of History”.

Auditorium decoration: The wall is decorated in the form of a collage reflecting the main events of the historical stages of Russia, balloons. The magnetic board is designed in the form of a game board. Purpose of the event:

Creating conditions for the formation of sustainable interest in the history of Russia, moral and patriotic feelings and value orientations.



. contribute to the systematization and consolidation of knowledge on the history of Russia with the help of material presented in extraordinary situations.


. carry out work aimed at developing curiosity, imagination, foresight, courage in putting forward hypotheses, and the ability to make non-standard decisions;

. contribute to the formation of operational thinking aimed at choosing optimal solutions.


. improve the ability to carry out educational and cognitive activities in a group;

carry out work aimed at instilling a sense of pride and respect for the past of their country.

Event time: 90 minutes

Necessary equipment and materials;

computer, multimedia projector, screen, magnetic board

    Homeland of Admiral F.F. Ushakov (Burnakovo).

    The frigate on which F.F. Ushakov made the transition from Kronstadt to

Mediterranean Sea, "Holy" (Eagle).

    On July 30, 1769, he was promoted to (lieutenant).

    The state against which F.F. Ushakov used the tactics of free maneuvering (Türkiye).

    Small sailing vessel (yacht)

    Offensive (attack)

    On February 12, 1763, F.F. Ushakov was promoted to


    The name of the ship (kicks) on which he made the transition from Kronstadt around Scandinavia to Arkhangelsk ("Nargan").

9. One of Fedor’s favorite subjects in the Naval Cadet Corps (navigation).

South. A gathering place for merchants to sell goods. (Fair).

    In 1799, for the capture of the Corfu fortress, he was promoted to (admiral).

    Admiral, twice awarded the Order of Ushakov, 1st degree, during the Great Patriotic War (Levchenko).

13. The fortress, which was defended by the young Black Sea Fleet led by F.F. Ushakov in 1787 (Ochakov).


Write the words horizontally into the cells so that the word “FATHERLAND” appears vertically.

1. The island, in the battle near which F.F. Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet in 1788 (Fidonisi).

    Victory (Victoria).

3. Ship "George……." (Victorious).

    The name of the battle in which in 1790 F.F. Ushakov won a victory over the Turkish fleet (Kerch).

    Name of the enemy fleet (Turkish).

    F.F. Ushakov was awarded the Order of Alexander


7. In 1769 he was promoted to……….. (lieutenant).

    The name of the frigate to which F.F. Ushakov was assigned to conduct tests in 1782 (“Agile”).

    The name of the frigate, which was sent for inspection from Kerch to the Crimean shores and Akhtiar Bay under the command of Lieutenant Commander Bersenev (“Caution”).














1. A sailing vessel with oblique sails (schooner).

    A horizontal or inclined “tree” that protrudes from the bow of a ship (bowsprit).

    The uppermost platform in the stern, where watch or guard officers were located and compasses (decks) were installed.

4. Operational-tactical formation of warships of various classes (squadron).

5. A tactical technique from the times of the rowing and sailing fleet - dumping or coupling of ships for hand-to-hand combat (boarding).

6. Outstanding commander of the 18th century (Suvorov).


This star is not easy. It is necessary to insert words into the cells of its rays so that they end with the letter “a”. Each ray has a first letter and a serial number.

    The ship on which F.F. Ushakov sailed around Scandinavia (kick).

    A sailing vessel with slanting sails (schooner).

    A small sailing vessel (yacht).

    A three-masted sailing-rowing vessel with oblique sails, armed with up to 50 small-caliber guns (shebeka).

    Rowing vessel 50-180 oars (galley).


.A relatively small ship for combat operations in coastal areas, mainly for shelling coastal targets (gunboat).

    A river boat, a boat, nicknamed after the name of the city (Romanovka).

    A two-masted sailing vessel of small or medium size (brigantine). CHAIN ​​OF DATES

For students to better understand dates as a task, I use a form of work such as compiling a chain of dates in which the last digit of the previous date should be the first digit of the subsequent date. Checking the chains is carried out in class: the student writes dates on the board and gives them their decoding or makes a riddle to the students.


1761 - Enrollment of F.F. Ushakov in the Naval Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg.

1771 - F.F. Ushakov on the frigate “First” participated in its escort from Novokhoperskaya

Fortresses to the Sea of ​​Azov.

1781 - F.F. Ushakov on the ship "Victor", as part of the squadron of Rear Admiral Sukhotin, made the transition to the Mediterranean Sea.

1791 - The admiral’s brilliant victory in the Russian-Turkish war at Cape Kaliakria.

    - Transfer of Admiral F.F. Ushakov to St. Petersburg.

    -May 21 transferred to the Baltic Fleet with the appointment of chief commander of the rowing fleet.

2000 - By the decision of the Commission for Canonization of the Russian Orthodox Church, the outstanding naval commander was canonized as a LOCALLY REVERED SAINTS of the Saransk diocese.


1. Completion of the Russian-Turkish war with a brilliant victory at Cape Kaliakria (1791).

    F.F. Ushakov was transferred from the Azov flotilla to the St. Petersburg ship crew, promoted to captain-lieutenant (1775).

    Return of F.F. Ushakov to Sevastopol (1800).

8. Captain 2nd rank F.F. Ushakov arrived in Kherson, successful fight against the plague epidemic (1783)

10. Admiral F.F. Ushakov’s resignation letter (1806).

    Capture of the Corfu fortress. F.F. Ushakov was promoted to admiral (1799).

    The first victory of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakov over superior enemy forces near the island. Fidonisi (1788).


1. Date of birth of Admiral F.F. Ushakov (1745).

3. The beginning of the Mediterranean campaign, during which the Ionian Islands were liberated (1798).

4. Fyodor Ushakov was promoted to midshipman (1763).

7. F.F. Ushakov was canonized as a LOCALLY venerated SAINTS of the Saransk diocese (2000).

9. Blessed death of the admiral (1817).

11. The beginning of the Patriotic War. Establishment of a hospital by F.F. Ushakov, donation of funds for the maintenance of the 1st Tambov Infantry Regiment (1812).


Assignment for round 1:

What was arranged at the expense of F.F. Ushakov in the village of Alekseevka, where he spent the last years of his life? (Hospital)

Task for round 2:

In 1798, Russia and Türkiye entered into an alliance against France. What struck the Turks when they met in Russian ships? (Neatness).

Task for round 3:

The word “amir” from Arabic means ruler, boss. In Europe it came into use from the 12th century. What does it mean in Russia? (Admiral).

Final task:

To whom, following the proverb, a person should give life, soul and honor (Motherland, God, no one).



    A river boat, a boat, nicknamed after the name of the city. (Romanovka)

    A small sailing vessel, this type of vessel comes in many varieties. (Bot)

    The ship was part of the squadron in 1783, which arrived in Akhtiar Bay. (Polak)

    A ship named "Nargan". (Pink)

    3 mast sailing ship with full sail rig. (Frigate)

    A non-self-propelled barge-type vessel. (Longboat)

    Sailing ship with slanting sails. (Schooner)

    Rowing boat 50-180 oars. (Galley)


    Small or medium sized brig with 2 masts. (Brigantine)

    Large 2- and 3-deck ship, with cannons located in a line. (Battleship)

    A relatively small ship for combat operations in coastal areas, mainly for shelling coastal targets. (Gunboat)



2. The frigate, which was tested in 1782 by F.F. Ushakov. ("Prompt")

    The frigate, in which F.F. Ushakov participated in escorting from the Novokhopersk fortress to the Sea of ​​Azov in 1771. (“First”)

    A ship with 16 guns, commanded by F.F. Ushakov, it was part of a squadron and cruised in the Black Sea in 1774. (“Modon”)

    A ship with 16 guns, the commander of which was F.F. Ushakov in 1773. ("Morea")

    The deck boat, commanded by F.F. Ushakov in 1772, sailed from Taganrog to Kafa (Feodosia) and further to Balaklava Bay. ("Courier")


1. The ship commanded by F.F. Ushakov in 1779, “George.... (“Victorious”)

    A ship with 64 guns, commanded by F.F. Ushakov in 1781-1782. and made the transition to the Mediterranean Sea. ("Victor")

Pink, on which F.F. Ushakov made the transition from Kronstadt around Scandinavia to Arkhangelsk in 1766. ("Nargan")


Cards containing names, dates, terms, names of events, etc. are placed in a specially prepared box.

There is one task on the card. Students catch (without looking into the aquarium) cards and answer the question. This game is of great interest to children and can serve as a warm-up.




    1. Warrior-Great Martyr 2. Turkish Sultan

    3.Great commander 4.English rear admiral

    1. Empress

      Saint! naval commander, admiral

    It is necessary to correctly connect the numbers of columns I and II.

Ekaterinoslav Army

8. Commander of the Turkish Fleet
9 .Count, famous for charity
10 Field Marshal General.. Commander

1.Catherine II

2. Nelson


4, Ushakov


    Selimit III

    Eski-Gassan 8. Suvorov 9. Sheremyayev 10.AlexyII

5. His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

ANSWERS: 1 - 6; 2 -4; 3 - 10; 4 - 7; 5 - 1; 6-2; 7 - 8; 8 - 3 ;9-9; 10-5 ;

The game involves two teams. They must come up with a business card and do their homework. The conditions of each competition are explained by the presenter; the number of points earned by the team in each competition is determined and calculated by the jury.

Objectives of the event:

    Increasing student interest in the subject of history.

    Expanding and deepening the knowledge and skills of students in the subject.

    Creating favorable conditions for identifying students' knowledge and skills in non-standard game situations.

    Fostering deep respect for the history of the Fatherland and a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: at the discretion of the teacher, you can decorate the hall where the game takes place in the style of the 18th century; hang portraits of Russian tsars, etc.

Literature: Non-standard lessons. Story. Volgograd, 2002; Subject history week at school. Competitions, quizzes, olympiads. Rostov-on-Don “Phoenix”, 2006.

Progress of the event.

Mussorgsky's work “Dawn on the Moscow River” is playing.

Host: Morning, nature awakens.

The first rays of dawn left their reflections on the gates of the ancient village.

People live here

Tall and handsome, - Bright-eyed and strong men,

Women, graceful as willows,

Children are like strong oak trees.

Hello, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our history game. The motto of the game: “May the descendants of the Orthodox of their native land know their past fate.” These words were written by A.S. Pushkin in the poem “Boris Godunov”. In history lessons, you learned about how the Russian state became and developed, which kings and emperors led the country, and what contribution they made to Russian history. What wars and peasant uprisings took place on the territory of the country. At this game you will need to remember all this and show your knowledge. After all, we all must know the past of our Motherland in order to better understand our

today's life and correctly assess certain situations. The competition covers the history of Russia from ancient times to the 19th century.

Two teams from two groups were selected in advance. They had to prepare a name, motto, emblem and greeting.

All our competitions will be judged by a distinguished jury. Let me introduce...



Teams must prepare in advance for this competition. For example, the name of the teams may be as follows: “Golden Horde”, and the motto is “Better a fixed death than a shameful life.” Or “Musketeers” with the motto “One for all, and all for one,” etc.

When assessing, attention is paid to the appearance, emblem, team performance, compliance with the team name, the motto of the era, which is directly studied in history classes.



You need to finish the sentence. If the team gives a continuation, then 2 points, if they remember the author, then 3 points.

For the Sing command:

Whoever comes to us with a sword...” (... will die by the sword!”)

(Alexander Nevsky, having learned that the Varangians were attacking Rus').

For the 2nd command:

I came, I saw, ...” (... I won”).

(Julius Caesar in 47 BC)


Surprise” Homework

For this competition, teams prepare in advance a drawing depicting some fragment of the Middle Ages in Rus'. For example, from military history or cultural history. Representatives of the other team must determine what event is being discussed, when it happened, name the heroes, and indicate its meaning.

IV competition:

Speed ​​and pressure"

Each team member answers the question. If answered correctly, one token or star is given. If there is no answer, any other participant can answer the question, and he is given a token. The team that collects the most tokens wins this competition.

Questions for the 1st team:

    Which bird has become a symbol of courage and daring since time immemorial? (Falcon).

    In what year did the baptism of Rus' take place and under which prince? (About 988, Prince Vladimir).

    The place where the “Battle of the Ice” took place? (Lake Peipus).

    What was the main battle that decided the outcome of the Northern War on land? (1709 Battle of Poltava).

    The capital of the ancient Russian state, “the mother of Russian cities.” (Kyiv).

    Leader of Russian soldiers in the Battle of Kulikovo Field. (Dmitry Donskoy).

    The first Russian emperor. (Peter I).

    What color was the first naval flag in Russia? (Red - white ^ blue).

    The tsar who pursued the policy of oprichnina. (Ivan groznyj).

    The name of the prince, nicknamed the Wise. (Yaroslav).

Questions for Team II:

    Who is the first Russian Tsar? (Ivan IV).

    How many years did the Northern War last? (21 years old).

    In what year did Ukraine reunite with Russia? (1654).

    For what victory and in what year was Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich nicknamed Nevsky? (For the victory over the Swedes in 1240 on the Neva River).

    What bird can work as a postman? (Pigeon).

    In what year did the construction of St. Petersburg begin and from what fortress? (1703, May 16, from the construction of the Peter and Paul Fortress).

    What is a shortcut? (The label is the right to reign, which the Russian princes received at the khan’s headquarters).

    Under what king did the convening of Zemsky Councils begin and the Code of Laws was compiled? (1594, Ivan IV).

    In what year did the Battle of Kulikovo take place? (1380).

    What was the name of the first king of the Romanov dynasty? (Mikhail Romanov).


Unexpected task."

Teams receive envelopes. A description of an event is given, and the team needs to guess this event.

Envelope for 1st team:

At sunrise, the knight's cavalry rushed to the attack. The Germans formed a wedge of a “pig”. Knowing this tactic, the prince (...) strengthened the flanks and, in the midst of the battle, squeezed the knightly army like pincers. “And there was no ice to be seen anywhere, blood was flowing everywhere,” the chronicler reported.

Answer: April 5, 1242. Battle on the Ice.

Envelope for the 2nd team:

When the sun's rays dispersed the fog, the opponents saw each other. A dense dark gray cloud of Horde soldiers was approaching the Russian army shimmering with shiny armor. According to legend, the battle began with a duel between the heroes Chelubey and Alexander Peresvet.

Answer: September 8, 1380. Battle of Kulikovo.



Two paintings by artist V. Surikov are presented.

For the captain of the Sing team “Boyarina Morozova”.

Question: What historical event is this picture based on?

Answer: Church schism or reform of Patriarch Nikon in the 17th century.

For the captain of the 2nd team “The morning of the Streltsy execution.”

Question: In what year did the event depicted in the picture take place?

Answer: In 1698, after Peter’s return from the Great Embassy, ​​i.e. from my first trip abroad.

Between competitions you can work with fans. A question is asked and the fan of which team answers the question first, then points are counted for that team.


    A rule mandatory for all citizens of the state. (Law).

    Tolls and trade rights. (Duty).

    Goddess of love and beauty among the ancient Greeks? (Aphrodite).

    Church court in the Middle Ages? (Inquisition).

    First US President? (Washington).

    Homeland of the Arabs? (Arabian Peninsula).

    An alloy of copper and tin? (Bronze).

    Absolution in the Catholic Church? (Indulgence).

    Father of Alexander Nevsky? (Prince Yaroslav).

    Muslim holy book? (Koran).

    The birthplace of cotton? (India).

    The master who cast the Tsar Cannon? (Andrey Chokhov).

    Material for writing in ancient Novgorod? (Birch bark).

14. Land ownership, inherited in Rus'? (Fiefdom). 15. Tatar Khan, defeated on the Kulikovo Field? (Mamai).

Host: Our game is over. We hope that it was a great experience for you. You have repeated and deepened your knowledge of the history of the Fatherland, and someone may have learned something new for themselves. We worked together in the same team, fought for results and, of course, became even friendlier with each other. Your team may not win today, but the impressions from the game will be remembered for a long time.

The jury sums up the results.

Teachers have developed many methodological techniques, innovations, and innovative approaches to conducting various forms of classes. Based on the form of delivery, the following groups of non-standard lessons can be distinguished:

1. Lessons in the form of competitions and games: competition, tournament, relay race, duel, KVN, business game, role-playing game, crossword puzzle, quiz.

2. Lessons based on forms, genres and methods of work known in social practice: research, invention, analysis of primary sources, commentary, brainstorming, interview, report, review.

3. Lessons based on non-traditional organization of educational material: a lesson of wisdom, revelation, a lesson “The understudy begins to act.”

4. Lessons that resemble public forms of communication: press conference, auction, benefit performance, rally, regulated discussion, panorama, TV show, teleconference, report, dialogue, “living newspaper”, oral journal.

5. Fantasy lessons: fairy tale lesson, surprise lesson, 21st century lesson, “Gift from Hottabych” lesson.

6. Lessons based on imitation of the activities of institutions and organizations: court, investigation, tribunal, circus, patent office, academic council, editorial council.

The peculiarities of non-standard lessons lie in the desire of teachers to diversify the life of a student: to arouse interest in cognitive communication, in the lesson, in school; satisfy the child’s need for the development of intellectual, motivational, emotional and other spheres. Conducting such lessons also testifies to teachers’ attempts to go beyond the template in building the methodological structure of the lesson. And this is their positive side. But it is impossible to build the entire learning process from such lessons: by their very essence, they are good as a release, as a holiday for students. They need to find a place in the work of every teacher, as they enrich his experience in the varied construction of the methodological structure of the lesson.

Lecture 8. Teaching methods

The word “method” in Russian goes back a thousand years. There are several dozen teaching methods (M.N. Skatkin). And despite the long history of the development of this concept, the diversity of the methods themselves, a single, generally accepted theory of teaching methods has not yet emerged. What is the teaching method? What methods does the teacher use? Which system of methods is preferable for a teacher to master? Pedagogy does not give an unambiguous answer to these questions. In this manual we will consider the points of view of well-known domestic didactics on this problem (Yu.K. Babansky, I.Ya. Lerner, M.I. Makhmutov, M.N. Skatkin).

Concept of teaching method

What is the teaching method? There are different approaches to defining this concept in the literature:

1) this is a way of activity for the teacher and students;

2) a set of work methods;

3) the path along which the teacher leads students from ignorance to knowledge;

4) the system of actions of the teacher and students, etc.

Education as an interaction between a teacher and students is determined both by its goal - to ensure that the younger generation assimilates the social experience accumulated by society, embodied in the content of education, and by the goals of individual development and socialization of the individual. The learning process is also determined by the real educational capabilities of students at the time of training. Therefore I.Ya. Lerner gives the following definition of the teaching method: the teaching method as a way to achieve the learning goal is a system of consistent and ordered actions of the teacher who, using certain means, organizes the practical and cognitive activities of students to assimilate social experience. In this definition, the author emphasizes that the teacher’s activity in teaching, on the one hand, is determined by the purpose of teaching, the patterns of assimilation and the nature of students’ learning activities, and on the other hand, it itself determines the learning activities of students, the implementation of the patterns of assimilation and development.

Now, notes Yu.K. Babansky, most didactics consider methods as ways of orderly interconnected activities of the teacher and students, aimed at solving a set of problems of the educational process. The difference between these definitions of a teaching method is that if in the first of them the method is associated with achieving a goal training, then in the second, the goals of using the method are understood more broadly - as a set of tasks of the educational process. And they provide for the implementation of the functions of not only training, but also development, as well as education, motivation, organization and control.

Let us introduce the reader to the third approach to determining the teaching method. Philosophers note that in social and material reality there are no methods and there are only objective laws (Todor Pavlov). That is, methods are available in the heads, in the consciousness, and hence - in the conscious activity of a person. Method is the rules of action. The method directly records not what exists in the objective world, but how a person should act in the process of cognition and practical action (P.V. Kopnin). By method I mean precise and simple rules (R. Descartes). As we see, philosophers emphasize in the method, first of all, its internal side - the rules of action that are not outside, but in the human mind. In the early 30s. In the 20th century, the teaching method, on the contrary, was judged by external signs, by the way the teacher works. If he tells, talks, then the methods are called “story”, “conversation”. With this understanding, methods do not determine the behavior of the teacher and do not help him navigate his activities. But, relying on philosophers, it can be argued: the method is not the action itself, not the type or method of activity. The main thought, the main idea contained in the method as a pedagogical term is an indication of a pedagogically appropriate action, an instruction on how to act.

Currently, there are two sides to the methods: external and internal (M.I. Makhmutov). The external one reflects the way the teacher acts, the internal one reflects the rules he is guided by. Thus, the concept of method should reflect the unity of internal and external, the connection between theory and practice, the connection between the activities of the teacher and the student. How can one define the teaching method in this case?

Teaching method- this is a system of regulatory principles and rules for organizing pedagogically appropriate interaction between a teacher and students, used for a certain range of tasks of training, development and education. Thus, this definition emphasizes that the method contains both the rules of action and the methods of action themselves.

Which of the following definitions of a teaching method should be followed? Each scientist gave his own concept of the method, focusing on one or another aspect of it. A comparison of definitions shows that they do not contradict one another, but complement each other. Therefore, it is useful to know all the given definitions of the teaching method.

The concept of non-traditional teaching methods

The organization of the learning process is carried out not only through standard methods, there are also non-standard teaching methods. They are called non-standard because they are radically different from the usual ones. The development of non-traditional methods and their introduction into the educational process is due to the fact that acquiring knowledge in itself is a complex process that requires the constant development of ways and means of increasing the efficiency of acquiring knowledge. In the world of education, it is always necessary to be open to innovation.

Note 1

Non-traditional teaching methods are used by teachers when traditional methods do not produce the required educational result, or it is too low. These methods combine a variety of forms and techniques that are strikingly different from the usual classical teaching methods.

Non-traditional teaching methods are modern methods. This is due to the fact that previously only traditional methods were acceptable in education, and anything different from them was unacceptable for implementation in the educational process.

Currently, there are both supporters and opponents of non-traditional education. Therefore, the question of choosing teaching methods for each teacher is open and is decided individually. The main condition for choosing a teaching method is compliance with the educational goals, the age of the students and the content.

Types of non-traditional teaching methods

The following types of non-traditional teaching methods are distinguished:

  1. Lessons-lectures - involve joint activities of the teacher and students, reflections on the topic of the lesson. It is important in the process of organizing a non-traditional lecture to prepare it so that it is interesting for children and ensures a high level of knowledge acquisition. During a lecture, the teacher does not simply present educational material in the form of a monologue, but asks questions that encourage children to reason and cooperate.
  2. Lessons in solving key problems. They involve solving problems and exercises aimed at gaining skills and abilities. The main thing in this method is that the teacher offers children not the same type of tasks from the school textbook, but interesting and educational ones that can diversify the learning process and reduce the burden on students.
  3. Lessons - consultations - are aimed at teaching children to think about a learning problem, understand the essence of the difficulty, and formulate tasks that will contribute to solving it.
  4. Crosswords are used as a game situation during a training session. The main purpose of crossword puzzles is to understand and consolidate the material covered. Solving crossword puzzles can be organized either individually or in the form of group work, when children solve a crossword puzzle together. The use of crosswords in the classroom can be used not only to consolidate acquired knowledge, but also to repeat the covered topic and test knowledge. Crosswords can be compiled by a teacher and offered to children to solve, or the opposite task can be given to create crosswords on a specific topic.
  5. Thematic dictation is one of the ways to organize independent testing in the classroom. Designed to monitor acquired knowledge and conduct additional practice in independently completing tasks on the topic. A dictation can be conducted on a specific topic, or a review on several previously covered topics. As part of a thematic dictation, the teacher establishes the degree of mastery of terminology, rules, formulas, etc.
  6. A didactic game is one of the unique forms of joint activity between a teacher and children, aimed at developing knowledge, skills and abilities. Didactic games are organized in the form of educational activities, the distinctive feature of which is the presence of an educational task and a game principle of activity.
  7. Mini-competitions. This teaching method is most often used as a warm-up, the main purpose of which is to test students’ knowledge on a topic they have completed or have just studied. Interest in this teaching method is due to the spirit of competition, which involves all students in the work process. The essence of the method is that children are divided into teams, each team is given a set of tasks. The team that completes all tasks the fastest becomes the winner.
  8. Student's portfolio. The “Student Portfolio” technology is aimed at developing the necessary reflection skills in students, that is, it promotes the development of the ability to think and introspection. Within the framework of this method, students carry out self-assessment of their own cognitive and creative work, assessment of their activities. The “portfolio” is presented as a set of documents and independent works developed by the teacher for each student, taking into account his individual development and level of knowledge. After completing the assignments, students independently evaluate and analyze their work, and then compare it with the teacher’s rating scale.

Note 2

Thus, non-traditional teaching methods are very diverse; the use of these methods is the free choice of the teacher, based on the stated didactic task of education.

Principles of non-traditional learning technology

The principles of non-traditional learning technology are as follows:

  • The principle of self-assessment of intermediate and final learning results is aimed at determining the level of mastery of certain knowledge, abilities, skills and activities, for a specific period of time, or based on the results of studying a topic or section of an academic subject.
  • The principle of systematicity and regularity - systematically tracking the results of one’s activities, selecting the most interesting works in one’s “portfolio”, organizing them into the prescribed structure.

The choice of non-standard teaching methods requires compliance, because students get used to unusual ways of working, lose interest in traditional methods, and academic performance noticeably decreases. In the general system, the place of non-traditional classes should be determined by the teacher himself, depending on the conditions of the content of the material, the specific situation and the individual characteristics of the teacher himself.

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