The labor plan includes the following sections. The value of the labor plan, indicators, source materials for compiling

Labor plan and its content

The basis for drawing up a labor plan is to take into account all resources and factors of labor productivity growth, determine the optimal number and structure of personnel, and justify the calculation of payroll funds.

The initial data for drawing up a labor plan are:

    The task for the growth of labor productivity, for the number of employees, for the reduction of manual labor, the wage fund and the wage standard for one ruble of production.

    Production and sales plan

    Planned labor costs

    Settlement conditions for wages

    Reporting data on the implementation of the labor plan

    Regulatory and reference materials

Sections of the labor plan:

    Planning for productivity growth

    Planning the number of employees

    Payroll planning

    Planning for advanced training of employees of the enterprise

Planning for productivity growth

The growth of labor productivity is one of the central economic issues at all levels of production management. Labor productivity is characterized by the amount of products (volume of work) produced by one employee per unit of working time.

Depending on the unit of working time, the following types of labor productivity are distinguished:






The most accurate is considered hourly labor productivity, which depends on:

    The level of mechanization and automation of production

    applied technology

    Quality of raw materials and materials

    Employee Qualifications

    Interest in work

    Working conditions and production

To increase productivity in the enterprise, you need to take some steps:

    Raise the technical level of production

    Improve the organization of production, labor and management

    Improve product quality(liquidation of marriage and its prevention)

    Improve the system of labor incentives

To use real opportunities to increase labor productivity, it is necessary to develop measures aimed at reducing the labor intensity of products or at improving the use of working time.

Planning the number of employees and the wage fund

To plan the number of employees, it is necessary to know their composition at an industrial enterprise, which includes industrial production personnel (managers, specialists, employees and workers) and non-industrial personnel who do not produce products. The employees of the enterprise also include employees not on the payroll. Their number is not planned, only the wage fund is planned, which can be allocated to them.

The attendance fund of the time of one worker per year depends on working conditions, planned absences and the duration of the vacation. A fair remuneration for the work done and a motivational factor in achieving the desired level of labor productivity is wages. The basis of the wage fund is the wage fund of industrial workers. It is considered when drawing up a plan for each workshop, taking into account the number of industrial workers, the category and the number of hours of production work planned for working out during the year.

When multiplying the planned hours of work for the year by the hourly tariff rate of the corresponding category, we get a direct wage fund for the main and auxiliary workers.

Designing the pay structure is the responsibility of the Human Resources Department, Planning Departments or Human Resources Services.

The salary structure of an organization is determined by analyzing the study of salary levels and labor market conditions, as well as the productivity and profitability of the organization.

More than half of all employees' income comes from a guaranteed or basic salary, depending on the position held, length of service and quality of work. In addition to the basic salary, additional benefits are planned to be paid by the organization for initiative, for conscientious work, combination of positions, processing, etc.

The labor plan plays a huge role in planning the activities of a commercial enterprise. The main task in drawing up the plan is to ensure the continuous growth of labor productivity and average wages, the economical and productive use of the labor force, and the improvement of the qualification and cultural level of the workers.

Personnel planning should address issues of increasing labor efficiency, developing the abilities of workers and creating decent working conditions for a person. Personnel planning should answer the following questions: how many workers, what qualifications, when and where will be required; how to attract the right and reduce unnecessary staff without causing social damage; how best to use staff according to their abilities; how to ensure the development of personnel for the implementation of new work; how to maintain the knowledge of employees in accordance with the needs of the enterprise; what costs will be required by the planned personnel activities; determination of the system of remuneration and stimulation of labor.

The labor plan includes the following main sections.

1. Planning of the need for personnel - the need for personnel is determined by comparing between the future need and its availability according to the forecast. Based on this, measures are planned to achieve or maintain a quantitative and qualitative correspondence between need and availability. These activities consist of:

Study and optimization of labor organization and technological processes;

Attraction, redistribution, release and development (training) of personnel;

Specialization and cooperation of personnel, improvement of social services.

2. Planning the number of employees - determining the minimum number of employees required to fulfill the planned volume of sales of products and services. When determining the number, it is necessary to take into account the turnover, the expansion of production, retirement for study, conscription, etc. - additional need for staff.

3. Planning of the wage fund - payroll is the amount of funds needed by the enterprise and its divisions to pay for all types of work performed by employees of the enterprise. When planning the payroll, wage systems for employees are determined (minimum rate, pay scale, rates for piece work).

4. Labor efficiency planning - the efficiency of living labor that creates value and is measured by the number of values ​​created in a unit of time by one worker.

5. Planning the labor intensity of products - characterizes the costs of human labor.

Social development planning - determination of the socio-demographic structure of personnel, provision of employees with household, housing, cultural benefits, assessment of the level of hard work, injuries, industrial diseases. Additional information about the socio-psychological climate in the team is obtained as a result of interviews, questionnaires and testing of employees.

One of the most important factors for the successful commercial operation of an enterprise is the efficient use of human resources. The analysis of indicators on labor and wages, in this regard, is one of the most important stages in the overall analysis of the activities of economic entities.

An analysis of the composition, movement and efficiency of the use of the enterprise's personnel begins with a study of the number of employees, their composition by groups and movement within the enterprise.

To characterize the human resources of a trade enterprise, a whole system of indicators is used.

The quantitative characteristic of the personnel is measured primarily by such indicators as the payroll, attendance and average payroll number of employees.

The payroll is the number of employees on the payroll on a certain date, taking into account the employees hired and retired on that day.

The turnout number includes only workers who came to work.

To determine the number of employees for a certain period, the average headcount indicator is used. The average number of employees per month is determined as the quotient of dividing the sum of all list data for each day by the calendar number of days in the month.

In order to effectively manage the processes of formation and use of personnel at trade enterprises, classification is applied according to the following main features:

management personnel

· Sales staff

support staff

The division of the personnel of a trading enterprise into categories of workers is the most general form of the functional division of their labor.

· By positions and professions. At trade enterprises, managers (managers), specialists, etc. are singled out as part of the management personnel; as part of the trading and operational personnel - positions (professions) of sellers, cashiers, cashier controllers, etc.; as part of the support staff - the professions of packers, loaders, cleaners, etc.

· Specialties. As part of the positions of specialists, economists, financiers, commodity experts, accountants, etc. are singled out; in the composition of sellers, there are specialties of sellers of food products, sellers of non-food products, etc.

· According to the level of qualification. Employees of the main positions, professions and specialties, depending on the level of knowledge, skills and labor skills, are divided into a number of qualification categories (salespeople and cashiers - by 3, specialists - by 4, loaders - by 6, etc.).

By sex and age. In accordance with the current accounting procedure, trade enterprises single out men under the age of 30, from 30 to 60 years, over 60 years; and women, respectively, up to 30 years old, from 30 to 55 years old, over 55 years old. In order to effectively manage the movement of personnel at large trade enterprises, a more detailed grouping of workers by age can be adopted.

· By experience in trade. The current accounting practice provides for the grouping of employees of trade enterprises with work experience in trade up to 1 year; from 1 year to 3 years; from 3 to 10 years; over 10 years. For specific purposes of personnel management, this grouping can also be detailed.

· In relation to property. Depending on this sign, workers are distinguished at trade enterprises - owners of its property and employees.

By the nature of the employment relationship. On this basis, employees of trade enterprises are divided into permanent and temporary.

The movement of employees at the enterprise (turnover) is characterized by the following indicators:

The turnover ratio for admission is the ratio of the number of all hired employees for a given period to the average number of employees for the same period;

The retirement turnover ratio is the ratio of all retired employees to the average number of employees on the payroll;

· The staff turnover rate is the ratio of those who left the enterprise for unexcused reasons (at the initiative of the employee, due to absenteeism, etc.) to the average headcount (determined for a certain period).

Personnel management is associated with the development and implementation of personnel policy, the main objectives of which are:

Satisfying the needs of the enterprise in personnel;

Ensuring a rational placement, professional qualification and job promotion of personnel;

· effective use of labor potential of the enterprise.

Labor productivity is the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of the enterprise's human resources. To measure labor productivity, two indicators are used: production and labor intensity.

The main factors for increasing labor productivity can be classified in three areas:

1. factors that create conditions for the growth of labor productivity: the level of development of science, advanced training of workers, strengthening labor discipline, reducing staff turnover, etc.)

2. factors contributing to the growth of labor productivity: material and moral incentives, improvement of wages, the introduction of scientifically and technically sound labor standards, the introduction of advanced technology, etc.

3. factors that directly determine the level of labor productivity at the enterprise: mechanization and automation of production processes, improving the quality of labor, eliminating downtime, eliminating defects, improving management and organization of labor, etc.





in the discipline "Enterprise Economics"


2nd year student

4081 groups

Minnullina Ch.R.


Ph.D. Ignatieva O.A.

Kazan 2009

Introduction…………………………………………………………………….3 – 4

2. Personnel planning at the enterprise……………………………….11 - 13

3. Staffing of the enterprise during the crisis……………..14 – 18


List of used literature……………………………………...20


Today, almost all enterprises are taking anti-crisis measures. They are trying to find new, non-standard business solutions, maintain their client network, and control costs more strictly. Changes are also taking place in the HR sector. Therefore, enterprises need specialists who can skillfully implement an anti-crisis strategy. And who, if not a financier, will be able to give practical advice on how to save and increase capital. The requirements for employees are changing, and there are changes in the personnel policy of enterprises. After all, it depends on the qualifications of a specialist planning a strategy whether an enterprise can simply survive during a crisis or whether it will be able to find new opportunities for promotion and development.

In this regard, the chosen topic of the abstract is relevant.

object research is the entire frame of the enterprise and its structural divisions: workers, employees, managers; subject- social - labor relations in enterprises regarding the socio - economic efficiency of the use of personnel.

aim The abstract is the assessment of personnel, the study of recruitment and career guidance, as well as the training of employees of the enterprise during the crisis, which can competently build and implement an anti-crisis strategy.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    Determine the content of the plan for labor and personnel;

    Describe labor productivity;

    Consider payroll;

    Analyze personnel planning at the enterprise;

    To characterize the staffing of the enterprise during the crisis.

The tasks set are logically predetermined structure work, which consists of an introduction, three chapters, sequentially revealing the topic, a conclusion and a list of references.

It should be noted that the topic of the abstract is covered in the literature to a sufficient extent. Fundamental and applied research aimed at the proper planning of staffing for the activities of the enterprise was carried out by scientists, among them Shvandar, O.I. Volkov, M.E. Sorokin, M.G. Lapusty.

When writing the abstract, legal acts, monographic and educational literature, magazine and newspaper articles devoted to this problem were studied.

In developing a plan for labor and personnel, the main task is to provide for a systematic increase in labor productivity as the main condition for increasing the volume of production and increasing its efficiency. The indicator of labor productivity is calculated as the annual output of standard - net, marketable (gross) products in comparable prices per one average employee of industrial - production personnel. Another important indicator of this section is the wage fund. The average salary of employees is also calculated here. To determine the needs of enterprises in the labor force, a balance calculation of the additional need for workers and employees and the sources of its provision is being developed.

The efficiency of the use of human resources of the company characterizes labor productivity, which is determined by the amount of products produced per unit of time, or labor costs per unit of output or work performed. The main indicators of labor productivity at the enterprise level are indicators of production (B) and labor intensity (Tr) of products, calculated using the following formulas:

B \u003d q / H si,

where q is the volume of manufactured products or work performed in natural or conditionally natural units of measurement; Ch si - average number of employees; T is the time spent on the production of all products, the norm is hours.

The most common and universal indicator of labor productivity is production output. At industrial enterprises, depending on the unit of measurement of production volume (q), there are 3 methods of a certain output - natural, cost and standardized labor time.

A positive definition of the factors influencing the labor sphere and the behavior of individuals regarding productivity is, first of all:

Consideration of labor in accordance with the economic approach, i.e. improving the ratio between income from work and the use of the labor factor;

Evaluation in monetary terms of the results of labor and labor costs. From the point of view of personnel economics, this means optimizing the ratio between the productive results of an individual's activity and his costs;

From the point of view of the theory of factors of production, the use of labor as an instrument and its inclusion among other factors of production.

In a market economy, enterprises are under pressure from competition. The market constantly compares the type, quality, price and other features of products. Uncompetitive products, and, accordingly, their producers leave the market sooner or later. The mechanism of free pricing and competition directs resources, including labor resources, to where their use is most efficient in terms of meeting the aggregate demand for goods and services and minimizing the cost of all types of resources for the production of products (works, services).

For an individual enterprise, this means that it must produce demanded products of the required quality at the lowest cost.

In relation to labor costs, this means the reasonableness of the number and professional and qualification composition of employees, taking into account: the planned production volume, product quality requirements, its labor intensity, the need to maintain production equipment in working order.

The surplus of the wage fund falls on the cost of production, reduces profits and reduces profitability. At the same time, the lack of the fund, especially during the period of inflation, causing a decrease in the level of wages, can lead to an increase in staff turnover, destabilization of the team.

Minimizing the size of the payroll should not lead to a decrease in real wages and guaranteed payments for work performed.

The wage fund is a set of individual earnings accrued by an employee is a set of individual earnings accrued to employees by an employer, regardless of what source of coverage of these costs: cost, profit, special purpose funds or any other targeted income. The composition of the payroll fund is not defined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The wage fund includes: amounts of wages accrued by the enterprise in cash and in kind for hours worked and unworked; incentive bonuses and allowances; compensation payments related to the mode of work and working conditions; bonuses and lump-sum incentive payments; payments for food, housing, fuel, which are systematic.

The source of the payroll is both the cost and part of the net profit, and in the structure of the payroll there are elements financed simultaneously from the cost of production and from net profit, in particular, lump-sum incentive payments.

The success and prosperity of any organization largely depends on the efficiency of the work of the staff, and efficiency - on the mechanism for the formation of the payroll. Today, more and more attention is paid to the search for effective models for organizing the wage fund and incentive systems for employees.

There are three principal approaches to the models of organization of remuneration.

The first model assumes an increase in the structure of earnings of the share of its guaranteed part, increasing it to 80 - 90%. This option is acceptable for large enterprises with clearly regulated technological processes and stable production volumes. It is assumed that in such conditions, with a rational arrangement and proper training and motivation of personnel, individual intra-qualification differences in labor results will not exceed 10 - 20%. The main way to increase labor income for the worker in this model is a career.

Improving the organization of wages in an enterprise of such a model implies:

Strengthening the role of collective-contractual regulation of wages;

Streamlining the tariff conditions for remuneration;

Establishment of reasonable correlations in the levels of wages of various professional and qualification groups of workers, depending on the complexity of work and intra-factory uniform tariff scales;

Reviewing the procedure for paying allowances, additional payments, bonuses and other remuneration;

Increasing the share of payment according to the tariff and the formation of optimal ratios of this share with the variable part of wages.

The second model, on the contrary, is focused on minimizing the guaranteed part of earnings and individualizing the level of remuneration based on an increase in its flexible part. Such an approach involves regular and detailed accounting of labor merits, a systematic assessment of personnel, which undoubtedly increases the complexity of payroll calculations. The main factor in increasing earnings in this model is the build-up of individual performance. This model is typical for small businesses, firms operating in the service sector.

Strengthening the flexibility of wages, its ability to quickly and adequately respond to changes in the productivity of workers contributes to its stimulating function.

At the enterprise level, we are talking about the individualization of an employee's earnings, when when determining the amount of payment, not only such characteristics as experience, qualifications and professional skills are taken into account, but also the significance of the employee for the enterprise, his ability to achieve certain current and future goals, and most importantly, the implementation of this capabilities. The enterprises began to use more flexible wage systems, they can be conditionally divided into tariff and tariff-free.

  • 4. The concept of a production operation, the classification of operations, the concept of an element of an operation
  • 5. Classification of working time costs in the printing industry, standardized and non-standardized categories of working time costs
  • 6. Labor rationing: labor standards, their functions and role in production management
  • 7. Payroll: forms and systems
  • 8. Tariff system and its elements
  • 9. Timing and photo timing: difference from photography of working time, methodology for conducting and processing observation data
  • 10. Classification of labor standards
  • 2.3. Organization, regulation and remuneration of labor at the enterprises of the industry
  • 3.Norms as the basis for the organization of wages.
  • 1.Basic principles of efficient organization of production
  • 2. Types, forms and methods of organization of production
  • 3.Basic elements of the production process
  • 5. The concept of the production cycle, its duration and structure
  • 6. The concept of the production system of the enterprise
  • 8. Systems of operational management of production
  • 9.Content and tasks of production maintenance
  • 2.5.Quality management
  • 1. The essence of the concept of "quality", "quality of products" and "quality of service"
  • 2. Classification of product quality indicators
  • 3.Basic quality standards for products, works, services
  • 6. System of total quality management (tqm): essence, principles
  • 7.International and Russian standards of the ISO 9000 series in the field of quality management.
  • 2.5 Quality management
  • Purpose of the method
  • General construction rules
  • Advantages of the method
  • Disadvantages of the method
  • Expected Result
  • 2. 6. Marketing
  • 3. Product in marketing activities: essence, product life cycle, classification by degree of novelty
  • 1. Goods, good: essence, features and properties
  • 2. Use value, value and exchange value of a commodity: essence, causes and conditions of occurrence, method and nature of manifestation, development and types of exchange value
  • 5. Capital circulation and cost formation
  • 6. Production cost: essence, types, formulas, calculation methods
  • 7. Methods for calculating prices; determination of prices based on break-even analysis
  • 8. Calculation of prices for printing works based on the use of indicators hseo and hserm
  • 9. Cost of printing works (services): nature, types, composition and classification of costs included in the cost, choice of accounting unit. See question 12
  • 10. Retail prices for publishing products: composition, accounting units, pricing factors, calculation methods
  • 11. Cost of publishing products: essence, types, composition and classification of costs included in the cost
  • 12. Cost of printing works (services): essence, types, composition and classification of costs included in the cost, choice of accounting unit
  • Section 3. Strategic planning in the enterprise
  • 1. Concept, tasks, basic principles of planning
  • 2. Tasks, basic principles and methods of planning
  • 3.Planning resource support for the organization's activities
  • Question 5. Plan for labor and personnel: goals, objectives, main sections.
  • 7. Plan for cost, profit and profitability of products (works, services).
  • 8. Cost of printing works (services): essence, types, composition and classification of costs included in the cost.
  • 9. Profit and profitability planning
  • 1. Theoretical foundations of profit planning and production profitability
  • 1.1 Profit planning
  • 1.2 Profitability planning
  • 10. Model of formation and distribution of profits at a printing company.
  • 3. 2. Logistics
  • 1. Material flow, its structure, units of measurement, logistics operations with material flow
  • 2. Modern methods of organizing material flow management, process approach, kaizen, sadt- modeling
  • 6. Logistics costs: essence, types
  • 7. Information flow: units of measurement, types, logistics operations with information flow
  • 3. 3. Strategic management
  • 1. Strategic management: essence, tasks, advantages of strategic management, main stages in the development of strategic management, types of management activities
  • 2.Scientific approaches to strategic management
  • 3. The concept of the organization's strategy, types of strategy
  • 4. Reference business development strategies, their essence and content
  • 5. Characteristics of strategic analysis tools
  • 6.Methods of strategic diagnostics of the organization: swot-analysis, essence and technology of carrying out
  • 7. Theory of competitiveness by M. Porter
  • 8. Diversification strategy, essence and content.
  • 9. Integration strategy, essence and content.
  • 10.Functional strategies, their classification and content
  • 1.Editing and publishing process: definition, stages.
  • 3.Units of measurement of publishing products
  • 4. Types and composition of thematic plans, the procedure for the development and approval of thematic plans.
  • 7. The cost of publishing products: the essence, types of classification of costs included in the cost.
  • Question 5. Plan for labor and personnel: goals, objectives, main sections.

    The main task of the plan for labor and personnel is to ensure the rational, efficient use of the personnel of the enterprise in the process of manufacturing products.

    The initial data for drawing up a labor plan are:

      long-term plan for the development of the enterprise;

      the results of a study of the product sales market;

      the results of the analysis of the production and economic activities of the enterprise for the previous period;

      legislative acts and other regulatory documents of an all-Russian and industry-wide nature on issues of wages, social protection of the population, as well as industry-specific norms of time and output for printing production processes as a recommendation.

    Personnel or labor resources of the enterprise- this is a set of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed at the enterprise and included in its payroll. The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both core and non-core activities.

    The plan for labor and personnel includes the following sections:

      Planning for productivity growth.

      Planning the number of employees.

      Payroll planning.

      Raising the qualifications of employees of the enterprise.

    6. Labor productivity planning.

    Labor productivity is characterized by the amount of products (volume of work performed) produced by one employee (working or working) per unit of working time, or its inverse indicator of labor intensity, which is characterized by the amount of working time (man-hour) that is spent on the production of one accounting unit of production.

    The system of indicators (measurements) of labor productivity is formed depending on the following factors:

      production volume meter (natural or cost indicators);

      units of working time (year, quarter, month, day, hour);

      the number of employees that are taken into account in planning.

    Accordingly, depending on the meters of production volume, there are three types of labor productivity indicators:

    1) a group of cost indicators;

    2) a group of natural (physical and conditional) indicators;

    3) labor meters (norm-hour, man-hour).

    Cost indicators are universal, are currently determined through contractual prices, are affected by inflation and do not very clearly characterize real labor productivity.

    Natural indicators, in turn, are of limited use, are used in the preparation of plans for enterprises (main workshops and sections), are not affected by inflation, and give an actual idea of ​​labor productivity in the manufacture of a particular type of product.

    Labor meters characterize the dynamics of labor productivity in a particular operation. In this case, the normalized labor intensity of manufacturing a certain volume of products (accounting units) is divided by the planned or actual labor costs in the manufacture of the same volume of products. This is the most accurate measure of labor efficiency, but it has limited application.

    Depending on the number of employees taken into account when planning labor productivity, there are indicators per employee of industrial production personnel and per one production worker (main or auxiliary).

    Depending on the unit of working time, the following types of labor productivity are distinguished: annual, quarterly, monthly, ten-day, daily, shift and hourly.

    The most accurate can be considered hourly labor productivity. The daily work depends on hourly productivity, as well as on the duration of the shift in hours and intra-shift losses of working time. Monthly labor productivity is influenced by the daily and the number of working days planned for working out during the month per worker (or working). Annual productivity is always less than the monthly one multiplied by 12 months (this happens due to regular vacations of workers). Thus, this is the basis of this group of indicators of labor productivity are two factors:

      hourly labor productivity;

      number of hours worked per employee per year.

    Hourly labor productivity is the main indicator of labor efficiency, which depends on:

      the level of mechanization and automation of production;

      applied technology;

      quality of raw materials and materials;

      qualifications of workers;

      interest in work;

      working and production conditions.

    To increase labor productivity it is necessary: ​​to increase the technical level of production; improve the organization of production, labor and management; improve the range and range of products; improve product quality (elimination of marriage and its prevention); take into account the social factor influencing the system of labor incentives and other sectoral and non-sectoral factors.

    In order to use real opportunities for increasing labor productivity, it is necessary to develop a complex with the help of which the factors of production conditions would change. At the same time, measures different in their content (technical, organizational, and others) affect either a decrease in the labor intensity of products (reserves for reducing labor intensity), or a deterioration in the use of working time (reserves of working time). Practically limitless is the intensive way to increase labor productivity by reducing the labor intensity of manufacturing products. Extensive factors are less effective and rather limited, since the calendar, regime and nominal funds of working time are limited.

    When drawing up a plan for increasing labor productivity, the entire sum of indicators is calculated, namely:

      average annual labor productivity (by dividing the planned volume of production in the appropriate units of measurement by the planned average monthly number of employees);

      average monthly labor productivity (by dividing the annual planned volume of production by the number of man-months planned for working out);

      average daily labor productivity (by dividing the planned volume of production by the number of man-days planned for working out);

      average hourly labor productivity (by dividing the planned volume of production by the number of man-hours according to the plan).

    The main task of the plan for labor and personnel is to ensure the rational, efficient use of the personnel of the enterprise in the process of manufacturing products. When developing a plan, the growth in labor productivity is calculated, which would provide the organization with such a reduction in labor costs that is necessary in a competitive environment; the optimal number of personnel employed directly in production, maintenance and management is determined; substantiates the maximum allowable costs of wages, labor costs.

    Personnel or labor resources of an enterprise is a set of employees of various professional and qualification groups employed at an enterprise and included in its payroll. The payroll includes all employees hired for work related to both core and non-core activities.

    Labor resources are the main resource of the enterprise, the quality and efficiency of the use of which largely determine the results of the enterprise and its competitiveness. They set in motion the material elements of production, create a product, value and a surplus product in the form of profit.

    The plan for labor and personnel includes sections: planning for the growth of labor productivity, the number of employees, the wage fund, and labor costs. A separate section in the labor plan includes a plan for the training and advanced training of personnel.

    The basis of the wage fund is the wage fund of industrial workers. It is considered when drawing up a plan for each workshop, taking into account the number of main industrial workers, the category and the number of hours of production work planned for working out during the year. At the same time, wages are calculated on the basis of planned hours for the year. Then these hours are multiplied by the hourly tariff scale of the corresponding category established at the enterprise. The result is a direct wage fund for the main and auxiliary workers employed in the main technologically normalized operations. This direct wage bill is the basis of the general (annual) wage bill of industrial workers.

    Analysis of the implementation of the labor plan is an important area of ​​economic analysis of the production and economic activities of the organization, the purpose of which is to constantly monitor the progress of the implementation of the received tasks to increase the labor potential and the results of the organization's work and compare with the results of the activities of competing organizations, identify internal reserves.

    The analysis of the fulfillment of the labor plan is carried out in three main areas: the analysis of the fulfillment of the plan in terms of headcount, the analysis of the fulfillment of the plan in terms of labor productivity, and the analysis of the fulfillment of the plan in terms of the wage fund.

    The purpose of the labor plan is to calculate the planned number of employees and the cost of paying for their labor, included in the cost of products (works, services).

    To do this, you must first calculate the effective time fund of the 1st worker. The calendar fund is established according to the calendar for the corresponding year. The number of days off and holidays in discontinuous production (furniture production) is also set according to the calendar. There are no holidays in continuous production (DVP), and the number of days off allotted for scheduled repairs and inspection of equipment should be taken in the amount of 30 days.

    The nominal fund is equal to the difference between the calendar fund and non-working days. Regular and study leave, absences with the permission of the administration are planned at the level of reporting data.

    Table 4.1 - Calculation of the effective time fund of the 1st worker per year


    Furniture manufacturing

    according to the report

    according to the report

    1 Calendar fund, days

    2 Calendar non-working days:

    2.1 weekend

    2.2 holiday

    3 Nominal fund, days

    4 Absences, days

    4.1 regular vacation

    4.2 study leave

    4.3 due to illness

    4.4 with the permission of the administration

    4.5 for bad reasons

    5 Effective time fund, days

    6 Nominal shift duration, h

    7 Intra-shift loss of time, h

    8 Average shift duration, h

    9 Number of shifts

    10 Effective fund, h

    The plan provides for measures to improve working conditions, which will reduce the duration of absenteeism due to illness. Absences for unexcused reasons are not planned.

    The fund of effective time in hours is determined by multiplying this fund in days by the average length of the working day.

    The average working day is defined as the difference between the nominal working day and intra-shift losses. The plan provides for their reduction.

    Table 4.2 - Calculation of the number and wage bill of the main workers of furniture shops


    Time spent on production, pers. /h

    Number, pers.

    of the entire issue

    1. Procurement and machine shop:

    1.1 Sideboard

    1.2 Kitchen table

    2. Assembly and finishing shop:

    2.1 Sideboard

    2.2 Kitchen table

    The time spent on the entire production of furniture is determined by multiplying the costs for 1 type of product and the volume of output. The number is determined by dividing the time spent on the manufacture of the entire furniture output by the planned fund of effective time for furniture production. The tariff wage fund for each type of furniture is determined by multiplying the average tariff rate by the time spent on manufacturing the entire furniture output.

    Table 4.3 - Calculation of the number and wage bill of auxiliary workers in furniture workshops

    Shop and workers

    Number of jobs per shift

    ness, pers.

    Average hourly tariff rate, rub.

    Tariff wage fund, thousand rubles

    1 Procurement and machine shop:

    1.1 Workers on the maintenance of the current repair of equipment

    1.2 General workers

    2 Assembly and finishing shop:

    2.2 General workers

    The number of workers is determined by the formula

    where m is the number of jobs, taking into account the number of shifts;

    T rm - the average fund of effective time 1 workplace;

    T p - planned fund of effective time 1 working

    The tariff wage fund (column 5) is calculated by the formula

    where Ch pl. - the planned number of workers;

    TS cf - average tariff rate;

    Т Р - planned fund of effective time of 1 worker in furniture production.

    Calculation of wages of workers in the production of fiberboard is shown in table 4.4.

    Table 4.4 - Calculation of the number and wage bill of workers in the production of fiberboard

    Profession by stages of production

    Number of jobs

    ness, people


    Hourly tariff rate, rub.

    Tariff wage fund, thousand rubles

    1 Main workers

    Semi-automatic line operator

    chipper machinist










    heat treater



    Loader driver

    Total Key Workers

    2. Auxiliary workers:

    2.1 Workers for the maintenance and current repair of equipment



    electric welder


    2.2 General workers


    Industrial cleaner


    Laboratory assistant for physical and mathematical tests


    Total support workers

    The number of workers is calculated by the formula

    where is the planned fund of effective time for the equipment of the fiberboard shop (the product of the effective fund of time, shift work, shift duration and the number of leading equipment)

    The hourly rate is calculated using the formula:

    where is the minimum wage established by law, rub. (accept 5095);

    Average number of hours of work per month (498 hours);

    Tariff coefficient of the th category.

    The payroll fund is calculated according to the formula 4.2.

    When filling out table 4.5, it must be taken into account that the number of jobs in the drying shop depends on the number of drying chambers, on the basis that 1 operator of the drying plant serves 2 drying chambers.

    The number of jobs in the steam power shop depends on the production program of the steam power shop. The number of workers is calculated according to formula 4.3, while the number of work shifts is taken 3 - for drying and steam power shops, for other shops - 2 shifts.

    Table 4.5 - Calculation of the number and wage bill of workers in other shops

    Based on the previous tables, table 4.6 is filled in

    Table 4.6 - Calculation of the annual wage fund of workers

    Shop and workers

    Number, people

    Tariff fund, thousand rubles

    1 Key furniture production workers

    1.1 Procurement and machine shop:


    Kitchen table

    Total for the workshop:

    1.2 Assembly and finishing shop:


    Kitchen table

    Total for the workshop:

    2 Auxiliary workers of furniture workshops:

    2.1 Procurement - machine shop:

    general shop expenses

    2.2 Assembly and finishing shop:

    Workers for the maintenance and current repair of equipment

    general shop expenses

    3 Main production workers of fiberboard

    4 Auxiliary workers in the production of fiberboard:

    4.1 Workers for the maintenance and current repair of equipment

    4.2 General workers

    Total auxiliary workers in fiberboard production

    5 Workers of the steam power shop

    6 Drying shop workers

    7 Workers of other shops

    The annual payroll is calculated using the formula

    where D is the coefficient of additional payment to the tariff fund;

    K r . - regional regulation coefficient.

    Table 4.7 - Calculation of the number and annual payroll of employees

    Structural units

    Number, pers.

    Average official salary, rub.

    Wage fund for salaries, thousand rubles

    Annual payroll fund, thousand rubles

    1 General staff

    1.1 Leaders

    1.2 Specialists

    1.3 Other employees

    2 Shop personnel

    2.1 Preparation and machine shop

    2.2 Assembly and finishing shop

    2.3 Veneer production shop

    2.4 Steam power

    2.5 Dryer

    2.6 Other workshops

    Total administrative and management personnel:

    The payroll fund for salaries is calculated using the formula

    where H is the number of employees, people;

    About cf - the average official salary, rub.;

    12 is the number of months.

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