Technical circles for girls. Working program mug design and modeling

Project "Young masters"

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    Go to the portal of public services

    Choose "Education"

    Go to the section "Registering for circles, creative studios, sports sections"

    Click "Get Service"

    Enter your credentials (login and password) on the public services portal.

    Choose "Mugs in SZAO"

    Find GBPOU PT No. 47 named after V. G. Fedorov

    Choose the circle you like and click "Done"!

For enrollment in circles, according to the letter DOgM No. 01-50 / 02-1747 / 17, the following documents are required:

1. Application of parents (on the portal, or on a written form);

2. Agreement;

3. Copy of the passport of one of the parents;

4. Copy of the child's birth certificate.

You can download the forms here:

Mugs for schoolchildren at your service!

FREE for classes in their free time only for schoolchildren from 8 to 18 years old living in the city of Moscow.

    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 112 (3rd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Svobody street, 33, office No. 27 (2nd floor)

    Metro station— Skhodnenskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 340 (3rd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Svobody street, 33, office No. 47 (4th floor)

    Metro station— Skhodnenskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 111 (1st floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 339 (3rd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    How to make your life bright and unforgettable. What could be nicer than a gift? And if the gift is a chocolate product, decorated with your own hands with love. Turn on your fantasy, and our masters will help to make it a reality. Create your own chocolate collection!


    Place of employment

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 66 (2nd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 52 (1st floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Place of employment— Moscow, st. Freedom, house 33

    Metro station— Skhodnenskaya


    We all use computers today. But do we all know about them? You can speed up your computer, update (upgrade), create an individual system unit, completely customize the computer for yourself. At the mug, you will make friends with computer hardware and become an expert in buying and repairing equipment among your friends.


    Place of employment— Moscow, Svobody street, 33, office No. 48

    Metro station— Skhodnenskaya


    For more than 100 years, electricity has served mankind. But so far, not all of its properties have been studied, inventors are looking for new ways to obtain energy, trying to transfer it at a distance. Get acquainted with the nature of electricity, learn how to extract it using the simplest materials, store and transmit it, and perhaps it is you who will finish the work of Thomas Edison - teach the world to transmit electricity at a distance without wires or find a new alternative and environmentally friendly source of electrical energy.


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 337 (3rd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    The art of carving ("cutting") fruits and vegetables originated in the Far East, where fresh produce was used and decorations created for the dining table were cut to perfection. This art can become a part of your everyday life too, as simple carvings on fruits and vegetables in daily meals make them more appetizing and bring elegance to the table. The art of carving requires patience, concentration, attention and respect for a natural product. This work is contemplative and creative. The reward is the pleasure, amazement and admiration of all who see the finished design.


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 336 (3rd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Every family has traditions, holidays, birthdays. As a rule, the festive table should be refined and tasty. It is we who will teach you how to make delicious surprises for loved ones with the help of jelly, chocolate, marzipan and mastic. Only here you will learn about the secrets of desserts and create sweet treats with your own hands.


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 66 (2nd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Do you know all the possibilities of your computer, phone, tablet? Do you want to use it at 100%? Tweaking a personal computer will let you know where the additional reserves of memory and speed are hidden. Having mastered the secrets of fine-tuning a PC, you will learn how to purchase or update your equipment for little money, by adjusting two or three parameters to increase its performance, increase battery life. Learn how to rationally use any digital electronic devices.


    Place of employment— Moscow, Svobody street, 33, office No. 48 (4th floor)

    Metro station— Skhodnenskaya


    There is a popular proverb "Bread is the head of everything." This proverb is still relevant today, according to tradition, we meet our dear guests with a loaf! Do you know how bread is baked? Can you bake it? Do you want to learn? Then you to us! You will learn the technology of making bread, pizza, pies, buns and other pastries, you will bake your first products with your own hands and will delight your family and friends with bakery products of your own production.


    Place of employment— Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 112, building 3, office No. 66 (2nd floor)

    Metro station— Tushinskaya


    Today you will not surprise anyone with a computer, it has firmly entered our lives. Everyone tries to service it himself, install programs, expand the memory ... There are instructions, sites where you are prompted to troubleshoot. However, not all problems can be dealt with on your own. We invite you to get acquainted with a specialist who knows computers perfectly and is versed in the technique of any brand. You can learn from him the skill of working with application programs, deal with the internal structure of modern technology, get answers to your questions and become a connoisseur of a personal computer.

The field of technical modeling is extremely wide and varied. With your own hands, with the proper skill, imagination, patience and abilities, you can do a lot. This also applies to various models of aircraft, and ships, and cars, and even robots. But it is always necessary to start somewhere: as you know, Moscow was not built right away, and without basic knowledge it is rather absurd to claim to have created a masterpiece.

Initial technical modeling is the first and one of the most important steps in the activity of a young engineer, designer and inventor who dared to create a new object. First you need to get acquainted with the features and properties of the materials from which layouts and models will be created, then it is important to learn how to process them. Of course, everyone is trained according to the principle "from simple to complex": from the creation of almost primitive objects - sequentially - to improved ones, with internal mechanisms and schemes that, depending on the purpose, can be launched into the sky and put on the water.

Creative laboratories and circles of our city, houses and centers of creativity teach children the initial technical modeling. Experienced and attentive leaders, systematically and progressively preparing schoolchildren, develop in them attentiveness, accuracy, and creative imagination. The guys improve their knowledge in the field of mathematics, physics (the basics of mechanics, electrical engineering are always considered), drawing.

First and second year of NTM: what do children learn?

Lessons in initial technical modeling are varied and broad-based. At the same time, children first need to master simple work techniques, so the first year of training is usually devoted to working with cardboard and paper, templates and simple hand tools. All this is necessary in order to lay the foundation for the further development of children. The second year of study is decisive in many respects. Boys and girls will learn what the main types of equipment are, get acquainted with the technology of making three-dimensional models, and learn to work with more complex tools.

Initial technical creativity. Psychological effect

Modern pedagogical science is trying not only to offer a number of methods, programs and scenarios, but also to comprehend the impact of a particular type of activity on the development of the child - both physical and intellectual, and spiritual and moral. Of particular interest are areas that combine the technical part and the creative. Any model, design or toy made by one's own hands has a huge potential for the child's psychology, gives a powerful internal charge. Direct the child's energy into a creative and technical channel, and the result will not have to wait long. Being engaged in initial technical modeling, the child becomes more confident in himself and his abilities, gains the skill of communicating with peers. The first objects made independently and having a real practical application literally inspire - they give a feeling of joy and an incentive to create further, to learn more and more new laws of physics, mathematics, mechanics, drawing. That is why, with regard to technical creativity, it is important to obtain initial skills and abilities. At this stage, it is necessary not only to strengthen the knowledge of the young techie, but also to captivate the subject.

On the role of drawing tools in NTM circles

Working in the circle of initial technical modeling assumes that the guys will use various drawing tools. Among them - a ruler, square, compasses, drawing board, pencils. Boys and girls learn how to build parallel and perpendicular lines with a ruler and two squares, master working with compasses and meters. Young "techies" will learn what a line, diameter and radius are, how a solid thin line differs from a center (axial) line, expand their knowledge of symmetrical figures, and get acquainted with the concept of scale.

Julia Suvorova
The work program of circle work on design and modeling for older children "Magic Workshop"

"Magic Workshop"

Educator:Suvorova Yu. M.

Explanatory note

There is always something for skillful hands,

If you take a good look around.

We can create a miracle ourselves

With these skillful hands.

Construction (construo - build, create)- a type of productive activity in which the child independently or together with an adult creates a structure from parts, for which he must learn certain methods of action.

The program of the circle "Magic Workshop" is aimed at the formation of cognitive and research activity among preschoolers, the development of constructive skills and abilities, and the development of children's creative abilities. Throughout the entire period of study, children become more familiar with the types and types of construction. The program of the circle includes both technical and artistic design.

In technical design, children display real-life objects. At the same time, they model their main structural and functional features. The technical type of design activity includes: construction from building material (wooden painted or unpainted parts of a geometric shape); construction from parts of designers with different ways of fastening. In artistic design, children, creating images, not only (and not so much) reflect their structure, but express their attitude towards them, convey their character, using color, texture, shape. The artistic type of design includes paper design and design from natural material.

The existence of two types of children's design - creative and technical, each of which has its own characteristics, requires a differentiated approach in managing them.

In terms of preparing children for school, constructive activity is also valuable because it develops the ability to closely connect acquired knowledge with their use, understanding that knowledge is simply necessary for success in activity. Children are convinced that the lack of necessary knowledge about the subject, constructive skills and abilities is the cause of failures in creating a structure, an uneconomical method of its manufacture, and poor quality of the result of the work. In educational situations, constructive activities form important qualities in a preschooler; the ability to listen to the teacher, accept the mental task and find a way to solve it.

The topics of the classes are built taking into account the interests of the pupils, the possibility of their self-expression. In the course of assimilation of the content of the program, the rate of development of special skills and abilities, the level of independence, the ability to work in a team are taken into account. The program allows you to individualize complex work: stronger participants will be interested in a complex design, less prepared, you can offer easier work. At the same time, the educational and developing meaning of the work is preserved. This makes it possible to warn the pupil from fear of difficulties, to join without fear to create and create.

The program provides for 1 lesson per week in the afternoon - Monday / Friday (every other week). The duration of continuous directly educational activities for children 5-6 years old is 20-25 minutes. Implementation period from September to May.

Purpose and objectives of the program

To form in children a steady interest in design and modeling.



To improve the ability to work with various materials for construction, taking into account their properties and expressive possibilities in the design process.

To consolidate the ability to identify, name, classify various three-dimensional geometric bodies and architectural forms that are part of Lego constructors.

To consolidate the ability to use various types of composition to create three-dimensional structures.

To consolidate the ability to create plot constructive images.

To consolidate the ability to compare geometric shapes with each other and objects of the surrounding life.

To consolidate the ability to highlight the image in various geometric bodies.

Improve the ability to use various techniques and techniques in the process of creating a constructive image.

Continue to learn how to draw up a structure according to verbal instructions, descriptions, conditions, diagrams.

Learn to independently transform materials in order to study their properties in the process of creating constructive images.

To consolidate the ability to select adequate ways to connect the details of a constructive image, making them strong and stable.

To consolidate the ability to find a replacement for some parts with others.

Improve the ability to bend paper of different density in different directions.

Learn to work according to ready-made patterns, drawings.


Continue to form a sense of form, plasticity when creating buildings and crafts.

To consolidate the ability to use compositional patterns: scale, proportion, plasticity of volumes, texture, dynamics (statics) in the design process.

Continue to develop visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking, imagination, attention, memory.

Improve your planning skills.

To consolidate and expand the child's vocabulary with special concepts: substitute, structure, etc.


Raise interest in the art of design.

Enhance children's communication skills.

Contribute to the creation of game situations, expand the communication skills of children.

To improve labor skills, to form a culture of work, to teach accuracy, the ability to carefully and economically use material, to keep the workplace in order.

Types of design.

According to the materials used in the design process:

Construction from the constructor (lego)

Waste material construction.

Paper and cardboard construction

Paper plastics;


Volumetric paper and cardboard modeling.

Conditions for the implementation of the program

The work program of the circle is designed for one year of study. Training is carried out taking into account the individual abilities of children, their level of knowledge and skills. In the classroom, children are given opportunities to satisfy their interests by actively including them in creative activities.

The program provides for 1 lesson per week in the evening - Monday / Friday (every other week).

The principles of organizing the work of the circle

1. The principle of consistency and regularity of classes.

2. Availability. The content of the program, topics and teaching methods correspond to the age characteristics of students, their level of development and cognitive abilities, as well as the individual characteristics of the child.

3. Visibility (availability of demonstration material) and accessibility of the submitted material for children of this age category

4. Consistency and sequence of material presentation from "simple to complex".

5. The strength of mastering knowledge, skills and abilities - an accurate definition of the objectives of the classes. Each child imagines what result is expected at the end of the lesson, what knowledge and skills he will acquire, where he can apply them.

6. The principle of even distribution of the load, taking into account the individual capabilities of each child, avoiding overwork.

7. Novelties. For the development of interest, it is necessary to constantly introduce elements of novelty at all stages of the educational process.

A variety of methods and techniques are used to teach children to design and model.

visual: Examination of finished buildings in the classroom, demonstration of fastening methods, methods for selecting parts by size, shape, color, ways to hold them in your hand or on a table.

Information-receptive: Examination of details and material, which involves the connection of various analyzers (visual and tactile) to get acquainted with the form and structure of determining the spatial relationships between them (on, under, left, right. The joint activity of the teacher and the child.

reproductive: Reproduction of knowledge and methods of activity (form: collecting models and designs according to a model, conversation, analogy exercises)

Practical: The use by children in practice of the knowledge gained and the methods of work seen.

Verbal: Brief description and explanation of actions, support and demonstration of samples, different versions of models.

Problem: Statement of the problem and search for a solution. Creative use of ready-made tasks (objects, their independent transformation.

Game: Using the plot of games to organize children's activities, characters to play out the plot.

Partial search: Problem solving with the help of a teacher.

Expected learning outcomes:

As a result of training under this program, it is expected that children will master such knowledge, skills and abilities as:

Mastering non-traditional construction techniques from various materials by children.

Ability to work with different materials.

Ability to follow the teacher's verbal instructions.

Increasing the level of development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Persistent interest and desire in children to experiment, combining different types of materials in the work.

Mastering the culture of work and teamwork skills.

Increasing the level of communication skills, creativity, fantasy, imagination.

Monitoring methods:

regular monitoring during the GCD process

Analysis of products of children's activities

Diagnostic cards (every quarter)

In the process of implementing the program of additional education, the integration of all educational areas is ensured:

Cognitive development: introducing children to various materials for compositions, identifying them by touch; familiarity with design techniques, to cultivate a desire to participate in joint labor activities, respect for materials and tools;

Socio-communicative: solving problem situations, fostering friendly relationships, developing the ability to communicate freely with adults and children, developing the ability to express one's point of view.

Artistic and aesthetic development: poems and stories according to the subject of the lesson, listening to musical works.

Physical development: physical education minutes, the formation of the ability to follow the rules of safe work with the materials and tools used, the development of coherent speech.

Speech development: vocabulary development, grammatical structure formation

Calendar-thematic planning

There are three sections:

1. Construction from the Lego constructor - 11 hours

2. Work with paper and cardboard - 13 hours

3. Work with waste material - 12 hours

Total: 36 hours


1. Diagnostics

2. Diagnostics

3. Introductory lesson: "What is origami" -Office paper, schemes of basic forms.

4. “In a certain kingdom, a paper state ...” - Tinted green paper, scissors, glue.


1. Autumn trees - Paper bags, colored paper, scissors, glue.

2. Mushrooms-Plastic bottles, adhesive tape. Stencils, colored cardboard.

3. Hedgehog - Office tinted paper

4. "Journey to the country - Constructor" Lego "


1. Bridge across the river-Designer-"Lego"

2. Well-Designer-"Lego"

3. Hut on chicken legs-Designer-"Lego"

4. “How a flap twisted into a Stolbushka doll” - Pieces of fabric of different colors and sizes, scissors, strong threads.


1. Birds - Tinted paper, corrugated paper.

2. Pencil with a toy - Cardboard sleeve, hard thread (or thin colored wire, colored paper, scissors, glue.

3. “How we built the estate of Santa Claus - White paper strips, scissors. Rolls of foil, small household molds for frames of "ice" sculptures.

4. Without which there is no carnival and masquerade - Soft loose paper, plastic trays, glue brushes, glue, frame molds, elastic bands.

5. Foam toys - Foam rubber, strong threads, buttons, paints, brushes.


1. Aquarium-Plastic bottles (large, shells, pebbles, colored cardboard, glue, scissors.

2. Goldfish - Plastic bottles (large, shells, pebbles, colored cardboard, glue, scissors.

3. Labyrinth-Designer-"Lego"


1. Truck-Designer-"Lego"

2. Ships are sailing - Constructor - "Lego"

3. Sailor - Disposable tableware, paper, threads, ribbons.

4. Air fleet - Tinted paper, felt-tip pens.


1. “What is a house and a ten-handle in it?” - Pieces of fabric of different colors, strong threads.

2. Chick in the nest - Wire, bast, egg cells, colored paper, glue scissors.

3. Children - Constructor "Lego"

3. Zoo - Constructor - "Lego"

4. Clown - Colored paper, scissors, glue. Wrappers.


1. Flying saucer - Disposable saucer, straws for the boiler, colored paper, glue, scissors.

2. Rocket-Designer-"Lego"

3. Robot - Constructor - "Lego"

4. Pinwheel - tinted paper.

1. Soldier cap-Tinted paper

2. Military equipment-Match boxes, corrugated matches. cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue.

3. Diagnostics

4. Diagnostics

Work with paper and cardboard.

Work in the Origami technique. The traditional technique of folding paper figures, popular in Japan, is of great interest to teachers and parents nowadays. This is due to the unique possibilities of the influence of "origami" on the development of children. Folding figures has a beneficial effect on the development of finger and hand movements, attention, memory, logical thinking, and creative abilities. Classes "Origami" contribute to the education of perseverance, accuracy, independence, purposefulness. In the process of classes and when using the received figures, the teacher can solve many problems of a teaching and educational nature. The folding of the figurines is accompanied by informative stories of various kinds. Creating paper models, the child constantly works with geometric shapes: he starts folding by performing actions on the plane of the original geometric figure - a square (rectangle); in the process of folding in the hands of a child, one geometric figure is transformed into another. Working with geometric figures, children consolidate information about their structure (sides, angles, vertices, aspect ratio, etc., signs of their similarities and differences. In the manufacture of some classic figures, preschoolers learn about some of the customs that exist in Japan. Origami classes are in itself culturological information.When folding the figures, the teacher tells the children information of an ecological nature, especially if these are figures of animals.Classes are accompanied by information about the birds and animals that live in our country.

Paper plastics.

The work is based on the skills that children have, acquired in the appliqué, origami classes: folding paper in different directions, symmetrical, silhouette, contour, multi-layer cutting, gluing, etc.

The perception of the beauty of natural forms through practical activities contributes to the education of children in a caring attitude towards the world around them, the development of the emotional and sensory sphere, artistic and imaginative thinking, and the realization of their creative abilities.

Learning objectives:

Learn different paper handling techniques.

Develop the ability to work with glue, glue parts, attaching one to another;

To teach the basic techniques in the application technique "paper plastic" (breaking, creasing, rolling into a ball);

To teach children the technique of working with scissors: cut paper in various directions: straight, diagonally, cutting corners from squares and rectangles; cut long and short strips.

Learn to make elementary toys - homemade products from bent cardboard: Teaches the elements of paper folding using the Origami technique.

Promote the development of fine motor skills of the hands; develop accuracy and coordination of hand and eye movements; flexibility of hands, rhythm.

Work with waste material.

Practical work with a variety of waste material encourages children to be creative, provides for the development of manual labor skills, design, introduces the methods of working with various tools, teaches them to handle them carefully, promotes the development of coordination of finger movements, develops fine motor skills of fingers, cultivates perseverance and independence. Many of the proposed crafts involve their use in everyday life, and an important point in their manufacture is the strength of the structure. Working with different materials, children get acquainted with their properties, diverse structure, acquire labor skills and abilities, learn to think. Some operations require the application of efforts, the use of the most dangerous tools, especially in the preparatory stage, and the teacher takes on this stage of work.

Lego - construction

LEGO - the designer is widely used in continuous educational activities on design and solves the following tasks: develops thought processes (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, etc.). A sufficiently effective means of activating thinking is designing according to models, diagrams, drawings, plans, samples, and memory.

The use of LEGO contributes to:

1) the development of sensory representations in children, since parts of different shapes are used, painted in primary colors;

2) development and improvement of higher mental functions / memory, attention, thinking, emphasis is placed on the development of such mental processes as analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization

3) training the fingers of the hands, which is very important for the development of fine motor skills of the hand and in the future will help prepare the child's hand for writing;

4) unity of the children's team, the formation of a feeling of sympathy for each other, since children learn to jointly solve problems, distribute roles, and explain to each other the importance of this constructive solution.

Materials, tools, equipment necessary for the implementation of the program:


Waste material (foam rubber, plastic bottles, wire, bottle caps, disposable tableware, etc.)

Cardboard and tinted paper in different colors.

Glue, oilcloths


Templates, stencils

The program of the circle "Technical project"

9 - 11 grade

Explanatory note

One of the fairly new forms of student activity is project work. The idea is that for some time, students independently prepare and defend a project on the proposed topic. This type of activity combines independent individual work of students with work in a group. Thus, each project participant learns to work independently, studying a certain section of the subject, preparing his individual task for defense, and also acquires the skill of working in a small team.

The project can be divided into 4 stages:

1-immersion in the project

2- organization of activities

3- implementation of activities

4- presentation of results

During project work, it is very easy to integrate different subjects, both studied at school and not. This is very good, because the vast majority of schoolchildren can poorly apply knowledge in one subject to the study of another.

It is especially important that each project participant can choose the type of activity that is most interesting to him, which he is best at: it can be working with a computer, searching and selecting material on a topic, drawing, translating texts into a foreign language, and much more. In this case, individual inclinations and the best abilities of each student are taken into account, which means that a situation of success is created for everyone, which undoubtedly increases the motivation for learning. However, there is always work that no one wants to do, in which case the group, after discussion, entrusts this work to someone who, in their opinion, can best do it. In this case, children learn that, if necessary, for the sake of a common cause and themselves, they have to do not very interesting work and understand that it was not in vain, observing the result of common work when defending a project.

Experience shows that, regardless of the type of activity of each individual student in the group, all participants perfectly master the topic on the subject and are able to answer any question on the developed section.

Project work is liked by the participants, despite the fact that it is carried out in non-school, that is, free time, and requires a lot of time.

For the successful implementation of project activities, the work program of the circle "Technical design creativity" has been developed, which realizes the possibility of successful project activities and corresponds to specialization.

Students of grades 9-11 participate in the work of the circle.

The work of the circle lasts throughout the school year. Classes are held weekly for 2 hours a week.

Forms of work: lectures, seminars, brainstorming, individual work of students.

The result of the work of the circle can be:

1. Protection of the project within the framework of the NSTU Technical Olympiad, created for this by the team (spring holidays).

2. Protection of projects on the studied program material (during the academic year).

Ways to check the results: assessment of work by teachers, assessment of work by the NSTU commission, as well as the presentation of design work to lyceum students and educational and research conferences.

Program goal:

creating conditions for:

Social, cultural and professional self-determination,

Creative self-realization of the personality of the student,

Intellectual development of the personality of the student,

Development of personal motivation for knowledge and creativity,

Ensuring the emotional well-being of the student


1. Teaching - learners should be able to

Conduct a selection of material on the topic under study

Analyze and summarize the collected material

Compile a technical task on the topic

Carry out design development of individual objects

Submit project results

Conduct a project defense

2. Developing - students should be able to

Carry out interdisciplinary integration

Engage in self-education on a given topic

Study the latest scientific and technical achievements through the INTERNET

Learn how to work with the latest computer programs, for their use when working on a project

Develop oral and written language

3. Educational - students must learn

Work in a team

Combine individual activities with group work

Topic 1. Preparatory stage of work on the project.

The selection of material in the chosen direction in the form of texts, illustrations, diagrams, diagrams is carried out. The material is prepared for listening in the classroom.

Topic 2. Analysis and specification of the topic.

The selected material is analyzed. In the process of reviewing the prepared material, the topic is specified. The analysis of the selected materials is done. Tasks are set for further work on the project. The work is distributed among the project participants.

Topic 3. Studying the work of the AUTOKAD program.

The principle of the program. Navigation. Basics of use. Practical lessons in drawing.

Topic 4. Studying the work of 3D programs.

Volume graphics. Learning the basics of three-dimensional drawing. Studying the principles of the programs. Practical lessons.

Topic 5. Working with literature.

Bases of the bibliography. The study of conducting a bibliographic search.

Search for materials in the INTERNET. Compilation and registration of the list of literature used in the work.

Topic 6. Project layout.

Learning how to design work. Acquaintance with the requirements for the design of abstracts, printed works, computer presentations.

Formation of work in accordance with the requirements.

Topic 7. Creating a presentation.

Practical lessons. Work on individual parts of the presentation. The layout of the overall presentation.

Topic 8. Preparation of oral defense of the project.

Acquaintance with the general rules of oral speech. Studying the rules for the collective protection of the project (speech, answering questions, participating in the discussion). Creation of individual performances. Creation of the general protection of the project. Working out protection.

Educational and thematic planning


Number of hours

Selection of text material

Selection of illustrative material

Selection of reference material

Preparing material for listening

Listening to prepared material

Analysis of the selected material

Specification of the topic

Distribution of work between project participants

Introduction to AUTOKAD

Navigating the AUTOKAD program

Practical lesson on working with the AUTOKAD program

Practical lesson on working with the AUTOKAD program

Create drawings for a project

Create drawings for a project

3D Graphics

Principles of creating three-dimensional graphic objects

Practical lesson on 3D drawing

Practical lesson on 3D drawing

Practical lesson on 3D drawing

Practical lesson on 3D drawing

Creating drawings for designing a project

Creating drawings for designing a project

Creating drawings for designing a project

Learning the basics of bibliography

Learning the basics of bibliography

Learning the Basics of Bibliographic Search

Practical lesson on bibliographic search in the lyceum library catalog

Search for materials on the INTERNET

Practical lesson on searching for materials on the INTERNET

Compilation of a list of literature used in the work

Making a list of literature used in the work

Practical lesson on compiling a list of literature used in the work

Compilation of a list of literature used in the work on the current project

Acquaintance with the requirements for the design of abstracts

Familiarity with the requirements for the design of printed works

Seminar on project design

Work on the design of the project

Work on the design of the project

Acquaintance with the requirements for the design of computer presentations

Learning to work in the POWERPOINT program

Learning to work in the POWERPOINT program

Practical lesson

Practical lesson

Seminar on the design of the presentation of the project

Creation of presentations for individual parts of the project

Creation of presentations for individual parts of the project

Creating a general presentation of the project

Acquaintance with the general rules of oral speech

Studying the rules of collective protection of the project

Preparation of individual speeches

Preparing answers to possible questions

Preparing to participate in the discussion

Creating a general presentation when defending a project

Practicing a general speech accompanied by a presentation

Preliminary protection of the project

Analysis of the preliminary protection of the project

Refinement of the project protection, taking into account the results of the analysis

Reserve time

In the second pavilion of VDNH, the most unusual “Roboschool” in Russia was opened: one of the teachers here is the android Tespian.

In total, 4 courses are open in the "Roboschool". There is "Robotics", where they introduce the basics of design, modeling and programming, teach how to create smart electronic machines. You can choose the STEAM program (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics), which consists of engineering lessons and experiments. On the Electromechanics course, students will learn to distinguish resistors from transistors, assemble radios and other equipment.

Also in the "Roboschool" industrial design is provided. In the classroom, children not only learn the history of modern design, but also create art objects on their own. The best creations will be in the Hall of Fame "Robostation".

5200 rubles per month

Museum of entertaining sciences "Experimentanium"

An ideal platform for open lessons and interactive classes. We follow the latest trends
in the field of additional education for children. Our educational courses allow you to expand your child's horizons, acquire useful skills and knowledge that open up new perspectives in the modern world. And most importantly, we know how to make the educational process fun and enjoyable for children!

In the new academic year, the "Laboratory" of entertaining sciences opens its doors in our museum, in which children will be able to get acquainted with natural science and technical laws in practice under the guidance of real scientists. We have also prepared an interesting program of popular science lectures from the already beloved cycle “Scientists for Children”. And for fans of designing and programming, admission to Robotics courses and a drone piloting school is already open!

The minimum cost of 1 lesson in the course is 1000 rubles

Open prototyping laboratory "Laba"

The first techno-coworking in Russia is also an educational platform. The Lab provides training in computer programs for drawing and 3D modeling, master classes in 3D printing, 3D scanning, and working with laser machines. By the way, in most cases, "Laba" is designed for adults - people come here to work on 3D printers, plotters, milling machines and other fancy equipment.

For children, the center has about 10 areas, the most interesting of which are shipbuilding, aircraft modeling and robotics. According to the co-founder of Labs, Maxim Pinigin, in techno-coworking you will be able to realize any idea, “from a stool to a satellite.” Regardless of the age of the inventor.

From 5000 rubles per month

Feast of Science

"Celebration of Science" is an interactive and educational program for children from 8 to 13 years old. You can arrange a scientific holiday, a master class, hold a birthday or a whole scientific festival. The goal is to popularize science and show children that all this can be not abstruse and boring, but exciting and interesting. The secrets of film special effects technologies, physical and chemical experiments, entertaining mathematics - children are usually delighted.

In addition to major events and holidays, you can sign up for classes and courses. Now there is an intensive course "Engineering creativity" (for children 9-12 years old), "Electricity for inventors" (for children 9-12 years old) and "Chemistry in the life of children and adolescents" (for children 8-12 years old). The course "Engineering Creativity" will teach children layout and modeling, develop spatial thinking and fine motor skills. On the course about electricity, children will learn how to assemble electrical circuits and even make a real lightsaber. Chemistry is pure joy, reactions and experiments.

From 6900 rubles for 7 lessons

Mathematical circles from the creative laboratory "2×2"

The main value of the creative laboratory "Twice Two" is in its teachers. In the mathematical circles of the center, people who are in love with numbers and formulas work. They manage to infect children with a passion for the exact sciences: the average score of pupils in mathematics at school is 4.58, they often win prizes at city and Russian Olympiads.

In order to study in a circle for free, you need to pass several interviews. Only the most mathematically capable are accepted here.

House of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth (DNTTM)

The branch of the Palace of Children's Creativity on Sparrow Hills boasts a rich set of scientific fields - from robotics and paleontology to astronomy and robotics. There are 11 chemistry circles here alone.

Special attention in the House of Creativity is given to children interested in technology. For example, the center has several courses in radio electronics. In the beginners circle, electronic circuits are soldered and simple electronic devices are created. At the course "Radio Engineering" they study radio-electronic constructions, and at the lessons of "Entertaining Electronics" they learn to read and make simple circuits.

There are free classes

Engineering Center of the Museum of Cosmonautics

Why does an airplane or rocket fly? How does the Universe work, who can go into space, and why do you need a spacesuit? In the engineering center of the Museum of Cosmonautics, you can get answers to thousands of questions. This year, the Space Squad club was opened here, where, in addition to theoretical knowledge, you can pass psychological tests (almost like astronauts!), work out on the SOYUZ-TMA docking simulator and get a test cosmonaut certificate.

And for those who prefer to work on Earth, there is a three-year program of the Vostok design bureau. Future engineers will get acquainted with the basics of electrical engineering, computer programming and 3D modeling, learn how to work on a breadboard, read and draw electrical circuits, and write codes.

From 200 rubles per lesson

Center for Design Creativity
"Start Pro"

The center is called the "children's Skolkovo": one of the best scientific bases in the country is assembled in Start Pro. There are 6 laboratories open here, in which about 60 programs are presented. So, in "Entertaining Mathematics" they learn to solve complex puzzles, in the "LabVIEW Graphical Environment" - to create robots and develop simple applications, and in "Stroymaster" - to work with tools, natural materials and metal.

Yes, and no boring lectures: the teachers of the center know how to simply talk about complex things, turn science into a game, and boring school subjects into exciting quests.

For free

Center for additional education "Young motorist"


This is the most provocative children's center in Moscow: for example, it is allowed to drive motorcycles here from the age of 8! Young riders are taught the basics of motorcycling, are taught how to repair equipment and provide first aid in case of accidents. Both equipment and motorcycles are provided by the center.

In addition, there is an opportunity to learn everything about the structure of the car, learn the rules of the road and even pass an exam on traffic rules.

Although most of all, children respect the practical part of the classes: they put you behind the wheel at the age of 12. Pupils drive go-karts, participate in rallies and win prizes in Russian car competitions.

For free

Club of the young railway worker at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

If your child loves trains, you should take a closer look at the courses at MIIT. In the classroom, children learn the history and structure of railways, study the composition of electric locomotives and wagons, get acquainted with the rules of "railway traffic" and railway professions. Every summer in Kratovo, near Moscow, the students of the club are waiting for an internship on the Small Moscow Railway. The guys can try themselves as a controller and conductor of a passenger car, a track fitter and even a driver.

Bonus: successful graduation from the club entitles you to preferential admission to MIIT, all other things being equal.

7-11 grades

For free

Children's Center for Scientific Discoveries "Innopark"

An ideal format for those who have not yet decided on their preferences. Innopark provides short courses that tell interesting stories about the world of science and technology.

In total, the center has developed 4 programs. So, the course “Everything is on the shelves” affects optics, mechanics, electricity and astronomy. In the classroom, the children will have to make a diffraction grating, create optical illusions, assemble a battery from vegetables and make a moon rover. You can choose one of two courses "Robotics" or "Science in the palm of your hand", where children will get acquainted with physics, biology, chemistry and geography, as well as set up experiments.

From 2700 rubles for 4 lessons

digital home

3D scanners, 3D printers, powerful computers, neurotechnical equipment - "Digital House" resembles an exhibition of modern technology achievements. True, in this “museum” it is allowed to touch any exhibits with your hands.

In the center, you can do robotics - on the basis of Lego Mindstorm EV3, Lego WeDo and Arduino, children assemble both the simplest models and technically complex devices. Another popular area of ​​the Digital Home is 3D design. In practice, children learn to work with the latest machines and even create unique objects themselves.

From 4,000 rubles per month

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