Specialist of secondary vocational education. Secondary vocational education: vocational school, college, technical school

When training young people for working professions, secondary vocational education institutions play a significant role. Oddly enough, in the modern world there is insufficient training of practitioners. The shortage of workers can be compensated by initial vocational training, the level of which increases over time thanks to the use of high technology.

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Key priorities

Refund shortage of workers helps secondary vocational(SPO). Professions of primary vocational education, which were previously considered not prestigious, have become in demand today. This is due to the lack of technical specialists. Primary vocational education institutions that train mid-level personnel are becoming popular, their ratings are constantly increasing. Young people are trained in 280 specialties, and this list is constantly growing with the advent of new technologies.

Where can I get a profession?

Available to applicants educational institutions of primary and advanced levels. What applies to primary vocational education. These are mainly secondary specialized educational institutions (colleges).


  • technical schools, where students receive basic professional knowledge and skills;
  • colleges – offer an advanced level of training, often opening at universities. Training is conducted using in-depth programs; upon completion, students can continue their studies to obtain a higher education;
  • or vocational schools allow you to receive initial vocational education, the educational process here is built according to individual plans.

Upon completion of the secondary vocational education, students receive an NPO diploma with the qualification of “entry-level specialist”. Organizations with in-depth teaching assign the qualification of “junior specialist”.

Modern standards

What is entry level education? As already mentioned, NGOs are provided by lyceums and vocational schools (interpretation: vocational technical school). They are quite in demand: according to the latest data, up to one and a half million people study there. Vocational school graduates receive not only an NPO diploma, but also additional rights:

Upon completion of your studies, you can optionally

  1. Continue studying at a college or technical school according to a shortened program that includes previously studied areas.
  2. Get a secondary education, but first you will have to pass state certification.
  3. Enter university.

Schools provide vocational training, they give a minimum of theory and a maximum of practice, teach working professions.

Advanced standards

Who decided to become competent mid-level specialist in a certain field or production, you must enter a technical school or college. They provide theoretical knowledge combined with some practical training. In Russia there are 2.5 thousand similar establishments, in which they study up to 2.3 million people. Students receive the “specialist” qualification through the introduction of special subjects with in-depth study into the program, the availability of professional practice and the introduction of an additional specialty, which is acquired in parallel with the main one. The level of training is as close as possible to higher education institutions according to criteria such as:

  • number of teaching hours;
  • the presence of a test and examination system;
  • practice of writing term papers and dissertations.

Unlike universities, requirements in colleges are more lenient Therefore, colleges and technical schools are considered the initial stage of higher education. They prepare students for successful entry into their specialty immediately into the second year of university. After graduation, students are given the opportunity to continue their studies at the university according to a shortened program. Graduates enjoy various benefits when entering the university to which their college is affiliated. Advanced students combine their studies with their chosen job (for example, while studying at a medical school they work as a nurse in a clinic). This is a significant plus.


Who has the opportunity to enroll in secondary specialized educational institutions and under what conditions? This right is granted to:

  • applicants who have received incomplete or basic secondary education;
  • persons with primary vocational education. Moreover, this category receives the right to enter without entrance exams.

Before admission, you must provide the admissions committee with a package of documents:

  • originals of certificates of incomplete (complete) secondary education;
  • photo 3 by 4 cm in the amount of 4 pieces;
  • photocopy of passport or birth certificate.

Additional admission conditions:

  • the applicant may be asked to undergo an interview;
  • in the event that there are more applicants for admission than there are available places, testing is carried out in basic school subjects;
  • Many institutions hold a competition for average school certificate scores.

As for colleges and technical schools, admission to them is carried out based on the results of entrance exams, often taking into account the average score of the certificate.

Important! The main condition for the provision of educational services is the presence of a license. Therefore, when entering an educational institution, try to make sure that such a document is available and its validity has not expired.

What benefits are provided?

As in any other educational institutions, when entering a college or vocational school there is list of benefits which applicants can take advantage of:

  • children from other cities receive the right to live in a dormitory;
  • out of competition, children of preferential categories are accepted for training: disabled people, orphans under guardianship and others.

Worth paying attention method of submitting documents. For the convenience of applicants, especially those e Those who live far enough from an educational institution today have the opportunity to submit documents via Internet technologies. To do this, you just need to fill out a form and submit copies of documents. Originals can be brought upon admission.

Features of training

Secondary vocational education can be obtained using the following forms:

  • full-time;
  • correspondence

Diploma of completion of NPO issued after 2–3 years if you entered after completing nine grades, and after 1–3 years if you first received basic education (11 grades at school). The timing also depends on the chosen specialty.

Important! For ninth-graders, the period of study at college and technical school is 3–4 years, and for all others – up to three years.

Advantages of correspondence form

The opinion of many applicants who believe that distance learning entails many unnecessary problems. Quite the contrary, this form of training opens up many opportunities. In addition, it will be possible to study by combining study with work. Many institutions practice online training. It’s quite simple: having received certain tasks and recommendations, you need to complete them and send the answers and completed tasks to the teacher electronically. You will only need to visit the institution during the exam period.

Extramural studies involves first obtaining secondary education. In this case, the student undergoes professional practice throughout the entire course of study: he increases the level of knowledge in his specialty and at the same time gains experience. This is highly valued by employers.

Primary and secondary vocational education

What should modern vocational education be like?


Having become familiar with the information about what initial vocational training is and how NGOs differ from other institutions, it will be much easier for applicants to decide on the implementation of their requests and achieve their goals. If you plan to further study in higher educational institutions, it means priority should be given to college. We advise you to choose educational institutions that are under the patronage of the relevant universities.

Technical professions can be obtained at a lyceum or vocational school. As for humanitarian specialties (accountant or teacher), it is better to choose a college. Which educational institution is more suitable is up to you to decide.

Primary school, five classes of general secondary school and two of complete secondary school. After nine or eight years of study (depending on the number of primary classes) at an educational institution, the graduate receives a certificate of secondary general education. Its second name is incomplete.

Having a certificate, a young person has the right to continue his studies in a general education institution and receive a complete secondary education after completing 11 grades.

If you have the desire and opportunity, you can continue your studies at a vocational school, technical school or college in order to obtain primary or secondary vocational education.

Thus, obtaining secondary vocational education is possible when a person has a certificate of secondary complete or general education, or primary vocational education. At the same time, primary vocational education is provided by lyceums and colleges, which in the past were schools.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained not only in technical schools, but also in the system of higher professional education, if universities have a program of secondary vocational education. This is usually done by separate faculties or colleges at universities and institutes. After graduating from such an institution, graduates are often given the right to enter the third year of the corresponding university.

Now in most regions of the Russian Federation, a schoolchild is required to receive only secondary general education, that is, complete nine grades. But many people understand that with such an education it is very difficult to find a job. You must either enter a secondary specialized educational institution or graduate from high school. But what should a student do if he has difficulties during his studies?


Determine what is causing your learning problems. Sometimes the reason may be poor relationships with individual teachers or unsuitability for a particular person, for example, too high demands in school. In this case, a good opportunity to still obtain a certificate of complete secondary education would be to transfer to. But before you do, learn as much as you can about your new school and keep in mind that even the simpler curriculum requires effort to master. After all, it is important not only to obtain a certain document on education, but also to have the appropriate knowledge for use in further education.

Also, if for some reason you are not satisfied, then you can enroll in a secondary specialized educational institution (SSUZ). They exist in completely different directions. After training in some specialties, the graduate will have the opportunity to receive an education according to a shortened program. Education at a secondary school for those who have completed nine grades of school lasts three years, and the diploma received upon graduation gives the same rights as a regular school certificate - if you want, you can change your specialty and enter any university.

If you received a certificate of secondary general education a long time ago, you work and you do not have the opportunity to return to a regular school or go to a technical school, you can enroll in an evening school to study in the tenth and eleventh grades. The schedule at these educational institutions is designed so that you can combine work and study. At the end of the course, you will receive a full-fledged certificate and will be able to take the Unified State Exam for subsequent admission to a university.

Secondary technical education today is not yet sufficiently popularized in our country, although state policy is aimed precisely at this. And those people who understand that it is not necessary to graduate from a university in order to earn a decent living will have the opportunity to reach professional heights.

Advantages of secondary technical education

Every school graduate is once faced with the question of what profession to choose and where to go to study. Every graduate of a basic school, that is, who has completed 9 grades and successfully passed the State Examination, can receive a secondary technical education. Secondary technical education is received at a technical school. A technical school differs from a college in that the latter involves obtaining specialized secondary education. A diploma of secondary technical education will give you the opportunity to even become a mid-level manager.

When choosing your future profession and educational institution, pay attention to what subjects are included in the curriculum, what the teaching staff is and what certificate of completion you will receive. After graduating from technical school, you will be able to work as a cook, mechanic, train driver, programmer, etc. These are quite worthy and highly paid professions.

Education at the technical school can be completed both full-time and part-time and part-time (evening classes). Part-time and evening courses are possible for those who will enter the technical school after. In general, obtaining secondary technical education after grade 11 will take much less time than after grade 9. To enter a technical school, you will need Unified State Exam results.

Where to apply

Refer to the document “Procedure for Admission to Secondary Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation”. He will help you decide on the parameters for admission, of which there may be several. For example, do you plan to study on a budget or paid basis, what are the entrance tests, what are the entrance exams in this or that technical school, etc.

However, you should know that each technical school sets its own admission rules, which you also need to familiarize yourself with. Start preparing all the documents necessary for admission in advance, as this is a long process.

If we talk about technical schools in Moscow and St. Petersburg, they train highly qualified specialists who are in demand in production. There are still not very many graduates of technical schools compared to those who graduated from universities, so they often find themselves in a more advantageous position than young people with a higher education diploma in their hands. College graduates find employment faster and easier.

Based on 9 grades, you will have to study at a technical school for 3 or 4 years, and after 11 grade - 2 or 3. If you wish, you can subsequently enroll in a university related to your specialty.

On forums dedicated to education, you can often come across the question: What is secondary vocational education? In essence, secondary vocational education (abbreviated SPO) is a “modernized” secondary specialized education that was part of the Soviet education system. With the collapse of the USSR, some technical schools were renamed colleges, more than half of which were annexed to various universities as structural divisions.

According to statistics, at least 20 million specialists officially employed in the Russian Federation have received SPO. Approximately half of these professionals are employed in the service and manufacturing sectors. Another 50% are knowledge workers: mid-level staff of business structures, managers, personnel officers, accountants, auditors, etc.

The modern sphere of vocational education is regulated by the new law on education, which came into force on September 1, 2013. Separately, it should be noted that primary and secondary vocational education are not the same thing.

The procedure for obtaining secondary vocational education

Persons with a level of education not lower than basic (9 grades of a general education school) or secondary general education (11 grades) can be admitted to study in vocational education programs. Secondary vocational education programs, implemented on the basis of 9 grades, include disciplines of secondary general education. The development of such programs is carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal State Standards for secondary vocational and secondary general education and taking into account the professional profile for which students are being prepared for work.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained both in secondary specialized educational institutions (secondary colleges) and at the first educational level of universities.

Types of educational institutions where you can get secondary education:

  1. Colleges. These are colleges that implement basic programs of secondary vocational education at the levels of advanced and basic training.
  2. Schools and technical schools. These are colleges in which training takes place according to the basic programs of primary vocational education, as well as secondary vocational education, but only at the level of basic training.

Admission to budget-funded training in secondary vocational education programs is publicly available to all categories of citizens. However, there are such nuances:

  1. Entrance tests are carried out for applicants if the professions they plan to master require specialists to have certain psychological or physical qualities.
  2. Admission to education of citizens is carried out based on the results of their mastery of various disciplines of the general education program, if the number of people wishing to enroll exceeds the number of budget places available in the secondary school in this area. The level of knowledge of applicants is determined by the grades recorded in the educational documents they provided upon admission. Budget places are awarded to applicants with the highest grades and state exam results.

Additional rules for admitting applicants are annually developed and approved by each individual educational institution independently, but in accordance with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and Federal State Standards.

  1. Procedure for admission of applicants.
  2. The procedure for admission to training on a paid basis.
  3. List of specialties indicating the forms of training for which admission is conducted.
  4. Requirements for the level of education of applicants.
  5. A list of entrance tests indicating the categories of applicants who need to pass these tests, and information on the forms of testing.
  6. Information on the procedure for accepting documents and applications for admission in electronic form. If such a possibility is excluded, this is also indicated.
  7. Admission procedure for citizens with disabilities.
  1. The total number of places for each of the educational programs being implemented, indicating the forms of training.
  2. The number of budget places indicating the forms of training.
  3. The number of budget places in target areas, indicating the forms of training.
  4. Number of paid training places for each profile.
  5. Rules for reviewing and submitting documents to challenge the results of entrance examinations.
  6. Full information about the hostel (if available).
  7. Sample agreement for applicants applying for tuition on a paid basis.

Diploma of secondary vocational education

The format of diplomas of secondary vocational education changes periodically in accordance with orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, while the level of protection against counterfeiting is constantly increasing. Soviet-style diplomas are valid.

Modern rules for issuing diplomas and supplements to them:

So, the answer to the question: “What does secondary vocational education mean” is formulated as follows: “This means that a specialist has in-depth training in his field and can occupy all the main middle-level positions in production, in private companies or in government organizations.”

Secondary specialized education is a type of knowledge acquisition about which opinions differ in modern society. Today we will find out if it is as bad as many people say.

What is this?

First, it’s worth figuring out what kind of education this is. In general, there are many ways to gain knowledge. Already in high school, a choice is made: secondary education and secondary specialized education. But what is it?

Secondary specialized education is the same education that is given to a student after 9th grade at school, up to 11th grade. True, in contrast to general secondary education, this type of educational process has one significant difference - obtaining a diploma. Sometimes he can be very useful. A diploma of secondary specialized education is not just a piece of paper. It's also practice. You can get this type of education at technical schools, colleges and some universities that enroll in secondary vocational education.

An important task here is to obtain a diploma. Secondary vocational education is primarily aimed at obtaining any professional skills that are consolidated in practice. In this way, students gain skills that distinguish them from ordinary schoolchildren. The acquired knowledge, supported by practice, is confirmed by a diploma. Practical orientation is another feature of secondary specialized education.

But why do college graduates receive diplomas rather than certificates? The fact is that secondary vocational education is the industry that trains specialists ready to work in enterprises. We can say that this type of knowledge acquisition is the “step” that invisibly stands between school and university. Upon graduation, a student needs a certificate to enter a university, and a technical school graduate needs a diploma with which he can enter the same university, but he will often be enrolled in the second or third year and will be able to “continue” improving the skills acquired earlier.

Having received a diploma of secondary vocational education, you can, as just mentioned, improve your skills with the help of higher education. In addition, this diploma already gives you the opportunity to work at enterprises and firms in a specific area. For example, a nurse or a mechanic.

What is good"...

So, after 9th grade, every child is given a choice: continue to study at school or go to receive secondary specialized education. Serious disputes and discord in families begin here. Especially in those where the opinions and ideas of children and parents about learning differ.

However, many quite often prefer to leave school to receive a secondary specialized education. It can be full-time (as with students and pupils) or correspondence. Correspondence secondary specialized education is a rather rare phenomenon, since schoolchildren give more preference to the usual “morning” routine.

A rather significant advantage of secondary specialized education is that a person who has received the appropriate diploma also receives knowledge supported in practice. That is, those who study in colleges after school will have at least the most meager practice, which is so necessary when getting a job. And such students will be provided with work, at least for the first time. A child who has completed 11 grades receives a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam and a certificate with which he goes to enter the university.

But in life there are different situations - people do not always manage to enroll in a state-funded place or pay for education on their own. Then the need for work arises. But finding a source of income will not be so easy: everywhere they require work experience, which a student cannot gain anywhere.

So if you want to get at least some experience and the first job in your life, then you can get a secondary specialized education. True, here you will have to “sweat a little” and prove that you are right - many adults, and teenagers too, quite often speak negatively about this method of acquiring knowledge. Let's figure it out - why?

Negative opinions

This is how the world works - everything that deviates from generally accepted stereotypes is considered something bad. The same goes for getting an education. There is an opinion that in order to successfully find a job, a child must complete 11 grades at school, then study at a university, receive a diploma, and only after that will he be given a “place in the sun.” Thus, secondary specialized education receives negative reviews from parents and some children. They say that they don’t teach there, and only “rabble” gathers in schools and colleges.

In fact, this is not entirely true. Yes, in school the educational process is structured somewhat differently - no one will force you to study, but you will have to answer for the consequences during the tests yourself. So this type of education is suitable for any person, but the quality of the knowledge gained depends only on each individual individually. There is no need to say that secondary specialized education exists only for the “weak”. Quite the contrary.

Help for applicants

There are also colleges in every city that actively cooperate with various prestigious universities. And this greatly helps applicants who, after receiving a diploma of secondary specialized education, decide to go to higher education. Why? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, such an applicant will not be deprived of the attention of employers - he will already have some kind of diploma. In addition, it will be supported by significant practice.

Secondly, it will be easier to do. Why? The whole point is that, having received, for example, a secondary specialized technical education, a future student will be able to enroll in a field that suits his diploma. And he will be enrolled not in the first year, but, as a rule, in the third. You will need to study less, you will have practice, upon graduation from the university you will receive a “higher” diploma - and go ahead - you can work and earn your living!

Try yourself

Secondary vocational education is a great way to try yourself in the roles of different workers. Thus, a person gets an excellent opportunity to “try on” various areas of knowledge that he considers suitable, supporting them with practice.

Such actions can protect people from making mistakes in choosing a particular specialty when entering university. You can be a cook, a technician, a mechanic, a manicurist and pedicurist, a hairdresser, a mechanic, a system administrator, sometimes an accountant - if you don’t like it, you can try your luck in another field. Secondary specialized education can often change your outlook on life and on further admission to university.


Today we figured out what the advantages and disadvantages of secondary vocational education are. Thus, it is clear that there is no definite answer to the question - everyone decides for himself what is best for him.

However, if you discard generally accepted stereotypes and study well, you will notice that this type of education is quite good if you pay due attention to it.

education on the basis of basic general, secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, carried out in secondary specialized educational institutions or other educational institutions of secondary vocational education that have the appropriate license, according to basic professional educational programs that meet the requirements established by the State educational standard. It ends with final certification and issuance of a document on secondary vocational education to the graduate. Secondary vocational education of an advanced level is education that is carried out by an appropriately licensed educational institution of secondary vocational education according to the main professional educational program that provides training for mid-level specialists of an advanced level of qualification. Means of teaching and upbringing are material and ideal objects that are involved in the pedagogical process as carriers of information and a tool for the activities of the teacher and students. (G)

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secondary specialized education, a level of education acquired, as a rule, on the basis of complete or incomplete general secondary education in the relevant profession. uch. establishments. Provides the individual with the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to become independent. performing work of a certain complexity, managing primary production units, assisting higher-level specialists. qualifications. For certain specialties S. p.o. - higher qualification step. Feature of S. p.o. consists in mastering a complex of practical will perform skills and abilities on the basis of a fairly broad general education. training (often professionally oriented).

The need for special training of workers cf. qualifications are put forward by processes of labor specialization. Formation of S. p.o. associated with the development and restructuring of the content of both professional and general education. Of particular importance were the activities of urban schools and the establishment of a real direction in general education.

In the 19th century S.p.o. began to be conceptualized as specific. part of the people education, the development of the cut has a significant impact on the state of the economy, military. business, health care, education and other areas of professional activity.

In the conditions of the scientific and technological revolution (from the mid-20th century). S.p.o. has grown into one of the popular areas of prof. education. At the same time, the dynamics of updating technology, the conditions of the prof. activities, etc. places increased demands on the prof. mobility of a specialist, his ability to master new objects and methods of work. For theoretical developments of modern problems and practicalities organizing the process S. p. o. It is typical to consider it in the context of lifelong education. Development of the student’s personality, taking into account individual capabilities in mastering general education. and prof. knowledge is the task of S. p.o. no less significant than the qualification itself. specialist At the same time, the content of S. p.o. is formed in line with the theoretical fundamentalization. component (here the role of university technologies is significant). and improving practical skills and abilities in a specific field of activity. At the same time, in plural countries S. p. o. actually becomes a stage of higher education. As in other branches of education, in the educational system. means more and more. They acquire a specific weight on their own. work and self-education of students, as well as periodic. advanced training and retraining. On the other hand, these circumstances dictate the need for constant communication between organizations, in which specialists are employed, including accountants. institutions for the purpose of promptly adjusting the content and specialties of training. Education authorities are also addressing these issues.

Compliance of the content of education with modern times. and the future requirements of prof. activity is one of the most important ped. and organizational problems S. p.o. It is solved periodically. revision of the school plans and adjustment of specialist training profiles, opening of new specialties and specializations, rationalization of training methods and terms. This takes into account the dynamics of the content of general education. training in schools, as well as the achievements of the practice of prof. education for various levels. When developing the content of S. p.o. the features of the fundamentals are taken into account. contingent of teenage students, often with not fully formed personal and professional characteristics. installations.

In conditions of continuous education, the S. p.o. system. becomes more flexible, taking into account the diverse interests of students, diff. ways of obtaining their education. Conditions are being created for further prof. growth, opportunities for students to enroll are expanding. prof. uch. institutions to universities. In most countries with developed systems, prof. education, the principle of a single level of content of general education is implemented in all types of cf. prof. uch. establishments, special equipment is being improved. and practical preparation. The basis for the formation of the educational system. plans became qualified. characteristics that determine the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in accordance with the requirements of practical education. activities in the workplace (see Qualifications).

State and municipal cf. prof. uch. establishments exist in most countries. In countries with traditionally developed market economies, the private education sector is also widely represented. establishments owned by the department. corporations, firms, etc. In the conditions of a multi-stage system, prof. education training of specialists Wed. The unit is often carried out on the basis of high fur boots and profiled (industry) ones. universities The state influences training programs through the relevant educational institutions. standards, licensing and certification system for academics. establishments. See also Secondary vocational educational institutions.

IN THE USSR. in the 20s priority development was given to ped. and honey S.p.o. Developed system of S. p. o. (it was called secondary special). developed mainly in the 30s; At the same time, special attention was paid to the specialties of prometi, p. farming and transport. Development of teaching plans and programs of prof. training in school institutions was coordinated with the 2nd half. 30s divisions operating as part of higher education management bodies (see Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR). After the creation of the USSR Ministry of Education. (1967). The content of general education was coordinated at the all-Union level. training students at technical schools, colleges, etc. In 1945-90 academic year. plans were revised in the future for the development of households. country complex 6 times; new specialties and specializations were introduced, the introduction of university forms of classes expanded, teaching. work, practice-oriented in nature, acquired a general-prof. and special classes. This made it possible to mainly provide agriculture, healthcare, and cultural sectors with specialists. link

From the beginning 70s Wed specialist. education began to be seen as one of the channels for young people to receive general education. education. An organic combination of general cultural (humanities). and prof. preparation has become, however, means. a problem due to the educational orientation that developed in previous years. establishments on special education. This generally reduced the degree of preparedness of specialists for independent work. work, limited opportunities for continuing education.

At the same time, in conditions of command and administration. management, an extensive increase in the number of specialties and the admission of students to them without sufficient consideration of the real need for specialists in specific profiles has led to serious contradictions in the content of education and the quality of training. Lagged behind in terms of logistics and technology. and educational production facilities, base of technical schools and colleges. OK. 40% of technical school graduates, especially in the mechanical engineering industries, were used in jobs that do not require work. specialist. education. On Eng. positions in various industries employed from 30 to 50% of specialists with avg. specialist. education. System of training of specialists cf. The unit was dispersed between dozens of ministries and government units. departments Ped. teams and school leaders. institutions often found themselves removed from solving educational problems. process.

In Russia Federation in the beginning In the 1990s, especially after the introduction of the Law on Education (1992), regulatory documents were adopted that expanded the possibilities for improving the educational system. In the 1994/95 school year. State introduced education standard avg. prof. education. Revised (1994). classifier of specialties S. p. o. He united 34 kinship groups. specialties (over 250 in total), including new ones profiled by industry “economics and management”, “management”, “marketing”. Specific qualifications assigned within specialties are established by the State. education standard cf. prof. education.

New structure of S. p. o. is implemented along the path of a fundamentally new approach to the construction of constant and variable parts of the curriculum. plan, designed to reflect in prof. and the qualification orientation of the training of future specialists, both the requirements of the federal standard and the interests of the regions, dep. industries and groups of enterprises.

Depending on the nature of the specialization, the list and content of academic subjects taught may change. plan, since it does not affect the federal component of education. Diff. the requirements of the regions and industries of the economy have led to a greater variety of types of media than before. prof. uch. establishments.

The system grew. S.p.o. is being consistently reformed with the aim of humanizing and democratizing it, expanding opportunities for step-by-step training of generalists with professional qualifications. mobility and the ability to quickly adapt to changing operating conditions. In this regard, an obligation is introduced. minimum content of the program, ensuring the equivalence of education throughout the territory. Ross. Federation (the content of compulsory disciplines and types of practical training are standardized by the federal component of the educational standard).

The training of generalist specialists is ensured by deepening the foundations. knowledge, differentiation of training content according to the basics. types or objects of prof. activities. Prof. is strengthening. orientation of general education. preparation, which focuses on the basic component of the general average. education, as well as establishing a rational ratio of theoretical. and practical training; a set of classes contributes to the formation of creative thinking in students and a high performance and work culture. The content of education is formed by ch. arr. based on the activity approach and disclosure in the content of the study. subjects and types of practice of future production and activities. As an important task of S. p. o. The humanitarization of S. p. o. is considered. and deepening the study of worldview problems. character, historical, socio-cultural, environmental. and econ. problems.

Lit.: Secondary special. education in the USSR, M., 1962; D s m in A. F., Petrov B. I., Industrial training in technical schools, M., 1963; Kuzmin B. A., What are technical schools of the USSR, M., 1966; Chuprunov D.I., Mid-level specialists: planning, preparation, use, M., 1984; Structures of technological education and contributing si social factors. ed. by Wilfred Fixhwick, UNESCO, 1988. V. G. Shipunov.

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