Copper silver and gold kingdom summary. Russian folk tale "Copper, Silver and Golden Kingdom

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife, Nastasya, a golden braid, and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.

Once the queen with her mothers and nannies went for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped down, picked up the queen and carried her away to no one knows where. The tsar became sad, twisted, but does not know what to do with him.

Here the princes have grown up, he says to them:
- My dear children, which of you will go to look for your mother?

The two eldest sons got together and drove off. And they are gone, and they are not another, so the third year begins ... Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the priest:
- Let my mother look for me, find out about the older brothers.
- No, - says the king, - you are the only one left with me, do not leave me, old man.

And Ivan Tsarevich replies:
- All the same, if you let me go, I’ll not let me go.
What to do here? The king dismissed him.

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off. I drove and drove ... Soon the tale is telling, but not soon the matter is done.
I reached the glass mountain. There is a high mountain, its top rested against the sky. Under the mountain - two tents are spread out: Peter Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.
- Hello, Ivanushka! Where are you going?
- Look for Mother, catch up with you.
- Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found Mother's trace a long time ago, but we don't stand on that trail. Go try to climb this mountain, but we already have no urine.
We have been standing below for three years, we cannot go upstairs.
- Well, brothers, I'll try.

Ivan Tsarevich climbed up the glass mountain. A crawling step up, ten - head over heels down. He climbs a day, and another climbs. I cut all my hands, my legs were contorted. On the third day I climbed to the top.

He began to shout to the brothers from above:
“I’ll go look for my mother, but you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, and I’ll not be on time, there’s nothing to wait.” And the raven will not bring my bones!

Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked up the mountain. Walked, walked, walked. He sees that the copper palace is standing. At the gate, terrible snakes on copper chains are chained, they breathe fire. And near the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. Snakes are torn to the water, but the chain is short.
Ivan Tsarevich took a ladle, scooped up cold water, gave the snake a drink. The snakes calmed down, lay down. He went to the copper palace. The princess came out to him of the copper kingdom:
- I am Ivan Tsarevich.
- What, Ivan Tsarevich, has come here, hunting or not?
- I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?
“I don’t know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she will tell you.

And she gave him a copper ball.
- Roll the ball, - he says, - he will show you the way to the middle sister. And how you defeat the Whirlwind, don't forget me, poor one.
“Good,” says Ivan Tsarevich. He threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince went after him.

Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate, terrible serpents on silver chains are chained. There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They lay down and let him in. The princess ran out of the silver kingdom.
“Soon it’s three years,” the princess says, “as the mighty Whirlwind keeps me here. I didn’t hear the Russian spirit, I didn’t see it by sight, but now the Russian spirit has come to me on its own. Who are you, good fellow?
- I am Ivan Tsarevich.
- How did you get here: by your hunt or not.
- With my hunt - I'm looking for my own mother. She went to green Garden for a walk, a mighty Whirlwind swooped in, darted her away from no one knows where. Do you know where to find her?
- No, I do not know. And she lives here not far, in the golden kingdom, my elder sister - Elena the Beautiful. Maybe she will tell you. Here's a silver ball.
Roll him in front of you and follow him. Look how you kill Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor one. Ivan Tsarevich rolled the silver ball and went after him.

Whether for a long time or a short time - he sees: the golden palace stands, how the heat burns. Terrible snakes swarm at the gates, chained on golden chains. They are bursting with fire. Near the well, near the well, a golden ladle is chained on gold chains.

Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They settled down, calmed down. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful meets him - the princess of indescribable beauty:
- Who are you, good fellow?
- I am Ivan Tsarevich. I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. Do you know where to find her?
- How not to know? She lives not far from here. Here's a golden ball. Roll it along the road - it will take you where you need it. Look, tsarevich, how you will defeat the Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor, take with you to the free light.
- Well, - he says, - beloved beauty, I will not forget.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed him. He walked, walked and came to such a palace that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen - so it burns with pitched pearls and precious stones. Six-headed snakes hiss at the gates, they scorch with fire, breathe with heat.
The prince gave them drink. They pacified the snakes, let him into the palace. The prince passed by in large chambers. At the farthest I found my mother. She sits on a high throne, dressed in a royal dress, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and cried out:
- Ivanushka, my son! How did you get here?!
- I came for you, my mother.
- Well, son, it will be difficult for you. Great strength at the Whirlwind. Well, yes, I will help you, I will add strength to you. Then she lifted the floorboard and led him into the cellar. There are two tubs of water - one on the right hand, the other on the left.

Nastasya the queen says:
- Drink, Ivanushka, the water that is on the right hand.

Ivan Tsarevich drank.
- Well? Have you gained more strength?
- More, mother. I would now turn the whole palace over with one hand.
- Well, drink some more!

The prince drank still.
- How much, son, now you have strength? - Now I want to - I’ll turn the whole world.
- Here, son, and that's enough. Come on, move these tubs from place to place. The one on the right, take it to the left side, and the one on the right, take it to the right side.

Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs, rearranged them from place to place.
Queen Nastasya says to him:
- In one tub there is strong water, in the other it is powerless. A whirlwind in battle drinks strong water, that's why you can't get along with it.

They returned to the palace.
- Soon the Whirlwind will arrive, - says Queen Nastasya. - You grab him by the club. Don't let it out. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you are with it: it will stand you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind will wash, want to drink strong water, rush to the tub that is on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand ... I just managed to say, suddenly it went dark in the yard, everything around began to shake. Whirlwind flew into the room. Ivantsarevich rushed to him, grabbed his club.
- Who are you? Where did it come from? Whirlwind shouted. - I'll eat you!
- Well, grandma said in two! Either you eat it or you don't. Whirlwind rushed through the window - yes in the skies. Already he wore, wore Ivan Tsarevich ... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of the hands of the club. The whirlwind flew around the whole light. I was worn out, exhausted. I went down and straight into the cellar I ran to the tub that was on my right hand and let me drink water.

And Ivan Tsarevich rushed to the left, he also fell to the tub. Whirlwind drinks - loses strength with every sip. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop a silushka arrives in him. He became a mighty hero. He drew his sharp sword and cut off Whirlwind's head at once.
They shouted behind the voice:
- Cut it again! Rub some more! And it will come to life!
- No, - the prince answers, - the hero's hand does not hit twice, it ends everything from one time. Ivan Tsarevich ran to Nastasya-Tsarina:
- Come on, mother. It's time. The brothers are waiting for us under the mountain. Yes, we must take three princesses along the way. So they set off on a journey. We went for Elena the Beautiful.

She rolled a golden egg, hid the entire golden kingdom in an egg.
- Thank you, - he says, - Ivan Tsarevich, you saved me from the evil Whirlwind. Here's a testicle for you, but if you want - be my betrothed.

Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg, and kissed the princess on the scarlet lips. Then they went for the princess of the silver kingdom, and then for the princess of the copper one. We took with us woven fabrics and came to the place where we had to descend from the mountain. Ivan Tsarevich lowered Nastasya the Tsarina on the canvas, then Helen the Beautiful and her two sisters.
The brothers are standing below, waiting. When they saw their mother, they were delighted. They saw Elena the Beautiful - they froze. We saw two sisters - envied.
- Well, - says Vasily the Tsarevich, - our Ivanushka is young and green ahead of his older brothers. We will take the mother and the princesses, we will take them to the priest, say: they have been obtained by our heroic hands. And let Ivanushka walk alone on the mountain.
“Well,” replies Tsarevich Peter, “you’re talking about it. I will take Elena the Beautiful for myself, you will take the princess of the silver kingdom, and we will surrender the princess of the copper for the general.

Just then Ivan Tsarevich was about to descend from the mountain himself; only began to tie the canvas to the stump, and the older brothers from below took up the canvas, tore from his hands and pulled it out. How will Ivan Tsarevich go down now?
Ivan Tsarevich was left alone on the mountain. He burst into tears and went back. I walked, walked, nowhere is there a soul. Mortal boredom! Ivan Tsarevich began to play with anguish and grief with a whirlwind club.

He just threw the club from hand to hand - suddenly, out of nowhere, Lame and Crooked jumped out.
- What is needed, Ivan Tsarevich! If you order three times, we will fulfill your three orders.

Ivan Tsarevich says:
- I want to eat, Lame and Crooked!

Out of nowhere - the table is set, the best dishes are on the table.
Ivan Tsarevich ate, and again threw the club from hand to hand.
- To rest, - he says, - I want!
I did not have time to pronounce - there was an oak bed, on it a feather bed, a silk blanket. Ivan Tsarevich got enough sleep - for the third time he threw the club. Lame and Crooked jumped out:
- What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you want?
- I want to be in my kingdom-state. He just said - at that very moment Ivan Tsarevich found himself in his state. He became right in the middle of the bazaar. Stands, looks around. He sees: a shoemaker is walking towards him in the bazaar, walking, singing songs, stamping his feet in harmony - such a merry fellow!
The prince and asks:
- Where, little man, are you going?
- Yes, I'm bringing my shoes to sell. I'm a shoemaker.
“Take me as your apprentice.
- Do you know how to sew shoes?
- Yes, I can do anything. Not like shoes, and I'll sew a dress.

They came home, the shoemaker, and said:
- Here's the best product for you. Sew your shoes, I'll see how you can.
- Well, what kind of product is this ?! Rubbish, and more!

At night, when everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg and rolled it along the road. A golden Palace stood in front of him. - site Ivan Tsarevich entered the upper room, took out gold-embroidered shoes from the chest, rolled an egg along the road, hid the golden palace in the egg, put the shoes on the table, went to bed.

In the morning the owner saw the shoes, gasped:
- Such shoes only in the palace to wear!

And at this time in the palace three weddings were being prepared: Peter the Tsarevich took Helen the Beautiful for himself, Vasily Tsarevich took the princess of the silver kingdom, and the princess was given the copper kingdom for the general.
The shoemaker brought his shoes to the palace. As Elena the Beautiful saw the shoes, she immediately understood everything: "You know, Ivan Tsarevich, my betrothed, walks through the kingdom alive and well."

Elena the Beautiful says to the Tsar:
- Let this shoemaker make me a wedding dress by tomorrow without measure, so that it was embroidered with gold, embellished with semi-precious stones, studded with pearls. Otherwise I will not marry Peter Tsarevich. The king called the shoemaker.
“So and so,” he says, “so that tomorrow, Princess Helena the Beautiful, the golden dress will be delivered, or else to the gallows!

The shoemaker walks home unhappy, hanging his gray head.
- Here, - he says to Ivan Tsarevich, - what have you done to me!
- Nothing, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - go to bed! The morning is wiser than the evening.

At night, Ivan Tsarevich took out a wedding dress from the golden kingdom and put it on the table with the shoemaker. In the morning the shoemaker woke up - the dress was on the table, the heat was burning, the whole room was illuminated. The shoemaker grabbed him, ran to the palace, gave it to Elena the Beautiful.

Elena the Beautiful rewarded him and orders:
- See that tomorrow by dawn, at the seventh verst, on the sea there would be a kingdom with a golden palace, so that wonderful trees would grow there and singing birds would sing me in different voices. If you don’t do it, I will order you to be executed with a cruel death.

The shoemaker went home barely alive.
- Here, - he says to Ivan Tsarevich, - what your shoes have done! I will not be alive now.
- Nothing, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - go to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening.

As everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich went the seventh verst, to the seashore. Rolled a golden testicle. A golden kingdom appeared in front of him, in the middle of a golden palace, a bridge stretches seven miles from the golden palace, wonderful trees grow around, songbirds sing in different voices.
Ivan Tsarevich stood on the bridge, hammering carnations into the rail.

Elena the Beautiful saw the palace, ran to the king:
- Look, tsar, what is going on with us!
The king looked and gasped.

And Elena the Beautiful says:
- Tell me, father, to harness the gilded carriage, I will go to the golden palace with Tsarevich Peter to get married. So they drove across the golden bridge. On the bridge, the columns are chiseled, the rings are gilded, And on each column, a dove and a dove are sitting, bowing to each other and saying:
- Do you remember, my dear, who saved you?
- I remember, dove, - Ivan Tsarevich saved.
And Ivan Tsarevich stands near the railing, nailing gold carnations.

Elena the Beautiful shouted in a loud voice:
- Kind people! Hurry up the fast horses. It was not the one who sits next to me that saved me, but the one who saved me, who is at the railings!
She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, put him next to her, took him to the golden palace, and then they played a wedding.

They returned to the king, told him the whole truth. The tsar wanted to execute the eldest sons, but Ivan Tsarevich, in joy, begged them to forgive. They gave the princess of the silver kingdom to Peter Tsarevich, and the copper one to Vasily Tsarevich. There was a feast for the whole world! That's the end of the fairy tale.

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V in a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a king. And he had a wife Nastasya - a golden braid and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.

Once the queen with her mothers and nannies went for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind flew in, picked up the queen and carried her away to no one knows where. The tsar was grieved, he became twisted, he does not know what to do, what to do.

Time passed, the princes grew up, he says to them:

My beloved children, which of you will go to look for your mother?

The two eldest sons got together and went to look for their mother.

A year has passed - they are not there, another year has passed - they are not, now the third year has already begun ... Then the youngest son Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the priest:

Let me go, father, look for my mother, find out about my older brothers.

No, - the king answers him, - you are the only one left with me, do not leave me, old man.

And Ivan Tsarevich says to him:

All the same, if you let me go, you won't let me go.

What was there to do?

The Tsar released his youngest son, Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off.

I drove and drove ... Soon the tale is telling, but not soon the matter is done.

Ivan Tsarevich reached the glass mountain. There is a high mountain, its top rested against the sky. There are two tents under the mountain: Peter Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.

Hello Ivanushka! Where are you going?

Look for our mother, catch up with you.

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found Mother's footprint a long time ago, but we don't stand on that footprint. Go, try to climb this mountain, but we already have no urine. We have been standing below for three years, we cannot go upstairs.

Well, brothers, I'll try to climb this mountain.

Ivan Tsarevich climbed up the glass mountain. He crawls up a step, ten - flies head over heels. And one day he climbs, and another climbs. Ivan Tsarevich cut all his hands, all his legs blemished. On the third day I climbed to the top.

He began to shout to the brothers from above:

I'll go look for my mother, but you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months. And if I’m not on time, there’s nothing to wait. And the raven will not bring my bones!

Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked up the mountain.

Walked, walked, walked. He sees - there is a copper palace.

At the gates of the palace, terrible snakes are chained on copper chains, they breathe fire. And there is a well near the gate. At the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. These snakes are torn to the water, but the chain does not start up, it is short.

Ivan Tsarevich took a ladle, scooped cold water into it, gave it to the snakes to drink. The snakes calmed down here, lay down. Ivan Tsarevich went to the copper palace.

The princess of the copper kingdom came out to meet him:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Tell me, Ivan Tsarevich, did you come here by hunting or unwillingly?

I am looking for my mother, Nastasya the queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she might be?

I don’t know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she can tell you.

And gives him a copper ball.

Roll the ball, - he says, - he will show you the way to my middle sister. And when you defeat the Whirlwind, don't forget about me, poor one.

Good, - Ivan Tsarevich answers her.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the copper ball. The ball rolled, and he followed after him.

Came after the ball to the silver kingdom. At the gates of the palace, terrible snakes are chained on silver chains.

Nearby there is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up a ladle of water, gave it to the snakes to drink. They calmed down, lay down and let him into the palace. The princess of the silver kingdom ran out to meet him.

Soon it will be three years, - says the princess, - as the mighty Whirlwind keeps me here. I didn’t hear the Russian spirit, I didn’t see it, but now the Russian spirit has come to me on its own. Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

How did you get here: whether by your hunt or not.

With my hunt, I am looking for my own mother. She went for a walk into the green garden, then a mighty Whirlwind flew in, darted her away from somewhere unknown. Do you know where I can find her?

No I dont know. And here, not far from the golden kingdom, my elder sister, Elena the Beautiful, lives. Maybe she can tell you something. Here's a silver ball. Roll it in front of you and follow it. Look, when you kill Whirlwind, about me, poor, do not forget.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the silver ball and followed him himself.

How long, how short he walked. He sees that there is a golden palace, the heat itself is burning.

At the gate there are terrible snakes, chained with golden chains. They are bursting with fire. There is a well near the gate. At the well there is a golden ladle chained with gold chains.

Ivan Tsarevich scooped up a ladle of water, gave the serpent a drink. They calmed down, lay down. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace. Helena the Beautiful meets him there - a princess of indescribable beauty:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich. I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. Do you know where I can find her?

How can I not know? She lives not far from here. Here's a golden ball. Roll it along the road - it will bring you where you need it. Look, Ivan Tsarevich, when you defeat Whirlwind, do not forget about me, poor one, take me with you to the free light.

Well, - he replies, - beloved beauty, I will not forget.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed it. He walked, walked and came to such a palace that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen - and it burns with pitched pearls and precious stones.

Six-headed snakes hiss at the gates, breathe heat, scorch fire.

The prince gave them water to drink. They calmed down the snakes, let Tsarevich Ivan into the palace. The prince walked through the large chambers. In the most distant rest I found my mother. She sits on a high throne. In the royal dress decorated, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and cried out:

Ivanushka, my dear son! How did you get here?

I have come for you, my mother.

Well, son, it's hard for you. The Whirlwind possesses great power. Well, do not be sad, I will help you, I will add strength to you.

Then she lifted the floorboard and led him into the cellar. There were two tubs of water, one on the right and one on the left.

Nastasya the queen says:

Drink, Ivanushka, the water that is on the right hand.

Ivan Tsarevich drank.

Well? Have you got more strength?

We've gotten more, mother. Now I would turn the whole palace with one hand.

Come on, drink some more!

The prince drank some more.

How much strength do you have now, son?

Now I want to - I’ll turn the whole world.

Now, son, that's enough. Well, move these tubs from place to place. Take the one on the right to the left side, and take the one on the left to the right.

Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs, rearranged them from place to place.

Queen Nastasya says to him:

There is strong water in one tub, and powerless in the other. A whirlwind in battle drinks strong water, that's why there is no way to cope with it.

They returned to the palace.

Soon the Whirlwind will arrive, - Queen Nastasya tells him. - You grab him by the club. Look, don't let go, hold tight. A whirlwind will rise into the sky - and you are with it: it will carry you over the seas, over deep abysses, over high mountains, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind cleans up, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand ...

As soon as she had time to say this, all of a sudden it darkened in the yard, everything around began to shake. Whirlwind flew into the room. Ivan Tsarevich rushed to him, grabbed the club.

Who are you? Where did it come from? Whirlwind shouted at him. - I'll eat you!

Well, this grandmother said in two more! Either you eat it or you don't.

Whirlwind rushed through the window - yes in the skies. Already he wore Ivan Tsarevich, wore ... And over the seas, and over the mountains, and over deep abysses he wore.

Ivan Tsarevich does not let go of his club. The whirlwind flew around the whole light. I was worn out, exhausted. He went down - and straight into the cellar. I ran to the tub that stood on my right hand and let us drink water from it.

And Ivan Tsarevich rushed to the left, also fell to the tub.

Whirlwind drinks - loses strength with every sip. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop a silushka arrives in him. He became a mighty hero. He pulled out a sharp sword and cut off the head of the Whirlwind at once.

Cut it some more! Cut it some more! And it will come to life!

No, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - the hero's hand does not hit twice, it ends everything from one time.

Ivan Tsarevich ran up to Nastasya the Tsarina:

Let's go home, mother. It's time. Under the mountain, the brothers are waiting for you and me. Yes three princesses must be taken along the road.

So they set off on a journey-road. We went for Elena the Beautiful. She rolled a golden egg, hid the entire golden kingdom in this egg.

Thank you, - he says, - Ivan Tsarevich, you saved me from the evil Whirlwind. Here's a golden egg as a present for you, but if you want - be my betrothed.

Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg, and kissed the princess on the scarlet lips.

Then they went for the princess of the silver kingdom, and then for the princess of the copper one. We took with us the woven canvases and came to the place where it was necessary to descend from the mountain. Ivan Tsarevich lowered Nastasya the Tsarina on the canvas, then Elena the Beautiful and her two sisters.

The brothers are standing downstairs, waiting. When they saw their mother, they were delighted. They saw Elena the Beautiful - they froze. We saw two sisters - envied.

Well, - says Vasily the Tsarevich, - our Ivanushka is still young and green ahead of his older brothers. We will take the mother and the princesses, we will take them to the priest, say: they have been obtained by our heroic hands. And let Ivanushka walk alone on the mountain.

Well, - Peter the Tsarevich answers, - you are talking about the matter. I will take Elena the Beautiful for myself, you will take the princess of the silver kingdom, and we will give the princess of the copper kingdom for the general.

Just then Ivan Tsarevich himself was going to descend from the mountain. Only he began to tie the canvas to the stump, and the older brothers below took hold of the canvas, pulled it out of his hands and pulled it out. How can Ivan Tsarevich go downstairs now?

Ivan Tsarevich was left alone on the mountain. He cried and went back. Walked, walked, nowhere is a living soul to be seen. Mortal boredom! Ivan Tsarevich began to play with grief and melancholy with the Whirlwind Mace.

He had just thrown the club from hand to hand, when suddenly, out of nowhere, Crooked and Lame jumped out.

What do you want, Ivan Tsarevich! If you order three times, we will fulfill your three orders.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

I want to eat, Crooked yes Lame!

Out of nowhere, a set table appeared. The best dishes are on the table.

Ivan Tsarevich ate, and again threw the club from hand to hand.

I want to rest, - he says!

Before he could pronounce, there was an oak bed with a silk blanket and a feather bed on it. Ivan Tsarevich had a good sleep - for the third time he threw his club. Curve and Lame jumped out.

What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you want?

I want to be in my kingdom-state.

Only had time to say - at the same moment Ivan Tsarevich found himself in his kingdom-state. Stands right in the middle of the bazaar. Stands, looks around. He sees: a shoemaker is walking towards him through the bazaar. He walks, sings songs, stomps his feet in harmony - such a merry fellow!

The prince and asks him:

Where are you going, little man?

Yes, I'm bringing my shoes to the market to sell. I'm a shoemaker.

Take me as your apprentice.

Do you know how to sew shoes?

Yes, I can do anything. Not only shoes, but a dress, if necessary, I will sew.

They came to the shoemaker's home, the shoemaker and said to Ivan Tsarevich:

Here's the best product for you. Sew shoes out of it, I'll see what you get.

What kind of product is this ?! Rubbish, not a product!

At night, when everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg and rolled it along the road. A golden palace stood before him. Ivan Tsarevich entered the upper room, took out his shoes, embroidered with gold, from the chest. He rolled the testicle along the road, hid the golden palace in the testicle, put the shoes on the table and went to bed.

In the morning the owner saw the shoes and gasped:

Such shoes should only be worn in the palace!

And at this time in the palace they were preparing for three weddings: Peter the Tsarevich took Helen the Beautiful for himself, Vasily Tsarevich - the princess of the silver kingdom, and the princess of the copper kingdom was given for a general.

The shoemaker brought his shoes to the palace. As Elena the Beautiful shoes saw, she immediately understood everything:

"You know, my betrothed, Ivan Tsarevich, is alive and well, walks around the kingdom."

Then Elena the Beautiful says to the Tsar:

Let this shoemaker make me to tomorrow wedding dress without measurement. Yes, so that it was embroidered with gold, decorated with semi-precious stones, and studded with pearls. Otherwise I will not marry Peter Tsarevich.

The king called the shoemaker to him.

So and so, - he says, - so that by tomorrow the golden dress will be delivered to Princess Elena the Beautiful, otherwise you will go to the gallows!

The shoemaker is walking home, not happy, hanging his gray head.

Here, - he says to Ivan Tsarevich, - what have you done to me!

At night, Ivan Tsarevich from the golden kingdom took out a wedding dress and put it on the table with the shoemaker.

In the morning the shoemaker woke up with a dress on the table. As the heat burns, the whole room lights up.

The shoemaker grabbed him, ran with him to the palace as soon as possible, gave it to Elena the Beautiful.

Elena the Beautiful rewarded him and orders again:

See that by tomorrow's dawn, at the seventh verst, there will be a golden kingdom on the sea with a golden palace. So that wonderful trees grow there and songbirds would sing me in different voices. And if you do not do this, I will order you to execute a cruel death.

The shoemaker went home, barely alive.

Here, - he says to Ivan Tsarevich, - what your shoes have done! I will not be alive now.

Nothing, - Ivan Tsarevich tells him, - do not grieve, go to sleep peacefully! The morning is wiser than the evening.

When everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich went to the seventh verst, to the seashore. Roll the golden egg. A golden kingdom stood before him, a golden palace in the middle. And the bridge stretches seven miles from the golden palace. Wonderful trees grow around, songbirds sing in different voices.

Ivan Tsarevich stood on the bridge, hammering carnations into the rail.

Elena the Beautiful saw this palace, ran to the king:

Look, king, what is going on with us!

The king looked and gasped.

And Elena the Beautiful says to him:

Tell me, father, to harness the gilded carriage, I will go to the golden palace to marry Tsarevich Peter.

They got together and drove across the golden bridge.

On the bridge, the posts are chiseled, the rings are gilded. And on each post a dove and a dove are sitting, bowing to each other and saying:

Do you remember, my dear, who saved you?

I remember, my dear, - Ivan Tsarevich saved me.

And Ivan Tsarevich stands near the railing, nailing gold carnations.

Kind people! Hurry up the fast horses rather. It was not the one who sits next to me that saved me, but the one who saved me, who is at the railings!

Helen took the Beautiful by the hand of Ivan Tsarevich, put him next to her, took him to the golden palace. There they played a wedding. They returned to the king, and the whole truth was told to him.

The tsar wanted to execute the eldest sons, but Ivan Tsarevich begged them to forgive them for joy.

They gave the princess of the silver kingdom to Peter Tsarevich, and the princess of the copper kingdom to Vasily Tsarevich.

And there was a feast for the whole world!

This is the end of the fairy tale. And who was listening well.


In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife, Nastasya, a golden braid, and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.
Once the queen with her mothers and nannies went for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped down, picked up the queen and carried her away to no one knows where. The tsar became sad, twisted, but does not know what to do with him.
Here the princes have grown up, he says to them:
- My dear children, which of you will go to look for your mother?
The two eldest sons got together and drove off. And they are not there, and they are not another, so the third year begins ... Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the priest:
- Let my mother look for me, find out about the older brothers.
- No, - says the king, - you are the only one left with me, do not leave me, old man.
And Ivan Tsarevich replies:
- All the same, if you let me go, I’ll not let me go.
What to do here? The king dismissed him.
Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off. I drove and drove ... Soon the tale is telling, but not soon the matter is done.
I reached the glass mountain. There is a high mountain, its top rested against the sky. Under the mountain - two tents are spread out: Peter Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.
- Hello, Ivanushka! Where are you going?
- Look for Mother, catch up with you.
- Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found Mother's trace a long time ago, but we don't stand on that trail. Go try to climb this mountain, but we already have no urine. We have been standing below for three years, we cannot go upstairs.
- Well, brothers, I'll try.
Ivan Tsarevich climbed up the glass mountain. A crawling step up, ten - head over heels down. He climbs a day, and another climbs. I cut all my hands, my legs were contorted. On the third day I climbed to the top.
He began to shout to the brothers from above:
“I’ll go look for my mother, but you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, and I’ll not be on time, there’s nothing to wait.” And the raven will not bring my bones!
Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked up the mountain. Walked, walked, walked. He sees that the copper palace is standing. At the gate, terrible snakes on copper chains are chained, they breathe fire. And near the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. Snakes are torn to the water, but the chain is short.
Ivan Tsarevich took a ladle, scooped up cold water, gave the snake a drink. The snakes calmed down, lay down. He went to the copper palace. The princess came out to him of the copper kingdom:

- I am Ivan Tsarevich.
- What, Ivan Tsarevich, has come here, hunting or not?
- I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?
“I don’t know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she will tell you.
And she gave him a copper ball.
- Roll the ball, - he says, - he will show you the way to the middle sister. And how you defeat the Whirlwind, don't forget me, poor one.
“Good,” says Ivan Tsarevich. He threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince went after him.
Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate, terrible serpents on silver chains are chained. There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They lay down and let him in. The princess ran out of the silver kingdom.
“Soon it’s three years,” the princess says, “as the mighty Whirlwind keeps me here. I didn’t hear the Russian spirit, I didn’t see it by sight, but now the Russian spirit has come to me on its own. Who are you, good fellow?
- I am Ivan Tsarevich.
- How did you get here: by your hunt or not.
- With my hunt - I'm looking for my own mother. She went for a walk into the green garden, a mighty Whirlwind flew in, swept her away from no one knows where. Do you know where to find her?
- No, I do not know. And she lives here not far, in the golden kingdom, my elder sister - Elena the Beautiful. Maybe she will tell you. Here's a silver ball. Roll him in front of you and follow him. Look how you kill Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor one. Ivan Tsarevich rolled the silver ball and went after him.
Whether for a long time or a short time - he sees: the golden palace stands, how the heat burns. Terrible snakes swarm at the gates, chained on golden chains. They are bursting with fire. Near the well, near the well, a golden ladle is chained on gold chains.
Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They settled down, calmed down. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful meets him - the princess of indescribable beauty:
- Who are you, good fellow?
- I am Ivan Tsarevich. I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife Nastasya - a golden braid and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.

Once the queen with her mothers and nannies went for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped down, picked up the queen and carried her away to no one knows where. The tsar became sad, twisted, but does not know what to do with him.

Here the princes have grown up, he says to them:

My dear children, which of you will go to seek your mother?

The two eldest sons got together and drove off. And they are gone, and they are not another, so the third year begins ... Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the priest:

Let my mother look for me, find out about my older brothers.

No, - says the king, - you are the only one left with me, do not leave me, old man.

And Ivan Tsarevich replies:

All the same, if you let me go, I’ll not let me go.

What to do here? The king dismissed him.

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off. I drove and drove ... Soon the tale is telling, but not soon the matter is done.

I reached the glass mountain. There is a high mountain, its top rested against the sky. Under the mountain - two tents are spread out: Peter Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.

Hello Ivanushka! Where are you going?

Look for mother, catch up with you.

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found Mother's footprint a long time ago, but we don't stand on that footprint. Go try to climb this mountain, but we already have no urine. We have been standing below for three years, we cannot go upstairs.

Well, brothers, I'll try.

Ivan Tsarevich climbed up the glass mountain. A crawling step up, ten - head over heels down. He climbs a day, and another climbs. I cut all my hands, my legs were contorted. On the third day I climbed to the top.

He began to shout to the brothers from above:

I'll go look for my mother, but you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, but I won't be on time, there is nothing to wait. And the raven will not bring my bones!

Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked up the mountain. Walked, walked, walked. He sees that the copper palace is standing. At the gate, terrible snakes on copper chains are chained, they breathe fire. And near the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. Snakes are torn to the water, but the chain is short.

Ivan Tsarevich took a ladle, scooped up cold water, gave the snake a drink. The snakes calmed down, lay down. He went to the copper palace. The princess came out to him of the copper kingdom:

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

What, Ivan Tsarevich, has come here to hunt or unwillingly?

I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?

I don’t know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she will tell you.

And she gave him a copper ball.

Roll the ball, - he says, - he will show you the way to the middle sister. And how you defeat the Whirlwind, don't forget me, poor one.

Good, - says Ivan Tsarevich.

He threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince went after him.

Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate, terrible serpents on silver chains are chained. There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They lay down and let him in. The princess ran out of the silver kingdom.

Soon it’s three years, ”the princess says,“ as the mighty Whirlwind keeps me here. I didn’t hear the Russian spirit, I didn’t see it by sight, but now the Russian spirit has come to me on its own. Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

How did you get here: by your hunt or not?

With my hunt, I am looking for my own mother. She went for a walk into the green garden, a mighty Whirlwind flew in, swept her away from no one knows where. Do you know where to find her?

No, I do not know. And she lives here not far, in the golden kingdom, my elder sister - Elena the Beautiful. Maybe she will tell you. Here's a silver ball. Roll him in front of you and follow him. Look how you kill Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor one.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the silver ball, followed by himself.

Whether for a long time or a short time - he sees: the golden palace stands, how the heat burns. Terrible snakes swarm at the gates, chained on golden chains. They are bursting with fire. Near the well, near the well, a golden ladle is chained on gold chains.

Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They settled down, calmed down. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful meets him - the princess of indescribable beauty:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich. I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. Do you know where to find her?

How not to know? She lives not far from here. Here's a golden ball. Roll it along the road - it will take you where you need it. Look, tsarevich, how you will defeat the Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor, take with you to the free light.

Well, - he says, - beloved beauty, I will not forget.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed it. He walked, walked and came to such a palace that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen - so it burns with pitched pearls and precious stones. Six-headed snakes hiss at the gates, scorch fire, breathe heat.

The prince gave them drink. They pacified the snakes, let him into the palace. The prince passed in large chambers. In the farthest I found my mother. She sits on a high throne, dressed in a royal dress, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and cried out:

Ivanushka, my son! How did you get here?!

I came for you, my mother.

Well, son, it will be difficult for you. The Vortex has great power. Well, yes, I will help you, I will add strength to you.

Then she lifted the floorboard and led him into the cellar. There are two tubs of water - one on the right hand, the other on the left.

Nastasya the queen says:

Drink, Ivanushka, the water that is on the right hand.

Ivan Tsarevich drank.

Well? Have you gained more strength?

More, mother. I would now turn the whole palace over with one hand.

Well, drink some more!

The prince drank still.

How much strength do you have now, son?

Now I want to - I’ll turn the whole world.

Here, son, that's enough. Come on, move these tubs from place to place. The one on the right, take it to the left side, and the one on the right, take it to the right side.

Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs, rearranged them from place to place.

Queen Nastasya says to him:

In one tub there is strong water, in the other it is powerless. A whirlwind in battle drinks strong water, that's why you can't get along with it.

They returned to the palace.

The Whirlwind will arrive soon, ”says Queen Nastasya. - You grab him by the club. Don't let it out. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you are with it: it will stand you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind cleans up, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand ...

I just had time to say it, suddenly it went dark in the yard, everything around began to shake. Whirlwind flew into the room. Ivan Tsarevich rushed to him, grabbed his club.

Who are you? Where did it come from? Whirlwind shouted. - I'll eat you!

Well, grandma said in two! Either you eat it or you don't.

Whirlwind rushed through the window - yes in the skies. Already he wore, wore Ivan Tsarevich ... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of the hands of the club. The whirlwind flew around the whole light. I was worn out, exhausted. I went down and straight into the cellar I ran to the tub that was on my right hand and let me drink water.

And Ivan Tsarevich rushed to the left, he also fell to the tub. Whirlwind drinks - loses strength with every sip. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop a silushka arrives in him. He became a mighty hero. He drew his sharp sword and cut off Whirlwind's head at once.

Rub some more! Rub some more! And it will come to life!

No, - the prince answers, - the hero's hand does not hit twice, it ends everything from one time.

Ivan Tsarevich ran to Nastasya-Tsarina:

Come on, mother. It's time. The brothers are waiting for us under the mountain. Yes, we must take three princesses along the way.

So they set off on a journey. We went for Elena the Beautiful.

She rolled a golden egg, hid the entire golden kingdom in an egg.

Thank you, - he says, - Ivan Tsarevich, you saved me from the evil Whirlwind. Here's a testicle for you, but if you want - be my betrothed.

Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg, and kissed the princess on the scarlet lips.

Then they went for the princess of the silver kingdom, and then for the princess of the copper one. We took with us woven fabrics and came to the place where we had to descend from the mountain. Ivan Tsarevich lowered Nastasya the Tsarina on the canvas, then Elena the Beautiful and her two sisters.

The brothers are standing below, waiting. When they saw their mother, they were delighted. They saw Elena the Beautiful - they froze. We saw two sisters - envied.

Well, - says Vasily Tsarevich, - our Ivanushka is young and green ahead of his older brothers. We will take the mother and the princesses, we will take them to the priest, say: they have been obtained by our heroic hands. And let Ivanushka walk alone on the mountain.

Well, - Peter the Tsarevich answers, - you are talking about the matter. I will take Elena the Beautiful for myself, you will take the princess of the silver kingdom, and we will surrender the princess of the copper for the general.

Just then Ivan Tsarevich was about to descend from the mountain himself; only began to tie the canvas to the stump, and the older brothers from below took up the canvas, tore from his hands and pulled it out. How will Ivan Tsarevich go down now?

Ivan Tsarevich was left alone on the mountain. He cried and went back. I walked, walked, nowhere is there a soul. Mortal boredom! Ivan Tsarevich began to play with anguish and grief with a whirlwind club.

He just threw the club from hand to hand - suddenly, out of nowhere, Lame and Crooked jumped out.

What is needed, Ivan Tsarevich! If you order three times, we will fulfill your three orders.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

I want to eat, Lame and Crooked!

Out of nowhere - the table is set, the best dishes are on the table.

Ivan Tsarevich ate, and again threw the club from hand to hand.

Relax, - he says, - I want!

I did not have time to pronounce - there is an oak bed, on it a feather bed, a silk blanket. Ivan Tsarevich got enough sleep - for the third time he threw the club. Lame and Crooked jumped out:

What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you want?

I want to be in my kingdom-state.

He just said - at that very moment Ivan Tsarevich found himself in his state. He became right in the middle of the bazaar. Stands, looks around. He sees: a shoemaker is walking towards him in the bazaar, walking, singing songs, stamping his feet in tune - such a merry fellow!

The prince and asks:

Where are you going, little man?

Yes, I'm bringing my shoes to sell. I'm a shoemaker.

Take me as your apprentice.

Can you sew shoes?

Yes, I can do anything. Not like shoes, and I'll sew a dress.

They came home, the shoemaker, and said:

Here's the best product for you. Sew your shoes, I'll see how you can.

What kind of product is this ?! Rubbish, and more!

At night, when everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg and rolled it along the road. A golden Palace stood in front of him. Ivan Tsarevich entered the room, took out his shoes, embroidered in gold, from the chest, rolled an egg along the road, hid the golden palace in the egg, put the shoes on the table, went to bed.

In the morning the owner saw the shoes, gasped:

Only wear such shoes in the palace!

And at this time in the palace three weddings were being prepared: Peter the Tsarevich took Helen the Beautiful for himself, Vasily Tsarevich took the princess of the silver kingdom, and the princess was given the copper kingdom for the general.

The shoemaker brought his shoes to the palace. As Elena the Beautiful saw the shoes, she immediately understood everything: "You know, Ivan Tsarevich, my betrothed, walks through the kingdom alive and well."

Elena the Beautiful says to the Tsar:

Let this shoemaker make me a wedding dress without measure by tomorrow night, so that it is embroidered with gold, embellished with precious stones, studded with pearls. Otherwise I will not marry Peter Tsarevich.

The king called the shoemaker.

So and so, - he says, - so that tomorrow to Princess Elena the Beautiful the golden dress would be delivered, or else to the gallows!

The shoemaker walks home unhappy, hanging his gray head.

Here, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - what have you done to me!

Nothing, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - go to bed! The morning is wiser than the evening.

At night, Ivan Tsarevich took out a wedding dress from the golden kingdom and put it on the table with the shoemaker. In the morning the shoemaker woke up - the dress was on the table, the heat was burning, the whole room was illuminated. The shoemaker grabbed him, ran to the palace, gave it to Elena the Beautiful.

Elena the Beautiful rewarded him and orders:

See that tomorrow by dawn, at the seventh verst, a kingdom with a golden palace stood on the sea, that wonderful trees would grow there and singing birds would sing me in different voices. If you don’t do it, I will order you to be executed with a cruel death.

The shoemaker went home barely alive.

Here, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - what your shoes have done! I will not be alive now.

Nothing, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - go to bed. The morning is wiser than the evening.

As everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich went the seventh verst, to the seashore. Rolled a golden testicle. A golden kingdom appeared in front of him, in the middle of a golden palace, a bridge stretches seven miles from the golden palace, wonderful trees grow around, songbirds sing in different voices.

Ivan Tsarevich stood on the bridge, hammering carnations into the rail.

Elena the Beautiful saw the palace, ran to the king:

Look, king, what is going on with us!

The king looked and gasped.

And Elena the Beautiful says:

Tell me, father, to harness the gilded carriage, I will go to the golden palace with Tsarevich Peter to get married.

So they drove across the golden bridge. On the bridge, the columns are chiseled, the rings are gilded, And on each column, a dove and a dove are sitting, bowing to each other and saying:

Do you remember, my dear, who saved you?

I remember, dove, - Ivan Tsarevich saved.

And Ivan Tsarevich stands near the railing, nailing gold carnations.

Kind people! Hurry up the fast horses. It was not the one who sits next to me that saved me, but the one who saved me, who is at the railings!

She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, put him next to her, took him to the golden palace, and then they played a wedding.

They returned to the king, told him the whole truth. The tsar wanted to execute the eldest sons, but Ivan Tsarevich, in joy, begged them to forgive. They gave the princess of the silver kingdom to Peter Tsarevich, and the copper one to Vasily Tsarevich. There was a feast for the whole world! That's the end of the fairy tale.

A + A-

Copper, silver and gold kingdoms - Russian folk tale

The tale of Ivan Tsarevich, who followed the brothers to rescue his mother from the captivity of the Whirlwind. The princesses of the underworld helped him in this. Thanks to the strength of heroic and ingenuity, Ivan defeated the fire-breathing kites and the Whirlwind. He freed his mother, saved the princess ...

Copper, silver and gold kingdoms read

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. He had a wife. Nastasya is a golden braid and three sons: Peter Tsarevich, Vasily Tsarevich and Ivan Tsarevich.

Once the queen with her mothers and nannies went for a walk in the garden. Suddenly a Whirlwind swooped down, picked up the queen and carried her away to no one knows where. The tsar became sad, twisted, but does not know what to do with him.

Here the princes have grown up, he says to them:

My dear children, which of you will go to seek your mother?

The two eldest sons got together and drove off.

And they are not there, and they are not another, so the third year begins ... Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the priest:

Let my mother look for me, find out about my older brothers.

No, - says the king, - you are the only one left with me, do not leave me, old man.

And Ivan Tsarevich replies:

All the same, if you let me go, I’ll not let me go.

What to do here?

The king dismissed him.

Ivan Tsarevich saddled his good horse and set off.

I drove and drove ... Soon the tale is telling, but not soon the matter is done.

I reached the glass mountain. There is a high mountain, its top rested against the sky. Under the mountain - two tents are spread out: Peter Tsarevich and Vasily Tsarevich.

Hello Ivanushka! Where are you going?

Look for mother, catch up with you.

Eh, Ivan Tsarevich, we found Mother's footprint a long time ago, but we don't stand on that footprint. Go try to climb this mountain, but we already have no urine. We have been standing below for three years, we cannot go upstairs.

Well, brothers, I'll try.

Ivan Tsarevich climbed up the glass mountain. A crawling step up, ten - head over heels down. He climbs a day, and another climbs. I cut all my hands, my legs were contorted. On the third day I climbed to the top.

He began to shout to the brothers from above:

I'll go look for my mother, but you stay here, wait for me for three years and three months, but I won't be on time, there is nothing to wait. And the raven will not bring my bones!

Ivan Tsarevich rested a little and walked up the mountain.

Walked, walked, walked. He sees that the copper palace is standing. At the gate, terrible snakes on copper chains are chained, they breathe fire. And near the well, near the well, a copper ladle hangs on a copper chain. Snakes are torn to the water, but the chain is short.

Ivan Tsarevich took a ladle, scooped up cold water, gave the snake a drink. The snakes calmed down, lay down. He went to the copper palace. The princess came out to him of the copper kingdom:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

What, Ivan Tsarevich, has come here to hunt or unwillingly?

I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. The whirlwind dragged her here. Do you know where she is?

I don’t know. But my middle sister lives not far from here, maybe she will tell you.

And she gave him a copper ball.

Roll the ball, - he says, - he will show you the way to the middle sister. And how you defeat the Whirlwind, don't forget me, poor one.

Good, - says Ivan Tsarevich.

He threw a copper ball. The ball rolled, and the prince went after him.

Came to the silver kingdom. At the gate, terrible serpents on silver chains are chained.

There is a well with a silver ladle. Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They lay down and let him in. The princess ran out of the silver kingdom.

Soon it’s three years, ”the princess says,“ as the mighty Whirlwind keeps me here. I didn’t hear the Russian spirit, I didn’t see it by sight, but now the Russian spirit has come to me on its own. Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

How did you get here: by your hunt or not.

With my hunt, I am looking for my own mother. She went for a walk into the green garden, a mighty Whirlwind flew in, swept her away from no one knows where. Do you know where to find her?

No, I do not know. And she lives here not far, in the golden kingdom, my elder sister - Elena the Beautiful. Maybe she will tell you. Here's a silver ball. Roll him in front of you and follow him. Look how you kill Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor one.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the silver ball and went after him.

Whether for a long time or a short time - he sees: the golden palace stands, how the heat burns. Terrible snakes swarm at the gates, chained on golden chains. They are bursting with fire. Near the well, near the well, a golden ladle is chained on gold chains.

Ivan Tsarevich scooped up water, watered the snakes. They settled down, calmed down. Ivan Tsarevich entered the palace; Elena the Beautiful meets him - the princess of indescribable beauty:

Who are you, good fellow?

I am Ivan Tsarevich. I am looking for my mother - Nastasya the queen. Do you know where to find her?

How not to know? She lives not far from here. Here's a golden ball. Roll it along the road - it will take you where you need it. Look, tsarevich, how you will defeat the Whirlwind, do not forget me, poor, take with you to the free light.

Well, - he says, - beloved beauty, I will not forget.

Ivan Tsarevich rolled the ball and followed him. He walked, walked and came to such a palace that he could neither say in a fairy tale nor describe with a pen - and it burns with pitched pearls and precious stones. Six-headed snakes hiss at the gates, they scorch with fire, breathe with heat.

The prince gave them drink. They pacified the snakes, let him into the palace. The prince passed by in large chambers. At the farthest I found my mother. She sits on a high throne, dressed in a royal dress, crowned with a precious crown. She looked at the guest and cried out:

Ivanushka, my son! How did you get here?

I've come for you, my mother.

Well, son, it will be difficult for you. The Vortex has great power. Well, yes, I will help you, I will add strength to you.

Then she lifted the floorboard and led him into the cellar. There are two tubs of water - one on the right hand, the other on the left.

Nastasya the queen says:

Drink, Ivanushka, the water that is on the right hand.

Ivan Tsarevich drank.

Well? Have you gained more strength?

More, mother. Now I would turn the whole palace with one hand.

Well, drink some more!

The prince drank still.

How much strength do you have now, son?

Now I want to - I’ll turn the whole world.

Here, son, that's enough. Come on, move these tubs from place to place. The one on the right, take it to the left side, and the one on the left, take it to the right side.

Ivan Tsarevich took the tubs, rearranged them from place to place.

Queen Nastasya says to him:

In one tub there is strong water, in the other it is powerless. A whirlwind in battle drinks strong water, that's why you can't get along with it.

They returned to the palace.

The Whirlwind will arrive soon, ”says Queen Nastasya. - You grab him by the club. Don't let it out. A whirlwind will soar into the sky - and you are with it: it will stand you over the seas, over high mountains, over deep abysses, and you hold on tightly, do not unclench your hands. Whirlwind cleans up, wants to drink strong water, rushes to the tub that is placed on the right hand, and you drink from the tub that is on the left hand ...

I just had time to say it, suddenly it went dark in the yard, everything around began to shake. Whirlwind flew into the room. Ivan Tsarevich rushed to him, grabbed his club.

Who are you? Where did it come from? Whirlwind shouted. - I'll eat you!

Well, grandma said in two! Either you eat it or you don't.

Whirlwind rushed through the window - yes in the skies. Already he wore, wore Ivan Tsarevich ... And over the mountains, and over the seas, and over deep abysses. The prince does not let go of the hands of the club. The whirlwind flew around the whole light. I was worn out, exhausted.

He went down - and straight into the cellar. I ran to the tub that was on my right hand and let me drink water.

And Ivan Tsarevich rushed to the left, he also fell to the tub.

Whirlwind drinks - loses strength with every sip. Ivan Tsarevich drinks - with every drop a silushka arrives in him. He became a mighty hero. He drew his sharp sword and cut off Whirlwind's head at once.

Rub some more! Rub some more! And it will come to life!

No, - the prince answers, - the hero's hand does not hit twice, it ends everything from one time.

Ivan Tsarevich ran to Nastasya-Tsarina:

Come on, mother. It's time. The brothers are waiting for us under the mountain. Yes, we must take three princesses along the way.

So they set off on a journey. We went for Elena the Beautiful. She rolled a golden egg, hid the entire golden kingdom in an egg.

Thank you, - he says, - Ivan Tsarevich, you saved me from the evil Whirlwind. Here's a testicle for you, but if you want - be my betrothed.

Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg, and kissed the princess on the scarlet lips.

Then they went for the princess of the silver kingdom, and then for the princess of the copper one. We took with us woven fabrics and came to the place where we had to descend from the mountain. Ivan Tsarevich lowered Nastasya the Tsarina on the canvas, then Helen the Beautiful and her two sisters.

The brothers are standing below, waiting. When they saw their mother, they were delighted. They saw Elena the Beautiful - they froze. We saw two sisters - envied.

Well, - says Vasily Tsarevich, - our Ivanushka is young and green ahead of his older brothers. We will take the mother and the princesses, we will take them to the priest, say: they have been obtained by our heroic hands. And let Ivanushka walk alone on the mountain.

Well, - replies Peter-Tsarevich, - you are talking about business. I will take Elena the Beautiful for myself, you will take the princess of the silver kingdom, and we will surrender the princess of the copper for the general.

Just then Ivan Tsarevich was about to descend from the mountain himself; only began to tie the canvas to the stump, and the older brothers from below took up the canvas, tore from his hands and pulled it out. How will Ivan Tsarevich go down now?

Ivan Tsarevich was left alone on the mountain. He burst into tears and went back. I walked, walked, nowhere is there a soul. Mortal boredom! Ivan Tsarevich began to play with anguish and grief with a whirlwind club.

He just threw the club from hand to hand - suddenly, out of nowhere, Lame and Crooked jumped out.

What is needed, Ivan Tsarevich! If you order three times, we will fulfill your three orders.

Ivan Tsarevich says:

I want to eat, Lame and Crooked!

Out of nowhere - the table is set, the best dishes are on the table.

Ivan Tsarevich ate, and again threw the club from hand to hand.

Relax, - he says, - I want!

I did not have time to pronounce - there was an oak bed, on it a feather bed, a silk blanket. Ivan Tsarevich got enough sleep - for the third time he threw the club. Lame and Crooked jumped out.

What, Ivan Tsarevich, do you want?

I want to be in my kingdom-state.

He just said - at that very moment Ivan Tsarevich found himself in his kingdom-state. He became right in the middle of the bazaar. Stands, looks around. He sees: a shoemaker is walking towards him in the bazaar, walking, singing songs, stamping his feet in harmony - such a merry fellow!

The prince and asks:

Where are you going, little man?

Yes, I'm bringing my shoes to sell. I'm a shoemaker.

Take me as your apprentice.

Can you sew shoes?

Yes, I can do anything. Not like shoes, and I'll sew a dress.

They came home, the shoemaker, and said:

Here's the best product for you. Sew your shoes, I'll see how you can.

What kind of product is this ?! Rubbish, and more!

At night, when everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich took the golden egg and rolled it along the road. A golden palace stood in front of him. Ivan Tsarevich entered the room, took out his shoes, embroidered in gold, from the chest, rolled an egg along the road, hid the golden palace in the egg, put the shoes on the table, went to bed.

In the morning the owner saw the shoes, gasped:

Only wear such shoes in the palace!

And at this time in the palace three weddings were being prepared: Peter the Tsarevich took Helen the Beautiful for himself, Vasily Tsarevich took the princess of the silver kingdom, and the princess was given the copper kingdom for the general.

The shoemaker brought his shoes to the palace. As Elena the Beautiful saw the shoes, she immediately understood everything:

"You know, Ivan Tsarevich, my betrothed, walks around the kingdom alive and well."

Elena the Beautiful says to the Tsar:

Let this shoemaker make me a wedding dress without measure by tomorrow night, so that it is embroidered with gold, embellished with precious stones, studded with pearls. Otherwise I will not marry Peter Tsarevich.

The king called the shoemaker.

So and so, - he says, - so that tomorrow to Princess Elena the Beautiful the golden dress would be delivered, or else to the gallows!

The shoemaker walks home unhappy, hanging his gray head.

Here, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - what have you done to me!

At night, Ivan Tsarevich took out a wedding dress from the golden kingdom and put it on the table with the shoemaker.

In the morning the shoemaker woke up - the dress was on the table, the heat was burning, the whole room was illuminated.

The shoemaker grabbed him, ran to the palace, gave it to Elena the Beautiful.

Elena the Beautiful rewarded him and orders:

See that tomorrow, by dawn, at the seventh verst, on the sea there would be a golden kingdom with a golden palace, so that wonderful trees would grow there and singing birds would sing me in different voices. If you don’t do it, I will order you to be executed with a cruel death.

The shoemaker went home barely alive.

Here, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - what your shoes have done! I will not be alive now.

Nothing, - says Ivan Tsarevich, - go to bed! The morning is wiser than the evening.

As everyone fell asleep, Ivan Tsarevich went the seventh verst, to the seashore. Rolled a golden testicle. A golden kingdom appeared in front of him, in the middle of a golden palace, a bridge stretches seven miles from the golden palace, wonderful trees grow around, songbirds sing in different voices.

Ivan Tsarevich stood on the bridge, hammering carnations into the rail.

Elena the Beautiful saw the palace, ran to the king:

Look, king, what is going on with us!

The king looked and gasped.

And Elena the Beautiful says:

Tell me, father, to harness the gilded carriage, I will go to the golden palace with Tsarevich Peter to get married.

So they drove across the golden bridge.

On the bridge, the posts are chiseled, the rings are gilded. And on each post a dove with a dove are sitting, bowing to each other and saying:

Do you remember, my dear, who saved you?

I remember, dove, - Ivan Tsarevich saved.

And Ivan Tsarevich stands near the railing, nailing gold carnations.

Kind people! Hurry up the fast horses. It was not the one who sits next to me that saved me, but the one who saved me, who is at the railings!

She took Ivan Tsarevich by the hand, put him next to her, took him to the golden palace, and then they played a wedding. They returned to the king, told him the whole truth.

The tsar wanted to execute the eldest sons, but Ivan Tsarevich, in joy, begged them to forgive.

They gave the princess of the silver kingdom to Peter Tsarevich, the princess of the copper one to Vasily Tsarevich.

There was a feast for the whole world!

That's the end of the fairy tale.

(Ill. O. Kondakova, Tomsk KI, 1990)

Posted by: Mishkoy 08.12.2017 16:08 24.05.2019

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