Node analysis in the younger group. Sample analysis node

Natalia Prejozynova
Node analysis medium group on "Wild and Pets"

Node analysis



Group: medium group

Amount of children:

Start Node:

Ending Node:

Subject: « Wild and pets»

Visit purpose: Evaluation Efficiency Node

Software content:

Oo "Cognition" - clarify the presentation of children about classification wild animals and domestic animals, form the ability to properly use generalizing words.

Oo "Reading fiction» - To form the ability of children to emotionally perceive the shape of the poetic work. Develop creative imagination, expressive speech.

Oo "Art Creativity" - shape the skill of using a circular nappet.

Software content corresponds to the age and level of development of children in this groups.

For NODs created conditions

All educational areas were realized optimally over time and load, interconnected in meaning.

Equipment, didactic and visual material corresponds to the target of the Node and pedagogical requirements; rationally used during work.

In accordance with the material, methods and techniques of interaction with children: game techniques, techniques to attract the attention of children, techniques to activate thinking, speech, as well as artistic word. Skillfully organized independent practical activities of children, individual work with them.

Successfully used organizing time At the beginning of work, contributed to the focusing of children on topic of work. The entire plot of the Node was built in a plot-game form, in the course of which children actively mastered the techniques of modeling, acquired ideas about life wild and domestic animals, the following social and regulatory characteristics: Emotional responsiveness, curiosity, the ability to listen, act according to the instructions.

The speech is competent, rich in epithets, intonationally expressive, formulations are specific. Also during the work, the teacher controlled the literacy of the speech of children. Pedagogue with great attention listened by the stories of children from personal experience (delicately regulated their abundance and controlled the direction of the conversation).

In the process of work, the teacher has intensified the mental activity of children, led them to generalization, taught to draw conclusions. Successfully formulated questions encouraged children to disclose causal relations in responses.

conclusions: directly Educational activities carried out methodically correctly, the software content was performed, which indicates a high professionalism of the educator - knowledge of the program, goals and objectives for children of its age groups. Node form corresponds "Initially".

Recommendations: To work more emotionality, humor. To achieve full answers from children. Throughout work, take into account the principle of partnership. Provide children with the opportunity to make a choice (place of work, material for modeling and so on.)

Who watched - Methodist, ___

Educator - ___ / ___ /

Evaluation of the organization of Morning Gymnastics


Educator: FROM

Group: Preparatory for school group

Amount of children:



Visit purpose: Efficiency of health technologies

Morning gymnastics was held in the gym. Children and teacher in relevant hygienic requirements and shoes. Music accompaniment (CD record, Music is selected in accordance with the pace of exercise. The number of exercises and the pace of their implementation correspond to the age of children. All exercises were performed with a possession of the teacher throughout the execution of the wrench. Before starting the exercise, the educator gave an explanation of 2 exercises (most difficult). The complex included breathing exercises, the formation of proper posture and foot. Individual work during the gymnastics was present. The duration of the morning gymnastics corresponds to age.

Complex for children is well acquainted. Gymnastics was held at a good level and in a good pace. In the actions of the teacher, clarity and confidence were felt. Explanations and teams were submitted in the form available to children. Conveniently placed equipment, which allowed to take objects without loss of time. The speech is calm, competent, the teams are served in accordance with the technique. The task of morning gymnastics was performed - the children went to group Bodry and satisfied.

Recommendations: Follow the quality of the execution of the engine. In accordance with the method physical education well acquaintance kids preparatory groups Must carry the devices accompanying. It should be followed by saving the children of correct posture.

Who watched - Methodist, ___

Educator - ___ / ___ /


organization of circle activities

in informative - research activities "Want to know everything!"



Group: older group

Amount of children:


Ending Node:

Subject: "Why don't ducks do"

Visit purpose: Evaluation of the level of organization of cognitive development

For mug activities created conditions: hygienic, pedagogical, aesthetic.

Equipment, didactic and visual material corresponds to the objective of work and pedagogical requirements; rationally used during work.

Pedagogue with creating creation direct situation(dropped illustrations on the floor) attracted children's attention to the main topic of work.

Used musical accompaniment, artistic word. The teacher successfully used the play plot, as well as the intonation of the voice, which was put into the mysteriousness of the process and caused interest in children. Throughout the work, the actions were pronounced, included children in a conversation.

A variety of forms of children are used. Children sat in a circle on the chairs, at the table, moved around the space groups, stood during the game and conversations (near the information board).

Also, various educational zones were also involved in the teacher. Thus, having organized the free movement of children and ensuring them to satisfy the need in motion.

Throughout the work, the teacher took into account the principle of partnership position - the free placement of children. Children occupied a convenient position.

Based on the experience of children, organizing communication activities, the teacher in a conversation with the children contributed to the expansion of the horizon, namely, the birds of waterfowl and land, but asking questions, the teacher did traditionally, if the children were difficult, in a hurry to answer them himself.

In the process of conversation and games "Waterfowl and not waterfowl" The teacher consolidated knowledge already available in children.

Children were given information that go beyond the software content of this age, about the birds that live in water, but are not waterfowl.

In the main part of the teacher, organizing cognitive-research activities, provided the opportunity for each child to actively use the cooked material, discuss the actions and the result (feather wet, water rolls).

Didactic games and gaming exerciseswhich included in all parts of the classes.

Children are active. Hear your teacher and alive React to his call. Teacher here is an equal companion for games and general Affairs, and a person who can always suggest something interesting and knows a lot.

Output: The work was carried out in accordance with the tasks set, in accordance with the age characteristics, the content and structure are determined by the topic of work. The teacher knows how to creatively use the abstract, make the necessary changes to the course of work in accordance with the situation that has arisen.

To achieve full answers from children. Do not rush to give answers for children, and create opportunities to find an answer to the question. In order for children made an independent conclusion to provide them with the opportunity to compare.

Svetlana Kokornnova
Sample analysis node

]Sample analysis node

Secure elementary labor

Develop a desire for joint labor

Educate a desire to help adults

Form a positive attitude to work

3. Methods and techniques correspond to software tasks.

The teacher used various methods and techniques of organization of joint educational activities :

Game method (Help grandmother Fedore) Combined with such adhesions as questions, instructions, explanation, showing the method of action, reminder and verbal methods of the conversation, Hood. Words contributed to the creation of an interested, relaxed setting, the establishment of a psychologically comfortable climate, the emergence of the desire to work together, help adults.

Demonstration method (Dishes of the objects) He contributed to the generalization of the ideas of children about the dishes.

The method of demonstrating the method of performing employment actions and independent execution of employment actions allowed children to consolidate practical skills and skills.

4. Lighting, temperature, time, duration of occupation, motor mode and load corresponded to sanctification.

5. As a result of classes:

Children have an elementary skills for elementary work.

Systematic ideas about the dishes and the method of care.

In the process of occupation, the children were active, emotionally responsive, gladly participated in labor and gaming activity.

Pupils independently performed practical labor actions: soapy, rinsed,

rubbed, put the dishes.

6. Building educational Activities based on children, works by K. Ya. Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount", Introduction of a fabulous character, grandmothers Fedora, competent selection of methods and techniques, allowed the teacher to create an original, non-standard occupation.

7. The material of classes was presented to children in the form available to them.

The speech speech is emotional, expressive, accurate, without grammatical errors. The educator was benevolent to the children, skillfully had them to himself, regulated the behavior of children in the process educational activities, supported the interest during the entire classes, used individual work with pupils.

In the process educational Pedagogue activity stimulated children: praised, encouraged, as necessary helped (indicating, explanation).

The educator contributed to the emergence of children desires: Help Grandma Fedore, provide all-in-law career, adults, work together; Receive satisfaction from the results of work.

Publications on the topic:

For parents. Sample appointment of admission to DOU. Director MBOU SOSH P. Priizensky Merzakov L. V. From ___ (F. I. O. Parent, (legal representative).

Abstract Node "Tsarist family as a sample of family traditions" Tsarist family as a sample of family traditions and values. Software content: - Acquaintance of children with members royal family. - Promotion.

Abstract Node to improve sound analysis skills and literacy learning for children with FFN (preparatory group) Software content: 1. To summarize and systematize children gained knowledge about vowels and consonant sounds, syllable words, letters.

Abstract Node in the older group. Mastering the sound analysis of words, clarifying knowledge of children about the elements of the railway transportation A summary of direct educational activities in senior group "Carnation" on the topic: "On a visit to Uncle Fedor" Objective: Mastering the sound.

Culture speech teacher-sample for imitation. Teacher's speech culture - sample to follow. Cultural speech is a mandatory element of human total culture. It is not by chance that it is.

Sample Project Design for Dow Suppliers Project registration for educators DOU Content 1. Introduction ... 2. Project relevance ... 3. Goals, tasks, expected results and products ....

The topic of the Node corresponds to complex - thematic planning main common educational program DOU (PIC), designed with the approximate basic general education program preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, the correctional part of which is based on the system of work in speech therapy group For children S. general underdevelopment Speech N. V. Nishcheva. Based on the topic, the goals are formulated, chosen the maintenance of the Node, taking into account the age characteristics of children and their speech profile.

The goals and objectives are implemented in the integrated form of activity, in a subgroup form. The achievement of the objectives of the Node was carried out through the unity of correctional and educational, correctional and educational and educational tasks.

A summary, from the point of view of well-known ways to develop new techniques, is an application in the new conditions created with elements of modification.

In order to prevent the fatigue of children in a timely manner dynamic pause, which also contributed to the differentiation of the "Fruit" groups - "vegetables" - "berries". During the activities, children were given the opportunity to implement the need for motor activity.

In order to attract and keep the attention of children, the provision of emotionality and interest was used by various methods and techniques (verbal, visual, practical) with a support for various forms of activity (auditory, visual, engine-motor).

In the course, the Node was monitored by the speech of children, they were revealed and in a timely manner in correct form corrected mistakes, taking into account the speech capabilities and features of each child's personality. Node consisted of the following steps:

Organizational moment (entertaining), which is represented by children in the form of a solution " life situation"To involve children in activities;

The main stage consisted of a number didactic games, each of which is aimed at solving certain tasks (the development of a dialogic speech, the improvement of the grammatical system of speech, the development of articulation Praxis, the coordination of speech with the movement, the development of physiological respiration, the development of shallow motility);

The final stage contained the reflection of the activities carried out.

In the structure of the classes, the logical sequence is viewed, the smoothness of the transition from one stage to another. The duration of the Node amounted to 25 minutes, which corresponds to the acting Sainpin for children aged 5 to 6 years.

Node is organized with 6 children. The situation of the speech therapy office in which the node was used is aesthetically framed. Pre-prepared colorful equipment, visual and didactic material High quality required during the NOD process.

The wording of issues motivated children to solve a certain problem, which ensured the activation of cognitive and speech processes.

In order to form motivation and needs to communicate with children offered problem situations. Finding a solution to the problem assumed the use of elements of plot-role games, which allowed children to show independence and creative traits of character. As well as during the plot game, children needed to work on the formation communicative skills, both with peers and familiar adults.

The purpose of the goal and the tasks set during the development are fully implemented, but the degree of mastering the material by children is different, due to the peculiarities of the speech capabilities of children.

Your attention was presented directly educational activities on the FMP, which is compiled in accordance with GEF.

Purpose: Consider counting skills within 5. Improve the experience of the allocation, comparing properties of objects in different signs.


1) train the skill classification of objects, the ability to compare items on various features (length, width, color, shape, size);

2) to actualize the ability of children to relate the number and the number of items within 5;

3) develop attention, memory, connected speech, small motor, form the experience of self-control and identify the cause of the error;

4) to educate cognitive interest and independence, quality of partnership and mutual assistance.

Tasks and types of children's activity are delivered taking into account the integration of educational areas and implemented in the "zone of the nearest development" of children, i.e. With my minimum help.

The implementation and content of the activity corresponds to educational and developing goals and objectives that underlie the educational program of the DOW; The level of development of pupils, their age and individual peculiarities.

I used the following forms of children's organization:

* Group - d / game "Spread up clothes", "Run the machines in order and spread geometric figures", fingering gymnastics "Open the store", dynamic pause "Bus".

* Subgroup of children - exercise "Pass along great and small figures."

* Individual-game "Find your place on the bus", d / game "Spread ribbons in length", "Collect a tea couple".

The structure and content of activity consists of 3 interconnected parts.

The first part is aimed at motivating children, encourage them to activities. In this case, the motive for children served to communicate with adults, the opportunity to get approval, as well as interest in sharing.

The second part was built on the use of the following methods: gaming, verbal, visual, practical, ICT.

Children, as a result of comparison, analyzes independently generalized the result. I, using the minimal principle, tried unnoticed by children to this result; Consider the individual pace of each child, stimulating, thereby, their imagination, memory, thinking and speech. This eliminates the overload, but the performance is not reduced.

In gaming activities, the differences in boys and girls are particularly noticeable, so when performing the exercise "Pass on big and small figures" took into account a gender approach in the education of preschoolers.

I paid special attention to a developing objective environment, its diversity and variability, because It should maximize the possibility and joint communication with children, and their independent activities. I took advantage of the interactive board. She made it possible to make tasks more attractive and exciting, strengthened the motivation of children. Optimization of motor activity made it possible to remove psycho-emotional stress.

The third part is the final. It summarizes the result as a generalizing conversation. I suffered with questions not only to consolidate the knowledge of children about signs of objects, but also continue to develop their communicative skills, the desire to engage in cooperation with adults and peers.

I think that I managed to realize the tasks. Children were happy to fulfill the tasks offered to them, were attentive and initiative. This approach to the conduct of educational activities has a positive effect on cognitive, speech development My pupils.

We bring to your attention the scheme analysis node in dow towards children educational region "Physical education". The scheme developed by teachers of preschool educational institutions Orenburg in basic courses Raising qualifications.

Purpose: Ensuring the choice by each child of motor independent activities under the context-developing environment.


Educational: Rise emotionality, the ability to interact with peers and adults and the ability to manage their behavior.

Developing: Develop physical qualities (dexterity, coordination, jumping, eye and motion accuracy). Develop interest in toys and intellectual abilities with physical education.

Educational: Learn independent (free) motor activity in accordance with its interests, needs and abilities.

Analysis of the teacher's activities:

The educator is well prepared for the conduct of the Node, rationally placed the equipment (shells and simulators for children were located throughout the hall, are available for work on interests).

During the Node, such activities were prevailed: physical, knowledge, game, communicative, labor, musical.

The tutor was used to guide the activities of children:

1. Meetings of setting goals and motivation of children's activities: Show toys, how great you can do physical education!

2. Receptions to activate the activities of children in the process of NOD: Drawing up the word "toy", the game "on a roving track", the game "Who will faster coming forward with his toy!", "Does not happen."

3. Receptions of the organization practical activities Children: Independent training, competition "Who will quickly compete with his toy!" (Champion choices).

4. Maintaining interest in children: musical accompaniment, alternation of activities (drawing up the word, aerobics fabulous heroes, physical exercises).

5. Receptions of assessment and self-assessment: Encouragement, mutual assistance of children, self-analysis of competitive results.

The teacher skillfully regulates the behavior of children throughout the occupation - training, while maintaining the interest and attention of children. It is individually working with children, fixes the earlier skills. Interact with the teacher of the group.

Analysis of children's activities in Node:

1. Activity: manifest independence in working with projectiles. Independence: Do physical exercises independently.

2. Interactions with peers and adults. Appeal for help to adults and agree with the peers about joint work with shells.

3. Acting. Support comrades when performing movements.

4. Emotionality. Surprise moment retained and raised emotional mood. Music support of competitive tasks increased the emotionality of children.

5. Manifestation of volitional effort. Despite the mistakes, they tried to correctly perform tasks.

6. Self-assessment. Children managed to adequately evaluate their own work.


  1. Nod meets the requirements of FGT and age of children.
  2. The goal and tasks assigned to the teacher are fully fulfilled.
  3. Children achieved planned results.

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