Crowd of gonchars Summary in parts. Break

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov

Part one

Two Mr. was sitting in a carelessly rented apartment in St. Petersburg, on one of the big streets. One was about thirty-five, and another forty-five years old.

The first was Boris Pavlovich Paradisk, the second - Ivan Ivanovich Ayanov.

Boris Pavlovich had a living, extremely mobile physiognomy. At first glance, he seemed younger than his years: a big white forehead brightened with freshness, the eyes changed, they light thought up, feeling, greasy, then thought about dreaming, and then seemed young, almost youthful. Sometimes they watched them ripe, wearily, bored and pounded the age of their owner. Even two or three light wrinkles were gathered near the eye, these indelible time and experience signs. Smooth black hair fell on the head and on the ears, and some white hair silver was silver. The cheeks, as well as the forehead, near the eyes and the mouth have retained still young colors, but in the temples and near the chin, the color was sparkling-dark.

In general, it was easy to guess the person of the lifetime, when the struggle of youth was already committed with maturity, when a person moved to the second half of life, when every life experienced, feeling, the disease leaves the trail. Only his mouth kept him, in the elusive game of thin lips and in a smile, young, fresh, sometimes almost childish expression.

Paradine was dressed in a homely sulfur coat, sitting with his legs on the sofa.

Ivan Ivanovich was, on the contrary, in black fruce. White gloves and hat lay near him on the table. His face was distinguished by calm or rather indifferent expectations to everything that could happen around him.

An intelligent look, the grumpy lips, a dark-colored face, beautifully trimmed, with a strong snap, hair on the head and bundles, moderate movements, a restrained speech and an impeccable costume - here is his outdoor portrait.

On his face it was possible to read the late confidence and understanding of others who peeking out of his eyes. "The man lived, knows life and people," the observer will tell about him, and if it does not take him to the category of special, higher natures, then even less to the discharge of Naive natur.

It was a representative of most natives of universal St. Petersburg and together what is called a secular man. He belonged to St. Petersburg and Light, and it would be difficult to imagine somewhere in another city, except in St. Petersburg, and in another sphere, except for the world, that is, the famous Supreme Layer of the Petersburg Population; Although he has a service, and his affairs, but it most often meet in most of the living rooms, in the morning - with visits, on dinners, at the evenings: on the latter always for maps. He is so-so: neither character nor the inactiveness, nor knowledge, neither ignorance, nor conviction nor skepticism.

Ignorance or the lack of belief is clothed in his shape of some light, superficial all-negations: he treated everything carelessly, neither before which he was sincerely inclined, no deeply believing and nothing to do with nothing. A little mocking, skeptical, indifferent and even in intercourse with everyone, not giving anyone by constant and deep friendship, but also not having any persistent admission.

He was born, he studied, grew up and lived to old age in St. Petersburg, not leaving Lakhta and Oranienbaum with one, Toksov and medium slingshot on the other hand. It was reflected in it, like the sun in a drop, the entire Petersburg world, the entire Petersburg practicality, morals, tone, nature, service - this second Petersburg nature, and nothing more.

At any other life, he had no sight, no concepts, except for those and foreign newspapers. Petersburg passions, St. Petersburg view, St. Petersburg annual use of defects and virtues, thoughts, affairs, politicians and even, perhaps, poetry - this is where the life of him rotated, and he did not rummage from this circle, finding him in full to luxury to satisfaction with his nature.

He indifferently watched forty years old, how with each spring they sailed abroad the pairboats stuffed steamboats, went inside of Russia diligeans, subsequently cars; How could the crowds of people "with naive mood" breathe to other air, refresh, look for impressions and entertainment.

He never felt such a need, and did not recognize it in others, but he looked at them, on these others, deceased, indifferent, with a very decent expression in his face and a look, who said: "Let them herself, and I will not go "

He said simply, fluently moving away from the subject to the subject, always knew about everything that was being done in the world, in the world and in the city; She followed the details of the war, if there was a war, found out indifferently about the change of the English or French ministry, read the last speech in Parliament and in the French Chamber of Deputies, always knew about New Piece and about who was killed at night on the Vyborg side. Knew the genealogy, the state of affairs and estates and the scandalous chronicle of every big house of the capital; He knew every minute what was being done in the administration, about changes, enhancements, awards, - knew the gossip of urban - the word, knew his world well.

It was in the morning of him in the world, that is, on the living room, partly to affairs and service, the evening often he began the play, but he was always cards in an English club or from acquaintances, and everyone was familiar to him.

He played to the card without a mistake and had a reputation of a pleasant player, because it was condescended to the mistakes of others, never angry, but looked at a mistake with the same decency as an excellent course. Then he played both big and small, and with large players, and with capricious ladies.

He passed the building well, rubbed about fifteen years in the office, in the positions of the performer of other people's projects. He subtly guessed the thought of the chief, shared his view of the case and cleverly expressed different projects on paper. The boss changed, and with him and a look, and the project: Ayanov worked as smart and deftly and with the new boss, over the new project - and the memorandums of the notes were liked to all the ministers at which he served.

Now he consisted of one of them for special instructions. In the morning he was to him in the office, then to his wife in his living room and really performed some of her assignments, and in the evenings, in the past days, they certainly made a party with whom they would ask. He had a rather major rank and salary - and no matter.

If it is allowed to penetrate into someone else's soul, then in the soul of Ivan Ivanovich there was no darkness, no secrets, nothing in front, and Macbeth Witch would find it difficult to cherish him any more brilliant lot or take away him to whom he marched so consciously And worthy. Rose from Stat to real states, and at the end, for a long-term and useful service and "European chapters", both in the service and in the maps - in secret advisors and quit an anchor in the port, in some unwanted commission or in the committee , With the preservation of salaries, - and there, worry yourself by the human ocean, change the eyelids, fly in the bunch of the fate of the peoples, kingdoms, - everything will fly by him, while the apoplexic or other blow will not stop the current of his life.

Petersburg day will be clone in the evening, and everyone who usually is going after the card table, to this hour begin to bring themselves to the corresponding look. Two buddies are going - Boris Pavlovich Paradisk and Ivan Ivanovich Ayanov - again spend this evening in the house of Pakhotiny, where the owner itself lives, Nikolai Vasilyevich, his two sisters, the old Virgin Anna Vasilyevna and the hope of Vasilyevna, and the young widow, the daughter of Pakhtin, Beauty Sophia Beloveodova, constituting the main interest in this house for Boris Pavlovich.

Ivan Ivanovich - a simple man, without clauses, he goes to Pakhotin only to shut into cards with avid players, old virgins. Another thing is Paradise; He needs to stir sophia, his far relative, turning it out of a cold marble statue into a living man, filled with passions of a woman.

Boris Pavlovich Paradine obsessed with passions: he draws a little bit, he writes a little, musitis, putting strength and passion of the soul in all his classes. But this little - the paradise needs to awaken passion and around to constantly feel herself in the boiling of life, at the point of contact with everything he calls Ayanov: "Life is a novel, and a novel - life." We get acquainted with him at the moment when "Paradise for thirty years old, and he has not sown anything yet, he did not shrink and did not go on any one rut, as they come from the inside of Russia."

Arriving once in St. Petersburg from the generic estate, paradise, accustomed to the little of everything, did not find his calling.

He understood only one thing: the main thing for him is art; What is particularly hurting the soul, causing it to famine passionate fire. In such a mood, Boris Pavlovich goes to the holidays in the estate, which after the death of his parents manage the cousin Tatiana Markovna Berezhkova, Old Virgo, who, in time immemorial, the parents were not allowed to marry the elect, Nikonovich Vatutina Tita. He remained a bachelor and he rides all his life to Tatiana Markovna, never forgetting gifts for her and two relative girls whom she brings up - orphans and Marthenics.

Malinovka, the estate of the paradise, a blessed corner in which the place is located all over the eyes. Only here is the terrible breakdown, which the garden ends, scares the inhabitants of the house: according to legend, at the bottom of him in distant times, "he killed his wife and rival for the wrongness, and immediately killed himself, one jealous husband, a tailor from the city. Suicide here and buried, at the scene of the crime. "

Tatyana Markovna happily met the grandson who came to her vacation - he tried to introduce him to the course of the case, show the farm, to pretten to him, but Boris Pavlovich remained indifferent to the economy, and to the necessary visits. Only poetic impressions could be touched upon him, and they did not bind to neither a thunderstorm of the city, Nil Andreyevich, who certainly wanted to present his grandmother, nor with a provincial coquette of Milina Karpovna Critok, nor with a lobby family of older milk, like a philecle and bavkah lived Inseparable ...

Vacation flew, and Paradine returned to Petersburg. Here, at the university, he became close to Leonatius Kozlov, the son of Dyakon, "scored poverty and timidity". It is not clear that it could bring so different young people: a young man who dreams of becoming a teacher somewhere in a distant Russian corner, and a rolling poet, an artist, obsessed with the passions of a romantic young man. However, they became truly close to each other.

But the university life ended, Leonthy went to the province, and the paradise never can find a real case in life, continuing to dilettifying. And his Whiteramor Cousin Sophia Everything seems to be Boris Pavlovich the most important goal in life: awaken the fire in it, make it feel that a "thunderstorm of life", write a novel about her, draw her portrait ... He holds all evenings from Pakhto, preaching Sofa Truthfulness Life. In one of these evenings, Father Sofia, Nikolai Vasilyevich, leads to the house of Count Milari, "Excellent musician and a courtesy young man."

Returning home at that memorable evening, Boris Pavlovich can not find a place: he is peering into the portrait of Sophia, it rereads the once essay about a young woman in which he managed to awaken the passion and bring it even to the "fall" - alas Natasha is no longer alive, and in the pages written it and the genuine feeling was not imprinted. "The episode applied to the memory introduced himself to him a stranger event."

Meanwhile, the summer came, Paradine received a letter from Tatiana Markovna, in which she called the grandson in the blessed Malinovka, came a letter and from Leonty Kozlov, who had inhabited from the birth of the paradise. "This fate sends me ..." - Boris Pavlovich decided, missing the passion in Sophie Belovodova. In addition, there was a small confusion - Paradine decided to show the portrait of Sophia Ayanov written by him, and he, looking at the work of Boris Pavlovich, made his sentence: "She's as if drunk." I did not appreciate the portrait of the artist Semen Semenovich Kirilov, myself, Sophia found that the paradise I poles her - she is not so ...

The first face that the paradise meets in the manor is the young charming girl who does not notice him busy by feeding a poultry. All the appearance breathes it with such a freshness, purity, the grace that the paradise understands - here in Malinovka, it is destined to find him the beauty, in search of which he dismissed in Cold St. Petersburg.

Gray Tatyana Markovna is happily met, Marfenka (she turned out to be the most girlfriend), servants. Only Kuzina Vera is at the Volga, Popy's Volga. And again, the grandmother tries to captivate Paradise economic troubles that are still not interested in Boris Pavlovich - he is ready to give the estate of faith and Marthenka, which causes the anger of Tatiana Markovna ...

In Malinovka, despite the joyful troubles associated with the arrival of the paradise, there is an everyday life: the servant Savely is designed to give a report to the emergence of the landowner, Leonte Kozlov teaches children.

But here is a surprise: Kozlov turned out to be married, yes on com! On the Ulena, the flirty daughter "Economa of some kind of state institution in Moscow", where they held a table for arriving students. All of them were gradually in love then in Ulena, one goats did not notice her profile of cameo, but it was for him in the end and went to the far corner of Russia, on the Volga. Different rumors go about her in the city, Uleka warns the paradise that he can hear, and in advance asks for nothing to believe - obviously in the hope that he is, Boris Pavlovich, will not remain indifferent to its pretabs ...

Returning home, the paradise finds a complete estate of guests - Tit Nikonovich, Polina Karpovna, and all the estates went on the induced owner of the manor, Babushkina pride. And many sent congratulations on arrival. And rolled along a nailed rustic rustic life with all its charms and joys. Paradine gets acquainted with the surrounding area, delivers people close to him. The yard find out their relationship, and the paradist becomes a witness to the wild jealousy of Savelia to the wrong marina wife, trusted servants of faith. That's where true passions boil! ..

And Polina Karpovna Kritskaya? So who would be willingly succumb to the preaching of the paradise, come into his head to captivate this aging coquetka! It literally climbs out of the skin to attract his attention, and then take the news all over the town that Boris Pavlovich could not stand it before her. But Paradine is horrified by the stuffed on the love of Baryni.

Quietly, the days in Malinovka deceased. Only here Vera does not return from the Poplay; Boris Pavlovich is not losing the same time - he is trying to "form" Martha, finding out the sly of her tastes and addiction in the literature, painting, to start awakening genuine life in it. Sometimes he comes to the house of Kozlov. And once meets there with Mark Volokhov: "Fifteenth grade, consisting of a police supervision official, an unwitting center of a citizen," as he is recommended.

Mark seems like a paradise man fun - he has already managed to hear a lot of horror about him from the grandmother, but now, having become acquainted, invites you to dinner. Their improvised dinner with an indemnity in the room Boris Pavlovich wakes up the fear of Tatiana Markovna, and it comes to the horror of the presence in the house of this man who asleep as a dog, - without a pillow, curled up by the village.

Mark Volokhov also considers his duty to awaken people - only, unlike the paradise, not a specific woman from sleeping soul to the thunderstorm of life, and abstract people - to the alarms, dangers, reading prohibited books. He does not think to hide his simple and cynical philosophy, which almost all comes down to his personal benefit, and even in his own way charming in such a children's openness. And the paradise is fond of Mark - his nebula, his mystery, but it is at this moment that the long-awaited faith is coming back due to the Volga.

It turns out to be at all what I was expected to see her Boris Pavlovich, - a closed, not going to the frank recognition and conversations, with his little and big secrets, riddles. Paradisk understands how much it is necessary to solve his cousin, to know her hidden life, in the existence of which he does not doubt either a moment ...

And gradually the Wild Savely awakens in the sophisticated paradise: as this yard is watching his wife, Marina and the paradise, "I knew any minute where she was doing. In general, his ability, directed to one, who occupies his subject, was sophisticated to an incredible subtlety, and now, in this silent observation of faith, they reached the degree of clairvoyance. "

Meanwhile, Tatiana Markovna's grandmother dreams of marrying Boris Pavlovich on the daughter of the flawman, so that he is already ass in his native edges. Paradise refuses from such a honor - so much around the mysterious, what needs to be unraveling, and he suddenly hit the grandmother's will in such a prose! .. Moreover, the events around Boris Pavlovich, indeed, unfolds a lot. The young man of Vikentyev appears, and the paradise instantly turns the beginning of his novel with Marta, their mutual attraction. Faith still kills the paradise with his indifference, Mark Volokhov disappeared somewhere, and Boris Pavlovich goes to search for him. However, this time and Mark is not able to entertain Boris Pavlovich - he all hints at what he knows about the attitude of the paradise to faith, about her indifference and fruitless attempts of the capital's cousin to awaken in the provincial soul. Finally, the faith itself is not withstands: she resolutely asks Paradise not to spy through her everywhere, leave her alone. The conversation ends as if reconciliation: now Paradise and faith can calmly and seriously talk about books, about people, about understanding life by each of them. But the paradise of this little ...

Tatiana Markovna Berezhkova nevertheless insisted on his own, and one day, all the city society is called in Malinovka for a solemn lunch in honor of Boris Pavlovich. But the pleasing acquaintance does not succeed - the scandal flashes in the house, Boris Pavlovich openly speaks to the Maid Nile Andreevich Tychkov, everything that he thinks about him, and Tatyana Markovna herself is unexpected for himself on the side of the grandson: "I swelled from pride, and pride - drunk vice , burst. Sat, stand up and worship: Before you there is Tatyana Markovna Berezhkova! " Tychkov with a shame is expelled from Malinovka, and the conquered honesty of the paradise faith first kisses him. But this kiss, alas, does not mean, and Paradisk is going to return to Petersburg, to a familiar life, the usual surrounding.

True, neither the faith, neither Mark Volokhov, and the paradise itself cannot leave him, can not leave him, feeling around the movement of life inaccessible to him. Moreover, faith again leaves for the Volga to her friend.

In her absence, Paradise is trying to find out from Tatiana Markovna: what for the person faith, what exactly is the features of her character. And he learns that the grandmother considers himself unusually close to faith, loves her with a deep, respectful, compassionate, seeing in her some sense his own repetition. From her, the paradis learns about a person who does not know, "how to start, how to wander" to faith. This is a forestry Ivan Ivanovich Tushin.

Not knowing how to get rid of thoughts about faith, Boris Pavlovich gives Critic to take himself to her house, from there he goes to Kozlov, where his arms with open arms meets. And the paradise was not resistant to its charms ...

In the thunderstorm night, faith brings tushin on his horses - finally the paradise appears the opportunity to see a person who told him Tatiana Markovna. And again he is obsessed with jealousy and is going to St. Petersburg. And again it remains, unable to leave, without solving the secret of faith.

Paradise, even Tatiana Markovna can be alarmed by constant thoughts and reasoning that faith in love, and grandmother thinks the experiment: family reading of an outcuting book about Cunigunde, in love against the will of parents and ending with their days in the monastery. The effect turns out to be completely unexpected: the faith remains indifferent and hardly falls asleep over the book, and Marthenka and Vikentyev, thanks to the edification of the novel, are explained in love for nightingale singing. The mother of Vikentyev, Mary Egorovna comes to Malinovka, - there is official walling and collusion. Marfenka becomes a bride.

And faith? .. Her chosen one is Mark Volokhov. It goes to him on a date in a breakdown, where the jealous suicide is buried, it dreams of calling her husband, alone first in his image and likeness. Faith and brand shares too much: all the concepts of morality, good, decency, but faith hopes to incline their chosen to the fact that there is a right thing in the "old truth". Love and honor for her are not empty words. Their love is more like a fight of two convictions, two truths, but in this fight the characters of the brand and faith are more and more clearly.

Paradise still does not know about who elected his cousin. He is still immersed in the riddle, still gloomy looks at the surrounding. And the town of the Town Meanwhile is shocked by the flight of a good reason from Kozlov with a teacher Monsiery Charl. Despair Leonthy is infinitely, Paradis together with Mark is trying to bring Kozlov to feeling.

Yes, passions are truly boiled around Boris Pavlovich! I have already received a letter from Ayanov from St. Petersburg, in which the old buddy talks about Sophia's novel with Count Milari - in a strict concept what happened between them - no novel, but the light regarded a certain "false step" of Beloveodova as a compromising her, And so the relationship of the house of plowing with the graph ended.

A letter that could quite recently hurt the paradise, a particularly strong impression on it does not produce: all the thoughts, all the feelings of Boris Pavlovich are undecided faithfully. It is unnoticed by the evening on the eve of the engagement Marty. Faith goes back to the breakdown, and the Paradise is waiting for it on the very edge, understanding - why, where and to whom his unhappy, she wondering the love of Cousin. Orange bouquet, ordered for Marthenka to her celebration, coinciding Happy Birthday, Paradine brutally throws in the window faith falling without feelings at the sight of this gift ...

The next day, faith sides - horror it is that it is necessary to tell his grandmother about his fall, but it is not able to do it, especially since the house is full of guests, and Marthenka escape to Vikentiev. Having discovered all the paradise, and then Tushina, the faith is uncompressed for a long time - Boris Pavlovich tells at the request of the faith of the happening Tatiana Markovna.

Day and night, Tatiana Markovna is looking at Tatyana Markovna - she goes non-stop at home, in the garden, in the fields around the crimson, and no one can stop her: "God visited, I don't go. His power is wearing - it is necessary to endure to the end. Fell - pick me up ... "- says Tatyana Markovna grandson. After a crowded vision of Tatyana Markovna comes to faith lying in a fever.

Wheeling to faith, Tatyana Markovna understands how they need to be easier to ease the soul: And then the faith hears the terrible recognition of the grandmother about his long-standing sin. Once in his youth woven the unloved man found Tatiana Markovna in a greenhouse with Titia Nikonovich and took an oath from her never to marry ...

The day in St. Petersburg is approaching the completion, and "secular people", accustomed to spending evenings on a visit to each other by cards, begin to prepare for regular visits. Two friends, Ivan Ayanov and Boris Paradisk, are also planning to spend the coming evening in Pakhtyn, where, in addition to the master itself, his unmarried sister live, as well as his daughter Sophia, an attractive widow that is most and interested in Paradise.

At the same time, Ivan Ayanov was not used to burdening themselves with special reflections, it is usually simple for him, and he delivers visits only for the extra part of the card. But for Boris Pavlovich Paradise, it is quite different, he seeks to captivate and stir into Sophia, which is his far-relative, wanting to make a real living woman with feelings and passions from the "Ice Statue".

The paradise itself has many hobbies, he is a little painting and music, he tries himself in literary creativity, and in his classes he really invests the whole soul. But Boris is not enough, he seeks to ensure that life around him in the same way boil the life in which he dreams actively participate. However, he has been more than 30 years old, but the paradist has not yet had anything to create anything, nor sow, he only continues to build plans for the future. Arriving in the capital from the estate of his parents, Boris Pavlovich studied various activities, but could not see his true vocation, making only the conclusion that art was still in the first place.

In a state of complete uncertainty about the future and its own place in the life of Paradise leaves for the summer in the estate, which is running the cousin Boris Tatyana Markovna Berezhkova. Once in the youthful years she failed to marry her beloved Watutin Titus, and Tatiana Markovna remained lonely. Tit Nikonovich also did not marry any woman and continues to visit his long-standing girlfriend, constantly making gifts and her, and the orphan girls who were on her upbringing, Marthenka and Verte.

Upon arrival in Malinovka, as the possession of the paradise is called, Boris feels that it turned out to be in the present blessed place, here everything really pleases him. The local residents scare only the nearby break, in accordance with one of the legends, it was at his day that a terrible tragedy occurred.

Tatyana Markovna meets the grandson very friendly, she is trying to teach it the basics of the economy, but the paradise remains completely indifferent to these issues. The people with whom he wishes to introduce a grandmother, also do not cause Boris Pavlovich of interest, because they do not correspond to his poetic and idealized ideas about life.

At the end of the vacation, the young man returns to Petersburg again and starts classes. At his university, he has a new friend, a certain Leonati Kozlov, a timid young man from a poor family. Between them, it would seem, there is nothing in common, but students become closest comrades.

Finally, the paradise completely ends student. His buddy Leonthi immediately leaves for the province, while Boris is still not able to find a real case for himself, making only amateur attempts to create anything in various types of art. Kuzina Sophia, who still keeps him restrained and removed, remains in the eyes of the paradise the main goal, the young man does not cease to dream of "wake up" a real craving for life. He spends in the house of her father in the evening after evening, but the situation does not change at all, Sophia is still absolutely indifferent.

Summer comes again, and grandmother Boris Pavlovich again calls him in Malinovka. At the same time, a letter comes from Leonty, also inhabiting near the estate of the paradise. A young man, deciding that fate itself sends him to these edges, willingly leaves in the estate, because he is already simply tired of useless efforts to Sophia.

In the labor manor, Boris immediately meets the charming young girl Marthenka, who causes him much more sympathy than the cold secular St. Petersburg beauties. Tatyana Markovna is still trying to captivate the grandson with care for estates, but heavenly and now does not interest the farm. Moreover, he is inclined to even give the village of Marfenka and faith, which causes an extremely negative reaction from the grandmother.

Boris Pavlovich discovers that his long-time comrade Kozlov successfully teaches local children, moreover, he even managed to marry some kind of ule. Tatiana Markovna proudly presents a growing and outraged grandson with his friends and friends, and from this day a peaceful and quiet rustic life begins for the paradise. True, Faith is delayed visiting her friend, the spouse of the priest, but Boris at that time strongly talks with Marta about painting, music, literature.

By coincidence, a new acquaintance appears at the paradise, Mark Volokhov, which is under the supervision of the police. Tatyana Markovna inspires horror only one name of this person, but Boris Pavlovich communicates with him, he is interested in the ideas of Volokhov about the awakening of people to the struggle for their own happiness. But it was at that moment that Vera finally arrives in the estate.

The girl behaves at all as expected originally Boris, she holds closer and does not want to keep any frank conversations to which he expected. Paradise is constantly watching the cousin, trying to unravel, what she hides from others, and trying to understand it.

Meanwhile, Tatiana Markovna appears to marry the grandchildren on the daughter of the local otkupeker, but Boris himself absolutely does not want such a turn of fate. Once faith is quite sharp asked to stop his surveillance for her and leave her alone. From this day, the relationship between young people become more even and friendly, they talk about books and views on life, although the very paradise is not enough.

In the course of the dinner, which is present all the friends of Boris's grandmothers, a man is not able to keep negative emotions and firmly expresses its true attitude to one of them. Tatyana Markovna unexpectedly takes his side, and faith, which impresses honesty and straight to the paradise, finally decides to kiss him. Nevertheless, the real situation does not change from this, and Boris already thinks about his departure to St. Petersburg.

But Paradise is still delayed in the estate, while Faith goes back to a friend. In her absence, Boris is trying to learn from her grandmother, how really this girl is actually, and Tatyana Markovna opens to him that he deeply and sincerely loves faith and that there is a person nearby who has long been having to wander to her, but it is not solved to make the appropriate step We are talking about Forest Tushina.

The moment comes when Marfenka becomes the official bride of his beloved Vikentyev, while Faith in fact in love with Mark Volokhov and Thai meets with him in the cliff. But the paradise still does not suspect who is the chosen of his cousin.

Leonty's wife runs away from him with a French teacher, Boris's friend falls into despair, and Paradise is trying to somehow help his friend. At the same time, he receives a letter from Ayanova, where it is said that Sofia had a not too pleasant story with one of the visitors to her father's house, but this news no longer produces no impression on Boris, he now thinks only about faith.

On the eve of the scheduled engagement Marfenki, the girl goes back to the break, while the paradise awaits her on the edge, knowing who exactly what a girl went. He without hesitation throws a bouquet of flowers into the faith window, designed for tomorrow holiday.

The next morning, faith feels completely sick, realizing that it is necessary to confess to grandmother, but she does not have enough peace forces for this, because there are many guests in the house, today Marthenka must finally move to the bridegroom. But she still decides to frankly talk with the paradise, and he is explained instead of her with Tatiana Markovna.

An elderly woman is really horrified by the heard, but then takes hard to care for the faith in the state of the hot. When a girl becomes a little easier, the grandmother tells her about what happened in his youth with her himself. An unloved man saw her in a greenhouse with her beloved Titus and insisted that she gave the Word to never marry.

Written in 1869 Roman "Options" became the third part of the trilogy, which included 2 other famous works of Goncharov - "Oblomov" and "Ordinary History". The "open" was first published in the journal "Journal of Europe" in the same 1869. In 1870, the novel went out a separate publication.

The main character of the novel Boris Pavlovich Paradisk lives without a certain goal in life. He believes that art is his vocation. At the same time, the paradise can not answer the question itself: what kind of art it is best to deal with him. The main character is interesting and music, and painting, and poetry. However, neither of the selected fields Boris can not achieve special success: he quickly disappears interest in work.

Deciding to rest from the noisy Petersburg life, the paradis goes for the summer in his estate of the Malinovka, who manage Tatyana Markovna, distant relative of Boris. Tatyana Markovna brings up two grandchildren, faith and marvel, early remaining orphans. Grandmother (so called his relative Boris and grandchildren) conscientiously performs his duties and wants the Paradise to return to the estate forever and became a real owner of the Malinovka. But Boris is not interested in rustic life, he wants to give the estate to his cousins. Paradise is fond of Marfenka, spends a lot of time with it and tries to teach it to art.

The faith comes back to Malinovka, which celebrated for a while at his girlfriend. Paradine ceases to interest the provincial Marfenka. Now the object is becoming an older sister. Boris watches the girl and finds out that Kuzina is in love with Mark Volokhov, a person with a dubious reputation under the supervision of the police. Paradine witnessed a love dating brand and faith, during which the girl was given to the beloved. Boris feels disgust to his cousin. Faith and herself dies in the deed and seriously ill.

Old sins
Having learned about what happened to the grandchildren of the niece, the grandmother flows into despair. When faith comes to himself after illness, Tatyana Markovna tells her that she herself had sinned in his youth. Wanting to redeem his guilt, the grandmother swore does not marry and devote himself to raising orphans. Tatyana Markovna believes that faith is punished because of her sin.

Paradine decides to leave the village. He goes to Europe. Boris is sure that he finally found his calling: he should become a sculptor. Marfenka marries a young man named Vincent, who lived in the neighboring estate. Tatyana Markovna and Faith want to retire that together to redeem their sins.

Boris Paraisky

The main character of the novel is in constant search for inspiration. Paradine is taken for writing poems and paintings, dreams of writing a novel. However, by virtue of its weakness, it can not bring it to the end.

Women are the main source of inspiration of the paradise. Living in St. Petersburg, he cares for a young widow and his fellow reland person with Sofia Belovodova. Boris considers Sophia a cold impregnable woman and puts the goal to regret in her passion. Without achieving success, the paradise goes to the village, where he shows interest first to one, then to another cousin. But here Boris did not have anyone caused a response feeling. Marfenka is too far from those elevated matter, which she constantly speaks her cousin. Faith sees in Boris torn off from the life of the dreamer and prefers a brand "realist".

At the end of the story, Paradise concludes that she still found what he was looking for, and leaves from the country. However, the author clearly makes it clear that, perhaps, Boris will be disappointed in his choice in the near future.

Vera Vasilyevna

Senior grandchildren's niece Tatiana Markovna Gorda and independent. Vera is very secretive, no one dedicates to their affairs. An independent passionate character of a girl pushes her into the arms of Mark Volokhov. Faith believes that Mark is a true fighter for the ideals of a simple people. She wants to become his companion and divide his life with him.

In fact it turns out that faith was mistaken in his beloved. Volokhov is not the one for whom to seek themselves. Mark does not bring any benefit to anyone. All his nihilism is concluded in a contemptuous attitude towards others and hate to public morality. The repentance of faith is so great that she, like Tatiana Markovna, agrees to devote all his life to the redeeming of sin.

Marfenka became the first one who saw Boris when he arrived in the village. First, Kuzina fascinates its simplicity and naturalness. However, very soon, the paradise is convinced that Marthenka is very close and "landed" girl. When the cousin tells her about the distant countries and asks, I would not want to go to her there, Marfa Vasilyevna wonders: why does she need it? Marfenka considers himself a part of the estate in which he lives. She is indifferent to distant countries, she is all immersed in household worries of their house.

Marfenka doda and obedient grandmother than he is very proud of. The girl claims that even marry will be married, whom Tatyana Markovna will choose for her. Young Kuzina Paradiskoye is the opposite of his rebellion sister. Marfa Vasilyevna can be content with the fact that she has.

Tatyana Markovna

Grandmother Tatiana Markovna is in the novel by the embodiment of conservative obstacles. She brings up his grandchildren in accordance with those traditions in which she was brought up. Tatyana Markovna - the maternity hostess, who knows how to take care of not only its own, but also someone else's property.

However, a completely different woman is hidden behind the external severity and conservatism. Tatyana Markovna became a victim of moral obscures, which she puts above his own desires. Without the strength to resist the feeling, at the same time trying to match the moral ideal created for her, Tatyana Markovna does not find a compromise and punishes itself.

Roman got his name is no coincidence. Almost every hero of the work finds his own breakdown, from which it breaks into the abyss.

Boris Paraisky, which is in search of inspiration, does not discover it in any woman who met on his way: neither in a cold Sofier, nor in a stupid provincial Marfenka, nor in the rebellious "fallen" faith. Paradise continues his search, which is unlikely to be crowned with success.

Improbating in the novel, the idea of \u200b\u200bNihilism Mark Volokhov does not cause the author's sympathies. Mark considers himself a progressive modern person and to prove it, becomes a nihilist. Volokhov, like many young people of the second half of the XIX century, joined the fashion trend to keep up with the times. However, the useless denial of tradition cannot create a new one. Mark in his life has nothing but problems with the authorities. It is no coincidence that the Latin word Nihil means "nothing."

I found my cliff and faith, trying to tie my fate with Volokhov. The bright image of the rebel and the fighter for the better life deceived it. As a result, the girl gets some remorse. The only thing that remains faith is to repeat the fate of his relative. Tatiana Markovna break, the mistake made by her in his youth changed her longer life.

There are in the novel and those heroes who managed to get around the break. These people just swim downstream, taking life and their place in it as they are. Sophia Beloveodova managed to become happy with an unloved husband. The young widow regrets the death of the spouse, remembering only the pleasant moments of their livelihood. Marthenka is quite satisfied with the fate of her. Her soul does not require rebellion. The longtime friend of the paradise Leontius Kozlov does not seek a dizzying career, pleaseing the post of teacher and not too virtuous wife.

Roman Ivan Goncharova "Open", which briefly brought in this article, was completed in 1869. This is the final part of the original trilogy, which also includes works of "Oblomov" and "Ordinary History". In total, the author worked on a novel of two decades. Additional difficulties arose due to the conflict with Turgenev, who, according to Goncharov, used some storylines in their novels "on the eve" and "noble nest". For the first time, the "broken" was printed in the journal "Journal of Europe".

History of creation

Roman Ivan Potcharov "Open", which you can find a brief content in this article, was incredibly difficult to author. Work on it was a long, stubborn and painstaking.

If we talk briefly, the history of the creation of the novel "Open" is. The idea began to form back in 1849, when the writer was in Simbirsk. This is the birthplace of Goncharov, which he visited after a long break. Then he was born the idea to recreate the atmosphere of the Russian province, in which he was turned out to be a hero, who lived in the metropolitan Petersburg.

It is interesting to the creative story of the novel "Open". The working name of the novel changed several times. Among the options were "faith", "artist Paradisk", "Artist", "Paradise". He worked for potters slowly, in parallel writing "Oblomov" and walking into the round-the-world swimming on the frigate "Pallada".

Goncharova Roman "Open", which you can read the brief content in this article, begins with the scene between two friends - Ivan Ivanovich Ayanov and Boris Pavlovich Paradisk. They are found at the card table in the house of Pakhtin.

There is also two sisters - Nadezhda and Anna, long ago in the status of old maids. As well as the daughter of Pakhotin Sophia, the remaining recently widow. It is the greatest interest in Paradise.

If Ayanov goes to Pakhtin without rear thoughts, only to play cards, then the paradise dreams awaken the passion in Sofa, coming to him by a detailed relative.

Paradine himself in the novel "Ombol" - a character that passions are drunk. He himself writes, and draws, and even composes music, putting all the soul into each occupation. But he and this is not enough, he seeks to awaken his life in all others. He is a bit for 30.

The image of the paradise in the novel "Open"

In St. Petersburg, the paradise came from the generic estate. I tried to master a lot of classes, but I did not find my calling. I understood only that the main thing in his life will be art. It is in such a state of the Spirit that he goes to his small homeland.

After the death of his parents, the estate is managed by a cousin, which is called Tatiana Markovna Berezhkova. She is an old virgin, which in his youth did not allow to marry her elect - Watutin Tita. It is noteworthy that he remained a bachelor, still travels to Tatiana Markovna with gifts for her and her orphans who are on education, Martha and Faith.

Paradise estate

The estate in which the childhood took place is called Malinovka. Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov describes it as a blessed corner. The picture in it spoils only a terrible break, which is located at the end of the garden. He scares almost all the inhabitants of the house. There is a legend that a long-time jealous spouse killed his wife and her lover at the bottom of this ravine, and then committed himself. Right at the crime scene, his body and buried.

Tatyana Markovna gladly meets the paradise, who is immediately trying to put into the course of the case so that he helps her in the management of the economy. But Boris is absolutely indifferent to cases, only poetic impressions are worried.

After the holidays, Paradisk returns to St. Petersburg. At the university, he gets closer to the son of Dyakon Leonthia Kozlov, scored and timid. The readers of the novel "Crash" are often wondering what happened to be between them. One is a modest young man who dreams about teaching in the Russian outback, and the second poet, obsessed with romantic passions.

After graduating from the University of Leontius leaves for the province, and Paradis remains in the capital. True, he can not find himself. The most important goal remains Cousin Sophia, which he is all trying to conquer. All the evenings he spends in Pakhto, telling the girl, what a true life seems to him. But it does not lead to anything concrete.

And next summer, a letter from Tatiana Markovna comes, she again calls the young man in Malinovka. It turns out that Leontius settled near the estate. Desperate to awaken the passion in Sofye, he decides to go.

In addition, annoying troubles. He shows the portrait of Sophia Ayanov, who gives a very impartial assessment, saying that she's here as if drunk. His recognized artist Kirilov is not assessed.

Paradine finds beauty

Arriving in Malinovka, the paradise first thing meets a charming girl who does not notice him, engaged in feeding of domestic birds. She breathes over freshness, grace and purity. The main hero of Roman Goncharova "Open" (a brief content of the work will help you to restore the plot in memory) immediately understands that it is here that the true beauty of which was not in the invisible St. Petersburg will be deepened.

That girlfriend is Martha, the pupil of Tatiana Markovna. Grandma is trying again to captivate a young man with their households, but again unsuccessfully.

A friend Leontius

Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, with Uznod, describes the life of the Malinovka. He immediately settled and Leontius Kozlov, who, as it turns out, is married to the daughter of Economa Ulyana. Many students were in love with her, but she eventually chose Leonty and left him to the Russian outback.

Houses Paradise caresses the many guests who came to see him. Rustic life rolls on a running rut. The main character rides around the surroundings, delighting and life of the surrounding people. Once he becomes a witness to clarify relations with the yard Saveli, who came his wife to Marina. Paradise is convinced that it is here that the true passions are boiling.

Rolling around him and the coquette of Polina Critsky, trying to attract his attention by any ways. The ultimate goal is very ordinary: to tell the other city, that even the conveying capital cavalier did not resist its charms. Paradine is terrified from her shake and tries to avoid in every way.

The second pupil of Tatiana Markovna Vera went to Popel and no longer returns. Boris, meanwhile, is trying to form Martar. Gradually, he recognizes her tastes and addiction in literature and painting. He hopes at least to awaken the true life in it. Regularly paradise visits Kozlov, once having met Mark Volokhov there. This is an official of the 15th grade under the supervision of the police.

Paradisk attracts Mark, which he has already managed to hear a lot of impartial from his grandmother. But when he meets personally, immediately invites him to dinner. The meal in Boris's room is accompanied by a constant zhizhva, which leads to horror Tatyana Markovna, panically fear of fires. An even greater indignation is a presence in her house brand.

Volokhov, like Paradise, believes that it is obliged to awaken people. But unlike Boris, his efforts are directed not to a specific woman, but on the abstract majority. They encourage them to think, worry and read for prohibited literature. His philosophy is simple and cynical, it comes down exclusively to personal gain. Paradisk is even fond of his mysteriousness and nebula.

Return of faith

At this time, the faith returns from the poplay. She is not at all similar to that girl he expected to see Boris. Faith is closed, mysterious. Paradisk understands that he in order to unravel his cousin to find out what her mystery. And the fact that this mystery is, the paradise does not doubt.

Over time, the main character feels that wild Savely awakens in it. As this yard watched his wrong wife, and Boris begins to watch faithfully.

Meanwhile, his grandmother plans to marry Boris on the daughter of the flawman, so that he is already ass in Malinovka and did not dream of the metropolitan life. Paradise categorically against. He is absorbed by the riddles that fall around, so he does not intend to dip with his head in prose of life.

In addition, unexpected events really begin to occur. Some Vikentyev appears, who has a novel with Martha. Vera is still oppressing the main character with its indifference. At the same time, the Volokhov disappears somewhere, Raevsky rushes on his search.

The most advanced surprise becomes the requirement of faith more behind her not to spy and leave alone. Their conversation, which began on elevated colors, ends with reconciliation. They even begin to see more often, discuss books, famous persons.

Solemn dinner

Soon Tatyana Markovna arranges a solemn reception in Malinovka, which invites the entire district. Lunch is arranged in honor of Boris Pavlovich.

Suddenly the evening passes on elevated colors, a scandal flashes in the house. Raevsky expresses Nile Tychkov all that he thinks about him, and Tatyana Markovna rises to the side of his grandson. Tychkov is driven out of the raspberry. And faith, which she conquered the courage and the frankness of the paradise, first kisses him. In this episode, the image of faith in the novel "Open" is fully revealed. True, for the paradise, this kiss practically nothing means. He loses interest in the girl, soon plans to return to St. Petersburg to the usual life.

True, most others do not believe that he will soon be able to leave. Vera leaves the estate, going to his friend for the Volga. In her absence, Boris is trying to derive the Markovna from Tatiana that she is per person. It turns out that grandmother considers it close to himself in spirit. He loves her and compassionates, seeing that she often repeats her mistakes. From her, the paradise learns that the Foressing Ivan Tushin was going to wake up for faith.

Unable to get rid of thoughts about the girl, Paradise allows Critic to take himself to her house. Already from there he is sent to Kozlov, where it is observed with open arms. Boris and here could not resist the charms.

In one of the thunderstorm nights, faith in the estate brings tushin on his horses. Boris appears the opportunity to get acquainted with a person who told him Tatiana Markovna so much. He begins to jealous to him and is going to go to the capital again. But again it remains, realizing that I did not solve the secrets of faith.

Boris's conversations about the fact that faith secretly in love in the end did not grow up to Tatiana Markovna. She decides to conduct an experiment: to arrange a family reading of a book about Cunigunde, who fell in love against the parent will and finishes his days in the monastery. The result turns out to be completely stunning. Faith refers to the plot is absolutely indifferent, literally falling asleep over the book, but Marfa and Vikentyev are explained in love for the singing of Solovyov. Already the next day, the mother of Vikentyev comes to Malinovka, which suits the official walling and collusion. Marfa becomes a bride.

Selected of faith

The chief of faith turns out to be Mark Volokhov. She is for him on a date at that very breakdown, where the grave of the jealous suicide is. Faith dreams to make a brand with her husband and remake according to his ideas. But young people shares too much. Their relationship resembles a fight of two opposite beliefs and the truth, in which their characters are more clearly manifested. Meanwhile, the paradise still does not suspect who has become the chosen one's chosen. He is all trying to unravel this riddle.

The rest of the small town breaks down the sudden Escape of Ulyana with the teacher Miesie by Charl. Kozlov remains alone. Leonthius in perfect despair, paradise, together with Mark, are trying to lead him to feelings.

At the same time, life continues to boil around Boris. Everyone as he once dreamed. From St. Petersburg comes from Ayanova, in which he talks about the novel between Sofia and Graph Milari. In reality, their relationship was difficult to be called a novel, but the society regarded them as a compromising girl, as a result of the house of Pakhotini ruined any relationship with the graph.

Surprisingly, this is a letter that would still quite recently struck Boris, no longer impressed on him now. All his thoughts are fully engaged in the way faith. The author of the novel "Vysra" Goncharov describes the evening on the eve of the engagement Martha. It was then that faith goes back to the cliff. Paradisk is already waiting for it at the very edge. He realizes where and to whom she is heading. The Boris girl window throws an orange bouquet, which was specially ordered to celebrate Martha. Faith, seeing this gift, falls without feelings.

The next day it is seriously ill. The most terrible for her is that it is necessary to tell grandmother about his fall, but it is unable to do this. Especially now, when the house is full of guests. They came to congratulate Marfu and spend in the house of Vikentyev. Vera opens with paradise and carcass, only so though it calms down slightly. She asks Boris Pavlovich to talk about Tatiana Markovna.

Grandmother starts to loosen his mischief. It goes without stopping around the large house, the surrounding fields, no one can stop her. After continuous many hours, she comes to faith that lies in the hot. She cares her pupil, putting on his feet again.

After that, Tatyana Markovna understands that they both need to speak and remove the cargo from the soul. Then she recognizes faith that she herself siggly sinned many years ago. In a distant youth, the unloved person was woven towards her, who found her with Titon Nikonovich in the greenhouse. She had to give him an oath that they would never marry.

Problems of the novel "Open"

This is a psychological novel, in which close attention is paid to the inner world of characters. The heroes of the novel "Trouble" are strongly changing under the influence of external circumstances. The changes in them are enhanced, depending on the depth of the tragedy they are experiencing.

The meaning of the novel "The breakdown" is to conflict the old and new. The characters are forced to reckon with old orders and traditions, they are still cared that people can say about them. At the same time, the true greatness of their idea is manifested in violation of traditions generally accepted in society, which is happening for common sense. The problems of the novel "Obust" is that for each character, internal rules dictate different behaviors, depending on the surrounding morality. For example, for the Paradise love for the nobility, primarily related to the marriage. But Mark never wants to be marred, considering it by direct restriction of his freedom. For Martha, terrible sin is that Vikentyev explained to her in love, without asking permission from her grandmother, and love relationships out of marriage are unacceptable for faith.

At the same time, the author himself deeply pertures the double morality existing in society. Giving a characteristic of the novel "Obust", it should be noted that many characters live on such double principles. For example, Tychkov is considered to be a famous moralizer, but everything is aware that he selected the ability to the native niece, sending it to the madhouse. At the same time, Tatyana Markovna finds the strength to forgive faith, in many ways because herself survived a similar drama in his youth.

In this sense, the image of the widow of Crickee is interesting, which only in words seems to be anger and jalound, but in reality - the chastity itself. Public morality does not hurt her for empty chatter.

By analyzing the novel "Obust", it should be noted that its problematics is directly related to serious changes in the situation in the public and private life of the country.

Of great importance is the meaning of the name of the novel "Open". A key role is played by the legend about the breakdown in the Malinovka imbey, in which, in the stories, a whole family died, and the killer committed itself. All the tragic events of the work occur directly from the cliff. For example, it is there that the prosperous life of faith is broken.

The main events associated with the breakdown occur in the final, fourth and fifth parts. Events begin to develop most rapidly. The culmination of the work of Goncharov becomes the fall of faith.

The fifth of this novel is devoted to its deep repentance and unusual and peculiar spiritual revival. An important role in this is the grandmother Tatyana Markovna. She forgives the girl and opens her own hidden history.

Interestingly, the final of the novel is open. The fate of faith remains indefinite. On the one hand, she is ready to take Tushin's wife. On the other hand, the reader remains in the ignorance, whether this wedding will be held, either faith, like grandmother, will remain for the whole life of the old Virgin.

In question and the future of the paradise. He expresses the desire to engage in sculpture in Italy. But the experienced reader suspects that this desire will end in the same way as the desire to compose a novel or write portraits.

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