What you can learn about him. What can I learn about a person on the timbre of his voice? UH uha is an energy indicator

Almost every person you can learn everything, just listening to his speech. Yes, gait, facial expressions and reaction to certain circumstances also mean a lot in the art of reading character, but only a conversation of a particular person will give the surrounding that it is so diligently grumbling.

"By the way"

This word uses a person who lacks attention in his daily speech. It can feel awkwardness in an unfamiliar company, and therefore covers his embarrassment by this word. Listen to someone's conversation and see what the attention of people immediately attracts a person who starts his speech with the word "by the way."

"In short"

Frequent use of this word is a rapidness, nervousness and aggression. Most often, this word abuses a man with a choleric type of temperament. Sometimes such a person can manifest signs of an unbalanced nervous system. You can also meet often the use of this word in people of chatty and not able to cope with these quality.

"Exactly this"

So often says a man who is too lazy to perform his work and his homework. It can be unreliable and impulsive, so it is impossible to hope too much. And such identities deftly avoid punishments, in time, dumping their guilt on the closest victims suitable for this.



This phrase surrounds in conversations of a self-confident and selfish person who trusts only his experience and his opinion, and everything else is simply not interested. As a rule, such a person hardens friends and tie relations, because he considers himself the only and unique. Others people are just the audience for his life speeches.

"Type" and "So"

These words love to repeat the real conservative, who against the whole new and right of his opinion can always prove with an aggressive attitude towards the interlocutor.

"As if"


This word often utters a person in speech, whose opinion is not independently. It depends on his environment and is afraid to take on at least some responsibility. He is often justified than finally "drops" himself in the eyes of familiar people.


Look at the manner to dress. Does a person get enough taste or with a claim, is shocking a suit or hiding behind him? Demonstration, originality (or desire to seem such), courage, independence or vanity can be determined when choosing a man of non-standard solutions in appearance.

Be careful when interpretation. For example, a modest suit can hide suspicion, and secrecy, and caution, a tendency to manipulation and even. And can be an outstanding personality, which the world of things is absolutely not interested.

Carefully analyze and accessories. Here, important indicators are moderation and relevance. More often in jewelry in jewelry is an indicator of vanity, expressiveness and may even be some inadequacy of the owner. The absence of accessories or modesty in their use can speak both about the inability to use them and about the simplicity of person, rectinence or to detail.

More attention is paid to facial expressions and human gestures, especially in situations in which he does not "draw", does not seek to like. Usually, wide and abundant gestures demonstrates extrovertation and expressiveness. The scarce and angular gestures speak more about the grips and the uncertainty of man than about the traits of nature.

Use some physiognomy, determining the character of a person to his face. It is associated with different parts. But be careful because many signs are interpreted in the literature in different ways.

Look at the top of the face. For example, in terms of the severity of the eyebrow line, they are also judged by the strength of the nature of the energy industry, and about the attitude of a person to the case - how inclined to bring to the end to the end. The forehead line indicates the best interaction with the technique, and the straight line is the opposite, about good contact with people, the ability to build relationships.

Analyze the landing of the eyes. Close to speaks about the purposefulness and concentration of a person in time, the ability to be accurate. Widely spaced eyes talk about the opposite: "swimming" in time and purposes.

Pronounced, clearly defined upper cheekbones - testimony of risks, like character traits. In addition, it is argued that this is the duty to use their right to risk and receive a win. Wide lower cheekbones will warn you about a person with whom it is difficult to argue, which feels confident and unshakable.

Look at the most expressive object on the face - nose. It is believed that a round, fleshy tip demonstrates a wide and good-natured nature, and narrow - suspicious. The nose with a humpback produces a wise person, and indicates the mercantility, or the materialistic orientation of the person, but Kurryna's spout often talk about children's naivety and some romanticity of man.

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Tembre as a person

Sometimes, without seeing a person for a long time, we can not recognize him, but it is worth talking, we immediately remember him. Only the voice of the voice largely determines the person. French Phoniatre Jean Abitbol once even refused to make the patient's operation - believed that the change in the voice would change her personality.

What is timbre

The term occurred from the French Timbre (bell). This is a psychoacoustic characteristic of the voice. His exclusive pain. Therefore, when analyzing the skill of vocal ownership, they often use definitions of painting dictionary - "color", "palette", "paints". And these are these "color" nuances and allow you to distinguish between the voices of people. Even if the height, the volume and the duration of their sound is the same.

From which the voice is dependent

From the density of the brunch of voice ligaments, from their length, widths, elasticity and tension. The latter is created by the plasticity of the Pisnostechoid muscle, which the Professor and the Imperial Lab Othiar N. P. Simanovsky called "musical", as it acts like a rod in violin.

Another timbre depends on the volume of trachea and the form of an internal resonator. So Chaliapina had a dome-shaped packed, from which the sound was repelled from the cathedral arch. And this pawn was the subject of study not only by phones, but also of otolaryngologists, anthropologists and anatomas.
For "color" the timbre answer overtones. The more overtones - the "tastier" voice.


These are sounds over the sounds. The trained throat is produced at the same time as two sounds - tone and obton. Opertones are highly frequented and ranked according to the laws of the Golden section. What it is? When we look at the face of a person and find it attractive, this means that it is "hounded" by nature in terms of part ratio. Also, the wrappers harmonize the voice of the voice with intervals.

The voice as if rises along the overtone staircase - from one stage to another. Between them pause. "The first Oberton is from tone to octave. The second is less. This is Queint. " And the same - according to the "followers" of obtons - gradually adjusts the usual human ear, which initially can overtones and not distinguish.

How the response to the sound wave is born

The man on average consists of 60% of the liquid substance, which responds to the sound of vibration. The German sound researcher and the photographer (Kimatic - from Kyma - Wave) Alexander Lautervasser conducted a number of experiments - losing the sounds of different frequency at the reservoir - clanging of the rolling stock of the train, screams of chaps, phrases from Toccat Bach. And fixed on the camera a wave "response" of water. Each sound gave birth to his pattern. So the person vibrates after the voice challenge.

What we say

"Mouth", "Hall", "Breast" and even "belly". The latter in response for the increased corpulence of the overwhelming majority of opera singers - they "put a voice to the womb." And involve the whole body into the sound process. Like a baby. When he cries, he resonates from the top to the heels. With age, man "clamping". The voice loses the ability to include the whole organism. And his vibrations are "stuck" at the level of the throat. But we are created by nature as a single resonator.

How the timbre issues the speaker

Already on the timbre, each of us is able to estimate the psychophysical parameters of a person. Viennese linguophysiologists empirically confirmed that people only vote can be judged - a tall person or low, full or thin. True, a mischief can come out with age, because the timbre of a happy person makes a voice younger than 10 years old. Anger and fear - "boost."

The timbre and the level of intelligence of the interlocutor, the genus of his classes, temperament. Like his condition - happy or not, sick or healthy, tired or cheese. In the tech, the votes will affect, and who says - a leader or slave, a liar or champion of truth, envious or generous soul, whether he is capable of betrayal or will be faithful to a coffin board.

Just the connection to the confidence partner is interested in the specialists of the Canadian Research University of Macmaster. Experiment participants were given to listen to the voices of 20 men and women. One men's - low inching - everyone noted like "dangerous." "From the point of view of a sex strategy," the author of the project Gillian O'Connor stated, "both Paul regard such a timbre as a warning about future treasures." Trust caused - a higher male and lower female. They were considered "reliable".

Tombre and sexuality

British researchers from Universities of Liverpool and Stirling, working in the Hadza tribe in Tanzania, made the discovery that the holders of the timbre in the lower voice register have more children. So Tanzanian "Baritons" was ahead of "tenors" on average for two children. Scientists of the State University of New York found the dependence of the sexual attractiveness of women's timbre from fertility.

Psychologists of the University of South Carolina, analyzing telephone conversations, revealed the timbre difference in the process of communication with indifferent and beloved people. The latter even copied to each other's intonation, as if by setting voices to one tone wave.

Anthropologists of the Pennsylvania University - Sarah Wolf and David Pats - for the first time tried to figure out, "As signs of masculinity affect the opinion of a person about his ability to dominate." Experiments have shown that men with deep-breeding colors are perceived by other individuals of the same sex as "Praid leaders".

Tembre in the Policy Service

In 2012, the reports of Proceedings of the Royal Society in the Commonwealth with PR technologists and neuropsychists conducted the polls of Americans who answered the question: "What chamber of voice causes them the greatest confidence in politics?".

The timbre in the service of the special services

The timbre is one of the objective poles, which is taken into account by the special services in the preparation of psychopertres of criminals. FBI and CIA profilers pay attention to how the voice is rattling and as it were. When the julit is lacking, the timbre becomes a jump-shaking, vague. Anxiety will force him to "edit", increase the tone. Cognitive dissonance will express in sharp voice fluctuations and demonstrates the pityness of the position, uncertainty. Stressful timbre - control over each step. Metal notes are conviction. Increased volume - the desire to suppress. But the main problem pattern forever remains unchanged.


Previously, the Italians were introduced into the passport - along with the date of birth, the growth, color of the hair and the eye - the voice of the voice. Now the courts of the United States and the UK are accepted - as evidence of guilt / innocence - voice records. Why? Because the timbre is also unique as a genetic code in a DNA molecule, a papillar pattern on the pillows of the fingers or the structure of the auricle.
The timbre is unique that the largest banks of the world are not afraid to encode safes with the voices of their owners.

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