Equally the light year. How is the distance to stars measured and what is the light year? Numerical values \u200b\u200bof the measurement of the light year

On February 22, 2017, NASA reported that 7 exoplanets were found at the single star TrapPist-1. Three of them are in the range of distances from the star, in which the planet can have liquid water, and water is a key condition for life. It is also reported that this star system is at a distance of 40 light years from the ground.

This message made a lot of noise in the media, someone even seemed that humanity was in a step from the construction of new settlements from a new star, but it is not. But 40 light years is a lot, it's a lot, it is too many kilometers, that is, it is a monstrously tremendous distance!

From the course of physics, the third cosmic speed is known - this is such a speed that the body should have the body at the surface of the Earth to go beyond the solar system. The value of this speed is 16.65 km / s. Conventional orbital space ships start at a speed of 7.9 km / s, and rotate around the Earth. In principle, the speed of 16-20 km / s is quite affordable in modern earth technologies, but not more!

Humanity has not yet learned to accelerate cosmic ships faster than 20 km / s.

Calculate how many years you need a starrel flying at a speed of 20 km / s to overcome 40 light years and reach the Star TrapPist-1.
One light year is the distance that goes the beam of light in vacuum, and the speed of light is approximately 300 thousand km / s.

The spacecraft made by the hands of people flies at a speed of 20 km / s, that is, 15,000 times slower speed of light. 40 light years such a ship will overcome the time equal to 40 * 15000 \u003d 600000 years!

The earth's ship (at the modern level of technology) is tensed to the Star TrapPist-1 for about 600 thousand years! The sensible man exists on Earth (according to scientists) only 35-40 thousand years, and there are as many as 600 thousand years!

In the near future, technology will not allow a person to reach the Star Trappist-1. Even promising engines (ionic, photon, cosmic sails, etc.), which are not in the earth's reality, it is estimated that they can dispersed the ship to a speed of 10,000 km / s, and therefore the flight time to the TAPPIST-1 system will be reduced to 120 years . This is already a more or less acceptable time to fly using anabiosis or for several generations of immigrants, but today all these engines are fantasy.

Even the closest stars are still too far from people, too far, not to mention the stars of our galaxy or other galaxies.

The diameter of our galaxy Milky Way is approximately 100 thousand light years, that is, the path from the end to the end for the modern earth ship will be 1.5 billion years old! Science assumes that our land is 4.5 billion years old, and a multileaver life is about 2 billion years. The distance to the nearest to us galaxies - Andromeda nebula - 2.5 million light years from the ground - what monstrous distances!

As can be seen from all now living people, no one will never stop foot on the ground of the planet from another star.

The distances between the stars are so great that they measure their kilometers or miles - a lesson with endless zero. The usual measurement system is used to designate distances in one system. For example, it is called that the minimum distance from the ground to Mars is 55.76 million kilometers. The stars are increasingly harder, and here usually use the concepts of the light year and a parseca.

Astronomical unit - Adopted in astronomy unit of measuring the objects of the solar system and the universe nearest to it. Astronomical unit is equal to 149,598 100 km (+ - ~ 750 km), which is approximately equal to the average land distance from the Sun. Modern observations were fixed gradually an increase in value by 15 cm annually, which is explained by the possible loss of the mass of the mass, the consequences of the solar wind.

Light year "The distance that the light takes place in one year, in meters is 9 460 730 472 580 800. In fact, the light of the stars that we see in a cloudless night, went to our planet for many centuries, and some of them do not exist anymore.

Parsec, He "parallax an angular second" is the distance from which the average radius of the Earth's orbits (perpendicular beam of view) is visible at an angle of one second angular. If it is completely simple, then parsek \u003d 3,26 light years.

Interestingly, in popular science and fantastic literature it is customary to use the concept of a light year, and partares are usually used only in professional works and studies.

(Galaxy UDFJ-39546284 - the most far from the land of the Galaxy (13.3 billion light years from the Earth), on the picture made by the Hubble telescope looks like a red point)

The closest star to us is Alpha Centaur, which is located from the Earth at a distance of 4.37 light years. But to the most remote galaxy (as of December 2012) from the Earth as much as 13.3 billion light years!. It turns out when the sun of this galaxy itself (known under the UDFJ-39546284 index) will swell, humanity will not know about it yet.

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Light year

During its research on its planet, people needed various measures to measure distances and segments. Initially, the lengths of the length were inaccurate, because different peoples had their own ways to measure. Only in 1791, scientists from France introduced a measure that is used to this day - the meter (from the Greek - "Mera").
But at the beginning of the twentieth century, people began to pay attention to the study of space. And the fact that the Universe has incredible distances, the existing metric system has already been unsuitable for measuring such large distances. There is an opportunity to measure the distance from our planet to the moon in kilometers or to Mars, but if you measure distances to other planets, or even stars, then in the figure there will be an incredible number of zeros.
And then scientists decided to introduce the term "light years".

Light years - how much?

Through one second, photons of light overcomes the length of 300 thousand km. Light year is the number of kilometers that light flies for 12 months. In kilometers it will be - 9 460 730 472 580.8 kilometers ≈ 9.46 1015.
Of course, the use of the term "light years" is more convenient than using huge kilometers. But, of course, there are approximate values:
1 Light second ≈ 300 thousand kilometers.
1 Light minute ≈ 18 million kilometers.
1 Light hour ≈ 1,080,000,000 kilometers.
1 Light day ≈ 26,000,000,000 kilometers.
1 Light Week ≈ 181,000,000,000 kilometers.
1 Light month ≈ 790,000,000,000 kilometers.

How much?

We assume that the spacecraft flies with the third space speed (about 16.8 kilometers per second), then for 18 thousand years the ship will fly one light year. And our galaxy is a Milky Way, which is in diameter about one hundred thousand light years, the ship will fly for almost 2 billion years!
The closest star to the sun is a proxima Centaur. It is located at a distance of about four light years. If you recalculate by kilometers, the figure is very large.
But if you compare the distance from Proxima Centaur to the nearest Galaxy of Andromeda Nebula, then the star turns out to be very close, as Andromeda is in two and a half million light years from the Milky Way. The spacecraft will be able to fly there for 35 billion years.

What else are the light years?

The use of light years helps to understand where in the universe you can try to find sensible civilizations. So scientists are determined where it makes sense to send radio signals, and wherever not.
How it works: the speed of light is equal to the speed of the radio signal, and it turns out that sending messages to where they reach in thousands, and even billions of years, completely useless. It makes sense to look for "neighbors" through the sent signal, which will go at least for one human life.

How many earthly years in light years?

This is the root incorrect belief that this term measures the time. The light year does not apply to earthly time and is not interconnected with it. It refers to only the measurement measurement of the distance, which is light in 1 year on Earth.

What is the age of the earth? How much earth years old are thousands or billions?

According to the Bible, Adam, the first person, was created on the sixth day of the existence of the planet Earth. Accordingly, we can calculate the age of the earth for the chronology of humanity. Assuming that the calculations of being are true, it can be argued that the six days of the earth's creation described there are the literal 24 hours of day, devoid of any chronological spaces.

Based on the genealogy of Adam and all its descendants recorded in the fifth and eleventh chapters, right up to Abraham, which make up a single generic line, one can calculate the age of our planet. Having determined where Chronologically located Abraham in history, and adding periods of time described in Genesis, it becomes clear that our land is about 6,000 years old, plus a minus of several centuries.

As to the account of the most popular assumption, that land is about 4.6 billion years taken by the majority of scientists and studied in the most solid world institutions? This age was determined by two basic methods: radiometric and geological dating. Scientists supporting a more young age (6,000 years) insist that radiometric dating cannot be considered reliable due to the fact that it relies on a number of incorrect assumptions, and geological dating applies circular conclusions. They also indicate the exposition of the myths associated with the "Ancient Earth", such as a popular error that on stratification, petition, formation of diamonds, coal, oil, stalactitis, stalagmites, etc. It takes a lot of time. Scientists supporting the theory "Young Planet" present their evidence, instead of the arguments of opponents refuted by them. They recognize that they are today a minority, but confident that over time, more and more scientists will review their positions regarding the ruling in modern times about the "ancient land".

In principle, the age of the earth cannot be accurately installed. Whether it is 6,000 years old or 4.6 billion years (as well as everything between them) - both of these theories are justified only on guesses. People who hold the version of 4.6 billion years, believe in the reliability of the radiometric method and in the inability to anything that could prevent the natural disintegration of radioisotopes. The adhered versions of 6,000 years believe in the truthfulness of the Bible, and that there are other factors explaining the "foreseeable" age of the earth (which we can easily track down), such as the World Flood or the creation of the Lord of the Universe, which "seems" the existing very long time. For example, you can take Adam and Eve, whom God has already created adults and full-fledged people. If the doctor had to test them on the day of their creation, he would certainly suggested that they, let's say, 20 years old, although they did not have a day. Anyway, there will always be a reason to believe in God's Word above the atheistic speeches of modern scientists with an evolutionist worldview.

From Pixabay.com.

What is the age of our planet? Billions of years, you will say, remembering the lessons taught to you at school. Do you know that the Bible, describing the history of the creation of our planet, claims that she is not more than 10 thousand years old? Speaking by scientific language, both of these statements are theories, which are experimentally impossible. However, every year scientists find more and more confirmations and substantiations of the Biblical Event Development Scenario.

Consider biblical and evolutionary chronology.

Evolutionary chronology: Earth billions of years

The scientific community professes that the universe was caused from non-existence through a large explosion, which rushed approximately 15 billion years ago. The sun and planet of the Solar System were formed 4.5 - 5 billion years ago, and then the history of the Earth began. Billions of years of chemical evolution led to the random appearance of the first living cells. In the next 600 million years, biological evolution took place, in the process of which the natural selection of random useful changes led to the emergence of the entire observed diversity of living beings. The view of Homo Sapiens began to develop from his ancestor to Primate 2 million years ago, during the ice age, which ended 20 thousand years ago.

Biblical chronology: our land is young!

According to the Book of Genesis, Heaven and Earth, animals and people were created by God for six literal days, for six 24-hour days. Over the days of creation, the seventh day was followed by the seventh day - the day of peace, by the beginning of which all the works on the creation of our world were completed. "And God blessed the seventh day, and consecrated him" (Genesis 2: 3).

This special, blessed by the Lord day is Saturday. According to the Bible, Saturday is given to people to relax and glorify the Creator.

Week of creation - the fact of earthly history. The seven-day weekly rhythm of our life carries the indelible memory of the creation. The week is not a human, but God's establishment, and repeated human attempts to change the weekly rhythm on a five-day, six-day or ten-day failed.

The chronological data given in the Book of Genesis (chapters 5 and 11) allow us to calculate that no more than 10 thousand years have passed from the week of creation to this day. From the same chronological data it follows that 1650 years after creation occurred a giant planetary cataclysm - the World Flood, which lasted one year.

"And the water intensified on earth is extremely, so all the high mountains are covered, which are under all the sky; For fifteen elbows, water rose over them, and the mountains were covered "(Genesis 7:19, 20).

The traces of this event are visible everywhere in the sloping of sedimentary rocks, abundant in the waters of the Flood. The World Flood is a global catastrophe, a major event that has formed the modern appearance of the Earth.

So, according to the Bible, our land is young, and all the processes flowing on it.

We have two absolutely different chronology: biblical and scientific. Evolutionary chronology is based on the belief that the Creator was not, and everything developed in itself. Taking biblical chronology, we rely on the authority of God, who repeatedly talks about itself as the creator of the sky, land, sea and sources of water, as about the creator of life that fills all these areas. Decide with its attitude to creation and evolution is important for each person, since this choice has far-reaching consequences for the life of the transient and life eternal.

Tatyana Ugarova, "How did our world arose"

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