What do the Baszy Krylov teach us? An essay on the topic "Basni Krylova" Message on the topic What is taught by the Basinie writers.

Overall about Krylov's bass - Grade 5

Option 1

The famous, famous for the whole world of the Basinista. Each of his works is an instructive masterpiece. Since childhood, teachers and parents give us to read the Baszy Krylov, so that we grow and brought up on the right examples and morality.

So, the famous work of Ivan Andreevich "Quartet" teaches us more self-critical. After all, according to the story Basni, the problem was not at all how the beasts were dissolved, but in the fact that they did not have the necessary talents. "Dragonfly and ant" makes think about what everything needs to be planned in advance, because then there may be no time for meditation. The moral of the works of "Swan, Cancer and Pike" is that neither it will not be brought to a logical end until people have a common language and will not start acting together, together.

Retelling Krylov and talk about the meaning of the meaning in each of them can be infinite. The most important thing is to understand what they were written for what. My opinion is to upbringing. Each work ends with some morality, which should be laid in the hearts of children and adults.

First of all, Basni Ivan Andreevich, the Great Writer, teach us to be kind to each other. Another important morality is honesty. You never need to lie, because the most exquisite lie will still fall out. Some fables believe that you always need to remain yourself, and most importantly - to be able to find a way out of any situation. The wings tell about the fact that envy is one of the worst human feelings, and the desire to learn and cultivate will positively affect each of us.

It is thanks to such morals of the Basinie of the famous Ivan Andreevich Krylov will be useful not only to schoolchildren, but also some adults who can later serve a good example of their children.

Comparison Basen Quartet and Swan, Cancer and Pike

Ivan Andreevich Wings, the Great Russian Basinist, who made the felt not only in an acutely satirical work, but raised it on an unprecedented height. His works are not just original, highly worried, but they did not lose their meaning and these days.

The wings in their fables did not just criticize the royal power, government and officials, in many of their works he portrayed satirically and ridiculed concrete events and certain historical identities. Thus, in Basna, the poet quiet ridiculed the State Council and its leaders who were incapable and helpless to specific political tasks.

The wings draw their satire against emptywalking chatters and nonsense. The bass was written in a year after the State Council formed by Alexander I began to go to my duties. The king divided it into four departments, hurried venomazhin were put on the chapter: Prince Lopukhin (goat), Count Araksheev (Bear), Zavadovsky (Donkey), Mordvinov (Marty).

Mozyushka lean

Yes closing teddy bear;

Speed \u200b\u200bto play quartet

They hit the bow, fight, but there is no sense.

And now they went to the long disputes about who from the items to learn over what of the departments. Several times they had to change the silence of the Tsar, until finally, the roles were finally distributed:

Here, the forest former went to their analysis

Who and how to sit.

But the wise nightingale people understand the necessary condition for the coordinated game of the quartet of the work of the State Council. Professionalism:

So that the musician is so necessary to reduce

And your ears of your rudder

They are answered by nightingale.

And almost like aphorism, the words of the sentence are briefly and categorically sound:

And you, friends, no matter.

All in the musicians are not good.

The wings on behalf of the people, all sane people ... says that for the practice of politics, the states of the state, not enough to just belong to the highest class of birth, special education and culture, the natural mind and the ability of the speaker are necessary. All this is deprived of the appointed Velmesz, because it did not make sense from their activities.

The same theme of the wings continues to swan, cancer and pike bass. In terms of the volume of the fable, it is very small, but it does not detract from her dignity. It is sharply satirical; Moral, given by the author at the beginning of the work, helps readers tune in to the desired way, immediately and accurately understand the thoughts of the author veiled by Ezopov. Krylov's contemporaries perfectly understood the allegory of the poet.

Once again swan, cancer yes pike


And together three, everything was injected into it;

From leather climb, and it's not a move!

Send to them for them seemed easy

Yes, swan rushes into the clouds,

Cancer is five back, and the pike pulls into the water.

The skill of Ivan Andreevich is the universality of his works. Written on specific events, they can be attached to any suitable moment. They exist outside of time and space, in this their main dignity. They are just as relevant today as a hundred years ago. How to explain this phenomenon. He has many components: this is the talent of Krylov, who has found his way out in satire, in the genre of Basen. And the beautiful, shaped and concise language, which the author uses the author, moving from the literary to spoken, even sometimes on the dialect. And of course, the knowledge of the material that Ivan Andreevich writes.

The wings bind their images from Folklore, thanks to this writer, the detailed characteristics of heroes are not needed, the stereotypes have already developed over the centuries. By this, he seeks the laconicity and accuracy of the characteristics, an error-free hit in the truth.

The wings are truly a people's writer, an artist of tremendous strength, his influence on Russian literature was huge. Ivan Andreevich studied such masters of words like,. Nowadays, the Baszy Krylov has gained a new life. They are still fighting with the dough and hypocrisy, vulgarity and chowry in this secret of their longevity.

What is condemned in Krylov's fables

Basni Ivan Andreevich Krylova, the Great Russian Basinist, familiar to everyone. The wings became a classic in his life - his fables were highly appreciated by contemporaries.

The wings were a real master of the word: he wrote his fables briefly, it is intelligible, very expressive, but at the same time simple and understandable.

As the founder of the genre of Basni Ezop, and Lafonten, the French Basinist, who lived in the 17th century, the wings in his fables ridiculed human vices and disadvantages. Animals acting by active persons in Krylov's fables embody human qualities, and the author in an allegorical manner condemns the vices of people and society.

For example, in the fables "Pig under the oak", "Rooster and pearl grain", "Marty and glasses" The author rises ignorance. In the basins "Quartet" and "Musicians" - the incompetence of those who are not at the wrong business. In the Basna "Elephant and Moskka" - boasting. In the Basna "Voron and Lisitsa" - flattery and stupidity ...

But in the Basna "Wolf and a lamb", Krylorv condemns the tyranny and arbitrariness of the authorities. No wonder the first line of this fable - "the strong is always worthless to blame."

Many rows of Basen Krylov over the years have become proverbs and sayings, for example: "And Vaska listens and eats,", "and Larchik simply opened", Basni Krylov, who are already more than a century, remain amazing modern and in the 21st century.

Universal Meaning Bass I. A. Krylova

The works of the Great Russian Basinista I. A. Krylov brought him not only fame, but also folk love. In their fables, the wings ridicurate human disadvantages and vices of society, opposes injustice and lawlessness.

In the bass "Donkey and Solovy", the Donkey protrudes not only in the role of a listener, but also the judges for a small forest singer. We know perfectly well that a stupid and stubborn animal is too far from the art to be able to appreciate the workshop at nightingale, but donkey on this subject is your opinion:

And sorry that unfamiliar

You are with our rooster;

Else would you hurt

Whence he learned a little.

It becomes funny for us, because each of us at least once met with people who are trying to judge what they do not understand at all.

In the Basna "Pike" I. A. Krylov, with humor, denounces the strengths of this world, who are always ready to harm each other ("Hand hand washes"). Robbery Pike for all the crimes committed in the pond decide to "betray a shameful execution." Lisa-prosecutor, which pike "supplied a fish table", suggests the judges to drown guilty in the river, to which those by ignorance agree.

However, not in all the fables are evil and insidious cunning tricks are cheating honestly. A wolf who wanted to climb into sheepskirts, and hit the dog, waited a completely different fate. On the wolf, the trick was found a wise response of an experienced catcher:

... Custom My:

With wolves otherwise do not do the world,

How to remove the skin with a prophet.

The skill of the Krylova-Basnoyman is manifested not only in the choice of ideas and plots for their works, but also in the aphoristic of the language, proximity to his conversational speech. Therefore, it is no wonder that many phrases and expressions reflect the validity so accurately that they are easily entered into a spoken language and became proverbs and sayings known to everyone.

The impact of human and society's vices in Basnyakh I. A. Krylova "

The writing "The impact of human and society's defects in Basnyakh I. A. Krylov" In his satirical bass, Ivan Andreevich Krylov acts as an intelligibility of defects of autocrete-fastened Russia. And the sting of his satire is directed both against the shortcomings inherent in individuals and against social phenomena that brands the development of the country along the path of progress.

An example of the first group of Bassen can serve as a "mirror and monkey".

Marty, in the mirror seeing his image,

Tikhokhonko bear sense:

"Look," says, my cute is my!

What is it there for the face?

What is shelter and jumping!

I would help with longing,

Whenever at least a bit looked like ... "

Under the Madushka, people who see the shortcomings of others, and do not notice their own, even if they put the mirror in front of them. The ledge is the answer to the people:

No better on yourself, kuma, turn around? "

However, Moral Basni turns out to be wider than its direct content. In it, I. A. Krylov indicates such a public vice as bribes:

That the climate in the hand is unclean, all this knows;

For bribes, climate read,

And he knocks on Peter.

As an example of the works of the second group, it is possible to cite the fables I. A. Krylova "Pike". It contains acute political satire on the judicial system of Tsarist Russia.

On the pike filed to the court denunciation,

That there is no living in the pond;

The evidence is a whole WHO ...

But in the role of the prosecutor at the court spoke fox. But:

... rumor between the people went,

That Pike Lisanka supplied fish table ...

Sunshine Lisa proposes to bring the pond predator, at first glance, harsh measure of punishment:

To hang a little, I would define the execution of her

What is not selected here on the century:

So that it was to continue to the Plutam and scary, and dangerous -

So drown it in the river. - "Perfectly!" -

Scream judges. Tom decided everything according to.

And the pike thussed - in the river!

That is, in fact, with the visibility of punishment, the criminal was given the opportunity to continue to finish their thieves. Only now is not in the pond, but in the river.

I think that Satyric Baszy I. A. Krylov did not lose their importance and now.

Strong always powerless to blame

Basnyam I. A. Krylova has already been more than two hundred years, but their images still remain alive and recognizable. This is because the Great Basinople did not invent the characters' characters, but watched them in life. Baszy Krylov - burning satire on self-rigor officials, they are aimed at ridicule of human defects: laziness, cowardice, hypocrisy.

Comparing two Basni I. Krylov: "Wolf and a lamb" and "crow and fox", you can find a lot in them. The strength of the wolf is that he is more than a small lamb and feels his impunity. But, despite this, he, of course, understands what is incorrectly, his conscience is notchist. Therefore, the wolf, "the case to give although a legitimate look and sense," begins to hypocrite. He is trying to make a guilty of a weak lamb, which by force can oppose only his honesty. The lamb boldly responds to the questions of the wolf, but his fate is eaten. "You're to blame for what I want to eat," the wolf interrupts all the objections of the lamb and pulls it into a dark forest.

In the Basna "Voron and Fox" the strength is first on the side of the crows: after all, she has cheese and it sits safe - high on the tree. Fox do not get it. But each of its methods to achieve the goal. Lisa Crytra and skillfully uses it. She begins to praise the trusting crow: "What a cervix, what kind of eyes!" Seeing that the bird listens carefully to the bowl, the fox asks to fick. Having heard, the crow willingly squabbles, and the cheese goes to Lisea. It seems to me that in this baspe I. Krylov is ridiculed not so much hypocrisy of the fox, how much powerfulness, the simplicity, the names of the crows, which does not know how to separate the words to flatter the truth.

N. V. wrote that Basni I. Krylova is the "genuine book of folk wisdom." Based on situations created by the authors, on the example of the heroes of Basen, you learn to be honest, bold, not to talk about what you do not know, and you understand that knowledge does not happen much.

"Basni Krylova" - an essay grade 6

The works of the Great Russian Basinist Ivan Andreevich Krylov are familiar with us since childhood. He wrote a wonderful short storytelling stories - Baszy, in which he condemned and loosened human flaws. Acting persons in the fables are animals, items in which human qualities are manifested.

Krylov's fables became widely known in his life, but still enjoy great popularity. Because the themes affected by him and the allegorical images created by them are now relevant. In his fables, folk ideals of hard work, nobility, honesty, devastations, good and justice are embodied.

A. S. found the distinctive properties of the Russian people in the fables: "The funny debris of the mind, mockery and a picturesque way to express."

You need to possess a real talent in order to be so bright and briefly, in two lines, as the wings did, be able to show a whole character. The wings wrote so simple, it is intelligible that every person easily remembers the wonderful language of his Basen, learns Russian character in heroes. In his works of the wings, defending the ideals of good and justice, unconsiderable and hardworking, the cunning trick, laziness, stupidity, stubbornness, cowardice.

For example, in the quartet fables, "Swan, pike and cancer" he criticizes the lack of elementary skills and consent, without which it is impossible to achieve good results. A "Wolf and a lamb" - an evil satire, in which the author criticizes immorality, despotism and arbitrariness of the authorities: "There is always a powerless to blame."

A special place in the work of Krylov is occupied by Basni, written during the Patriotic War of 1812: "Cat and cook", "Wolf on Psarn", "Towing", "Crow and Chicken". They were embodied by the patriotic spirit of the people, the thoughts and feelings of the author himself at the hour of formidable tests. In the heroes of the Basni "Wolf on Psarn" we learn the Russian people, which rose to the war with Napoleon, Napoleon itself in the image of the wolf and the wise Russian commander of Kutuzov in the image of the catchego.

Huge success and popularity of Bassen I. A. Krylov can be explained by the fact that the author presented in his works all Russian life and estimated it in terms of simple people. In his fables, the wings responded to the events of the modern life, but they do not lose their relevance, because real, poetically strong words and truthful images forever become the property of the people. In the language means, the images of the wings are coming from the folklore, but due to accuracy, accuracy, the simplicity of many lines of his fables entered into spoken Russian speech, became proverbs and sayings, healed their own lives: "And Vaska listens and eats", "and you , Friends, as you do not sit down, do not go to musicians, "", "and Larchchik simply opened," "No wonder it says that the Master's business is afraid."

Basni I. A. Krylov is not aging. They and for us, modern readers are interesting and useful.

What do Basni teach us? (essay)

Bass is one of the favorite genres of literature. Basni Ezopa, Fedra, Lafontaine, L. Borovikovsky, is. Comb, P. Gulaka-Artyomovsky, L. Glebova, Kantemir, Trediakovsky, I. Krylov know, love and appreciate all over the world. Why is the bike there is such a popular and beloved in the people? Is it because the unusual heroes are depicted in these short bike stories? Here we see predatory wolves and bears, cunning, cunning foxes and defenseless lambs ... "My beasts for me are talking," the famous Russian writer I. A. Krylov repeated more than once. What are these unusual heroes talk about? Most often, they clearly demonstrate nonsense, ignorance, greed, shumbiness, braghood, self-smuggling and cruelty. And it is absolutely difficult to guess that in these funny, and sometimes sad stories from Bassen speak of people, about their vices and disadvantages.

Reading the fastener, we laugh from the heart, but at the same time we understand that the main conclusion is always serious. In their fables, writers writers are denied those flaws that prevent people to live. They certainly carry a positive charge - always work on good, help us get rid of flaws, fight those who do not want to live honestly, who do not like normal human relations.

The bikes condemn parasitism, moral base. And at the same time teach us to be humane, benevolent, hardworking. Many instructive find all new and new generations of people who come to the world. Always interesting, the plots of Basen, whose characters are lion, bear, wolf, fox, lamb and other animals are helpful - helping to understand good and evil, truth and in humility in the life of people, so the educational value of Basen is difficult to overestimate.

Basni we love to read from childhood. Many of us are stored in the memory of images from the Bassen, which, with certain situations, pop up in our head. These stories, small in size, but with a deep meaning, will teach us a mind-reason and accompany in life.

What is bass?

Bass is a brief moral story, which is allegorizing satirical. In bass, as a rule, actors are not people, but animals who are inherent in human personal qualities: trick - fox, stubbornness - cancer or branches, wisdom - owl, stupidity - monkey. Objects can also act as the main characters of these short stories.

Basni's speech form is a prose or poem. There are quite often motives for social criticism, but human defects and incorrect actions are often ridicule.

The emergence of satirical story-based Bassen in Russia

Bass is a story that appeared in Russia as the translation of the compositions of Ezopa at the beginning of the 17th century. The first translator was Gozvinsky Fedor Kasyanovich. It was he who first introduced the definition of fable as a literary genre. It was believed that the fable was a small product in prose or verses, which was built on the principles of the allegory and contains a moral nature. Truth manifested itself through a false story.

In the 18th century, Antioch D.K., Tredyakovsky VK, Sumarokov A.P., Himnizer I.I. They carried out transfers of fastened stories, mainly Ezop, as well as the works of European Basinople: Gelllert H., Lessing G., Mura T., Jean de Lafontena.

Ivan Ivanovich Chemnitzer began to create their own Basni. In 1779, his collection was published under the name "Basni and NN fairy tales in verses." He continued the tradition of the publication of his own Basen Ivan Ivanovich Dmitriev, who tried to form a new one, his own approach to literature. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, the works of Izmailov A.E. However, the work of the great classic Ivan Andreevich Krylova is the most significant contribution to the development of the well-known genre. To this genre at different times, Derzhavin, Polotsky, Tails, Fonvizin, Poor and Many others also appealed.

What is metaphor

The bass is a work in which the authors use metaphors - the appearance of the trail in which properties are transferred from one item to another. The metaphor is a hidden comparison, in which the main words are actually omitted, but are meant. For example, human negative qualities (stubbornness, trick, flattery) are transferred to animals or inanimate objects.

Animals Basny

In fact, Basnya is heroes-beasts with human character. They act as a person. The trick is peculiar to a fox, cunning - snake. Goose, as a rule, is identified with stupidity. Lion is assigned courage, courage and courage. Owl is considered wise, and a ram or donkey - stubborn. Each of the characters necessarily has any one character's characteristic feature. The moralized natural science of animals from the Bassen was eventually decorated into a series of collections known under the general name "physiologist".

The concept of morality in the bass

Bassnya is a small story of an instructive nature. We often think that you should not think about read and look for secret meaning in words. However, this is rooted incorrectly if we want to learn how to better understand each other. Bassny needs to learn, think about it. Moral Basni is her brief moral conclusion. It covers the whole problem entirely, and does not concentrate on some particular episode. Basni is written so that the person does not just laugh at its content, but also understood his own miscalculations and at least tried to correct for the better.

The benefits that bass

Life problems that are ridiculed in bass are endless and endless. Most often laziness are criticized, lie, stupidity, ignorance, boasting, stubbornness, greed. Each of us can find in the fables like a character. All situations that are described in these small satirical stories are very vitality and realistic. Thanks to the irony, Basnya teaches not easy to notice those or other vices, but also makes attempts to their own improvement. The reading of humorous works of this nature is very beneficial effect on human psychological health.

In the bass, among other things, the political system of the state, social problems of society and generally accepted fake values \u200b\u200bare often ridicule.

Bass "Crow and Fox" - in what morality?

Perhaps this is one of the most famous creations of Krylov. The author warns his readers - it is impossible to be trusting, to go for everyone. Do not blindly believe those who flatter and praise you without any reason. After all, it is known that the nature of the crow does not know how to sing, but it still believed in the laudatory Oda Sly Serius. What is significant, the author does not condemn the intelligent fox. He, rather, criticizes the stupidity of the bird, saying that you just need to believe in what you know exactly and you know.

Bass "Mostoz" - for children or adults?

In this product, the wings compares the actions of a young horse and more experienced (kind horse). The old horse acts slowly, slowly, thinking through every step to pull the WHO safe and safety. But the young and too boastful horse considers himself better and smarter and constantly reproaches the old horse. As a result, everything ends sadly.

Basnie is a display of historical events. "Toms" is precisely such a product. The author identifies the heroes of Basni with the participants of the battle under Austretrian, which occurred in 1805. Mikhail Kutuzov, who was a brilliant commander, quite often retreated back and delayed large battles, knowing and understanding the weakness of his army. However, this state of things did not like the emperor Alexander I. It was before that ill-fated battle that he decided to take the situation into his hands and head the army, which led to the defeat of the Russian-Austrian coalition.

Basni I. A. Krylova - an excellent school of observation of life, phenomena, characters. Basni is interested in dynamic plots, and the image of the characters of acting persons, in particular animals, insects, birds. However, animals, insects and fish in bass, behind the exact expression I. Franco, "one eyebrows wink to people."

So, each read fable causes a thought of thought. Reading the fancy "Demyanova Schull", you know: the story that the author tells, not at all about specific Demian and Foke and not about chowder and excessive

Hospitality. Demyan personifies such features as obsession, picklight, annoyance, inability to relate to the desires of another person.

And another bass teaches: beautiful intentions do not always have good consequences. Inability to work together, worrying about the general matter, and not about your own tastes, personify the characters of the Basni "Swan, Pike and Cancer". The last row of this fable - "and only WHO and now there" - became a winged expression. Sometimes with the help of these words characterize the state of the Affairs of a person who is not capable of completing the started.

Bass helps to understand: before taking

For some reason, you need to weigh up well and your capabilities, and the possibilities of our accomplices. Otherwise, it will be out of that case "only torment".

Ignorance exposes I. A. Krylov in the Basna "Monkey and Points". Some people are very similar to Basni characters: you are not able to understand some phenomenon, they object or prohibit it. Many acting persons Bassen I. A. Krylov seemed from folk fairy tales.

In the Basna "Voron and Fox", it is the tricks that help the fox to seize the cheese. But the fable condemns the bubbleness and tricks, but the fohymism and those who believe in any words, if only they were pleasant. So, Basni I. A. Krylov expose various shortcomings of human characters and learn to live with art.

It is known that the plots of many Bassen arose in antiquity, but the Basinisians of different countries use them to write new works. As a new product arises on the basis of the well-known plot, let's try to explore this on the example of the Jesopa and Krylov fables. Ozop is a legendary poet, which is considered the founder of the genre of Basni. Basni Jesopa prose, narrative, concise.

The main attention is given to the skirmish between the carriers of certain features or different life positions. In the Basna "Vovka and Lamb" characters characteristics clearly defined: the lamb personifies defensiveness, Vovka - power. Morality flows out of the language: Fair protection has no strength for those who wondered to make injustice.

Unlike the Jesop, the wings placed the moral of his fable at the beginning, but the development of events in the bass is not perceived as a simple illustration of the morality "in a strong powerless guilty of events ...".

The wing wolf becomes an embodiment of an inexorable angry strength, cruelty and a time humanity, and the development of the plot in our eyes discloses the mechanism of action of this cruel strength. Readers become like witnessing everything that happens with heroes. At the beginning of the Basnie, the lamb is not frightened by forever, because he does not flop by anyone and does not raise the established rules. Senseless accusations that Vovka puts forward a lamb with ease refutes.

In the response, the lamb felt a sense of self-esteem. For some moment, readers even seem to be a lamb of Vovka in a deaf angle, since the predator does not have more arguments for the accusation. But from this does not follow at all that after meeting with Vovka, the lamb will remain intact. Just since the opposite.

Every decent lamb answer is even more infuriated. In the end, a woven predator annifies his victim's guilty and he shows his essence. The last words of Basni: "said - and in the dark forest in the eyes of a lamb" - at the same time the expected and unexpected.

From the very beginning, the reader knew that it should have happened, but, watching the development of events, hoped that the lamb would still bring his innocence.

So, in the fables of Jesopa and Krylov, there are a plot, characters and even morality. The Jesopa Basza is written by prose, and wing verses. But, in my opinion, the most important thing that distinguishes these two fables is the most reading perception of works.

The fables of the Jesopa is facing, so to speak, to the mind of the reader. And Krylova's fables - to his heart.

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  13. What is called Basney, and what are its main signs? Bassnya is a small, mostly part of the stamuing story of an instructive nature, whose heroes are the animals, people, plants or objects. The main idea is called morality. It may be both at the beginning and in the end of the fable. Mandatory for Basni is the use of allegory, satire, irony. Allegory (translated from Greek means [...] ...
  14. What teaches the story every century leaves his mark in the formation of literature. Not exception and eighteenth century. Reading such works as "poor Lisa" N. M. Karamzin, we become wiser, humane and even a bit sentimental. After all, no vain of this author belongs to the most progressive sentimentalists of that era. He managed very accurately and finely describe internal alarms [...] ...
  15. For their lives, the Great Russian Basinople I. A. Krylov wrote more than 200 Basen. In his works, using allegory, he reflected social events exciting country, ridicule the universal flaws. Today Basny I. A. Krylova is known in many countries of the world. Of all the fables that I read, I like the most "wolf on the psarn". Gray evil predator, "thinking to climb [...] ...
  16. Basnya is a small prosaic or poetic product of allegorical content and instructive nature, one of the oldest genres of literature. Back in v art. Our era had popular fables, the author of which was considered an ancient Greek slave-hunchback Ezop. They liked the people so much who went through all countries and survived not only the century, but a whole millennium. The plots of Ezopova Bassen borrowed [...] ...
  17. What takes us the history of the Motherland confusing, complex and unusually contradictory the history of our country teaches us a lot, you only need to extract the right conclusions from the history of the Motherland, so as not to repeat the same errors, do not step on the same rake. And then how is it? The story teaches, teaches us, and we all repeat and repeat [...] ...
  18. What does a person learn the history of the Motherland can the story of our homeland anything teach us? Maybe if we yourself want themselves! If I were a history teacher, I would spend a lesson on the topic: "What lessons can be learned from the errors that we allowed in the past?" In this lesson, I would tell the guys about what had had [...] ...
  19. An outstanding Russian writer, Basinista I. A. Krylov was one of those who laid the foundations of realism in Russian literature. Over the images of animals that have become favorite characters of his fable, people with certain features of character are easily guessed; But the author's contemporaries corrected them with specific personalities. Many Baszy Krylov are a kind of response to the historical events that were of great importance [...] ...
  20. Image system. Bassny, like a fairy tale, violates the logical relationship of living-non-living and widely enjoyed by personification. That is why animals and plants, things and the phenomena of nature act on an equal footing with a person, who are attached to the forms of human relations and life. This is what determines the system of images in Krylov's fables. In them, along with people, most often are representatives of the lower estates [...] ...
  21. Like each tale, the "tale of the princess-frog" is very instructive. She teaches us to many good qualities. First of all, good and compassion. Ivan-Tsarevich on the road to Koscheevo Kingdom retains life to many animals: bear, hare, spleen, pike. But he was hungry! Another would be in his place, without thinking, I entered the hare or pike. And Ivan Tsarevich became their [...] ...
  22. The Tale of E. Schwartz "Two Maple" will undoubtedly teach a lot. First, obey the elders, especially their parents. If Egorushka with Fedor listened to Mum and did not leave the house before, would have them and their mother would have to endure so many Vasilis worker? The tale teaches truthfully and objectively assess its capabilities, not to be arrogant. The older sons of Vasilisa, having committed [...] ...
  23. J. de Lafonten. Raven and Fox 1. What distinguishes the Voron Ezop from the crow of Lafonten? Raven in the Basna of Lafontaine Correctine than Raven in Basna Ezopa. He embarrassed because of his failure and even swore, "he will not need another lesson." 2. In which of the Bassen speaks of a flattery and lests? About the bowling and lessets says "Uncle [...] ...
  24. How do you understand the moral of this fable, what does she teach? The bass condemns egoism, the desire to use someone else's work in favor of themselves and not to answer this thanks, greed, that is, the qualities that make a person with a bad comrades. Draw portraits of Fedi and Senyshi. Describe the characters of each of the boys. Try to use with the story such qualities as ingenuity, intelligence, dexterity, [...] ...
  25. Baszy Krylova - a beautiful school of observation of life, phenomena, characters. Basni is interested in dynamic plots, and the image of the characters of acting persons, in particular animals, insects, birds. Each read fable causes a thought to think. Reading the Basinny "Dejianiova's ear", you know: the story that the author tells is not at all about specific Dejyan and Foku and not about ear and excess hospitality. Demani [...] ...
  26. Lesson Mozyushka, Donkey, goat yes Kosolapy bear started playing quartet. Delivered notes, bass, alta, two violins and sat on the meadow under the sticky to captivate with their art. They hit the bow, fight, but there is no sense. "Stop, brothers, stand! - Screams Marty. - Wait! How to go music? After all, you are not so sitting. You and Bas, Misha, sit against [...] ...
  27. Idean-thematic content. Bass - a small product of a narrative nature in verses or (less often) in prose with moral, satirical or ironic content; It has allegorical meaning. The plot of bass is allegorical, its development leads to directly formulated moral conclusion. Basnya is one of the oldest literary genres known from Antiquity (Esop, Fedr). Often the Basinisians create their own works on [...] ...
  28. Bassny, like a fairy tale, violates the logical relationship of living-non-living and widely enjoyed by personification. That is why animals and plants, things and the phenomena of nature act on an equal footing with a person, who are attached to the forms of human relations and life. This is what determines the system of images in Krylov's fables. In them, along with people, most often than the representatives of the lower estates, animals act, [...] ...
  29. Writing on the works of Ezop and Ivan Krylov. The founder of the Basni is considered an ancient slave artist Ezopa. Indeed, his wisdom of his Bassen is so deep and inexhaustible that for many centuries it enjoys the Basinisians. They create a new form for fables, improve it, but do not consider it for the desired change its content, which is completed, and therefore eternal. Consider three Basni Ezopa, [...] ...
  30. Leonid Glebov was a meek man and a deep lyrics in the shower. On his fables, adults, and children respond to his fables, poems and riddles. After all, he had enough talent and skill to "wear" the fastener in national clothes, so that she shine in front of us. Since childhood, Little Leonid Glebov with hobby listened to the grandmother's fairy tales. He often thought that they were involved in them [...] ...
  31. Basnyam I. A. Krylova has already been more than two hundred years, but their images still remain alive and recognizable. This is because the Great Basinople did not invent the characters' characters, but watched them in life. Baszy Krylov - burning satire on self-rigor officials, they are aimed at ridicule of human defects: laziness, cowardice, hypocrisy. Comparing two Basni I. Krylov: [...] ...
  32. V. A. Zhukovsky shifted in verses a classic story about a young princess, who asleep at 300 years after the injection about the spindle. With her birth, the evil sorceress imposed on her to curse. From the dream of the princess and all the kingdom awakens a kiss of a beautiful prince. As in any other fairy tale, it contains morality: good will always defeat evil. This basic idea of \u200b\u200bany [...] ...
  33. Preparation for EEG: Writing Analysis Basen Quartet and "Swan, Cancer and Pike" Basni Krylov I. A. When there is no consent between comrades, they will not go to the way, as you know, their case will not ... However, "consent to comrades" is Not the only condition for successful activities. Each of the project participants must have the necessary abilities, otherwise, if blind is blind [...] ...
  34. Ivan Andreevich Krylov - Wizard Words Ivan Andreevich Krylov - a wonderful writer, who managed to give the Basna a high meaning and satirical sharpness, relevance and ambiguity. The brevity and imagery of the Krylov language are amazing. He knew how to create a whole picture or characterize his hero with just a few words. In the Basna "Wolf and Lamb", he depicts a lamb to robing in front of an important dignitary - wolf, [...] ...
  35. The fairy tale of "Padderitsa" teaches that when a friend is good, he succeeds in life. Good man everything is returned to good, and evil - evil. The main heroine of the fairy tales - Padryman named Gulbik was kind and helped everyone. Her raised the evil stepmother, who had a native daughter. Native daughter was spoiled, lazy and evil. Despite the hard fate, [...] ...
  36. Demians Poor in his fables always pushed away from specific lifestyles. The material for them he took usually from the newspaper chronicle. The message about the particular case became an epigraph to the bass, the fable itself erected the case to the typical phenomenon. So, in the epighera to the Basna "House" reported: "In the six-story house, Tolkachev ... there was a catastrophe: vaults, ceilings and beams were collapsed ... [...] ...
  37. 1. Read all the fables about the ravene and the Lisa and compare them. You can compare two of them - those that you liked. All these fables are built on the same story: Flouncing Fox (Lis) wants to get cheating what Raven owns (Crow), and she succeeds. And the fact that Ezop and Lafontin is a raven, and [...] ...
  38. The book is the faithful adviser in life, the treasury of inexhaustible knowledge and a real friend. We learn, develop, grown up, and all the time she is next to us. So, everything starts with the book. Modern youth through computerization and the Internet does not like to read, considering it with a stubborn, remnant. But I really love to read, because I understand how much means a book today. In [...] ...
  39. One of the first forms of artistic thinking near the myth was a fable - a short story, most often in poetic form, mainly satirical character. What is the secret of such a longevity of the literary genre? What does bass teach us? Most often, the heroes of the Basni are animals, plants, lifeless items that make it possible to talk about the disadvantages or disadvantages of people. And the reader, as [...] ...
  40. Today, classicism has gained its popularity again. Moliere one of the bright representatives of this direction. His heroes are realistic, and the real beauty of a person is expressed through the worldview and mind. One of the brightest images that he created the playwright is the image of the bourgeois in the comedy "Bezannan - Web". The author rises bourgeois, today comedy has not lost its relevance. Moliere allows from the side to see [...] ...

Since childhood, we know Basni Krylov. Clear, lungs, wise poems are in the soul. Likement - and it is present in the bass necessarily - it is gradually absorbed, and its strength is enormous. Baszy learn to be honest, love Fatherland, work for the good of people, helping weak, not lie, do not envy. They warn against bad actions and prompt good. Basic animals - wolves, sheep, bears, hares, foxes, dogs, lions, squirrels and mice - talk among themselves and serve as acting persons in scenes and plays, which is playing in the fables of the wings in front of their readers. We regret the lamb, who has got a hungry wolf, despise the pig for being undermining the roots of oak, laugh at the donkey, over pike. The lines of the Basni "Voron and Foxer" are forever imprinted in memory: Rainer somewhere god sent a piece of cheese; On the spruce of the crow flocks, it was quite already going to have breakfast, and he walked around, and he kept cheese in the mouth. On that trouble fox fucked ... We know the beginning of this fable since childhood. And Morality, taught by Krylov, is aware later: how many times it was told the world that the deputy of the gnus is harmful; But only everything is not in the GOB, and in the heart of the smoke always deducts the corner. But the fact that they understand young readers who are unfamiliar with the word "flattering" will grab it to see the wave praise, hit fox and remember that it is necessary to treat sweet speeches with caution. Children read the fable "Comb", teaching her hair daily. However, the main thought of this fable is set forth in its second part, in such expressions: I saw in my century, which is also the same with the truth, the insertion conscience in us in us, rightly we are a sweet and truth to us holy, and they are listening, and accept: But just began to crush the soul, the truth was given from the ears. And anyone, like a child, does not want to scratch the hair when they are smoking. And it turns out that the Basinny "Comb" can be read as a work, implanting those who work badly and shrive in soul, does not tolerate when others are trying to put on their business. Many Baszy Krylov was created for any specific reasons, due to individual events, cases, facts. But in them the main thing was the non-separating meaning. And every generation of readers explained the content of the Basni in accordance with its worldview and look at life.
Many Basini Krylov - "Swan, Pike and Cancer", "Parnas", "Demyanova's ear", "Donkey and Solovy", "Trojnist" and others - were also written about some valid incidents. But private cases were forgotten, and the folk remained in the bass, which was laid in them by the writer, and they continued to live, continually as if updating their content. In the consciousness of the Russian reader, the word "Basnya" has long grown with the name of Krylov. He wrote the plays, magazine prose, poems, stories, but most of all he managed the fables - short works of ten, twenty, forty lines. The top of the Creativity of Krylov was not so much a separate bass, albeit the most famous, and their connection, a combination, that is, the Basen Book, consisting of all the works of this genre, the total number of which reaches Krylov to two hundred five. So thought the writer himself. The researchers found that, forming the collections of their fables, it clearly determined the location of each. And the relation between them gave meaning to each section of the collection - the "book", as the wings were expressed. He placed the fables in different years in different ways, other excluding, always added new, while maintaining about an equal number of works in the books.

In 1824, A. S. Pushkin became strongly interested in the events of the end of the XVI - early XVII century, when the Russian state was ruled by Boris Godunov, the throne of which was then taken by Lhadmitry. Studying this material, Pushkin conceived writing a work about power and the people. In order to brighter the last century with all its features, Pushkin found the fashioned form of the tragedy most suitable for resolving this task. The people are the main character of the work and in the tragedy is shown in motion, in its development. The scene on the Red Square speaks of his confusion and bewilderment about ravage in the country: "Oh my God

Alexander Aleksandrovich Blok, his poetry chanting patriotic feelings and sentiment, who created a delicious image of an excellent lady, who received a grand recognition in life and had a loud success among representatives of the weaker sex, which for a long time wandered under the windows of the house where the poet lived, in dreams to get at least one Autograph, belonged to the school of domestic symbolism. All his poems were impregnated with the metaphysical perception of objective reality, due to which they acquired the unchanged "block" shade "of life in lifeless." The block endowed the ability to feel, perceive

Romanticism, replacing sentimentalism and pre-romanticism, reflected the mood of disbelief, hopelessness, which manifested themselves in the European self-consciousness at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. In Russia, the emergence and development of romanticism is due to the rise of national and personal self-consciousness, characteristic of the first decade after the end of the Patriotic War of 1812. Russian romanticism can be divided into two currents: psychological and civilian. The main signs of psychological romanticism in the literature - the approval that the evil is in the nature of a modern man's infected with the sin and

L. N. Tolstoy - a writer of a huge, global scale, since the subject of his research was a man, his soul. For a thick man - part of the universe. He is interested in what way the soul of man passes in the desire for a high, ideal, in the desire to know the most self. In the face of the bellows - an honest, highly educated nobleman. This is a direct nature, able to sharpen, it is easy to excite. Pierre is peculiar to deep meditation and doubt, the search for the meaning of life. The life path is complicated and tortuous. Initially, under the influence of youth and the environment, he makes many mistakes: Veda

He became famous for an unusual literary style. His fables, where instead of people participants are representatives of animals and insects, symbolizing certain human qualities and behaviors, always make sense, send. "Morals of this Basni is such" - became the cruise expression of the Basinista.

List of Basen Krylov

Why do we love Basni Krylov

Baszy Krylov is familiar to every person, they are taught at school, read at leisure, read adults and children. The works of this author are suitable for any category of readers. Myself washed off the Basen to show and teach something by no boring morals, but interesting fairy tales. The leaders of Krylov are usually animals, the author on their example shows various situations and exit of them. Baszy learn to be kind, honest, friendly. On the example of the conversations of animals, the essence of human qualities opens, flavors are shown.

Take for example most popular fables. "Crow and Fox" shows the bird's self-love, as she shows and behaves, and the way she flatters her. It makes us remember the situations from life, because now there are a lot of people who are capable of all for the fact that getting desirable, of course, to go to their goal it is commendable, but if it does not harm others. So fox in Basna did everything to get his cherished piece of cheese. This fable teaches to be attentive to what they are told, and to the one who tells you, do not trust and do not disappear unfamiliar.

Basin "Quartet", shows us a donkey, a goat, a bear and a mardy of the quartet to create a quartet, they all do not speak any skills, nor with hearing This is an example of state councils. But in the end, it can be said that this work teaches elementary to understand that the work requires knowledge and skills.

"Pig under the oak" in it, the author opens up the reader such qualities as ignorance, laziness, egoism and ungratefulness. These features are revealed thanks to the image of a pig, for which the main thing in life is to eat and sleep, but it does not even care where the acorns are taken from.

The main advantage of Basen Krylov can be distinguished by the fact that their perception by man is very easy, the lines are written in a simple language, so they are easily remembered. Basni like many people and are relevant so far, because they are inappropriate, taught honesty, labor and assistance to weak.

Charm of Basen Krylova.

Ivan Andreevich Krylov is the most famous Basinist worldwide. Children get acquainted with his instructive and wise works even in early childhood. No little generations have grown on the Baszny Krylov.

A little bit from the biography of Krylov.

The wing family lived in Tver. Father is not a rich man, army captain. As a child, the young poet learned to write and read from his father, then he studied French. The wings studied little, but he read a lot and listened to secretarious stories. And thanks to his self-development was one of the most educated people of their century. After the death of his father, in adolescence with his family went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the service.
After the army, he actively began his literary activities. The playwright first made translations, wrote the tragedy, but later his soul was addicted to the satirical genre of literature.

In 1844, the writer died from inflammation of the lungs, as the last gift to his friends and native wings left the Bassen's collection. On the cover of each copy was engraved: "Offering in memory of Ivan Andreevich, at wishes."

About Basni Krylova.

As mentioned above, Ivan Andreevich Krylov tried himself in various literary genres, before staying on the bass. He gave his works "to the court" to friends, among which were listed as Dmitriev, Lobanov. When the wings brought Dmitrieva with a translation from the French Basen Lafontnane, he exclaimed: "This is true of your kind; Finally you found it. "

In all his life, Ivan Andreevich published 236 Bassen. Also, the poet wrote satirical magazines. In all his humorous works of the wings, the disadvantages of the Russian people, ridiculed the vices of man and most importantly, he taught people moral and moral qualities.

Each Basza Krylova has its own structure, most often allocate two parts: moral (at the beginning or at the end of the work) and the Basny itself. Ivan Andreevich basically showed and ridiculed the problems of society through the prism on the example of the animal world. The main characters of the Basen are all sorts of animals, birds and insects. The Basinista described the life situations in which the characters behaved in an inappropriate way, then in the morals of the wings, she also affected his readers, showing how to leave these situations.

This is the charm of Bassen Krylov, he taught people of life, he explained the rules of morality and etiquette on the example of fairy tales.

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