Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Smolensk State University" Universities of Smolensk: list, passing points, budget places Smolensk Pedagogical University Budget

The section "" contains detailed information on the 2018 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing points, the competition, the conditions for the provision of the hostel, the number of vacant places, as well as the minimum points that were required to be collected to receive it. The base of universities is constantly growing!

- a new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Exam.

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Olympiads in detail - a new version of the "" section with an indication of the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' sites.

A new service "Remind me about the event" has been launched in the section, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

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Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute of the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Education
Smolensk State Medical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR
Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute

Previous titles:

bachelor, postgraduate, master

Skill level:

full-time, part-time

Form of study:

state diploma

Graduation document:

No. 2130 series AAA No. 002229 valid from 10.11.2011 indefinitely No. 0097 series 90А01 No. 0000098 valid from 25.07.2012 to 25.06.2018


161 to 233

Passing score:

Number of budget places:

Characteristics of the university

Budget funding (free training):
Postponement from service:
Military department:
Preparatory training:
Medical prophylactic examination:
KVN team:
No. of students6500
Number of teachers480
Number of candidates of science300
Number of prof. and doctors:75

general information

SmolSU is one of the oldest universities in Russia. It was formed on November 7, 1918 by a decree of the Council of People's Commissars. Initially, the university combined the humanities, natural science and medical educational areas.

In accordance with the government's decision on the reform of higher and secondary vocational education by order of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR dated April 18, 1930, the university was reorganized into two independent institutes: the Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR and the Smolensk State Medical Institute of the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR. The 70-year history of the university began as the largest pedagogical university in the region.

On January 13, 1998, by order of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation, the Smolensk State Pedagogical Institute was renamed into the Smolensk State Pedagogical University. The modern stage in the history of the university begins on December 19, 2005, when by order of the Federal Agency for Education, the state educational institution of higher professional education "Smolensk State Pedagogical University" was renamed into "Smolensk State University" (SmolSU). The 2005 decision was not just a formal renaming of the university - the status of a classical university was returned to it, the development concept of which is now being implemented by the SmolSU team.

On April 13, 2011, the organizational form of the university was changed - it became a budgetary institution in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Our modern name is the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher professional education "Smolensk State University" (SmolSU).

To date, the university has 8 faculties, 40 departments, over 480 teachers. The university employs 75 doctors of sciences, professors and about 300 candidates of sciences and associate professors. In recent years, over 30 university professors have become full members and correspondent members of domestic and foreign Academies, are members of large international societies and associations of scientists.

More than 4 thousand students study full-time at the university, and almost 2100 students study by correspondence. Possessing reliable personnel potential, the university is confidently expanding the range of training areas offered to applicants. Today we are training in 11 enlarged groups, 35 directions for training bachelors, 22 - masters have been opened.

The university is proud of its history and, of course, its graduates. Over the years, the great Russian poets A.T. Tvardovsky, M.V. Isakovsky, N.I. Rylenkov, Academician and President of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences V.M. Khvostov, academician M.B. Khrapchenko and many other prominent figures of science and culture of Russia.

The university strives to form a full-fledged university campus and developing its infrastructure, including three educational buildings, a concert hall, a canteen, a library, a sanatorium-preventorium, a health center, an educational and recreational base located on the territory of the Smolenskoye Poozerie National Park, 4 hostel, is building an educational building, a hostel and a multifunctional sports complex.

A wide range of services is offered by the university library, which is a regional methodological center. The library fund - more than 780 thousand volumes of books and magazines, including 15 thousand volumes of rare editions. Today the library offers students online access to the catalogs of its collections.

The university pays special attention to students - their extracurricular activities, sports life and social security.

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1 of

Natural geographic

  • - ecology and nature management(bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - tourism(bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - land management and cadastres(bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - landscape architecture(bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - Teacher Education(geography and biology, biology and chemistry) (bachelor's degree, training 5 years);

History and law

  • - history(bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - jurisprudence(bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - teacher education (history and law)(bachelor, training 5 years).

Psychological and pedagogical

  • "Psychology"
  • "Psychology of Education"
  • "Psychology and Pedagogy of Preschool Education"
  • "Psychology and Pedagogy of Primary Education"
  • "Pedagogy of Primary Education and Informatics"
  • "Speech therapy"
  • "Oligophrenopedagogy"
  • Master's programs are open:
  • "Pedagogy of Development"
  • "Pedagogical psychology"
  • "Psychological counseling"
  • "Preschool education"
  • "Pedagogy and developmental psychology of preschool children"
  • The faculty provides a real opportunity to get an education of the European level, become a master, get a diploma recognized in the EU countries.
  • The faculty implements the programs of "Second higher education":
  • "Pedagogy and psychology"
  • "Speech therapy and oligophrenopedagogy"

Social Faculty

  • - Sociology (bachelor's degree, training 4 years);
  • - social work (bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - organization of work with youth (bachelor's degree, training 4 years);
  • - psychological and pedagogical education (psychology and social pedagogy) (bachelor, training 4 years)

Physics and mathematics

  • - Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Bachelor's degree, training 4 years);
  • - pedagogical education (mathematics and computer science; physics and computer science) (bachelor's degree, training 5 years);
  • - construction (bachelor, training 4 years).


  • Journalism (bachelor's degree, training 4 years)
  • Linguistics (bachelor, training 4 years)
  • Teacher Education
  1. The term of study for bachelors in the "Foreign language (two languages)" profile is 5 years.
  2. For the profile "Russian Language and Literature" the term of study is 5 years.


Economics and Management

  • - economics (finance and credit) (bachelor's degree, training 4 years);
  • - management (organization management; logistics and supply chain management) (bachelor's degree, training 4 years);
  • - personnel management (bachelor, training 4 years);
  • - Business Informatics (bachelor's degree, training 4 years);
  • - state and municipal administration (bachelor's degree, training 4 years).

Conditions of admission

SmolSU admits citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, compatriots from abroad to study in basic educational programs of higher professional education.

Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens of some foreign states, if they receive education of this level for the first time, are admitted to places funded from the federal budget (hereinafter budget places).

Admission to SmolSU for the first year for undergraduate programs is carried out:

Based on the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the Unified State Exam) in general education subjects corresponding to the direction of training (profile) for which admission is carried out, and according to the results of additional entrance examinations for certain creative areas of training (profiles) - persons with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education;

According to the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently, the following categories of citizens (at their request) in the absence of the results of the USE of the current year:

Those with secondary vocational education - upon admission to study under the bachelor's degree programs of the corresponding profile;

Those with secondary (complete) general education received in educational institutions of foreign states;

According to the results of entrance examinations in the form of interviews of citizens:

Those with secondary vocational education - upon admission for training in a shortened bachelor's program of the corresponding profile;

Having higher professional education.

The admission of citizens with disabilities is carried out both on the basis of the USE results, and on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently (in the absence of USE results).

The results of the Unified State Exam, recognized as the results of entrance examinations in general education subjects corresponding to the direction of study (profile) for which admission is carried out, cannot be lower than the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science for the results of the Unified State Exam in such general education subjects.

SmolSU for each area of ​​study (profile):

Has the right to establish a minimum number of points based on the results of the exam, entrance examinations conducted by the university independently, confirming the successful completion of entrance examinations in general subjects, exceeding the minimum number of points established by the Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science, confirming the development of a general education program of secondary (complete) general education ;

Establishes the minimum number of points, confirming the successful completion of additional entrance examinations of a creative and (or) professional orientation.

The established minimum number of points cannot be changed by the university until the completion of the admission procedure.

No entrance tests the university accepts winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads held in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for training under bachelor's programs in areas of training (profiles) corresponding to the profile of the school Olympiad.

Out of competition subject to successful completion of the entrance examinations, the following are accepted:

Orphans and children left without parental care, as well as persons under the age of 23 from among orphans and children left without parental care;

Disabled children, people with disabilities of I and II groups, who, according to the conclusion of the federal institution of medical and social expertise, are not contraindicated to study in the relevant higher educational institutions;

Preemptive right in case of equality of the points scored for admission to the university, they use (in the order of listing):

Citizens dismissed from military service, children of military personnel who died in the performance of military service duties or died as a result of military injury or illness;

Children of persons killed or died as a result of military trauma or diseases received by them while participating in counter-terrorism operations and (or) other measures to combat terrorism;

Persons with a higher score in a specialized general education subject;

Winners of subject Olympiads for schoolchildren, conducted by the university independently;

Medalists (diploma with honors);

Those who have work experience in the field of at least 10 months;

Repeated applicants;

Graduated from university preparatory courses.

Admission to study for master's programs is carried out at the request of citizens with higher professional education, according to the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently.

SmolSU has the right to carry out targeted admission of students within budgetary places in accordance with agreements concluded with state authorities, local authorities and organize a separate competition for these places.

SmolSU has the right to admit citizens in excess of the established budgetary places for training on the basis of contracts with payment of tuition fees by legal entities and (or) individuals.

Contacts of graduate school

The graduate school of Smolensk State University prepares full-time and part-time graduate students in the following specialties.

Technical science

05.13.18 - Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes

Historical sciences

07.00.02 - Domestic history

07.00.03 - General history

Philosophical Sciences

09.00.01 - Ontology and theory of knowledge

Philological sciences

10.01.01 - Russian literature

10.02.01 - Literature of the peoples of foreign countries

10.02.01 - Russian language

02.10.04 - Germanic languages ​​(English, German)

02/10/05 - Romance languages ​​(French)

10.02.21 - Applied Mathematical Linguistics

Pedagogical Sciences

13.00.01 - General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education

  • Museum of the History of Smolensk State University
  • Journal "Izvestia SmolSU"

The number of universities in Smolensk includes medical educational institutions of higher education, humanitarian universities. The most prestigious university in the city is SmolSU ...

From Masterweb

25.07.2018 02:00

The number of universities in Smolensk includes medical educational institutions of higher education, humanitarian universities. The most prestigious university in the city is SmolSU. Graduates of universities and institutes of Smolensk receive not only a diploma of higher education, but also the necessary knowledge and skills for further work in the chosen specialty.


Smolensk State University first began to conduct educational activities in 1918. It is one of the oldest educational institutions in the region. Today, the number of structural divisions of Smolensk State University includes 8 faculties, on the basis of which there are 36 departments. Faculties include:

  • sociological;
  • philological;
  • artistic and graphic, and others.

The list of university employees includes more than 300 teachers. Among them are professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, associate professors and senior teachers. The main university of Smolensk offers more than 20 educational programs of the 1st stage of higher education - bachelor's degree, as well as 19 master's programs. In addition, the university implements programs of preparatory courses for applicants, retraining programs for specialists.

For admission to the direction "Landscape architecture" you need certificates of state exams in subjects such as mathematics, Russian language, and biology. In this case, the minimum scores are as follows: 50 points for the Russian language exam, 32 points for the mathematics exam, 40 points for the biology exam. The number of budget places is 15, paid places 8. Upon graduation, students receive a bachelor's degree.

For admission to the direction of training bachelors in the specialty "Applied Informatics", you must provide the following USE results: at least 35 points in mathematics, at least 40 points in physics, at least 50 points in the Russian language. Budget places 15, paid 8. Sufficiently high requirements for the minimum points in the direction of "Journalism": not less than 50 points in the Russian language and not less than 45 points in literature. In addition, a minimum of 50 points is required for a creative challenge administered by a university.


Smolensk University for the Humanities is the only non-state university in the region, but since 2018 it no longer accepts students for higher education programs. The university has existed for 25 years, and at the moment is the founder of the college. The building of the Smolensk Humanitarian University continues to function as a legal entity. All university teachers moved to other higher educational institutions of the city.


Smolensk State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was founded in the middle of the 20th century. The number of structural divisions of the university includes 5 faculties, among them:

  • physical culture and health technologies;
  • individual educational technologies, and others.

There are more than 20 departments at the faculties, among them:

  • biological disciplines;
  • theories and methods of football and hockey;
  • fitness and stage directing, and others.

Smolensk State Medical University

The number of medical universities in Smolensk includes the State Medical University. The list of structural divisions includes the following faculties:

  • psychological and social;
  • medical;
  • pediatric;
  • dental, and others.

The passing scores to university on a budgetary basis are quite high. For example, in the direction "General Medicine" of a medical university in Smolensk, the passing score was 233. At the same time, the maximum score recorded by the admissions committee in 2017 was 298. For the direction "Dentistry", the passing score was 245. In the admissions committee recorded a maximum score of 279.

The Medical University in Smolensk has 5 hostels, which are equipped according to modern standards of comfortable living. Most of them are dedicated to academy students. Dormitory number 1 has the capacity to accommodate more than 300 students, more than 200 living quarters have been created in hostel number 2, in hostel number 3, as well as in hostel number 4, approximately the same number of living quarters.

Military Academy of Military Air Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation named after Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky

The educational institution is one of several military universities in Smolensk. The history of the academy began in 1939. Among the structural divisions there are 5 faculties, as well as 17 departments. The faculties include:

  • short-range anti-aircraft systems;
  • anti-aircraft missile systems and medium-range systems, and others.

The Academy has a training ground, gymnasiums, as well as a shooting range, a health-improving complex, a library with more than 300,000 books, classrooms equipped with modern equipment, etc.

Moscow New Law Institute (branch of the university in Smolensk)

The branch of the university was opened in 1998. The Institute implements educational programs at all levels of higher education. The number of university students includes more than 300 people. In addition, the institute conducts preparatory courses for admission to higher educational institutions, as well as retraining programs for specialists.

Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary

For the first time, the seminary began educational activities in 1728. The institution offers applicants the following educational programs:

  • training for ministers and religious personnel;
  • theology.

The duration of full-time studies is four years. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree. Certain entrance test scores are required for admission to undergraduate programs. For the direction "Theology" you need the results of the USE in the Russian language and in history. At the same time, the minimum scores at which documents are allowed to participate in the competition in the Russian language are equal to 36, in history - 32. It is also required to successfully pass an additional exam in professional orientation, which is conducted in writing directly by the educational institution itself - the Smolensk Orthodox Theological Seminary ...

A large number of various educational programs offered by higher educational institutions of Smolensk attract applicants not only from this city, but also from neighboring regions. The competition for a place in Smolensk universities is quite high, however, the quality of education is at a decent level. Graduates of the above universities and institutes speak positively about their educational institutions. The professionalism of the teaching staff is noted, as well as the friendly atmosphere in universities.

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Answers to frequently asked questions

  • Question. I graduated in 2013 from the Smolensk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy, and received a state diploma with a bachelor's degree in Economics. With this diploma, can I enter Smolensk State University for correspondence courses in the direction of preparation of the master's program "Economics of the Firm", or for the direction of preparation of the bachelor's degree "Management"? If so, how long does it take to study?
    Answer. Persons with a higher education of any level, the presence of which is confirmed by a certificate of education, are allowed to master master's programs. Having a state bachelor's degree gives you the right to enroll in both the master's and bachelor's degree programs. The term of study by correspondence in the magistracy is 2 years and 6 months, in the bachelor's degree - 5 years.
  • Question. I would like to enter your university at the Faculty of Philology, the direction of training "Pedagogical Education (English)" for a budget place. Could you tell us what USE scores are needed for this?
    Answer. Enrollment for budgetary places is carried out according to a general competition: first of all, applicants with higher scores are enrolled, provided that they provide the original documents on education within the prescribed period. It is not possible to say in advance how many points will be enough. The minimum USE scores required to submit an application, as well as the "passing scores" of the last year, can be found on the website of the admissions office of SmolSU
  • Question. I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, this year I am finishing correspondence studies at a college in Moscow and am going to enter your university. The official website of the Smolensk State University admission committee indicates that applicants with secondary vocational or higher education can apply both according to the results of the exam and the results of entrance examinations conducted by Smolensk State University. Please tell me: 1) Do I have to take the Unified State Exam for admission to your university, or will it be enough to pass the internal entrance tests conducted by SmolSU? 2) If the availability of the Unified State Exam for applicants with secondary vocational education is a prerequisite for admission to SmolSU, then where and how should I apply for passing the Unified State Exam, given that I currently live in Minsk.
    Answer. If you have a diploma of secondary vocational education, you can enter Smolensk State University according to the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently. In addition, you can take the Unified State Exam by contacting the Department of Education and Science of the Smolensk Region.
  • Question. I am a 5th year student of the Faculty of History and Law of SmolSU. I thought about the second higher education. Is there a second higher education at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the direction of training "Pedagogical education (profile: biology and chemistry)"? Do I need to take the exam?
    Answer. In accordance with the Admission Rules, you can be enrolled only in 1 course of the direction of training "Pedagogical education (profile: biology and chemistry)". If you have a diploma of higher education, you can enter according to the results of exams conducted by the university.
  • Question. For admission to the direction of training "Pedagogical education (profile: English)". Do you need to take the EE in mathematics at a basic or specialized level?
    Answer. For admission to the direction of training "Pedagogical education (profile: English)" USE in mathematics is not required, so you can independently choose the level of the USE in this subject.
  • Question. Are there budget places for the 2018-2019 academic year? And is it possible to apply for admission by email?
    Answer. For the 2018-2019 academic year, budgetary places are provided at SmolSU. The documents required for admission can be sent by e-mail. Information about the areas of training for which admission will be carried out, the number of budget places and the rules for admission can be found on the website of the admissions committee.
  • Question. Are targeted directions from the Tula region taken into account upon admission?
    Answer. Admission to SmolSU for targeted admission is possible only if there is an agreement with an employer who has entered into an agreement on targeted training with our university. Today it is the Department of the Smolensk region for internal policy and the Department of the Smolensk region for education and science.
  • Question. Can I apply to you on a budget if I have spent 2 years studying on a budget at another university? Accordingly, there is no diploma of higher education.
    Answer. If you have not received a diploma of higher education, then you can apply for budgetary places.
  • Question. Tell me, please, when does the acceptance of documents for the correspondence form of study begin?
    Answer. Acceptance of documents for all forms of education begins on June 20.
  • Question. I am finishing a building college, specialty "Architecture". Until what date will the documents for the correspondence department, the direction of training "Construction" be accepted? What entrance tests will be required for admission?
    Answer. Acceptance of documents for the correspondence course of study for applicants applying for the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently will take place from June 20 to July 10, 2019. you have a secondary vocational education, then for admission to the correspondence department you will need to pass three exams - in mathematics, physics and the Russian language.
  • Question. When will the entrance exams for the Faculty of Psychology and Education, correspondence courses take place?
    Answer. The schedule of entrance examinations will be posted on the official website of the Smolensk State University admissions committee on June 1 (“Normative documents” tab).
  • Question. Is it possible to use the USE results obtained last year upon admission?
    Answer. Yes, in 2019 the USE results of 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 are also valid
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