Armavir State Pedagogical University (agpu). Armavir State Pedagogical University (agpu) Description of educational institution

University. Full name - Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Armavir State Pedagogical University"... The main building of the university is located in Armavir.

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Armavir State Pedagogical University is one of the oldest educational institutions in the South of Russia, providing professional pedagogical education. Professional pedagogical education began in 1923, when the Armavir Pedagogical College was established by the decision of the People's Commissariat of Education. In 1932, an Assyrian department was opened in the pedagogical technical school, the first graduation of which took place in 1936. On the basis of the Armavir Pedagogical College, short-term courses for retraining Assyrian teachers were organized.

During the period of the temporary fascist occupation of Armavir from August 1942 to January 1943, the pedagogical technical school did not function. In 1944 the technical school was renamed into the Armavir Pedagogical School. On September 1, 1948, the Armavir Teachers' Institute was opened on the basis of the school. By the order of the Ministry of Education dated July 27, 1948, VS Yarovaya, who had previously served as the head of the Pedagogical School, was appointed the first director of the Armavir UI.

By the decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated June 26, 1954, No. 954, the teacher's institute was reorganized into the Armavir State Pedagogical Institute. In the 50-60s of the twentieth century, the AGPI became the scientific and methodological center of the country for teachers - mathematicians. Associate Professor NN Sholaster published the book "Elementary Geometry" (a short course for correspondence students of pedagogical institutes) with a circulation of 20 thousand copies. In 1961, M. Ya. Tsyrkin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Agrarian State Pedagogical Institute, prepared a textbook for students of physics and mathematics faculties of pedagogical institutes - "A short course in the theory of functions of a complex variable" shooting gallery. 10 thousand copies. More than one generation of students of the country's pedagogical universities studied according to the books of the scientists of the Armavir Pedagogical Institute NN Sholaster and M. Ya. Tsyrkin.

At present, the ASPU professor S.G. Manvelov continues the traditions of their teachers, who published Mathematics Tasks for the Development of Students' Self-Control: A Guide for Teachers, with a circulation of 30 thousand copies and "Designing a Modern Mathematics Lesson: A Guide for Teachers" with a circulation of 20 thousand.

ASPU actively participated in international projects of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. The authority of the institute is evidenced by the fact that for more than ten years, from 1984 to 1995, there was a Turkmen branch at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, which was the only one in the country. During the existence of the national department, a significant number of highly qualified specialists have been trained for Turkmenistan. Some of the graduates of this department have become leading teachers in the universities of their country.


Since 2011 the Rector of ASPU is Ambartsum R. Galustov.


  • Institute of Applied Informatics, Mathematics and Physics
    • Department of Applied Informatics and Information Technology
    • Physics and Mathematics Department
  • History department
  • Socio-psychological faculty
  • Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education
  • Institute of Russian and Foreign Philology
  • Faculty of Technology, Economics and Design.
  • Faculty of Continuing Professional Education

University rectors were

Glukhov Vladimir Stepanovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Chechen Institute of the ASSR, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic.

Manvelov Sergey Georgievich - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, "Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation"

Stetsura Yuri Anatolyevich - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, "Honored Scientist of the Kuban", member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation.

All applicants have almost the same dreams. Young people want to find a job to their liking, to reveal their talents in the learning process, to make a worthy career in the future. All these dreams can be realized in Armavir (ASPU), formerly called the Academy. What specialties does this university offer? Is there a branch of the Armavir State Pedagogical University in any city?

Description of the educational institution

  • "Computer Science and Informatics";
  • "Pedagogical Education" in Mathematics;
  • "Pedagogical education", profile - computer science and physics.

Specialties of the socio-psychological faculty

Entering the socio-psychological faculty, applicants make a choice of a specialty from the proposed three areas of training:

  • "Special (defectological) education";
  • "Pedagogical education" in physical culture;
  • "Psychological and pedagogical education".

The above specialties indicate that the faculty of the Armavir State Pedagogical University prepares specialists for working with people, providing pedagogical and psychological support. From the very first years, students begin to help people around them, those who really need it. Help is provided to people thanks to a group of volunteers organized at the faculty. Students communicate with orphans, conduct interesting and educational activities for them.

Specialties of the Faculty of Design, Technology and Economics

Economic, pedagogical and creative areas of training are concentrated in this structural unit at Armavir Pedagogical University. Here is a list of them:

  • "Economy";
  • "Management";
  • "Pedagogical Education" with two training programs ("Belarusian Railways and Technology", "Technology and Economics");
  • "Pedagogical education" in biology;
  • "Design";
  • "Professional training", profile - management and economics;
  • "Professional training" in arts and crafts and design.

Graduates of the structural unit do not face problems during employment. They find application of their knowledge in various areas of life. More than half of the graduates work in educational organizations, from schools to universities. The rest find work in private organizations, state enterprises.

Entrance exams

You can enter a university only at the state pedagogical university, a branch in Krasnodar does not have. It existed earlier, but was eliminated after an inspection by Rosobrnadzor. The branch was revoked the license allowing it to engage in educational activities.

Entrance tests in almost all areas of training involve passing exams in three general subjects. The Russian language must be surrendered. This is a common discipline for all specialties. The rest of the exams depend on the field of study. For example, in Economics, in addition to the Russian language, applicants take mathematics and social studies, in Journalism - social studies and literature, in linguistics - a foreign language and history.

Applicants should pay special attention when applying to the "Design". In this specialty, from general education subjects, they pass the Russian language and literature. Also, two additional tests were established - a task of a professional orientation (drawing), and a task of a creative orientation


RMavir State Pedagogical University is the oldest higher educational institution in the Krasnodar Territory. In 2008 ASPU will celebrate its 60th anniversary. During its activity, the university has trained more than 40 thousand specialists, entrenched in educational institutions of various levels.

The 60-year history of the university can be characterized as a constant movement forward, development, accumulation of scientific, methodological and pedagogical experience. Currently, the university staff as the main task puts forward the provision of qualified pedagogical personnel to the education system of the Kuban.

For 20 years, the permanent head of the university has been Doctor of Philology, Professor, Honored and Honorary Worker of Higher Education Vladimir Timofeevich Sosnovsky.

ASPU today is the regional center of continuous pedagogical education, where a network of pre-university education, university and postgraduate education has been created. Preschool children study at the Buratino intellectual development studio; schoolchildren of the city and surrounding areas can deepen and expand their knowledge at the School for Young Physicists, Sunday School, Small Technological Academy, at the Small Mathematical Faculty, at the courses “Improve your foreign language”.

All interested children of Armavir and surrounding areas participate in the system of pre-university education. About 600 people annually study with the best teachers of the university. The main goal of the pre-university education system is to deepen and expand the knowledge of schoolchildren, conduct career guidance work, and improve computer literacy.

Small Mathematical Faculty of Schoolchildren

Sunday School

Education at the university is conducted at 9 faculties in 24 specialties.

1. Mathematical: mathematics, computer science, applied computer science in economics, mathematical methods in economics.

2. Physical: physics, computer science, vocational training (electronics, radio engineering, communications).

3. Philological: Russian language and literature, journalism.

4. Socio - pedagogical: pedagogy and methods of primary education, social pedagogy, pedagogy and psychology.

5. Technology and entrepreneurship: technology and entrepreneurship, life safety, vocational training (economics and management) vocational training (design), economics and enterprise management.

6. Preschool education: pedagogy and methods of preschool education, special preschool pedagogy and psychology, speech therapy, psychology.

7. Historical: history, jurisprudence.

8. Foreign languages: foreign language, theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures.

9. Faculty of additional professional education.

Having entered the university, students find themselves in a large friendly family, which numbers 6240 people.

Students are taught on the basis of the latest information technologies. Electronic lecture notes, electronic textbooks, demonstration training and testing programs are being introduced into the educational process. The University has 15 computer labs, has access to the international information network INTERNET. Most of the students are involved in student scientific work, with the opening of the INTERNET reading room, the efficiency in organizing both independent work and scientific work has significantly increased. It offers students well-equipped classrooms, computer labs, and specialized laboratories.

The library of the university contributes to the successful conduct of independent work, its fund of scientific, educational and fictional literature is more than 400 thousand copies of books and magazines. The library has a solid fund of rare books, it consists of Russian and Western European books published in the 19th century.

The knowledge and skills gained in the classroom are consolidated during the practice.

The practice of students of Armavir State Pedagogical University is an integral part of the main educational program and is organized as continuous from 1 to 10 semesters inclusive. At each stage of training, it is carried out taking into account the cognitive experience, the real capabilities of students and specific didactic goals. The general objectives of the practice are: deepening the theoretical knowledge of students, developing basic professional pedagogical skills and abilities.

Education at the Pedagogical University is structured in such a way that theoretical training is combined with the practical activities of students. The success of the practice is ensured by logically thought-out long-term planning, methodological support, and correctly drawn up programs. In this regard, the practice, in terms of its content, leading didactic and educational goals, is divided into:

1. training (1-3 course) - practice in obtaining primary professional skills;

2.production, in which the student has his own workplace and his participation in the learning process carries all the features of the future specialist's activity (3-5 courses)

During the practice, students immerse themselves in the atmosphere of school life, get acquainted with various categories of children, test themselves in non-standard situations, acquiring the skills of correct relationships with children, get acquainted with traditional and non-traditional methods of teaching and upbringing, types of lessons, with the individual style of teachers' work.

Summer teaching practice takes a special place. It is aimed at organizing summer leisure activities for children and adolescents and implementing the Street Children and Zhuravlik programs. Students work in children's health camps on the Black Sea coast, at schools in the city, sites at the place of residence, in the city health camp "Topolek"; within the framework of the action "Mercy" in the city social centers for children "Smile", "Trust". There is an experience of individual work with pedagogically neglected children, children of the "risk" group and children with disabilities.

The preparation of students for practice is carried out within the framework of the activities of the public student organization "School of the counselor", which is the center for the training of "counselors" for working with children in children's health camps. The best students who have passed the "School of the counselor" receive a certificate through the faculty of additional education.

Students of all faculties of the university pass their summer teaching practice in children's health camps and children's health centers. The main bases for this type of practice are: the All-Russian children's center "Orlyonok" (Krasnodar Territory, Tuapse district, Novo-Mikhailovsky settlement), a children's health complex (DOK) "Signal" (Krasnodar Territory, Kabardinka settlement), a children's health camp ( DOL) "Friendship" (Krasnodar Territory, Anapa), DOL "Druzhnykh" (Krasnodar Territory, Kabardinka settlement), DOL, pioneer camp "Topolek" (Krasnodar Territory, Otradnensky District, st. place of residence in Armavir.

The relationship between these institutions and the university is governed by bilateral agreements.

In the course of pedagogical practice, the student has the opportunity to check whether the life path has been chosen correctly, to find out if he loves children, knows how to defend his point of view, to captivate them, to organize their leisure.

It is with pedagogical practice that the process of professional self-education begins for each student.

Much attention at the university is paid to educating students and organizing leisure activities for young people. To this end, ASPU regularly holds scientific and practical conferences and seminars on topical issues of raising children and youth. To help the organizers of educational work, scientific and methodological manuals and developments are published annually.

The ASPU has a system of traditional educational events: freshmen days, KVN games, Brain-ring games, Faculty days, sports events and others. The annual Day of Dedication to Students, held in the hall of the city palace of culture and on the summer stage of the central square, has acquired citywide significance. The leaders of the city administration are taking part in the celebration.

Traditionally, the ASPU hosts festive concerts, meetings with war and labor veterans. The most memorable were the events held on the occasion of the Day of the Elderly, the anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, Victory Day, and the Day of the liberation of Armavir from the Nazi invaders.

Much attention is paid to the search for new forms of educational work. For several years the ASPU Student Council has been implementing the target complex program "Memory", which provides for the care of the graves of lonely ASPU veterans, organizes the competition "Me and my family in the history of the city and the region", patronage of the monuments erected in honor of the heroes of Armaviri, and others activity.

An important place in the system of educational work is occupied by the prevention of drug addiction, alcoholism and other negative phenomena. The ASPU School of Health was created, the students of which underwent special training. They give lectures and conduct seminars and trainings in schools of the city and region.

For more than 15 years, ASPU has a center for cultural work, which covers more than 500 students. The club employs: three times laureate of the interregional festival "Student Spring in the North Caucasus" folk ensemble of pop and sports dance "Paradise", student theater, vocal groups. 8 teams of KVN were created. The KVN team is a participant and winner of the KVN-Sochi games. The club has 10 teams of intellectual games. Brain-ring teams of ASPU repeatedly took first places in regional and regional tournaments.

The university operates the ASPU Center for Physical Culture and Sports, which provides various sports events. The club has departments for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, football, chess, athletic gymnastics, sambo and judo. University wrestlers have achieved great success, including masters and honored masters of sports of Russia, masters of sports of international class, champions and prize-winners of the World and Europe, such as S. Yeliazyan, A. Markarian.

The possibilities of organizing mass sports and health-improving work have significantly expanded after the commissioning of the best sports and health-improving complex in the city.

After completing their studies at the university, gifted youth can continue their education in graduate school in 18 specialties and doctoral studies in 2 specialties.

The University has established and successfully operates a Dissertation Council, a Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate dissertations in philological sciences, a regional council for the defense of doctoral dissertations in pedagogical sciences.

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