Chelyabinsk Military Academy. Branch of the military educational and scientific center of the air force "air force academy named after

The Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators was established on October 1, 1936 on the basis of the directive of the General Staff of the Red Army dated February 13, 1936 and with the assignment of the name "15th Military School of Observer Pilots".

The first enrollment cadets were mainly students of higher educational institutions in Moscow, Leningrad, Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, as well as graduates of secondary educational institutions.

The first graduation from the school took place in October 1939.

The most serious test for the school and its students was the Great Patriotic War. Over the years, the staff of the school has produced 25 graduates of navigators and 18 graduates of gunners-radio operators, having trained about 10 thousand aviation specialists. The school formed and sent to the front 5 aviation regiments and 1 aviation squadron. More than 800 people from among the permanent staff of the school were awarded orders and medals during the war.

Graduates and pupils of the school during the war years showed massive heroism, they covered the battle banners of their regiments with unfading glory. On the fourth day of the war, he gave his life for the Motherland as part of the crew of Nikolai Gastello, a 1940 school graduate, navigator Lieutenant Anatoly Burdenyuk. The crew of the multi-ton DB-3 bomber, knocked out by the enemy's anti-aircraft artillery, directed their plane at the convoy of fascist tanks and vehicles with fuel. The school is named after Anatoly Burdenyuk.

The pupils of the Chelyabinsk VVAUSH fearlessly fought in the skies of war on all fronts, bombed enemy targets in its deep rear, bringing the long-awaited hour of Victory closer. 25 graduates of the school were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union for their courage, courage and heroism during the Great Patriotic War. 15 pilots from the 5 air regiments formed in the first years of the war on the basis of the school were also awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union, more than 2 thousand graduates were awarded military orders and medals.

Among them:

  • Lieutenants V. Samosudov, V. Polikarpov and N. Tereshchuk, V. Balashov, who repeated the feat of the crew of Nikolai Gastello;
  • Andrei Frolov, who dropped 184 tons of bombs on the heads of the Nazis;
  • Grigory Evdokimov, who made more than 300 sorties. 112 of them are reconnaissance. Destroyed 125 trains, 180 vehicles with troops and cargo;
  • Ivan Maryin, considered one of the best snipers in the unit, who had 793 sorties, 4 enemy military echelons, 8 ammunition depots, 2 railway bridges, 9 aircraft, 86 vehicles with enemy manpower and weapons;
  • Brothers Nikolai and Mikhail Panichkin, who left a good memory of themselves in the school and in the regiment, where they fought, bombing enemy targets in Helsinki, Berlin, Konigsberg;
  • Alexander Ivanov, considered an unsurpassed master of reconnaissance and aerial photography, who flew more than 220 combat missions for reconnaissance and showed heroism and courage at the same time;
  • Major General of Aviation, Honored Military Navigator of the USSR, participant in the Victory Parade Fyodor Yalova;
  • Squadron navigator Vasily Senko, who flew 430 successful combat missions, including deep behind enemy lines, is the only navigator of the Air Force to be twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

On November 5, 1944, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for exemplary performance of the command's assignments for training flight personnel for operating units of long-range aviation.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the school began to master new equipment, to train highly qualified personnel based on the accumulated combat experience.

In the 50s of the last century, a new Il-28 jet bomber, equipped with navigation and sighting equipment, bomber and artillery weapons, perfect for that time, began to enter service with the training regiments of the school. This required the re-equipment of airfields, the creation of a new training and material base, the restructuring of the educational process, significant efforts of all personnel.

On May 15, 1959, the Chelyabinsk Aviation School was transformed into a higher military aviation school with a 4-year training period and began to train navigator-engineers.

In 1967, the university was awarded a commemorative banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR; in December 1972, an honorary badge of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

During its existence, the university has trained more than 40 thousand highly qualified navigators, gunners-radio operators, junior aviation specialists.

Continuing the traditions of the military generation, already in peacetime, Ivan Klesh, a graduate of the Chelyabinsk Navigator School, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for testing nuclear weapons. For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a combat mission in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to a graduate of the school Valery Burkov. In 1999, for testing new aviation technology and participating in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, the title of Hero of Russia was awarded to a graduate of the school, Vladimir Shendrik.

Many graduates of the institute have achieved high honorary titles: 50 of them - "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR", 94 - "Honored Military Navigator of the USSR", 12 - "Honored Military Navigator of the Russian Federation", 18 - "Honored Specialist of the Armed Forces" 15 doctors of sciences, 100 candidates of sciences, 29 associate professors.

Since 1993, the school has switched to a new program providing for 5-year training of cadets.

The training and education of cadets is carried out by an experienced faculty and flight instructors. At present, 2 doctors of sciences, 41 candidates of sciences, 3 professors, 27 associate professors, 15 applicants for the degree of candidate of sciences are giving lectures to the cadets.

The school has an excellent educational and methodological base, specialized classrooms, laboratories and training complexes. For 5 years of study, graduates acquire knowledge in higher mathematics, physics, navigation and combat applications, computer technology and aerodynamics, electronic systems, social sciences, foreign languages ​​and other academic disciplines. Much attention is paid to the physical education of cadets, classes are held in sections in various sports. The health of the cadets is under the constant attention of doctors.

The main task of the navigator is to guide the plane strictly along a certain route, to find and accurately hit a given target.

The solution to this problem begins on the ground, when the navigator, together with the pilot, plots and calculates a route, draws up a flight plan, makes the necessary preliminary calculations, checks the on-board equipment of the aircraft, entering initial data into it, controls the readiness and suspension of various aviation weapons. In flight, the navigator determines the position of the aircraft and the parameters of its movement with the help of numerous equipment, the principle of operation and use of which he must know perfectly. Based on the actual data, the navigator refines the preliminary calculations and makes the specification of the flight mode. Only educated and physically hardened people can manage modern military military complexes, be an air fighter.

Since 1975, a school for young cosmonauts has been operating on the basis of the university, since 1997 - a general education boarding school with initial flight training.

To accommodate the cadets, a dormitory of an improved type has been built, where all the necessary conditions for daily life and recreation have been created. The rooms are designed to accommodate two to four people. There are rooms for leisure, psychological relief and a gym. Cadets take an active part in amateur art competitions, in various sports competitions and educational Olympiads.

Rules for admission to the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (branch, Krasnodar) for the 2014-2015 academic year

The branch (Krasnodar) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation trains officers in the following specialties:

1. "Flight operation and use of aviation complexes"

qualification - "specialist":

fighter aviation pilot, front-line bomber aviation pilot, ground attack aviation pilot, military transport aviation pilot, long-range aviation pilot;
navigator of military transport aviation, navigator of long-range aviation, navigator of fighter aviation, navigator of naval aviation, navigator of front-line bomber aviation.

2. "Operation of aircraft and air traffic management"

qualification - "specialist":

combat control officer.

The term of study is 5 years.

Citizens of the Russian Federation are admitted to the branch of VUNC VVS "VVA":

- those who have not done military service - between the ages of 16 and 22;

- those who have passed or are doing military service on conscription, regardless of their military specialty - up to the age of 24;

- servicemen doing military service under contract (except for officers), until they reach the age of 25 years.

All applicants must have a state-recognized document on secondary (complete) general, secondary vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of a citizen receiving a secondary (complete) general education. Applicants entering the university must meet the professional selection requirements for admission.

Those wishing to enroll in a university before April 20 submit an application to the military commissariat at their place of residence. The application shall indicate: surname, name, patronymic, year, date and month of birth, address of the candidate's residence, name of the university and specialty in which he wishes to study.

The application is accompanied by: photocopies of a birth certificate and a document proving identity and citizenship, an autobiography, a characteristic from the place of work, study or service, a photocopy of a state-issued document on the appropriate level of education, four certified photographs (without a headdress) measuring 4.5x6 cm, service card of a serviceman.

Arrival of candidates is carried out by summons from the university through the military commissariat at the candidate's place of residence.

Arriving at the branch of the VUNC VVS "VVA" you should have with you:

1) passport (check for the presence of a registration mark on the territory of the Russian Federation);

2) attribution certificate (military ID)

3) birth certificate;

4) authentic educational documents;

5) prescription and food certificate issued by the military commissariat.

Persons who graduated from the first and subsequent courses of higher educational institutions with state accreditation, in addition, upon arrival at the university must present an academic certificate.

Candidates arriving at the VUNC VVC VVA branch are provided with free meals and accommodation.

From July 1 to July 20, all candidates undergo professional selection, during which it is determined:

- fitness for admission for health reasons;

- assessment of the level of physical fitness of candidates (pulling up on the crossbar; running 100 m; running 3 km);

- the assessment of the level of general education is carried out according to the results of the unified state exam (USE) in mathematics, Russian language and physics.

The categories of citizens who have the right to enter military educational institutions without entrance examinations, out of competition (subject to successful completion of professional selection), as well as the preemptive right to admission, are determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Candidates not admitted to the branch for various reasons are sent to the military commissariats at their place of residence. At the same time, all documents submitted by them are returned to them against a personal receipt.

Candidates who have successfully passed the professional selection and passed the competition, based on the decision of the selection committee, are enrolled in the university as cadets by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In the process of studying at the university, cadets enjoy all the rights and benefits defined by the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of Servicemen" and are fully supported by the state. They receive a salary according to the established norms. Cadets are provided annually with a two-week winter vacation, as well as another 30-day vacation.

After graduation, graduates receive a higher military special education in accordance with the state educational standard; issued a state diploma of the relevant education and qualification "specialist" and awarded the military rank of "lieutenant".




    According to the directive of the General Staff of the Red Army from 13. 02 .1936, the 15th military school of observer pilots was formed in Chelyabinsk with the code name military unit 3858, which in May 1938 was renamed the military aviation school of observer pilots. Since December 1944 - the Red Banner Military Aviation School of navigators and gunners-radio operators, since 1960 - the Red Banner Higher Military Navigation School, since 2004 the Chelyabinsk Red Banner Higher Military Aviation School of Navigators (military institute).

    Over the years, it has grown and strengthened, passed a glorious military path, acquired rich experience in training highly qualified military navigators. A great contribution to the creation, development and improvement at different stages and periods of history was made by talented organizers, prominent military leaders: Colonel Lepin E. Yu., General of Aviation Belov V.P., Major Generals of Aviation Babenko A.D., Beltsov G.S. , Demchenko A.K., Andreev K.A., Vishnyakov I.I., Rassokha B.L., Major General Khoronko S.N., their deputies Colonels Pudinov A.I., Koltsov A.I., Ermakov S.I., Safiullin R.A., senior navigators Colonels Shein P.L., Platonov M.I., Smelov S.V., Nikolashin S.S., Bagin V.L, chiefs of staff colonels: Shushara A.G. , Ivanov K.V., Bely P.L., Polyyakhtov A.F.

    In the pre-war period, the school trained about 2,000 observer pilots for aviation. Pupils of the school with honor passed the exam during the Great Patriotic War. The school trained bombardier shooters, navigators, radio gunners, junior aviation specialists. During the war years, about 8000 aviation air fighters were trained.

    During the Great Patriotic War, on the basis of the school, 5 aviation regiments and one aviation squadron were formed for the front. The navigators from the Urals displayed massive heroism during the war. Graduates of the school Burdenyuk A. A. Samosudov V. L., Polikarpov A. N., Tereshchuk V. L. made a fiery ram against ground targets. 28 graduates and 15 students of the school became Heroes of the Soviet Union. 2 Hero of the Russian Federation in peacetime.

    More than 800 people of the permanent staff of the school were awarded orders and medals for their merits in training navigators for aviation combat units.

    With the transition in 1959 to the higher profile of education, the staff of the school successfully copes with the tasks. This is eloquently evidenced by the successful flight service and professional activities of graduates. Many of them have become prominent military leaders, occupying positions of responsibility in the Air Force. These are Lieutenant Generals of Aviation Bashilov A.A., Guguchkin G.G., Pozdeev V.V., Major Generals Borisikhin N.A., Safonkin N.A., Kolpakov N.A., Nuzhin S.K.

    The following facts can tell about the work done by the university and the quality of training of graduates of the Chelyabinsk Higher Military School of Economics (VI). The school trained 36,422 highly qualified aviation specialists for the Air Force, including:

    • observer pilots - 916
    • shooters-bombers-3116
    • navigators "19912 - radio gunners - 8820
    • commanders of firing installations - 762
    • communication specialists - 3228
    • junior aviation specialists - 222
    • weapons specialists - 314

    Many graduates of the school have achieved high honorary titles:

    • 56 - "Honored Test Navigator of the USSR";
    • 99 - "Honored Military Navigator of the USSR";
    • 43 - Honored Military Navigator of the Russian Federation ";
    • 16 - doctors of sciences, 115 candidates of sciences, 29 associate professors;
    • 58 graduates became generals;
    • 45 officers of the school were awarded the title of hero;
    • 90 graduates graduated from the university with a gold medal, 480 - received diplomas with honors. 56 masters and 18 candidates for masters of sports were trained in various types;
    • 186 military personnel of the school took part in hostilities in "hot spots".

    By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 5, 1944, "For the exemplary fulfillment of the command's assignment for training flight personnel for operating units of Long-Range Aviation," the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol, and taking into account the long-term patronage of the Lenin Komsomol over the Armed Forces, for the high performance achieved in the socialist competition in honor of the Komsomol anniversary by order of the USSR Ministry of Defense No. 254 of 1.7. 10.1968 the school was awarded the honorary title "named after the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol".

    In accordance with the directive of the General Staff of the Air Force of October 29, 1998, the Chelyabinsk Air Force Academy was reorganized into the Red Banner Institute of the Balashov Air Force Institute.

    On June 1, 2002, on the basis of the RF government decree No. 358 of May 10, 2001, it was reorganized into the Chelyabinsk Military Aviation Red Banner Institute of Navigators.

    On December 31, 2004, on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of August 9, 2004 No. 235, it was renamed into the Chelyabinsk Higher Military Aviation School of the Red Banner Navigators (military institute).

    In accordance with the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2009 No. 1695-r, the school was renamed into the "Military Training and Research Center of the Air Force" Air Force Orders of Lenin and named after Professor N.Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin "(branch, Chelyabinsk).

    On July 12, 2011, the branch, on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1136 "On measures to improve the training systems of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation" was disbanded and transformed to the faculty (training of navigators) as part of the branch of the VUNC VVS "VVA" (Krasnodar) ".

    By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of March 30, 2013 No. 252, a branch of the VUNC of the Air Force “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin ".

    Significant dates of the Chelyabinsk VVAUSH (VI):

    • October 1, 1936 - the day of the creation of the Chelyabinsk VVAUSH;
    • On August 10, 1944, an aviation training regiment was formed (now a training aviation base);
    • On November 5, 1944, the Chelyabinsk Higher Military School was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
    • On May 25, 1957, the Museum of the Chelyabinsk Higher Military School of Economics was founded;
    • On January 26, 1966, the School of Young Cosmonauts was established at ChVVAUSh;
    • March 23 - Day of Navigation Service;
    • August 12 - Air Force Day;
    • October 23, 1996 - the day of the creation of a general education boarding school with initial flight training (OSHis PLP);



    Igor Valerievich

    Place of birth - Chelyabinsk


    Military (special military) - Tambov VVAUL in 1986, VVA named after Yu.A. Gagarin in 1994

    Active military service in the Armed Forces:

    • graduated from the Tambov VVAUL;
    • assistant ship commander - instructor;
    • military pilot of the 3rd class;
    • ship commander - pilot;
    • ship commander - senior instructor pilot;
    • military pilot-instructor of the 2nd class;
    • military pilot-instructor 1;
    • Graduated from the command faculty of the VVA them. Yu.A. Gagarin;
    • deputy commander of an aviation squadron;
    • deputy commander of 605 UAP;
    • military pilot of the 1st class;
    • commander 605 UAP
    • deputy head of a military school (military institute);
    • Deputy Head of the Military Institute for Flight Operations;
    • Deputy Head of the Air Force VUNC "VVA" Branch for Flight Training;
    • Head of VUNC "VVA" Air Force (branch, Chelyabinsk)


    • medal "70 years of the USSR Armed Forces"
    • medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 3 degrees
    • medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 2nd degree
    • medal G.K. Zhukova
    • medal "For Distinction in Military Service" 1 degree
    • medal "For Strengthening the Combat Commonwealth"

  • Faculty training navigators is a structural educational and scientific subdivision of the branch of the VUTS Air Force "VVA" (Chelyabinsk), which carries out: training of officers in the specialty "Flight use of aviation navigation systems", in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard, as well as qualification requirements for military training graduates.

    The faculty includes:

    • faculty command;
    • subdivisions of cadets (1-5 courses);
    • department number 11 (Airplane driving);
    • Department number 12 (Combat use of aircraft weapons);
    • Department No. 13 (Aviation Complexes and Aircraft Design).

    Faculty management

    Head of the Faculty, Colonel Serov Sergey Alexandrovich.
    In 1996 he graduated from the Blagoveshchenskoe VVTKU them. Marshal of the Soviet Union K.A. Meretsky.
    Graduated from the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in 2004.
    From 1996 to 2005, he held command positions. After retraining under the Higher School Teacher program, he was engaged in teaching work. He passed positions from a teacher to the deputy head of the faculty - the head of the educational unit. She has over 9 years of teaching experience.
    In 2013, he was appointed head of the 1st faculty of training navigators of the VUNC Air Force "VVA" (branch, Chelyabinsk)

Military educational and scientific center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy" (branch, Krasnodar)

The history of the Krasnodar branch of the military educational and scientific center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin "(VUNC Air Force" VVA ") begins with the 30th military school of pilots, created by order of the NKO of the USSR on August 19, 1938 in the city of Chita.

In 1939, the school was named after the legendary fighter pilot, brigade commander, participant in hostilities in Spain, Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov.

In the same year, the school was relocated to the city of Bataysk and renamed into the Bataisk Military Aviation School named after A.K. Serov. During the Great Patriotic War, the school was relocated to the city of Yevlakh of the Azerbaijan SSR, where it was until May 1944. In total, in the pre-war and war periods, the school trained about 4 thousand fighter pilots. In the fierce air battles of the Great Patriotic War, in the battles near Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, in the Caucasus, the Kursk Bulge and the Dnieper, during the liberation of Eastern Europe, in the Berlin operation, the Serov pilots showed unparalleled courage, courage and heroism. During the war years, 115 graduates of the school were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, three of them: V. Popkov, N. Skomorokhov, N. Stepanyan became twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

207,825 sorties were flown, 1,150 aircraft were personally shot down, 211 aircraft were shot down in groups.

Destroyed on the ground: aircraft - 128, tanks - 307, artillery pieces - 182, cars - 914. Battering rams - 20.

Already at the very beginning of the war, on June 28, 1941, the pupils of the school, fighter pilots S. Zdorovtsev and P. Kharitonov, performed air rams and were the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The seal of special courage marks the feat of the Hero of the Soviet Union Alexei Petrovich Maresyev, who became the protagonist of Boris Polevoy's book "The Story of a Real Man."

Vitaly Ivanovich Popkov, a graduate of the college twice Hero of the Soviet Union, became the prototype of the protagonist of the famous film "Only Old Men Go to Battle".

The fate of Colonel-General Grigory Ustinovich Dolnikov, a graduate of the Hero of the Soviet Union, is reflected in Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man".

In 1946-1959. cadets were trained on La-7, La-9, Yak-12, Yak-18 aircraft, and since 1952 - on MiG-15bis jet fighters at the Bataysk, Azov, Zernovoi, Novocherkassk, Bichuriy, Kushchevskaya airfields. During this period, 2447 fighter pilots were trained.

In 1973, a graduate of the school, Captain Eliseev, carried out the first air ram in a jet plane and destroyed the intruder's plane. Awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).

Excellent theoretical and flight training allowed many college graduates to become test pilots. Among them are Heroes of the Soviet Union - S.M. Antonov, A.S. Bezhevets, V.N. Galitsky, N.I. Goryainov, V.G. Koloshenko, A.K. Starikov, V.I. Chechulin.

A new chapter in the history of the school began in 1960.From April 18 to June 1, 1960, the Bataisk Military Aviation School was reorganized into the United Military Flight Technical School for the training of military personnel from the countries of people's democracy with the headquarters of the school in the city of Krasnodar, on the basis of the former Krasnodar Higher Air Force Navigators' Officer School. In May 1960, the first groups of cadets and students from Eastern Europe: Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary arrived at the school.

Graduates of the school formed the basis of the Air Force of many countries of Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. Many of them showed courage and heroism in battles in the skies of Angola, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Cuba, and the Middle East.

13 graduates of the school became Heroes of Vietnam. A graduate of the university, Hero of Vietnam Pham Thuan in 1973, in battles with American pilots, shot down a "flying fortress" - a B-52 strategic bomber.

1960s were marked by the most important event of our time - the beginning of space exploration. Among the conquerors of space are the names of the cosmonauts - graduates of the school, twice Heroes of the Soviet Union V.M. Komarova, V.V. Gorbatko, Heroes of the Soviet Union E.N. Khrunova, G.N. Shonin, Bertalana Farkash (Hungary), Pham Tuan (Vietnam), Abdul Ahad Momanda (Afghanistan).

Since 1991, in addition to training foreign cadets and students, the university has begun training aviation technicians for the Russian Air Force, and since 1993 - flight and technical personnel for the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1404 of February 19, 1994, the school was transformed into the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1009 of August 28, 1998, the school was transformed into the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute (VAI).

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 10, 2001, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 278 of June 23, 2001, the Armavir and Balashov military institutes were annexed to the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute.

On June 1, 2002, 5 aviation faculties were established. The theoretical training of cadets is carried out in Krasnodar. Flight training of cadets is carried out at the airfields of Tikhoretsk, Kotelnikovo, as well as at training and aviation centers (UAC): Armavir UAC - fighter aircraft (Armavir, Maikop); Borisoglebsk UAC - assault, frontline and bomber aviation (Borisoglebsk, Michurinsk), Balashov UAC - long-range, transport and naval aviation (Balashov, Rtishchevo).

The Krasnodar Air Force Institute becomes the only higher educational institution of the Russian Air Force that trains military pilots.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2004 No. 937-r, the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute was reorganized into the Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (Military Institute) named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov.

Since November 1, 2010 Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots (Military Institute) named after Hero of the Soviet Union A.K. Serov was renamed into the military educational and scientific center of the Air Force "Air Force Academy named after Professor N.Ye. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin "(branch, Krasnodar).

Since September 1, 2011, the 3rd faculty of aviation combat control and air traffic control, created on the basis of the disbanded branch of the VUTS Air Force "VVA" (Yeysk), with the location of g Krasnodar and the 5th Faculty of Navigation Training, created on the basis of the disbanded branch of the VUNC Air Force "VVA" (Chelyabinsk).

Since October 29, 2012, the branch of the VUTS VVS "VVA" (Krasnodar) was reassigned and became part of the VUTS VVS "VVA" (Voronezh). Structural subdivisions left the branch: training and aviation bases (the cities of Armavir, Maikop, Tikhoretsk, Kotelnikovo, Michurinsk, Balashov, Rtischevo, Syzran, Chelyabinsk, the village of Kushchevskaya), which were reassigned to the center (flight training) of the VUNTS VVS "VVA" Voronezh)
The entire history of the university is a valiant path of heroism and dedication of many generations of aviators for the glory of the Fatherland.

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