Beautiful group names in English. Beautiful english words with translation

You probably once asked yourself why english words So beautiful and attractive for rumor, and why do you want to learn the language as soon as possible.
And it's not just that it is one of the most running, along with French and Spanish, languages, knowing which, you open for yourself new world incomprehensible before opportunities. Beautiful english words

Why in English so many beautiful words

What is so attractive English for millions of people today?

  1. The first, probably comes from our subconscious thrust to Prozoyulyu.
    And indeed, if you hold a brief phonetic analysis:
    • in this language, there are practically no silent neighboring
    • many open and long vowels and difthong
    • many combinations of english consonants -L., —m., —n., —b., —d., —v.with vowels - a., —o., e., —i., —u., —y. etc.
    • there are no difficult words (such, for example, as our borscht), although in English there are their articulation features
  2. The second is laid in the semantics of English:
    • versatility, recognition of words
    • borrowing from other languages:

    Cosmopolitan - Cosmopolit
    Delicacy.- Delicates.
    Eternity. - Eternity
    Fantastic - Fantastic
    Galaxy - Galaxy
    Liberty. - Freedom, etc.

    If we imagine that we are all - the children of one Pramatera, then the tongue memory is sleeping in our genes. English, in terms of borrowing, looks like a sponge that has absorbed the most valuable lingvo-forms over the century. Maybe therefore from birth he seems to us originally beautiful

  3. And the third undeniable quality of English speech is, the huge opportunities for its emotional vocabulary:
    • spoken slang and idioms
    • using dimensional stuffing suffixes and other attributes

Interesting experience of British linguists

British linguists, huge lovers of different surveys, recently invented to spend another survey in order to identify the most beautiful words in their own language. To this end, they interviewed many foreigners. Ask - why foreigners? Apparently, the indigenous Englishman is difficult to impassively determine the beauty of the word according to his sound, as he will always bind the word to his meaning. And on the contrary, not a native speaker often like beautiful, albeit incomprehensible words.

Won in the survey, of course, beautiful and understandable in all languages mother.And it is not surprising - we will know it from the very moment of birth.

  • youth liked words from love, romantic, musical lexicon
  • senior people - philosophical, "eternal" concepts
  • businessmen and politicians - more specific and "tangible" terms of business and political life
  • housewives - Words of everyday help, as well as from the world of TV shows and shopping

As a result, the survey did not find anything particularly surprising. It was proved once again that the Wednesday in which a person lives, his lifestyle, work, hobbies - all this affects lexical preferences. Beautiful words for each of their own.

List of most beautiful English words with translation

But still it was possible among thousand words to sear the ones that everyone liked.

These are these 50 winners (words are alphabetical) Top 5 beautiful words Aqua. - Water.
Banana. - Banana
Bliss. - Bliss
Blossom - blooming
Blue - blue
Bubble.- Bubble
Bumblebee. - Bumblebee
Butterfly. - Butterfly
Cherish - cherish
Cosmopolitan - Cosmopolit
COSY. - Cozy
Cute.- nice
Delicacy. - Delicates.
Destiny - Fate
Enthusiasm. - Enthusiasm
Eternity. - Eternity
Extravaganza. - Ferry
Fantastic - Fantastic
Freedom - freedom
Galaxy - Galaxy
Giggle - Giggle
Gorgeous. - Gorgeous
Grace. - grace
Hilarious. - happy
Hope - Nadezhda
If- if a
Kangaroo. - Kangaroo
Liberty. - freedom
Lollipop. - Lollopy
Love. - Love
Lullaby - Lullaby
Moment. - moment
Mother. - mum
Paradox. - Paradox
Passion. - passion
Peace. - peace
Peekaboo. - peekaboo
Pumpkin.- Pumpkin
Rainbow. - Rainbow
Renaissance - Real
Sentiment - mood, feeling
Serendipity. - Intuition
Smile.- Smile
Sophisticated - sophisticated
Sunflower. - Sunflower
Sunshine - sunlight
Sweetheart. - Beloved
Tranquillity - Calm
Twinkle - Flicker
Umbrella- umbrella

Among these 50 superpopular were recognized as the following 10 words (a list of popularity is given):

Mother. - mum
Smile. - Smile
Love. - Love
Freedom - freedom
Peace. - peace
Hope - Nadezhda
Grace. - grace
Blue - blue
Moment. - moment
Bubble. - Bubble

In other sources you can find some other words. This is explained by the fact that the results were carried out locally, in many places, at different times, and their results could differ.

The biggest secret of beautiful words

A surprising is completely different - all these words, "presented" to the lingules of those who language in essence does not particularly own, turned out to be beautiful not only by sound, but in their sense. They are all positive, even the word bubble.(Bubble), apparently, because this word is called balls that fill in gas, and they are then flying into the sky.
Thus, the survey was valuable for psychologists - he showed that the concept of beauty in all of us is associated with something good and good.
Sakura trees also, marketers, advertising workers, designers and other creative people took advantage of the survey. And it is also clear: if the keyword in advertising, the logo or the name of the store (firms, campaigns) is beautiful, then this, of course, will attract attention.

In order to speak beautifully and right, learn English lessons on our website: Categories

Each language has its own unique set of words that sound perfectly can cause the most tender feelings and create a sensation. When you learn English, you will learn a lot of new words and expressions. At the time of the publication of the article there are approximately 1.025,109 registered words in English. In today's article, we want to pay attention to only 11 of our favorite words, with transcription, translation and of course an example of consumption in speech! And so, there is no time better than to learn something new now!

  1. Ethereal [ɪ'θɪrɪɪl] - so light and gentle that it seems magic. (Unearthly, divine)
    Example: Many People Speak ABOUT THE ethereal BEAUTY OF THE NORTHERN LIGHTS. I'd love to see them MySelf One Day. - Many people talk about the unearthly beauty of the Northern Lights. I would like to see him once.
  2. Ineffable.[ɪ'nefəbl] - too great or big to express in words. (Indescribable)
    Example: THE GRAND CANYON LEFT ME IN AN ineffable. Daze; The Immense Size and Scale of the Sight Was Unbelievable. - Grand Canyon left me in an inexpressive amazement; Huge size and scale were incredible.
  3. Melancholy.['Melənk (ə) Lɪ] - a feeling of thoughtful sadness, usually without a clear reason. (Melancholy)
    Example: I Love Listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata When It's Raining. The Melody Is Sweet But Full of Melancholy. "I love to listen to the lunar Sonatu Beethoven when it rains." The melody is sweet, but full of melancholy.
  4. Mellifluous. - Sweet, smooth sound, which is nice to hear. (Mellifluous)
    Example: The Singer Had A Soft, mellifluous. Voice and Performed Her Song beautifully. "The singer had a soft, sweet voice and fulfilled his song perfectly."
  5. Nefarious - Angry, criminal, evil, or despicable. (Unholy)
    Example: The Man Was Stopped by Police for Speeding, But The Soon Discovered That He Had Committed Far More nefarious CRIMES. - The person was stopped by the police for speeding, but soon they found that he had made much more vile crimes.
  6. Opulent. ['Ɔpjulənt] - something magnificent or luxurious, rich. (Pompous, chic)
    Example: The Palace of Versailles Is One of the Most opulent. Historical Buildings in France. I WISH I COULD LIVE THERE! - The Versailles Palace is one of the most chic historical buildings in France. I would like to live there!
  7. Ripple. ['RɪPL] - a small wave or a series of waves on the surface of the water. (Ripple)
    Example: WHEN I WAS YOUNG, I LOVED THROWING PEBBLES INTO THE LAKE AND WATCHING THE ripples.they Created. "When I was young, I loved to throw a pebble into a lake and watch the ripple she created."
  8. Solitude ['Sɔlɪt (j) uːd] - the state of isolation or feeling that you are one / one in the whole world. (Solitude, loneliness)
    Example: Some People Need to Socialise All the Time, But i Think It's Important to Understand the Value of solitude Tooo. - Some people need to communicate all the time, but I think it is important to understand the value of loneliness too.
  9. Wanderlust. ['Wɔndəlʌst] - passion for travel; hunt for changing places.
    Example: I Watched "Eat Pray Love" with My Mum Yesterday and Now I'm Experiencing Strong wanderlust.. I WANT TO Catch The Next Flight to Bali! "I watched" Eat, pray, love "with my mom yesterday, and now I have a strong passion for traveling. I want to catch the following flight to Bali!
  10. Catharsis - Implementation of emotional stress, especially through art or music. (Catharsis)
    Example: I Think That Artists Like Vincent Van Gogh Experienceed catharsis Through Their Art. IT MUST Have Helped Them Let Go of their Troubles. - I think the artists as Vincent Van Gogh experienced catharsis through their art. It must have helped them release their problems.
  11. Cuddle['Kʌdl] - long hugs, complete attachments and / or love.
    Example: One of My Favourite Things To Do In Winter Is To Watch A Movie and cuddle My Cat, Whose Name Is Fluffy, On The Sofa. - One of my favorite things in winter is to watch the movie sitting on the sofa and hug my cat, named fluffy.

Mañana. (Spanish) - literally "Morning", "Tomorrow". An indefinite day in the future, which, with the first opportunity, was taken to postpone, according to the testimony of George Orwell, "All, starting with food and ending with a combat operation."
L'Esprit d'escalier (French) - regret that a good phrase, witty comment or a decent answer came to you after the end of the conversation.

Age-Otori. (Japanese) - look worse after a new haircut.

Pena Ajena. (Mexican Spanish) - a sense of embarrassment that you are experiencing, seeing someone else's humiliation.

Gheegle (Filipino) - Unbearable desire to hug or pinch someone impossible cute.

Forelsket. (Norwegian) - Euphoria that a person is experiencing when he first falls in love.

Kaisuloom. (Estonian) - literally "Animal for hugging," means a child's favorite toy.

Hygge. (Danish) - Cheerful, slightly rude, generous hospitable, slightly khamskoye, but cute behavior. Danes themselves are considered national Character Denmark and Danes.

Morkkis (Finnish) - a special state of moral hangover.

Serendipity. (English) - term that can be translated from English as "be attentive to weak signals and unusual stimpers who are found on your path."

Langoth (Staroangali) - very specific longing, when a person had a vision of paradise, or the island of apples, or "doors in the wall," - it was and left, but the rest of his life he is looking for his reflections.

Biciuliauti. (Lithuanian) - "Friend", "Have General Bees"

Á (Icelandic) - "Resting on the road, lying on the grass, while horses are grazing"

Duende. (Spanish) - was originally used to designate a mythical being similar to the Fairy, which made himself in a person and created a feeling of a reverent trepidation in front of the world around. Over time, its importance began to point to mystical strength, through which the subject of art can deeply touch the person.

DéPaysement (French) - a feeling that appears when you are not at home.

SchadenFreude (German) - Pleasure, obtained at the sight of someone's failure.

Cafuné. (Brazilian Portuguese) - gently walk with your fingers on someone's hair.

Tartle (Scottish) - an act of delay when you try to submit someone whose name you forgot.

Kyoikumama. (Japanese) - Mother, inexorably pushing his child to academic achievements.

Iktsuarpok. (Inuit (Eskimos Language)) - Get out to see if there is anyone.

Jayus. (Indonesian) - anecdote, so unsuccessful told and so unbearable that it is impossible to stay from laughter.

DrachenFutter. (German) - letters. "Dragon Feed." Indicates gifts that guilty her husband in order to return the location of the wife.

Litost. (Czech) - poorly transmitted negative emotion. According to Milan Kunder, this is a "painful state, arising from a sudden awareness of his own suffering."

Farpotshket. (Yiddish) - corresponds to the situation "finally broke as a result of an attempt to correct."

Gezellig (Dutch) - literally means "cozy, quirky, cute," but can mean the time spent with your favorite people, meeting with a friend after a long separation, or spiritual intimacy.

Batsubara (Japanese) - place in the stomach for dessert (letters. "Other (spare) stomach" for a delicacy)

Ilunga. (Chiluba, South-East Congo) - a person ready to forgive any evil for the first time, to endure it for the second time, but not for the third time.

Mamihlapinatapai. (Dialect of the Indian tribe ONS, fiery ground) - look at each other in the hope that one of the two will offer to do what both sides want to do.

Mokita. (New Guinea) is the truth that everything knows, but which no one is driving to pronounce loud.

AH-Un (Japan) - understanding of each other without words arising over time between loved and old friends.

MONO NO AWARE (Japan) - sadness due to an inexorable time.

Shibui. (Japan) is an unpleasant manifestation of something initially definitely beautiful.

TreppenWitz. (Germany) - a good thought that came to mind strongly.

Torschlusspanik (German) - literally "panic closing gates" means fear before reducing opportunities with an increase in age.

MBukimbuki. (Language of the tribes Bantia, West Africa) - in a rush of joy to break clothes and dance Nagish.

Calabobos. (Castilic version of Spanish) or orbayu. (Asturian and Galician adverbs) - a natural phenomenon in the form of a dense cloud lying on the ground, inside of which in all directions (from top to bottom, bottom, etc.) goes small as dust rain with almost the absence of wind. At the same time, the umbrella is completely useless - and with him, and without it, we move the same completely, as in hydroponics.

SAUDADE. - Special Portuguese longing: a mixture of sadness, languor and love. The Portuguese themselves argue that in the meaning of the word lies a kind of human feeling, "longing in an uncommitable and irrevocably gone."

Ubuntu. (Languages \u200b\u200bof Zulu and Cson) - "Humanity in relation to others". Another meaning is "Vera in the universal binding power of participation, uniting all of humanity."

Wobal (Kazakh) - if there is something that can benefit a person, then this can not be thrown away, spoil, etc. Even if this in principle do not need you personally. And it is impossible to throw away because I did.

LEFARgen (Hebrew) - verb, meaning "to approve and maintain someone in his endeavors, interests and classes." There is an element of indirect help. Let's say if the wife is studying, then the husband will try more to engage in children, so that she can give her studies more time.

Fachidiot. (German) - a competent expert in one area, but in general, the idiot.

Olfrygt. (Danish Vikings) - fear of lack of beer.

ARIGA-MEIWAKU. (Japanese) - When someone makes something for you that you do not need at all, and you are trying to stop this person, but he still does it, because he wants to give you a service, but in the end only gives you a bunch of trouble But the decency nevertheless require you to thank you.

Tingo. (Pascuense, Easter Island) - leaning your friend's things, one for one, until he remains.

yoko Meshi. (Japanese) - stress experienced by a person speaking in a foreign language.

Gobbledegook (eng.) - pompous, a malfunctionary official speech characteristic of bureaucratic documents.

In this article we will look at beautiful English words. The beauty of the word is combined not only with the word shape, but it turned out that the word is beautiful when it has a beautiful designation, pleasant to the eyes or hearing. To remember the words it was easier, we divide them into general categories.

Please note: the most beautiful words in English, as in Russian, are considered the words "Mom" - Mother, "Family" - Family. This once again proves that in many cases people closely associate the shell word with its designation.

Feelings and Description

  • Happiness - Happiness.
  • Kindness - kindness.
  • Wonderful - wonderful.
  • Beautiful - beautiful.
  • Generous - generous.
  • Demure is modest.
  • Gorgeous is beautiful, great.
  • Hilarious - cheerful.


Let's make examples to better remember every beautiful word in English.

Happiness is the Sense of Life for Many People. - Happiness is the meaning of life for many people.

Kindness Is a Very Important Trait, IT Says a Lot About Human Personality. - Kindness is a very important feature, she talks about a lot in the person of man.

The Evening Was Wonderful and We Had A Lot of Fun. - The evening was wonderful and we have fun perfectly.

Today Was a beautiful Sunset, Looking AT it You Forget Everything. - Today was a wonderful sunset, looking at which, you forget everything.

Your Friend Is Very Generous, He Offered to Pay For Our Dinner. "Your friend is very generous, he suggested paying our dinner."

The Girl Is Extremely Demure. - The girl is extremely modest.

I Have Seen Our New Coworker Today, I am Afraid We Have A Problem - He Is Very Gorgeous. - I saw our new employee, I'm afraid that we have a problem - it is very beautiful.

Mike Is Hilarious, He Can Crack Jokes and Laugh at Them Even If The Rest of US Smiling Out Of Politeness. - Mike funny guy, he can let go of jokes and laugh at them, even when everyone else smiles out of politeness.


The following beautiful words in English with the translation denote animals and phenomena nature.

  • Nature - nature.
  • Rainbow - Rainbow.
  • Butterfly - butterfly.
  • Dragonfly - Dragonfly.
  • Sunshine - Sunlight.
  • Lagoon - Laguna.
  • Blossom - bloom.
  • Galaxy - Galaxy.
  • Kangaroo - Kangaroo.
  • Coconut - Coconut.
  • Hippopotamus - Hippo.
  • Aqua - water.
  • Banana - Banana.


Nature Includes Not Only Plants, But Also Animals. - Nature includes not only plants, but also animals.

Blue Lagoon Is A Wonderful Place Where You Can Spend The Vacation With Your Family. - The blue lagoon is a wonderful place where you can spend rest with your family.

WHEN WE SEE AN ARCH OF COLORS IN THE SKY WE CALL IT A RAINBOW. - When we see the arch of flowers in the sky, we call it a rainbow.

The Life Span of Butterflies Varies and Depends on Many Factors. - Life life of butterflies is different and depends on many factors.

The Eyes Of A Dragonfly Are Made Of Thouusands of Small Eyes. - Dragonfly eyes consist of thousands of small eyes.

In Japan Cherry Blossom Symbolizes Hope. - In Japan, the flowering of Cherry symbolizes hope.

Coconut Water Is Identical To Human Blood Plasma. - Coconut water is identical to the plasma of human blood.

There Are Trillions of Galaxies, IT IS Something That Very Difficult to Imagine for Human Brain. - There are trillions of galaxies, it is difficult to imagine the human brain.

An Adult Hippo Can Be Very Dangerous and Aggressive. - Adult hypopotam can be very dangerous and aggressive.

Aqua Consists of Microscopic Crystals, Their Form Reminds Polygon. - Water consists of microscopic crystals, the form of which resembles a polyhedron.

Cherry Blossom in Japan - Cherry Blossom in Japan


  • ELIXIR - elixir.
  • Lollipop - Chupa Chups.
  • Pumpkin - Pumpkin
  • Bubble - bubble.
  • Umbrella - umbrella.


Take An Umbrella with You - IT Looks Like The Day Will Be Rainy. - Take a umbrella with you - it seems that the day will be rainy.

Lollipops Are Hard Candies with Short Stick. - Chupa Chups is solid candy on a stick.

Pumpkin Shell Is Carved to Make Halloween Jack-O-Lantern. - Pumpkin's insides are cut to make a lantern of Jack.

My Niece Likes to Blow Bubbles and Watch Them. - My niece loves to inflate soap bubbles and watch them.

Concepts and phenomena

  • Family - Family.
  • Smile - smile.
  • Liberty - Freedom.
  • Paradox - paradox.
  • Sentiment - feeling, sentimentality.
  • Moment - moment.
  • Cosmopolitan is a multinational, citizen of the world (also - free from national prejudice).
  • Beauty - Beauty.
  • Hope - Hope.


Family Should Come First in Life of Every Person. - The family should be in the first place in the life of every person.

Your smile Always Supports and Inspires Me. - Your smile always supports and inspires me.

The ORIGINAL NAME OF STATUE OF LIBERTY WAS LIBERTY ENLIGHTENING THE WORLD. - The initial name of the statue of freedom was "freedom illuminating the world."

Love Is Not A Sentiment That Words Can Express. - Love is not the feeling that can be expressed by words.

If She Asks You to Wait For A Moment and Goes to the Shop You Have at Least An Hour Until She Will Come Back. "If she asks to wait a minute for a minute and goes to the store, then you have at least an hour until it returns."

A COSMOPOLITAN PERSON FEELS COMFORTABLE AT HOME AS WELL AS EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD. - A citizen of the world feels comfortable at home, as well as anywhere in the world.

Beauty is not in the face, Beauty IS A Light in the Heart. - Beauty is not represented, beauty in the radiance of the heart.

I Hope We Will Come to the Station in Time. - I hope we will arrive at the station on time.


Beautiful phrases and quotes

Let's see what exist beautiful phrases In English with translation.

About love

Love Is Friendship Set On Fire. - Love is friendship in fire.

Keep Love in Your Heart. A Life Without It Is Like A Sunless Garden When The Flowers Are Dead. - Keep love in your heart. Life without her, as the garden without the sun with dead flowers.

Life Is The Flower for Which Love Is The Honey. - Life is a flower for which love is a honey.

In The Flash of Love's Life We Dare To Be Brave. - In the light of love of life, we challenge courage.

Love Is the Beauty of a Soul. - Love is the beauty of the soul.

Love Conquers all. - Love wins everything.

You can Give Without Loving, But You Can Never Love without Giving. "You can give, not love, but you can never love without giving."

Distance Is Just a Test to See How Far Love Can Travel. - Distance is just a check of how far love can travel.

We Fall in Love by Chance, We Stay in Love by Choice. - We fall in love by chance, but we remain in love with consciously.

About friendship

Friendship IS A Special Gift, Generously Given, Happy Accepted and Deeply Appreciated! - Friendship is a special gift that generously adopted, take joyfully and appreciate deep.

True Friendship Isn't About Being Inseparable - It Is About Being Separated And Nothing Changes. - True friendship is not when friends are inseparable, and when nothing changes in separation.

Friendship Isn't About Whom You know Who Came and Never Left Your Side. "A friend is not the one you know the longest, and the one who came and never left you."

Friends Are The Family We Choose for Ourselves. "Friends are a family that we choose ourselves."

A Friend Is One WHO KNOWS US BUT LOVES US Anyway. "A friend is one who knows, but loves anyway."

Friendship is not one big thing, but millions of small

About life

Look, what are beautiful quotes and phrases in English about life.

Don't Squander Time - This Is Stuff Life Is Made Of. - Do not waste time in vain - it consists of life.

Don't Judge My Choes Worthout Understanding My ReaSons. - Do not judge about my choice, without understanding the reasons.

BE NOT AFRAID OF LIFE. Believe That Life Is Worth Living, And Your Belief Will Help Create The Fact. - Do not be afraid of life. Believe me that it is worth living, and your faith will help to make it a reality.

Rule # 1 of Life. Do What Makes You Happy. - Life rule number 1. Do what makes you happy.

About yourself and about life

You may Find the Worst Enemy or Best Friend in Yourself. - In yourself you can find the worst enemy or better friend.

The Mind Is Everything. What You Think You Become. - Consciousness is all. You form your thoughts.

WHEN I LET GO OF WHAT I AM, I Become What I Might Be. - When I let go of who I am, I get to those who want to be.

The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With One Step. - Travel to a thousand miles begins with one step.

A Good Head And A good Heart Is Always a formidable combination. - Good head and good heart - always a stunning combination.

Vocabulary from phrases

Finish your stamp words from examples and phrases that we looked above.

  • To Dare - To decide, have arrogance.
  • Brave - bold.
  • Soul - Soul.
  • To Conquer - conquer, conquer.
  • Trait - character trait.
  • Sunset - Sunset.
  • To Offer - offer.
  • Coworker - colleague, employee.
  • Politeness - politeness.
  • To Crack Jokes - let go of jokes.
  • To include - turn on.
  • Plants - plants.
  • Vacation - vacation, vacation.
  • To Vary - change, vary.
  • To Symbolize - symbolize.
  • Difficult is complex.
  • Brain - brain, mind.
  • Identical is the same identical.
  • To Imagine - Present.
  • To consist - to consist.
  • To Remind - remind.
  • Rainy - rainy.
  • Stick - stick.
  • To Inspire - inspire.
  • To express - express.
  • To CARVE - Cut.
  • Journey is a trip, journey.
  • Formidable - stunning, impressive.

Learn other beautiful words in English from quotes with translation:



MudrostSovestDobroChistotaLadGarmoniyaIstinaMasterstvoOptimizmRadushieUspehSozidanieSchedrostChutkost PreobrazhenieDarRomantikaEntuziazmRazvitieEstestvennostSvetTeplotaTsvetenieVechnostPutBlagoYasnostUverennostGenialnostProstotaRadostUstremlonnostDostoinstvoUdalSmelostObayanieUnikalnostBodrostAktivnost SoznatelnostMyslSlovoDeystvieIntuitsiyaPesnyaSerdechnostVernostTvordostChestEnergichnostNadozhnostSamostoyatelnostDuhovnostSilaVolyaTochnostGibkostNezhnostLaskaSchasteEdinenieDushevnostRodZnanieUmenieBystrotaVospriyatieLogkostDvizhenieDostizhenieVeseleSmehDetstvoOsnovaByl EvolyutsiyaBozhestvennostSostoyanieVolshebstvoLuchenieOtkrytostSvobodaTselostnost Caring Feeling ObschitelnostAkkuratnostPoryadokMuzykaZvuchanieObraz

Children's Power Supervisory Metalovascularity Climbing Nobility Gardening ...

Good thoughts \u003d good words \u003d good deeds \u003d joyful life

Portrait of russian red maiden.

Higher manifestation of life.


Always young with soul and body, Bodra Spirit.

The mood is cheerful. Little love. I live from the soul.

I have a clear, sober head. With the king in the head. Mudra.

Create good deeds.

Gentle, good, Mila, Laskov, caring, beautiful.

Harmonious facial features.

On the mouth is a radiant smile.

Thick blond hair, rye fresh straw, silky, slightly wavy. Tight braid.

Healthy blush on cheeks.

The body is poured by force and energy. The figure is slim, stateless, ok, with beautiful ovals. Posture is smooth, graceful. Height 170 cm.

Soulful. Hospitable. Reliable.


The goddess itself and creatures the gods.

I read parents, ancestors.

Success accompanies me. Provided. Rich.

Where I am Russian Krasno Girl, there is good, cozy and warm.

Portrait of russian good well done.

(which I like and suits me)

Higher manifestation of life.


The body radiates white warm light.

Always young with soul and body, Bodr Spirit.

The mood is cheerful. Love into life. I live from the soul.

I carry the good news to all the residents of the Earth and the whole world.

I have a clear, sober head. With the king in the head. Wise.

Create good deeds.

Harmonious facial features.

Eyes bright of blue color shine joy.

At the mouth of a radiant smile.

Thick blond hair, rye fresh straw, silky, slightly wavy.

Healthy blush on cheeks.

The physical body is poured by force and energy. The figure is a slim, strong, heroic warehouse, with beautiful muscles and broad shoulders.

High height, 185cm. Back straight, developed chest, narrow hips.

Light rapid gait.

Soulful. Hospitable. Reliable.


God himself, the creator of the gods.

I read parents, ancestors.

Perform the laws of morality.

With the help of your mind, I am building my happy life, I improve my body, extinguishing the environmental environment.

Beautifully thought, I speak beautifully, I do it beautifully, beautifully live.

Success accompanies me. Provided. Rich.

I can do everything. I am building paradise on earth.

I support the perfect order in the house.

I see the essence of things, people and events. I support only good.

Where I am - Russian Good well done, it's good there.

Finish your good words--

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