Modern youth speech: norm or antinorm. Language culture in the youth environment about Russian for young people

Youth language or slang belongs to the special form of an existing modern language. Probably, we all pass this element, but, as a rule, the growing, go to a literary spoken language.
When studying the language of young people, the reasons for the use of this slang in its speech in such a large quantity. There are several basic word-forming models of the youth language (youth jargon). Today, the language of youth subculture can be found in periodical press, and oral speech. Studying youth jargon, first of all, you need to find out what jargon means. Many people have a negative attitude to it, although in a number of youth language, you will not find indiscreet or crude expressions and words.

Defining cultural and speech evaluation of youth media, you need to consider a number of issues. The priority issues are: speech practice publications, quality and degree of reflection in the youth language editions.

Like politicians, intellectuals, journalists, youth is an active representative speaking society. Young people often act as initiators in language innovations, so their speech has a powerful impact on all speech space in Russian society. Youth language is not some kind of special social ply, it is rather a sample of some lexico-phraseological subsystem in commonly used units of the Russian language.

If you carefully examine the youth press, it will become obvious that it focuses on his audience and, naturally, it uses language funds that are characteristic of this category of readers. Today there are many publications for young people, they are diverse on their topics, the nature of the proposed information and types. They can be divided into the following: a massive and high-quality, specialized and universal, and there are narrow-profile (for sports, culture, fashion, education, film, computers, etc.).

In the creation of a youth press, not only professional journalists (Logs "," Interlocutor ") are involved, but the youth (" UNKOR "," Shik "), including a student. For example, at the faculties of journalism, many universities come out their newspapers produced by students. Substantitative component of such publications is the topics that are interested in young people, they are devoted to music, movies, the lives of popular stars, news that has entertainment. All of them, as a rule, are revealed using the language of youth, their slang and jargon. Thus, young people are easier to adapt to adulthood and always be aware of the events. The liberated style, which are written articles in youth media, is the conquest of our time, as it now has the opportunity to freely express his thought and opinion.

Culture of speech of modern youth

The fate of the Russian language the theme that can not leave indifferent not a single literature. Obviously, language varies significantly directly in the eyes of our generation. Rejoice in this or disappear? Fight amend or take them?

Tent days ago, an insignificant term for the development of the language, but in history there are such periods when the speed of language changes increases significantly. So, the state of the Russian language in the seventies and nineties can serve as an excellent confirmation of this fact. The changes affected the language itself, and, first of all, its consumption conditions. Communication of a person from the seventies with a man of the nineties could well end with a communicative failure due to a simple misunderstanding of the language. As evidence is sufficient to indicate the most significant change: the emergence of a huge number of new words (including borrowing) and the disappearance of some words and meanings.

It is obvious that the language changes themselves and their speed in this case are not caused by internal reasons, but by external, namely social transformations and changes in the life of a Russian-speaking society. Before talking about the modern language, it should be remembered by his recent history.

Nikolai Eykov once wrote:

I looked at the world from under the table:

The age of twentieth, an extraordinary century.

What is it interesting for the historian,

Topic for the contemporary sadness.

The twentieth century turned out to be extremely interesting not only for historians, but also for linguists. Essentially, a sociolinguistic experiment was carried out over the Russian language. Two major social revolution shakes and restructuring affected not only people, but also the language. Under the influence of the Russian language has changed itself, and, moreover, it deliberately influenced power, because its language was a powerful tool

Currently, Slang is one of the most interesting linguistic systems of modern linguistics.

1. To the history of the existence of slang

It is not true that the Russian language in the Soviet era was awkward, bureaucratic and unimportented.

If you turn to a non-public speech, it changed somewhat less, although also experienced various influences. True, it affected not the most educated part of the Russian people, but, above all, those who are most exposed to television and newspapers. Russian speech in general has become more diverse since combines different elements from once to be combined forms of the language. In today's speech, not a young and completely intelligent person flashes a variety of words: youth slang, a bit of classic thickening phenomena, a lot of phenomena of Novorusskaya, professionalism, jargonism, in short, for every taste

Is the Russian language more "criminal"? Sure. Like all society as a whole. Another question is why it is so noticeable. Previously, the "Botal" feathers the one who was "bot". Well, except that the intellectual could pick up something like for a red senlee. But this word was "red", that is, dramatically stand out on a general background. Now these words on the lips are all: professors, schoolchildren, deputy, bandit ...

As for other claims to modern language, it is not so simple.

The flow of borrowing from the English language increased dramatically. The greatest number of borrowings fall on new areas where the system of Russian terms or titles has not yet developed. This happens, for example, in a modern economy or computing technology. In a situation of lack of words for a new concept, this word can be created from old funds, and may just borrow. Russian as a whole went on the second path. If we talk about specific words, then let's say, the printer defeated the printing device. In such areas of borrowing, it is quite appropriate and, in any case, no threat to the language does not represent.

However, one feasibility of borrowing will not explain. In many areas, focused on America, borrowing is clearly superfluous, because in Russian there are already appropriate words. Nevertheless, new borrowings are more prestigious and crowd out Russian words from handling. So, a businessman fights the "entrepreneur", a presentation with a "presentation", image with "way", etc. The emergence of this kind of borrowing sometimes makes it difficult to communicate. But the costs of this kind of temporary and also a special threat to the language as a whole are not carried. Hardly we become less Russian, saying "accountant", and not "account".

The number of borrowing in any language is huge that the native speakers are not always felt. Language is an extraordinarily stable system and is able to "digest" enough foreign phenomena, that is, to adapt them and do their own to one degree or another.

In conclusion, it is often in the public mind or that the state language is assessed, usually celebrated just a "bad" state of the language. Such criticism is usually too rapid changes in the language and arising in connection with the gap between the discourses of different generations. In such a situation, we are now.

2. Slang as a phenomenon in modern linguistics. Slang and Jargon

All the vocabulary of one or another language is divided into literary and non-straining. The literature includes:

1. Book words

2. Standard conversational words

3. Neutral words.

There is also a non-veterinary vocabulary, we divide it on:

1) Professionalism

2) Vulgarianism

3) Jargonisms

Professionalism are words used by small groups of people united by a certain profession.

Vulgarizms are rude words, usually not consumed by educated people in society.

Jargonisms are the words used by certain social or combined common interests with groups that bear the secret, incomprehensible to all meaning.

Slang are words that are often considered as a violation of the norms of the standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that speak everyday life.

Allocate a huge number of methods for forming the functional units of slang, thus confirming the thesis of the constant updating of the vocabulary of slang.

1. In the first place on productivity, foreign-language borrowing (dude guy) are published. For example: Thank You (thanks) Senka; Birthday (Birthday) Nearplate)

2.Afifixation as a means is very productive ..

Wow (a) - Clikuha's nickname, ordering order. Sufifix is \u200b\u200balso used as a unpleasure means, i.e. Reducing the combination of "adjective + noun" into one word - wet business (murder) wet.

Ag (a) - journalists, hostel, tried;

Ar (a) - nose of rosary, cat kitty.

He is to drink a drink, bite the bouncer, throw the Zakydon.

L (a) - drove (from the driver), threw (from "throw") a deceiver;

Khik, -nik, - Halyava, Khalyavshchik, "knock" stukach;

AK - arrogance, depressed depressnyak.

OTA - drugs (from drugs);

Hedgehog - Ballege (from "Ballery"), Gudezh (from "buzzing");

Bomzhatnik noun (from bum), created on the model of animal premises names (calf shed, henhouse), Rocking noun (sports club) is made on the model of conversational reader, smoking room.

To (a): Cheat, washing, excuse, illumination.

Nor (e): laundering, welding, rimshuring.

Prefixes are also actively used:

s- - to drain, dump (leave, leave);

unscrew, roll back, deny (lit. move away);

to wash ("dirty money"), to smear (Sia), turn out.

3. The second place occupies such a way as a truncation: Schizophrenia Shiz; demobilization demobilization; cash - cash;

4. The following powerful source of formation of the lexic composition of slang is a metaphorics: aquarium, a monkey bench in militia for detainees;

female ducks are the absence of something, to quench the beat; To fly away - feel excellent.

5. Development of Phasemia: Throw: 1) To steal anything from anyone; 2) take something from anyone and do not give; 3) Scheduled when making a transaction; 4) Do not hold back promise, deceive.

6. Borrowing of threshing argotisms: lawlessness Full freedom, rampant; cool well; Water to beat, kill.

7. Abbreviation Full or partial: CPZ: 1) Pressure Camera; 2) "Room of a pleasant smell."

8. Stand punning Bucharest youth party (from "boo" alcohol), bezbabe lack of money (from the "grandmother" of money).

Jargon, who delegated in the so-understood slang of their representatives, do not part with them. For example, to be dark in a prison-camp jargon. Multival about: "Pretend to be impossible, simulating infamousness", and in the youth jargon "it is not clear, to see from the answer" but now in the astounding "confused, deceive"; Parasha - originally the place in the chamber, later - any household dirt; Lie, disinformation.

Slag Pyrcha metaphor and expression. The roof went the expression born in one of the jargins and fell into Slang. None of our regulatory dictionaries showed him. The first thing did it in 1992, "the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" Ozhegova and Swedovaya and attributed to the conversational style of the literary language. Slang refresses E.

Culina Margarita Sergeevna

Scientific adviser:
Timirgaleeva Aigul Renatna
candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
AND ABOUT. head Department of Humanitarian and Social Disciplines
Naberezhninsky branch of FGBOU VPO "Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev-Kai"

Naberezhnye Chelny

Russian language for Russia is the main means of communication and a mirror of national culture. It will not be an exaggeration to say that Russian is one of the foundations of Russian statehood. The enormous role of Russian in the modern world is determined by its cultural value, its power and greatness.

We see a particular importance in strengthening the position of the Russian language from the modern youth generation, because it is precisely for this age that the final formation of the worldview accounts for the moral principles and various stereotypes are formed. During this period, it is very important to direct this development in the right, right direction and to raise certain moral and ethical norms into the personality.

A special place in the youth segment is occupied by studentism - the future business and intellectual elite of society, people who will continue to identify and implement the main paths of its development. In addition, today in the youth environment, students are the leader of opinions, having an impact on the formation of values \u200b\u200bin young people in general. Therefore, understanding the need for the formation of speech culture in the younger generation as a whole, we allocate student youth in a special group, paramountable in importance that will be a key audience of this study.

The main problem in the youth environment is the pollution of the language youth slang.

Modern youth completely without slang is impossible. The main advantages here are expressiveness and brevity. It is not by chance that currently Slang is used in the press and even in the literature (and not only a detective genre) for giving the speech of the liveliness. Even the state high rank figures use slang expressions in their speeches. Therefore, it is impossible to relate to slang as something that only pollutes Russian. This is an integral part of our speech. But it is also not worth moving away from this problem.

According to linguists, most new slang words arise quite naturally from specific situations, reflecting the emergence of new items, things, objects, ideas or events. As an example, you can consider the reasons for the rapid formation of computer slang. The email did not return schoolchildren to grammar and spelling, as expected earlier. It "legalized" youth slang and did not put the skills of a competent letter.

L.V. Scherba wrote: "The literary language takes a lot imposed by his conversational language and dialects, and thus makes its development, but only when he adapted a new one to his system by refating and converting it accordingly."

Another unpleasant phenomenon in the public environment, and even more so in the Environment of Youth, is obscene vocabulary.

Scientists have proven that the whole "bad" vocabulary is native, Slavic, which is bound by thousands of threads with the nationwide lexical wealth of all Slavic languages. Perhaps, therefore, recently, mothers are increasingly used in literature, cinematography, on television, which causes public protests. Even the classics of Russian literature used grave words, but all of our major writers, in addition to censorship, was and their internal editor - conscience, she did not allow excesses on book pages, because the use of mothers in literary works is the problem of the author's artistic taste, his Feeling measures.

Nowadays, to great regret, the abnormative vocabulary firmly entered the everyday speaking speech of a huge number of Russian people. Mat begins to acquire the scale of nationwide cultural disaster. And it is impossible to let in a self-shot, it is necessary to make serious measures to eliminate this problem.

However, one of the biggest problems in the youth environment is illiteracy. And every year the number of illiterately writing youth is growing with terrifying progress. The CMC messages that young people exchange are completely rejecting all the rules of the Russian language: punctuation marks, capital letters are excluded, words reductions are actively used. Automatically all this is transferred to the notebook.

Higher educational institution, as a social institution, has great opportunities for the formation of moral and ethical norms from modern youth. These opportunities can be implemented both in the process of educational and extracurricular activities. It is in the student community, in the walls of a native university, a student can have a proper attitude towards Russian.

The university is one of the most effective social institutions that can contribute to the development of Russian speech culture and Russian language as a whole.

However, after analyzing the obligatory minimum of the main educational program of the State Educational Standard
Higher Professional Education, it was found that disciplines contributing, firstly, to develop morality in young people - ethical qualities, secondly, to train competent speech and writing, from the entire cycle disciplines amount to about 12% (cultural, rhetoric, Russian language and Culture speech, etc.), which proves their extreme insufficiency in the formation of a system of significant values \u200b\u200bof the identity of a graduate of the university. The minimum of these disciplines was achieved in technical specialties. This suggests that too little attention is paid to the Russian language.

We conducted a survey among students of the Naberezhninsky branch of the book-kai in order to identify the level of awareness of students on the studied issues, the degree of their involvement in solving the problems under study, the level of interest.

Thus, it should be noted that the formation of speech culture and strengthening the positions of the Russian language in young people is an urgent task.


1. Rosenthal D.E., Goli I.B., Telenkova M.A. Modern Russian. - M., 2008.

2. Shiryaev E.N. Culture of speech as linguistic discipline // Russian language and modernity: problems and prospects for the development of rustics. - M., 2001.

- A problem that cannot leave a single modern person indifferent. A special concern is a modern youth language. How is the youthful speech and how does it affect the culture of the language?

Language is a necessary condition for the existence and development of society, this is an element of its spiritual culture. The Russian language is considered to be one of the richest and developed languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Many poets and writers also spoke about flexibility, beauty, vectors and uniqueness of the Russian language with delight.

Admiring the beauty of the Russian language, called: "Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this is the property transferred to us by our predecessors"

Speaking about the accuracy of the Russian language, emphasized: "There is no word that would be so painfully, Boyko, so it would have crashed out of the heart herself, boiling and burning, as the Russian word was said."

Of course, it is impossible to disagree with these statements, but in the conditions of modern world, we are often observing completely opposite: "Classic", the right Russian is coming out of everyday life, it is replaced by simplified, sometimes justice vocabulary. A natural question arises: why today young people, having such a rich language, prefers a new form of communication, neglecting the norms of the modern Russian language, using slang and abnormative vocabulary. Do I need to learn the modern Russian language today, which says all the society in which we will know in the world, which provides us with the whole amount of cultural information, if in the overwhelming mass of young people speak primitive language?

I think that not only need, but also archival. The language is a reflection of the essence of the people, a kind of piggy bank of all generations, of course, the literary language remains a measure of the value of the language and will be such, I am sure, it is always, but still one cannot but talk about changes that are originating primarily in colloquial speech. Yes, caregation occurs, the discredit of certain canons of the Russian language, the concepts are erased or expanded, many norms are forgotten. What are the causes of this phenomenon?

Speech is a specific form of reflection of reality. It follows the changes occurring in our lives associated with the change of cultural landmarks, values, installations. Properties of speech and properties of the medium are interconnected. As a teenager does not exist outside the family, schools, and these public institutions do not exist separately, thereby influencing the speech of the generation

Each cultural - the historical era has its own language .. youth speech today reflects the unstable cultural and linguistic state of our society, balancing on the verge of literary language and jargon. The so-called overall jargon is an understated speech style, blurring and language norms, and the norms of speech etiquette, it becomes familiar not only in everyday communication, but also sounds in the television and radio. Young people, being a preferential carrier of Jargon, makes it an element of pop culture, prestigious and necessary for self-expression. In different periods of the development of society, there was a language in different ways .. In the post-flight period, the waves of street elements were overlooked with an element of pop culture, which in turn makes it prestigious and necessary for self-expression. Examples of this is enough in the lyrics of loved ones for young people who are abounding with jargons: "You pushed", "I clinite me", "I'm all on the drum" and much more.

Another reason for the use of Jargon's youth speech is the need for young people in self-expression and counter understanding. Communication with comrades is becoming great value for a teenager. It often becomes so attractive and important that the doctrine is moved to the background, the possibility of communication with his father and his mother looks no such attractive. Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without posing its language.

Rather, this is the manifestation of the "language disease" - thoughtlessness and denial of norms, the primitivism inherent in adolescence. Apparently, at a certain period of growth in young people, it is necessary to overcome this disease so that, overcoming its primitive element, to realize the dignity and strength of the Russian language.

For youth jargon, it is characteristic, in addition to alienation, emotionally - a gaming start. Why, if young people know how to talk correctly, she says wrong? Why prefers to use condemned forms of speech, knowing prestigious, regulatory? Yes, just because it has another system of values, another prestige, another norm - Antinorm. And in this antinorm, the main principle is the element of shake to shock the people, and the element of mockery so that it is not boring, funny, "cool". In this and the challenge of a safe, successful society, and the rejection of its norms, its samples, its decency.

Another gaming reception used in youth jargon is a rapprochement of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, lemon instead of a million, soap, Emel instead of e-mail (from the English word email). We did not have time to consolidate, some forms of speech are inferior to the place to others: so, not so long as a long-standing mani (from the English word Money - money) replaced bucks and grandmothers.

So, the joke, the game is a positive element of youth speech. It is unlikely that anyone seriously can fight it. Yes, perhaps, and useless.

Scientists note that the basis of modern communication is jargon, or criminalized vocabulary. Is the Russian language from this more "criminal"? Sure. Like all society as a whole. Another question is, why it is so noticeable. Previously, the "Botal" feathers the one who was "bot". Well, except that the intellectual could pick up something like for a red senlee. But this word was "red", that is, dramatically stand out on a general background. Now these words on the lips are all: professors, schoolchildren, deputy, ...

In many ways, this is a game (it used to be impossible, and now you can). It is bad or good - to say hard. By itself, the language cannot be bad or good - in the global sense. But the fact of jargonization is and requires learning.

From new speech genres that have a playing principle should be mentioned by Slang. The novelty of it, however, is conditional. B no clear definition. All the vocabulary of one or another language is divided into literary and non-straining. The latter refers to Slang, professionalism, vulgarizms, jargonisms. National language is a layer of neutral vocabulary. But it is determined not in words, but his own. And therefore, the slang (slang) words behave the same as the most ordinary. Any verb has the present, which has passed and the future, the corresponding endings. And from a completely new word (English) we make a normal Russian word (add completion, we begin to change it). But the language remains the same. Simply in a different situation, another vocabulary is used.

As for other claims to modern language, it is not so simple.

The borrowing flow has increased dramatically. The greatest number of borrowings fall on new areas where the system of Russian terms or titles has not yet developed. This happens, for example, in a modern economy or computing technology. In a situation of lack of words for a new concept, this word can be created from old funds, and may just borrow. Russian as a whole went on the second path. If we talk about specific words, then let's say, the printer defeated the printing device. In such areas of borrowing, it is quite appropriate and, in any case, no threat to the language does not represent. But the costs of this kind of temporary and also a special threat to the language as a whole are not carried. Hardly we become less Russian, saying "accountant", and not "account".

The number of borrowing in any language is huge that the native speakers are not always felt. Language is an extraordinarily stable system and is able to "digest" enough foreign phenomena, that is, to adapt them and make their own to one degree or another.

The Russian youth slang represents an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age frameworks, as clearly from its nomination, but also by social, temporary spatial frameworks. It exists in the medium of urban students of young people - and individual more or less closed.

Explorers involved in the youth slang include the scope of study from 14-15 to 24-25 years. Comparison shows that the lexicon of different reference groups coincides only in part.

Sleangisms are very intensively seeping in the press language. Almost in all materials, where it is about the life of young, interests, about their holidays and idols, where slangism is contained in greater or less concentrations. And not only in the youth press - the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Interlocutor", or the newspaper "I am young", but also in such addressed to readers of all ages of popular newspapers like "Arguments and Facts". Newspapers - a valuable source, because they promptly reflect today's state of the language.

The study shows that youth slang, like any ARGO and wider - as every subsensite, is peculiar to some blurring borders. To identify it as a closed subsystem, as an object of observation can only be conditionally. The gradual distribution of youth slang goes from the center to the periphery, and on the periphery, it is rooted as minimal.

In addition, Slang does not remain constant. With a change of one fashionable phenomenon, the old words are forgotten, others come to replace. This process passes very rapidly. If in any other slang, the word can exist for dozens of years, then in the youth slang only over the past decade of stormy world progress, an incredible amount of words appeared in history.

But there are also things that have not been subjected to special changes. But their slang designations do not remain unchanged. There is a process of changing generations, and those words that seemed fashionable and funny five to seven years ago, now look outdated. Fashion changes, trends in society, some words just bored.

Following the way the word from birth before the transition to Slang, it can be noted that Slang in Russian is a kind of "outstand". Slang helps speed up this process when the language is trying to keep up with the flow of information.

In this matter, the Russian language, beyond doubt, is under the direct influence of English. And we will not be able to stop this process, as long as they do not create something unique.

As we see, the youth slang in most cases is English borrowing or associations, there are less frequent transfers, and even then thanks to the turbulent fantasy of young. To attract foreign words to the language should always be treated carefully, and even more so when this process has such speed.

The development of this language phenomenon and its distribution among an increasing number of carriers of the Russian language is determined by the introduction of "Zabigory" into the life of modern society. And the youth slang begin to use not only young, but also people who do not have any attitude towards them. The only thing is that with the appearance of slang declined the language level. Slang penetrates all areas of activity, and even into literature. For a separate example, you can take a well-known and popular author of Viktor Pelevin. It is traced in its works by Jargonisms: the Urka is Validaya, Sharpening, Slangiism: Non-Ulya, freeness, and even vulgarism. But despite all this, Pelevin is considered a serious author. Its works are reading almost all the youth and middle-aged people. All his works are abstract - that is, the whole point is hidden, and it needs to be understood.

I do not think that Slang is something harmful. Slang was, there will be in our vocabulary, this is noticeable of the text of my report. I think that it is wrong to judge the need of slang language. Slang is an integral part of our life.

In conclusion, it should be said that often in a public consciousness, this or that state of the language is evaluated, and it is usually marked just the "bad" state of the language. Such criticism is called, as a rule, too rapid changes in the language and arising in connection with this gap between different generations. In such a situation, we are now. If we take into account the importance of language care, it is quite possible to improve the situation with. For this you need:

    Promotion of careful attitude towards the Russian language to clarify to persons whose performances fall into the public attention center, the need for a careful attitude towards the native language; explain to managers the need for high-quality editorial work on the style of published texts; organize the advisory service of the Russian language; Promoting the classical literature, to bring up with the younger generation love for the native language.

The state of the Russian language is a problem that cannot leave a single modern person indifferent. A special concern is a modern youth language. How is the youthful speech and how does it affect the culture of the language?

Language is a necessary condition for the existence and development of society, this is an element of its spiritual culture. The Russian language is considered to be one of the richest and developed languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Many poets and writers also spoke about flexibility, beauty, vectors and uniqueness of the Russian language with delight.

I.Sturgenev, admiring the beauty of the Russian language, called: "Take care of our tongue, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, is the heritage transmitted to us by our predecessors"

Speaking about the accuracy of the Russian language, N.V.Gogol emphasized: "There is no word that would be so painfully, Boyko, so it would have broken from - under the heart herself, boiled and burning, as the rivant Russian word said."

Of course, it is impossible to disagree with these statements, but in the conditions of modern world, we are often observing completely opposite: "Classic", the right Russian is coming out of everyday life, it is replaced by simplified, sometimes justice vocabulary. A natural question arises: why today young people, having such a rich language, prefers a new form of communication, neglecting the norms of the modern Russian language, using slang and abnormative vocabulary. Do I need to learn the modern Russian language today, which says all the society in which we will know in the world, which provides us with the whole amount of cultural information, if in the overwhelming mass of young people speak primitive language?

I think that not only need, but also archival. The language is a reflection of the essence of the people, a kind of piggy bank of all generations, of course, the literary language remains a measure of the value of the language and will be such, I am sure, it is always, but still one cannot but talk about changes that are originating primarily in colloquial speech. Yes, caregation occurs, the discredit of certain canons of the Russian language, the concepts are erased or expanded, many norms are forgotten. What are the causes of this phenomenon?

Speech is a specific form of reflection of reality. It follows the changes occurring in our lives associated with the change of cultural landmarks, values, installations. Properties of speech and properties of the medium are interconnected. As a teenager does not exist outside the family, schools, and these public institutions do not exist separately, thereby influencing the speech of the generation

Each cultural - the historical era has its own language .. youth speech today reflects unstable cultural and linguistic stateour society, balancing on the verge of literary language and jargon.The so-called overall jargon is an underestimated speech style, blurring and tongue norms, and the norms of speech etiquette, it becomes familiar not only in everyday communication, but also sounds in television and radio. Youth, being a preferential carrier of Zhargon, makes it an elementpop culture prestigious and necessary for self-expression. In different periods of development of society, the language was different.. In the post-flight period, the waves of street elements were overlooked with an element of pop culture, which in turn makes it prestigious and necessary for self-expression. Examples of this is enough in the lyrics of loved ones for young people who are abounding with jargons: "You pushed", "I clinite me", "I'm all on the drum" and much more.

Another reason for the use of Jargon's youth speech is the need for young people in self-expression and counter understanding. Communication with comrades is becoming great value for a teenager. It often becomes so attractive and important that the doctrine is moved to the background, the possibility of communication with his father and his mother looks no such attractive. Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without posing its language.

Rather, this is the manifestation of the "language disease" - thoughtlessness and denial of norms, the primitivism inherent in adolescence. Apparently, at a certain period of growth in young people, it is necessary to overcome this disease so that, overcoming its primitive element, to realize the dignity and strength of the Russian language.

For youth jargon is characteristic, in addition to alienation,emotionic playing start. Why, if young people know how to talk correctly, she says wrong? Why prefers to use condemned forms of speech, knowing prestigious, regulatory? Yes, just because it has another system of values, another prestige, another norm - Antinorm. And in this antinorm, the main principle is the element of shake to shock the people, and the element of mockery so that it is not boring, funny, "cool". In this and the challenge of a safe, successful society, and the rejection of its norms, its samples, its decency.

Another gaming reception used in youth jargon is a rapprochement of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, lemon instead of a million, soap, Emel instead of e-mail (from the English word email). We did not have time to consolidate, some forms of speech are inferior to the place to others: so, not so long as a long-standing mani (from the English word Money - money) replaced bucks and grandmothers.

So, the joke, the game is a positive element of youth speech. It is unlikely that anyone seriously can fight it. Yes, perhaps, and useless.

Scientists note that the basis of modern communication is jargon, or criminalized vocabulary. Is the Russian language from this more "criminal"? Sure. Like all society as a whole. Another question is, why it is so noticeable. Previously, the "Botal" feathers the one who was "bot". Well, except that the intellectual could pick up something like for a red senlee. But this word was "red", that is, dramatically stand out on a general background. Now these words on the lips are all: professors, schoolchildren, deputy, ...

In many ways, this is a game (it used to be impossible, and now you can). It is bad or good - to say hard. By itself, the language cannot be bad or good - in the global sense. But the fact of jargonization is and requires learning.

From new speech genres havinggame start should be mentionedslang. The novelty of it, however, is conditional. There is no clear definition in the linguistics. All the vocabulary of one or another language is divided into literary and non-straining. The latter refers to Slang, professionalism, vulgarizms, jargonisms. National language is a layer of neutral vocabulary. But it is determined not in words, but by its grammatical system, word formation. And therefore, the slang (slang) words behave the same as the most ordinary. Any verb has the present, which has passed and the future, the corresponding endings. And from a completely new word (English) we make a normal Russian word (add completion, we begin to change it). Butlanguage It remains the same. Simply in a different situation, another vocabulary is used.

As for other claims to modern language, it is not so simple.

The flow of borrowing from the English language increased dramatically. The greatest number of borrowings fall on new areas where the system of Russian terms or titles has not yet developed. This happens, for example, in a modern economy or computing technology. In a situation of lack of words for a new concept, this word can be created from old funds, and may just borrow. Russian as a whole went on the second path. If we talk about specific words, then let's say, the printer defeated the printing device. In such areas of borrowing, it is quite appropriate and, in any case, no threat to the language does not represent. But the costs of this kind of temporary and also a special threat to the language as a whole are not carried. Hardly we become less Russian, saying "accountant", and not "account".

The number of borrowing in any language is huge that the native speakers are not always felt. Language is an extraordinarily stable system and is able to "digest" enough foreign phenomena, that is, to adapt them and make their own to one degree or another.

The Russian youth slang represents an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age frameworks, as clearly from its nomination, but also by social, temporary spatial frameworks. It exists in the environment of urban students of young people - and individual more or less closed reference groups.

Explorers involved in the youth slang include the scope of study from 14-15 to 24-25 years. Comparison shows that the lexicon of different reference groups coincides only in part.

Sleangisms are very intensively seeping in the press language. Almost all materials wherespeech It is about the life of the young, interests, about their holidays and idols, where slangism contains in greater or less concentrations. And not only in the youth press - the "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Interlocutor", or the newspaper "I am young", but also in such addressed to readers of all ages of popular newspapers like "Arguments and Facts". Newspapers - a valuable source, because they promptly reflect today's state of the language.

The study shows that youth slang, like any ARGO and wider - as every subsensite, is peculiar to some blurring borders. To identify it as a closed subsystem, as an object of observation can only be conditionally. The gradual distribution of youth slang goes from the center to the periphery, and on the periphery, it is rooted as minimal.

In addition, Slang does not remain constant. With a change of one fashionable phenomenon, the old words are forgotten, others come to replace. This process passes very rapidly. If in any other slang, the word can exist for dozens of years, then in the youth slang only over the past decade of stormy world progress, an incredible amount of words appeared in history.

But there are also things that have not been subjected to special changes. But their slang designations do not remain unchanged. There is a process of changing generations, and those words that seemed fashionable and funny five to seven years ago, now look outdated. Fashion changes, trends in society, some words just bored.

Following the way the word from birth before the transition to Slang, it can be noted that Slang in Russian is a kind of "outstand". Slang helps speed up this process when the language is trying to keep up with the flow of information.

In this matter, the Russian language, beyond doubt, is under the direct influence of English. And we will not be able to stop this process, as long as they do not create something unique.

As we see, youth slang in most cases is English borrowing or phonetic associations, transformation cases are less common, and even then thanks to the turbulent fantasy of young. To attract foreign words to the language should always be treated carefully, and even more so when this process has such speed.

The development of this language phenomenon and its distribution among an increasing number of carriers of the Russian language is determined by the introduction of "Zabigory" into the life of modern society. And the youth slang begin to use not only young, but also people who do not have any attitude towards them. The only thing is that with the appearance of slang declined the language level. Slang penetrates all areas of activity, and even into literature. For a separate example, you can take a well-known and popular author of Viktor Pelevin. It is traced in its works by Jargonisms: the Urka is Validaya, Sharpening, Slangiism: Non-Ulya, freeness, and even vulgarism. But despite all this, Pelevin is considered a serious author. Its works are reading almost all the youth and middle-aged people. All his works are abstract - that is, the whole point is hidden, and it needs to be understood.

I do not think that Slang is something harmful. Slang was, there will be in our vocabulary, this is noticeable of the text of my report. I think that it is wrong to judge the need of slang language. Slang is an integral part of our life.

In conclusion, it should be said that often in a public consciousness, this or that state of the language is evaluated, and it is usually marked just the "bad" state of the language. Such a criticism is caused, as a rule, too rapid changes in the language and arising in connection with this gap between discourses of different generations. In such a situation, we are now. If you take into account the importance of language care, it is quite possible to improve the situation with the culture of speech. For this you need:

  • propagandize careful attitude to the Russian language
  • explain to persons whose performances fall into the public attention center, the need for a careful attitude towards the native language;
  • explain the need for high-quality editorial work on the style of published texts;
  • organize the advisory service of the Russian language;
  • promote classical literature
  • relieve love to the native language among the younger generation.
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