Satellite with its own dense atmosphere. Amazing Titan, Saturna satellite

Of particular interest for the researchers of the solar system is the largest satellite Saturn Titan. It belongs to the number of the largest satellites of the planets. According to Voyagerov, the Titanium diameter is 5150 km. According to its size and mass, he is a little inferior only to the satellite of Jupiter Gamorn and about 2 times superior to our moon.

Titan is the only one of the satellites with a dense atmosphere. Another of the terrestrial observations it was known that methane is present in its atmosphere. Spectral observations made by Voyager-1 confirmed the presence of methane, but at the same time showed that its content in the atmosphere is small - about 1%, whereas by 85% the atmosphere consists of nitrogen (mainly molecular) and 12% from the inert Argon. In small quantities, hydrogen cyanide (NSM) is detected - blue acid (very strong poison), as well as molecular hydrogen.

The atmospheric pressure at the surface of the titanium is approximately 1.5 times higher than the atmospheric pressure on the surface of the Earth; The temperature is about -180 ° C. It is close to the so-called triple point of methane, that is, the temperature at which it can be simultaneously in a solid, liquid and gaseous state.

Probably, the titanium atmosphere has similarities with primary gas shells, which Venus had, Earth and Mars at the dawn of their existence. But in contrast to these planets on the titanium temperature, so low that the atmosphere could be preserved in its original form. Consequently, her study could shed light on the problem of the development of planetary atmospheres. It is possible that in the physical conditions that have developed in Titan, methane plays there the same role as water on earth. And this means that under the nitric sky of titanium with methane glaciers can flow methane rivers, and methane rains fall out of the clouds. The world of this satellite Saturn, apparently, exceptionally peculiar.

All satellites, in addition to a huge titanium, superior to the size of Mercury and having an atmosphere, are built mainly from ice (with some admixture of rocks at Mimas, dyon and rei). Unique in brightness is Encelada - it reflects the light, almost like fresh snow. The darker of the surface of the Phoebe, which is therefore almost visible. Unusual surface of Japtend: its front (along the movement) of the semisfer is very different in reflective ability from the back.

Of all the large satellites of Saturn, only Hyperion has the wrong form, possibly due to the occurrence of the once collision with a massive body, for example, with a giant ice meteorite. The surface of the hyperion is strongly contaminated. The surfaces of many satellites are essentially modeled. So, the largest ten-meter crater was detected on the surface of the dies; On the surface of the Mimasa lies crater, the shaft of which is so high that it is clearly noticeable even in the photos. In addition to craters, there are faults on the surfaces of a number of satellites, furrows, depressions. The greatest tectonic and volcanic activity was found in Enceladus.

Now, every person knows that oil leakage, whether in the soil, river or ocean, threatens to everything alive. And it is only worth it to happen how special teams are urgently sent to the environmental disaster to eliminate pollution focus. But what we are fighting on Earth, on another planet can be a conventional natural environment, and possibly the habitat. Indeed, in the immense universe, the planetary worlds may not be at all like one on another. Lifumers of life on them can be diverse. And with which future space travelers are not met there! But it is difficult to imagine even desperate fantasies: oil seas on the planet! It turns out that there may be such planets whose continents are washed by oil seas. And not somewhere in the depths of the galaxy, but in our solar system. Such an exotic celestial body can be satellite Saturn Titan.

Unfortunately, the Titan's surface could not even see the "vyazhugorers" because of the thick haze. And the ground radar of the Titan's surface pointed out allegedly that the hydrocarbon (oil!) Ocean was splashing ...

In 2005, the descent probe Kassini first made a landing on Titan. Scientific foresight of scientists was largely justified. Titan is a really amazing world of hydrocarbons - the world of methane, where methane can be found literally at every step. And although the global oil ocean in Titan did not turn out, the presence of natural hydrocarbon pools is not excluded.

Titanium - The largest satellite Saturn and the second largest solar system: photo, size, weight, atmosphere, title, methane lakes, Cassini research.

Titans commanded the earth and became the progenitors of the Olympic gods. That is why Saturn's largest satellite called Titan. It takes 2nd place in size in the system and exceeds the volume of Mercury.

Titan is the only satellite Saturn, endowed with a dense atmospheric layer, which a long time prevented to study surface peculiarities. Now we have evidence of the presence of fluid on the surface.

Detection and name of the satellite titanium

In 1655, Christians Guigens noticed the satellite. It was inspired by the findings of Galilean near Jupiter. Therefore, in the 1650s. He took up the development of his telescope. At first he was just called Saturn Saturn. But later, Giovanni Cassini will find 4 more, so he was called in position - Saturn IV.

The modern name went from John Herschel in 1847. In 1907, Hoseel Komas Sola tracked the Titan's darkening. This effect when the central part of the planet or the star seems much brighter edge. This was the first signal to detect the atmosphere on the satellite. In 1944, Gerard Koyper applied a spectroscopic device and found a methane atmosphere.

Size, mass and orbit satellite titanium

Radius - 2576 km (0.404 Earth), and the mass of titanium satellite - 1.345 x 10 23 kg (0.0255 from earth). The average distance is 1,221,870 km. But the eccentricity in 0.0288 and the inclination of the orbital plane at 0.378 degrees led to the fact that the satellite approaches 1,186,680 km and removed 1,257,060 km. The above photo is presented, where the size of titanium, land and the moon is compared.

So you found out, some planet is a satellite.

Titanium spends 15 days and 22 hours to orbital span. The orbital and axial periods are synchronized, therefore dwells in the gravitational block (turn to the planet with one side).

Composition and surface of satellite titanium

Titan has greater density due to gravitational compression. Its indicator of 1.88 g / cm 3 hines an equal ratio of water ice and rocky material. Inside it is divided into layers with a rocky core covering 3,400 km. The study of Cassini in 2005 hinted on the possible presence of the underground ocean.

It is believed that the titanium fluid consists of water and ammonia, which allows you to fix a liquid state even at a temperature mark in -97 ° C.

The surface layer is considered relatively young (from 100 million to 1 billion years) and looks smooth with shock crater. Height changes 150 m, but can reach 1 km. It is believed that the geological processes were influenced. For example, on the south side, a mountain range was formed with a length of 150 km, width - 30 km and a height of 1.5 km. Filled with ice material and layer of methane snow.

Pathers Sotra - a mountain range stretching into a height per 1000-1500 m. Some vertices are endowed with crater and it seems that frozen lava flows have accumulated at the base. If there are active volcanoes on titanium, then they are provoked by energy incoming from radioactive decay.

Some believe that we have a geologically dead place before us, and the surface was created due to crater strikes, fluid flows and wind erosion. Then methane does not receive from volcanoes, but is distinguished from the cold lunar interior.

Among Titan's satellite craters highlights a 440-kilometer two-zone blowing pool of Minerva. It is easy to find on a dark pattern. There is also a sylap (60 km) and KSA (30 km). The radar review was able to find crater forms. Among them are a 90-kilometer Ring Guabonito.

Scientists theoretically the presence of cryovulkans, but so far only superficial structures with a length of 200 m are hinting, which look at the lava flows.

Channels can hint on tectonic activity, which means that we have young formations. Or is it old terrain. It is possible to find dark areas that are spots of water ice and organic compounds shown in UV review.

Methane lakes satellite titanium

Saturn Saturn Titan draws attention to its hydrocarbon seas, methane lakes and other hydrocarbon compounds. Many of them are marked near the polar sections. One in the area covers 15,000 km 2, and the depth is 7 m.

But the largest - Kraken on the North Pole. The area is 400,000 km 2, and the depth - 160 m. It was possible to even note the small capillary waves with a height of 1.5 cm and speed - 0.7 m / s.

There is also a sea of \u200b\u200bleague, located closer to the North Pole. By area covers 126,000 km 2. It was here in 2013 NASA first noticed a mysterious object - a magical island. It will later disappear, and in 2014 will appear again in another form. It is believed that this is a seasonal feature created by rising bubbles.

Mostly lakes are concentrated near the poles, but similar formations are also found on the equatorial line. In general, the analysis shows that lakes cover only a few percent of the surface, because of which Titanium is much arguing our planet Earth.

Atmosphere of satellite titanium

Titanya is still the only satellite in a solar system with a dense layer of atmosphere with a notable amount of nitrogen. Moreover, it even exceeds the earth density with a pressure of 1.469 kPa.

Represented by an opaque haze blocking the incoming sunlight (reminds Venus). Lunar gravity is low, so the atmosphere is much more earthly. The stratosphere is filled with nitrogen (98.4%), methane (1.6%) and hydrogen (0.1% -0.2%).

In the composition of the atmosphere of titanium there are traces of hydrocarbons, such as ethane, acetylene, diacetylene, propane and methylacetylene. It is believed that they are formed in the upper layers due to the decay of methane UV rays, which creates a thick could orange color.

Surface temperature reaches -179.2 ° C, because, compared to us, the moon receives only 1% of solar heat. At the same time, the ice is endowed with low pressure. If it were not for the greenhouse effect of methane, then on titanium would be much cooler.

Anti-greenhouse effects fog reflecting sunlight. Simulations showed that complex organic molecules may appear on the satellite.

Hot planetary crowns

Astronomer Valery Shematovich on the study of gas shells of planets, hot particles in the atmosphere and discoveries in Titan:

The inhabitability of the titanium satellite

Titan is perceived as a punctative medium with complex organic chemistry and a possible subsurface ocean in a liquid state. The models show that the addition of UV rays in such an atmosphere can lead to the formation of complex molecules and substances, like Tolinins. And the addition of energy causes even 5 nucleotide bases.

Many believe that there is a sufficient amount of organic material on the satellite to activate the process of chemical evolution similar to the earth. This requires water, but life could persist in the subsurface ocean. That is, life is capable of satellite Saturn Titan.

Such forms should be able to survive in extreme conditions. It all depends on the heat exchange between the inner and the upper layers. Do not exclude the presence of life and methane lakes.

To test the hypothesis, created several models. The atmospheric shows that in the upper layer there is a large volume of molecular hydrogen, which disappears closer to the surface. Low levels of aciteline also indicate the body consuming organisms.

In 2015, researchers even created a cell membrane capable of functioning in liquid methane under the lunal conditions. But in NASA, these experiments are considered hypothesis and rely more on the levels of acitena and hydrogen.

In addition, experiments still concerned earthly ideas about life, and Titan is different. The satellite lives far further than the sun, and the atmosphere is deprived of carbon monoxide, which does not allow to keep the required amount of heat.

Titan satellite research

Rings Saturn often overlaps the moon, so it is difficult to find titanium without special tools. But then it follows the barrier from the dense atmospheric layer interfering to consider the surface.

For the first time, Pioneer-11 was approaching Titan in 1979, which brought pictures. He noted that the moon is too cold to maintain life forms. Next was followed by Vozhugora 1 (1980) and 2 (1981), which provided information on density, composition, temperature indicators and mass.

The main information array got from the study of the Kassini Guigens Mission, which arrived to the system in 2004. The probe pressed the surface details and color spots that were previously unavailable for human vision. He noticed the sea and the lake.

In 2005, the Guuizens probe was descended to the surface, imprinted surface formations near.

He also got the images of the dark plain, which hinted on erosion. The surface was much darker than expected scientists.

In recent years, increasingly raise questions about returning to Titan. In 2009, TSSM project was tried to promote the EJSM (NASA / ESA), whose probes will go to Garáname and Europe.

They also planned to do Time, but in NASA decided that it was appropriate and cheaper to run to Mars Insight in 2016.

In 2010, the possibility of launching JET is an astrobiological orbital apparatus. And in 2015, they came to develop a submarine, which can plunge into the sea of \u200b\u200bKraken. But while it's all at the discussion stage.

Colonization of satellite titanium

Among all satellites, Titan seems the most favorable goal for creating a colony.

Titan has a huge number of elements that are needed to maintain life: methane, nitrogen, water and ammonia. They can be transformed into oxygen and even create an atmosphere. The pressure is 1.5 times the earthly, and the dense atmosphere is much better protecting against cosmic rays. Of course, it is filled with flammable substances, but a huge amount of oxygen is necessary for the explosion.

But there is a problem. Gravity is inferior to the indicators of the earth's moon, which means the human body will have to fight against muscle atrophing and bone destruction.

It is not easy to cope with frost in -179 ° C. But the satellite represents a lacking piece for researchers. The probability is great for life forms that can survive in extreme conditions. Perhaps we will come to colonization, because the satellite will be the starting point to the study of more remote objects and even exit the system. Below is a map of Titan and high-quality photos in high resolution from space.

Satellite Map Titan

Click on the image to enlarge it

Titan satellite photos

The Cassini apparatus approached the distance of 2 million km on May 29, 2017 to capture the night side of Titan in the photo. In this review, it was possible to emphasize the expanded atmospheric nebula of the Moon. For all the observation time, the device managed to fix the satellite from various angles and get a full overview of the atmosphere. The high-altitude foggy layer is displayed blue, and the main chimka is orange. The difference in the color can be based on particle sizes. Blue is most likely represented by small elements. For shooting, a narrow-edge chamber with red, green and blue filters was used. Scaligence - 9 km on pixel. The Cassini Program acts as the general development of ESA, NASA and the Italian Space Agency. The team is located in LRD. Two cameras on board are also created by them. Freed photos are treated in Boulder (Colorado).

The Titan's surface was able to observe in detail in the photo when landing the Guigens probe. But still most of the area displaced the Cassini apparatus. Titan still remains an interesting mystery. This review shows a new territory that has not been noted in previous observations. This is a composite image of 4 almost identical wide-angle pictures.

Satellites-shepherd · · · ·

Titan, Saturna satellite is actually an amazing place where the rivers flow from methane, rain and snow flows, ice volcanoes are erupted, and under the surface there is a solid ocean.

Saturn Saturn Titan is one of the most mysterious and interesting worlds located literally next to us. In general, our solar system is so diverse and contains so many different worlds that can be found here the most bizarre conditions and phenomena. Lava lakes and water volcanoes, seas from methane and almost supersonic hurricanes - all this is literally next door.

Our nearest neighbors are much more interesting than it is customary to think. And now you will learn about one of them - satellite named Titan. This is an amazing place, not similar to any other.

Titanium is a unique place that does not have analogues in the solar system.

  • Titan - the largest satellite Saturn and the second satellite in the solar system in general after Gameda - satellite. He is more moon and even Mercury, which is an independent planet.
  • Titan is heavier than the moon by 80%, and in general its mass is 95% of the mass of all Saturn satellites.
  • Titan has a very dense atmosphere than any other satellite can not boast, and not even every planet. For example, Mercury is practically no of it, and Mars has much more rapid. Even the earth's atmosphere in density is very inferior to it - the surface pressure is 1.5 times more terrestrial, and the thickness of the atmosphere is 10 times more.
  • Titan's atmosphere consists of methane and nitrogen and completely opaque due to clouds in the upper layers. It is impossible to see the surface through it.
  • On the surface of Titan, the rivers flow and there are lakes and even the sea. But they are not from water, but from liquid methane and ethane. That is, this satellite Saturn is completely covered with hydrocarbons.
  • In 2005, Titan landed the Guygens probe, which was delivered to the device there. The probe not only made the first surface photos during the descent, but also transferred wind noise record.
  • Titan has no magnetic field.
  • Titanium sky has yellow-orange color.
  • In Titan, winds constantly blow and hurricanes often happen, especially the rapid movement occurs in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
  • Rain on Titan from Methane.
  • The temperature on the surface is about -180 degrees Celsius.
  • Under the Titan's surface there is an ocean from water with ammonia impurities. The surface mainly consists of water ice.
  • In Titan, there are cryovalkans that are erupted with water and liquid hydrocarbons.
  • Titan is a perspective place to search for extraterrestrial life, at least in the form of bacteria.
  • Titan geologically active.

Such a satellite satellite is a raging, boiling and erupting, where instead of water mainly hydrocarbons, although the water is also quite enough. So it's not by chance that scientists suggest that some primitive life may be born there - all the components are there there is there, and the conditions are quite comfortable, albeit not on the surface itself.

Titan, though not a planet, but this is the most similar place to earth in the solar system. The atmosphere, rivers, volcanoes, water - all this is there, albeit in a few other quality.

Opening Titan

Saturna Titan satellite was opened on March 25, 1655 by Christian Guigens, Dutch Astronomer, Mathematics and Physico. It had a homemade 57-mm telescope with an increase of about 50 times. Armed with them, Guygens watched the planet, and Saturn found a certain body, which in 16 days did a full turn around the planet.

Until June, Guigens watched this strange object, while Saturn's rings were not in the smallest disclosure and did not interfere with observations. Then the scientist was convinced that this was Saturna's companion, and calculated the period of his appeal - 16 days and 4 hours. He called him just - Saturni Luna, that is, "Moon Saturn". After opening Jupiter's satellites, this was the second opening of the satellite in another planet with a telescope.

The modern name satellite received when John Herschel in 1847 suggested all Saturn satellites to name the names of the Setter and the brothers of God Saturn, and by that time seven were known.

In 1907, Komas Sola, Spanish astronomer, observed a phenomenon when the central part of his disk becomes brighter than the edge. This served as proof of the presence of an atmosphere in titan. In 1944, Gerard Koyper with a spectrometer found that its atmosphere contains methane.

Titanium sizes and orbit

Titanium diameter - 5152 km, that is, 0.4 Earth. In size, this is the second satellite after the gas name in the entire solar system. Until the flight, the diameter was considered 5550 km, that is, more than Ganyada, and Titan was considered a record holder. However, it turned out that the error occurred because of a very thick and opaque atmosphere, and the real size of the satellite itself was somewhat less.

Titan more moon is 50% and harder to 80%. The strength of gravity on it is 1/7 Earth. It consists of approximately equally from the ice and rock. Approximately the same structure have, Callisto, Gamornad.

Titanium is a fairly large object, therefore it has a hot kernel and manifests geological activity. However, the origin of this satellite is still incomprehensible. The question remains open, whether he was captured by Saturn, or immediately formed in an orbit from a gas-pepped cloud. Since it is very different from other Saturnian satellites, leaving them in all 5% of the mass, the capture theory may well be true.

Titanium orbit radius - 1,221,870 kilometers. It is far abroad of the external ring itself. Thanks to this removal from the planet, this satellite is perfectly visible even in a small telescope. He makes a complete turn in 15 days 22 hours and 41 minutes - the Guygens was a bit mistaken in his calculations, although it was calculated rather accurately with its simplest observation tools.

Atmosphere of Titan

What is remarkable Titan, so it is its chic atmosphere, which many planets of the earthly type would envy, except for Venus. Its thickness is 400 km, which tenfold exceeds the earthly, and the pressure of the surface is 1.5 of the earth's atmosphere. Mars would definitely be discussed!

So Titan saw the "Voyager"

In the upper layers, powerful winds blow, strong hurricanes occur, but only a weak breeze is felt near the surface itself. The higher, the wind is stronger, they coincide with the direction of the satellite rotation. Above 120 km very strong turbulence. But at an altitude of 80 km, the full calm reigns - there is a certain zone of the clutch, where the wind does not penetrate from the lower regions, and the storms located above. Perhaps, at this height, the multidirectional air flows compensate for and quench each other, although the nature of this phenomenon is not yet clarified.

On Titan there is rain or snow from methane or ethane from methane and ethanne clouds.

However, the composition of the air there does not make it at all - 95% nitrogen, and the rest is mostly methane. By the way, only on Earth and in Titan the atmosphere consists mainly of nitrogen! In the upper layers in methane under the influence of the Sun, the process of photoles occur and was formed from hydrocarbons, which we see in the form of a dense cloud curtain. It does not allow to see the surface of titanium.

The origin of such an extensive atmosphere is still unclear, but the most believable version is the active bombing of Titan's comets at the dawn of education, 4 billion years ago. In a collision of a comet with a surface rich in ammonia, a large amount of nitrogen is distinguished under the action of huge pressure and temperatures. Scientists counted the leakage of the atmosphere and concluded that the initial atmosphere was 30 times heavier than the current one! But she is now very not even silent.

Titanium sky is about that color as in the figure.

The upper layers of the atmosphere are exposed to sunlight, ultraviolet and radiation. Therefore, there are constantly the processes of cleavage of methane molecules on various hydrocarbon radicals and ions. Nitrogen ionization also occurs. As a result, these chemically active elements constantly form new organic nitrogen and carbon compounds, including very complex. Straight some bofabrika! It is thanks to these organic compounds atmosphere of Titan looks yellow.

According to calculations, all methane in the atmosphere would be theoretically spent over 50 million years. However, the satellite exists billions of years and methane in its atmosphere less does not become. This means that its reserves are replenished all the time, due to volcanic activities. There are also theories that methane can highlight special bacteria.

Titanium surface

The surface of the titanium cannot be seen, even being close to the satellite, not to mention the earth's telescopes. It is to blame denunimate cloudiness in the upper layers of the atmosphere. However, spacecraft conducted some studies in different ranges and allowed much to learn about what is hidden under the clouds.

Moreover, in 2005, the Guygens probe separated from the Kassini station and sank directly to the Titan's surface, submitting the first real panoramic photos. The descent through the thick atmosphere took more than two hours. Yes, and the Cassini himself for the years spent in the orbit Saturn made many photos of both cloud cover of titanium and its surface in different ranges.

Titan Mountains, filmed by the Guigens probe from a height of 10 km.

Titanium surface is mainly smooth, without strong drops. However, in some places the real mountain ranges with a height of up to 1 kilometer. A mountain of 3337 meters high is found. Also on the Titan's surface there are many lakes from the ethane, and even whole seas - for example, the sea of \u200b\u200bKraken in Square is comparable to the Caspian Sea. There are many ethane rivers or their beds. At the landing site, the Guygens probe can be seen many rounded shape stones - this is a consequence of the effects of liquid on them, stones are also gradually calculated in the earth rivers.

The stones at the landing site of the Guigens probe had a rounded form.

Craters on the surface of Titanium found a bit, total 7. The fact is that this satellite has a powerful atmosphere that saves from small meteorites. And if you fall large, the crater is quite quickly falling asleep with different precipitates, it collapses, blurred ... In general, the weather does its work, and only a neat crater remains from a huge crater. And most of the surface of Tatana is still a white spot, only a small part of it has been studied.

One of the seas of Titan is a sea of \u200b\u200ba league with an area of \u200b\u200b100,000 square meters. km.

By Equator, Titan is obscured by a curious education that scientists at first took for the methane sea. However, it turned out that these are dunes from hydrocarbon dust, which fell in the form of precipitation or was brought by wind from other latitudes. These dunes are located in parallel and elongated hundreds of kilometers.

Structure of Titan

All information about the inner structure of titanium is based on calculations and observations of various processes on it. Inside it is a solid silicate core with a diameter of 3400 km - it consists of ordinary rock rocks. Above it is a layer of very dense water ice. Then goes a layer of liquid water with an admixture of ammonia and another icy - actually the surface of the satellite. The upper layer, except for ice, contains rock rocks and everything that falls in the form of precipitation.

The structure of titanium.

Saturn his powerful attraction has a strong impact on titanium. The tidal forces "core" it and cause heating the kernel and the movement of different layers. Therefore, volcanic activity is observed in titan - the cryovulkans are found there, which are erupted not by lava, and water and liquid hydrocarbons.

Subsurface ocean

The most curious on Titan is the possible presence of the subsurface ocean - the water layer, which is between the surface and the core. If he actually is there, then completely covers the entire satellite. According to calculations, the water contains about 10% ammonia, which serves as antifreeze and reduces water freezing temperature, so it should be in liquid form. Also in water may contain some different salts, as in the earth sea water.

According to the data collected by "Cassini", such an subsurface ocean should actually exist, but it is located at a depth of about 100 km from the surface. It also has evidence that in water contains large quantities of sodium salts, potassium and sulfur, and this water is very salty. Therefore, it is unlikely that any life is possible in it. However, this question continues to worry scientists and is of great interest. Thanks to this, Titan has become one of the priority objects for future research, like Europe, Jupiter satellite, where there is also a subsurface ocean. Scientists really want to penetrate deep into and see what there is in these oceans, especially to look for any forms of life.

Life in Titan

Although the subsurface ocean is likely to be too salty and ill for the birth of life, but scientists do not exclude that it may still be on this satellite. Titanium is extremely rich in hydrocarbons, and there are constantly different chemical processes with their participation, new molecules of rather complex organic substances are constantly formed. Therefore, the origin of the simplest life cannot be excluded.

Despite the rather harsh conditions, it could well occur in methane and et al. These fluids may well replace water, and their chemical aggressiveness is even lower than that of water, and proteins and nucleic acids can even be more stable than the earth.

In general, the conditions in Titan are similar to the conditions that were on Earth at the stage of its origin, except for extremely low temperatures. Therefore, there it may well occur what happened once on Earth.

It is observed one curious phenomenon. There was a hypothesis that the simplest forms of life in Titan could well eat acetylene molecules, but to breathe hydrogen, highlighting methane. So, according to the research "Cassini" at the Titan's surface, there is practically no acetylene, and the hydrogen disappears somewhat. This is a fact, but there is no explanation yet, and this may well be the result of any microorganisms. It is also a fact that the atmosphere of titanium is constantly fueled by methane, although it is a lot of solar wind into space. Kimovulkany - one of his sources, lakes and the sea - the other, and maybe microorganisms also take part in this? After all, they transformed the atmosphere and satuned with oxygen. So all this is very curious and waiting for further research.

And yet - when the sun becomes a red giant, and this will happen in 6 billion years, the earth will die. But in Titan will be warmer, and then this satellite will take the land relay. Millions will be held, and not only the simplest, but also complex forms of life will be able to develop there.

Satellite Observation Saturn Titan

The observation of the titanium of difficulties does not cause. This is the brightest of Saturn's companions, but not to see him with the naked eye. But it may well be seen in the 7x50 binoculars, although it is not so simple - the brightness of it is about 9m.

In a telescope, even 60 mm, Titan detect very simple. In more powerful tools, he is visible quite clearly at a high distance from Saturn. For example, not only titanium is visible to the refractor, but some other, smaller Saturn satellites surrounding it as if Roy. Of course, it will not be able to see it in a small tool. For this, the apertures are more than 200 mm. If there is a telescope with an aperture of 250-300 mm, then you can observe the passage of the shadow of titanium across the planet disk.

The second largest in the solar system after Gameda (Jupiter). In terms of its structure, this body is very similar to the Earth. The atmosphere also has similarities with ours, and in 2008 a large underground ocean was discovered in Titan. For this reason, many scientists suggest that this satellite Saturn will become in the future the inadequate of mankind.

Titanium is a satellite, which has a mass equal to approximately 95 percent of the mass of all Saturn. The force of gravity is about the seventh of the on the ground. This is the only satellite in our system, which has a dense atmosphere. The study of the titanium surface is difficult due to a dense cloud layer. The temperature is minus 170-180 degrees, and the pressure of the surface is 1.5 times higher than that of the Earth.

There are on the titanium of lakes, rivers and sea from ethane and methane, as well as high mountains, which consist mainly from ice. According to the assumptions of some scientists, around the stone core, which in diameter reaches 3400 kilometers, there are several ice layers with different types of crystallization, and may also be one layer of liquid.

In the course of research on Titan, a huge hydrocarbon pool was discovered - the sea of \u200b\u200bKraken. Its area is 400,050 square kilometers. According to computer calculations and pictures made from the spacecraft, the composition of the liquid in all lakes is approximately as follows: ethane (about 79%), propane (7-8%), methane (5-10%), hydrogen cyanide (2-3%) , acetylene, butane, butene (about 1%). According to other theories, the main substances are methane and ethane.

Titan is a satellite, the atmosphere of which in thickness reaches about 400 kilometers. It contains the layers of hydrocarbon "smog." For this reason, the surface of this celestial body cannot be observed using a telescope.

Planet Titan gets very little sun energy to ensure the dynamics of processes in the atmosphere. Scientists expressed the opinion that the energy for the movement of atmospheric masses ensures the strong tidal effect of the planet Saturn.

Rotation and orbit

The radius of the orbit of Titan is 1221870 kilometers. Outside of Saturn's satellites, as hyperion and IPPER, and inside the MIMAS, The Befia, Dion, Encelada, will be beyond. Titan's orbit passes out

A full turn around his planet Titan-satellite makes for fifteen days, twenty two hours and forty-one minute. The speed of the orbit is 5.57 kilometers per second.

Like many others, the titanium satellite relative to Saturn rotates synchronously. This means that the time of rotation around the planet and around its axis coincide, as a result of which Titan always turn one side to Saturn, so there is a point in the satellite surface in which Saturn is always represented in the zenith.

The slope of the axis of rotation of Saturn provides on the planet itself and its satellites. For example, the last summer in Titan ended in 2009. At the same time, the duration of each season is approximately seven and a half years, since the full turn around the star of the Saturn Planet Saturn is done in thirty years.

Three views on Titan satellite Saturn Cassini spacecraft. Left: In natural colors, created from images made using three filters sensitive to red, green and purple light. Like that Titan will look for human eye. Center: snapshot in the near infrared spectrum showing the surface. Right: Composition with false color from one visible image and two infrared. Green areas are manifested where Cassini could see the surface; The red color is areas located in the titanium stratosphere. Received on April 16, 2005 at distances from 168,200 to 173,000 km. Source: NASA / JPL.

Photo of Titan from Voyager 2, taken on August 23, 1981, from a distance of 2.3 million km. The southern hemisphere seems lighter, at the equator is visible clearly, and on the North Pole - a dark collar. All these bands are associated with the circulation of clouds in the titanium atmosphere. Source: NASA / JPL.

Comparison of land and titanium size


This is the second largest moon in the solar system after. Titan more than Planet Mercury in size, but half smaller by weight. This is the only moon in the solar system, which has a dense atmosphere. It is 10 times more powerful, with surface pressure by 60% more. Before arriving in orbit around Saturn, Cassini Spaceship in 2004, little was known about the Titan's surface due to the presence of orange haze in its atmosphere.

Opening of titanium and name assignment

Titan was discovered by the Dutch scientist Christian Guigens on March 25, 1655 and was the first moon found using a telescope after four Galilean satellites. Guygens called him just Moon Saturn. However, in accordance with the custom of that time, he did not declare his discovery. Instead, he disguised the news in the form of anagram. At the same time, using the verse of the poet Ovid "Admovere Oculis Distantia Sidera Nostris". He pulled them around the edge of the telescope lens that Guigens used. Decoded and translated, anagram says: "The moon rotates around Saturn every 16 days and 4 hours." This value is very close to the modern assessment of the titanium orbital period.

Scientist John Herschel offered to give the moon the name "Titan" in his publication of 1847 "The results of astronomical observations made at the Cape of Good Hope." In the Greek mythology, Titans were brothers and sisters of the Kronos, the Greek equivalent of the Roman God of Saturn. In the same publication, Herschel called six other satellites of Saturn.

Atmosphere of Titan

The possibility of the existence of the atmosphere around Titan was first spoke in 1903. Then Spanish astronomer José Comas Sola noticed that the titanium disk seems brighter in his center than his edges. The existence of the atmosphere was confirmed in 1944 by Gerard Koyper at the University of Chicago. It determined the presence of methane in the titanium spectrum.

Further observations made in particular, with the help of the Voyager probes, which flew in those parts in 1980 and 1981, and subsequently, the Cassini-Guigens probe showed that the titanium atmosphere consists of 98.4% of nitrogen and 1.6 % from methane, with a small amount of other gases, including various hydrocarbons (such as ethane, diacetylene, methylacetylene, cyanoacetylene, acetylene and propane), argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, cyanogen, cyanide hydrogen and helium. In addition, the titanium is the only in the solar system has a dense atmosphere rich in nitrogen.

It is believed that hydrocarbons are formed in the upper atmosphere of titanium due to reactions associated with the decay of methane under the influence of ultraviolet light and cosmic rays. This organic photochemistry creates an orange haze, the most dense at an altitude of about 300 kilometers (200 miles), which closes the surface from observation on visible wavelengths, and also reflects a significant amount of infrared radiation into space, which leads to an anti-greenhouse effect.

Cold world

Titanium is one of the two known cosmic bodies (Other - Pluto), the surface temperature of which is lower (about 10K) than it would be in the absence of an atmosphere. The atmosphere of titanium has many diverse organic materials. This is one of the reasons why the Titan is interested in astrobiologists.

A person on the surface of Titanium during the day would experience only one thousandth brightness of daylight existing on the surface of the Earth. This comparison takes into account not only the thickness of the atmosphere, but also a greater distance of Titan from the Sun. Nevertheless, the level of light on the titanium surface is 350 times higher than the brightness of light on the ground under the full moon.

The amount of methane in the titanium atmosphere should be constantly exhausted. Therefore, there should be some mechanism on the surface that it replenishes. One explanation is that titanium has active volcanoes that allocate methane.

Titanium surface

Prior to arrival of the Cassini-Guigens probe in June 2004, the infrared observations of the Hubble Space Telescope provided a map of bright and dark areas in Titan, but the nature of these features remained uncertain. It was assumed that the oceans or lakes of the liquid ethane can cover most of the satellite surface, and that liquid methane can fall here as rain. According to another model, bright areas that were noticed by Hubble can be water ice. They lie in lowlands and darken with solid and liquid organic molecules.

A more detailed and accurate painting of titanium began to appear thanks to images and other data sent by AMC Cassini Guigens. During its first flight, Titan Cassini showed methane clouds and a giant shock crater. The most noticeable feature was a bright area in the form of a cumulus cloud near the southern pole. It has a size about 450 kilometers in diameter and about 15 kilometers in height. The measurements obtained from the spacecraft made it possible to assume that the clouds are likely to consist of hydrocarbons and can be associated with surface peculiarities. Cassini showed that some changes in the brightness of the surface were circular, and others are linear. A few concentric objects were also discovered on the southern pole.

Mission Cassini Guigens

Mosaic of nine paintings made when Cassini flew past Titan on October 26, 2004, gave astronomers one of the most detailed types of full satellite disk. The features of the Titan surface are the most bright in the center of the disk, where the probe had the smallest atmosphere. There was no visible crater, from which it follows that the satellite is likely to have a young surface that is constantly updated. Astronomers are still not sure if patterns are caused on the surface of titanium by volcanic eruptions. Or they originate from shifting rock winds, dust or even rivers of liquid hydrocarbons.

On January 14, 2005, the Guigens probe successfully descended on the parachute and sank to the Titan's surface, having transferred excellent pictures both during the descent and from the surface.

opening1655, Christian Guigens
large half1,221,931 km (759 435 miles)
diameter5 151 km (3,201 miles), 0.404 × Earth
average density 1.88 g / cm 3
second cosmic speed 2.63 km / s (9468 km / h)
average surface temperature about -179 ° C (-290 ° F, 94 K)
orbital period 15,945 days (15 days 23 hours)
axial period15.945 days (synchronous)
orbital eccentricity 0,029
tilt orbit0.35 °
visual albedo 0,21
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