A large new English-Russian dictionary.


shy (ʃaɪ)


1) shy, small; cautious, indecisive;

to be shy of smth.

a) avoid smth; do not dare to do;

b) Amer. to be shy on smth.

2) fearful


1) rush to the side, get scared "

2) dodge, recoil (away, from, at)

shy (ʃaɪ)



1) throw

2) decomp. attempt;

to have a shy at smth. try to get smth.

3) decomp. mocking, little remark "

2.v throw ( stone, ball)

English-Russian dictionary V.K. Müller


1. (ʃaı) n

jump ( frightened horse, etc.)

2. (ʃaı) a

1. shy, shy, bashful; timid, quiet

~ girl (smile) - shy / timid / girl (smile)

he is very ~ with strangers - he is very shy of strangers

2. fearful, cautious ( about birds, animals); restive ( about horses)

flamingoes are very ~ - flamingos are very shy

today the fish are ~ - fish don't bite today

3. (com. of) not inclined, unable to make up his mind or dare ( to do something.); indecisive

he is ~ of taking the responsibility - he does not want to take responsibility

he is ~ of interfering - he does not dare to interfere

they are not ~ of such a hypothesis - they are not afraid of such a hypothesis

why are you so ~ in owning it? - why are you hesitant / afraid / admitting it?

4. (of) fearful, distrustful

to be ~ of death - to be afraid of death

to be ~ of people - avoid people

5. rare secluded, quiet; secluded

~ recesses - nooks and crannies

~ house - secluded house

6.insufficient; missing

my blunt is getting ~ - my money is melting

they are ~ of funds - they do not have enough resources

he was ~ of the required two-thirds majority - he did not get the required two-thirds majority

he looks about ten years ~ of his 62 - he is 62 years old, but he looks ten years younger

7. arch. meager, modest

~ dinner (supper) - lean / modest / lunch (dinner)

her geography is rather ~ - her geography is lame

8. arch. dubious, suspicious

~ place is a suspicious place

~ character - a) dubious reputation; b) dark personality

~ saloons - brothels

9. (-~) as a component compound words afraid, shy

work- ~ - dodging work

to look ~ on / at / people - look at people with suspicion / with distrust /

to fight ~ of - avoid ( smb.); shy away ( from smth.); shy away ( from smth.)

to fight ~ of smth. shy away from smth.

we fight ~ of criticizing him - we avoid / fear / criticize him

3. (ʃaı) v

1.1) retreat, stop ( before smth.); hesitate, hesitate

he won "t ~ at treachery - he will not stop at betrayal

he will never ~ to do it - he will do it without hesitation / without hesitation /

2) get scared

to ~ at the sight of blood - to be scared at the sight of blood

she shies at the very thought of it - she shivers at the very thought of it

the horse shied at an automobile

3) keep away, avoid; dodge, dodge ( also~ away, ~ off)

he has shied us lately - he has been avoiding / avoiding / us lately

he shies the subject - he avoids / shies away from / this topic

he shies his work - he dodges work

to ~ away from the thought - to throw away a thought from yourself

her eyes ~ away from mine - she tries not to meet my eyes

to ~ off from all allusions to the fact - avoid any mention of this fact

she was ~ ing off from us - she avoided us

2. to scare away, scare away ( also~ on)


1. (ʃaı) n

1. 1) colloquial throw; firewood

to have a ~ - throw

2) sport. throw

2. colloquial

1) a sharp lunge

to have / to take, to get / a ~ at smb. lunging at smb., walking on smb. check

2) target ( for ridicule, etc.)

3. colloquial attempt

to have a ~ at doing smth. try / try / do smth.

2. (ʃaı) v

1.1) rush, throw

to ~ at a cow (at a cock) with a stone - throw a stone at a cow (at a cock)

2) throw

to ~ a ball to the other end of the field - throw the ball to the other end of the field

2. sport. shoot at the target


shy, timid, shy, humble, bashful
(bashful, timid, modest)
shy smile - shy smile
shy person - shy person
shy girl - shy girl
shyest nerd - bashful blockhead
shy animals - shy animals
be shy, shy
(hesitate, timid)
never shy - never shy
to be afraid, to be afraid
(fearful, afraid)
shy nature - natural shyness

shy glance - timid look
publicity-shy - shy of his fame
a shy boy - shy boy
to fight shy of smb. / smth. Avoid smb. / smth.
shy girl - shy / timid / girl
shy dinner - lean / modest / lunch
to shy at a cow with a stone - throw a stone at a cow
shy at the sight of blood - to be scared at the sight of blood
shy breeder is a sluggish breeder
shy breeding - reduced breeding ability
Examples of

She was very shy with strangers.

She was very shy with strangers.

He was too shy to come sit by me in class.

He was too shy to sit next to me in class.

He is shy of cameras.

He doesn't like acting.

I was painfully shy as a teenager.

I was a painfully shy teenager.

He was a quiet, shy man.

He was a quiet, shy person.

The horse shied, throwing Darrel from his saddle.

The horse recoiled, throwing Darrel from the saddle.

He gave her a shy smile.

He smiled shyly at her.

- (sh), a. [e] r) or (Shyer); superl. (Shiest) or (Shyest).] H; akin to Dan. sky, Sw. skygg, D. schuw, MHG. schiech, G. scheu, OHG. sciuhen to be or make timid. Cf. (Eschew).] 1 ...

Shy "m- Shy'm (2008) Shy'm [m] (* 28. November 1985 in Paris als Tamara Marthe) ist eine bekannte französische Sängerin und in Frankreich bereits eine anerkannte Künstlerin. In Deutschland wird sie zurzeit wenig gefördert und nur von wenigen ... ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Shy fx- is the pseudonym of Andre Williams, an English DJ and Producer from London. He specializes in Drum and Bass and Jungle music. Biography Shy FX s debut record was Jungle Love released in 1992. Soon after, he signed to Sound of Unground Records and… Wikipedia

shy- adj Shy, bashful, diffident, modest, coy can mean showing disinclination to obtrude oneself in the presence or company of others. Shy implies a shrinking, sometimes constitutional, sometimes the result of inexperience, from familiarity or contact ... New Dictionary of Synonyms

shy- Ⅰ. shy ADJECTIVE (shyer, shyest) 1) nervous or timid in the company of other people. 2) (shy of / about) slow or reluctant to do. 3) (in combination) having a specified dislike or aversion: camera shy. 4)… English terms dictionary

Shy'm- (2008) Shy'm [aɪm] (* 28. November 1985 in Paris als Tamara Marthe) ist eine französische Sängerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Shy- est un groupe de heavy metal britannique, formé en 1980 sous le nom "Trojan" et issu de Birmingham. Sommaire 1 Discographie 2 Membres actuels 3 Anciens membres 4 Références ... Wikipédia en Français

Shy- Shy, v. t. To throw sidewise with a jerk; to fling; as, to shy a stone; to shy a slipper. T. Hughes. ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

Shy- Basic information ... Wikipedia

shy- ‘timid, reserved’ goes back to a prehistoric Germanic * skeukhwaz ‘afraid’ (source also of English eschew and skew). It is generally assumed that shy 'throw' must have come from it, but the exact nature of the relationship between the ... ... The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins


  • A Regency Duchess "s Awakening: The Shy Duchess / To Kiss a Count, Amanda McCabe. Escape to a world of roguish rakes and daring debutantes with this incredible Regency collection from Mills & Boon. The Shy Duchess by Amanda McCabeNicholas, Duke of Manning, isn ' t looking for a… Buy for 734.07 rub eBook
  • His Shy Cinderella, Kate Hardy. The real woman behind his rival ... Racing driver Brandon Stone is intent on proving he has what it takes to run his family business - first stop: procuring rival race car designers the ...
  1. adjective
    1. timid

      Examples of using

        Since her being at Lambton, she had heard that Miss Darcy was exceedingly proud; but the observation of a very few minutes convinced her that she was only exceedingly shy.

        During her time at Lamton, she had heard more than once of Miss Darcy's excessive pride. However, a few minutes of observation convinced Elizabeth that the young lady was simply overly shy.

        Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen, p. 220
      1. Don "t be shy, fish.

      2. shy, timid; cautious, indecisive;
        to be shy of smth. a> avoid smth.; hesitate to do smth.; b> American, used in the USA to miss, not to miss (also to be shy on smth.)

        Examples of using

          We needed them so badly that, despite being shy one wing and rusty, I considered joining up, even though takes muscle to wrestle a big drill, and prosthetic just isn "t muscle.

          The need for them was so cruel that, despite my lack of one "wing" and the loss of experience, I thought about joining their ranks, although it takes a lot of strength to wield a big drill, and a prosthesis is not muscles ...

          The moon is a harsh mistress. Robert Heinlein, p. 180
        1. I felt shy, I felt embarrassed.

          I felt ashamed, embarrassed.

          Subtitles of the video "Laura Treis Advises Saying Thank You", p. 1
        2. Our little friend is timid and modest, and wishes me to accompany her to Lady Cumnor to wish her good night. Her father has come for her and she is leaving.

          Wives and daughters. Elizabeth Gaskell, p. 27
    2. verb - to rush to the side, to be frightened

      Examples of using

      1. Evidently he thought that I was shying away from the “gonnegtion” mentioned at lunch, but I assured him he was wrong.

        He apparently decided that I was embarrassed by the prospect of the "kkhontakts" that were discussed at breakfast, but I assured him that he was wrong.

        The Great Gatsby. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, p. 63
      2. But realism has ceased to excite remark, and the library reader will take in his stride obstacles at which a generation back he would have violently shied.

        But since then, realism has ceased to cause controversy, and the reader now easily overcomes obstacles that would have intimidated him only a generation ago.

        Pies and beer, or a skeleton in the closet. William Somerset Maugham, p. 91
      3. Hoofbeats. Thal on a horse that shied and reared at the flames and confusion.

        Hoof stomp - Tal on horseback, which shies away from the flames of torches and unusual noise.

        The Zana Pirates. Murray Leinster, p. 63
  2. shy [aɪ]
    1. noun
      1. colloquial - throw

        Examples of using

        1. His favorite disguise is that of the target-bird at which the spendthrift or the reckless investor may shy a few inconsequential dollars.

          Most of all, he likes to compare himself with that target in the form of a small bird, at which any wasteful or reckless investor can shoot two or three heaps of dollars.

          Pig ethics. O. Henry, p. 1
        2. "Shy, they seem to put everything upon Bill!

        3. colloquial, colloquial - an attempt;
          to have a shy at smth. try smth.
        4. colloquial, colloquial - mocking, caustic remark
      2. verb, colloquial - throw (stone, ball)

        Examples of using

        1. At last, an empty cab turned up (it is a street where, as a rule, and when they are not wanted, empty cabs pass at the rate of three a minute, and hang about, and get in your way), and packing ourselves and our belongings into it, and shooting out a couple of Montmorency's friends, who had evidently sworn never to forsake him, we drove away amidst the cheers of the crowd, Biggs's boy shying a carrot after us for luck.

          Finally, an empty cab appeared (on our street, empty cabs, when they are not needed, come across, as a rule, three per minute). We somehow squeezed our things and ourselves into it, throwing several of Montmorency's friends down the steps, who apparently took an oath never to part with him, and drove off, accompanied by the cheering cries of the crowd and a carrot that the Biggs boy sent us after. " happiness".

          Three in the same boat, not counting the dog. Jerome K. Jerome, p. 43

English-Russian translation SHY

1.ʃaı n jump (frightened horse, etc.)

2. ʃaı a 1. shy, shy, bashful; timid, quiet

shy girl smile - shy / timid / girl smile

he is very shy with strangers - he is very shy of strangers

2. shy, cautious (about birds, animals); restive (about horses)

flamingoes are very shy - flamingos are very shy

today the fish are shy - fish don't bite today

3. (com. Of) not inclined, unable to make up his mind or dare (to do smth.); indecisive

he is shy of taking the responsibility - he does not want to take responsibility

he is shy of interfering - he does not dare to interfere

they are not shy of such a hypothesis - they are not afraid of such a hypothesis

why are you so shy in owning it? - why are you hesitant / afraid / admitting it?

4. (of) fearful, distrustful

to be shy of death - to be afraid of death

to be shy of people - avoid people

5. rare. secluded, quiet; secluded

shy recesses - nooks

shy house - secluded house

6.insufficient; missing

my blunt is getting shy - my money is melting

they are shy of funds - they do not have enough resources

he was shy of the required two-thirds majority - he did not get the required two-thirds majority

he looks about ten years shy of his 62 - he is 62, but looks ten years younger

7.arch. meager, modest

shy dinner supper - lean / modest / lunch dinner

her geography is rather shy - her geography is lame

8.Arch. dubious, suspicious

shy place - a suspicious place

shy character - a) dubious reputation; b) dark personality

shy saloons - brothels

9. (-shy) as a component of complex words fearful, shy

work-shy - dodging work

to look shy on / at / people - look at people with suspicion / distrust /

to fight shy of - to avoid (smb.) shy away (from smth.); shy away (from smth.)

to fight shy of smth. shy away from smth.

we fight shy of criticizing him - we avoid / fear / criticize him

3. ʃaı v 1. 1> retreat, stop (before smth.); hesitate, hesitate

he won "t shy at treachery - he will not stop at betrayal

he will never shy to do it - he will do it without hesitation / without hesitation / 2> be afraid

to shy at the sight of blood - to be scared at the sight of blood

she shies at the very thought of it - she shivers at the very thought of it

the horse shied at an automobile - the horse got scared / shied away from / car 3> keep clear, avoid; shy away, shy off

he has shied us lately - he has been avoiding / avoiding / us lately

he shies the subject - he avoids / shies away from / this topic

he shies his work - he dodges work

to shy away from the thought - to cast aside a thought

her eyes shy away from mine - she tries not to meet my eyes

to shy off from all allusions to the fact - avoid any mention of this fact

she was shying off from us - she avoided us

2. to scare away, scare away (also shy on)

1.ʃaı n 1.1> decomp. throw; firewood

to have a shy - throw 2> sport. throw

2.dep. 1> hard lunge

to have / to take, to get / a shy at smb. lunging at smb., walking on smb. score 2> target (for taunts, etc.)

3.dep. attempt

to have a shy at doing smth. try / try / do smth.

2. ʃaı v 1.1> throw, throw

to shy at a cow at a cock with a stone - throw a stone at a cow at a cock 2> throw

to shy a ball to the other end of the field - throw the ball to the other end of the field

2. sports. shoot at the target

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More meanings of the word and the translation of SHY from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "SHY" in dictionaries.

  • SHY - I. ˈshī adjective (usually shi · er or shy · er -ī (ə) r, -īə; usually shi · est or shy · est -īə̇st) Etymology: Middle English schey, ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • SHY - (v. T.) To throw sidewise with a jerk; to fling; as, to shy a stone; to shy a slipper.
    English dictionary Webster
  • SHY - (v. T.) To throw sidewise with a jerk; to fling; as, to shy a stone; to shy a ...
  • SHY - shy 1 - shyer, n. - shyly, adv. - shyness, n. / shuy /, adj., shyer or shier, ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SHY - I. ˈshī adjective (shi · er or shy · er ˈshī (-ə) r; shi · est or shy · est ˈshī-əst) Etymology: Middle English schey, from Old English ...
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • SHY - noun a side throw; a throw; a fling. 2.shy · superl cautious; wary; suspicious. 3. shy · noun a sudden start ...
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  • SHY - adj shi.er or shy.er; shi.est or shy.est shy.wav adj. 1) a) distrustful, suspicious (in smth. - of; about a person) Syn: suspicious, distrustful b) ...
    English-Russian Dictionary of General Vocabulary
  • SHY - _I 1. _a. 1> shy; 2> shy, timid; cautious, indecisive; to be shy of smth. a> avoid smth.; hesitate ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • SHY - I 1.a. 1. shy 2. shy, timid; cautious, indecisive; to be shy of smth. but. avoid smth.; hesitate ...
    Müller's English-Russian Dictionary - bed edition
  • SHY - _I ʃaɪ 1._a. 1> shy; 2> shy, timid; cautious, indecisive; to be shy of smth. a> avoid smth.; not …
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  • SHY - shy adj pred AmE infml We "re five bucks shy Five bucks are missing We" re still ten votes shy We ...
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  • SHY - I 1.noun unexpected jump (to the side) of the horse. frightened of smth., shy away 2. adj. 1) a) distrustful, suspicious (of) (about a person) ...
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  • SHY - a. timid; suspectiv; v. cabrar se
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  • SHY - maikuron; maowawon; maulawon
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  • SHY - I. adjective (shier or ~ er; shiest or ~ est) Etymology: Middle English schey, from Old English scēoh; akin to Old High ...
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  • SHY
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  • SHY
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  • SHY - (a.) To start suddenly aside through fright or suspicion; - said especially of horses.
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  • SHY
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  • SHY
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  • SHY
    Webster English Dictionary
  • SHY - (a.) Inadequately supplied; short; lacking; as, the team is shy two players.
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  • SHY - (superl.) Reserved; coy; disinclined to familiar approach.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SHY - (superl.) Easily frightened; timid; as, a shy bird.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SHY - (superl.) Cautious; wary; suspicious.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SHY - (n.) A sudden start aside, as by a horse.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SHY - (n.) A side throw; a throw; a fling.
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