Translation of complex nouns in German. Sophisticated words in German

In German, there are quite a lot of nouns compiled from several words that can be expressed by a voluminous value or an integer expression. Sophisticated nouns in German - these are words that are formed from two or more bases:

two words: das schlafzimmer - bedroom;

three words: das kopfsteinpflaster - cobblestone pavement;

four words: der schreibtischdrehstuhl - chair to a writing table, turning along the axis.

The Germans are generally a master of masting new words from a variety of verbal combinations:

der Handschuh - Die Hand (hand) + der Schuh (shoe) \u003d mittens;

der Hexenkessel - Die Hexe (Witch) + Der Kessel (Boiler) \u003d Hell;

die Hornhaut - Das Hörn (Horn) + Die HAUT (skin) \u003d cornea (eyes);

die Kornblume - Das Korn (Grain) + Die Blume (Flower) \u003d Vasilek.

Sophisticated nouns in German consist of:

1. Noun + noun: DER TISCHTENNIS - DIE TISCH + DER TENNIS \u003d Table tennis;

2. Adjective + Noun: Die Hochschule - Hoch + Die Schule \u003d Higher School;

3. Verb + Noun: Der Bestimmungshafen - Bestimmen + Der Hafen \u003d destination port;

4. Noun + verb: Der Haushalt - Das Haus + Halten \u003d Household;

5. Numerical + Nouns: Der Zweijahrplan - Zwei + Das Jahr + Der Plan \u003d two-year plan;

6. Preposition + Noun: Der Mitarbeiter - Mit + Der Arbeit \u003d Employee.

The words from which consists of a complex noun can join each other:

1. Directly: Das Gasthaus (Hotel);

2. Using the connecting elements:

- (E) S - Die Lebensmittel (food product);

E: Der TRAGEHANDEL (trade with trays);

ER: Das Landerspiel (International meeting);

- (e) N: Der Firmensitz (firm location);

O: Die Psychogygiene (Psycho-Gien).

The nature of complex nouns depends on the genus that has a basic word. The first part is the defining word, the last part in the complex word is the main word. The emphasis falls on the defining words.

In the word Küchenschrank (kitchen cabinet), the main word - Der Schrank, so the whole word will have a male genus - der Küchenschrank. In the phrase of KontensPerrung (Blocking the Account), the main word is Die Sperrung, therefore the word will be a female genus.

If two or more complex nouns having the same foundations or defining words are listed, then one complex noun is written, replacing a common part of the hyphen, for example: Die Kindergarten und -Krippen (kindergartens and nursery).

According to the new spelling rules, it is difficult for educated words through a hyphen, especially if they end and begin on the same letter, for example, Flusssand - Fluss-Sand, See Elefant - See-Elefant, etc.

Sophisticated nouns in German when transferring to Russian may have:

1. One word: Der Warenaustausch - Barter;

2. Complicated noun: Die Schaffenkraft - performance;

3. Combination of adjective with a noun: Der Kurzstreik - short strike;

4. Two nouns: Die Lieferfirma - Company supplier;

5. Combination of communion with noun: Der Berufstätige - working in the specialty;

SchweneyfleischettiTierungsüberwachungs- Aufgabenübertragungsgesetz. Sorry what?!

You want to believe, you want no, but this is a monster word, consisting of 67 letters, means "a law controlling the marking of pork".

Everyone heard that it was complicated, but its complex nouns are something out of the outgoing. But for a foreigner who studies German, these nouns can become a "philosophical stone": they are found much more often than you assume, so they can help you with understanding the language as a whole and improve your ability to express in German more eloquently.

What are sophisticated nouns in German?

Complicated nouns consist of two or more independent words. In fact, everything is very simple: where in Russian and even in English you would use two or three separate words, the Germans simply connect everything into one. For example, the waiting room, it is the Waiting Room in English, includes two words, and in German one - Wartezimmer.

What is the actual problem with these nouns?

With her long words, German is sadly known all over the world, even among people who do not speak German at all. And one of the main problems is that not all complex nouns can be found in the dictionary. It often happens that the Germans themselves come up with their own sophisticated nouns, connecting two words together in order to create a new word. An example of such "creativity" in German is the word Unterwegsbier. So called beer, which can be taken with you along the way to a bar or a nightclub, literally translates as "beer on the go." In Germany, you can drink beer in public places, and although this word is not in the dictionaries, it is useful to know it!

The noun Rhabarberbarbara is another example of how far you can go in the wordiness. Check out the video below and, even if you just started, try to catch the essence.

So, tips, listening to which you can handle complicated nouns.

  • Do not panic!

It doesn't matter how insanely long and confusing looks like the word, do not give up. Thanks to persistence and different Know-how any complex noun can be divided into parts and - Ta-lad (!) Make it understandable. The more your German vocabulary is expanding, the more complex nouns you will be understood with the go.

  • Imagine that you play the quest Quest.

Scan with eyes. If you are able to find at least one tiny word inside the big, you can congratulate yourself - you are one step closer to understanding the meaning. Suppose you already know that Barbara is the German female name Barbara. So you are on the right path to understanding the entire word rhabarberbarbara.

  • Look for connecting sounds.

These special sounds exist in almost all languages. They are similar to the bridges, standing between the sounds, which are difficult to get along with each other. Try to pronounce "A Apple". Happened? Most probably not. And all because it should be "An Apple". Connecting -N makes the pronunciation of "An Apple" easier, agree?

For the same reason, the Germans are just put additional letters between the words constituting a complex noun. Here are some examples:

das Schwein (Piggy) + Das Fleisch (Meat) \u003d Das Schwein e.fleisch (Pork)

die Tinte (Ink) + Der Klecks (Potax, Spot) \u003d Der Tinte n.klecks (ink stain)

dER SCHMERZ (Pain) + Das Geld (Money) \u003d Das Schmerz ens.gELD (cash compensation for corporate damage)

der Geist (Ghost) + Der Fahrer \u003d Der Geist eRfahrer ("Ghost Driver" - the driver who became mistaken to the oncoming lane)

-s- or -s-

das Jahr (year) + Die Zeit (time) \u003d Die Jahr eszeit (season season, season)
Die Verbesserung (Improvement) + Der Vorschlag \u003d Der Verbesserung s.vORSCHLAG (improvement offer)

  • Try not to think in Russian.

Every time you stop thinking "in Russian, I would say (a) so" and start to unite words with a loaf to the deep meaning, you make a huge step to mastering perfectly!

Good luck with your quest!

MKOU Karmalklinskaya Sosh

Leader: Belokrinitskaya EM,

german language teacher

Karmakla, 201. 8 year


    Introduction ____________________________________________________

    The main part ______________________________________ p. 2-8

1. Ways of the Clamp.

2. Types of philanthropy.

3. Methods for the translation of complex nouns.

4. The similarity and distinction of the Clamps in German and Russian.

5. The frequency of consuming complex nouns.

III. Conclusions ___________________________________________ p.8-9

IV. References __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Being in constant movement, the language is continuously developing, improved, having its present, past and future. The enrichment of the dictionary is one of the most important factors for the development of the language, evidence of its dynamic nature. The language of the tongue is in a state of continuous change in accordance with language laws. With the development of society, new items appear, phenomena, they are imprinted in new words and new values.

purpose of work - consideration of the philanthropy as one of the ways of word formation in German.

In accordance with this purpose, the following is supposed to solvetasks:

1. Describe the body of nouns in German;

2. Compare the phrase in German and Russian;

3. To identify the frequency of consuming complex nouns in German on the example of the text.

Such a phenomenon like the phrase is very developed in German. Even the famous English writer Mark Twain mentioned in his writings about this extraordinary phenomenon. Hardly any otherlanguageit will be able to boast of such a number of nouns consisting of not two or three, and from a sufficiently large number of simple words connected to one complex, which can sometimes be replaced by a whole proposal or its part. However, the most frequent occasion is still nouns compiled from two simple words. Complex words, all spheres of our life are replete without exception.

    Main part

Among the complex nouns in German, you can allocate both frequently found in German speech, and such that can be formed in the process of forming a voluntary order, so far from all complex nouns will be able to find in the dictionary. Such freedom in the formation of complex words in many cases can significantly improve the style of text, allowing it to concisely express the thought and not go into length descriptions. Sometimes the formation of complex words helps to form a plural from the nouns that do not have it (das Unglück - Die Unglücksfälle ).

Sophisticated nouns in Germannot always formed by adding into one whole of several simple nouns. The basis of the verb + noun, adjective + noun, pretext + noun, numerical + noun can be involved in the glorification with the same success.

For example:

noun + noun

    Der Fuß + Der Ball \u003d Der Fußball

    Der Herbst + Der Wind \u003d Der Herbstwind






verb (base) + noun

    Schwimmen + Der Halle \u003d Der Schwimmhalle


    Fahren + Das Rad \u003d Das Fahrrad

    Schauen + Das Fenster \u003d Das Schaufenster

    Schlafen + Das Zimmer \u003d Das Schlafzimmer



    SPIELEN + DIE WAREN \u003d Die Spielwaren

adjective + noun

    Rot + Das Käppchen \u003d Das Rotkäppchen

    Rot + Der Kohl \u003d Der Rotkohl


    Gleich + Das Gewicht \u003d Das Gleichgewicht

preposition + noun

    Nach + Der Mittag \u003d Der Nachmittag

    Mit + Das Leid \u003d Das Mitleid

    AB + Der Fall \u003d Der Abfall

    AUF + DER SATZ \u003d Der Aufsatz


    Bei + Das Spiel \u003d Das Beispiel

    Über + Die Schrift \u003d Die Überschrift

    UNTER + DIE TASSE \u003d Die Untertasse


    Zwei. + Zimmer +. Wohnung \u003d Die Zweizimmerwohnung

    Vier + Das Eck \u003d Das Viereck

    DREI + DAS ECK \u003d Das Dreieck



    Hudert + Das Jahr + Die Feier \u003d Die Hundertjahrfeier

    Fünf + Der Tag + Die Woche \u003d Die Fünftagewoche

Different words can be connected to a complex noun by simple wiring or using appropriate connecting elements (-e-, -er-, - (E) N-, - (E) S-).

for example:

    dER Naturfreund )

    -E- Das Gästezimmer ,

    -er- Der Kinderwagen.

    - (E) N-, Die Massenmedien.

    - (E) S- Das Arbeitszimmer

It is important here to note the fact that the main semantic word, standing in such complex words in the last place, always performs the name of the noun. It is it that determines the genus of the newly educated word. All other components of complex words act as definitions to the main word. Under the hype in complex nouns is always the first word.

Writing It is very widely applied in German. When transferring complex nouns, it is very important to properly decompose the noun to the defining and defined word. In Russian, complex words are translated by a group of words or in one word.

The defining word of the complex noun can be translated into Russian by the following speech parts:

AdjectivedIEEisbahn. Railway

Noun in Parental Dye Die SchprachGeschichte Language History, Der Stundenplan Schedule lessons

Noun with Design Der Briefkasten Box for Letters

Simple noun Das Tintenfaß inkwell, Die Hauptstadt Capital, Das Wörterbuch dictionary.

Russian and German languages, being genetically and typologically close, have a lot in common in their systems of word formation. First of all, there are similar ways to form new nominative units in these languages. In the field of morpheme-forming in both languages, two methods are allocated - affixation and the philosion. The relationship between these two methods of morphological verbs is different in these languages: the Russian language is mostly characteristic of the affixation, the German is the philism.

If you compare complex words in German and Russian, you can observe the similarity of the type of wilament:

In russian language

    via connective vowel (o, e):

root + root \u003d steam locomotive;

root + semblance of words \u003d agriculture;

root + word \u003d logging.

In German

    using the appropriate connecting elements:

    -E- Das Gästezimmer ,

    -er- Der Kinderwagen.

    - (E) N-, Die Massenmedien.

    - (E) S- Das Arbeitszimmer

In russian language

    without connective vowels:

compound of truncated words or truncated roots - collective farm;

truncated root + word with "out of" middle: ES (Crying) Min (Onos) EC \u003d Esminets, Nar (One) com (Issari) AT \u003d People's Commissariat;

the combination of truncated root + word: dance floor \u003d dance floor, party + ticket \u003d partboard.

In German

    by simple seduction (dERNaturfreund)

The addition of the foundations is such a type of morphological formation, when a new word is formed as a result of the addition of two and the larriness. This method is widely used in modern Russian in the formation of nouns (especially in scientific and industrial and technical speech). The types of worship are as follows:

1) Connection of two bases (noun and verb) with the help of connecting vowel - (-e-): Senokos, forestry, vacuum cleaner, steel, icebreaker, hydrogen.

Sometimes there are also suffixes, such as the words of this type, which, for example,, is used, -K-A: Missionary, legislator, oil, waterproof, etc.;

Compare with German: Fahren. + dAS. RAD. = dAS. Fahrrad. (Unlike the Russian language, the verb is in the first place, noun on the second)

2) the compound of two nouns (equal or syntactic subordination of the first part) with the help of a connective vowel or without it: radoisle, reinforced concrete, water supply, hut-reading room, northeast;

INgermanlanguage: DIE PAUSE + DER RAUM \u003d Der Pausenraum

3) the combination of the foundations of the adjective and nouctive using the connecting vowel - (-e-): chernozem, melancholy, ironzenodsk;

INgermanlanguage: Schnell + Der Zug \u003d Der Schnellzug

4) A combination of a numerical case with a noun, complicated by a suffix: five-year plan, millennium, triangle;

In German:Vier + dAS. Eck. = dAS. Vieck. (Unlike Russian language in German, numeral in the nominative case)

5) The combination of the principles of pronoun and verb, complicated by the suffix: self-criticism, peculiarity, cost. (In the study of the text and the dictionary did not meet such cases in German)

On the contrary, in Russian there are no complex nouns formed by connectingpreposition with nouns, such as in German, for example,

Nach. + dER Mittag = dER Nachmittag.

In Russian, comprehensive words (abbreviations) are a special type of philanthopy. This type of word education, although it was known in the XIX century, was the most widespread in the Soviet era, mainly for the names of organizations, institutions, posts. No less productive this type of philantal and currently. According to the nature of the combination of the initial parts of the words included in such education, the following types are distinguished:

1) sound - a comprehensive word is formed by adding the initial sounds of the components of his words (university - higher education institution, dot - a long-term firepoint, the Tyz - the theater of the young viewer);

2) the letter - a comprehensive word is formed by a combination of initial letters of words and read on the names of letters (NTO - Scientific and Technical Society, Moscow State University - Moscow State University, words are read: En-Te-O, Em-GE-y);

3) a syllable - a comprehensive word is formed by a combination of initial parts of the words (Ministry of Health - the Ministry of Health, the Combat - the battalion commander);

4) Mixed - a comprehensive word is formed from the initial syllable of one word and another word used without abbreviations (proflist, agitrunk, State Duma), sometimes from the initial syllable of one word and the initial sounds of other words (KAMAZ - Kamsky Automotive Plant).

To find out how complex nouns are often used in German, I analyzed the text to read from the textbook for grade 6.In the text to read "DIEWeihnachtsGans.Auguste.“ ( nach.F.. Wolf.) Calculated the total number of nouns, they were -110, and the amount of complex, they are 24, which is 22%. One text is not enough to make some conclusions, so I studied the dictionary for grade 6. When calculating nouns, it won that out of 621 noun 191 - complex, which is 31%. By calculating the medium-tariff of these indicators, I received approximately 26.5%. This is the average number of complicated nouns used in German. So each fourth noun in German speech is complex. This is a very high figure that I tried to show my job.

    At the end of my work I will draw conclusions:

    the word is a productive method of word formation in German;

    the philantation of nouns in German and Russian has much in common;

    The frequency of use of complex words in German is very large, according to approximate calculations, each fourth noun - complex.

IV. Bibliography:

    I.L. Bim, L.M. Sannikova, L.V. Sadomova. German language textbook for grade 6, Moscow, Enlightenment, 2007

    Internet resources.

    LD Zwick, I.Ya. Halperin. A brief reference book on the grammar of the German language. Moscow, Enlightenment, 1987

« Others believe that the death is better than German. It is difficult for me with the go, without preparing to solve this issue ... Deep philological surveys led me to the conclusion that a person who was not devoid of abilities can learn English at thirty hours (excluding pronunciation and spelling), French - thirty days, and German - thirty years old. Hence it seems to be that it would not hurt that last language to score and bring order in it. If he remains in his current form, no matter how much accustomed and delicately pass it into the archive, picking up to the dead. For, truly, only the dead will have time to explore it. " (Mark Twain)

This quotation from the application to the book "On foot in Europe", Mark Tweed clearly demonstrates something with the teachers sometimes encounter when teaching German. Some students believe that German is the most difficult subject among all the disciplines studied in the university. And in considerable extent, complex words contribute to this (Komposita), which in German has a huge amount. Moreover, many of them are the fruit of the author's fantasy, they arise in the course of speech, and, consequently, the opportunity to find their translation in the dictionary is reduced to zero. The reference literature provides words consisting of "record" 68, 73 and even 99 letters. It is clear that in oral speech no one will never be able to pronounce such a word without peeping into the crib. But in technical texts, such words, of course, with fewer letters are found very often. The task of the teacher is to train students with the main techniques for the translation of complex words, form the skills for analyzing such "long" words. As always, the principle "from simple to complex" will help. Therefore, let's start with the basic rules of word formation.

In any language, new words are constantly emerging and disappear. German in this sense is no exception. For example, there are difficult words included in everyday life, and used constantly - Der Güterwagen - cargo carriage, Der Personenzug - Passagezhir train, Der Bahnhof - station and others. But there are words that arise at the time of speech, spontaneously, they are not in the dictionaries. For example: Der BahnhofsangeSellte - employee at the station, Der BahnSteigsarbeiter - a worker on the platform, Der BahnSteigsignalwiederholer - a platform signal repeater.

These newly educated words may include different parts of speech: verbs, adjectives, nouns, communion, adveria. The task of the teacher is to help the student analyze a complex word, highlight the roots, determine the main word, i.e. Help to understand what we are talking about. So, complex nouns in German can be formed from the following combinations:

  • noun + Noun: Die Bahn - Road + Das Gleis - Path, Kalue \u003d Das Bahngleis - Railway Road; Die Güter - Loads + Der Wagen - Wagon \u003d Der Güterwagen - Cargo Car; Der Zug - Train + Die Bremsung - Braking \u003d Die Zugbremsung - Track Braking.
  • adjective + Noun: Schwer - Difficult, Heavy + Die Achse - axis \u003d Die SchwerachSe - axis of the center of gravity; Leicht - Easy + der TRANSporter - truck \u003d der Leichttransporter - Low loading car; Viel - Many + Die Achse - axis \u003d der vielachser - plenty of a lot of car (trailer).
  • verb + noun: Fahren - Drive + Die EiGenschaften - Properties, Quality \u003d Die FahreiGenschaften - Running, Dynamic Quality, Befördern - Transport + Die Leistung - Performance, Power, Result \u003d Die BeförDerungSleistung - Volume of traffic, freight turnover; Steuern - control, adjust + die nadel - needle \u003d Die Steuernadel - adjustable needle valve.
  • preposition + Noun: Vor + Der Alarm - Alarm \u003d Der Voralarm - Warning alarm, Nach + Die Arbeit - Work \u003d Die Nacharbeit - Additional work, Defect defects; Mit + Der Fahrer - driver \u003d Der Mitfahrer - fellow traveler, satellite, passenger (on a motorcycle).
  • adcharative + Noun: Vorwärts - Forward + Die Bewegung - Motion \u003d Die Vorwärtsbewegung - Progressive Movement, Progress; FERTIG - Ready + Die Abmessung - size, envelope \u003d die fertigabmessung - final size; FREI - Free + Der Balken - beam \u003d Der Freibalken - freely lying beam.
  • particle + noun: nicht - not + der raucher - smoker + das abteil - coupe \u003d das nichtraucharabteil - non-smoking coupe; NUR - only + das lesen - reading + der Speicher - storage device, memory \u003d der Nur-lee-Speicher - Memory that allows only reading;
  • nutigative + Noun: DREI - Three + Die Ecke - Corner + Die Feder - Spring, Spring \u003d Die DREIECKFEDER - Triangular Spring; Vier - Four + Die DRAHT - Wire + Der Anschluß - Attachment, Butt + Die Einheit - Unit \u003d Die VierDrahtanschluuinheit - A device for switching from two-on four-wire circuit.

In the complex words consisting of several roots, the genus, the case, the number and part of the speech are determined by the latest, for example:

die Hand - Hand + Das Gepäck - Luggage \u003d dAS. Hand. gEP.ä ck. (hand-made, hand luggage);

dAS RAD - WHEEL + DREHEN - Rotate, rotate + Die Zahl - number \u003d dIE Raddreh. zahl (wheel speed; wheels rotation speed);

scheinen - Light + Werfen - Throw, throw + Der Bogen - Arc, Arch + Die Lampe - Lamp \u003d dIE ScheinwerferBogen. lampe. (searchlight arc lamp);

die Spirale - Spiral + Geschweißt (Partizip II from Schweißen - welding) \u003d spiralgeschweißt (with a custard on a spiral (about the pipe));

sELBST - self, independently + Stellend (Partizip i from Stellen - set, install) \u003d Selbststellende (Weiche) (automatic arrow);

dREI - Three + Das Gleis - Path, Pitch \u003d Dreigleisige (Weiche) (Dual Arrow Translation).

But it should always be remembered that the newly educated words may differ in their meaning from words, their components. So, for example, in the "German-Russian and Russian-German dictionary" "false friends of the translator" is given as follows: Der Meister - Master, and in the words of Der Baumeister - Architect, Der Bühnenmeister - Head of the producer, Der Hausmeister - janitor, gatekeeper, Der Herdmeister - Gornova, Der Zahlmeister - Treasurer, head of financial contentment, the initial word "master" in translation does not occur. Of course, a person who knows the original word "Der Meister" will have difficulty with the transfer of complex words including it. One more example can be given, clearly demonstrating how far from each other are the desired words and the translation of the newly educated word: Das Glück (Happiness) + Der Pilz (Mushroom) \u003d Der Glückspilz (Lucky, Vesunchik, Balover of Fate). Nothing in common with the meaning of the word "mushroom" included in it. Or another example: grün (green) + der Schnabel (mouth, beak) \u003d der grünschnabel - newcomer, milkosos. In German technical language, it is rather an exception to the rules. The last word in the composition of complex and is basicThat's precisely about it and we are talking, no matter how much roots are in front of this chief word:

dER Leichtmetallspezialgüter. wagen. - we are talking about the car, and all other words only characterize it - a special cargo wagon with elements made of light metal;

dIE Starkstromschutz erdung- Grounding - and in general: protective grounding of strong current.

Let's focus on how complex words are written in German. They can be written through a hyphen or ply. Often through a hyphen, nouns are written when you need to avoid multiple words repetition. For example:

dIE BE- UND ENTLADESELLE - Loading Loading Place - DEFIS In this example replaces the word dIELadestelle;

die Ein- und Ausfahrtgleisen - reception - Sending - Replacing the Word die Fahrtgleisen.;

die Bau- Und Betriebsordnung - Terms of Construction and Operation - Word Replacement dIEORDNUNG..

Sometimes a complex word is written through a hyphens, in which it is necessary to emphasize the meaning of each word constituting it: Die Haus-Haus-Gepäckbeförderung - transportation of baggage "from home to home" or "door to door".

Usually, complex words are also written through the hyphen, as part of which there are own names: Der Baudot-Telegraf - Telegraph Bodo, Das Diamont-DrehgeSell - Daimond type trolley and others.

For the German technical language, the blood writing of complex words is characteristic. With a fusion writing, there are several ways to connect roots. Consider them:

  • simple addition of the foundations, without connecting elements (Fugenelement): Der Gas + Der Filter \u003d Der GasFilter - gas filter; DER DRUCK + DIE LUFT + DIE PUMPE \u003d DIE DRUCKLUFTPUMPE - Air pump, compressor; DAS ÖL + DER SPIEGEL \u003d DER ÖLSPIEGEL - oil level;
  • with the help of connecting elements (FugeneleMente) -E, -es, -en, -nes, -n, -s, Er:

-E. - Der Weg + e. + Die Brücke \u003d Die Weg e.brücke - overpass over the ropier railway;

-es. -Das Land + Die Bank \u003d Die Land esbank - Land (Regional) Bank; Das Jahr + Der Verkehr \u003d Der Jahr esverkehr - annual traffic;

-en.- Die Schicht + Der Plan \u003d Der Schicht enplan - plan in horizontals; (often, part of a complex word coincides with the form of a multiple number of nouns included in its composition); DIE GEFAHR + DIE BREMSE \u003d DIE GEFAHR enbremse - the brake in case of danger;

-Ens.- Das Herz + Der Freund \u003d Der Herz ens.freund - Cardiac, dusty friend

-N.- Die Rampe + Die Brücke \u003d Die Rampe n.brücke - a bridge with the slope of the cloth; Die Glocke + Das Signal \u003d Das Glocke n.signal - signal supplied by the bell;

-s. - Der Betrieb + Der Dienst \u003d Der Betrieb s.dienst - traffic or operation; Die ABFAHRT + DAS GLEIS \u003d Das ABFAHRT s.gleis - Departure path.

eR - Das Rad (Die Räder - MN. Number) + Das Gestell \u003d Das RädergeSell - wheel steam (part of a complex word coincides with the form of a multiple number of nouns included in its composition); DAS GUT (Die Güter - MN. Number) + Der Zug \u003d Der Güterzug - cargo, commodity train.

  • using the truncation of the word (i.e., the word without completion) usually formed by nouns from the phrases of the verb + noun: Rangieren + Der Bahnhof \u003d Der Rangierbahnhof - sorting station; BESTELLEN + DER ZETTEL \u003d DER BESTELLZETTEL - requirement sheet; Drehen + Das Moment \u003d Das Drehmoment - torque, torque; Laufen + Der Abschnitt \u003d Der Laufabschnitt - Car Running Plot.
  • with the hardening of the word + add connecting vowels: Bremsen + Das Haus + Der Wagen \u003d Brems eRhauswagen - wagon with brake platform.
  • In the words borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200bas a connecting element (Fugenelement) are used -i, -o, -al: Die Differenti albremsung - Differential Brake, Der Elektr o.motor - electric motor, Die Radi alachse - moving axis.

Sophisticated words without connecting elements (Fugenelemente) can be formed from the junction of the adjective and noun:
· Hoch + Die Bahn \u003d Die Hochbahn - Overhead, Overcoating Railway; Leer + Das Gewicht \u003d Das LeergeWicht - weight (car) in empty state; STARK + DER STROM \u003d DER STARKSTROM - a strong current;
· Noun and noun: DAS RAD + DIE LAST \u003d DIE RADLAST - pressure from the wheel on the rail; Der Schnee + Die Lokomotive \u003d Die Schneelokomotive - Snow Personnel;
· As well as from the connection of service parts of speech (pretext, particle, union) and noun: neben + die bahn \u003d Die nebenbahn - driveway, line of secondary value; MEHR + DIE LEISTUNG \u003d DIE MEHRLEISTUNG - excessive power; VOR + AUS + DAS FAHREN \u003d DAS VORAUSFAHREN - overtaking.
The difficulty lies in the fact that there are no rules that would explain why in one case so, and in another otherwise, after all, even the same word, entering complex words, can be joined by various connecting elements:
Die Fahrt - trip, flight; Die Fahrtanweisung - permission for departure; Der Fahrt. ensPEICHER - route drive; Die Farbe - color; Das Farbglas - Color (Signal Glass); Die Farb. enscheibe - Caulk Disk (Electric Centralization Apparatus); DIE FRACHT - cargo, payment for the provision; Der Frachtbrief - railway invoice; Der Fracht. enbahnhof - Commodity Station.
The difficulty of transferring complex words is also in the fact that sometimes the adjectives that are part of the word can change the root vowels: Kalt is cold, Die Kaltbrücke - a place with poor thermal insulation in the wagon wall (the vowel has not changed); Die Kälteanlage - Refrigerated Installation (vowel acquired will be missed). Or: Warm is warm; Die WarmausWasChanlage - a warm flushing device; Die Wärmeabfuhr - heat transfer, heat leakage.
When translating complex words, it is necessary to take into account the prefixes, since they also affect the translation of the word, changing its value. For example: Der Fahrkartenverkauf - Sale of railway tickets, and in the word Der Fahrkarten vOR.verkauf - Pre-sale Tickets - Prefix vOR. is key.
You can give an example of how the word Das Gleis known to us, the track, the other words are added alternately, which results in the creation of a "monster" - a very complex consisting of several roots of the word. So, Der Gleisbau - Road construction (2 roots), Die Gleisbaustelle - travel construction site (3 roots), Die Gleisbremsmaschinenanlage - Machine installation of carriage retarders (4 roots), Der Gleisbildstellwerkmeister - Master of the centralization of a relay system with a panel panel (5 roots) - And this is not the limit. In my practice there were cumbersome words from 9-10 roots. Of course, students independently do not cope with the translation. Therefore, as always, we go from simple to complex. So, the rules for the translation of complex German words. Remember that the main thing is basic wordstanding by latest place. It determines the genus and the number of all complex words.
1. The defining word is translated by adjective, which is a definition to the main word: Der Bauzug is a construction and installation train; Der Vorortbahnhof - suburban station.
2. The defining word is translated by nouns in the parental case: Der StelcapeParat is a centralization device, Die Leitungsstrecke - transmission line site.
3. The defining word is translated by nouns with the pretext: Die Rückfahrkarte - Ticket on the Return pass, Die Staubdüse - nozzle for Dust Fuel, Die Flanschendichtung - Gasket between Flanges, Der Rückleistungsschutz - Protection fromretail Power, Der Rückstellhebel - Lever fromcounterweight.
4. A complex German noun sometimes complies with a complicated noun in Russian: Die Neubauten - new buildings, Der Hubschrauber - helicopter.
5. But the most amazing, when a complex German word can be translated by one simple word of the Russian language: Die Bahnüberführung - Viaduct, overpass; Der Brennstoff - fuel, fuel. But it is rather an exception to the rules.
When translating complex German words (Komposita), attention should be paid to the correctness of the transition of the term, since for the German language is characterized by the meaningfulness of words, and the correct choice of value even seemingly familiar words can be determining. So, for example, familiar from the first year of learning the word: Die Mutter - Mom, Der Kopf - Head, Die Luft - Air, Die Sohle - Sole, Der Pilz - Mushroom - New Values \u200b\u200bacquire in German technical language, becoming a "false friend." For example: Der Bahnhofs kopf. - The neck of the station, Die Luft. - Dead move, clearance, clearance, der luken pilz. - oval hatch, das Mutter.gleis is the main path for the output of the formed composition, DIE Mutter.hülse - bushing with internal thread, die Sohle. - floor level, bottom. Therefore, when translating a purely mechanical substitution of the Russian word, instead of the "friend" German leads to nonsense.
« In German, there are a number of very useful words. For example, the word Schlag and the word ZUG. Three-quarters of the column are allolished in the "hat" dictionary, and "Cugu" is all a half.
Its direct meaning - traction, draft, movement, procession, column, rim, flock, flock, harness, road, train, caravan, line, line, barcode, chess move, throwing network, breathing, suicide cramp, agony, gun cutting, lace. When his legal appends are attached to the word "zug", it can mean everything in the world, - the meanings that it is unusual, scientists have not yet been able to open. "
Mark Twain
And again the link to Mark Twain shows how hard it sometimes happens from several meanings of a familiar word dER Zug. Select the correct corresponding context. The student, as a rule, chooses the first one, which is not always a suitable one suggestion. It came to the curiors when the student translated the "naked conductor ran through the car", while the correct translation - "the bare wire passed through the car." The student translates, without thinking especially over the meaning of words and without choosing: nackt. - naked or bare and dERLeiter - wire, conductor, but electric current, not a person.
Another feature when transferring complex German words (Komposita) is that sometimes the German word can only be translated, with a few words. As an example, you can bring the following words: Die Bahnbetriebsspannung - working voltage in the contact wire of the electrical railway; Die ZUGLEITUNG - Dispatch adjustment by train movement, Die Stoßstufe - Exceeding one end of the rail over another in the junction.
So, considering in this article numerous ways of education of complex words (komposita), the features of writing them, all sorts of ways to translate "long" words, you can draw the following conclusion: having met in a technical article with a long word, firstly, analyze it, disassemble parts. But remember that the main word is in the last place. It is it that determines the genus, the number or part of the speech of this word. Secondly, do not be lazy, look into the dictionary, find it the main word there, then, if you are unfamiliar to the other words, find them, and only then, and this is already, thirdly, start gently connecting them all together to make your Translation acquired "a plenty" view. And I would like to finish the statement of your favorite brand.
"The German book is not so difficult to read - it is only necessary to bring it to the mirror or be a head to turn the order of words, - to learn to read and understand the German newspaper is not capable of, in my opinion, not one foreigner.
Mark Twain

Long words in German are not uncommon, simple rules for compiling complex nouns and their convenience and practicality made such words popular.

Sophisticated nouns in German

The phrase is a very productive way to form new words in German. A complex German noun can consist of two, three or more words. The main (defined) word is the last word.

It is always the name noun. According to the latter, the genus is determined, the form of a plural number and the type of decline in the complex noun. Before the definable word is a defining word.

Complicated noun \u003d defining word + main, defined word:

der Stadtplan. \u003d Die Stadt + der Plan.
(city plan) (city) (plan)
das Gasthaus. \u003d Der Gast + das Haus.
(hotel) (the guest) (house)
die Briefmarke. \u003d Der Brief + die Marke.
(Postage Stamp) (letter) (brand)

Note! Complicated nouns in German are formed by philanthropy as nouns with noun and nouns with adjective, numerical, verbal, or pretext.

Examples of nouns word formation in German

with nouns with adjective with numeral with verb with a pretext
der Wasserfall - Waterfall die Großstadt - Big City dER ZWEIKAMPF - Duel der Fahrstuhl - Elevator der Ausweg - Exit
die Zimmertür - Room door das Tiefland - Lowland das Vieck - Quadrangle dER SCHREIBTISCH - writing desk das Nebenzimmer - nearby room
das FußballSpiel - Football Match das Frühjahr - Spring der Übergang - Transition, NEPEplay

Between the individual components in the composition of the complex noun there may be connective elements - (E) S-, - (E) N-, -E-:

  • der Friedenskampf - Fight for the World
  • der Sonnenaufgang - Sunrise,
  • die Leehalle - reading room.

Connecting -S- always takes place in difficult words that determine the part of which ends on -ung, -Heit, -keit, -schaft, -tät, -tion:

  • der Zeitungsartikel - article from the newspaper,
  • das Freiheitslied - Song of Freedom,
  • die Gesellschaftsordnung - Public system.

Nouns weak decline, single nouns of women's kind, as well as double nouns of the female genus ending on -e, have connecting - (e) n-:

  • die Heldentat - Feat,
  • der Sonnenstrahl - sunbeam.

Sophisticated German nouns can correspond to one or several words in Russian:

  • der Briefträger - Postman,
  • der Eisbrecher - icebreaker,
  • die Eisenbahn - Railway,
  • das Hotelzimmer - hotel room.

When translating a complex noun to several words, the main (defined) word is always translated by nouns, and the determining can be translated:


  • der Hauptbahnhof - the main station,
  • die StraßenbahnhalteStelle - tram stop;

nouns in the Parental Padge:

  • das Kunstwerk - Work of Art,
  • der Waldrand - Forest Forest;

nouns with a pretext:

  • das Kinderbuch - a book for children
  • dIE NEBENARBEIT - part-time work.

Sophisticated words in German are pronounced with a strong emphasis on the first word.


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