Allion all in one (all in one)
Alphard "Alpha" the brightest star of constellation
Altezza High (Ial)
Altezza Gita Little Journey (ITal. Gita)
Aristo Higher, Senior Superior, Aristocrat (English)
Auris is formed from the English. aura surrounding the atmosphere, aura; Heir to Corolla Runx and Allex
Avalon. Garden of Eden. The place where the King Arthur king is buried in Celtic legends
Avensis moving in front (Franz)
Axio from Axia (Greek) value
BB black box symbol infinity knowledge (eng. Black Box)
Belta Beautiful, Beauty (Ial)
Blade blade, blade, sword (eng)
Blizzard Snowstorm, Buran, Purga (English)
Brevis courageous, brave, brave, brave (eng. Brave)
Caldina Central, the most important (ITAL) is if you read the Japanese "Karudina". As well as cardinal
Cami Casual (eng. Randomly, NEW) + mini (small)
Camry Crown (PL)
Camry Gracia Grace, grace; Attractiveness (Spanish. Gracia)
Carina Constellation "Kiel" (LAT)
Carina ED exciting, exciting + trendy, elegant elegant (eng. Exciting + Dressy)
Cavalier Horseman, Knight (English)
Celica Heavenly, Divine (Spanish)
Celsior Higher (LAT)
Century Century (English)
Chaser Hunter, pursuer (eng)
COASTER trade ship (eng)
Corolla Kink Flower (English)
Corolla Allex go in different directions (Franz. Allez + X)
Cerolla Ceres Ceres - Goddess Agriculture (Span)
Corolla Fielder resting in nature, in the field (eng)
Corolla FX Future + X, unknown variable, everywhere (English Future + x)
Corolla Levin Lightning (English)
Corolla Runx run + everywhere (eng. Run + x)
Corolla Spacio Space (ITAL. SPAZIO)
Corona Crown, Solar Crown (English)
Corona Premio Reward (Spanish)
Corsa Running, Race (Ial)
Cresta Comb, Peak Mountain (Spanish)
Crown Crown, Crown (English)
Crown Athlete athlete, athlete (eng)
Crown Estate Car with Body "Universal" (English)
Crown Majesta Majesty; greatness; Glife (eng)
Crown Royal Royal (English)
Curren Cute, Nice (PL)
Cynos Universal Admiration (English)
Duet duet (eng)
Dyna dynamic (eng. Dynamic)
Estima (T, L) deserving, worthy of respect (eng. Estimable). T (eng. Tradition - tradition), L (eng. - freedom)
Estima Emina superiority, advantage (eng)
Estima Lucida Clear, Bright, Brightest Star in Constellation (English)
Exiv producing an extremely deep impression impressive; Expressive (English Extra Impressive)
Funcargo Pleasant Cargo (English Fun + Cargo)
Gaia Goddess of Earth (Greek)
Granvia Big Road (Ial)
Harrier Bird Bird (Ang)
HIACE high-class speakers (eng. HIGH + ACE)
Hiace Regius Wonderful, Gorgeous, Excellent, Great, Amazing, Unusual, Amazing (Lat)
Hilux High Class (English)
Hilux Surf surf, wave (eng)
PSUM Naturally, in nature, by nature (LAT)
ISIS Ancient Egyptian fertility goddess (eng)
IST. The story is a person who is making (stylist, artist, etc.)
Kluger-V smart; wise; smart; reasonable (it). V - (eng. Victory - Victory)
Land Cruiser Land Cruiser (Eng) Land Cruiser Cygnus Constellation "Swan" (eng)
Land Cruiser Prado Meadow (Portuga)
Lite Ace Noah Easy + AC, Master + Noah - Bible Character (English)
Mark difference (eng)
Mark Blit Lightning, Flash (Him)
Mark Qualis Quality (English)
Mark x Zio space, place; Educated from "Zone in One"
Master Ace Master + AS (English)
Master Line Master + Line (English)
MEGA Cruiser huge, big (eng. Mega) + cruiser (English Cruiser)
Mini Ace Little + AC, Master (Eng. Mini + Ace)
MR 2 car with engine in the middle + 2 places (eng. Midship Runabout 2 seater)
MR-S Sports car with engine in the middle (eng. Midship Runabout Sports)
Nadia Hope (Rus), Nadia (Russian Women's Name)
OPA amazement; Surprise (Portuga)
Passo Step (Italian)
Platz Square (Him)
Porte Door (Franz)
Prius galloping ahead (lat)
PROBOX Professional + box, box (eng. Professional + Box)
Progres Progress (Franz)
Pronard overclock, praise (Franz)
Publica Public, Public Car (English Public Car)
RACTIS Runner With Activity & Space (actively moving, spacious inside)
Raum space (it)
RAV 4 (J, L) A car with a full drive for outdoor activities (English Recreational Active Vehicle 4Wheel DRIVE). J (eng. Joyful - joyful), L (eng. Liberty - Freedom)
Regius Wonderful, Magnificent, Excellent, Great, Amazing, Unusual, Amazing
RUMion spacious + unique
Rush Stripping, Throw, Head, Natisk (English)
Scepter Squeezer (English)
Sera to be essential (Franz)
Sienta seven. (Spanish) Seimed Car
SOARER Magnificent glider, top class glider (eng)
Sparky live, lively (eng)
Sprinter Sprinter (eng)
Sprinter Carib Northern Deer (Ang)
Sprinter Marino Sea (Ial)
Sprinter Trueno Thunder (Spanish)
Starlet star
Starlet Carat Karat (English. Measuring weights of precious stones)
Starlet Glanza Brilliant (Him)
Starlet Reflet Reflection, Globes, Spell (Franz)
Starlet Soleil Sun (Franz)
Stout strong, dense, durable (eng)
Succeed successor, heir (eng)
Supra superior (lat)
Tercel Falcon (Eng)
Town Ace City Aux (English)
Town Ace Noah Noah - Bible Character Building Ark
Vanguard harbinger, predecessor, pioneer, discoverer, founder (eng)
Verossa Red True (ITAL. VERO + ROSSO)
Vista Perspective (English)
Vista Ardeo sparkle, emit (lat)
Vitz bright, witty, talented
Voltz Volt.
Voxy square; squat; Boxy (eng. Boxy)
Will Verb English, which indicates future time
Will Cypha Computer, Cybernetic + Phaeton.
Will Vi Car + Identity, I, Independence, Individuality
Will vs car + alive, energetic; fast; Prompt, focused, sports
Windom Winner
Wish wish