What documents from the Institute to submit for. How and when to apply for admission? For correspondence department

Today we suggest you familiarize yourself with a kind of instruction that allows you to make the process of filing documents to the admission committee of the university as fast as possible and fragile.

Already literally in six months for many high school students, school years will remain behind, they will receive the results of the exam and will begin to "storm" the reception commissions of Russian universities. Most future students have already decided on the choice. If not university, then, at least, the directions of training. Now it's time to get acquainted with all the nuances filing documents for admissionSo that you do not have to be distracted by finding the necessary information later, in a busy period of preparation for exams.

Today we suggest you familiarize yourself with a kind of instruction that allows you to make the process of filing documents to the admission committee of the university as fast as possible and fragile.

Collection of information about the procedure of admission

Excessive awareness of the nuances of the introductory campaign in your chosen educational institutions will never hurt. To do this, it is enough to visit the official websites of these universities, where it will be necessary to section "Applicant" (or similar to it), which contains topical rules of admission to the description of all stages of this process.

On the website of the university you can familiarize yourself with the list of all specialties, learn about the number of budget places and the need to take additional exams. Such information usually appears at least a few weeks before the start. opening campaign.

Preparation of documents

A detailed list of documents can be found on the same educational site, or by calling the Admission Commission. The standard set of documents is as follows:

  • passport and its copy;
  • a document on the full secondary education and its copy;
  • certificate of passing the exam and its copy;
  • 6-8 matte black and white photos 3x4 (better to have a stock);
  • appointment certificate or military ID (for guys);
  • medical certificate of form 086-y (for arriving at the day office).

For the latest reference, you will have to go through a medical examination in a clinic. It is better not to postpone it on the last days before works of the Admission Commission of the University. First, it is not a fact that you will pass at once all doctors - it can delay for several days, and secondly, consider that you are not alone, and during this period there will be many future applicants who want to pass a medical examination.

In addition to the listed documents, additional information may be needed in the form of certificates of income and composition of the family, certificates of preferential status, etc. In addition, it is better to immediately clarify whether you need to make copies of documents from the notary, although it usually makes the employee of the admission committee completely free. Do not forget to prepare your portfolio consisting of letters, certificates of courses, praise and everything else, which may indicate your achievements.

When you go to the reception office, be sure to take all the original documents, even if you are not going to submit them to a particular university.

Interestingly, the most common problem faced applicants- This is the absence of one or more documents required for admission. It is anharged all when such a trouble happens if you drove out of another settlement.

Sore all copies of documents on folders, the number of which should correspond to the number of universities that you plan to visit. Plus, in a separate folder, collect all the original documents.

By the way, on the website of the university, you can sometimes find an application form that is usually filled in the reception. Printing and filling out such a statement in advance, you can save your time to significantly.

When to go to the university for submission of documents?

In the first days of the receiving campaign, this excitement begins in all universities of the country. Most of the applicants for some reason are trying to submit their documents as quickly as possible, although it does not affect anything ...

In fact, the hurry is absolutely meaningless. It is best to go to the admission committee after two weeks after the start of its work - it is likely that you do not have to stand in a huge queue under the scorching sun or in a stuffy corridor. You can come and without a rush to transfer all the documents and communicate with representatives of the Commission without interference, learning about the features of both receipts and training.

By the way, some universities practice reception of documents for admission by mail or via the Internet.

Submission of documents

Going to the university, be sure to arm a handle and notepad, as you can tell a lot of information that you can not always remember.

In most educational institutions, the admission committee of various faculties is located in separate rooms. In a prominent place, there must be a list that informs about what the office accept documents on one or another specialty.

Once in the right office, you report on what specialty and the form of learning do and impose all documents. If they are all right, you give you to fill out a statement. Often, students of this university are sitting in the reception office, who are just a couple of years older than you. Feel free to ask them questions you are interested in, as they say "without departing from the box office."

Be sure to find out the dates of consultation and entrance exams. If necessary, report the need for accommodation in the hostel. Do not forget to mention your presence of any benefits and confirm it is documented.

If you are sure that you will get in this university to a specific specialty, you can immediately submit the original documents so that you are not worn with them. In any case, you must issue a list with a list of all the documents you left in the reception office. Please note that in this receipt you will be able to see the specialty cipher and your sequence number, for example, SP-37 - this means that you are 37 on an applicant, submitted documents for this specialty.

Tracking the rating of applicants

On the official website of the university, if you are lucky, a list of submitted documents for each specialty will be updated daily. Decorated everything will be in the form of a rating according to the results of the USE. So even before the official announcement of the list of received, you can appreciate your chances.

However, it is necessary to take into account that if additional entrance exams are conducted in the educational institution you choose, the rating preliminary data in the end can change dramatically. In addition, most applicants submits documents at once to several specialties, and not in one university, therefore there is a high probability that not all of the opportunity to act in the end will occupy the places provided.

Actions after the official announcement of the results

At the designated highway, the university publishes information from a list of applicants received. The list must be posted on a prominent, easily accessible place in the scientist of the institution and is posted on its official website.

Here it does not hurt the discardness, because you will need to make the necessary originals of documents as quickly as possible, if it, of course, was not done immediately. In the event that you almost disadvantaged points, you should not be upset, because there will be a second wave of enrollment, when those who went to another university will pay places.

| Marina Emelianenko | 39074

Properly decorated paper is a document.

Every year, changes in educational legislation are able to confuse any applicant. The submission of documents to the university can become a very tedious and long process if you do not know the nuances of the introductory campaign of your chosen university or the main package of documents required for receipt is not assembled.

Initially, I would like to remind all applicants that you need to pay attention not only for all the necessary documents, but also on your appearance, when you go to the admission committee. Remember that you are already adults and look should be suitable: business style clothing, confident speech, documents must be in perfect condition, that is, not crumpled, not fragile.

List of necessary documents

Find out which documents for admission are needed in a particular university, it is currently very simple. Such information is available on the websites of educational institutions. Take the collection of everything you need in advance to have time in stock for unforeseen situations. What you need to have with you and what documents to serve:

Form of application for admission. It can often be found on the website of the university and prepare at home, where no one will distract you from filling out the document;


Photocopy of passport;

Original or copy of a certificate or a diploma of secondary special education;

Medical certificate;

Certificate of delivery or the results of the EGE.

All documents for admission should be prepared in several copies in case of a sudden damage of the first sample. Spread them in different folders to have no rush and panic to have everything you need at hand at the right moment.

Document filing time

Most often, the greatest influx of applicants is observed in the first days of receiving documents. You can not hurry, as you risk spending a lot of time, seek in line at the reception office. However, do not leave everything on the last day, because if you will not have any paper, you may not have time to prepare it until the end of the receiving campaign and submit documents on time.

The method of filing documents

There are several ways to submit documents to the university:

Personal presence in the university. This method is the most winning, since if you have any errors in filling out documents for entering or lacking them, you will learn about it immediately and will have time to correct the shortcomings.

Sending documents by registered letter. This method is good for those who live far from the selected university or for any reason cannot personally bring and submit documents.

Online submission of documents. These types will be able to use those applicants that do not have benefits upon receipt and rights to priority enrollment.

Waiting for results

Very important moment, if you have submitted documents not only in one university. At the time of filing the documents, pass the university, think if you would like to learn exactly here. The first impression is often the most correct. Consider, and better write on a sheet of paper, which of your chosen educational institutions is most preferred for you. Wait for the answer from all universities where you sent your documents, and then make a decision on further actions.

Main nuances in different universities

In our country, some educational institutions have the right to establish their entrance exams. These include:

Additional exams are held in these universities, some of which are regulated by the government, and the part is determined by the leadership of the educational institution.

The winners of the Olympiads must be provided to the university the results of the EGE for profile subjects not lower than a certain number of points (65 and higher).

Thus, special difficulties with clarifying what documents to submit to the educational institution chosen by you, it should not arise. Be careful, well and prepare in advance, collecting everything you need. If you have benefits, take care that the documentary confirmation of this is in your hands. Observe the deadlines, do not rush, but do not postpone everything finally. Familiarize yourself with all information for applicants on the university website, or directly in it, carefully examining the stands and posters for incoming. Go on the day of the open door. Be confident in your abilities, time to prepare before the exam, be sure to visit the consultation if it is held.

Opinion of specialists

Kotov Vladislav, Head of the Department for Reception and Dovuzovskaya Preparation:

- This publication contains a number of actual errors regarding the list of necessary documents. So, in particular, the current procedure for receiving requires only the provision of a document confirming the identity and citizenship, and the formation of an established sample, or their copies.

Specified in the text of the photo (2 pcs.) It is necessary to provide only those applicants that enter the university on the results of the introductory tests conducted by organizations independently. Entering the results of the EEG to provide photographs to the admission committee are not required.

Medical certificate, as a document, in order of reception is not mentioned at all. Require it from incoming reception commissions should not.

There are no evidence of the results of the exam for several years. Now all the results of the USE are summarized in a special database - a federal information system for ensuring the state final certification and reception of citizens to educational organizations to obtain secondary vocational and higher education (FIS GIA and acceptance). Each university, carrying out the reception, had to access this system and is obliged to check all the results of the EG entimible with its assessed by applicants in the course of the receiving campaign.

Several small remarks.

The most massive reception is full-time - starts no later than June 20th. At the same time, the experience of past years shows that graduates of the current year to this date, as a rule, do not yet have certificates on the hands and, accordingly, cannot submit documents. Therefore, in the first days of the receiving campaign, no influx of applicants is observed. But after a week and a half, in late June-early July, entering, indeed, it becomes significantly more. At the same time, with the right organization of the work of the reception commission, large queues does not even happen (at least in our university). It is necessary, however, do not forget that the deadlines for the completion of the reception of documents for different categories of incoming can be different. So if you need additional creative or professional tests on the selected direction or specialty, the reception of documents can be completed already on July 7 (the exact date needs to be specified in the rules of reception of the selected university).

Another actual mistake - the winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren from the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, can take advantage of the benefits when receiving only in the event that the exam results of at least 75 points have a profile subject (the article refers to last year's threshold in 65 points) . At the same time, a specific university can increase this threshold even more. The exact number needs to be found in the Rules of Reception.

When to apply for college 2018

A receiving campaign in colleges and technical schools in 2018 as well as in universities starts no later than June 20th. The expiration date of application will depend on the selected specialty. For example, it will be possible to submit to documents on the professions with creative and profile tests until August 10. The term of acceptance of statements in the specialty without entrance exams is extended until August 15. If there are free places, the reception of documents is stretched until November 25.

Introductory tests are considered to be completed after declaring a sfamile list of persons recommended for enrollment. This list can be found on the official college website or on its information booth.

Within five days after this, applicants who are credited without entrance tests can be converting original documents to an educational institution. Applicants entering the results of entrance exams, take the originals within seven days. Ten days before the beginning of the school year, enrollment for a full-time learning is completed.

List of documents for receipt of college 2018

The success of the receipt of the college for the most part depends on the correct package of documents provided by the applicant. The admission committee will require:

    Certificate of secondary education and its copy;

    EGE / OGE results;

    Application from the applicant (it will need to be filled in the reception commission);

    Six photos 3x4

    Medical certificates 086U (as a rule, it is issued to the school to all graduates after passing the closerization).

Points for receipt of college

Cut into college without the results of the OGE / EGE is impossible. The certification of nine-graders consists of four exams. Two of which are Russian and mathematics. The rest of the two student can choose independently. Pupils of past years are also allowed to OGE, which did not receive a certificate.

In case of unsatisfactory results of OGE, the student will offer re-passing the exam in a reserve day. If this attempt is unsuccessful, it will be possible to recall the OGE in the next year.

The passage score for graduates of graduates of grade 9 is installed on an average estimate of the school certificate, usually ranging from 3.5 to 5. For those who decided to go to college after grade 11, the passing point is built on the results of the USE - on average from 130 to the highest three subjects.

As we have said, in some colleges it will be necessary to pass additional entrance tests on the basis of the educational institution. Therefore, choosing a future training place, be sure to specify all the information on the exams on the college website or in the reception commission.

Statement. It can be filled directly in the university itself or found on the site, print and fill in advance.

Original and copy of the passport.

Original or copy of the certificate. What to give - you decide for yourself.

Minimum 4 photos of size 3x4. For each direction - by photo. Glossy or matte - usually universities don't care, so decide what kind of photo you want to see in the counters and student.

Medical reference 086U. It can be obtained at school or clinic. Some schools issue certificates centralized. Help is not needed in all universities, therefore, too, clarify in advance.

EME results Enough to call - the university will check your points in a single base.

Some universities may require military ID or assignment certificate.

What is waves and how many of them happen?

Waves enrollment - two. 80% of budget places fall into the first, and in the second - the remaining 20%. If your direction is 100 budget places, 80 people are credited to the first wave, and in the second 20. Fractional numbers should be rounded in a large side.

What kind of wave people do people with special rights, olympiaders and kindergarten?

They are credited even earlier. In the reception commission, this is called a zero wave. There are applicants outside the general competition. This is important because the number of enrolled needs to be subtracted from the total number of budget places and then enroll the first wave.

Returning to our example: if 10 people are credited to zero wave out of 100 places, 72 people are credited to the first wave, and in the second 18.

When and where to attract the original?

We will not be able to answer for you on this question. First you should understand how to work. When you figure it out with ratings, write down universities in descending order, in what you want to learn. Then do the same with the directions within these universities.

Determine on the points, in which universities and directions you go and in what kind of wave. Monitor every day the situation with points and the number of originals that brought to your directions.

If you have a big overall score, and you upstairs rating, then take the original in a couple of weeks to the first wave. No need to worry if you have a stock more than 60% of all budget places. That is, if you are in the ranking according to the originals above 40 places, and there are only 100 seats, you will do. But still follow the ranking.

If the overall score is worse, but you're all go to the first wave, carry the original closer to enrollment. The main thing is that you fall into the order of the first wave.

If you do not go to the first, better wait until the second. The situation may change for the better.

Carry the original at once

If you have a good score, and you are above the middle of the credit rating list.

Wait until the end of the reception in the first wave

If you are located below the middle of the list and go down every day.

Wait for the second wave

If you have very little points, and you are at the very bottom of the rating list.

I chose several priorities in the university. If I enrolled in the first wave for a lower priority, can I get to a higher in the second wave?

It depends on the system inside the university. It is better to specify this moment in the reception commission.

Automatic system. You bring documents and do not think about anything. The system itself credits you to the highest priority. Even if in the first wave you were credited to the priority below, then in the second you are transferred.

Manual system. You can only give the original for one priority. If you won't pass on it, you need to transfer the original inside the university yourself to another priority - right in fact from one office in another.

If I get into the first wave, they will be able to knock me out of large scores from the second wave?

If many original originals brought in the second wave, then the passing point can increase. But if you passed in the first wave, you do not take your place. You already have an order for enrollment.

I did not get into the first wave, is it necessary to pick up the original?

Wait. If you really want to the direction where they did not get into the first wave, leave the original. But you need to carefully follow the rating lists.

The worst situation if you were at the bottom of the list, that is, you are the last or lower only 1-2 people. In order not to guess, you need to come to the admission committee of the university on the last day of reception and track whether someone will bring the original with large points.

It must be done because you may be forgotten to call, and the listings on the site can not be updated instantly.

I do not get to the budget, but also did not have time to issue what to do?

The worst situation, if you have not even issued one of the priorities of the contract. Then you just can't get to the university and will have to come next year. Therefore, when making a statement, add a contract to it, but do not pay it.

If there is a contract in your statement, pay it, and you can enroll until the end of summer.

When to submit documents?

26 July. The last day when you can apply to the university or make some edits to it, for example, change priorities.

August 1. The last day of the reception of the original certificates and agreements for enrollment in 1 wave.

August 6. The last day of the reception of the original certificates and agreements on enrollment in 2 waves.

The efforts and efforts of the applicant attached to the admission may be completely crossed by non-passing by the ordinary bureaucratic procedure - submission of documents. It's a shame when due to ignorance or inattention, the incoming has to try forces next year. To avoid such a fate, we suggest learn from this article - what documents are needed for admission to the university.

List of documents for full-time compartment

From year to year, this list remains unchanged - an apprentice entering the full-time compartment, you need to submit:


In some educational institutions, it is printed in advance, and the incoming should only put a signature. In others - his writing from hand is required. The content of the application is usually reduced to the request to enroll the face to a specific direction, specialty, department with the indication of personal and contact data. Difficulties in its preparation should not occur, since the writing of the application is controlled by members of the admission committee and is checked before final adoption.

Passport or certification document
Document on Middle General or Special Education:
EEG certificate

It is issued after passing a single statework on the selected applicant subjects indicating the received points. It can be discharged, assure and leave yourself for subsequent arrival attempts, and to pass a copy to the commission.


It will take 6 pcs, size 3x4.

Help from medical institution

Without a form of 086, you will not be taken nowhere, and the high scores of the exam will not save. This certificate can be obtained in the clinic at the place of registration or in paid clinics that help to arrange it quickly, but for remuneration.

This certificate contains information about:

  • general health state;
  • passing inspection from specialists;
  • results of analyzes;
  • vaccination.

This is a universal package approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 2895 of 12/28/2011, which will require in any university. In some cases, it can be complemented by additional certificates, papers, etc.

What are the bonds?

Future students for admission to the correspondence department Documents are preparing the same as the list above, given the only moment:

If the applicant wants to receive in absentia second education, then instead of a document on obtaining secondary education, it provides a diploma.

What documents do you need to collect for magistracy?

The list is noticeably notably different, except for two points:

  • instead of a certificate, you need to provide a bachelor's degree;
  • many universities do not require a certificate of 086 y for magistracy, so specify this moment before carrying documents to university.

If you changed the surname

First of all, change your passport, as required by law - within a month. The passport with the old name in the Commission will not accept.

Other documents - certificate, diploma - not have to change. Just together with them, grant a marriage certificate or a certificate of changing the name.

If you are a military battery

Military ends are male faces, over 17 years old, as well as some women due to their professional duties. In this case, the documents must be attached to the Military ID or the assignment certificate.

Supplement for applicants with direction

For those who are going to study for target sites or, as they speak in the people, "in the direction" must be present to the original:

  • target direction;
  • confirmation of the findings of the targets of a particular area in the list.

People with disabilities and disabled people: what to cook them?

People with opportunity restrictions often provide the opportunity to pass exams directly in the highest educational institution without passing the USE. It must be clarified in advance - even before recording at the session. If this information is confirmed in the university, it means that the examination certificate is not necessary.

But still the list must be supplemented by other documents:

  • the conclusion of the Medical and Pedagogical Commission;
  • disability certificate.

The last help will have to be inserted into the package with the documents and disabled groups of the I-II group, and also - to take a certificate in a medical and expert institution, that there are no contraindications for study in the university.

Full list of documents for foreigners

Foreigners collect much more documents than citizens of the Russian Federation, which is quite explained - mostly, the number of pieces of paper increases by transfers of the original documents.

And if more, a foreign citizen will need to be submitted to the Commission of the Russian University:

  • statement in Russian;
  • originals or properly certified copies of a document on education;
  • its certified translation into Russian;
  • certifying document;
  • a copy of the entrance visa, if a foreigner drove through it in the Russian Federation;
  • 6 pcs 4x6 photos;
  • for foreign citizens with Russian nationality, documents confirming nationality.

Remember that after receiving these papers you must be issued by a receipt. After completing the introductory campaign, you must return all the documents if you do not do or refuse to learn.

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