Large floods in Japan in the rainy season. Dossier

Right holder illustration Getty Images Image Caption. Flooded houses in Okyama Prefecture

At least 100 people died and more than 50 were missing as a result of floods and landslides in the western part of Japan. The water level rose so quickly that some people did not have time to get out of the house. Some were buried alive under the layer of water and dirt.

Most of the victims are registered in Hiroshima Prefecture, where torrential rains are not stopped from Thursday. From the floods suffered hundreds of houses, about one and a half million residents received from the authorities to leave their homes in the interests of security. Another three million received recommendations on evacuation authorities.

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"We have never observed such strong rains," the representative of the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA) said at a press conference, the situation was extremely dangerous. "

The authorities of Japan say that potentially this flood can become the strongest natural disaster over many decades.

According to the prime minister of Japan, Sindiso Abe, the rescuers took the race over time in an attempt to save and evacuate the victims.

Right holder illustration PA Image Caption. Hiroshima suffered the strongest

The Government of Japan has established an emergency headquarters to combat an emergency, which manages the actions of 54 thousand rescuers, firefighters, military and police sent to the most affected areas in the south-west and west of the country.

Real Flood

The rains began at the end of last week, when the seasonal rain front joined the relaxing typhoon.

The streams of wet warm air from the Pacific Ocean strengthened the effect by creating weather conditions close to the fact that exactly a year ago, a flood was caused in the south-west of Japan and led tens of people. According to JMA, the rain front remained too long in one place.

Right holder illustration AFP. Image Caption. Many roads are destroyed as a result of landslides.

Now in a number of areas the rains stopped, and the water began to fall. On Friday, the movement of high-speed trains was partially restored, but a warning of possible landslides remains in a quarter of Japanese prefectures.

In three prefectures of Sikoku Island on Monday, up to 300 mm precipitation is expected on Monday, and 583 mm of precipitation fell 600 km from Tokyo on Saturday to night from Friday.

Right holder illustration PA Image Caption. Army, police and fire fighters take part in rescue operations in Japan

Although the authorities of Japan are always closely followed by weather forecasts and prevent residents about threatening danger in advance, building density in the country is so high, and so many housing is built in the mountainous area that any natural disaster threatens to turn around the tragedy.

Partly, specialists are blamed in this post-war policy, when it was allowed to cut the old forests in many mountain sites.

Cutting off the new trees whose roots are not able to effectively hold the soil during flooding, which leads to landslides.

The number of flood victims caused by storm three-day rains in Japan on the Islands of Kyushu and Sikoku, up to 76 people increased. Disappeared by a person, 92 people are listed. Most of them were on the territory of Hiroshima Prefecture.

The element also led to a huge number of landslides. Currently, there are massive rescue operations in disaster areas, in which 40 helicopters are involved, 54 thousand people from police, fire departments, self-defense and coastal protection forces, Japanese news agency reports Kyodo. .

According to the fires agency and eliminating the effects of natural disasters, as of 3 hours of Sunday, about 30 thousand people were in evacuation centers. All recommendations for evacuation were given in the territory where about 5.9 million people live.

In Okayama Prefecture, one of the most victims from flooding areas - about 1850 people were saved by boats or helicopters from their homes, immersed in the water almost on the roof due to the destruction of the dam on the river.

The Ministry of Land Resources Start round-the-clock work on the release of flooded territory from water, but for completing the drainage, it is likely to be required about two weeks.

In the Mabi Memorial Hospital, about 160 patients and medical personnel were hidden on the second floor of the building, since the first floor was partially immersed in water.

In Seyo, Echima Prefectures, five people died in their cars who flooded water. On the island of Nuva, a woman aged 30 and her two children died due to the fact that the mud landslide covered their home.

At the emergency meeting in Tokyo, dedicated to the catastrophe, the Prime Minister of Japan called for a 24-hour search and rescue people.

This is the first case for two years when the government convened a meeting on emergency situations. In 2016, such a meeting was conducted due to the fact that strong earthquakes led to large-scale destruction in Kumamoto and Oita prefectures in the south-west of Japan.

Recall, from July 6, storm rains rains in the central and south-western part of Japan. To date, the level of precipitation threatened three times exceeded the average monthly norm.

By the Sunday morning in the Gifa Prefecture, more than 1050 millimeters of precipitation fell, in Ehime - 745 millimeters prefecture, Kyoto - 465 millimeters, Hiroshima - 442 millimeters, Khoho - 430 millimeters, in Okayama Prefecture, where in some areas of the house were flooded to the second floor and above , - 310 millimeters, transmits RIA News" .

The Japanese meteorological agency issued emergency warnings about the possible enhancement of flooding and increasing the number of landslides. According to weather forecasters, such warnings are issued only in cases where experts anticipate such extreme conditions that occur once or two for 50 years.

It was also reported that the Emperor of Japan Akihito refused to visit the concert and travel to the Prefecture of Sizozuok, so as not to increase the burden on the police and the self-defense force, which are too busy in rescue operations.

The head of Mike Pompeo expressed condolences in connection with what is happening in Japan.

"The United States expresses its deepest condolences to the families of victims of victims and missing," the Secretary of State at the beginning of a joint press conference on the results of the meeting with the heads of Japan and South Korea Tarot Cono and Kan Hwer Hwa in Tokyo.

In addition, on Sunday, July 8, an earthquake of 5.9 occurred near the coast of Japan. This is reported on the website of the US Geological Service.

"The epicenter of the earthquake was at a depth of more than 39 kilometers 30 km south-east of the settlement of Okhar in Kyoto Prefecture," the comments say.

According to preliminary data, victims and destruction, there is no earthquake. As noted, the threat of tsunami was not declared.

In August 2014, 77 people died in Hiroshima, when heavy rains caused mass landslides, destroyed at home. But the 71-year-old local resident said about the current disaster: "It is stronger rain than four years ago. I was afraid, thinking that I would happen to me. "

Almaty, 8 Jul - Sputnik. The number of victims of the shower and the floods that followed them in Japan is growing - as of Sunday, it is known about 81 dead, local media reported.

The greatest number of dead was recorded in Holosim's prefecture in the south-west of Honshu Island, as well as in Ehime Prefecture on Sikoku Island.

According to NHK TV channel, six people are unconscious, another 60 people are missing missing.

Scale of the consequences

More than 4.3 million people in Japan received instructions or recommendations to be evacuated due to, which, in turn, caused landslides.

According to the agency "Kiodo", recommendations or instructions are evacuated in 23 of the 47 prefectures of the country. More than 54 thousand police officers, fire services and self-defense forces of the country were thrown on to eliminate the consequences of the elements and rescue operations.

In the morning, during the office of the Prime Minister of Japan, Sindiso Abe began to operate an emergency government headquarters for the collection and analysis of information on the consequences of storm rains and coordinate the work of departments engaged in the elimination of the effects of the female element. During the meeting, Abe stressed that "the safety of many citizens is not yet confirmed," and encouraged to make every effort to conduct rescue events and evacuation of victims.

© Reuters / Kyodo

How it all began

The first alarming news from Japan was received on June 30, then 26 thousand residents of the Miyazak Prefecture on the island of Kushu received recommendations to evacuate.

It was reported that Typhoon "Pupirun", which in Japan is assigned number 7, moves from the Pacific Ocean to the north. It was expected that on Sunday and Monday, under his influence will be the southwestern regions of Japan. Typhoon was accompanied by storm rains that could provoke landslides and sat down.

© Reuters / Kyodo

Already by July 1, the approach of Typhoon "Pupirun" to the Southern Japanese Islands led to the cancellation of about 250 flights and the suspension of the marine message.

The first victim of the elements became known on July 2. According to the Japanese NHK TV channel, four people suffered in the southern prefecture of Okinawa. In South Korea, according to the Renhap agency, one person suffered, one more died, two were missing.

The precipitation continues

On the eve of meteorologists warned: showers in the intensity of up to 200 millimeters per hour continues in the southwestern and central regions today.

By the Sunday morning in the Gifa Prefecture, more than 1,050 millimeters of precipitation fell, in Ehime - 745 millimeters, Kyoto - 465 millimeters, Hiroshima - 442 millimeters, Hyogo - 430 millimeters, in Okayama Prefecture, where in some areas of the house were flooded to the second floor and Above, - 310 millimeters. This is 2-3 times more average monthly norm.

Messages about destruction and floods continue to do. In the prefecture of Hiroshima, the rolling river was demolished by the railway bridge. In Okyama Prefecture, where the water level rose to the second floor and above, people on the roofs ask for help.

On March 11, 2011 in Japan, the wave of earthquakes rolled. The strongest push was 9.1 points on the Richter scale, after that more than 400 aftershocks were registered (Aftershok (Afttershock) - the second and subsequent seismic shocks, less intensity compared to the main seismic impact). The first push was recorded at 8:46 Moscow time, the rest took place practically without stopping for the two subsequent hours. There was never such an earthquake in the history of the country.

The earthquake occurred at a distance of 130 kilometers east of the city of Sendai on Honshu Island. Literally in 10-30 minutes, the tsunami waves reached the first affected areas. An hour after the start of the tragedy, Sendai Airport was tombed.

According to the published data of the American Institute of Nuclear Energy, we see that the Earth flies in the epicenter in the epicenter of the Earth with an acceleration of 3.43 m / s², Tokyo University argues that in some areas this acceleration exceeded 4.9 m / s². But the main damage was still not caused by an earthquake, but tsunami. A warning about this danger was the most serious and predicted as "large", 3 meters high. But in reality, everything turned out to be much terrible. In some places, the wave reached 40.5 meters. Tsunami demolished everything in its path: cars, houses.

At 9:12 MSK - Kamaisi - 6.8 m

At 9:15 msk - offunato - 3.2 m or above

At 9:20 MSK - Isometric - 3.3 m or above

At 9:21 MSK - Miyako - 4.0 m or above

At 9:21 MSK - Kamaisi - 4.1 m or above

At 9:44 Moscow time - Erimo - 3.5 m

At 9:50 Moscow time - Soma - 7.3 m

At 10:52 Moscow time - oaras - 4.2 m

Also suffered nearby areas. The waves with a height of 1-2 meters collapsed from the south to the Kuril Islands. 11 thousand people were evacuated from the village of Malokuril. Also, the wave went through Hawaii, destroying several piers and about 200 boats. But, thanks to the wall in the form of hotels, the wave was stopped. On the California coast, a wave of 2 meters height collapsed in the city of Crescent, as a result of which 35 boats were injured and a man died. In Ecuador, Tsunami flooded San Cristobal. In Peru, the ocean first retreated 200 meters, but at return destroyed several houses.

But the most terrible consequences, of course, were in Japan itself in Miyagi, Ivate and Fukushima prefectures. According to data from September 5, 2011, the number of dead equals 15870 people. In 6 prefectures, 2860 people disappeared. 6110 people were injured in 20 prefectures. At that time, thousands of people turned out to be cut off from the world. 530 thousand people were left without a roof over her head, in time shelters, and this despite the fact that the temperature was expected to reduce the temperature. Everyone was afraid that there would be a shortage of products and warm things.

In the city of Mingamusanrika was missing 9,500 people. In Sendai flooded 10 km of coastal territory, drowned about 200-300 people, was missing 650 people. Passenger train disappeared from Sendai in Isinomaki. He was waiting a few minutes before the tsunami, but did not wait. Another train came up with rails. 1800 houses and dams were destroyed in Fukushima Prefecture. The city of Rikudzentakata was washed away from the face of the Earth and with it 5,000 houses. In the city of Yamada, 7200 houses went under water.

In the city of ITihara, an oil refining plant caught fire, in the city of Sendai, an explosion occurred at the petrochemical plant.

Every day the consequences of destruction became all worse. The operation of 11 NPP power units from 53 existing ones stopped.

At Fukushima-1 nuclear power plants, three power units were immediately stopped. Due to the failure of the cooling system, three reactors were in disrepair. Subsequently, there was a radioactive emission. On the NPP itself was radioactive contamination. By March 15, the population of 200,000 people were evacuated. Several NPP workers received an increased dose of irradiation, two people were missing. Fukushima-2 nuclear power plants were stopped 4 power units. But in two days, March 13, on the first floor of the main power unit, a fire was discovered. The radioactive background was broken, and the fault of Fukushima-1 station (illiterate interference in the process of elimination of the accident). The only power unit at the Toka NPP was stopped. There were problems with one of the cooling pumps.

The earthquake damage was estimated at 16-25 trillion yen (this is from 198 to 309 billion dollars). And this is without inclusion in assessing losses from the fall of industrial growth, GDP and trade volumes.

There is evacuation of the population. Heavy rains set that drainage pumps at Fukushima-1 nuclear power plants do not cope with water volume and tons of water infected with the radiation of water poured into the Pacific Ocean.

1. In the photo at the top of the article it is seen as residents await their salvation by a helicopter on the roofs of their homes. This residential area in the prefecture of Ibaraka turned out to be completely flooded as a result of the spill of the Kunigawa River

2. These people are element covered, during their movement in cars along the Kinugawa River. They are waiting for their salvation on the roofs of their cars. Already more than 100,000 people were evacuated from flooded areas. At least two people died, two were missing.

3. A resident raised a rescue helicopter in a residential area flooded by the Kinugawa River, because of Typhoon Etau, in Joso, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, September 10, 2015.

4. People await their salvation on the roof of the car. One person is held on the power line support, on September 10, 2015.

5. As a evacuation center of power, the Ishigi sports park has adapted. Evacuated people relax after transferred to the elements.

6. The helicopter of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan saves people from the flooded area.

7. The rescuer pulls out a resident and helps to climb the helicopter of the Self-Defense Forces of Japan, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, September 10, 2015,

8. The person makes his way through the water in a residential area that was flooded as a result of the spill of the Kinugawa River, because of Typhoon Etau, in Joso, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan, September 10, 2015.

9. A man saves his floodings. In this box, apparently all the most expensive.

10. The powerful streams of water do not give a chance to resist the homes.

11. Self-defense forces soldier carries a woman who has lost his housing. She was saved from the place of flooding by helicopter

12. The man stands on his knees on the roof of his car and talks on the phone. Its here must be saved.

13. The person looks at the place where the road was once there, and now it came out of the banks of the Kinugawa River.

14. In the improvised evacuation center, a woman sleeps, sitting on his knees.

15. Man, a resident of this area, looks like water blurred residential buildings

16. A man is pierced through water along the street where local shops are located.

17. People save from cars on boats.

18. Rescuers help elderly to get to the center of evacuation

19. A policeman helps this woman to move through an extensive stream of water on the street.

20. Woman with her dogs was also saved. The worst thing they already have behind.

21. A person stands on his balcony and talks with someone by phone.

22. This man, exhausted, rescuers carry on their back to a safe place.

23. The person passes through the flooded street, the area where local shops are located.

24. Family with children are trying to get to rescuers.

25. These elderly people, rescuers take into place evacuation by boat.

26. A ambulance worker carries this an elderly woman, after her salvation at a helicopter from a flooded area in Ibaraki Prefecture. Recall that this strongest flood was caused by abundant torrential rains from two typhoons on September 10, 2015 in Japan.

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