Methodological foundations of teaching history and social disciplines. Components of the History Learning Process

Learning objectives Learning content Organization of the learning process Learning outcomes
Teacher activities Student activities
Three groups of goals are formulated: 1.1. Educational- they are aimed at the formation of knowledge about historical facts. To formulate the teaching goal of a lesson means to determine its main idea and the main events that reveal it, phenomena that must be assimilated by students. At the same time, it is important to think over and take into account the level of knowledge at which the assimilation of each historical fact will take place (the level of ideas, the level of concepts, the level of ideas and patterns of the historical process). Developing- the formation of general and subject skills. When determining the developmental goals of the lesson, one should rely on the list of mandatory skills defined by the program and at the same time take into account what skills the students of this class actually possess and what opportunities the lesson material provides for their development, the formation of a new skill at a certain level of complexity. Educational - the formation of morality, i.e. the formation of value relationships (knowledge, feelings, value judgments). - a system of historical facts set out in chronological sequence; - establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between historical facts; - establishment of local connections; - establishment of temporary connections; - establishment of patterns of the historical process (theoretical level); - determination of scientifically based criteria for the selection of content, the depth of their disclosure, the logic of presentation (principles of building courses). - ways of transferring educational information, guidance of its assimilation by students; - mastering of professional skills by a teacher: · as a history teacher (speech, text, etc.); · As an organizer of students' activities. The activities of students can be organized at three levels: -reproductive; -partly search; creative; The activities of students are aimed at assimilating knowledge, skills, and assigning value relationships. Criteria for evaluating the methods and the learning process as a whole: - volume; - scientific character; - depth; - the strength of historical knowledge; -the ability of students to operate with knowledge and skills; - the ability to acquire knowledge from different sources; - the ability of students to navigate in historical reality and in modern life; - the level of historical thinking (the degree of development of creative and recreational imagination, memory, speech, etc.);

So, results training is provided:

Correctly set goals;

Scientific selection of content;

Optimal organization of the learning process.

Criteria the effectiveness of school history education can be the components of school history education:

· Formation of knowledge;

· The formation of skills;

· The formation of value relationships, which reflect the level of education and general development of schoolchildren.

Thus, the methodology explores all the components of the history teaching process in order to provide the teacher with answers to three main questions:

1. Why teach history to schoolchildren, i.e. what goals should and can be set taking into account the age characteristics and cognitive capabilities of students?

2. What to teach in history lessons, i.e. what is the optimal selection of the content of the material and what is the structure of the history course at school?

3. How to teach stories to students, ie. what are the most effective ways to carry out educational activities?

Tasks The methods of teaching history follow from its content and place in the system of pedagogical sciences and are as follows:

Arming the teacher with the content of the school subject, the rules for the selection of content;

Selection of optimal teaching methods for schoolchildren (taking into account age);

Revealing the methodological conditions for the development of students' thinking in the process of teaching history;

Reveal the moral potential of history courses, determine the methodological conditions for the implementation of the moral education of students;

Identification of methodological conditions for solving three goals in unity: teaching, upbringing, development.

1. 2. The connection between the teaching methods of history and psychological, pedagogical and special sciences.

Pedagogy, psychology, methodology, history and other sciences will help the teacher to become a master of pedagogical work, to find his own way.

Let us consider the connection between the methods of teaching history as a science and historical science ... It should be borne in mind that historical science is not tantamount to teaching history at school. History as an academic subject is based on historical science, but it is not a diminished model of it. The school history course does not include all sections of this science: all historiography, ethnology, auxiliary historical disciplines, discussion questions are not included, the course is devoid of details. The school history course offers the basics of the historical process. At the same time, one should not forget about the social meaning of history. The American historian Herbert Aptecker wrote that “there is no more sensitive sphere of intellectual activity than historical science. Lying in the interpretation of the past leads to failures in the present and prepares the catastrophe of the future. "

General between the teaching methodology of history and historical science:

- methodological basis- the theory of knowledge, i.e. a single path of knowledge (from specific facts to generalization and to the knowledge of new facts).


- subject of study ( history as a science as a subject studies the process of development of society; history teaching methodology - the process of teaching history at school);

- tasks ( the main task of historical science is to reveal the laws of historical development, and the task of the methodology of teaching history is to reveal the laws of the process of teaching history, education and development of students);

- research methods(for example, historical science involves the study of sources, documents, and the methodology of teaching history - observation, experiment).

History teaching methodology is closely related to pedagogy ... Pedagogy is the science of education. As an integral part of pedagogy, didactics studies the general laws of the learning process at school. History teaching methodology studies these patterns and applies them to a specific subject. The methodology is called private didactics, that is, the methodology belongs to the pedagogical sciences.

General methods of teaching history with didactics: goals, pedagogical laws (see components of the process of teaching history), research methods. However, it should be borne in mind that methodology is such a branch of pedagogical science that builds a "bridge" from theory to practice. But this is a "two-way bridge" (EE Vyazemsky), since the study of pedagogical experience is of great importance for the methodology. Describing and summarizing pedagogical experience, the methodology receives empirical material for theoretical research, finds in practice approaches to solving urgent problems. Thus, combining together the knowledge of a specific science with its own specific laws, the methodology develops methods for the optimal teaching of schoolchildren.

Data is equally important for the teaching of history. psychology. In the process of teaching the history of knowledge, skills, skills, value attitudes of students are formed on the basis of their receiving certain information from the outside and internal processing of it in activities, imagination, memory. “Knowledge, abilities and skills are the forms and results of reflective and regulatory processes in the human psyche. This means that they can arise in a person's head only as a result of his own activity. They cannot be obtained. But they should be the result of the mental activity of the student himself ... "(Age and educational psychology / edited by A. V. Petrovsky. - M., 1973. p. 173). Only that which has passed through such processing is assimilated by the student, leaves a certain mark in his consciousness, forms his knowledge and personality.

When studying the educational activity of schoolchildren, the methodology takes into account the laws of their mental development. However, these patterns are manifested in different ways in teaching history and other academic subjects, and even in the assimilation of historical material of different nature - factual, conceptual, chronological.

Common to the methodology of teaching history and psychology is the methodological basis - the theory of knowledge. But psychology studies the general laws of human psychological activity. The methodology studies these patterns in relation to a specific subject. The methodology is based on the mental activity of students to the extent that it is associated with the assimilation of historical material (with the formation of historical ideas, concepts). It is possible to reveal the patterns of the history teaching process based on the data of developmental psychology.

The methodology of teaching history is also associated with other sciences, for example, with philosophy and its section - ethics. This science provides knowledge about values, and the methodology offers ways to form value attitudes of schoolchildren. Logic focuses on cause-and-effect relationships, and the methodology offers methodological conditions for leading students to an understanding of cause and effect relationships.

So, the methodology of teaching history develops at the intersection of many sciences. But at the same time, it is an independent pedagogical science.

Course Description

Program for teachers of history and social studies

The field of professional activity of the student who has been trained in this program includes a set of means, methods and methods of activity aimed at ensuring the teaching of history.

The professional retraining program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the direction of training "Pedagogical Education", "History of Higher Professional Education" and the professional standard "Teacher".

Objectives of the program

The purpose of the program: the formation of students' professional competencies necessary for professional activities in the field of teaching history.

A student who has successfully completed training on PPP must solve professional problems in accordance with the types of professional activity: teaching; educational; socio-pedagogical; scientific and methodological, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the professional standard "Teacher".

Planned learning outcomes

The listener should know: priority directions of education development in Russia; laws governing educational activities; the convention on the rights of the child; FSES on history; the main content of the discipline being studied.

As a result of mastering the program, the student must master the following professional competencies:

in teaching:

  • Know the driving forces and patterns of the historical process, the place of man in the historical process
  • Know the main provisions of pedagogy, didactics; psychology
  • Be able to implement programs of basic and advanced level, elective courses
  • To be able to implement a system-activity approach in teaching history
  • Possess modern techniques and technologies, including information
  • Possess modern methods of diagnosing the achievements of students

in research activities:

  • To be able to use basic knowledge in the field of general and national history in historical research
  • Able to understand, analyze and use basic scientific information
  • Able to work in museums, libraries, possess the skills to find the necessary information in network resources

Duration of training

The duration of training is 530 academic hours. The calendar training schedule of the program (typical training period) is 4 months. Since the program is implemented using distance learning technologies, you will be able to choose the most appropriate mode and schedule of training.

How will the classes take place?

The form of study for this program is part-time, with the use of distance educational technologies. You will be provided with text lectures and additional materials for study. You can always discuss the questions that have arisen with your curator and teacher.

Main sections of the program

  1. Pedagogy
  • Pedagogy as a science
  • Patterns and principles of teaching
  • Technology for the design and implementation of the pedagogical process, the formation of evaluative tools
  • Pedagogical rhetoric
  • The relationship between pedagogical science and practice
  • Socio-cultural environment and multicultural education<.li>
  • Psychology
    • Communicative culture of the teacher
    • Educational psychology of interpersonal communication
    • Age psychological characteristics of students, crises of personality development and socialization
    • Psychodidactics as a methodological basis for studying the personality of a student
  • Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education
    • The main legislative documents regulating legal relations in the field of education
    • FSES as a system of requirements for the organization and implementation of educational activities in the organization
    • Safety and protection of a person in an emergency
  • Modern pedagogical technologies. Designing the educational process in the study of subjects of the educational field "Social Sciences" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard
    • Contents of work programs in history based on the Federal State Educational Standard (History of Russia; General History)
    • Targets and planned results of studying the subject "History" according to the Federal State Educational Standard
    • Place and role of UUD in teaching the subject "History"
    • Technologies for teaching social disciplines, development of social projects
    • Implementation of the new concept of Patriotic history. Cultural approach to teaching history
  • Professional standard "Teacher" - a tool for the implementation of education in a changing world
    • New teacher competencies included in the professional standard
    • Self-educational activity of a teacher. Self-assessment of the quality of the teacher's pedagogical activity based on the professional standard.
    • National Teacher Growth System
  • Methodological support of the educational process & Implementation of innovative technologies in teaching practice:
    • History of Russia (Ancient Russia and the Middle Ages, Russia in modern times, Contemporary history)
    • General History (History of the Ancient World, History of the Middle Ages, New History of Europe and America, Modern History of Europe and America)
  • final examination
  • Assessment of the quality of education:

    • intermediate certification in the form of credits and practical work;
    • mandatory final certification.

    Final certification takes the form of a final exam. Final certification is carried out remotely.


    1. Additional discounts are provided for group applications for training (from 3 people).
    2. Possible installment plan tuition fees and tax incentives.
    3. After confirmation by the manager, you can pay directly from the site using payment systems.

    Fill out the online application for the course, and you will receive detailed information from your course manager. The form for filling out can be found on the same page in the left side information block.

    You can also ask your question by phone 8-800-700-38-34 (in Russia call free) or write a message to the consultant on an open line (in the lower right corner of the page).


    Names of sections and topics Clock
    1 The main legislative acts and regulations governing legal relations in the field of education 12
    2 FSES as a system of requirements for the organization and implementation of the educational process 18
    3 General pedagogy 66
    4 General psychology 64
    5 Fundamentals of Special Pedagogy 20
    6 Pedagogical technologies in the educational process 30
    7 Educational technologies 30
    8 Life safety 18
    9 ICT in education 24
    10 History as an academic subject 24
    11 Content of history courses 30
    12 Teaching and education methodology (history) 30
    13 Design and research activities in history courses 20
    14 Social studies as an academic subject 20
    15 The main content lines of social science 28
    16 Methods of teaching and upbringing (social studies) 30
    17 Design and research activities in the course of social studies 20
    18 Methodology for preparing students for the State Academy of Arts in History and Social Studies 18
    19 Professional standard of a teacher of history and social studies: a growth trajectory 18
    20 Final control 10

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    History teaching methodology as a science and academic subject. The subject and objectives of the teaching methods of history, the methods of scientific research used in methodological science.

    History teaching methodology is a pedagogical science about the tasks, content and methods of teaching history. Explores the patterns of teaching history in order to improve its effectiveness and quality.

    The subject of the methodology is history as a school discipline, the process of teaching history.

    The main components are learning objectives, content and structure.

    Provides answers to the questions of what to teach, why to teach and how to teach. Tasks: scientific and methodological organization of the educational process, the organization of the student's educational activities, learning outcomes.

    Objectives: mastering by students the basics of knowledge about the historical process of the development of society from ancient times to the present day. The development of the ability to comprehend the events and phenomena of reality on the basis of historical knowledge, the formation of value orientations and beliefs of students based on the ideas of humanism, the experience of history, patriotism, the development of interest and respect for the history and culture of other peoples.

    Tasks - defining the content and structure of history education, which are enshrined in standards and programs and, based on them, are set out in textbooks (selection of basic facts, terms, concepts).

    Scientific and methodological organization of the learning process (forms, methods, methodological techniques, teaching and learning tools).

    The development of the cognitive abilities of students (they develop in the process of teaching history, learn to understand, assimilate and apply historical knowledge).

    Methods of historical knowledge

    Historical and genetic method. Epistemological essence and logical nature. Functions of the historical genetic method in historical research. Character traits. Descriptiveness, factography and empiricism. Application experience in concrete historical research.

    Historical and comparative method. Understanding of historical development as a repetitive, internally conditioned, natural process. Cognitive value and possibilities of comparison as a method of scientific knowledge. Analogy as the logical basis of the historical-comparative method. The use of the historical-comparative method in the practice of concrete historical research. The role of the historical-comparative method in the formation of historical concepts.

    Historical and typological method. The interrelation of the individual, the particular, the general and the universal in the historical process as the ontological basis of the historical-typological method. Typologization as a method of scientific knowledge and essential analysis. The experience of using the historical-typological method in historical research in domestic and foreign historiography.

    Historical and systemic method. The systemic nature of the historical process. Causal and functional connections in the socio-historical process. Variants of determinism in social systems. The experience of using the historical-systemic method in concrete historical research.

    Methodological foundations of history teaching methodology

    The question of the scientific status of the methodology of teaching history, as well as the methodology of other academic subjects, was at the center of active pedagogical discussions in the 1950s – 1980s. last century. Then it was referred to the number of both historical (A.I. Strazhev) and pedagogical (P.V. Gora, S.A. Ezhova, etc.) disciplines. In the modern pedagogical community, the second point of view dominates, but when discussions about history as an academic subject periodically arise, it seems that not all specialists have decided on the scientific status of the methodology of teaching history.

    In close connection with the question of the scientific nature of the methodology of a particular academic subject, the question of its methodology is being resolved. For example, A.I. Strazhev, considering the methodology of teaching history to be both historical and pedagogical science, argued that it is guided by dialectical and historical materialism as a methodological basis. But at the same time, he showed the methodological significance of pedagogy in more detail and concretely in his works. Another well-known methodologist, V.G. Kartsov, rhetorically asked: "Is it possible that the methodology of teaching history should not be based on the methodology of historical science itself?" the object itself. " A.A. Vagin, consistently defending the pedagogical nature of the methodology, emphasized that "the direct methodological basis of the methodology of teaching history ... is the Marxist-Leninist pedagogical theory ...". All these ideas led to the conclusion that the methodology of teaching history is of a class, party nature (S.A. Ezhova and others).

    In the 1990s. the methodology of not only the historical and pedagogical sciences, but also of private (subject) methods, especially the methodology of teaching history and social studies, has undergone a fundamental revision. “In teaching social disciplines, all the contradictions of Russian society, which is going through a transitional period of its development, are focused. The de-ideologization of school social science education in practice meant only its decommunization, the rejection of Marxist ideology. The crisis in society affected the state of social sciences, school social studies and did not allow formulating a new positive strategy for school social studies ... "(" Strategy for the development of historical and social science education in educational institutions ", No. 24/1 of 28.12.1994) This document was recommended to continue the development of a new concept of historical education based on the achievements of modern science, historical synthesis, a combination of sociological, geographic-anthropological, cultural-psychological approaches.

    In the modern archives of teaching methods, there is more than one project of concepts of the educational field "Social Studies", the academic subject "History" and individual courses, which for various reasons did not receive the status of an official document.

    The theoretical and methodological basis of work in the field of school history education in recent years has been various conceptual approaches that synthesize the ideas of the philosophy of history and philosophy of education, humanistic pedagogy and psychology, the theory of upbringing, student-centered and developmental education. A new impetus to the development of scientific and methodological knowledge is given by specialists' appeal to the ideas of pedagogical axiology, pedagogical praxeology, and pedagogical mythology.

    Functions of the methodology of teaching history as a science

    There is a figurative definition of the methodology as a reliable "bridge from theory to practice."

    An extremely important function of any science is to express its attitude to experience, to solved and especially unsolved problems of education in the light of its own, specific aspect vision. In this sense, any science begins with practice.

    Therefore, the first function of science is descriptive, stating, focused on an objective presentation of the real facts of educational activity available for this science, empirical data of experience, practice.

    But the empirical basis of science is not a simple set of facts, therefore the second most important function of science is diagnostic, contributing to the selective assessment of the obtained facts, their comparison, correlation with criteria, systematization, classification, etc.

    The empirical basis of science can claim a certain completeness only if the data of practical experience have received their own scientific explanation. It follows from this that the third function is explanatory, aimed at detecting cause-and-effect relationships in the phenomena under consideration, at identifying trends and certain patterns in them.

    However, it is important not only to describe and explain this or that experience, which has a purely local significance, but also to substantiate the possibility of using this experience in new conditions, making it the property of more mass practice. The transformation of practical experience and facts into abstracted knowledge, capable of discerning the typical, regular and regular in phenomena, leads to the formation of theoretical knowledge, theory. Theoretical knowledge accumulates data from different sciences, so any theory in the field of education is interdisciplinary. (Remember in this connection about the general theoretical foundations of the methodology and its dangerous connections with other sciences!)

    Along with the inductive movement of knowledge (from practice to theory), a deductive flow of ideas and information is possible and extremely necessary, which makes it possible to assimilate data from other sciences and a wide international experience in a particular educational theory. In this regard, the fourth function of science plays an important role - predictive, which allows one to foresee the possible consequences of the practical use of concepts, doctrines, and innovative technologies.

    In turn, theoretical knowledge can and should be presented in practice not only in the form of strictly scientific texts, but also in the form of methodological knowledge adapted to it. It is wrong to believe that the transformation of scientific knowledge into methodical knowledge is a kind of purely mechanical, routine interpretation, devoid of creativity.

    This process is associated with the following functions:

    projective-constructive, with the help of which theoretical projects are translated into real educational constructions;

    transformative - translating the parameters of practice, from which scientific research is based, to a higher quality level;

    criterion-evaluative - engaged in the development of criteria and assessment of the changes that have taken place;

    w correctional - ensuring the continuous development of educational and pedagogical activities.

    The corrective-reflexive function of science, in essence, begins another, new cycle of movement of the entire system "practice - science - practice", sets the dynamics and vital energy to the entire educational process.

    Hence it follows that it is deeply mistaken to evaluate methodological knowledge only as an auxiliary, intermediate knowledge, necessary only for servicing the theory, translating it into the language of practice. The formation of workable methodological knowledge, according to BS Gershunsky, “requires the highest scientific qualifications, since a true methodologist is not only a specialist who knows the true and constantly evolving needs of practice, but is also capable of assessing the true capabilities of science, capable of“ joining ”scientific proposals with practical demand, to make them complementary and mutually enriching. "

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