A non-equivance contract in Nanjing was signed. Nanjing Agreement between China and England

On August 29, 1842, on board the English warship of Cornwellis, an inequalized Anglo-Chinese Agreement was signed, named by Nanjing's signing. From the side of Great Britain, he signed His Pottener, from China - Qi In, member of the Imperial Family and Luba and the Governor-General Province of Jiangsu and Jiangxi Nu Jian.

The Nanjing Agreement was the result of a military defeat of the Tsing feudal monarchy, who had found complete insolvency and inability to manage the country, but not China, since the war herself wore a local, expeditionary nature, and extremely limited forces participated in it. The Chinese people of the Qing authorities intentionally eliminated from organized participation in the war. Suspiciously treated armed in the south of the country by the paramilitary societies "Dunpy Gunshe" ("Society of the World in East") and Sheppin Sheiue ("Society for the Formation of the World"), which, putting forward the tasks of continuing to fight England, simultaneously directed their activities And against the Manchurian dynasty - the culprit of the defeat.

An unequal agreement imposed by force by China caused the resentment of the advanced public in many countries. K. Marx spoke with a harsh accusation of the British government, called the actions of the British in China "Pirate War".

He noted the commercial disadvantage of the Nanjing Treaty for the Britain itself, the violent and unequal nature of which destroyed the economy of China and narrowed there demand for English industrial goods. "The Chinese can't," wrote K. Marx, to buy both goods and drugs. "

British diplomats, trying to influence the mood of the world community, emphasized the "peace-loving" and "friendly" nature of the negotiations and the contract itself. In the official report of the British government about the conclusion of the contract of the Chinese emperor, "our kind brother" called "our kind brother." As for government circles of the United States, France and other capitalist powers, then their Nanjing contract caused the desire to follow the example of the UK and do not miss the opportunity to join the divide "Chinese pie".

Signing additional contracts and declarations

Doguan ratified the Nanjing Treaty without delays - September 15, 1842, and four months later followed a similar act in London, nevertheless the English side was in a hurry with the exchange of instruments of ratification, which took place in Hong Kong only on June 26, 1843, meanwhile under the pressure of the government The UK was forced by Anglo-Chinese negotiations, which ended with the signing of additional documents: declarations regarding transit duty (June 26, 1843), the general rules for the regulation of British trade in five ports (October 8, 1843) and an additional agreement (October 8, 1843 ).

The Nanjing Agreement and Agreement concluded in its development satisfied the claims of the British on all major issues remaining controversial more than 200 lay. The trade insulation of China was broken by a violent way. Many obstacles fell guarding his market from the influx of English goods. A decisive step was made in achieving Freedom of Commerce, which England so persistently shared.

The "geography" of the commercial activities of British firms and companies, for which, in addition to Guangzhou, were opened by another four ports - Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai were discovered. In these open ports, the English subjects were allowed to settle, conduct trading activities, create their institutions "without oppression and restrictions." They established British consulates. The consul received the right to enter direct links with the local Chinese authorities and to represent the British side in trade and in dealing with controversial issues or conflicts arising between the subjects of Great Britain and China.

Changes in trade and economic relations

An equally important point was the elimination of the foreign trade monopoly system of the GUNHAP. "Since the Chinese government, it was said in Art. 5 of the contract, - forced British merchants who traded in the canton, to conduct cases exclusively with certain Chinese merchants who received a license from the Chinese authorities, the emperor of China agreed to abolish this order for the future in all ports where British traders can resolve They conduct trade affairs with everyone who they wish.

Chinese merchants who traded in English goods were also delivered to special conditions. Art. The 13 additional agreement obligated the Chinese authorities to issue them permission to enter Hong Kong "to buy goods" after receiving "documents certifying the payment of duty." It was even more important that encouraging conditions for the spread of English goods outside open ports were created for them.

In practice, these provisions led to the fact that the clientele from Chinese merchants quickly emerged around English trading firms who were playing the role not only suppliers and buyers, but also the commissioners used to establish commercial relations with the depth regions of China. As a result, a special merchant interlayer was developed than it was found to form the formation of the so-called comprador bourgeoisie, which has listed its fate with foreign capital and playing an extremely reactionary, anti-national role in the entire subsequent history of China.

"Freedom of Trade" in the interpretation of colonizers in fact turned the length of China to the rigid regulation of its regime. It was deprived of sovereign right to independently establish customs duties for export and imported goods. In the development of Art. The 10 Nanking Treaty, who bought the Chinese government to establish a firmly fixed amount of customs fees, a declaration on transit duties was approved by a new customs tariff, which the Chinese side had no right to revise without the consent of the British. At this rate, customs duties were established in the amount of 5% of the price of export and imported goods, i.e. reduced by about 2-4 times.

The introduction of the new tariff sharply reduced the customs receipts of the Chinese treasury. A significant reduction in import duties has created very favorable conditions for English products in competition with similar local goods.

The penetration of English goods into the depths of China was facilitated by the fact that they were delivered to a special position; in the internal customs taxation. According to Art. 10 Nanking contract The size of fees with them during transportation to the internal areas should not exceed import customs duties (i.e., at a new rate - an average of 5% of the price). Covering the same licenses of Chinese goods, the scale of which was very often determined by the arbitration of local authorities, was much more significant: sometimes it exceeded the cost of the goods itself.

Thus, the advantages given by England its highly productive factory industry, which provided the release of cheaper goods, was complemented by the privileges of the British colonial colonialists in the Qing regime. The latter, capitulation and adopting non-equivalers for China, the terms of trade with England, thereby inflicted the difficult damage to the development of the National Chinese economy.

Capture and occupation of Hong Kong Island

One of the objectives of England's policies was the seizure of a bridgehead to strengthen its position in China. In the draft contract transmitted by Palmertone Potthenier, the rejection of China's "Islands or Islands off the coast of Alternatively" has been envisaged. At the initial design of Palmerston, the island of Zhoushan was supposed to be such. The same position adhered to the agents of the East Indian company.

In their opinion, Zhoushn island, located near the mouth of the Yangtze, the most important trade artery of China, could be a comfortable springboard for further promotion to the northern regions of the country. C. Elliot, beyond the first particularly qualified, spoke in favor of acquiring the Islands of Hong Kong, which is the approaches to Guangzhou - the Chief Center of China's Foreign Trade with Western countries. After familiarization with the situation, this proposal was supported by Pottener.

During the first "opium" war, the British, as already noted, occupied Hong Kong. His legally capture of the United Kingdom (for the repair of ships and the creation of commodity warehouses) was issued by Art. 3 Nanking Treaties: "In view of an explicit necessity and desirability, so that British subjects have had any port in which they could put to repair and repair, if necessary, their vessels and maintain for this arsenals. The emperor of China is inferior to the Queen of Great Britain Hong Kong Island in eternal possession so that it is controlled by those laws and regulations, which Queen of Great Britain will consider it necessary to establish. " Little caring about accurate observance of the agreement reached, the British turned Hong Kong into their military and economic base in China.

Courts and problems of extraterritoria

A direct impaired of the sovereignty of China was the solution of the problem of extraterritoriality, for a long time served as a source of permanent conflicts. According to the provisions of the General Rules of Trade Regulatory (Article 12, 13) and an additional agreement (Art. 2) 21, the principle of responsibility was established for the law of his country, that is, the Englishman who guessed in China should have been responsible for English laws and, accordingly , Chinese - in Chinese. It was envisaged that disputes and conflicts will be considered by the British consul and the Chinese authorities so that they sought to solve the case peacefully. In the event of a decision on bringing to the judicial responsibility of the UK, the UK should be transferred to the English Consul, Republic of China to local authorities. At the same time, complete ignoring the issue of the decision-making procedure in the event of the disagreement of the parties opened a wide field for the Anglica arranged, based on the "right" of strong.

Cash Contributions and Conclusion of Troops from China

The Nanjing Agreement (Article 5) finally assumed a cash continuation of $ 21 million to China, which was supposed to be paid within three and a half years:

  • 6 million dollars - when signing the contract,
  • 6 million dollars - in 1843,
  • $ 5 million - in 1844,
  • 4 million dollars - in 1845

The total amount of the Contribution was composed of the following payments:

  • $ 3 million - the payment of debt of the organization Gunhan English firms;
  • $ 12 million - reimbursement of military expenses of Great Britain;
  • $ 6 million - compensation for the opium confiscated by the Chinese authorities in 1839.

The phased output of the English troops from the areas occupied by them was linked to the payment of each next payment. Thus, the evacuation of them from Nanjing and the district of the Great Channel was to take place after receipt of the first contribution (1843), and the conclusion of the largest contingents involved in the island of Gulylasyu and Zhoushan Island, after paying the last contribution (1845).

The unequal nature of the Nanjing Treaty (and the documents related to it) was manifested not only in the numerous and diversity of concessions made by China. On their background, there was no less indicative of the full unwillingness of England to meet the Chinese side in any matter, even in such a painful, as the problem of trading opium.

In the Nanjing Treaty, it does not affect at all. G. Potthenier constantly recommended London not to take on any obligations to stop the smuggled import of opium, referring to what it was not produced in England, but in India and is exported to China not only by British firms, but also by US companies and other countries . The Chinese government, according to Pottheran, is unlikely to publish new laws on the prohibition of the Opium's exaggeration, since the long-term practice has shown the uselessness of such decisions.

The Pottener position was approved by the English government, and at the negotiations preceding the signing of the Nanking Treaty, he, referring to the absence of authority, was evaconed from the discussion of the "opium" issue. The Chinese side silently authorized a similar approach, a firm order violated the officially retained ban on the import of opium.

The Nanjing Agreement satisfied the most important requirements of the UK, but did not exhaust all its claims. He "opened the doors" only five ports of South and Central China, the northern and northeastern regions of the country remained outside the sphere of influence of the British. They did not receive direct access to the endless market of the deep provinces of China. The Nanjing Agreement did not establish normal diplomatic relations between England and the Qing Empire. In Beijing, the British representation was not established (not even in the rank of embassy), and official bonds are still (though, in a somewhat improved form - without the mediation of Gunhanov) were carried out through local authorities of open ports. The status of English settlements in open ports was not defined enough, the activities of British subjects were limited only by trade, other unsolved issues remained.

The first "opium" war and the Nanjing Treaty, discovering the long period of expansion of world capitalism to China, at the same time laid the beginning of the social and political movement of the Chinese people directed against the colonializers. The economic and social consequences of this expansion, the inability of Manchurian emperors to protect the country from her in many respects stimulated the rise in China in the middle of the XIX century. Anticin struggle.

Nanjing contract 1842, the first non-equivance agreement imposed by China by England as a result of the defeat of the Zing Government in the English-China War of 1840- 1842 (see "Opium" Wars in China). Signed on August 29 on board the English warship "Cornwallis", which came up as part of the English, squadron by r. Yangtze to Nanjing. According to N. d. 5 whale. Ports (Guangzhou, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai) were announced open to trade and settlements of the British and England received the right to establish their consulates in them. China recognized the seizure of England about Siangan (Hong Kong) and pledged to pay her 21 million yuan (including 6 million for the Opium destroyed in 1839, which served as a reason for the war), establish a duty profitable for England, as a result of which China was deprived of customs Independence. N. d. Provided for the conclusion of the English. Forces from Nanjing and some other punctures only after ratifying the CIT agreement. Prospect and paying the first monetary fee, and with O-Gossi Zhoushn and Gulança - only after the end of the payment established by the contract. In dts 1843 In addition to N. d. In the Fortress of Humini near Guangzhou (Canton), the Human Agreement was signed, which established the English subjects for those who were in China, the right of exterritoriality and introduced consular jurisdiction. In open ports, the British were able to create their own settles (special settlements) and manage them. England also acquired the right of "greatest favors": all the privileges received by other powers in China are automatically distributed to England. N. d. And his additions opened the period of active economy. and politics. Penetration of Europe. powered within the Zinc Empire. He served as a precedent for concluding with China series of other categories by the United States of America (see Vanya Treaty 1844), France (1844), Belgium (1845) and others. Gos-you, thereby putting the beginning of the conversion of China into a semi-colonial country.

Yu. M. Crusp,

Used materials of the Soviet military encyclopedia in 8 volumes, vol. 5.


Grimm E. D. Collection of contracts and other documents on the history of international relations at D. East (1842-1925). M., 1927.


China's history from ancient times to the present day. M., 1974, p. 190-191;

International relations in the Far East. Kn. 1. M., 1973, p. 58-62.

Collection of contracts and other documents

On the history of international relations IN THE FAR EAST

№ 1. Nanjing Anglo-Chinese Treaty

(See Hertslet, China Treaties, ed. 1908, t. I, p. 7 - 12. Wed. Also: Above page 5.) .

Her Majesty Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty Emperor China, wanting to put an end to misunderstandings and subsequent hostile actions that have arisen between the two countries decided to conclude a contract for this purpose and appointed there as their authorized ...

Which, by mutual exchange of powers found in a good and appropriate form, agreed and entered into the following articles:

Art. 1. In hencefight, peace and friendship will be in between Her Majesty Queen. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and His Majesty Emperor China and between their subjects, which will enjoy the full security and the patronage of their personality and property in the possessions of each of them (cf. Tianjin Anglo-Chinese Agreement on June 26, 1858, Article 18.).

Art. 2. His Majesty Emperor of China agrees that the British citizens subject to their families and enterprises will be allowed to remain for the implementation of their trading goals without worrying and constraints in the cities of Canton, Amoe, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai (due to the resistance of the Chinese population. Access to Canton was delayed Double: Agreement 4 Apr. 1846 for an indefinite time, agreement on April 6, 1847 for two years.).

And Her Majesty Queen of Great Britain, etc. Appoints superintendents or consular ranks who have to live in each of the above cities as intermediaries between the Chinese authorities and these merchants and in order to ensure that fair duties and other offices of the Chinese government as about them In the future, it would be properly introduced by the subjects of British Majesty (CP. Tianjin Anglo-Chinese Agreement 26 / VI 1858, Art. 7.).

Art. 3. In view of an explicit necessity and desirability, so that British subjects have some kind of port, in which they could put to repair and repair, if necessary, their vessels and maintain the Arsenals, His Majesty Emperor China is inferior to Her Majesty Queen of Great Britain and etc. Island Hong Kong in the eternal British Majesty, her heirs and successors, the ownership so that it is governed by the laws and regulations, what kind of majesty, the Queen of Great Britain, etc., consider it necessary to establish (Beijing contract 24 / x 1860 (Art. 6) China gave way to England "in order to maintain the law and order inside and around the Hong Kong Harbor" part of the Goulong district, the Guangdong province, the eternal lease of which was provided before the Englishman G. S. Perks (H. Smith Parkes). - In force of the Convention from the 9th / VI of 1898, the limits of English possessions in Gulun were significantly expanded, "since many years ago it was recognized that the expansion of the territory of Hong Kong is necessary for protection and providing (this) colony. " Cf. Below page 130-131.).

Art. 4. The emperor of China agrees to pay the amount of 6.000,000 dollars, as an appropriate value of opium, which was issued in the canton in March 1839 as a repurchase for the life of superintendent and the subjects of Her Majesty concluded in prison and the threat of death by Chinese dignitaries.

Art. 5. Since the Chinese government forced British merchants who traded in the canton, to conduct cases exclusively with certain Chinese merchants called Hong Traders (or Kohong), which were obtained for this license from the Chinese government, the Emperor of China agrees to abolish this order for the future All ports where British traders will live, and allow them to conduct trade affairs with all sorts of persons, they wish with koim; And his imperial majesty, moreover, agrees to pay the British government of $ 3 million. At the expense of debt due to the British citizen citizens from some Hong Traders or Kohong, which were insolvent and which should be subject to its British majesty, very large amounts of money.

Art. 6. Since the Government of Her British Majesty was forced to send an expedition, in order to request and achieve satisfaction for the violent and unfair activities of Chinese sovereigns regarding the ranks and subjects of its British Majesty, the emperor of China agrees to pay the amount of $ 12 million. In view of the emergent from this expenses; and the authorized by its British majesty voluntarily agrees, on behalf of Her Majesty, to deduct from the same amount of $ 12 million. All sums; which could be obtained by the connected forces majesty as a ransom for the city of China, starting from 1 Aug. 1841

Art. 7. It is agreed that the total amount of $ 21 million, established in the three preceding articles, will be paid, as follows: 6 million immediately; 6 million in 1843, i.e. 3 million June 30 or before 3 million December 31 or before; 5 million in 1844; those. 2.5 million on June 30 or before 2.5 million 31 dec. or before; 4 million in 1845; those. 2 million June 30 or before $ 2 million 31 or before.

Moreover, it was established that percentages at the rate of 5% per year will be paid by the Chinese government for each part of the aforementioned sums, which will not be punctually submitted on time.

Art. 8 (on the release of all British subjects, Europeans and Hindus, who were subjected to conclusion in China).

Art. 9 (about amnesty, liberation and compensation of losses incurred; by the Chinese, which were previously in service from British subjects).

Art. 10. His Majesty Emperor China agrees to establish in all ports having under Art. 2. This contract be opened for British traders, fair (FAIR) and regular tariff for export and import duties and other defeats, which will be announced and officially republished in universal minimity. And besides, the emperor agrees that once the British Cases will be collected in any of the named ports established duties and defeats, respectively, the tariff having subsequently established, then subject to goods can be delivered by Chinese merchants to any province or city within the Chinese Empire with payment additional amount as a transit collection, which should not exceed the percentage of the tariff value of such goods (when exchanging the ratifications of this Agreement 26 / VI, 1843, an additional declaration was signed, which said that "since the size of the transit collection to be charged was not established Total agreement, then (authorized parties) agree and declare that in the future the size of the collection to be charged from British goods as a transit collection should not exceed the current size that has moderate character. "- Wed. Art. 28 Tianjin Treaty 26 / VI 1858.).

Art. 11 (on the form of interchange of English officials of different rank and merchants with Chinese authorities).

Art. 12. Upon receipt of the consent of the Emperor China to this agreement and on the payment of the first payment of money, the armed forces of its British Majesty will clear Nanjing and a large channel and will not make it more difficult or suspend China's trade. Military parking in Chinhaye will also be evacuated; However, the island of Gulausan and the island of Chusan will be occupied by Her Majesty, as long as cash payments and activities on the opening of ports to British merchants will not be completed (Gulança was evacuated by 22 / III 1845; relative to Chusan followed a special agreement from 4 Apr. 1846 . 3 it reads: "Installed, on behalf of His Majesty's Emperor of China, due to the evacuation of the sauna forces by its British Majesty, that the name is the island will never be inflicted by any foreign power." - Art. 4: "Her British Majesty agrees with In the event of an attack, in the case of someone's attack, protect Chusan and the places related to it and return the possession of China in the old principles; but since this establishment stems from the friendly union of two nations, then from China for this should not follow any money subsidies. "Art. Art. 5 provided in connection with this immediate evacuation of Chusan, which and took place at the same time.).

Art. 13. Exchange of the ratification of this agreement by the Majesty of the Queen of Great Britain, etc. And His Majesty, the emperor of China, will follow so soon as it is allowed the distance of the distance separating England from China; To this, however, the identical copies of it, signed and equipped with the seals of the authorized, on behalf of the sovereigns that are subject to them will be mutually exchanged and all of its decisions and items will take effect.

Done in Nanjing, signed and equipped with seals authorized on board its British Majesty "Cornwealth", this 29 Aug. 1842, corresponding to the Chinese date of 24 days 7 months 22 years of Tukvan.

Signing and printing.

The British are developing a new plan. In June 1841, the main forces of the expeditionary corps were concentrated in Hong Kong, which the British immediately turned into a naval base. At the same time, information was received from Beijing to refuse to recognize the agreements in Chuanby. This forced the British to switch to the resumption of hostilities against China.

According to the plan, the main blow was to be applied to Nanjing - the ancient capital of China. It would break the connection between the North and South on the Imperial Channel, according to which food in Beijing came from the country.

The new commander Sir William Parker came out with the squadron, which had 36 vessels, including 4 steamers and 2700 people of the landing, north on August 21, 1841

Taking Amoy The first on the path of the squadron was the city of AMU, located on the island in the Gulf. The city was charged with a stone wall at nine meters high and fifteen miles long. There were the main military warehouses with supplies for provincial troops (gunpowder, guns, sabers, peaks and other cold weapons). The approach to the city was strengthened by earthy fortifications, where the batteries were accommodated (about 500 guns). The garrison of the city consisted of 6-10 thousand soldiers.

The British, as soon as they stood on Amon Ray, the first thing was sent to the parliamentant with the requirement of the city and removal of the garrison. The answer did not follow. Then August 26, the British ships began to bombard the city, which lasted four hours. After that, suppressing the weak resistance of coastal batteries, the British landed the landing. And he was surprised to discovered that the city would leave the garrison and residents.

Second battle for Zhoushan. Having destroyed the strengthening of Amoy and leaving a small garrison, the squadron moved further to the north to the island of Zhoushan, where he arrived in a month, by September 25, 1841

Recall, in the first campaign, he found himself in the hands of the British, but under the terms of the agreement was returned to the Chinese. Now he was strongly fortified and with a big garrison. The city of Dinohai was discovered by a three-kilometer wall and is surrounded by a canal. True, most fortifications did not have time to finish and equip the tools: out of 270 Ambrazur only in 80 there were guns. Everything else, they were practically defenseless from the rear, which made them vulnerable to flank attacks. On October 1, 1841, the Operation on mastering the island began. Supplying the bombardment of the firepoints of the Chinese, the British landed the landing. The garrison of the city tried to resist, especially when protecting coastal batteries, where two English soldiers died. But after the fall of these batteries, the city surrendered almost without a fight. English losses were: two killed and 27 wounded, Chinese - more than 1 thousand people.

The British are located on winter apartments. On October 13, the British were entered into the Ningbo abandoned by the Chinese army, where they are located on winter apartments. The passivity of the Chinese side allowed the British to bring the number of their forces to 15 thousand people and 80 squadron ships divided into five divisions. The shock force was 6 steamats and about 10 thousand landing soldiers.

The British are taken for new tasks. The same two main rivers of China was Yangtze. Her southern sleeve was covered in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Usuong with powerful coastal fortifications, built mainly of wood and land. The defensive line system included a number of forts and several fortified batteries equipped with 175 guns and had at least 5 thousand Chinese garrison soldiers.

On June 16, 1842, the bombardment of Usuong fortifications began. Using the firing power of ship guns, the British easily managed to suppress the resistance of the current Chinese batteries and disembarkly landing the naval land. During the lightning storming the sailors, losing all the two killed and 22 wounded, took these batteries. The land parts of the landing did not even have time to enter into battle with the enemy, as the Chinese, having lost about 200 people along with the commander, retreated in disarray.

A new strike of the British. Further events suffered rapidly. By setting control over the mouth of the Yangtze, the British could freely apply the next blow on the important city of Zhenjiang, who has crossed the Yangtze River. By July 20, 1842, the main forces of the British, without having resistances, stood on the city raid. As it should be, Zhenjiang was surrounded by a wall, but it was a small amount of serfs, since most of the previously transferred to strengthening Usuong fortifications. The garrison consisted of 2400 soldiers from which half were manchules. Outside the urban walls, there were additionally about 3 thousand soldiers, depressed from other provinces of China.

English command, understanding the importance of taking the city, developed an assault plan. 7 thousand paratroopers were divided into three brigades. They were headed by three generals: Saltans, Bartney and Shedd. The assault, as planned, began early in the morning of July 21, 1842. The main forces of the landing were landed ashore in three different places, without having any resistance. The Chinese troops, located outside the city, tried to attack the first brigade, but the British quickly built in the battle order and the Chinese, giving a few volleys from the wick rifles, fled.

Meanwhile, when the second Brigade led by General Bartney (1800 people) made a distracting maneuver and imitated the preparation for the storm of the Western gate of the city, the third (2100 people) was able to unhindered to fall east of the city and without a battle to take dominant heights. Under the cover of a sniper fire assault and sperm parts were able to achieve and climb on the walls. Penetrating into the city, the paratroopers of the third brigade collided with the resistance of Manchurian soldiers. Strong the thrust three-hour street fight, but by noon the city was occupied by the British. Here they suffered the most serious losses for all the time: 205 people (37 were killed, 131 wounded and 37 died of sunshine). The loss of the Chinese side, according to incomplete data, amounted to about 1 thousand people.

The British are suitable for Nanjing. Zhejjiang's fall led to a complete cessation of all sorts of messages on the imperial channel between the North and the South of the country and opened the British way to Nanjing, where a year ago and was planned to strike.

On August 2, 1842, the main forces of their expeditionary corps reached Nanjing. The English command was not in a hurry with military actions, hoping to start negotiations. After all, Nanjing was a formidable force for the 3rd time of the British, since his garrison consisted of 15 thousand people, and the population reached one and a half million. Completed the situation for the British and the fact that about half of the soldiers and sailors suffered from tropical diseases. Therefore, Sir G. Potthenier, the UK diplomatic representative in China, was incomprehensible to the consent of the Chinese to start negotiations. Three weeks after their start, on August 29, 1842, the Nanjing Peace Treaty was signed on board the English flagship "Cornwall".

Nanjing peace treaty. According to the terms of the treaty, officially signed by the Peking authorities, the Chinese government agreed to pay for three years a 21st million silver dollars as a compensation for damage caused by the English subjects. In addition, China opened a number of cities for free trade with foreign merchants: Guangzhou, Amy, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Shanghai. Finally, the British managed to leave Hong Kong Island.

The meaning of war. The defeat in the "opium" war led to the official opening of China for European goods, and subsequently - the achievements of science and culture, which led to a hard collision with traditional lifespans. China, in addition to his will, turned out to be included in the world market and was forced to rebuild very seriously.

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