Planning and development of a professional career. Career building

Classroom development:

"What can help in career planning"


1. To create conditions for the formation of students' knowledge about the basic requirements for a professional, about a professional career and about the main directions of its growth;

2. Contribute to the formation of personal qualities of students - purposefulness, initiative, sanity;

3. Show the role and place of self-education in career planning;

4. Develop the ability to introspection, the ability to think logically and reasoned conversation.

Class time course:

At the beginning of the class hour, there is a discussion “Why do people work?”. Statements are shown on the slide. All students study them and give their preference to one of them. Everyone has their own opinion

(like-minded people can be grouped together).


1. People work to get rich.

2. People work to support their families, not to wallow in poverty and not die of hunger.

3. People work in order to have a good rest and have fun later.

4. People work because they use their abilities for the common good.

5. People work because they enjoy working.

6. People work because they see the point in it.

7. People work because the work satisfies their need for self-development.

Teacher: So, most of you believe that people work in order to ... And for what purpose will you work? (Students' opinions are heard.) what tasks are you currently facing, the implementation of which could solve the problems for which you will work on finishing school? (After listening to all opinions, the teacher draws a conclusion.)

Conclusion: It is necessary to successfully complete schooling, acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for the subsequent growth of a professional career.

First of all, it is necessary to find out what is a career.(slide) Exactly translated from Italian - this is a run, a life path. To be more precise, a career is:

1. Promotion in any field of activity.

2. Achievement of fame, glory.

3. Occupation, profession.

Professional career- this is professional advancement, professional growth as the stages of a person's ascent to professionalism, the transition from one level, stage, stage of professionalism to another as a process of professionalization (from choosing a profession to mastering a profession, then strengthening professional positions, mastering a skill.) (slide)

Besides, career - it is the path of career advancement consciously chosen and implemented by the employee, the desire for the planned status, for a certain position. Can be distinguished two types of careers:

Horizontal: the growth of professional skills (it is always with you);

Vertical: growth in office (may collapse in one day). (slide)

Vertical and horizontal careers are two equal ways of life in the profession and in society as a whole, they exist together and do not exclude, but complement each other. To make a career means to achieve a prestigious position in society and a high income, which is three times higher than the average. When planning a career, a person from the very beginning must decide for himself what official position he wants to achieve, what level of income he wants and what is needed for this? This will help to formulate, and then regularly review and refine, especially at turning points, personal goals. A person must constantly think about a career and draw up alternative career options for the coming years. The growth of an established specialist is estimated in terms of 3-5 years: this is exactly how long an employee needs on average to master the “secrets of mastery”, to become a professional in his workplace. (slide)


1. Has special knowledge and skills in his subject area.

2. Owns information, knows how to collect, structure and use it correctly.

3. Knows his colleagues, gains an appropriate reputation for himself, maintains relationships with colleagues, employers.

4. Knows how to organize the work of others and his own work.

5. Possesses the art of business communication, knows well the features and rules of etiquette in his professional environment.

Professionalism - a person's possession of a set of personal characteristics necessary for the successful performance of work. Conclusion: in order to successfully master a career, it is not enough to have certain professional knowledge, skills and abilities, but it is necessary to have certain character traits that will contribute to successful career growth. This is self-confidence, and determination, and sociability, etc. Let's independently determine the traits of our character:

My positive traits:

My negative traits:(slide)

See what character traits you have more and outline a plan for working on yourself, which may look like this: (slide)

What character traits do I already have in order to master my chosen profession:

What you need to change in yourself:

What methods and methods I am going to achieve the goal:

And yet it is not enough just to outline a plan for self-education, it is necessary to successfully follow it, record actions in your diary. This will serve as your self-control. And you will be the first to notice and evaluate changes in your character, since any person always knows everything about himself better than an outsider. In order to succeed in planning the necessary personal qualities, perseverance is necessary. It should be made your motto. This is the only way to succeed in your professional career.

Let's summarize:

1. What are the qualities a person needs for a successful career?

2. What if a person does not have the necessary qualities for a successful career?

Parting word:(slide)

Go persistently towards the intended goal, cultivate will and self-discipline.

Go ahead. And remember that self-education is the hardest of work, but it brings tremendous success in your future career.

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Career planning is carried out based on the results of assessing the potential and individual contribution, the age of employees, work experience, qualifications and the availability of vacancies (positions).

The main task of career planning and implementation is the fulfillment of a number of specific tasks, namely:

    link the goals of the organization and the individual employee

    plan the career of a particular employee, taking into account his specific needs and situations

    eliminate "career dead ends" in which there are no opportunities for employee development

    improve the quality of the career planning process

    to form visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions

    study the career potential of employees

    determine career paths that will help meet the quantitative and qualitative need for staff at the right time and in the right place.

Career planning for managers and specialists is an integral part of the personnel policy of the company, which is organically included in the system of work with the personnel reserve, ensuring the development of the personality of employees, the solution of strategic, innovative, production and technical, managerial and social tasks.

The first step in career planning is to find out the interests, inclinations, opportunities and skills of the individual.

For successful career development, the wishes of an employee alone are not enough, even if they take the form of a well-thought-out plan. To move up the hierarchical ladder requires professional skills, knowledge, experience, perseverance and a certain element of luck.

When planning and building a career, various methods can be used.

Career planning methods:

1.Individual consultation;

2. Group session;

3. Job rotation;

4. Self-esteem;

5. Professional support

The most widely used informal individual counseling. The formal approaches used, such as special seminars, various forms of self-assessment, are not so widespread.

Individual counseling, including the use of tests, interviews, and then the consultant's sequential study of individual career options. The main objectives of the work of promotion consultants are related to planning the career of managers and the implementation of these plans. Consulting helps in determining career goals and ways to achieve them, taking into account the organizational, technological, social and other characteristics of the company, career planning and development of activities aimed at implementing plans. Important assistance is provided in the development of decision-making techniques associated with an increase in the number of alternative career options, through the assimilation of additional knowledge and skills, and the formation of readiness for changes in the content of work. Consultants assist managers in improving self-control in the formation of their self-confidence, behavior focused on compliance with the norms, rules, procedures adopted in the company.

The main results of personal consulting on the problems of individual management activities are:

    purposeful change in the structure of activities, methods and methods of interaction with subordinates and organizational interaction;

    adaptation of managers to temporary requirements;

    identification of the most "bottlenecks" in the activities and organizational steps that allow compensating for individual characteristics, etc.

There are several stages of counseling on managerial career problems:

    assessment of knowledge, skills and abilities of the manager. Analysis of the features of his management activities. Psychodiagnostics.

    Assessment of needs for management personnel, system environment. Analysis of the statistical patterns of building a career in a given industry, organization. Forecast of environment change.

    Analysis of the career aspirations of the leader and the establishment of the ultimate goal of this time period

    Determining the necessary activities (training, training, relocation, etc.) taking into account the available resources and intermediate levels of the management system hierarchy.

    Control and correction of the implementation of the plan

Positive results of consulting can be achieved if there are two conditions: certain preliminary research and the interest of managers in actively using the information received, following the recommendations of consultants. The basis of consultations on the problems of managerial activity or career planning are psychological, social, economic studies, statistical analysis, which allow you to collect and summarize information about the features of the formation of a leader, his problems. Analysis of biographical data allows to identify critical moments in its formation, psychodiagnostic methods - to assess personal characteristics.

There are several types of consulting on the problems of the managerial path.

The first type is passive counseling. The leader wants to speak out on the most important problems of management activity for him, he is looking for sympathy, recognition, support. Consultations in this case take place in the form of a monologue of the leader. The consultant's role is one of active listening. The high efficiency of passive counseling is achieved by relieving tension, by managers realizing their own goals, problems and limitations, by stimulating self-development.

The second type of counseling is purposeful individual informing about the results of the evaluation. Consultations come down to obtaining additional, various information by the head. In this case, there are problems associated with trust in the source of information, its credibility for the manager. The most effective type is formative counseling in accordance with the manager's request: "Help me understand the new situation and do everything right." In this case, the goals of the consultee and the consultant coincide. Consultations of this kind are of great importance for newly appointed managers or when the system environment changes dramatically. The fourth type of counseling is corrective. It is the answer to the manager's question: "something is wrong in my managerial activities." Correction of the existing style of management and leadership, management concept, attitudes and attitudes, acceleration of promotion after its stabilization are the main tasks of this type of counseling.

group session. This form does not require large material tasks, but it has a serious drawback - the lack of an individual assessment of employees.

Job rotation is a widely used method of training managerial personnel. By moving a line manager from department to department for periods ranging from three months to one year, the organization exposes the new leader to many aspects of the job. As a result, the young manager learns about the problems of various departments, understands the need for coordination, informal organization and the relationship between the goals of various departments. Such knowledge is also necessary for successful work in higher positions, but is especially useful for managers of lower levels of the managerial hierarchy. Very often, Japanese organizations resort to rotation. Most important is the fact that each employee knows that throughout his career, he will move from one division of the company to another, even located in different geographical locations. In addition, in many Japanese firms, the rotation throughout the working life extends to all its employees.

Various forms of self-esteem. This is the cheapest way, however, it should be borne in mind that many employees do not have the ability for objective self-assessment. A person must decide on his desires and capabilities and, through counseling, understand what kind of means he needs (education, training).

The organization, in turn, must also determine its needs and opportunities in the field of personnel policy in order to plan and provide the necessary information, as well as opportunities for training and development of its employees. The combination of the personal needs of the employee and the needs of the organization can occur in various ways. The most common are informal consulting by HR managers and consulting by the immediate supervisor.

Consulting with the immediate supervisor is part of the employee assessment. A characteristic feature of effective performance appraisal is that it allows the employee not only to understand how well he works, but also to see his prospects. This awakens the employee's interest in promotion planning. Managers must be ready to give subordinates information about the needs and opportunities not only within one area, but also in the organization as a whole.

The number of firms that use the services of various development evaluation centers is growing. Usually, attention is paid to very capable and "fast-moving" candidates. In these centers, the strengths and weaknesses of the employee are determined in the following areas:

    Problem Analysis


    Goal setting

    Making decisions

    Conflict resolution

    Selection, training, motivation of employees

    Worker control

    Use of time

Based on the results in each of these areas, the employee himself sets personal goals and promotion goals.

The Perspective Professional Support Method combines individual counseling with the economic benefits of group counseling and consists of three steps:

    The consultant conducts a stationary seminar for a group of employees or an individual telephone interview if the client is alone. Its subject is the content of the concept of "career development", its goals and methods, the role of an employee in the process of career development.

    The employee performs a series of tests, designed in the form of standard self-assessment forms. They are compiled according to a standard form and include a set of questions with some possible answers. Completed forms are transferred to the consultant.

    The consultant summarizes the results of the survey and draws up a detailed report on each employee. The report characterizes the professional knowledge and skills of the employee, his motivation, interests in the field of work and career growth, their compliance with business qualities, lists possible career directions, makes recommendations on how to behave in the future, in particular, how to build relationships with superiors, what information from reports can be communicated to third parties.

Career curve method. A career curve is a formalized idea of ​​what path a specialist must take in order to gain the necessary knowledge and acquire the necessary skills to work effectively in a particular place. Career curves make it possible to carry out long-term planning of individual advancement of employees and determine the set of tasks performed by a given group of personnel.

The career of a leader and a specialist is a comprehensive creative and professional development of a person in the process of activity and his job growth, based on potential opportunities, continuous education, and motivational processes. An employee's career depends almost entirely on his desire to develop it, and the enterprise should contribute to this if it suits his plans.

Mc Kinsey conducted an international study to evaluate the effectiveness of various methods of personnel development that are used in companies. The main conclusion was unexpected. It turned out that people in adulthood, occupying leadership positions, learn only when they master what they do not know how to do. The most effective methods were:

    Work in a new position with expanded responsibilities. A person makes the most qualitative breakthrough in his professional development when he is required to do something that he has never done before.

    A complete reorganization of what a person manages

    Participation in a large project that involves interaction with various contractors and lasts for a fairly long period of time.

    The plan of individual development of the person.

The development of leaders is highly positively influenced by working abroad in the same position and with the same responsibilities, but in a different national culture.

Commonly used methods such as:

    traditional vocational training. Classroom programs are good for asking conceptual questions, as an attempt to take a different look at the technologies of everyday work, but for developing any skills they are really not very effective.

    Testing. It helps to identify gaps, but does not provide an opportunity to eliminate them.

    Often, an employee who does not know how to manage people is put in charge of a complex team, assuming that in a stressful situation he quickly learns this. It turns out that the effectiveness of such an appointment is not high.

People work: To get rich To support their families Because they want to use their abilities for the common good So that later they can have a good rest, have fun Because they like to work Because they see the meaning of life in it Because work satisfies their need for self-development

A career is a path of career advancement consciously chosen and implemented by an employee, a desire for an intended status, for a certain position. Two types of career: - horizontal: growth of professional skills - vertical: growth in position

Professional: Has special knowledge and skills in his subject area; Owns information, knows how to collect it and use it correctly; Knows his colleagues, gains an appropriate reputation for himself, maintains relationships with colleagues and employers; Owns the basics of management and self-management, i.е. knows how to organize his own work and the work of others; Masters the art of business communication Professionalism is the possession of a set of personal characteristics necessary for the successful performance of work.

Business career planning and control are that from the moment the employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions or jobs.

An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

- one of the areas of personnel work in the organization, focused on determining the strategy and stages of development and promotion of specialists.

Career planning is the process of comparing the potential capabilities, abilities and goals of a person with the requirements of the organization, the strategy and plans for its development, which is expressed in the preparation of a program for professional and job growth.

Career advancement is determined not only by the personal qualities of the employee (education, qualifications, attitude to work, the system of internal motivations), but also by objective ones, in particular:

  • career high point- the highest position that exists in the specific organization under consideration;
  • career length- the number of positions on the way from the first position occupied by an individual in the organization to the highest point;
  • position level indicator- the ratio of the number of persons employed at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is at a given moment in his career;
  • indicator of potential mobility- the ratio (in some specific period of time) of the number of vacancies at the next hierarchical level to the number of persons employed at the hierarchical level where the individual is located.

Career planning in an organization can be handled by the HR manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager). The main career planning activities specific to different planning subjects are presented below.

Essential Career Planning Activities

Subject of planning

Career planning activities


  • Primary orientation and choice of profession
  • Choice of organization and position
  • Orientation in the organization
  • Assessing prospects and designing growth
  • Realizing Growth

HR manager

  • Job evaluation
  • Determination for the workplace
  • Evaluation of the work and potential of employees
  • Selection for the reserve
  • Additional training
  • Reserve programs
  • Promotion
  • New planning cycle

Direct supervisor (line manager)

  • Evaluation of labor results
  • Motivation assessment
  • Professional Development Organization
  • Incentive proposals
  • Growth Suggestions

career line

An employee can either have a long career line or a very short one. The HR manager, already when accepting a candidate, must design a possible career and discuss it with the candidate based on individual characteristics and the specifics of motivation. The same career line for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities.

Business Career Management

Business Career Management- this is a set of measures carried out by the personnel department of organizations for planning, organizing, motivating and controlling the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on the goals, needs, capabilities and socio-economic conditions of the organization .

Each individual employee is also involved in managing his business career. Business career management allows you to achieve the employee's devotion to the interests of the organization, increase, reduce staff turnover and more fully disclose the abilities of a person.

Business career planning

Any person plans his future, based on his needs and socio-economic conditions.

When applying for a job, a person sets certain goals for himself, but since the organization, hiring him, also pursues certain goals, the hired person needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.

When applying for a job, a person should know. Having the ability to self-esteem and knowing the labor market, he can select the industry and region where he would like to live and work. Proper self-assessment of your skills and business traits involves knowing yourself, your strengths, weaknesses and shortcomings. Only under this condition can you correctly set career goals.

Career management should start at the time of hiring. When applying for a job, you are asked questions that set out the requirements of the employing organization. You should ask questions that meet your goals, shape your requirements.

When managing a career in the process of work, you must remember the following rules:

  • do not waste time working with a non-initiative, unpromising boss, become necessary for an initiative, operational leader;
  • expand your knowledge, acquire new skills; prepare yourself for a higher-paying position that becomes (or becomes) vacant;
  • get to know and appreciate other people important to your career (parents, family members, friends);
  • make a plan for the day and for the whole week, in which leave space for your favorite activities; remember that everything in life changes (you, your occupations and skills, the market, the organization, the environment), assessing these changes is an important quality for a career;
  • your career decisions are almost always a compromise between desires and reality, between your interests and the interests of the organization; never live in the past: firstly, the past is not reflected in our memory as it really was, and secondly, you cannot return the past; do not allow your career to develop much faster than others; quit as soon as you are sure it is necessary;
  • think of the organization as a labor market, but don't forget the external labor market; do not neglect the help of the organization in finding a job, but in search of a new job, rely primarily on yourself.

To effectively manage your business career, you need to write personal plans.

In a number of organizations, within the framework of the personnel management system, block of business career management functions. These functions are performed by: the directorate, the personnel management service, the heads of the functional departments of the organization's management apparatus, trade union committees, and consulting centers.

Effective career management has a positive impact on the performance of the organization.

The movement of personnel on the professional ladder

Service and professional promotion - a series of progressive movements through various positions, contributing to the development of both the organization and the individual.

Movements can be vertical and horizontal. This is the sequence of various stages (positions, jobs, positions in the team) proposed by the organization that an employee can potentially go through.

Service and professional promotion system - a set of means and methods of promotion of personnel used in various organizations.

In management practice, two types of promotion are distinguished: promotion of a specialist and promotion of a leader. The latter, in turn, has two directions: the promotion of functional managers and the promotion of line managers.

Personnel promotion consists of the following procedures:
  1. Promotion or qualification, when an employee fills a higher position, and the worker receives a new rank.
  2. Relocation, when an employee is transferred to another equivalent workplace (workshop, department, service) due to production needs or a change in the nature of work.
  3. Downgrading, when, due to a change in his potential, an employee is transferred to a lower position or, based on the results of certification, to a lower rank for a worker.
  4. Dismissal from the enterprise, when the employee completely changes his place of work due to dissatisfaction with working conditions or inconsistency with the workplace.

The initial data for organizing the movement of personnel are:

  • career models;
  • decision of the attestation commission;
  • staffing of the enterprise;
  • job descriptions;
  • personal files of employees;
  • orders of the director of personnel matters;
  • employment contracts of employees, regulations on remuneration.

The movement of personnel is organized strictly in accordance with the personnel policy personally by the director at small enterprises or his deputy for personnel at large and medium-sized enterprises. Implemented by the HR department. If the movement of personnel occurs spontaneously - as a result of the dismissal of employees, from time to time, to fulfill the desire of the director, then the effect of a systematic placement of personnel is small. Only a uniform and purposeful movement of personnel gives a real social effect.

The level of career goals, the speed of their achievement and the level of satisfaction at the same time largely depend on the resources that determine career development and building a successful career.

Career Resources- individual potential of the individual (abilities, knowledge, experience, activity in solving professional problems, health, etc.), as well as external conditions for career growth (out-of-service - family and immediate social environment, social norms, culture; internal - organizational structure, industrial relations, legal norms of activity, etc.).

First career resource- human abilities. The easiest and most reliable way to identify your abilities is to analyze the experience of your activity, find out what and in connection with what you are most successful in. It is wise to start such an analysis by identifying the activities that give you the most pleasure. However, the activity is always associated with the solution of a complex of tasks, many of which do not correspond to the sphere of personal interests. An internal resource can be activated in two ways. The first is the development of what is not interesting: in the process of accumulating knowledge about the subject of activity, skills in handling it, it becomes "one's own" and therefore interesting. The second way is to connect the will, that is, the ability to mobilize one's efforts in an undesirable but necessary activity. It is essential that the systematic, purposeful repetition of such actions (training) arouses interest in the very process of overcoming difficulties, which leads to saving volitional efforts.

Second career resource- the ability to awaken, maintain and develop activity in solving professional problems and advancing in professional skills. This ability is closely related to the hereditarily determined feature of the body's neuropsychic activity, which is manifested by the strength, speed and stability of the occurrence and course of the corresponding processes (temperament). When planning a career, a differentiated orientation to the type of temperament is necessary. If a person is characterized by a quick, strong and relatively short reaction to events, then a career will be more successful in solving problems in conditions of high-speed and difficult to predict changes in the professional environment. If a person reacts slowly to events, but, gradually accumulating interest, retains and actualizes it for a long time, it is advisable for him to focus on a systematic career in a business that requires method, purposefulness and perseverance in overcoming obstacles. Cooperation in the professional activities of people with different types of temperament gives a systemic effect: the former give dynamism to the work, the latter stabilize it.

Third career resource- self-confidence, desire for leadership, a sense of duty and responsibility. The first two characteristics must be controlled by the latter, otherwise they can deform the career process in terms of its predominant orientation towards individual (selfish) goals. Confidence can be transformed into self-confidence, the desire for leadership degenerates into lust for power and vanity. At the same time, the dominance of a sense of duty and responsibility in the personality structure fetters initiative, creativity, gives rise to uncertainty and fear for the consequences of decisions made. In the first case, a career turns into careerism, in the second, it will be significantly restrained.

Fourth career resource- professional knowledge and experience.

In each area of ​​professional activity, the set of these components is specific. But all of them are determined by the qualification requirements for the position held and the specialty received. Even more important for a successful career is an orientation towards the demands that professional life makes today and will make tomorrow. However, in addition to professional knowledge, knowledge of human life in all the complexity of its processes that develop at the individual and social levels is also required. Knowledge in the field of culture, ethics, history of the native country and the world is extremely necessary. Today it is impossible to manage without knowledge of the laws of self-organization and the general theory of management, the most important technologies of social management and service work.

Fifth career resource- Interest and ability to learn and gain experience. Technologies for the development of the most important principles of abilities - intellect, memory, attention are described in various socio-psychological literature. Abilities develop in activity, therefore self-development of abilities consists in the constant achievement of new frontiers. This has a direct impact on career development. Interest has an amazing ability - not to disappear after the successful achievement of the goal, but, on the contrary, to increase. A person who has learned something and advanced in connection with this in his mastery falls into a kind of trap - he has a need to maintain and reinforce the achieved level, which prompts him to learn something again. The result - the ability to develop "on the march."

Sixth career resource- health. The relationship between health and career is very complex. Any advancement of a person is associated with loads on the body. His response to stress is the tension of protective forces, the mobilization of resources (physical and neuropsychic) ​​to adapt to changes and solve life problems.

The practical implementation of internal career resources is ultimately determined by getting a job in a certain field of activity (obtaining a profession). Many experts recommend representing the choice of profession in the form of an isosceles triangle, the sides of which are such concepts as “I want”, “I can” and “must”.

I want these interests and inclinations of the individual, which can manifest themselves already at a very early age (attention, parents!), For example, a tendency to work with people, technology, nature, etc.

Can is a person's ability to master and perform certain professional activities. Moreover, the execution is fast and high-quality.

It is necessary - this is, so to speak, a social order, that is, the need of society for people of certain specialties, demand.

A person will be satisfied with the realization of his internal career resources only if he manages to combine all these aspects into a harmonious geometric structure. Moreover, it is desirable that the parties are really equal to each other. So try a little life geometry and draw a similar triangle. If the sides turn out to be too unequal, it means that you have clearly skidded the wrong way. To adjust your professional choice, you can use such methods of psychodiagnostics as various tests, questionnaires, questionnaires. They will allow you to determine what type of personality you belong to, what qualities are decisive for a particular field of activity (there is a lot of special literature on this).

It is no secret that not only young people, but also those who for some reason have lost their jobs, have a heightened sense of uselessness and misunderstanding. This feeling is a sure sign that you should reconsider your professional guidelines, mobilize your internal career resources. Ideally, even before entering an educational institution, it is desirable to determine at least the type of future profession.

Here are some of these types, the formation of which is significantly influenced by the internal career resources of a person:

Man is a technique: builder, technologist, pilot, driver, designer.

Man - nature: chemist, geologist, veterinarian, biologist, farmer.

Man - man: secretary, personnel manager, doctor, salesman, policeman.

A person is an artistic image: an artist, a writer, an actor, a musician, a journalist.

Man is a sign system: programmer, economist, operator, translator.

The specified division is quite clear and harmonious. To choose one or another type of employment for yourself, you need to remember what you were particularly attracted to from childhood, who was your idol, which of your parents' acquaintances you filled up with questions about their profession.

An analysis of this information will help you choose the right specialty, your business, and most effectively manage your internal career resources. The boring term "career guidance" is actually a very exciting and rewarding activity. How many people suffer because they once made the wrong choice! You should not choose a profession, focusing on the advice of friends, on possible high earnings or prestige. Listen to the voice of your heart, test yourself on your own or with professionals, and then you will have nothing to regret. You will make an unmistakable choice. Be confident.

To get the job you want and build a career, you need not only to please the employer, but also to beat other applicants for the position. The most important internal career resource needed to achieve these goals is self-confidence and self-confidence. This confidence should be manifested in our appearance, manners, words and deeds, and especially in worthy behavior in critical life situations. There is no doubt that almost every one of us would like to have this quality to a much greater extent than we have.

We offer you to check how confident you are in order to build a successful professional career.

You are confident if:

  • realize your unique individuality, advantages and disadvantages;
  • feel worthy of the love and respect of others;
  • try under no circumstances to be humiliated and not to fawn;
  • know the methods of rational behavior in various life situations;
  • sincerely express your thoughts and feelings, avoiding lies and hypocrisy;
  • always think and analyze what is happening, not relying only on past experience, the opinion of the majority, authoritative personalities and traditions;
  • easily express your own opinion in any team;
  • successfully perform in front of the public;
  • know how to convince you that you are right and insist on your own;
  • choose the best strategy and tactics of behavior in conflict situations;
  • know how to adequately respond to criticism, comments, insults;
  • be kind to people, accept them as they are.

You are unsure if:

  • you are shy and embarrassed in the simplest everyday situations;
  • constantly need the help, support or approval of other people;
  • do not show initiative, but wait for instructions and orders from others;
  • avoid clarification of relationships, disputes and conflict situations;
  • silently endure insults and humiliations or even make excuses;
  • allow yourself to be manipulated, used in the interests of others;
  • do not express your opinion, do not ask questions, afraid to seem stupid;
  • you have a quiet, trembling voice with hoarseness and coughing;
  • you are silent and self-contained, avoiding unnecessary contact with people;
  • it is difficult for you to refuse other people, to say “no”.

Excessive self-confidence and an extreme degree of self-doubt are different sides of the same coin, the same quality. Often people consider those who hide their insecurities under bravado, aggressiveness, arrogance, ostentatious courage and equanimity to be overconfident.

You are very insecure (and believe that you are too self-confident) if:

  • try to be among the first and best in everything;
  • strive for power over people and national glory;
  • resort to psychological or physical violence against people;
  • argue for any reason and constantly provoke conflict situations;
  • you have a "painful" pride and are too touchy;
  • tend to perceive any task and problem as a challenge to your personality;
  • make numerous love affairs like Don Juan.

Self-confidence, as well as insecurity, is a fairly stable personality trait, formed in childhood under the influence of certain factors of a person’s external and internal life.

All your internal career resources are not just the skills required to get a “one-time” job, they are the components of your successful career, what you need every day to achieve what you want.

P.G. Break. The art of self-marketing. Employment without problems. - H. 2009. See also:
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