RSGU passing score for budget philology. Passing score for the budget in ryu

RGGU is the Russian state Humanities University, which is located in the capital of the Russian Federation. It was founded in March 1991 by Yuri Afanasyev. Expert RA agency in 2014 included this university to the register the best universities CIS, where he was assigned a rating class "D". RSUH is very popular among students, so the passing scores are quite high both for the budget and for the contract.

Passing score for the budget for MIPT

This university also provides pre-university education: general secondary, secondary vocational, higher and additional vocational education.

RSUH includes the following institutions:

  • economics, leadership and law;
  • mass media;
  • historical and archival;
  • psychology them. L. S. Vygotsky;
  • higher humanities research them. E. A. Meletinsky;
  • linguistics;
  • informative sciences and security technologies;
  • post-Soviet and interregional studies;
  • oriental cultures and antiquity;
  • raising qualifications and auxiliary education;
  • philology and history;
  • International Institute of Advanced Educational Technologies;
  • Russian anthropological school.

The university prepares students in the following areas: urban and public administration, psychological and teaching education, personnel management, tourism, management, records management and archival science, economics, jurisprudence, journalism, cultural studies, advertising and public relations.

Prices for the first higher education range from 28 to 44 thousand rubles, and for a second higher education - from 32 to 47 thousand rubles.

Passing score for the budget at the RSUH

Many applicants are interested in the question: is there a budget at RSUU? And if so, what is the passing score? How many seats? We will try to answer these questions below.

What passing score does an applicant need to enter the budget at St. Petersburg State University?

So, budget places exist at the Russian Humanities State University. The budget is available to those students who study in the daytime, evening or correspondence form... Below we will describe in detail for which specialties it is possible to get budget places and their number. We will also indicate the required passing grade. All information is taken from the official website of the university and is relevant for 2015-2016.

Undergraduate and Specialist

Speciality Number of places Passing score
Full-time education
intelligent systems in the humanitarian field 9 224
journalism 23 313
oriental and African studies 23 219
41 194
Information Security 19 196
design 5 269
design (app.) 10 221
foreign Regional Studies 9 231
anthropology and ethnology 19 235
cultural studies 13 238
arts and humanities 13 191
linguistics 8 235
clinical psychology 13 234
management 8 227
history 47 191
political science 9 219
international relationships 45 231
museology and protection of objects of cultural and natural heritage 7 205
utilitarian informatics 15 182
utilitarian mathematics 10 163
38 157
sociology 12 210
psychology 15 202
religious studies 10 224
11 208
tourism 8 213
15 253
philology 38 247
economy 9 215
philosophy 15 207
jurisprudence 8 246
personnel Management 9 198
fundamental and utilitarian linguistics 9 244
Evening form of study
performance psychology 10 143
advertising and public relations 9 195
clinical psychology 10 183
Extramural studies
archival science and records management 18 159
journalism 10 288
museology and protection of objects of cultural and natural heritage 5 157
cultural studies 10 200
psychological and pedagogical education 10 147
history 10 152
jurisprudence 9 149

This is all the information about budget places and passing scores for 2018.

Russian State University for the Humanities is a leading accredited educational institution, graduating specialists of various profiles. All forms of education are available to students - full-time, evening and part-time. There is a possibility of obtaining a scientific degree.

The university assumes a serious competitive selection applicants. Not many can compete for budget places, therefore paid form learning. Russian State University for the Humanities, the cost of training 2017-2018 should be found in admissions committee and a day open doors.

An applicant entering the RSUH must have a certificate with good grades and successfully pass entrance exams or the exam. At the RSUH, the open day depends on the faculty to which the future student is going to enroll.

The full list of the faculties of the RSUH in 2017 is published on the official website educational institution... Enter the university of your dreams - get a favorite and demanded profession among employers!


Faculty of Art History

Sociological faculty

Philosophical faculty

Faculty of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics

Faculty of Journalism

Psychology faculty

Faculty of Psychological and Pedagogical Education

Faculty of International Relations and Foreign Regional Studies

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law

Faculty of Documentation and Technotronic Archives

Faculty of Archives

prepared for you the most relevant information about admission to the Russian State University for the Humanities in 2019. RSUH entered the list of 41 universities, where in 2018 the average passing score for the budget was 80+ points... Russian State University for the Humanities boasts an indicator of 84.1 point, for comparison, the average passing score for budget places at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov was 89.3 in 2018.

Over the past few years, there have been active personnel changes in the leadership of the university, accompanied by a series of high-profile publications about the problems of the university, but in September 2018, an end to this painful issue was put to the position of the rector. RSUH A.B. Bezborodov was appointed.

General information about the competitive situation at RSUH

Average score in 2018 - 84.1 points

Number of budget places in 2019 - 690 (the branch in Domodedovo is recruiting only on a paid basis)

Number of paid places in 2019 - 1775 (of which 120 places - a branch in Domodedovo)

Tuition fees on a paid basis in 2018-2019 - from 192 400 before 300 000 rub. in year

Availability in the RSUH of its preferential Olympiads for schoolchildren

272 (90,6) 192 400 279 (93) 192 400 280 (93,3) 192 400 277 (92,3) 205 600 278 (92,6) 192 400 274 (91,3) 274 (91,3) - 214 400 255 (85) 214 400 251 (83,6) 192 400 249 (83) 192 400 251 (83,6) 192 400 246 (82) 192 400 242 (80,6) 192 400 239 (79,6) 192 400 229 (76,3) 192 400 249 (83) 192 400 247 (82,3) 192 400 241 (80,3) 192 400 258 (86) 265 200

Art history

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